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Newslinks for 1/14/2013

A Lesson to be Learned on the Anniversary of Wounded Knee
Submitted by: Anonymous

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December 29, 2012 marked the 122nd Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms "for their own safety and protection". The slaughter began AFTER the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. When the final round had flown, of the 297 dead or dying, two thirds (200) were women and children.

3D Printed 30 Round Magazines
Submitted by: John

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The guys that are working on a 3D printed gun just came out with a 3D printed magazine that can take full auto fire... Click. Print. Shoot... better print one out before they're illegal.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
Submitted by: D. Smith

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A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Precedent Teaches Us The Left Really Wants ALL Our Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When the Supreme Court, or any other court for that matter, makes a ruling in a case they first look for precedent, in other words to see if there has been a court decision rendered on the same subject in the past and usually defer to the old decision in ruling on the case.
The greatest teacher in life is experience; it only takes one time of burning your fingers on a hot stove to know that you never want to touch another one. ...
There is an old saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. ...
I submit to you that what is going on here is the first assault on private gun ownership.

Who Does the NRA Represent?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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On its website, the National Rifle Association claims that it "is not affiliated with any firearm or ammunition manufacturers or with any businesses that deal in guns and ammunition." This is a lie, as a number of recent reports have documented.
In fact, the NRA is primarily a front group for the nation's gun manufacturers. But you wouldn't know it from reading the major media outlets.

Canada: Registering for confiscation (Video)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In this video, Brian Lilley gives an important warning to his American friends: registration of firearms will lead to the confiscation of firearms.

Senator Feinstein's Biggest Fan Page!
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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The gun-grabbing senator from California forgot to register her name as a web address. Now it is a pro-firearm site.

Guns and freedom
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny. And yet, the progressives in both political parties stand ready to use the coercive power of the government to interfere with the exercise of that right by law-abiding persons because of the gross abuse of that right by some crazies in our midst.

KY: Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Control in My County
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Jackson County Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman is making it clear that no law that violates the Constitution will be upheld in his county.
This especially applies to new gun control edicts Obama & Co. are trying to push onto the American people.
Said Peyman: "My office will not comply with any federal action which violates the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore uphold."

Why I Brought Piers Morgan That 'Little Book'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When I appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight to debate gun control on Thursday night, I came armed with a copy of the Constitution of the United States.
I did so for a very simple reason: for too long, the left has been getting away with the lie that they are pro-Second Amendment. Then they proceed to violate the most basic concept of the Second Amendment: that we have a right to keep and bear arms. It is fine to have a rational conversation about how to balance rights with the risk and rewards of particular firearm ownership. But that is not what the left does.

Submitter's comment: Reds don't like this 'Little Book.'

Revenge of the O-Team
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

WASHINGTON — Full disclosure right upfront: I’m a proud life member of the National Rifle Association. I am on the NRA‘s board of directors and serve as chairman of the organization’s Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee. I have owned and used firearms most of my life, and I can read. Unlike some in Washington, I don’t believe that the 27 words above — the Second Amendment of our Constitution — have anything to do with “gun rights.” Guns don’t have rights. I do. So do you.

Dem Senator Mark Begich: I’m “not interested” in a new assault-weapons ban
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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The NYT published a piece last night gently warning the congregation to lower its expectations for a new AWB. That also explains Biden’s conspicuous omission of the ban yesterday when rattling off gun-control measures on which he senses a consensus developing.

DC: D.C. attorney general confirms that law is for the little people
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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No charges will be filed against David Gregory "despite the clarity of the violation of this important law, because under all of the circumstances here a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust."

White House Does Damage Control on NYT Gun-Control Report
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Someone tell Dianne Feinstein: For all the Democrats’ talk about passing another assault-weapons ban, that now appears unlikely to happen.

According to the New York Times, the administration’s prospects of pushing an assault-weapons ban through Congress are slim and, as a result, the White House “is focusing on other measures it deems more politically achievable.”

Dangerous Old Men
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... There are over twenty-five million veterans in the United States ... and most of them are gun owners. ...
You would be surprised at what you can overhear at the VFW, or even the "early bird dinner," for that matter. Thanks to the "War on Terror," there are also many younger combat veterans, many from a lineage of soldiers. They know that old people can be stubborn, and "the government threw grandpa in jail because he didn't turn in his guns" will not go over well. As an older friend of mine whom I see at Denny's on occasion tells me, "I'm just sayin'."

I am the face of the American gun owner
Submitted by: John Boch

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by Marsha Mohr

I am the face of the American gun owner. I am not a monster. I do not want to shoot anyone. Even if you break into my home and threaten my family I do not want to shoot you. I will because you have forced me to, but it is not something I will relish.

Those who have never thought about this don’t realize that when you are forced to do this, you lose a bit of yourself also. Which do you think is more traumatic? Being a bad guy and aggressor, preying on others and eventually getting shot, or being an ordinary person, going about your average life, and suddenly being thrust into a situation where to preserve that ordinary life you are forced to take another.

Sweeping new gun laws proposed by influential liberal think tank
Submitted by: Anonymous

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With President Obama readying an overhaul of the nation’s gun laws, a liberal think tank with singular influence throughout his administration is pushing for a sweeping agenda of strict new restrictions on and federal oversight of gun and ammunition sales.
The Center for American Progress is recommending 13 new gun policies to the White House — some of them executive actions that would not require the approval of Congress — in what amounts to the progressive community’s wish list.

OH: Armed-janitor plan draws mixed reaction from Montpelier parents
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As the mother of three children in Montpelier Exempted Village Schools, Teresa Hickman calls the district’s plan to arm the custodial staff with guns an effective way to prevent incidents like the shootings in Newtown, Conn.
“I don't have a problem with it. With all the shootings going on in these little schools this will make me feel more at peace,” said Mrs. Hickman as she waited Friday in her minivan for her two sons and daughter to be dismissed.
Montpelier schools may be the first in Ohio to ramp up security by authorizing employees to carry weapons.

TX: Robbery victim wants to thank Good Samaritans who came to his rescue
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A couple of strangers came to the rescue when a man was robbed at gunpoint. Now, the victim wants to say thank you to the Good Samaritans.
Police believe the criminal who was canvassing a neighborhood in the 2500 block of Wichita near Hermann Park had no idea what he was in for when he picked his target.

Biden: ‘No silver bullet’ against gun violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday he was “shooting for Tuesday” to get President Barack Obama his recommendations on how to battle an epidemic of gun violence and warned “there’s no silver bullet” to stop the killing.

Submitter's comment: I believe the report will be submitted before the deadline because most of it was already written before the hearings began. Like The Warren Report, its purpose is to provide an excuse for taking predetermined actions.

NY: BReaking News: Attempted Gun Burglary Tied to Journal News Gun Maps
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Today Senator Greg Ball (Patterson – R, C, I) announced that a burglary has been reported on Davis Ave. in White Plains, New York that evidently ties into The Journal News gun maps. It is reported that the burglar used The Journal News’ interactive gun map to target a home included on the map. Luckily the gun was locked up and no one was hurt.

Gabby and Mark: The new 'Bradys' of gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two couples rooted in the American mainstream. Two spouses who were nearly killed by mentally ill gunmen.
The comparisons are striking.
Jim and Sarah Brady were loyal Republicans entrenched in Washington politics: she, the daughter of an FBI agent, and he, a Midwestern Eagle Scout. As Ronald Reagan's press secretary, Jim Brady took a bullet from a would-be presidential assassin, leaving him with a debilitating head wound.
Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords could be considered the ultimate Washington power couple of the 21st century. She's a former red-state Democratic congresswoman, a gun owner and a defender of the Second Amendment. Her ex-astronaut husband is a combat war veteran and the son of retired police officers.

NY: Journal News gun permit map used by burglars to target White Plains home?
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A White Plains residence pinpointed on a controversial handgun permit database was burglarized Saturday, and the burglars' target was the homeowner's gun safe. At least two burglars broke into a home on Davis Avenue at 9:30 p.m. Saturday but were unsuccessful in an attempt to open the safe, which contained legally owned weapons, according to a law enforcement source. One suspect was taken into custody, the source said. The gun owner was not home when the burglary occurred, the source said. The victim, who is in his 70s, told Newsday on Sunday that he did not want to comment while the police investigation continues.

NY: Paper was wrong to publish pistol permits
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Every day journalists have a responsibility to report the news. It’s not something that is taken lightly. Many stories are easy to put together, but sometimes there’s a lot of background work required — especially for in-depth reports — before the final product is produced. It’s a big responsibility. But sometimes you have to be just plain responsible.

NY: Mid-Hudson police officials say more restrictive gun, ammo laws won't solve problem
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The current debate about gun control is emotional, both locally and nationwide, but some area law-enforcement personnel say laws already in place are adequate. They argue that law-abiding citizens are not the problem and that a person who wants to commit a crime will find a way to do so regardless of laws.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.
The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.
The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely.

Sen. Chuck Schumer to call for Walmart and other large gun retailers to voluntarily cease selling assault weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Sen. Chuck Schumer will call for the nation’s largest gun retailers to voluntarily cease selling assault weapons while Congress debates stricter firearms legislation, the Daily News has learned.
Schumer will write to the CEOs of Walmart, the Sports Authority, Gander Mountain and four other national chains, charging that their outlets are putting people’s lives in danger.

Pretend Gun Control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Gun control advocates won't know the difference if we pass laws banning a bunch of made-up things that sound scary.

NY: Gun Show Ignites Opinions
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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As guns old and new decorated tables inside Port Crane's Fire House for an annual gun show, recent gun control debates were on the minds of many. The Port Crane gun show has been running for 10 years, but attendees said they sensed a new attitude this year.

NY: Despite Protests, Gun Show in Upstate New York Goes On
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The line to enter the Saratoga Arms Fair at the City Center here had never been so long, and David Petronis, its organizer, said he had never shaken so many hands in one morning. “I appreciate you opening this show, not giving into the pressure,” a man told him as he clasped Mr. Petronis’s hand in the echoing convention hall, where hundreds of dealers of guns, ammunition, hunting equipment, war memorabilia and antiques were behind tables, talking up their wares.

Sen. Joe Manchin: Stand-alone assault weapons ban ‘will not go anywhere’
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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said Sunday that a stand-alone ban on assault weapons would not win passage in Congress, and that the effort to curb mass shootings must include a broader discussion involving the entertainment industry and mental health issues.
“An assault weapons stand-alone ban on just guns alone, in the political reality we have, will not go anywhere. It has to be comprehensive,” Manchin said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Manchin, a conservative Democrat who has received high marks from the NRA, said in the wake of the mass shooting at a school in Newtown, Conn., that it was time for a new discussion about regulations on assault weapons.

Gun Day Organizer: We're Not Extremists
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Partly out of dissatisfaction with the National Rifle Association, a D.C.-based media consultant is calling for a nationwide celebration of guns -- and despite accusations that he's leading a fringe coalition, Larry Ward says the backers of Gun Appreciation Day aren't extremists.
"If being a constitutionalist is extreme, so be it," said the man who recently told CNN that if blacks had guns, slavery wouldn't have happened.

Lies on Gun Background Checks Are a Focus Both Sides Agree On
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Nearly 80,000 Americans were denied guns in 2010, according to Justice Department data, because they lied or provided inaccurate information about their criminal histories on background-check forms. Yet only 44 of those people were charged with a crime.

Gun groups predict assault weapon ban will fail in Congress
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Gun rights groups on Sunday forecast that bids to ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips would fail in Congress, as Vice President Joe Biden prepares this week to give President Barack Obama proposals to curb gun violence.
Even some congressional Democrats indicated that a bill to revive the U.S. assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 would have a difficult time winning passage in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Democratic-led Senate.

Submitter's comment: Don't let the headline allow you to relax! Keep up the pressure!

Gun burglary attempt tied to Journal News gun owner map
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Ball 'announced that a burglary has been reported on Davis Ave. in White Plains, New York that evidently ties into The Journal News gun maps,” the release revealed. “It is reported that the burglar used The Journal News’ interactive gun map to target a home included on the map. Luckily the gun was locked up and no one was hurt.'”

NY: Schumer: Retailers should suspend some gun sales
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Senator Charles Schumer says retailers that sell assault weapons should stop offering them for purchase while Congress discusses gun regulation legislation.

Schumer on Sunday released a letter he sent to major retailers asking for a voluntary moratorium.

The New York Democrat says consumer demand for guns has gone up in the weeks since the December mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

Schumer says Congress is debating the issue, and if measures get passed that limit these type of weapons, it won't help if more of them have recently been sold.

President Barack Obama has made gun control a top priority. Vice President Joe Biden is expected to give him a comprehensive package of recommendations for curbing gun violence this week.

NY: 'I can’t see anything killing this': Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders confident a gun control deal will be finalized within days
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders were on the verge Sunday night of finalizing a major gun-control deal that would give New York the nation’s toughest assault weapons ban, sources told the Daily News.
“An agreement could be reached as soon as [Monday],” said a source close to Sunday’s negotiations, which continued well into the evening.

NY: Cuomo gun bill in peril
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A Swirl of disagreements over the terms of Gov. Cuomo’s assault-rifle gun ban, his demand for more restrictions on legal gun ownership, tougher criminal penalties for illegal gun use and requirements that mental-health professionals report the names of potential mass killers has put into doubt a vote on the measure this week.

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson

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