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Newslinks for 1/14/2012

SAF, ANJRPC Will Appeal New Jersey Right-to-carry Ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation and Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs will appeal a federal judge's ruling Friday that 'the Second Amendment does not include a general right to carry handguns outside the home.'" ...

"Particularly disturbing to Gottlieb was Judge Walls' comment, 'The Supreme Court has found limitations on the scope of a constitutional right outside the home in the First Amendment context, recognizing a right to privately possess obscene materials in the home but allowing the states broad power to regulate obscenity outside the home.'"

"'He appears to suggest the right to keep and bear arms is an obscenity,' Gottlieb said. ..." ...

CSGV demands information from gun industry; not from Holder, Clinton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This Monday, Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), published what he presumably hopes to pass as an 'exposé' of supposedly deceitful claims by the gun industry about the sustained boom in sales. Horwitz writes in the Huffington Post:" ...

The Dirty Dozen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As 2012 begins, it's important to take note of groups that are working against your opportunities to hunt, trap, fish and enjoy the outdoors. To that effect, here is what we call The Dirty Dozen:" ...

Clarity of vision despite the beer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Who dare tread on these shores? You see, it was never about duck hunting or putting food on the table. Nor was it even about crime prevention or personal protection. It’s all about national security. Don’t think so? The Japanese Navy, having laid waste to our fleet at Pearl Harbor — and nothing between them and our California coast — dare not invade. American citizens shipped hundreds of thousands of guns to the British so they could defend themselves against imminent Nazi invasion. Those guns were destroyed, ironically, by the British government after instituting firearms bans in the 1990s. And since then their gun crime rate has risen 400 percent." ...

Gone Without A Trace? (video advert)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Object Lesson: Klamath Indian Rifle (video available)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"One of the Klamath County Museum's newest acquisitions still baffles its staff."

"It's a Remington Rolling Block rifle with a wooden exterior, covered in marks and scratches that suggest it dates back more than 100 years."

"Of most interest to museum manager Todd Kepple is an etching near the rifle's shoulder stock. It reads: 'Klamath Indian Reservation.'" ...

New from ARMATAC: Quad Magazine (video advert)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Sig Sauer P224
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New for 2012 is the Sig Sauer P224 the first ever subcompact classic series Sig. Excerpt from the Sig press release:" ...

Betty got her gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ment rights of all red-blooded, responsible Americans to arm themselves to the teeth."

"The notion that the gun lobby exists to protect rights granted by the Founding Fathers is almost laughable in its transparency. Expensive lobbyists don't traditionally hustle for grand principles. What the NRA is really protecting is the arms merchant's ability to rake in obscene profits from the carnage that it both promotes and sustains." ...

Submitter's Note: My permit class instructor said, repeatedly, "Guns do not solve problems, but they may allow you to exchange one set of problems for a different set."

FL: 82 Year Old Homeowner Shoots & Kills Mask Man w/ WW2 Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An 82 year old Florida homeowner shot and killed an armed, masked man trying to break into his home. The gun used is described as a 'Russian World War II Gun'. The robber was a career criminal responsible for multiple robberies in the area."

"The suspected robber was described as a 24 year old man armed with what could have been several lethal weapons. ..." ...

Have Gun? Don't Travel!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ryan Jerome probably regrets he tried to follow the law. As the Daily Caller reported on January 3rd, Jerome, a Marine, was in New York City on business when he decided to visit that most iconic of landmarks: the Empire State building. He walked into the building, noticed a 'no guns' sign, and tried to check his weapon with the security guard. The guard called the police—it turns out that New York City has remarkably strict weapons laws, and does not recognize out-of-city licenses—and now Jerome faces up to 15 years in prison, and a 'mandatory minimum' of 3.5 years for the 'violent felony' of carrying a loaded weapon. He carries a valid concealed carry permit in Indiana, but no matter. ..." ...

Glock of the ‘walk’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tea Party activist busted at La Guardia Airport trying to place his California-licensed handgun into checked baggage got off with a disorderly-conduct charge yesterday."

"Mark Meckler’s no-jail deal comes as city district attorneys are grappling with a growing number of otherwise law-abiding gun owners who accidentally run afoul of New York’s strict gun-control regulations."

"'Apparently, this happens to hundreds of people per year in New York City,' Meckler ... fumed on his Web site after court today."

"Similar recent high-profile arrests have sparked calls in the Legislature and by The Post to re-examine New York’s tough 2006 gun law, which critics say fails to properly account for criminal intent." ...

Bloomberg’s Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the most disturbing features of the US justice system is its ever more grotesque loss of proportion, at the federal level and in far too many states and municipalities. On his radio show this week, Derb discusses the case of Meredith Graves, the Tennessee nurse who, upon visiting the 9/11 memorial in New York and seeing the signs forbidding firearms, asked the staff if she could check her pistol (lawful and licensed in her home state). She was handcuffed, arrested, and now faces three and a half years in jail for firearms possession – for the crime of being unaware that the Second Amendment does not apply in New York City." ...

Meredith Graves Arrested For Accidentally Breaking NYC Gun Law, Could Face Three Years in Prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Meredith Graves, a 39-year-old nurse and medical student from Tennessee, was in Manhattan with her husband on Dec. 22 when they decided to visit the 9/11 Memorial to pay their respects to those who were killed."

"What she didn't realize was that she was no longer in America. She was in New York City." ...

"Seeing signs banning firearms at the memorial, Graves ... dutifully asked a police officer where she could check her pistol."

"Graves was immediately arrested and hauled off in handcuffs. She now faces a gun possession charge ..."

"Her arrest and pending prison sentence has touched off a nationwide firestorm of angst and anger, exposing the need for a national right-to-carry reciprocity ..." ...

Groan..not again! Operation ‘White Gun’ another ATF foul-up?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Los Angeles Times is reporting that yet another gun trafficking sting operation mounted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives called 'White Gun' possibly allowed guns to 'get away' into Mexico."

"The Times notes that White Gun had been 'previously unreported.' It appears to have been on a much smaller scale, and the newspaper says there were three arrests." ...

Breaking Gunwalker news--Dem announces DHS probe, Border Patrol head resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several breaking stories regarding the Project Gunwalker scandal, also known as Operation Fast and Furious, indicate that the investigation into the scandal is set to vastly intensify. Senator Joe Lieberman, long-time Democrat who is now an Independent but caucuses with Democrats, has announced a probe into Department of Homeland Security 'mis-communication' with other agencies involved in the scandal. At roughly the same time as the Lieberman announcement, Border Patrol head Alan D. Bersin suddenly and unexpectedly tendered his resignation."

"Lieberman chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee." ...

ATF Officials Involved in Fast and Furious Reprimanded (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cam Edwards talks to Katie Pavlich from about the recent suspension of ATF individuals responsible for Fast & Furious on NRA News…" ...

ATF Death Watch 132: Operation White Gun Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On yesterday's John Gibson radio show, a caller defended presidential candidate Ron Paul's plan to eliminate the CIA. The caller repeated Paul's claims that the CIA is helping drug smugglers ply their trade in the United States. The talk show host pressed the cuckoo clock sound effect and dropped the call. Yes, well, the facts speak for themselves: the CIA has a long and well-documented history of 'enabling' drug trade to support our 'friends' in Bolivia, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and, of course, Mexico . . ."

"Even if the Company didn’t plan Operation Fast and Furious—the ATF program that channeled some 2000 U.S. gun store guns to Mexican drug thugs—the CIA certainly knew about it. ..." ...

Why Couldn't He Have Done This Earlier (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I saw this video of Gov. Rick Perry shooting at the Palmetto State Armory range in Ridgeland, South Carolina, I thought to myself, 'Why did he have to participate in all those stupid 'debates' when he should have just been doing this?'" ...

Newt's New Plan of Attack: Hit Mitt on Abortion, Guns, and Taxes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After spending days locked in a bitter fight with some conservatives over his attacks on Mitt Romney as a corporate raider, Newt Gingrich made it clear tonight that he wants to change the topic and get back to attacking Romney from the right. Calling Romney 'too liberal for South Carolina,' Gingrich told reporters Friday evening that over the next few days there are 'going to essentially be, I think, three themes' of his campaign. Gingrich then made the case against Romney on abortion, guns, and taxes:" ...

Submitter's Note: Like Newt is any great shakes on guns. As you can see here, he supported the Lautenberg Amendment, supported Nancy Pelosi in passing Gun Free School Zones, and supported a national thumbprint database for gun owners.

Rick Perry’s Morning at the Gun Range and Five Guys
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In between campaign stops this morning, Texas Gov. Rick Perry squeezed in some time for a little target practice at a local gun range and a bite at Five Guys. Clad in his navy-blue 'Perry President' fleece jacket, black ear protection and plastic glasses, Perry shot two weapons: a Ruger SR9 and a Palmetto State Armory AR-15." ...

Issue shrugged off by Romney, Huntsman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun ownership rights group says voters need to do their homework before deciding who should sit in the Oval Office."

"The Gun Owners of America (GOA) says it is working hard to inform the electorate about Republican candidate Mitt Romney's position on the Second Amendment. Michael Hammond, political consultant and general counsel for the GOA, says Romney has refused to respond to the organization's gun rights questionnaire." ...

Presidential Candidate’s Record On Guns Guide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the South Carolina, Florida and Nevada Presidential nominating contests soon upon us, I wanted to give you a quick update on the NAGR Presidential Survey program."

"As you know, NAGR has mailed every candidate for President an official NAGR Gun Rights Survey."

"Ron Paul is the only remaining Republican candidate who has returned his survey 100% in favor of gun rights." ...

"I have serious concerns about Romney, Santorum, Gingrich and Perry. It’s their records that worry me."

"Let me take a minute or two right now to remind you about the positions of the four Presidential candidates who have so far refused to return their National Association for Gun Rights Presidential Survey." ...

Orrin Hatch Fighting Pro-gun Challengers in Re-Election Efforts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two pro-gun conservatives recently announced they were running against Utah Senator Orrin Hatch."

"This is welcome news for gun owners. In a Senate career that has lasted more than thirty five years, Hatch has not been a particularly good friend of the Second Amendment."

"During negotiations over the 1986 McClure-Volkmer Firearms Owners Protection Act – designed to protect gun owners from abuses of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms -- Hatch sat at the negotiating table next to officials of the ATF and argued against the pro-gun positions of Sen. Jim McClure." ...

VA: Repeal Virginia's Handgun Rationing Law? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this week, Cam Edwards interviewed Dave Adams of the Virginia Shooting Sports Association about the potential repeal of Virginia's one-a-month handgun rationing law."

"As Dave notes, when he pointed out to an anti that when South Carolina repealed a similar law to Virginia's and it hadn't increased crime in South Carolina, she couldn't answer his question as to why Virginia even needed the law."

"That says it all."

NJ: New Jersey Legislation to Repeal Gun Rationing Introduced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Tuesday, the first day of the 215th session of the New Jersey Legislature, Assembly Bill 857 was introduced."

"Introduced by Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose (R-24), A 857 would repeal New Jersey's law which allows residents to purchase only one handgun per month."

"Current law states, 'A dealer shall not knowingly deliver more than one handgun to any person within any 30-day period.'"

"Supporters of gun rationing claim that this law is needed to prevent criminals from buying large quantities of handguns for illegal resale."

"The following are three reasons why gun rationing should be repealed:" ...

2nd Amendment v. Stupid NJ Gun Laws - The 1st Court Opinion
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On January 12th, United States Senior District Judge William H. Walls handed down his opinion of the civil law suit I like to call the 2nd Amendment v. Stupid NJ Gun Laws. ... The guy has the proper credentials for squashing the 2nd Amendment. And squash it he did."

"Billy is a mere stepping stone on our way to freedom. Not being a constitutional lawyer myself, I still see some gems in his opinion ... Billy quotes some 1970's case that probably sums up the whole game plan of idiot lawmakers & dumb judges."
"'[T]he overriding philosophy of [the New Jersey] legislature is to limit the use of guns as much as possible.'"
"... What a genius. At least we have it it writing now. That is the actual reason for all the dumb gun laws ..." ...

A Second Amendment-ish Victory for People Who Had Been Temporarily Committed to Mental Institutions with No Adversary Proceedings
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"In today's United States v. Rehlander ... the First Circuit revisited and narrowed its precedents related to ... the statute that bars gun possession by people who had at some point been 'committed to a mental institution' — in light of the Second Amendment:" ...

"Heller now adds a constitutional component. Although the right established in Heller is a qualified right, the right to possess arms (among those not properly disqualified) is no longer something that can be withdrawn by government on a permanent and irrevocable basis without due process. Ordinarily, to work a permanent or prolonged loss of a constitutional liberty or property interest, an adjudicatory hearing, including a right to offer and test evidence if facts are in dispute, is required. ..." ...

Judge Upholds ATF Gun Rule for SW Border States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge has upheld a rule proposed by the ATF to track multiple gun sales in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico in a lawsuit brought by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and two gun dealers in Arizona." ...

Sipsey Street Exclusive: The curious case of Serial Number A6042075. What exactly did the ATF & DOJ tell the grand jury in U.S. vs. Clark?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... A member of the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians, Alvin Wombat, provides this analysis:"

"I did a bit of serious nosing and reliably determined the following:"

"There is, absolutely, a sub rosa agenda by SOME people at ATF (I am not using a broad brush here) to systematically remove all of the registered/existing machine guns from civilians. The interpretation by SOME at ATF, fostered equally by ATF Counsel and SOME ATF Special Agents, is that the law was not enacted to preserve ownership of these existing machine guns, but instead to forcibly reduce the existing supply of transferable machine guns until it reaches zero." ...

NC: Cops Believe North Carolina Inmate Hid 10-Inch Revolver In His Rectum. Luckily, It Was Unloaded.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man arrested this week in North Carolina may have stashed a .38 [caliber 4"] barrel revolver in his rectum, according to police, who reported that the unloaded 10-inch weapon was not discovered until after the suspect had been booked into a cell in the county jail." ...

IL: Deputy U.S. marshal indicted in Chicago for alleged civil rights violations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A deputy U.S. marshal was indicted Thursday in Chicago for civil rights violations in connection with two separate incidents in which he allegedly assaulted a handcuffed civilian, according to the Justice Department."

"Stephen Linder, 36, was indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly punching and choking a handcuffed man in July 2010. Linder is also accused of obstructing justice in the case by trying to persuade another official to withhold evidence of the assault."

"In addition, Linder was indicted for allegedly head-butting a handcuffed man in May 2008 and with obstructing justice by allegedly persuading another officer to withhold evidence of the assault." ...

NY: A Brooklyn police officer responding to a robbery shoots and kills an armed man allegedly rushing to defend his home from intruders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Brooklyn cop responding to a robbery mortally wounded an armed man with a single shot to the chest, police said Friday."

"Only after Duane Browne died did investigators learn that he had been racing to help his drug-dealing half-brother when he ran into the cops, police said."

"Browne was apparently unaware that his sibling, Dale Ogarro, had already fled the house through a back door and was talking to officers."

"And Ogarro didn’t tell the police until it was too late that the two men who had tried to rob him had already escaped out the front door in the Thursday night chaos, police said." ...

VA: Hopewell officer faces sex charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Hopewell police officer was arrested and charged with forcible sodomy Thursday, according to the Virginia State Police."

"The charge against Mark D. Baggett, 34, of the 500 block of MacArthur Avenue in Colonial Heights, stems from an Oct. 13 incident in the 4000 block of Old Iron Court in Hopewell that involved a 38-year-old female, said Sgt. Thomas J. Molnar with the state police." ...

NY: Plea Deal for Officer Accused of Civil Rights Violation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A white New York City police officer who was charged with violating the civil rights of a black man on Staten Island has reached an agreement with prosecutors to plead guilty, his lawyer said on Thursday."

"The officer, Michael Daragjati, 32, is scheduled to make the plea on Jan. 24 in Federal District Court in Brooklyn."

"Officer Daragjati was recorded last April using a racial slur to brag about the arrest of the black man, whom prosecutors said the officer had stopped, searched, arrested without cause and falsely accused of resisting arrest." ...

NY: NYPD suspects veteran officer Monty Green moonlighting as a pimp -- Exclusive: Internal Affairs reports cop discussed prostitution-related activities on wiretap
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"NYPD Internal Affairs investigators amassed wiretap and surveillance evidence against a seven-year veteran cop suspected of moonlighting as a pimp, the Daily News has learned."

"Officer Monty Green was taped 'discussing prostitution-related activities,'ť according to an NYPD Internal Affairs investigative report." ...

"Despite the probe, which dates back to 2009, the married cop has stayed on the force."

"He hasn’t been criminally charged, but the NYPD is going after his job." ...

TX: Off-duty Katy officer fired after DWI crash kills a mother, son
Submitted by: jac

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"An off-duty Katy police officer whose truck was involved in a fatal wreck has been fired, the department announced Friday morning." ...

"Parchman, who was suspected of being intoxicated, let another man, Taylor C. McShan, drive his truck, [Asst. Chief] Tyler said."

"Katherine Ann Addison, 48, and her 12-year-old son, Kendall D. Addison Jr., were killed about 2:30 a.m. Thursday on westbound Interstate 10 in Waller County when the truck hit their car after they stopped to fix a flat tire, officials said." ...

TX: Local Cop Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Teenage Explorer Scout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Killeen police officer Kirt Yarbrough Sr., a 16-year-veteran of the department, was arrested Thursday and charged with sexual assault in connection with what authorities described as an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old member of the Killeen Police Department’s Explorer Scout Program." ...

"'This allegation, as dreadful as it is, should not be considered a reflection of the true commitment and dedication the men and women of KPD have toward this community,' [Killeen Police Chief Baldwin] said."

"While the incident that led to the arrest appears to be isolated, the department's Explorer Program, which was established in the 1980s, has been suspended to allow for a review, police said in a press release Thursday." ...

Canada: RCMP to confiscate more guns before registry ends
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With the firearms registry on death's door, the RCMP are using what little time remains to reclassify and seize certain scary-looking guns from Canadian firearms owners."

"Among the guns being seized is a small-calibre varmint rifle called the Armi Jager AP80. Like many non-restricted rifles, it is semi-automatic and fires the .22-calibre bullet, the smallest and weakest used in any long gun."

"The AP80 has been singled out because it looks too much like the infamous AK-47 assault rifle, although it shares no parts or technical similarities with that infamous battle rifle." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: When will our neighbors to the north finally recognize that they live in a police state?

Canada: Canadian Gun Grabbers Gone Wild. Again. Still. (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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CA: Understanding the 'gun issue'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To help Sorab Ghandhi (Dec. 31) understand the 'gun issue,' he should become familiar with the recent Supreme Court rulings regarding Heller and McDonald, which re-affirm the 'individual right to keep and bear arms.' He doesn't understand that the militia mentioned in the Constitution consists of 'any able bodied citizen of the U.S.,' and not just the Army members."

"While I applaud his attempt to understand the Second Amendment, I would like to offer this suggestion to assist him in his 'quest' to become educated about his new country's laws and rights. Google is a great source of information ..." ...

IL: Freeport Public Library to host Second Amendment history lecture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Freeport Public Library will host a lecture by Eric Welch on the Second Amendment at 7 p.m. Jan. 23."

"Welch's lecture will explore the history of the Second Amendment and the different interpretations of it. Welch was the director of the Highland Community College library." ...

OH: Headline: "For protection and fun, more women are learning to shoot"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Toledo Blade is reporting that a growing number of violent crimes, including robberies and home invasions, has Toledo women considering some extra protection." ...

There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. — James Madison

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