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Newslinks for 1/14/2011

Bill Maher slanders NRA, gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Nice. Good, responsible men and women who as a matter of course exhibit self control are equated with degenerates who exercise none. Typical. The citizen disarmament crowd is employing 'tone down the rhetoric' like it's some virtue they alone have championed while their lying spokesmen are out there on national television ginning up hate-fueled divisiveness." ...

Does Texas gun shop tie in with Project Gunwalker?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "But here's what my source tells me will validate the earlier reports we've discussed in this column, and the reason for this update: 'This needs to be before congress. If they issue a subpoena, the former attach to Mexico will confirm it all.'" ...

Most Say Stricter Gun Laws Would Not Help Prevent Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most Americans say stronger gun control laws are not the answer to the shootings last weekend of a U.S. congresswoman and the killing of six others."

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, taken Monday and Tuesday nights, finds that only 29% of Adults think stricter gun control laws would help prevent shootings like the one in Arizona last Saturday. Sixty-two percent (62%) disagree and say stronger gun control would not make a difference. (To see survey question wording, click here.)" ...

Tuscon Atrocity: More Than One Crackpot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we wait to learn more about the mass murderer in Tucson and as we extend thoughts and prayers to his victims and their families, and congratulations to the four courageous citizens, one of them armed, who stopped the massacre we saw people with their own political agendas dancing in the blood of the victims before it had time to dry at the murder scene." ...

Magazine bans and unintended consequences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Missouri has no laws limiting magazine capacity. The same is true in Illinois, although not for lack of effort on the part of the gun prohibitionists in the state legislature ... St. Louis area gun owners who think that they're safe from such an abomination as a magazine capacity limit law, though, need to pay attention to the volume of rhetoric pushing for a federal ban ..." ...

"In the meantime, though, we are seeing what we always see when new restrictions on gun ownership are proposed: more people buying that which the prohibitionists want banned. From USA TODAY:" ...

Safer Streets 2011: Conservatives now reaching for gun control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The liberals, we expect to be anti-gun. They want to grow government so they eliminate liberty's safeguards one by one and try to replace you with officials or some policy."

"And when you complain and use your first amendment rights of redress of grievances, they try and shut you up."

"But, Golly, Batman, what do you do when conservatives start thinking like liberals right after they've been elected and seated?" ...

Baum Blasts Ballistic Bullies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we talk about a new ban on large-capacity magazines, lets consider the history. Back during the 1994-2004 'assault weapons ban,' Congress never banned large-capacity magazines. It banned their manufacture and import. If you had one, you were as free as can be to use it and even sell it. Between the time Congress passed the law and the day the law went into effect and even during the debate over it manufacturers cranked them out by the gazillion to get them grandfathered in. It's entirely possible that the 'ban' put more large-capacity magazines on the street than would have been there without the ban." ...

What Do We Do With People Who We Believe Are Insane But Haven't Killed Anyone?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... We believe that the murders in Tucson were more than 90 percent the consequence of the shooter`s insanity, and less than 10 percent due to the political climate. We know he was crazy, but he did fix on this Congresswoman as the object of his twisted rage. We cannot measure the precise components of his delusions, but those who say the crime was primarily the result of Arizona`s loose gun laws and political climate are less accurate, in our judgment, than those who attribute it mainly to the shooter`s schizophrenia. ...

Uncivil and dishonest public discourse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama gave an uplifting and inspiring speech last night in Tucson, at the memorial ceremony for the victims and heroes of the tragedy. Obamas words were meant to soothe the helplessness and anger Americans were experiencing due to the killings. In one segment of the speech, he attempted to show how we need to approach solutions to the problem of a madman acting on his own." ...

Loose cannons in the media are wrong to place blame for Tucson attack on anyone but the killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Within minutes of learning of the tragic mass murder in Tuscon, Arizona last Saturday, the establishment media began shooting from the hip on who they thought was to blame. They knew nothing about the killer, but it was clear they were cocked and ready with a template that fit their jaded view of anyone who owns a gun."

"Reporters were loaded for bear. Without even a shred of proof the delusional killer had seen Sarah Palin's election-related political comments, or had ever listened to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, they began shooting off at the mouth, saying that "incendiary" language from Palin, Limbaugh and members of the TEA Party was to blame for what had happened. They had decided to shoot first, and asked questions later." ...

Gun Review: Beretta 92A1 (Civilian M9A1)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1526, Bartolomeo Beretta received an order from the Venice Arsenal for 185 harquebus barrels, for which he was paid 296 ducats (around $45,992 in todays money). That original bill of sale is still on film in the companys archives. Almost 500 years later, Beretta is one of the oldest manufacturing companies in the world,. The storied gunmakers getting ready to celebrate its twenty-fifth Anniversary as the U.S. Armed Forces supplier of the M9 Combat Pistol. Today, the company is still owned and operated with a Beretta at the helm." ...

Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until You Shoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun guru Gabe Suarez and I got into it a bit when I called him insane. Setting aside any question of whether or not Mr. Suarezs past behavior indicates less than robust mental health (Jesus loves him this I know), I took Suarez to task for suggesting that a shooter should keep his finger on the trigger whilst pointing a gun at a bad guy, when not in the actual process of shooting them. This struck me as the worst kind of advice: the kind that can get innocent people killed. Again, Suarez knows more about gunfighting than Ill ever know. But that doesnt make him right. In fact, in this, Suarez is dead wrong. First, lets take another look at what he actually said on the subject on his blog . . ." ...

Buzz Builds for Kel-Tec KSG 12ga Twin-Tube Bullpup Shotgun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG loved it some Kel-Tech Sub-2000. Capt. John Raguso reckoned it was a far better choice for home defense than a shotgun: less recoil, more bullets, wieldy as a pen knife, foldable for bug-out duty, accurate, cheap, lovely! ... Anyway, the Sub-2000s a hit. Not a runaway success, but a solid hit. But this, THIS is monster . . ." ...


America's 25-year love affair with Glocks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "For a company that has been doing business in the United States for only a quarter century one of its competitors has been in business in America since 1852 Glock has been remarkably successful. Glock declines to provide specific sales figures, but the company is the leader in handgun sales to American police departments indeed, a whopping 65 percent of them use Glock guns. On top of that, it has considerable global sales and remains popular with the private citizens who buy most of the guns in the United States." ...

Kel-Tec Shotgun (KSG)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The KSG is our first entry into the shotgun market. The size, shape and design are similar to the currently available Kel-Tec RFB rifle, but the KSG ejects downward, instead of forward. The KSG weighs 6.9lbs and is as compact as legally possible with a 26.1" overall length and an 18.5" cylinder bore barrel. Even with this compact size, the internal dual tube magazines hold an impressive 14 rounds of 12 gage 2-3/4" rounds (7 per tube). The simple and reliable pump action feeds from either the left or right tube ..." ...

Handgun epidemic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I do not believe that Sarah Palin and her blather about 'reloading' or Sharron Angle, she of 'Second Amendment solutions,' have anything to do with the gunning down of innocents in Arizona. ..."

"What bothers me is people, sane and insane, with guns, better ones, another manifestation of technological revolution. What bothers me is the cowardice of national leaders and other politicians who allow people to carry around those weapons on the streets, in restaurants and bars. That's the great American craziness." ...

Submitter's Note: At least he is up front in stating that he doesn't want anyone, 'sane or insane', to have guns.

After Tucson: Why Are the Mentally Ill Still Bearing Arms?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the handgun ban in the nation's capital in 2008, Representative Gabrielle Giffords applauded the ruling ... she has always been pro-gun, and she represents a state with a history of proud gun ownership and lax gun laws."

"So there is at least a touch of irony to the fact that her name is being invoked, following her attempted assassination on Saturday, in calls for tighter gun control ..." ...

KABA Note: Unsurprisingly Time fails to mention that the Tuscon shooter had never been adjudicated as mentally ill. So what they are advocating is denying peoples' civil rights based on a suspicion that they might, someday, be dangerous.

Gun crazy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Guns have one essential purpose: to put holes in things; often people. It can be argued that putting holes in deer or elk for meat is reasonable; that equipping cops and soldiers with the ability to administer holes is reasonable; and that allowing people to put holes in targets for recreation is reasonable. But the ability to deliver holes represents an awesome power the power to kill, quickly and impersonally. Saying such power should hardly be regulated at all the NRA's basic stance is ridiculous and irresponsible. Even the most ardent gun-control advocates aren't saying normal, law-abiding citizens can't have weapons for whatever reason. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: True; in their Heller brief the Brady Bunch was not opposed to all guns, just all handguns. And they weren't opposed to long guns as long as those remained unloaded and inoperable.

Wackos bearing arms
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Granted, it's the gun lobby's world, and we only live in it - and sometimes, as in the case of the Arizona shootings, we also die in it. So goes the American culture. Yet it still seems wrong that a nutjob who was considered too dangerous for a math class, and who was viewed by the military as too dangerous to tote a weapon, could nonetheless be judged, under federal law and the state of Arizona, as sufficiently fit to speedily obtain a semiautomatic Glock down at the local chain store." ...

KABA Note: Yeah that whole pesky "innocent until proven guilty" thing is so passe'

What if 31 Shots Had Been Only 10?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Tucson shooter's killing frenzy finally came to an end on Saturday after he allegedly emptied his semiautomatic Glock handgun of its 31 bullets. According to witness reports, as he was changing the clip, a wounded woman tried to grab the gun from him. His next shot jammed before two men wrestled him to the ground." ...

KABA Note: Yeah, like 10 vs. 31 would make a difference.

Who needs a gun with a 33-round magazine?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'There's a lot of dispute and emotion back and forth about the Tucson shooting, but no one seems to be disagreeing that if (Loughner) didn't have a 33-bullet clip[sic], fewer people would have been shot. That seems to be a given,' said William Harwood shortly after emerging Thursday afternoon from a meeting with fellow board members of Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence." ...

Submitter's Note: HORSEHOCKEY! If the shooter (I refuse to sully my keyboard with his name) had had 4 10-round mags, more people might have been shot. Indeed, if he'd been limited to 10 round mags, maybe he would have practiced reloading so that bystanders wouldn't have been able to stop him when he paused to reload.

How to cut gun death toll
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The assassination attempt and mass killing in Tucson, Arizona, last Saturday was reportedly committed with a Glock 9 mm semiautomatic handgun equipped with a high-capacity magazine that held 31 bullets." ...

Documentary highlights gun control topic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the recent Arizona shooting, a documentary shown on Stanford's campus Thursday night highlighted the topic of gun control. The film is called, 'Living For 32.' It documents the recovery of one of the shooting victims after the Virginia Tech massacre and his mission to create more gun control."

"'I was shot four times. Once above my knee, through both my hips and through my shoulder,' said Colin Goddard, a Virginia Tech shooting victim." ...

Submitter's Note: And being a defenseless target provided you exactly what expertise in the field of gun control Colin?

CBS Poll: Support For Stricter Gun Laws Spikes After Tucson Rampage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The number of Americans who favor stricter gun laws has spiked significantly in the wake of the weekend shooting spree that killed six and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in critical condition, reversing a long-running trend of declining support for more stringent gun control, according to a new CBS poll." ...

FL: Man shoots attacking dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" A man shot and killed a dog after he watched it attack a woman out for a walk with her own pet." ...

"Neighbor Dan Rumbley said he saw everything happening, grabbed his gun and shot and killed the dog who was attacking the Dalmatian and the owner. 'I was working around the house when I heard some dogs barking and a girl screaming, and I came outside to see what was happening, and when I arrived to the scene, two dogs were fighting and one of the dogs had the girl's arm in his mouth,' he said." ...

NV: Bar employee shoots robbery suspect in SW valley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "An employee armed with a weapon went outside to get a good look at the suspect's vehicle when the suspect fired at the employee, Metro Police said. Gunfire was then exchanged and the suspect was hit in the chest." ...

GA: Pistol-packin' manager answers robber with hot lead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dougherty County woman's workday started with a shootout with a couple of armed robbers. She was grazed by a bullet, but she's sure she shot that gunman too ..." ...

"Dihanna McCullock says she is a fighter, and Thursday she proved it. Two men, one armed with a knife and one with a gun, attacked her. She always wears a gun on her hip for protection, and she says there is no doubt it saved her life." ...

VA: Va. justices uphold gun ban at GMU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"George Mason Universitys prohibition against guns in campus buildings and at sports and entertainment events does not violate the state or U.S. constitutions, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday." ...

Huh? Nancy Pelosi Calls Arizona Shooting "Tragic Accident" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Guns in Capitol Building Being Considered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress may consider guns in Capitol building to be carried by Congressmen and Congresswomen. Should legislators be armed against the public, or is this ridiculous? Leave it to a Texan to think of this." ...

Submitter's Note: Given my legislators' assumption that anyone with a gun will start shooting people over parking spots, no I don't think they should carry guns, but (and here's the kicker) it isn't for me to make that decision for them!

A Clamor for Gun Limits, but Few Expect Real Changes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has gone uncommonly dark since the weekend shootings here. A posting on its Web site expresses sympathies for the victims of the violence, and N.R.A. officials said they would have nothing to say until the funerals and memorial services were over."

"In Washington, bills were being drafted to step up background checks, create no-gun zones around members of Congress and ban the big-volume magazines that allowed the Tucson gunman to shoot so many bullets so fast. Gun control advocates say they believe the shock of the attack has altered the political atmosphere, in no small part because one of the victims is a member of Congress." ...

After Dem shift, little chance for new gun controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first federal gun control law was passed in 19681 after the assassinations of the Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and the Brady bill mandating background checks on gun purchases was enacted in the years following the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1981. But don't look for any new gun control laws coming out of Capitol Hill in the wake of the Tucson shooting rampage."

"The reason is not only the new Republican majority in the House it's that the Democrats have traveled far from what was once one of their core legislative goals." ...

1: Um, no, it wasn't, the NFA preceded the GCA of '68 by almost 40 years.

WA: Legislature must roll back the clock to save WDFW, resource
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington Fish & Wildlife Director Phil Anderson is currently making the rounds to discuss the agencys budget woes ..." ...

"In 1980, according to data from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, this state fielded 360,684 paid license-holding hunters. By 1990, that number had slipped to 268,653 license holders and in 2000, USFWS data shows 214,969 paid license holders. The number in 2010 was 209,050 (up from the 194,308 licenses reported for 2005, according to the USFWS website)."

"What has happened?"

"Regulations have changed, seasons have been shifted to reduce opportunity and harvest, and a lot of hunters are convinced theyve gotten more than one raw deal from the agency they once trusted." ...

NE: New version of 'castle doctrine' bill introduced
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"State senators may see another "castle doctrine" attempt with Wednesday's introduction of a bill by Sen. Mark Christensen of Imperial."

"Christensen's bill (LB298) amends Nebraska's self-protection law to remove a person's duty to retreat before using deadly force to protect herself or himself against death, serious injury, kidnapping or rape." ...

IA: Concealed Guns Still Allowed in Woodbury County Buildings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun control is a controversial issue no matter how you look at it."

"Tuesday, a plan to ban weapons from all Woodbury County buildings like the courthouse grabbed lots of attention."

"A standing room only crowd showed up to protest the Woodbury County's Attorney plan to keep guns off County Property." ...

IA: Firearms ordinance for Vinton city property seems unlikely
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An ordinance governing guns on city property was not on the agenda for Thursday nights city council meeting."

"And the informal discussion among council members and city leaders at the end of the meeting seems to indicate that such an ordinance will not be on the agenda any time soon." ...

NH: N.H. lawmakers debate gun ban repeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, N.H. House of Representatives rule makers voted to lift a ban on firearms in the Statehouse. Saturday's deadly mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., now has some New Hampshire legislators who opposed the change calling even more loudly to put the ban back in place." ...

IA: Spencer Supervisors ban guns, weapons in county buildings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a unanimous move by the Clay County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, the county's governing board approved a resolution, submitted by Clay County Attorney Mike Houchins, banning firearms and dangerous weapons from county property."

"'I don't think we would have probably enacted anything had it not been brought to our attention by our sheriff,' said Joe Skow, Clay County Board of Supervisors chairman." ...

IA: Clinton looks at legality of weapon-free zone
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Tucson tragedy, recent near-misses and new Iowa gun laws bring up talk about banning weapons in public places. While Fort Madison rejected and Keokuk tabled the concept recently, Clinton could be considering a weapon-free zone in coming weeks." ...

KABA Note: From IA Statutes 724.7:

"All permits so issued shall be for a period of five years and shall be valid throughout the state except where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law." [emphasis added]

And, Section 724.28:

"A political subdivision of the state shall not enact an ordinance regulating the ownership, possession, legal transfer, lawful transportation, registration, or licensing of firearms when the ownership, possession, transfer, or transportation is otherwise lawful under the laws of this state. ..."

And they claim to be worried about permit holders breaking the law?!?

CO: School board plans to violate state law and ban "legal" guns at meetings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Emotions ran high at the emergency work session held by the District 6 Board of Education to discuss ways to prevent Board-member Brett Reese from legally carrying a weapon to board meetings. Reese informed John Gates, head of district security, that he would be carrying his weapon after receiving death threats." ...

FBI, SWAT Arrest Border Patrol Agent
Submitted by: Federale

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"FBI and SWAT agents raided the San Ysidro home of Border Patrol agent Marcos Gerardo Manzano Jr. late Monday morning and found an illegal immigrant [his father] in his home." ...

MI: Lansing police officer, charged in drive-off, accused of writing bad checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lansing police officer already facing charges that he drove off from a gas station without paying was charged Wednesday with passing bad checks." ...

MA: Weymouth cop arraigned, records stay sealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Weymouth Police Officer Steven Gomez was released on his own recognizance after being arraigned on two counts of indecent assault and battery Wednesday morning in Wrentham District Court."

"Judge Kathryn Hand ordered Gomez to stay away from the 38-year-old Weymouth woman who claims he sexually assaulted her while he was intoxicated at a Norfolk County Police Prosecutors Association party in November ..." ...

FL: Police Dept. Calls Officer's Actions "Unsafe"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say a grainy video shows a Sanford police officer threatening a car full of people with a gun, but then he charged the driver with attempted murder. Now, police admit the officer blew the case out of proportion."

"But, the officer is not being fired; he's being re-trained." ...

OH: Erie County Sheriff's lieutenant fights suspension
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Erie County Sheriff's supervisor has been given a five-day suspension after he failed to respond to a rape case."

"Lt. John Longbrake, a 29-year veteran, has filed a grievance fighting the unpaid suspension, scheduled to be served from 10 p.m. Sunday until 6 a.m. Friday." ...

GA: Officer Accused In Underage Sex Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A DeKalb County police officer was arrested Tuesday in connection with allegations of sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old girl, police said." ...

"Quevius Thornton, 29, was charged with two counts of statutory rape, one count of aggravated child molestation and one count of child molestation. He was being held at the DeKalb County Jail." ...

NC: Sheriff's daughter gets a rare deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The daughter of Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison has made an unusual deal with prosecutors in Johnston County that may allow her to avoid being punished for drug trafficking charges."

"Paula Harrison pleaded guilty to the charges in a Smithfield courtroom last week, but was granted a prayer for judgment continued, or PJC, that defers any punishment in exchange for meeting certain conditions outlined by prosecutors. ..." ...

December sees 9.9% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI has released its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figures for December 2010. NSSF-adjusted figures (1,133,371) show a 9.9 percent increase over NSSF-adjusted figures from December 2009 (1,031,344)." ...

Firearms sales surge in US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sales of firearms have surged in the United States following the recent shooting in Arizona."

"The most dramatic increase in sales has been reported in Ohio, where weapons sales went up 65 percent against the same period last year." ...

CA: State cracks down on handgun ammo sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Right now, law enforcement officials have no idea who buys handgun ammunition in California or how much. That will change on Feb. 1, unless a court intervenes."

"Under a new law, those buying handgun ammunition will have to provide dealers with a thumbprint, photo identification, address and birth date."

"The thrust of the law is to make it easier for police to investigate or prevent gun crimes by tracking bullet purchases by those already barred from possessing guns ..." ...

Submitter's Note: No, the thrust of the law is to make the regulations so onerous and expensive that no one will want to be in the business of selling guns or ammo.

OR: Changes Coming To Background Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the shootings in Arizona and the inevitable efforts by the vultures to capitalize on the victims, things have been busy in the world of gun rights. Buckle up, this is going to be an uncomfortable ride. That being said we do want to pass along some potential good news." ...

MN: Patch Examines: Guns in City Hall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When state legislators were debating changes to concealed carry law nearly six years ago, Edina Mayor Jim Hovland fought hard to ensure local officials still had the power to ban guns from city buildings."

"He recalls testifying to legislators against the changes, but what sticks out in his memory is the staggering number of residents from rural areas of the state lobbying to convince the legislature otherwise."

"At the time, Edina City Council also passed a resolution supporting the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association's stance discouraging passage of the concealed carry law."

"They lost that fight." ...

CA: Put prison dollars to better use
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the Arizona shootings, I suspect that we will again hear from misguided groups seeking to restrict our Second Amendment rights. Those calling for more restrictive laws will be ignoring the real problem. Guns are tools and not problems. Our inability or willingness to eliminate the mad dog criminals from society is the trouble. In minimizing personal responsibility for criminal acts, we accept excuses and falsehoods that incarcerate rather than eliminate the problems." ...

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

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