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Newslinks for 1/10/2007

Keeping the Numbers in Perspective: Firearm Related Deaths in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There they go again, those hyped-up, twisted, statistics being pimped by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Common Sense, and the rest of the anti-gun crowd. Violent crime is up 3-4% across the nation for 2006 and GUNS!-guns are the cause."

"Why is it that people get so upset over firearm associated deaths and yet are so accepting of the over half again as many deaths caused by motor vehicles? Both are unnecessary. Both are a senseless waste of life. Both are tragic in their consequences. But somehow in this society, we have come to accept vehicular deaths as a routine part of our existence, yet (the far fewer) firearm deaths are somehow beyond the pale." ...

In the Fight Against Terrorism, Some Rights Must Be Repealed
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"The newly appointed CIA Director Porter Goss, believes that terrorists may bring urban warfare techniques learned in Iraq to our homeland. If he is right, we could have a whole new war on our hands. The prospect is indeed scary."

"... terrorist cells operating clandestinely in the United States, quietly amassing handguns and assault rifles, and planning suicide shooting rampages in our malls ..." ...

"This leads to a bigger policy issue. ... perhaps it is time for Americans to reconsider the value of public gun ownership."

"The idea of public gun ownership simply does not make sense anymore. The right to bear arms, as enumerated in the Second Amendment, was meant for the maintenance of a 'well-regulated militia.' ..." ...

KABA Note: Since rights are not 'granted' they can never be 'repealed', only infringed.

U.S. Muslim Writer Agitates for Citizens to Disarm -- JPFO Fires Back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another 'think tank,' this one called the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), has come out for total civilian disarmament and repeal of the Second Amendment."

"What’s new about that? ISPU is openly pro-Muslim, and the ISPU writer is a criminal defense attorney who argues for repealing parts of the Bill of Rights." ...

"We found many errors, fallacies, propaganda tricks, and an outright lie or two. When you read the piece, see how many you can find."

"Or – you can go directly to our analysis and response to the article, entitled 'A Muslim Writer Tells America: Drop Your Guns and Give Up' at" ...

Private Guns, Public Health
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Over the holidays I had the opportunity to read David Hemenway's excellent book 'Private Guns, Public Health,' ... After I started as President of the Brady Campaign/Center to Prevent Gun Violence six months ago, this book was recommended highly as one of the best summaries of the issue of gun violence in the United States. ..."

"Hemenway starts by making it clear that taking a 'public health' approach to the issue of gun violence is no more 'anti-gun' than efforts to deal with other areas of injury are 'anti-stairs, anti-swimming pools, [or] anti-cars.' ... The goal of Hemenway's book is 'injury prevention' by focusing on the 'public health effects of firearms.'" ...

KABA Note: This approach sounds even-handed, until you realize the Dr. Hemenway completely ignores DGUs and its beneficial 'public health' effects.

Gun Rights and the 110th Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The new Congress has just opened and already the guns rights battles have begun. On one side are those congressmen - like Roscoe Barlett (R-MD) and Cliff Stearns (R-FL) - who want to keep guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans. On the other side are congressmen - like Mike Castle (R-DE) - who want U.S. citizens to jump through more hoops than you find in an earring factory in order to purchase a firearm. The Library of Congress does not yet have the specifics of newly introduced legislation available online, so I shall borrow from John M. Snyder, who has kindly summarized several gun-related bills for us." ...

Even blue states love guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It didn't take the gun guys long to spot me wandering among the tables at the Gun and Knife Show in Bristol Township."

"Once confronted, I was certain I would be bounced from the place. To them, I am 'the media.'"

"Gun-rights defenders feel toward media the same way a blue-stater feels toward George Bush."

"Yet, they let me stay."

"'Write whatever you want,' said Bob Sarb, a show organizer. 'But we never feel we get a fair shake from you people.'"

"I spent a half-hour among 200 tables of guns and ammo, as well as knives and long blades that appeared capable of cleanly lopping off the head of your common infidel." ...

NRA already taking shots at Democratic Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is a powerful pro-gun lobby with bags and bags of money that it spends to elect beholden politicians who can be counted on ever after to oppose any sort of gun control."

"The NRA is also a ring-pull doll. It doesn't know much, but what it knows it knows over and over and over. And what it knows now is that the incoming Congress, with a Democratic majority, is a menace like no other Americans have faced."

"The Washington Post got its hands on a pending NRA pamphlet titled 'Freedom in Peril,' which finds the lobby hanging on the bell ropes and ringing the alarms like - well, like crazy." ...

NY: B'klyn cop fires at crash thugs
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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An off-duty cop from Brooklyn fired a shot at a group of armed thugs last night after their cars collided as he was pulling out of his driveway, police said.

The officer, whose identity was not disclosed, was backing out of his driveway on Troy Avenue in East Flatbush when he collided with a Nissan with three men inside just before 11:30 p.m.

One of the thugs pulled out a gun and pointed it at the officer, who drew his pistol and fired a shot.

Cops said no one was hit and the men drove away.

GA: Man jailed for more than 2 years released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Columbus man initially charged with murder is out of jail after pleading guilty to lesser offenses."

"Gregory Mathis, 25, of 5221 Dana Drive, was arrested July 2004 in connection with the shooting death of Darnell White, 28. After spending more than two years in jail facing a murder charge, Mathis pleaded guilty on Monday to aggravated assault and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon."

"The murder and possession of a firearm during commission of a crime charges were dropped, said Assistant District Attorney Stacey Jackson."

"'We just had to make that decision based on the issues of self-defense and several inconsistencies in witness statements,' Jackson said." [emphasis added] ...

Schuett: If it ain't broke. . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following zipped in on my e-mail the other day and though I've read it before and nodded my head in silent agreement before zapping the message into computer never-never-land, today it seems imperative to send it along with a huge AMEN!"

"The title: 1973 vs. 2006"

"Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack. 1973: Vice principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack. 2006: School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers." ...

Two Bills Gun Owners Should Back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Members of Congress introduced a number of firearm related bills in the House of Representatives."

"Two deserving of all-out support from America’s 80 million law-abiding gun owners are H.R. 73, by Congressman Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, and H.R. 226, by Congressman Cliff Stearns of Florida."

"H.R. 73, the Bartlett bill, would protect the right to obtain firearms for security and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the legal enforcement of such right." ...

"H.R. 226, the Stearns bill, would set national standards according to which non-residents of a state who possess permits to carry concealed firearms issued by other states may carry concealed firearms in the state." ...

TN: Gun ban eyed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anderson County officials took two steps toward making the Courthouse more secure Monday night, despite some opposition from the audience."

"The county Operations Committee unanimously voted Monday night to recommend a firearm ban on all three floors of the Courthouse. The only exceptions to that ban would be on-duty law enforcement officers, constables, reserve officers, or members of the judiciary."

"... Among the actions being considered by judges and other officials are making only one Courthouse entrance and exit available to the public, hiring additional officers, and installing more metal detectors." ...

OH: Taft: Don't let the door hit you on the way out (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Over the past four years, Bob Taft has hid behind supposed law enforcement interests to force 'plain sight' in a vehicle and news media exemptions into concealed carry legislation in an attempt to poison ccw reform. Each time the State Highway Patrol would give in to concessions, Taft shortly followed as if nobody saw the man behind the curtain. To say that Bob Taft was a hindrance to progress for gun rights reform would be an understatement."

"In one of his last acts as Governor, Bob Taft vetoed concealed carry reform legislation that also included statewide preemption. The GOP Legislature embarrassed Taft one last time by promptly overriding that Veto ..." ...

NY: Cuomo, Brown target flow of illegal guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As a candidate, Andrew Cuomo called for the creation of a statewide panel of mayors and county executives to slow the flow of illegal guns into New York State."

"As the state's new attorney general, Cuomo came to Buffalo Monday and asked Mayor Byron W. Brown to join in that effort."

"'You can't leave it to the city alone to fight this fight,' Cuomo said at a City Hall news conference. 'A lot of the problem is coming from downstate, believe it or not.'"

"Cuomo, a longtime gun control advocate, has made it clear that reducing gun violence will be a priority in his administration. And the importation of illegal guns into New York is at the top of his list." ...

PA: Fattah Announces 'Gun Safe Philadelphia'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayoral Candidate Chaka Fattah today announced his comprehensive plan to combat illegal guns and curb violence in Philadelphia. Fattah has felt the impact of gun violence in a very personal way. Fattah chose to make the announcement at Mercy Hospital because it is where he was brought over 30 years ago, after being wounded by gunfire while intervening to stop a gang dispute." ...

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, "...we pledge ourselves, to appear armed...", May 15, 1798
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..."Whereas we venerate the 'declaration of rights, made by the Representatives of the good People of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention, on the sixth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six; which rights do appertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of Government:"

..."That, in case of actual invasion from abroad, or of domestic insurrection at home, we hold it to be the duty of all good citizens and militia men, to rally round the standard of Government, and to defend our rights against all encroachments whatever: And therefore, we pledge ourselves, to appear armed and accoutered, at any moment when our services shall (for the purposes above mentioned) be required...."


KY: Soldier Diagnosed With Mental Problems
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Army private charged with the slaughter of an Iraqi family was diagnosed as a homicidal threat by a military mental health team three months before the attack."

"Pfc. Steven D. Green was found to have 'homicidal ideations' after seeking help from an Army Combat Stress Team in Iraq on Dec. 21, 2005. Green said he was angry about the war, desperate to avenge the death of comrades and driven to kill Iraqi citizens ..."

"The treatment was several small doses of Seroquel - a drug to regulate his mood - and a directive to get some sleep ... The next day, he returned to duty in the particularly violent stretch of desert in the southern Baghdad suburbs ..."

"No follow-up exams or further treatments were scheduled, records indicate. ..." ...

NY: The Unusual Suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thirteen hours after Sean Bell was killed and his two friends were wounded in a barrage of 50 bullets, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly held a press conference ..." ...

"In the days following the shooting, even as city officials were assuring community and religious leaders of a fair and thorough investigation, the three men's criminal records, including some sealed juvenile cases, were leaked to the press in what their attorneys said was an effort to 'dirty up the victims.' ... As many as a dozen friends and acquaintances were taken into custody and questioned. Police officials claim any arrests in what some describe as a 'parallel investigation' were coincidental. ..." ...

UK: Bravery award for officer in armed robbery drama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A DETECTIVE who wrestled an armed robber to the ground before arresting him has won an award for his bravery."

"Detective Constable Nick Watson swooped after three gun-wielding men carried out a raid at Asda in Brade Drive, Walsgrave, Coventry, at 11am on December 31, 2004."

"The masked gang, who targeted a cash delivery, pistol-whipped a security guard and terrified customers by firing shots into the air, before reloading the gun."

"They sped off with several thousands of pounds in a car, which they hid in a lock-up in Hazel Road, Bell Green."

"But they had been spotted leaving the car and officers raced to the area to give chase." ...

WA: Too many guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Like those creepy broom scenes in Disney's 'Fantasia,' American kids just keep appearing with guns in their hands."

"On the streets and at gun shows around the country, violence-prone young people find easy ways to buy them."

"Another student showed up at school with a gun last week. Eighteen-year-old Douglas Chanthabouly is accused of carrying a 9 mm handgun into a Tacoma high school. A generation or two ago, a similar kid might have simply picked a fistfight with his adversary."

"Bruises might have healed. But 17-year-old Sam Kok never will. He died that day. ..."

"The rest of us need to ask questions about where the gun came from. Tacoma police have said it was stolen during a home burglary in 1999. ..." ...

NM: National Rifle Group Under Pressure To Oppose Bush Policies
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After years of close association with the Republican Party and hard-nosed opposition to federal land-use regulation, the National Rifle Association is being pressured by its membership to distance itself from President Bush's energy policies that have opened more public land for oil and gas drilling and limited access to hunters and anglers."

"'The Bush administration has placed more emphasis on oil and gas than access rights for hunters,' Ronald Schmeits said. Mr. Schmeits is second vice president of the NRA, a member of its board of directors, and a bank president in Raton, N.M." ...

NY: Enforcing current laws will reduce gun crimes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In regard to the article, 'Caught in the cross-fire,' I think it would be great if The News did some follow-ups detailing the past criminal records of the people convicted of these murders. My guess is that most would have lengthy histories of contact with the police and past weapons violations. The News might detail the charges that were plea bargained away that let them get back on the streets."

"We have plenty of gun laws on the books in New York State. What we don't have are politicians who are willing to go after the criminals and strictly enforce current laws. The politicians would rather suggest having more laws, which looks like action, but isn't. A law never kept a criminal off the street. Only the application of the law can do that." ...

MI: Safety fears, noise prompt residents to voice concerns over firing range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Larry Godlewski choked back tears as he mulled the possibility that a stray bullet from a nearby gun club might hit either his 7-year-old son or 5-year-old daughter."

"Last year, a bullet apparently from the club damaged a neighbor's trailer ..." ...

"Godlewski, 36, was one of a handful of residents from the subdivision to voice worries Monday to the Fenton Township Board about safety, noise and increased activity at the Fenton Lakes Sportsmen Club, off Butcher Road."

"Club officials say they're serious about safety and defend their growth, which has been especially rapid since nine area police agencies began using the site for target practice after the federal government shut down a shooting range near Bishop Airport." ...

OH: Increased deer scouting aids in fugitive’s capture (OFCC)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The world at large might never know whether Ronnie Copp got his deer, but there’s no doubt the Chillicothe hunter helped authorities get their man..."

"Editor's Note: Ohio's hunters should not be forced to chose between the inalienable right of self-protection and following the wildlife regulations established by a state agency. It is far past time for the Division of Wildlife to recognize that the background-checked CHL-holder is not likely a poacher or a threat to the Wildlfie Officers." ...

NJ: 'Dissed' on the streets and looking for blood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Urban gun crimes tend to be carried out by a very small percentage of the population and although they are almost always drug dealers, the violence is almost never about business, said Professor David M. Kennedy of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice."

"... What you wind up with is at most a few percent of young men in these neighborhoods who will actually pull the trigger.'"

"Violent inner city youths are caught up in a system of rules about how to behave on the streets and a core part of that is that if you are 'disrespected,' you respond with violence, Kennedy said."

"The top motivator, according to the professor, for street gun violence are disrespect issues. ..." ...

OH: There's no need for most to carry a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The article 'Police ramping up to get tougher on guns' (Jan. 7) is too little too late. I hate guns. In today's society there is no need for the average citizen to own or carry a gun except to protect yourself from those who do carry guns and intend to use them in a crime. Oh, wait! I just contradicted myself. No. I just pointed out the vicious circle created by gun advocates. They say, 'Guns don't kill, people kill.' I'd say you're correct. But the government and law enforcement have done a lousy job of keeping guns out of the hands of those who kill, and longer jail sentences are not the answer because that occurs after a crime has been committed."

"Tighter gun control? I'll go so far as to say ban guns. That's the only way." ...

PA: Time for another battle in ongoing 'Deer War'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forces on both sides of Pennsylvania's contentious 'Deer War' are preparing to head back into battle later this month when the state Game Commission convenes to consider proposals for the 2007-08 hunting seasons."

"Commissioners will meet Jan. 21-23 at the agency's Harrisburg headquarters. As always, a highlight of the meeting will be preliminary approval of next year's deer season."

"You can be 99.9 percent sure biologist Christopher Rosenberry, supervisor of the commission's Deer Management Section, will recommend a continuation of the two-week, statewide firearms season for bucks and does, along with the host of special early and late antlerless-only seasons that have been introduced in recent years." ...

Canada: Camouflaged student with long stick forces evacuation of Montreal university
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A student wearing a camouflage shirt and carrying a martial arts stick in a bag unknowingly caused a major police operation and the evacuation of the west-end campus of Concordia University."

"Police were responding Tuesday to a call from a university employee who called 911 to say he saw someone in a camouflage outfit carrying what appeared to be a firearm in a bag."

"About 50 police vehicles surrounded the campus and were backed up by canine patrols and rifle-totting officers in bullet-proof vests."

"Police viewed a video surveillance tape and saw a student in a camouflage shirt in front of his locker."

"Montreal police ... officers then broke into the locker and found a long, kendo martial arts stick." ...

UK: Youth murdered after £10 drug row
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager was murdered by three men after he stole a £10 piece of cannabis, the High Court in Glasgow has heard."

"Kevin McLaughlin, 18, was chased, punched, kicked, stamped on and stabbed twice in the chest ..." ...

"Lord Carloway described the attack as unprovoked and premeditated. ..."

"The court heard Mr McLaughlin went with a friend to buy some cannabis from a former girlfriend of Cunningham."

"While they were there, he stole a small piece with an estimated value of £10."

"Cunningham received a call complaining about the theft."

"About 20 minutes later Cunnigham, Sutherland and Struthers murdered Mr McLaughlin." ...

UK: Jail for teen who stabbed girl over 'ho' taunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TEENAGE girl who knifed a 15-year-old rival in the chest over a 'ho' insult at school years earlier wept as she was locked up for four years."

"The schoolgirl managed to stagger to a nearby ambulance station clutching her wounds after the shocking attack in Kennington. The court had heard it happened years after the insult, which is slang for whore."

"The wound pierced her chest, narrowly missing her heart, and she suffered a collapsed lung."

"Rachel Finn, an 18-year-old college student from Belgravia, claimed she acted in self-defence, believing the schoolgirl was going to kill her. But last month a jury convicted Finn of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm." ...

UK: Man Stabbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MAN was stabbed in the back on a Somercotes street this morning.

The incident at 10am outside the Devonshire Arms on Somercotes Hill led to the 25-year-old man being taken to hospital though his injuries were not thought to be life threatening.

Police recieved reports from the ambulance service that a man had suffered a single punture wound to his back.

The man who carried out the attack is thought to have pedalled away on a push bike.

It is believed that a knife was used to carry out the attack.

Police are investigating.

UK: Boy stabbed after robbery attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 17-year-old boy has been stabbed in the chest in what police have called a "vicious and unprovoked attack".

A male offender, described as being in his late teens or early 20s, had demanded the teenager's mobile in East Park, Wolverhampton, on Monday evening.

The attacker, described as black and 6ft 1ins to 6ft 2ins tall, ran off empty-handed after the incident, which happened near to Stowheath Lane.

The victim was taken to hospital before being released.

The offender was wearing dark clothing with a hood.

Anyone with information about the attack, which happened at about 1955 GMT, is asked to contact Wednesfield police.

UK: Man in struggle with armed gang
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man has fought off three armed men who forced their way into his home near Stewartstown, County Tyrone.

It happened on the Tullaghbeg Road at about 1945 GMT on Monday. One man had a pistol while another had a rifle.

The retired householder grappled with one of them before being struck on the arms and face with one of the weapons.

He managed to force them out and they fled empty-handed. No demands were made and police say they are keeping an open mind about the motive.

Police say the men spoke with local accents and have appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion. —THOMAS JEFFERSON

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