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Newslinks for 1/11/2005

Calif. gun suit to go forward
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"The U.S. Supreme Court Monday let stand a lower-court ruling that allows a suit to proceed against the makers of guns used in a California shooting spree."

"Buford Furrow was carrying a 9mm handgun, a 9mm short-barreled rifle, an automatic 7.62-caliber rifle, a .223-caliber rifle, two .308-caliber rifles and a .22-caliber handgun on Aug. 10, 1999."

"He entered the Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, Calif., and shot three young children, a teenager and an adult. ..."

"Ileto's mother and the three children sued the manufactures and distributors of the guns Furrow carried, including Glock Inc."

New federal law could mean more items seized at airports
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"About 1500 items did not make their way through Erie Airport security last year."

"The increase in seized items here can be attributed to one simple reason -- more air travellers." ...

" '2004 was our biggest year as far as prohibited items,' Jones said. 'We're talking about hundreds of pounds of items that we've seized. Most of them, like I say, are scissors, there are some knives and a lot of lighters.' "

Michael Nevin: Crime and Guns—The San Francisco or Sam Colt Solution
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you had a flat tire, would you fix the problem by replacing your car’s muffler? I know, it sounds funny. But that’s exactly the logic permeating throughout San Francisco’s City Hall. ..."

"Understanding the problem and using a bit of common sense could go a long way in dealing with such a serious issue, but the idea being floated around City Hall leaves a lot to be desired. Several San Francisco supervisors have proposed a ballot measure urging voters to approve a sweeping handgun ban. If you think that Mr. and Mrs. Law-Abiding Citizen are to blame for a surge in murder, then I’ve got oceanfront property for sale in North Dakota. In fact, they are exactly the ones who would suffer because of this myopia."

It all boils down to this, "a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I just can't believe that we are still fighting over what the Second Amendment actually stated about the right to bear arms. Anyone with enough education to read can see that it is a God given right for each person to bear arms. It's that simple."

"Now that the United States Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has released a document that affirms that this an individual right, the anti-gun people are going nuts. The old argument that it only gives the states the right to arm a militia is so much smoking mirrors." ...

"The Department of Justice was right, so let it stand and let's get on with life."

MS: G-ville woman shoots 600-pound boyfriend
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"Jennie Jones told police that she shot her boyfriend, but for now, he is the one who will face charges."

"Jones said she shot her boyfriend, Sharka Corbin, twice Sunday after he beat her inside her home at 735 S. Washington Ave. According to police, Corbin weighs about 600 pounds." ...

"Jones said Corbin beat her up after he learned that she got a traffic ticket in Arkansas and that her car had been towed. She said he put the gun to her head and said, "I am going to kill you." But instead of shooting her he put the gun on the dresser and then began hitting her, according to reports."

"Jones was able to get the gun and fired several shots at Corbin. Two of the bullets hit Corbin, one in the leg and one in the chest."

FL: Police To Sell Weapons Confiscated From Criminals
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A South Florida city has come up with a novel way to pay for new guns for its police officers -- selling old guns."

"The Sweetwater City Commission approved the sale of guns that have been confiscated or turned in to the police department, and Mayor Manuel Marono says he supports the sale of the weapons."

"The police department will sell 28 to 30 guns that would typically be destroyed and disposed of by other police agencies."

"The police department has made arrangements to sell the guns through a Hialeah gun store. Critics are not happy about the sale of the guns because they say they fear the weapons could end up in the hands of criminals."

CA: Gun Control, By Any Means Necessary
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As we have witnessed throughout history, governments seeking to maintain absolute control over the populace will always try to disarm them first. ..."

"The stipulation that only those who require handguns for their jobs, such as law-enforcement and military personnel and security guards, be allowed to keep them adds to the ballot proposition's ominous connotations. As much as society may respect such representatives of law and order, if they are given the exclusive right to bear arms, we could find ourselves in what many on both sides of the political spectrum are constantly warning us about -- a police state."

Why Liberals Love Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Liberals love gun control for the simple fact that it directly impacts the most independent, self reliant, and free thinking of us as demonstrated by our refusal to proxy our personal protection out to an unaccountable government."

"The goal of gun control is not to actually control guns and make the world a safer place, but to control people. It is not as important for you can pass a criminal background check so much as it is that you feel obligated to ask the state for permission to buy a gun. Liberals know gun control laws will not stop criminals, but it will erode the sense of independence and self reliance of regular people until they feel that they can do nothing that does not meet government approval."

MA: To Try to Net Killer, Police Ask a Small Town's Men for DNA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an unusual last-ditch move to find clues to the three-year-old killing of a freelance fashion writer, police investigators are trying to get DNA samples from every man in this Cape Cod hamlet, all 790 or so, or as many as will agree."

"Raising concerns among civil libertarians and prompting both resistance and support from men in Truro, the state and local police began collecting the genetic samples last week, visiting delicatessens, the post office and even the town dump to politely ask men to cooperate. Legal experts said the sweeping approach had been used only in limited instances before in the United States - although it is more widely used in Europe - and in at least one of those cases it prompted a lawsuit." ...

FL: Guard Fatally Shoots Intruder At Jewelry Show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A private security guard protecting a traveling jewelry and gem show at the Coliseum shot and killed an intruder early Sunday."

"The guard encountered two hooded men who broke into the back of the city-owned ballroom on Fourth Avenue North to steal some of the show's locked-away merchandise just after 2:30 a.m., St. Petersburg police said."

"When he challenged the men, at least one of them pulled a handgun, St. Petersburg police spokesman Bill Doniel said."

"'Then there was a lot of yelling back and forth,' Doniel said."

"The guard raised his 9 mm pistol and fired more than one round, striking the armed intruder, a 31-year-old Florida man, police said. He died at Bayfront Medical Center. The other suspect fled." ...

Submitter's Note: Armed defense works!

CA: Disarmed Victims - The Cougar Attack in California
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Please note that there are just over five million law abiding citizens across U.S.A. that are allowed to carry a concealed weapon with them while traveling around in public. I know of several avid bicycle enthusiasts that normally are armed with a concealed firearm while riding their bikes, as South Carolina is one of the 38 states that is allowed to issue their law abiding citizens a concealed weapon permit."

"The problem is that this attack occurred in a state that did not allow any of these victims of that cougar attack... or their rescuers... to legally carry a firearm. As a result, as one man on your show said he resorted to throwing rocks." ...

IL: Parents Ask Why Letter About Gun Took So Long
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Questions are being raised at an Evanston elementary school about whether parents were notified in a timely manner about a loaded gun found in a bathroom."

"...officials at Kingsley Elementary school sent a letter home to parents with students on Wednesday -- after the gun was found on Tuesday." ...

"Kingsley teachers are talking with their students about gun safety, Ahern reported, and are hoping that anyone with any information that they will come forward. The school's staff has been part of the investigation, and on Tuesday night there will be a meeting to update parents on the status of the investigation."


TX: Jury Selection Begins For Former Officer Charged With Murder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Jury selection began Monday for a former Houston police officer charged with murdering a 14-year-old boy while on duty, Local 2 reported."

"Arthur Joseph Carbonneau, 25, fatally shot Eli Eloy Escobar Jr. during a struggle at a northwest Houston apartment complex, prosecutors said."

"Carbonneau and another officer, Ronald Olivo, responded to a call about criminal mischief at an apartment complex in the 4600 block of West 34th on Nov. 21, 2003. The officers tracked suspects to the nearby Burnham Woods apartments in the 3100 block of Mangum."

OH: Shootings rarely solved, punished
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Cincinnati police confiscated more than 1,200 guns citywide last year, the first time in five years that the number declined from the previous year. Still, the total is a 64 percent jump since 1999."

"Common perception is that the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms can trace any gun. But that's only true to an extent - the agency can only trace a weapon's legitimate sales."

"Most of the guns taken off Cincinnati streets aren't bought legally. They're bought for as little as $5, traded for crack, found in alleys and doorways."

"While almost nobody's going to state prison for shootings, Cincinnati officers do have another option - federal court, through a U.S. Department of Justice program called Project Disarm. It's designed to send the most serious gun and drug offenders to federal prisons, where sentences are longer."

PA: Court Won't Hear Appeal Of Former Detective Convicted Of Gun Theft
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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court said it will not hear the appeal of a former chief detective for the York County district attorney's office who was convicted of stealing four guns from work.

William Ingle, who now lives in Horse Shoe, N.C., said at trial that he had forgotten the guns were still in his possession when he resigned. He said he had no intention of stealing. But Ingle was convicted and was sentenced in April 2003 to 11 to 23 months in county prison and fined $2,000. He has been free on bail pending appeal.

The state Superior Court affirmed his convictions and sentence twice. The Supreme Court decided on Dec. 28 not to hear his appeal.

CA: Gun locks available for free
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The nimble little fingers of a wide-eyed toddler should never get ahold of a loaded firearm, but in the event that they might, county law enforcement officers are trying to prevent tragedy by giving away gun locks."

"Gun safety kits are available at law enforcement stations county-wide for any gun owner."

"The locks are provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, through a program called Project Child Safe. The aim is to keep guns out of the hands of children, but the locks are not limited only to those who have children in the house, officials said."

PA: City tries different tack on gun prosecutions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Court officials frustrated with their inability to dam the flood of illegal handguns on Philadelphia's streets are hoping that they'll have better luck by paying closer attention to people who break gun laws."

"The city opened its first courtroom dedicated solely to gun possession cases Monday as part of a program that will remove a select number of defendants from the routine legal mill and plug them into a parallel system where authorities have more time to focus on their cases."

"The muscle of the so-called 'gun court' will be a team of probation officers who will have a lighter-than-normal caseload (75 clients apiece, rather than the standard 236) so they can spend more time checking up on offenders."

Canada: Ferguson sentence, conviction appealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A court battle that many thought had come to an end after five years is about to go back to the courts. Former Pincher Creek RCMP officer Mike Ferguson, after three trials and two hung juries was convicted of manslaughter last month in the shooting death of Darren Varley, and sentenced to two years of house-arrest. Last Wednesday, Ferguson announced he would appeal the verdict that found him guilty of manslaughter. Ferguson’s statement of intent came a day after Crown prosecutors filed an appeal in Calgary to challenge Ferguson’s sentence of house-arrest." ...

MN: Minneapolis Beginner-to-Carry Handgun for January is Full
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"With the Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act expect to go back into effect shortly, interest in carry permit training is increasing, and Joel Rosenberg's Beginner-to-Carry Course enables people with no previous handgun experience to safely and responsibly prepare for and apply for their Minnesota Permit to Carry a Handgun. The January 26 class is full, but there will be another one on February 23rd."

VA: Petition challenges governor's refusal to surrender files on ex-felons
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"A hearing is scheduled Wednesday on a court challenge to Gov. Mark R. Warner's refusal to turn over case files he used in restoring civil rights to nearly 2,000 felons."

"Del. Brad P. Marrs, R-Chesterfield, filed a petition last week asking Richmond Circuit Court to order release of the files after the secretary of the commonwealth denied his requests for records on former convicts who have had their rights restored by Warner."

NJ: U.S. to join Camden's crime fight
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"A team of federal marshals will target the 50 most dangerous criminals in Camden as federal agencies pledge to work with city police in renewing the battle against crime."

"Rewards of $1,000 will be offered for tips leading to the arrests of those considered Camden's most dangerous offenders, federal authorities said yesterday."

"Offenders who use firearms will be singled out for federal prosecution, and federal law enforcement officials will work to track down where the guns came from, they said."

"Those were the highlights of anticrime efforts announced by U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie, the top federal prosecutor for New Jersey, at a news conference in Camden."

OH: Citizens must help stop gun crimes
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"Witnesses who fail to show up in court may be acting out of fear, apathy or a disdain for the legal system. We as a society must assure them of our support and protection. That may mean expanding witness protection programs. It certainly means the sternest possible actions against anyone who intimidates a witness. Stern actions also are warranted against those who simply disregard subpoenas out of apathy or disdain. ..."

"In today's story, Officer Woods says every cop keeps a mental list of five or six bad guys out on the street who might shoot them in the back. When members of the community refuse to cooperate with police in getting shooters off the street, those lists just keep growing."

OH: Gun crime spreads outward
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Patricia Markley is a 62-year-old grandmother who knows gunfire when she hears it."

"Not so long ago, she couldn't tell the difference between a car backfiring and gunshots. Gunfire didn't ring out in Madisonville back then. Now it does with regularity."

" 'People have to get mad,' says Markley, who seven years ago became a member of one of the city's first Citizens on Patrol groups. Soon, her group will add a shift keeping watchful citizens out on the streets until 4 a.m."

" 'You have to get out. You have to do this, or the crime's never going to get better,' Markley says."

CA: Pistol range issue heads to council
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The hotly debated future of a public pistol range atop Grant Park in Ventura that was to come to a head tonight has been cancelled. The City Council was to decide whether it should be closed to the public in a year."

"Proponents of the 47-year-old range say it's a one-of-a-kind facility and vital community resource, offering gun safety training and target practice to law enforcement agencies as well as to adult and adolescent gun enthusiasts."

"West Ventura residents say the outdoor range has long been an irritant to some neighbors, who are subjected to the sound of gunfire from morning until evening. The range, they contend, simply no longer fits an improving, family-oriented community. There also have been concerns of possible lead contamination, but recent soil tests have confirmed high levels found at the site have not migrated." ...

India: Proving once again where there is demand, there will be supply
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Police on Monday unearthed an illegal mini gun factory at Kochar village in Bihar's Aurangabad district and arrested two persons in this connection.

On a tip off, the district police raided the Kochar village and unearthed the factory and arrested two persons with five country-made guns and equipment for making firearms.

Those arrested have been identified as Yogesh Paswan and Rama Shanker Sharma, the officer-in-charge of Barun police station SK Suman said.

Malaysia: Salesman shot in heist attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A salesman, on his way to deposit money in a bank, was shot and seriously injured when he grappled with two robbers yesterday."

"Yeow Lin Hooi, 26, who sustained a wound in the chest, fell unconscious outside the bank in Pulau Tikus about 2.30pm."

"On seeing this, the gunman and his accomplice panicked and escaped on a motorcycle."

"In their haste to escape, the duo, who wore crash helmets, did not take Yeow’s bag containing an undisclosed amount of money."

"Passers-by sent the victim to a private hospital in Jalan Burma before he was transferred to Penang Hospital."

"Yeow is reported to be in stable condition."

"In the incident, the salesman was carrying a bag of money to the bank." ...

South Africa: Gun amnesty
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"The importance of the current three-month amnesty period in which people are being encouraged to hand in illegal firearms and ammunition should not be glossed over."

"While the government's ability to control firearms has been far from effective, this amnesty could go some way to reduce an unacceptably high number of illegal weapons in the country."

"In terms of the amnesty people can hand in illegal weapons at any police station without fear of prosecution until March 31, 2005. However, the amnesty, called in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000, does not extend to any offences committed with illegal firearms."

Canada: Gun safety being ignored, says Iqaluit councillor
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"Iqaluit's city council says Nunavut's legal challenge of the federal gun law has left a void in firearms-safety education."

"Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is challenging the gun act as a limitation on the Inuit right to hunt."

"But the city council says in the meantime, no one is teaching Nunavummiut how to properly use or store firearms."

"Councillor Glenn Williams says some residents are leaving loaded guns sitting around."

Australia: Man survives gun wound to head
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A MAN was fighting for his life in Royal Hobart Hospital after being shot in the head at Cape Barren Island in north Tasmania this morning.

A Tasmania police spokesman said the man was taken in a helicopter from Cape Barren Island, near Flinders Island, to Hobart about 6am (AEDT).
Launceston detectives were continuing their investigations of the incident on the island, as the man remained in a critical condition in Hobart's intensive care unit.

No arrests have been made.

Jamaica: Guns, power and empire
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"The more I think about it, the more I have come to realise that the defining issue, when all is said and done, is about the deadly power of the gun. It sounds like the line of a poem, but it isn't. It is the common thread that has caused conquest, subjugation, devastation and annihilation throughout modern history, and it is the nemesis of our small nation state, Jamaica."

"Let us be clear about one thing. Guns are not made for show; neither are they made for sport. Guns are designed to kill, and so far that objective continues to be fully realised and highly successful."

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. — Thomas Paine

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