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Newslinks for 1/14/2010

Inaccurate ATF records endanger gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We've talked about the [ATF] many times here, including about their National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, the official record the government keeps on all National Firearms Act-registered weapons ..."

"We've seen their former branch chief make a startling admission:"

"Let me say that when we testify in court, we testify that the data base is 100 percent accurate. ... As you probably well know, that may not be 100 percent true." ...

"Today I'd like to present one real-world example that illustrates both the inaccuracy of the NFRTR as well as the potential danger gun owners who believe they're obeying the law could face. The following document was obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request:" ...

Safer Streets 2010: Why the second amendment in a 2010 liberty platform?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The success of the plan to retake Congress, America's states and our major cities will rest on two important things;"
"1. does the crop of candidates read the American people right? Do the candidates understand what we want in freedom, sovereignty and independence from our very own public servants, and;"

"2. are those candidates of the mettle to bring personal and professional integrity to office in order to succeed?"
"Will they last without some stupid scandal surfacing? Will they keep their word and be a no-compromise servant? Will they insist on eliminating the double-standard for the good of the country?" ...

'Licensed' defensive handgun carry: Are we doing it wrong?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Toward the end of Monday's column, I made an observation about the licensing of defensive handgun carry:"
"Another reason I rarely approach gun rights advocacy from this angle is that I don't believe in licensing the carrying of a firearm. ..."
"As gun rights advocates, we argue that the Second Amendment exists to protect an inalienable right--one, indeed, that shall not be infringed. At the same time, though, we have endeavored to persuade the states ... to allow us to ask for (and pay for) a license to carry with us the means to defend our lives and our families. Our 'success,' in other words, has taken the form of reducing the bearing of arms from a fundamental right, to a privilege." ...

Second Amendment Battle at Colorado State University
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Guns are part of America’s culture. They always have been, and as long as we abide by the Constitution of the United States and its adjoining Bill of Rights, they always will be. ..."

"It is worth noting that this amendment marks the only place in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights where our Founding Fathers explicitly described something as 'necessary to the security of a free state.' And this is because the right to keep and bear arms makes the exercise of so many other rights possible. For example, without guns, how are we to defend our lives, our property, or our freedom to speak our minds against a tyrannical government?" ...

Help Wounded Warriors and Win a Cool Gun!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you don't know about Wounded Warriors, you should. This wonderful group is dedicated to the American men and women who’ve been maimed fighting in the service of the United States Military. Info can be found HERE."

"Ali Palmos, speaking on behalf of International Supplies just informed me that the company is raffling off a couple of primo handguns to benefit this most worthy organization. The pistols are donated by Colt, which introduced the classic 1911 in the eponymous year and has manufactured them without interruption for almost a century since. They're the '1918' version, true to World War I styling but made with modern metallurgy and heat treating. The couple that I've shot fed flawlessly with modern hollow points." ...

ABB shooting aftermath: The call to ban guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last week, we talked about the murderous rampage at ABB in St. Louis, in which 3 innocent victims were murdered (and their killer committed suicide), and 5 others were wounded, 2 critically. As is always the case in the aftermath of shooting incidents that get lots of attention, those opposed to private gun ownership are quick to exploit the outrage to advance the gun ban agenda."

"So, in keeping with that . . . honored tradition, we hear from Judy Larsen, in an editorial titled 'Haven't we had enough?' appearing in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Ms. Larsen can at least not be accused of trying to hide her bias, with her very first sentence being:"

"I don't like guns." ...

An End to the Lautenberg Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Federal Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit recently accepted the Second Amendment as valid grounds for reversing a conviction under the infamous Lautenberg Amendment, barring possession of firearms from anyone ever convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence."

"That's good news, but don't fire up the band just yet. The actual conclusion of the 7th Circuit panel was that prosecutors had failed to effectively argue that Lautenberg does not violate the Second Amendment - which is a far cry from declaring the law unconstitutional and throwing the case out." ...

Suarez: Combat Fitness -- Getting Started
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"OK guys...I've gotten several emails asking about how to get in shape after years of neglect and sloth. First thing you have to ask is get in shape for what? Since we are a fighting group, I would assume we mean getting in shape for fighting, self defense, etc."

"You can divide fitness into several areas but the most important I think is to have a proper weight. If you weigh in at 350 pounds and your fat percentage is 50%, that weight will not help you either in a fight, or for longevity."

"Since this situation is the most likely one, I will begin with that."

"First thing is to make certain the diet is correct. ..." ...

Life Out Here: The first time he didn't shoot
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Gilbert Arenas case is an outrage. This should not be happening in America."

"We at Guns Anywhere Yes believe that Arenas, who has been suspended indefinitely from the National Basketball Association for displaying four guns to a teammate in a locker room dispute over a gambling debt, is a victim in this matter. He even is facing the ridiculous prospect of time in prison in connection with an illegal gun possession charge."

"Our first contention at Guns Anywhere Yes is there should be no laws restricting gun ownership or possession by anyone at any time in this nation, so we are convinced Arenas, long-known as a shoot-first point guard in his basketball career, did nothing wrong ..." ...

Secure guns to protect our children
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"No gun should ever get into the hands of a child. It's just plain dangerous — a tragedy waiting to happen."

"On Monday night, 2-year-old Ian Heath Allen died of a gunshot wound to the head, reportedly self-inflicted."

"He should have never found the gun. He should have never touched it. He should have never been able to reach it. A preventable tragedy — that’s the real tragedy."

"Somebody was negligent and should face charges. While we have a Second Amendment right to bear arms, we must be responsible for how we store and use our weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: Between 1999 and 2006, less than one child (12 and under) was accidentally killed with a firearm. During that same period ten times as many toddlers (3 and under) accidentally drowned, and thirteen times that many were murdered without a firearm. Perhaps there are better ways to save childrens' lives than by disarming those who should protect them (images courtesy of Oleg Volk at

Who Needs More Than a Gun a Month?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Who needs to buy more than one handgun a month? And why?"

"Those were reasonable questions raised 17 years ago when the General Assembly approved then-Gov. Douglas Wilder's proposal to limit the sale of weapons in the state's fight against crime. That limitation to the purchase of one handgun ... a month reduced the proliferation of weapons traveling up and down Interstate 95 and the violence that accompanied them." ...

Submitter's Note: Objection! Statement assumes facts not in evidence. In fact, according to the Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Virginia is one of the top 'crime gun' sources, ranked #2 in 2007 and #4 in 2007. So how's that 'one gun a month' law workin' out for you guys?

UK: Health and safety experts warn: don't clear icy pavements, you could get sued
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Heavy snow, low temperatures and a lack of gritting mean pavements throughout the country are too slippery to walk on safely. Hospitals have been struggling to cope with rising numbers of patients who have broken bones after falling on icy paths."

"Yet the professional body that represents health and safety experts has issued a warning to businesses not to grit public paths ..."

"Under current legislation, householders and companies open themselves up to legal action if they try to clear a public pavement outside their property. If they leave the path in a treacherous condition, they cannot be sued."

"Councils, who have a responsibility for public highways, say they have no legal obligation to clear pavements." ...

Submitter's Note: We've been spending most our lives
Living in a Brady paradise

(apologies to Coolio)

TN: Clerk Shoots Robber, Pair Of Armed Juveniles Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two juveniles are behind bars following a shooting that occurred during a convenience store robbery Tuesday afternoon."

"Police responded to 3403 4th Ave. to the J&C Quick Stop just before 3 p.m. after receiving a call of shots fired."

"Witnesses on-scene advised that two black male suspects entered the store, pointed a gun and demanded money. During the robbery, the store clerk pulled a gun and shot the armed suspect, hitting him in the wrist."

"Both suspects fled the store, but were quickly apprehended in the 2500 block of East 27th St."

"Police were also able to recover the money taken during the robbery as well as the weapon used. ..." ...

CA: California man, 81, pulls out gun and starts shooting to scare off would-be robbers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Sacramento police said an elderly man scared off would-be robbers inside his home when he pulled a gun and started shooting. Sacramento police spokesman Sgt. Norm Leong said the two robbers were able to get inside the home of an 81-year-old man after asking to use his phone Saturday evening.

Though one of the men was armed, the victim was able to pull out his own gun when he was left inside a room where he kept the gun.

The two men fled when the elderly man started shooting through a door.

Police said the man, who was believed to be by himself during the robbery, was not hurt.

DE: Three men charged in botched robbery of city liquor store
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Three men wanted in a botched liquor store robbery that turned deadly were arrested Thursday, Wilmington police said" ...

"Two masked robbers brandishing handguns ordered the 55-year-old clerk to hand over money."

"One climbed across the counter and pointed a handgun at the cashier while the another ran around the counter and also pointed a gun ..."

"One suspect then told the cashier to 'get back,' and the victim backed up ..."

"One of the two suspects tried to open the cash register while holding a gun on the cashier."

"When the gunman looked away, the cashier pulled his own gun from the waistband of his pants and started firing at the gunmen, who fled the store." ...

Ft. Hood Redux
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The lamestream media told you:"

"Note: An unusually busy end-of-year for me delayed this item from release:"

"A lone gunman under obvious psychological stress opened fire with semiautomatic assault weapons on a group of defenseless soldiers near a school graduation at Ft. Hood, Texas, killing 13 and wounding dozens of others, until he was shot and stopped by courageous first responders who arrived in only four minutes, or maybe ten minutes, and are being hailed as heroes. The motive for the attack is under investigation."

"The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:"

"The reporting on this was so typically atrocious it is nauseating. ..." ...

Mass murder inside school safety zone in Kennesaw
Submitted by: Mark

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"The scene of a mass murder yesterday afternoon is inside a 'school safety zone.'"

"Few details are known about why an ex-employee of a Penske Truck Rental facility in Kennesaw entered his former place of business and shot five people, killing three. No motive is yet being discussed."

"Another thing that is not being discussed is the location of the murders. The Penske Truck Rental facility is located in one of Georgia's 'school safety zones,' an area extending 1,000 feet from any school ... In this case the shooting occurred in the school safety zone surrounding Kennesaw State University ..." ...

Submitter's note: I pray and grieve for the victims, people forced by law to be disarmed in the face of crime. Unknown if Penske Truck Rental prohibits employee carry.

NY: NRA's big gun rolls into Albany
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Top National Rifle Association brass arrived in Albany Tuesday to issue a rallying cry for legislators to uphold Second Amendment rights and prosecute gun crimes vigorously. What the gathering lacked in specifics — its speakers barely mentioned, positively or negatively, any pending state legislation — it made up for with energy and zeal." ...

Second Amendment Advocacy Day in Albany a Success
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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On January 12th over 1,500 gun owners celebrated the Second Amendment in Albany and lobbied their representatives in the State Assembly and Senate to reform NYS gun laws and bring them into line with the landmark legal decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association would like to thank Assemblyman Brian Kolb and the Assembly Republican Conference for sponsoring the event, and Assemblywomen Ginny Fields and Aileen Gunther for their hospitality.

NH: Now you know
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"AT TWO RECENT State House hearings on gun control bills, a new group called the Hannah Dustin Defense League has been handing out fliers opposing the regulation of guns in public buildings."

"The women's group is a mix of concerned citizens and organizations, including the Second Amendment Sisters, Sword Forum International and Pro-Gun New Hampshire. The group is named after Hannah Dustin, the New England colonist who was captured by Indians, then escaped by killing her captors."

"The organization was created within the last month specifically to oppose a recently instituted ban on guns in the State House. ..." ...

Sportsmen present a united front
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"To paraphrase a line from the 1989 movie Field of Dreams: If you organize it, they will come."

"I'm speaking, of course, of Tuesday's Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day, and unlike similar events that weren't that well coordinated— they organized it, and sports people came."

"More than 2,000 strong came from every corner of the state to the Legislative Office Building (LOB) in Albany, arriving by bus, train and in at least one instance — by plane. And when they got there they made sure their voices were heard, not only by the politicians that occupied the egg-shaped dome, but by the opportunistic lame-stream media that takes pot-shots at hunters and gunowners every chance it gets." ...

OH: Ohio Attorney General Candidate Dave Yost visits Xenia
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Dave Yost (R-Delaware) made a campaign swing through southwestern Ohio on Tuesday January 5. ..."

"State Representative Seth Morgan ... presented a brief status update regarding the Ohio House and introduced Yost to the enthusiastic crowd. Yost presented the reasons he decided to run for Ohio Attorney General, noting that he is the only conservative candidate in the race."

"Yost easily addressed the issues and answered questions. When asked about the Second Amendment, he quipped, 'That is part of the Constitution I am sworn to uphold.' He then explained that he supports concealed carry noting the background check process is working. Yost indicated he favors allowing concealed handgun license holders to more freely carry in more places." ...

GA: SB 308 The Common Sense Lawful Carry Act
Submitted by: Mark

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"This is Part 5 in a continuing series on bills pending in the Georgia General Assembly affecting your right to bear arms. Today, we focus on the most recent bill, introduced this afternoon. Senate Majority Whip Mitch Seabaugh (R-28) introduced SB 308, the Common Sense Lawful Carry Act, which would repeal Georgia's public gathering law and replace it with a clearly defined list of places off limits. In addition, the bill would clarify some other ambiguous laws and tighten restrictions on who may obtain a license to carry a handgun. The bill would also ensure that a license is revoked when the holder is [no] longer eligible for the license." ...

GA: HB 615, a bill to repeal the public gathering law
Submitted by: Mark

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"This is Part 3 in a series on bills in the Georgia General Assembly affecting your right to bear arms. For Parts One and Two, see the links at the bottom of the page."

"HB 615 is a bill that would eliminate once and for all the Jim Crow public gathering law passed in 1870 to ensure that newly freed slaves would be rendered defenseless at public gatherings throughout Georgia. HB 615 would also clarify Georgia's confusing laws, removing the more onerous restrictions on where a person can carry a handgun and making sure that any places 'off limits' by law are listed in one concise code section that any normal Georgia citizen can read and understand." ...

GA: SB 12 bans uncoded ammunition in Georgia
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Under SB 12, you could go to jail for possessing the ammunition you have right now."

"This is Part Four in a series about bills pending in the current session of the General Assembly that affect your right to bear arms. Today, the focus is on the worst bill filed this session, and below are some solid recommendations on what you can do to make sure that the sponsor is not around next session to file similar bills."

"Senator Ronald B. Ramsey Sr. (D-43, DeKalb and Rockdale) is the author of SB 12, which seeks to ban all ammunition in Georgia that is not encoded with tiny little numbers etched onto the base of the bullet providing a unique identifier for each round ..." ...

GA: Pro and Con: Should Georgia allow concealed weapons at public gatherings?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yes: Restore gun owner rights and make state law consistent." ...

"The time is now for Georgia’s citizens to be given back their rights as protected by the Second Amendment and the Constitution of Georgia." ...

"No: State leaders bow to gun interests and our children pay the price." ...

"If your children are attending a university in Georgia, would you prefer their classmates and teachers be armed with handguns? Or would you prefer that everyone simply have books?"

"As of July 1, 2008, Georgia lawmakers already increased the areas where guns can be legally carried to include public transportation, state parks and restaurants that serve alcohol." ...

WA: Bill introduced to ban so-called 'assault weapons' in Washington State
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Four anti-gun Democrat lawmakers representing four Seattle-area districts have filed a bill to ban so-called 'assault weapons' in Washington State, with definitions based almost entirely on cosmetics rather than on the actual function of the firearm." ...

"Ironically, the bill was filed on the same day that Chelan County Sheriff Mike Harum was quoted by the Wenatchee World noting that criminals like the man who gunned down four Lakewood police officers on Nov. 29 will not be deterred by gun control laws. He sat on a law enforcement panel appointed by Gov. Christine Gregoire in the aftermath of that shooting to determine if changes in state law might reduce the possibility of another such incident." ...

Battered Jackboot Syndrome
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It isn't common for a man who suffers a minor physical indignity at the hands of a smaller woman to press criminal charges against her. This is especially true of incidents in which the man retaliates by throwing the woman to the ground and then compounds that assault by restraining her by force."

"But Orlando resident Andrew Brennan isn’t an ordinary male. He’s one of the sanctified personages set apart by state-issued costumes and clothed in the presumed authority to push others around and kill them when they resist."

"So when 24-year-old Alexandra Espinosa-Amaya laid an unhallowed hand on Officer Brennan’s person ... it was 'battery on a law-enforcement officer,' and originally classified as a felony." ...

Video of Houston Police secret aerial drones (video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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This looks like fun! Houston Police using secret unmanned drone aircrafts to spy on folks.

NY: BB gunmen can cash in
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Bronx is expanding its successful gun buyback program to include -- for the first time in the city -- BB and air guns, officials announced yesterday."

"Although not normally lethal, BB and air guns sometimes are used by criminals to scare victims into thinking the weapons are conventional, deadly handguns."

"People who surrender such weapons Jan. 23 at several churches in The Bronx will be given a $50 gift or cash card for each BB gun turned in, up to a $150 cap."

"The churches will also accept regular guns."

"BB guns retail for between $40 and $60." ...

KY: 78 guns missing from sheriff's office
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The following list contains firearms that are unaccounted for following an examination of the evidence storage, written evidence logs, and documents pertaining to the release of property found at the Whitley County Sheriff’s Department following an alleged burglary which was reported on December 21, 2009. This list was compiled internally by the Whitley County Sheriff's Department with the assistance of Special Agents with the [ATF]. Not all of these firearms are believed to be stolen, but the firearms still need to be accounted for by law enforcement. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea who says: "Maybe the "Only Ones" ought to hold a "buyback." For once, the term would be accurate."

FL: Ex-Miami Beach cop Adam Tavss kills two, gets caught with drugs, and earns a nice payout
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Kill two men in four days under shady circumstances. Get caught with drugs in your system and suspended from work."

"Walk away from it all with $17,242.46."

"Not a bad deal, right?"

"That's exactly how much Adam Tavss, a former Miami Beach cop, earned from taxpayers when he quietly resigned from the police force in late November amid an indefinite suspension over a failed drug test."

"Family members of the two men Tavss shot while on duty last June are fuming that city rules didn't prevent the wayward officer from earning his full payout from unused vacation and sick time and from his pension fund." ...

The threat posed by humans to the natural environment is nothing compared to the threat to humans posed by global environmental policy. — FRED L. SMITH (1992)

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