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Newslinks for 1/12/2010

Chicago Amicus by Legislators worth supporting
Submitted by: xqqme

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Here's a quote from this amicus brief that boils it down for me, and makes me want to support the amici.

"It will do no harm to our system of federalism for this Court to find the Second Amendment incorporated as against the States by the Fourteenth Amendment under either or both of the Due Process Clause or the Privileges or Immunities Clause. The balance between Federal and State Government was carefully crafted to preserve
individual liberties against tyranny, not serve as an excuse for erosion of the people’s fundamental rights."

Let your Legislator know how you feel... I will and mine aren't any of the 14 from Oregon.

PA: H.B. 40: Deadly Force Acceptable in Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Scott Perry (R-92) introduced House Bill 40 last January. It would eliminate the “duty to retreat” in self defense situations.

Currently, if you’re out somewhere, and an attacker threatens you with a pocket-knife, then, you, pull out your handgun, you must “retreat”, if you feel like you can get out of the situation safely and avoid the use of deadly force.

House Bill 40, or, the Castle Doctrine, would eliminate that duty, which, Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico calls a dangerous idea.

“Our thought process is this: if someone can retreat with complete safety, why are we encouraging them to potentially take another life?”

I Don't Buy The Excuse
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What a player does away from the workplace is up to him, and although I can understand some players feeling like targets, I just don't buy the argument that professional basketball players are automatically more susceptible to crime than others. For some, it's just a convenient excuse to flash a weapon.

They want to own a gun? That is their legal right, and players should be supported in their right to protect themselves and their families in any legal way they see fit. But, I just don't buy the idea that being an NBA player puts them in some special category of needing any more protection than anybody else.

KY: 2 men facing manslaughter charges after home invasion turned deadly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two men face manslaughter charges for a home invasion where the third suspected burglar was killed by the homeowner.

A Shelby County grand jury indicted 23-year-old Timothy Carpenter and Joshua Fast on complicity to manslaughter charges Monday.

They'd been in custody on burglary charges since Friday.

Back in October 2008, police say Carpenter, Fast and a third man, David Fletcher, broke into a Shelbyville home.

CA: 'Open carry' ignites a discussion about gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You expect this scene [open carry in westerns] in movies. You don't expect it at the Panama Red Coffee Co. in Livermore. The place doesn't even have a faro table, never mind dance-hall girls and spittoons.

That's where more than a dozen gun owners assembled eight days ago, holstered weapons in plain sight, in celebration of the freedom to carry unconcealed handguns. "Open carry" is how they describe it.

Important fact No. 1: All the guns were unloaded. That's California's only restriction on open carry in incorporated areas. No. 2: The participants wisely alerted police of their plans.

Neither step forestalled strong public reaction.

WA: Opinion sought on guns at county parks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A decades-old law prohibiting firearms in Snohomish County parks either needs revamping, or it's just fine as is.

Snohomish County councilmen have scheduled a hearing Wednesday so the public can weigh in.

Republican Councilman John Koster wants to change the county code so that people with a concealed-weapons permit would be allowed to carry guns onto county park property. Firing guns there for any reason other than self-defense would remain illegal.

Koster calls this a housekeeping move to bring the 1970s-era county law in line with more recent state laws.

Ed.: WA's rock-solid preemption statute:

NH: Protester rail against NH Statehouse gun ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights supporters are protesting against bills making it a felony to bring weapons into the Statehouse and other New Hampshire government buildings.

Some wore orange stickers saying "Potential Victim" put out by the Hannah Dustin Defense League, a women’s self-defense group. Protesters also carried signs Monday saying "Tyranny — More Dangerous Than Any Gun."

ID: Does Your Mayor Belong To An Anti-Gun Group?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Most of you are probably aware that a very important firearms case, McDonald v. Chicago is currently pending before the United States Supreme Court.

In this landmark case, the Supreme Court is expected to strike down Chicago’s draconian gun ban and finally hold that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to states.

This is going to give pro gun advocates a powerful tool to challenge state and local gun restrictions across the country. An array of groups ranging from 38 state attorneys general (Idaho’s included) to Safari club have submitted briefs supporting the plaintiffs’ position in this case.

MI: Open Carry is the Law in Michigan: MCRGO Frequently Asked Gun Owner Questions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Q: What is the MCL number for a person being able to openly carry a gun in Michigan?

A: Your question refers to the Michigan Compiled Laws numbering system. All of Michigan’s statutes are available online at They are organized in a numbering system and all of them begin with “MCL.”

MO: Council Fails To Override Veto On Weapons Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Raymore City Council failed on Monday to override the mayor's veto of a bill allowing council members to bring a gun into chambers.


The bill would have allowed city council members who have conceal and carry permits to bring those weapons to meetings.

"I fall into the camp that I think if you give as many law-abiding citizens as much second amendment freedom as possible, that that enhances public safety rather than detract," said Councilman Jeff Cox, who wrote the bill.

Mayor Juan Alonzo said he couldn't sign off on a bill that would only allow council members to bring guns to meetings and not citizens.

WA: Gun-control response
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The amendment, as written, is indeed an unfettered right. The fist 13 words of the amendment do not nullify or qualify the second 14 words, rather they provide a reason for it.

It is even more implausible that any government — let alone our visionary Founding Fathers — would write a law guaranteeing itself the right to arms. The operating clause “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” cannot be misinterpreted. If the “people” here does not mean individuals, then what does the “people” refer to in the First, Fourth and Ninth Amendments?

GA: Georgia bill would allow guns in churches, political rallies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As it stands now, you cannot pack heat while listening to the preacher in a house of God.

But bills in both the state House and Senate aim to change that.

Similar bills filed last year in both chambers would, if enacted, change the locations where weapons could be taken and where they are prohibited. State Rep. Timothy Bearden, R-Villa Rica, is sponsoring House Bill 615, which would make it a crime to take a firearm, knife or explosive into a building that has a courtroom, jail or prison.

MD: Mayors Against Illegal Guns Loses Yet Another Member
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mayor Sheila Dixon (D) has accepted a plea deal for perjury charges stemming from accusations that she did not report gifts she received from a local developer. In a teary announcement yesterday, she resigned her post as the Mayor of Baltimore as part of the plea.

As you will recall, Dixon, a vocal member of “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” was convicted last month of pocketing gift cards intended for Baltimore’s needy families.

Dixon now joins the ranks of disgraced anti-gun politicians like former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) of Detroit. Perhaps these folks should focus on abiding by the law themselves instead of persecuting law-abiding citizens.

MD: Targeting guns to reduce violent crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mayors Against Illegal Guns has lobbied for changes to federal law, asking the Obama administration to allow the ATF to release to local officials more gun trace data. It has also supported legislation to block people on terrorism watch lists from purchasing guns and has pushed for an end to so-called gun-show loopholes, in which unlicensed firearms sellers can sidestep background-check requirements.

All of which sound warning bells to gun rights groups such as the NRA.

"The NRA has been on record for decades talking about strict and unequivocal prosecution of gun crimes," says Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the NRA.

NH: Many Protest NH Statehouse Gun Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-rights supporters protested bills Monday making it a felony to bring weapons into New Hampshire's Statehouse and other government buildings, saying it would infringe on their constitutional rights and make the Statehouse an unwelcome place.

"This is the people's home, the people's chamber," state Rep. David Hess, R-Hooksett, said during a legislative committee hearing on the bills attended by over 100 people at the Statehouse. He asked if fellow representatives would want to promote a "siege mentality" and create a fortress-like environment.

CA: Man tests right by carrying gun in public
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Kern County man is testing his Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Rafael Esqueda said he has been visiting different public places over the past week with his gun on his belt.

"We can openly carry in California," he said. "The firearm has to be unloaded in plain view, and the magazine, which is an integral part of the firearm, have to be exposed, also."

In an effort to promote his platform, he, and about four of his friends, all showed up at River Walk Park on Sunday afternoon with their guns exposed. Eyewitness News was there to capture reactions from parkgoers and the event that was to follow.

WA: Do not allow guns in our parks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I understand that the County Council will be debating the issue of allowing guns in public parks at its Wednesday meeting. It’s hard to understand why this is now being brought forward as a concern.


I understand there is a constitutional argument related to the Second Amendment. That will be decided by the courts. The county does not need to unilaterally change a long-standing policy and law that is simply common sense.

Ed.: The writer should understand that law was repealed and preempted by RCW 9.41.290.

Prosecutor conduct case before Supreme Court is settled
Submitted by: Anonymous

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And in November, an Obama administration lawyer argued on behalf of Pottawattamie County, asserting that there is no constitutional "right not to be framed."

But several justices said they found that argument appalling. They signaled they were not prepared to shield prosecutors who knowingly fabricated a case against a suspect.

Over the holidays, the county and its lawyers offered to settle the case by paying $12 million to Terry Harrington and Curtis McGhee, who were convicted as teenagers in 1978 of murdering a night security guard. Both men are black.

On Monday, the Supreme Court said it was dismissing the case because it was settled.

What Are the Best Places to Do the Most Good for Gun Rights?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I just received an email that required a detailed response. Because it addresses some common concerns, I thought I might as well share it with you..."

'Gun Laws' Author Says It's Time to Push 'Freedom to Carry'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"...'Freedom to Carry' and 'Constitutional Carry' are powerful concepts that open the door to further dialog and teaching opportunities, and based on results in Vermont and Alaska are doable and capable of being expanded elsewhere. Why not find out where?"

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Announces Second Amendment Legislative Recommendations
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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On January 12th freedom-loving New Yorkers will assemble in Albany to celebrate and advocate for Second Amendment civil rights in the State legislature. If you are going to Albany please visit your representatives in the Assembly and State Senate and ask them to support legislation that affirms and expands New Yorkers' Second Amendment rights, and oppose bills that serve only to abridge those rights.

NY: NRA's LaPierre speaking at sportsman's event
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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(Should say Tuesday the 12th). Today from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Assembly Minority will hold a Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day in the "Well" of the Legislative Office Building in Albany.

UK: TV Star Warned Over Waving Knife At Intruders
Submitted by: xqqme

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In Britain, gun (and other weapon) control has gone too far for some, not far enough for others.

This is, however, the logical conclusion of those in favor of disarming the innocent prevail. Is a look at our future?

NY: NRA in Albany tomorrow
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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If ongoing debates over the budget, skirmishes over charter schools, Wall Street bonuses and the uptick in general political jockeying, cajoling and gambiting that comes with the start of the Legislative Session isn’t enough to keep things lively here at the state Capitol don’t worry. One of the National Rifle Association’s top point men on legislative issues, Wayne LaPierre, is coming to the Capitol on Tuesday for a Second Amendment Day.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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