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Newslinks for 1/14/2015

Gabby Giffords pushes prior restraint without due process for Michigan gun law
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "For her part, Giffords has not explained, if a man with a gun poses such a heightened risk for his 'domestic partner,' why she stands by while hubby Mark Kelly buys an 'ASSAULT WEAPON!!!' and a .45 caliber real 'weapon of war,' and then comes up with a story that contradicts itself, first saying he’s going to turn it in to the police and then admitting his intent to sell the rifle across state lines." ...

Background Checks For Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1993, a federal law was passed for the stated purpose of preventing our reducing access by criminals and the mentally ill to firearms. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 instituted, for the first time in our history, a compelled interrogation under penalty of perjury and a search of a citizen’s private papers and effects on public record as a precondition to receiving (or being denied) permission to exercise a fundamental right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution."

"The purchase of a firearm is not probable cause of criminal conduct, yet this interrogation and search is compelled in violation of our Fourth Amendment right to be secure from search in the absence of probable cause of criminal conduct." ...

Liam Neeson Blasted For 'Rank Hypocrisy'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Action movie star Liam Neeson is being accused of lacking brains and 'rank hypocrisy' for his comments blasting gun ownership in America – while making a career appearing in movies featuring … guns."

"'The rank hypocrisy of an actor who uses guns in his films and attacks gun ownership at the same time is way over the top. I guess you don’t need brains to act,' said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. 'All you have to do is read the script.'"

"Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, was also not impressed by the comments from Neeson, who appeared in 'Schindler’s List." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Do Not Consent To A Police Search of Your Car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It has become a hallmark of advice from lawyers: do not give consent to police to search your vehicle or your home. If they had probable cause to search, they don’t need to ask. Politely refuse to give consent. Believing that you 'have nothing to hide' is escapist fantasy in today’s world of overlapping amd vague laws. Are you certain that the pretty bird feather that your daughter picked up on your walk and left under the back seat . . ." ...

Submitter's Note: G-d bless the Fifth Amendment, as a law professor and his cop buddy explain here.

MAC Launches Alt Gun Video Channel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once upon a time, YouTube gunnies could make a living at their craft. Then, without warning, the don’t-be-evil subsidiary slashed their cut of the ad bucks by well over 50 percent. Recently, they cut it some more. Tim Harmsen of the Military Arms Channel and his video compatriots have decided that they’ve enough and they formed a new platform for their creative content. launches with an all-star team: The Military Arms Channel, 22Plinkster, IraqVeteran8888, and InRange TV form the basis of this new venture, promising 'family friendly content.' It works like this . . ." ...

That battle in NRA heaven thing. Et tu, Brute?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some things that have happened so far:"

"Bob Dowlut retired as General Counsel. That much was no surprise. What was a surprise was that John Frazer (formerly ILA research director, who'd gone into private practice about a year ago) was named as his replacement. Dowlut was a LaPierre loyalist. Frazer is known as a Cox loyalist."

"Chuck Cunningham (director of State Affairs) was made "senior advisor" i.e., put out to pasture. Cunningham is a LaPierre loyalist."

"James Jay Baker, director of Federal Affairs, was made acting director of State affairs. In other words he was both demoted and, at the moment, place-holding for someone else. Baker is a LaPierre man." ...

Gun Review: Taurus Model 809 9mm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My father’s Llama Comanche .357 magnum rode faithfully in the console of his work truck for nearly 20 years, while also serving as his nightstand protector in between the highway miles. As happens with so many revolver guys, he decided last year to swap it for something with a bit more capacity. He’s no pistol buff, so he came to me with a list of features he wanted in his new handgun: semi-automatic, chambered in 9mm, full-size, hammer-fired, a manual safety, and a double-stack magazine for the added rounds. Plenty of fish in the sea fit that description. Oh, and one last requirement: keep it under $400 . . ." ...

New From SilencerCo: Smaller, Quieter Omega 7.62mm Silencer (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the world of silencers, there are three qualities that are most highly prized: quietude, shortness, and light weight. Normally you can only get two of those qualities in the same object, but SilencerCo is working on bundling the trifecta of awesomeness. Their latest can, the Omega not only ticks all of those boxes, but it also offers a strong enough core to withstand .300 magnum cartridges as well as 5.56 NATO and 300 BLK. The best part: you can swap the mounting option to fit whatever you have. Direct thread for different threads? ASR fast-attach system? Whatever you want, they got it. And I like it. All for $1,100 MSRP . . ." ...

Game Changer? Magpul Unveils New 60 Round Drum Magazine – The D60 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did Magpul just change the magazine game again? It certainly looks like it."

"In a video released today, Magpul unveiled their new D60 drum magazine. Magpul is known for their highly reliable 30 and 40 round PMags. If they can bring the same reliability to an affordable drum magazine it’s bound to be a huge success."

"As its name implies, the drum features 60 rounds of fun. In addition to increased capacity, the drum has some pretty cool features. It seems to break down easily for cleaning, includes a window to estimate remaining round count, and is shorter than a standard 30 round PMag." ...

New From CZ-USA: 1911 A1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first CZ-branded pistol to be made in the USA is set to be the 1911 A1 seen above. With a forged steel slide and frame, stainless barrel, a couple usability tweaks over the original A1 design, and tighter fit tolerances than the original gov’t model, it sounds like a nice piece. We’ll be visiting CZ’s SHOT Show booth next week to check it out in person and to find out what else is in store for 2015. For now, CZ’s press release follows. . ." ...

New from Magpul: Remington 700 Chassis, Polymer AICS Mags (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Remington 700 is, without a doubt, the single most popular firearm in the United States. The AR-15 has it beat in terms of numbers, but that’s a platform made by many manufacturers. There’s only one Remington. It looks like Magpul has made its first new product announcement since announcing their move to Texas, and their SHOT Show surprise is a new aluminum bedded chassis for the Remington 700 platform. But wait, there’s more! They are also starting to manufacture polymer magazines compatible with the Accuracy International AICS mags. Which is a Godsend, since I hate paying $100 a pop for those babies . . ." ...

AK Marksmanship Fundamentals - Prone Position (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Everytown for Gun Safety Sponsors Journalist Education on “Gun Violence”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I’ve long thought that someone should offer comprehensive firearms training for the Fourth Estate. Well, someone has finally stepped up to fill that niche, and his name is Michael Bloomberg ...' That bulletin comes from Herald-Tribune’s Lee Williams. ... Hizzoner figures the best way to report on 'gun violence' is to make sure journos know more about guns and the issues surrounding them. And who better to fill those skulls full of mush than…Everytown for Gun Safety? . . ."

"So he’s made a very generous gift to the wonderfully named Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma to invite media members and shed a little light on the issues of guns in American society. All on Mayor Mike’s dime. And presented from his…unique…perspective." ...

Columbia Journalism School's biased alliance with Mike Bloomberg's advocacy organization
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years I’ve advocated for the journalists, activists and politicians who argue for more gun control to better acquaint themselves with guns and gun laws. It’s always struck me as pretty appalling that the only requisite for an opinion on limiting gun rights appears to be passion, not knowledge."

"... [T]he very people who want to reinterpret the Constitution and limit your Second Amendment rights often seem to know the least about the issue ..."

"So I was thrilled to see that a reputable journalism school ... will offer a class for journalists covering guns and gun violence." ...

"But, sadly, my excitement was short-lived: 'This workshop is being made possible by a generous grant from Everytown for Gun Safety.'" ...

Whitewashing the gun lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The question remains how the National Rifle Association managed to block virtually any change in U.S. gun regulations after the slaughter in Newtown, Conn., of 20 first-graders and six school staff members two weeks before Christmas 2012 by a gun-wielding 20-year-old."

"The PBS program 'Frontline' last week explored the question in 'Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA.' The piece was inadequate, to the point of raising my suspicions that it was involved in a whitewash of the NRA and making me wonder if Frontline or PBS had been 'supported' by the gun industry. In effect, it presented as truth a picture of the NRA sailing under false colors." ...

Kids, Guns and the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "According to Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America (both supported by Michael Bloomberg, the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News), from December 2012 to December 2013, at least 100 children died in unintentional shootings."

"Does it matter? Two years ago children were massacred in their classrooms in Newtown, Connecticut. Congress heard their parents' anguished cries and did nothing. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: 2013 must have been a really bad year then, because according to the CDC's WISQARS, from 2008 to 2012 we lost a total of 233 children (ages 0 - 12) to accidental shootings, for an average of 46.6 per year. If you want a horrific number, though, how about the fact that 15.8 times as many kids were murdered with something other than a gun as were accidentally killed with a gun.

MI: Gabby Giffords joins debate over Michigan concealed carry bill, urges veto
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona is asking Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to veto legislation that would overhaul the state’s concealed pistol permit application process, citing a provision that supporters say has been mischaracterized."

"The bill would 'weaken current protections for victims of domestic abuse and stalking' by allowing some individuals subject to a personal protection order to obtain a CPL, Giffords and a group of 21 other female leaders wrote in a letter to Snyder." ...

"Sponsoring Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, told MLive last week that the PPO language had been blown out of proportion and is 'one small portion of this huge changeover.' ..." ...

What if France had the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week’s deadly shooting in Paris at the office of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo is sparking renewed debate about gun control. France has strict gun control laws, prompting The Washington Post, in an article about the killings, to ask this question: Why didn’t France’s gun laws save the Charlie Hebdo victims?

Gun rights advocates say that’s the wrong question. Instead, they ask, could the armed terrorists have been stopped if French gun laws didn’t make it so difficult for citizens to defend themselves?" ...

French gun regulations protect citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The headline had to be a joke."

"That's what I thought when I first read: 'Terrorists take advantage of restrictive French gun laws to kill 12.'"

"You're thinking it, too, right now, if you have half of a brain."

"It has to be satire. It has to be a provocative statement meant to draw in readers for a better point."

"But no, it's real. It was in The Examiner last Wednesday. And there were more like it on other conservative 'news' websites."

"They all seemed to come to the same moronic conclusion: that France's restrictions on firearms were somehow to blame for religious nuts murdering 12 people over cartoons." ...

Rand Paul’s ambitious schedule in New Hampshire: Six stops in eight hours
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A certain Kentucky Republican appears to be indefatigable, and eager for opportunity. Sen. Ran Paul journeys to New Hampshire on Wednesday where he will make a half a dozen stops - in a matter of eight hours. He’ll have breakfast with local legislators at a diner in Manchester, meet with Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, then sit before a Second Amendment rights question-and-answer event at high noon, courtesy of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club a few miles south of town. ..." ...

Preserve Sunday hunting bans in New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Jersey and Pennsylvania have long traditions of hunting and trapping, and those activities today are greatly changed from their historical roots. Modern equipment is a far cry from 18th-century firearms and bows. Game populations and habitat have shrunk with the encroachment of suburbs and highways. ..."

"One hunting tradition is resistant to change, however. Both states have refused to end bans on Sunday hunting, a type of blue law that dates to the 19th century."

"In Harrisburg, a Sunday hunting bill died in committee last year. A group called Hunters United for Sunday Hunting sued the state Game Commission, saying the Sunday ban violated hunters' First and Second Amendment rights. A federal judge dismissed the suit ..." ...

Kentucky Makes It Almost Impossible for Felons to Vote. Rand Paul Wants to Change That.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Rand Paul began the new year by lobbying for one of his favorite causes: criminal-justice reform. Last week, Paul issued a press release urging the Kentucky Legislature to act on a bill that would let state voters decide whether or not to create a path back to voting rights for nonviolent felons who have completed their sentences. ..." ...

"This isn't the first time that Paul has pushed to ease restrictions on felons' voting rights. In 2013, speaking to a predominantly minority audience in Kentucky, Paul said, "I am in favor of letting [felons] get their rights back, the right to vote…Second Amendment rights, all your rights to come back." This was not an especially popular stance within the GOP back then. ..." ...

NRA Board of Directors Honors Senator Shelby’s Support of Our Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday, January 10, 2015, the NRA Board of Directors passed a resolution honoring Senator Richard Shelby for his unwavering support of and commitment to the Second Amendment."

"Throughout his career in the U.S. Congress, Senator Shelby has stood strong against the gun control agenda in Washington, and has continuously fought for the rights of law-abiding citizens to own firearms for hunting, recreational shooting, and self-defense." ...

OH: Johnson sworn into third term
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday 90th District State Representative Dr. Terry Johnson was sworn into a third term of office. In a ceremony held Monday at the Capital Building in Columbus Johnson was surrounded by family, friends and supporters as he took the oath." ...

"When asked about specific legislative items he would be working on in this term, Johnson said, 'I am going to set back just a little bit and think about which way we want to go. Of course, I’ll continue to work on Second Amendment issues. ...'" ...

AL: Local officials react to proposed bill that would relax gun restriction rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bills aimed at bolstering support for gun ownership rights may again be at the forefront of Alabama’s next legislative session, which begins in March."

"This week, Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, said he planned to introduce a bill that will make it legal for Alabamians to carry loaded handguns in their vehicle without a concealed-carry permit."

"People can currently carry a handgun in a vehicle without a permit, but it has to be unloaded, locked away and out of reach. People can also carry loaded rifles and shotguns without a permit." ...

AL: Strange's new job in Montgomery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association, in conjunction with the Heritage Foundation, is proud to announce the opening of a new regional office in Montgomery, Ala."

"The two conservative policy-advocate organizations are moving to office space along Montgomery’s Washington Avenue, in offices currently occupied by the Alabama attorney general."

"In reality, this is little more than a name change on the front door of the office. Luther Strange, new branch manager for the Montgomery shop of Heritage and the NRA, will stay right where he is. Strange is a veteran worker on behalf of these two new tenants." ...

NH: New Hampshire Lawmakers Have Their Work Cut Out For Them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past week, state lawmakers across northern New England have been rolling up their sleeves and getting to work to start their 2015 sessions."

"On Monday we learned about the major issues facing New York lawmakers; today we hear from Concord, where lawmakers in New Hampshire’s general court have their work cut out for them." ...

"Concealed weapons: House lawmakers kicked off the session last week by making national headlines when they voted to let themselves carry concealed weapons on the floor of their chamber and in their office building. But it's not a new issue in the state." ...

OK: Regents Want More Money, No Guns for State Schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education have their agenda ready for lawmakers." ...

"Although there will be bills to allow guns on school campuses this legislative session, the regents don’t support them. Current policy allows the presidents of the system’s 25 institutions to allow weapons on an individual basis."

"'Other than that, there's really no scenario where weapons on our college campuses do anything other than promote a more dangerous environment for our students, our faculty, our staff and our visitors,' Johnson said." ...

TX: Brooks Landgraf Sworn Into Office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Representative Brooks Landgraf (R - District 81) was sworn into office in the Texas House of Representatives Tuesday afternoon at the State Capitol in Austin."

"'I'm humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve the great state of Texas and my fellow West Texans,' Representative Landgraf said. 'Now my work begins to secure our water future, make our roads safer and strengthen education at all levels. I also look forward to working with my fellow conservatives to protect our second amendment rights ...'" ...

TX: Without Perry, Texas Legislature opens new era of GOP power
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas legislators returned to work Tuesday without Gov. Rick Perry at the helm for the first time in 14 years, vowing to slash taxes and ease gun laws under new Republican leaders and facing little resistance to one of the most conservative agendas in the nation." ...

CA: Anti-gun Harris seeks to replace anti-gun Boxer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California Attorney General Kamala Harris is “all in” as a candidate to replace retiring Senator Barbara Boxer as the next anti-gun Democrat to represent the Golden State in Washington, D.C., the San Francisco Chronicle is reporting this morning."

"Harris, according to the Sacramento Bee, announced her candidacy today. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he will not be running, the Los Angeles Times reported last night. It would have made little difference as both have been as unfriendly to gun owners as Boxer has been." ...

PA: US Law Shield Sues City of Harrisburg Over its Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Less than 4 blocks from the Harrisburg City government center, at the state capital, our legislature passed a ... law that unequivocally made local gun and ammo laws illegal. This morning, US Law Shield ... filed paperwork to sue the City of Harrisburg for its illegal gun laws."

"The lead plaintiff is retired 22-year member of the Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Todd Hoover. 'As a veteran, and as a member of the Pennsylvania State Police, I took an oath to uphold the laws and the Constitution. Now I am retired and as a safe firearms instructor, and as a citizen, I still believe in upholding the law. The law is clear and what Harrisburg continues to do in thumbing its nose to the law is illegal and wrong. I won’t stand for it.'" ...

Marianas: Enforce 2nd Amendment in NMI, US Navy Gulf war veteran, wife tell court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “must be enforced” in the Northern Mariana Islands, lawyers for a couple who is challenging the commonwealth’s Weapons Control Act, told the federal court as plaintiffs asked for summary judgment in their favor."

"Defendant James C. Deleon Guerrero, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, 'is violating plaintiffs’ 2nd Amendment rights by prohibiting handgun possession in the CNMI,' attorney David G. Sigale, lead counsel, and local attorney Daniel T. Guidotti, who represents David J. Radich, a U.S. Navy Gulf War veteran, and wife Li-Rong Radich, told the U.S. court." ...

NM: Albuquerque Cops Who Killed James Boyd Charged With Murder; Had "Duty" to Kill Boyd Defense Says
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The district attorney in Albuquerque has charged two police officers on single counts of open murder—meaning they don't know yet what degree of killing the state intends to prove at trial—in connection with the killing of homeless camper James Boyd, caught on body camera last April. The killing led to some of the first anti-police brutality protests of the year last year. The two cops charged are Dominique Perez, a member of the [APD] SWAT team, and former detective Keith Sandy, caught on dashboard cam earlier that day saying he'd shoot Boyd in the penis. He was allowed to retire last year."

"The cops' attorneys released statements ahead of a press conference by the district attorney expected later today. Via KRQE:" ...

TX: Plano police officer accused of indecency, possession of child pornography
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Plano police officer has been arrested on charges of indecency with a child and possession or distribution of child pornography."

"Richard S. Bradford, 45, of Anna was arrested on Thursday by the Collin County sheriff’s office on the child pornography charge. He was released a few hours later on bond."

"This is his second arrest in less than a month. Bradford was also arrested Dec. 23 on an indecency with a child by contact charge." ...

CA: Former Placer County Deputy Gets 150-Day Sentence, Probation For Sex With Underage Volunteer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A judge has sentenced a former Placer County Sheriff’s deputy who pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage volunteer."

"Kenneth Skogen was sentenced to 150 days in jail after his November guilty plea to having sex in 2011 with a 17-year-old who was a volunteer for the sheriff’s department."

"Skogen was also sentenced to three years probation and counseling." ...

Open Carry Activists Hurt Their Own Cause at the TX Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today is an exciting day down here in the Lone Star State. Our legislative session opened up for the first day and unlike other states, Texas limits both the duration and frequency of that meeting. Some say that it keeps the lawmakers from doing too much harm, but I couldn’t possibly comment. From Wikipedia, '... The Texas Constitution limits the regular session to 140 calendar days.' While this is certainly an interesting way to get it done, it condenses all the normal drama of a legislative session into a 20 week pressure cooker. Today, being the second Tuesday of January saw the first shot across the bow coming from Open Carry Activists protesting…something…anything . . ." ...

TX: Open carry advocates out in force as Legislature opens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Activists armed with rifles descended on the Capitol on Tuesday to bolster support for a bill that would allow unlicensed open carrying of handguns."

"Inside the Capitol, some advocates reportedly heckled representatives who declined to support the idea, drawing criticism from allies who see the tactics as harmful to the cause."

"And outside, one group used the Ghost Gunner, a device that can quickly produce a working gun from digital designs, to manufacture handguns near the Capitol gates."

"The demonstrations came as open-carry advocates are making a major push for stripping gun regulations. ..." ...

NV: Nevadans for State Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just last Friday another shot was fired against lawful Nevada firearms owners, and this time it came in the form of a 'canned' Everytown editorial submitted by Nevada State Senator Debbie Smith (D-13)."

"As you may know, Everytown is the national firearms attack group funded by New York carpetbagger Billionaire Michael Bloomberg."

"Bloomberg has pledged over $50 million to push his agenda nationwide and Nevada is in his crosshairs and we're outspent. We need your contribution, please donate by clicking on this link."

"Some quick points to bring to your attention:" ...

TX: Supporters say 2015 is the year for open carry in Texas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thomas Ballard walked outside the Texas Capitol complex Tuesday with a loaded AR-15 slung over his right shoulder."

"He joined dozens of gun-rights activists there toting black powder pistols and long guns — which are legal to carry unconcealed in Texas — hoping to send a message to state lawmakers on the first day of the 84th Legislative Session."

"'We want to have constitutional open carry,' the 29-year-old Arlington man said. 'Everyone should have the right to defend themselves because bad guys don’t follow the law.'" ...

TX: Gun advocates take up - and make - arms at Texas Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Texas lawmakers convened for the first day of the 2015 legislative session Tuesday, about a dozen activists carrying a variety of firearms gathered in front of the state Capitol to protest gun laws."

"Members of Come and Take It Texas — a group that organizes armed rallies to protest gun laws and one of several pushing to scrap the state's handgun licensing requirements this session — also demonstrated how to make a weapon with a machine known as the Ghost Gunner."

"The event was held in support of a bill filed by state Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Bedford, that would lift the state's handgun licensing requirements, which critics say impose unconstitutional costs and restrictions." ...

TX: Open carry advocates clash over tactics as Lege opens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As dozens of armed open carry activists descended on the state Capitol on Tuesday, disagreements between the disparate groups over how best to push their shared legislative agenda denigrated into bickering on social media and more than one confrontation with state lawmakers."

"Outside the Capitol, the Lone Star State's myriad open carry advocacy groups were the picture of cooperation. Dozens of gun-toting Texans from at least three separate organizations gathered on the first day of the 2015 session to ... undo Texas' 125-year ban on the open carrying of handguns." ...

"Inside the pink granite building was another story, however, as activists clashed with a handful of lawmakers and each other over tactics. ..." ...

TX: Texas Moms Demand Action Statement in Response to 'Come and Take It' Event in Austin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the demonstration today by Come and Take It Texas—one of the gun extremist groups arguing for the passage of HB 195, which would allow the open carry of handguns with no permitting or background check requirements—the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America released the statement below from volunteer Claire Elizabeth."

"As Texans and parents, we refuse to have to determine whether the people open carrying around us are members of law enforcement sworn to protect us, activists making a political statement –like those holding the armed rally at the Capitol today – or dangerous criminals who intend to harm us. ..."

FL: Refinanced Colt Walks Away from $1m FL Building Deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Governor Rick Scott announced in 2011 that Colt was bringing 60 high-paying jobs to Kissimmee and would occupy a building that cost taxpayers $1 million,' reports. 'I called the company to make sure they were coming,' Scott said in 2011. But Colt never came to central Florida and the building still sits empty more than two years later, angering taxpayers and job seekers . . . The county is drafting a notice of default letter to Colt. It’s the first step towards evicting the company from the building.' This following news that Colt made a last-minute deal to save its skin. According to . . ." ...

MO: NRA slams Missouri gun-tax plan to pay for police body cameras
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups have hit back hard at one Missouri lawmaker’s plan to add a tax on guns sold in the state to pay for cameras for police officers."

"Brandon Ellington, a Democratic lawmaker representing the Kansas City region, introduced separate bills that would require all uniformed police officers to wear body cameras and maintain recordings for 30 days, and would establish a tax on firearm sales to pay for the new mandate, reported."

"The tax would add a 1 percent cost to every retail sale of handguns and ammunition, with the proceeds sent to a new 'Peace Officer Handgun and Ammunition Sales Tax Fund,' reported." ...

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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