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Newslinks for 1/15/2005

Terrorism as an Excuse -- Another CBS campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Who could oppose laws preventing terrorists from getting guns? Obviously no one. But it would be nice if laws accomplished something more than simply making it more difficult for Americans to own guns."

"Ironically the day before CBS finally released its report on the 60 Minutes Memogate scandal, 60 Minutes was again stirring up fears about how terrorists would use 50-caliber rifles to attack Americans."

"Last year it was the semi-automatic assault-weapons ban before it expired. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D., N.Y.) claimed the ban was 'the most effective measures against terrorism that we have.' ..." ...

Workers, employers square off over guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Employers have long banned guns from the workplace as part of a violence-prevention strategy, but those policies are being tested as states pass laws making it easier for residents to carry concealed guns -- in some cases, crafting legislation that strikes down employers' attempts to keep guns off company property."

"That means employers, who have traditionally shied away from such politically charged issues as gun control, are filing lawsuits to preserve their no-guns-allowed rules. Gun owners are also fighting back, boycotting companies that ban guns or fire workers for having them." ...

"'Do you want your mail guy or delivery guy carrying a loaded gun when he comes to the door?' asks Patty Sullivan, a Pizza Hut spokeswoman. 'What if he's not happy with his tip?'" ...

Jim Brady Urges President, Congress to Get Cop Killer Gun off Streets; Law Enforcement Community is Concerned About Handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Presidential Press Secretary and long time law enforcement supporter Jim Brady today called for prompt, aggressive action to respond to top law enforcement officials' concerns about a new, high-powered handgun available to the public that can fire bullets that will penetrate the body armor worn by law enforcement officers."

"The handgun, the Five-Seven, made by Belgian company FN Herstal, comes equipped with a 20-round magazine. It is advertised on arms websites as 'the first of a new generation,' a handgun 'that will defeat most body armor in military service around the world today... reliably penetrates Kevlar helmets and vests...' Kevlar is the leading material for the manufacture of law enforcement vests." ...

FBI Keeping records on pre-911 travelers
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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"If you're among the millions of Americans who took airline flights in the months before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the FBI probably knows about it - and possibly where you stayed, whom you traveled with, what credit card you used and even whether you ordered a kosher meal."

"The bureau is keeping 257.5 million records on people who flew on commercial airlines from June through September 2001 in its permanent investigative database, according to information obtained by a privacy group and made available to The Associated Press."

"Privacy advocates say they're troubled by the possibility that the FBI could be analyzing personal information about people without their knowledge or permission." ...

A winter time gun project
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although winter is getting pretty close the halfway mark, there are days and nights of cold and windy weather that keeps most of us confined to the house. To help reduce “cabin fever,” a wintertime project is probably the best way to overcome winter’s woes, although this year it’s more rain than snow."

"One project that comes to mind is converting a 22 rimfire rifle to the new 17 caliber. Hornady Mach 2 rimfire. The new cartridge is a 22 Long Rifle case necked down to accept a 17 caliber bullet. The new entry generates more velocity and higher chamber pressures than the 22 Long Rifle cartridge. This is not exactly an inexpensive affair, but it’s a lot less than buying a new 17 Mach 2 rifle." ...

GunMuse is Giving Away a Free Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last time we did this to kick off our forums and it worked very well. So we are going to repeat this contest. To enter is simple and free."

"- You must registered with GunMuse.
- Be a legal US citizen.
- Be 18 years of age.
- Post at least 5 responses or topics in our Forum board.
- You will be entered again for every 5 posts you make. The more you post the more chances to win."

"We will Give away the Rifle on March 1st, 2005 it will be worth at least $500. I will also give away 5 Embroidered ball caps." ...

MA: Man shoots would-be robber; is arrested on gun charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A would-be robber became a victim of his own crime last week after he was shot in the stomach by a Brighton man he was trying to rob, police said."

"Police arrested Sean E. Roisten, 29, of 833 Jette Court, and charged him with unlawful possession of a firearm and assault and battery with a deadly weapon on a robber who was holding Roisten's wife at gunpoint."

"The robbery suspect was transported to the hospital for a gunshot wound to the stomach. The suspect is expected to live. ..." ...

"Police found that Roisten's license to carry a gun expired last August and arrested him. Police took custody of Roisten's gun and the black Colt .45 handgun that Roisten claimed he took from the suspect."

OR: Man says he shot neighbor in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"James Michael Winkelman says he fatally shot a neighbor in self-defense when the other man threatened him with a gun."

"He says 43-year-old Todd Alan Hughes pulled a handgun on him Tuesday as Winkelman tried to detain the man for police. Winkelman's daughter believed that Hughes had raped a woman in the street, and Winkelman was trying to make sure he didn't disappear before officers arrived." ...

"Winkelman said he was trying to be a good citizen. 'I'm not a police officer, but I'm certainly not going to let someone accused of a crime like that go wandering off,' he said. 'He may have been a really great person, but he was out there beating the living hell out of that woman on the street.'"

MN: Don't Mess with "Hardware Hank"
Submitted by: Shawn Hoppe

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"One person who is happy with the state's 'permit to carry' law is the owner of a small hardware store in Minneapolis. A man with a gun tried to rob the manager of Camden Hardware in the 48-hundred block of Lyndale Avenue North just after 9 last night. The manager decided to fight back, and it’s not the first time." ...

"The store manager was locking up Wednesday night when he noticed a strange car parked across the street. He ran over to his truck, but before he could get there, he was met by a man with a gun pointed right at his face, demanding money. That's when the manager pulled out his own gun and started shooting. The suspect then ran back across the street, got in a vehicle and sped off." ...

NY: Grand Jury Will Hear Evidence In Cattaraugus County Shooting Death
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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It will be up to a grand jury to decide if charges will be filed against a Cattaraugus County man who shot his own brother.

The incident happened late Tuesday night on Hammond Hill Road in the Town of East Otto. Cattaraugus County Sheriff Dennis John said Edward Thompson, 45, called 911 to say he just shot his 37-year old brother Kelly. Thompson said Kelly had just broken into his house and that the shooting was in self-defense.

The younger brother was shot twice and died of his injuries.

WV: Hunt for murder suspect [whose victim was 'protected' by a restraining order] continues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glen Jividen remembers his daughter as a mother 'who lived for her kids.'"

"He spoke about her Thursday, a day after 36-year-old Andrea Pennington was gunned down inside her home ..." ...

"Meanwhile, law enforcement officials continued searching for Pennington’s estranged 37-year-old husband, Richard 'Rick' Vernon Pennington, the suspect in the shooting. ..."

"Trooper J.K. Ramey, the investigating officer, said Wednesday that Pennington had violated a restraining order by visiting his estranged wife’s home, including the night before her death. ..." ...

IL: Janitor Charged In Evanston School Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" A 72-year-old janitor has been charged with bringing a loaded pistol into an Evanston elementary school."

"A second grade girl found the .38 Special Jan. 4 wrapped in a plastic bag on the floor of a bathroom stall, according to police." ...

"The head custodian, Charles Scott, was charged with one count of unlawful use of a weapon ..." ...

"Police said Scott purchased the .38-caliber revolver illegally on the streets a year and a half ago and reportedly carried it with him 24/7."

"'Mr. Scott apparently carried this weapon, had it in his possession, because of some situations that he dealt with some gang members and possibly because of some personal acquaintances he had,' Evanston Police Chief Frank Kaminski said." ...

CT: Student charged with carrying guns in school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student at Suffield Middle School is under arrest on charges he brought weapons to school, including two .22-caliber handguns.

Police say the 13-year old boy was showing off one of the guns to some friends, who then went to a school counselor and told what they saw.

Police and school officials found the 7th grader in his classroom carrying a gun clip with bullets and a knife. The second gun was found in the student's bookbag in his locker along with a BB gun and more clips.

Police say the student got the weapons after unlocking his grandfather's gun cabinet.

School officials say no threats were made by the student. He's been charged with carrying a gun on school grounds and possession of a pistol without a permit.

A note was sent home to parents about what happened.

GA: County to eye BB gun code
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The use of a BB gun - long a symbol of childhood Americana - in Cobb could have additional restrictions if a review of metro-area BB gun ordinances reveals that limits are needed, county officials said."

"Cobb enforces the use of BB guns under county code, but a push by residents who say the rules are not strict enough has prompted the county to consider drafting a tougher ordinance."

"Cobb County code states that it is 'unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm, air rifle, pellet gun, slingshot, crossbow or other similar device into or over property belonging to another person or entity without first obtaining written permission from that person or entity.'" ...

GA: Bobb Barr
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Why then are some citizens in Cobb now clamoring for tougher anti-BB gun measures; designed essentially to make it so difficult to fire a BB gun and meet ordinance limitations, that their use anywhere in the county would be virtually impossible? Why? Because we live in an age in which every problem or perceived problem is seen not as the responsibility of parents and citizens to resolve, but the responsibility of the government - federal, state or local - to prohibit. It's the 'Patriot Act syndrome': if some action is deemed undesirable in any way, shape or form, it must be outlawed. Thus, we see the Patriot Act now being used to prosecute, under threat of 25 years in federal prison, a stupid resident of New Jersey for aiming a lawful, though dangerous laser measuring device at an aircraft, just to 'see what it did.' Even though the FBI and the New Jersey U.S. Attorney conceded there was no evidence whatsoever this New Jersey jerk was a terrorist or wanted to cause any harm, he is now being prosecuted under the full weight of the Patriot Act, a law enacted to provide the federal government tools to fight terrorists." ...

GA: BB gun police should get a life [first letter on page]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Instead of wasting resources chasing the exaggerated and imaginary threat to public safety of BB guns, the Cobb County commission should instead require gun ownership of all county residents. The city of Kennesaw has proven the value of this stunningly successful crime reducing strategy. In Kennesaw, violent crime and property crime rates are one-fifth to one-half of its neighboring cities. Factual proof of this is found in table 8 of the 2003 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) located on the FBI website ( )" ...

OR: Fewer items turn up during latest school searches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A month after random searches of eight schools by the Lincoln County School District's detection dog led to further investigation and enforcement actions, another sweep conducted at seven of those schools by 'Scooby' and handler Dale Hendrickson uncovered more banned and/or illegal items."

"This time, administrators were less concerned about the items that turned up, and the downward trend - both in number and lethalness - led them to conclude the district is headed in the right direction in trying to provide a drug-free, tobacco-free, weapons-free environment for its students and staff." ...

Submitter's Note: Plus they are teaching the student valuable lessons in the power of the police state. "Warrant? We don't need no steenkin' warrant!"

NJ: Gun hunt leads to three arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Three Westville Grove teenagers were arrested Thursday after a passer-by reported seeing one of them holding a handgun.

Police were alerted at 3:35 p.m. that someone in a bus on Route 47 saw three males, one of whom had the gun, on North Delsea Drive near Carteret Avenue, police said.

Officers responding to the area spotted the three teenagers and detained them by 3:43 p.m. One of the boys had an airsoft replica of a Beretta semi-automatic handgun which, when cocked, uses air to fire a small, rubber ball, said police.

Two of the youths were charged with possession of marijuana. The one with the pistol will be charged with a weapons offense, although police were unsure what he would be charged with at press time.

CT: Probation Officials' Serious Error -- Killer Of Newington Police Officer Was Unsupervised, Despite Long Record Of Arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state judicial branch admitted Friday that a 'serious mistake' by probation officials allowed the man who shot and killed a Newington police officer to elude the kind of supervision that might have prevented the killing."

"An error that mistakenly terminated Bruce A. Carrier's three-year probation allowed him to walk out of jail in June 2002 with no supervision. He never had any contact with a probation officer, and the conditions of his release - such as having no weapons, no contact with his girlfriend, Mary Fletcher, and attending anger management classes - were never met." ...

Colombia: Colombian soldier kills five sleeping comrades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Colombian conscript soldier burst into a barracks full of sleeping troops on Friday and opened fire with an automatic rifle, killing five.

Five soldiers were also wounded in the pre-dawn attack at an army base in the southern Colombian city of Pasto.

The suspect, who was on guard duty at the time, was arrested.

"Apparently in an act of madness, he began shooting," Defence Minister Jorge Alberto Uribe told reporters.

Some soldiers said he had been behaving strangely for several days.

Colombia conscripts thousands of young men every year for 18-month tours of duty to fight a 40-year-old war against Marxist rebels and far-right paramilitaries.

Mexico: Military descends on La Palma prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 750 troops and federal police officers along with tanks and helicopters on Friday seized control of the nation's top maximum-security prison, where drug kingpins have managed to carry out executions and conduct business in recent months."

"The takeover came a day after the infamous leader of the Gulf Cartel, Osiel Cárdenas, organized prisoners to protest the tightening of security at the prison, La Palma."

"Guards had clamped down on the freedom of inmates after a gunman killed one of Cárdenas' underworld enemies as he sat in a visiting room on New Year's Eve. The killing was the second drug related execution inside the prison in three months." ...

Uganda: Court Martial demotes UPDF officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Military Court Martial has demoted two UPDF officers and sentenced them to six months in prison after convicting them of misconduct and theft."

"Lt. Edgar Mwesigwa, the sector intelligence officer for Bunyoro and Buganda operations and Lt. Hakim Asiimwe were sentenced on Thursday by the First Division Court Martial after four days of trial at Kiziranfumbi in Hoima district."

"The army court ... demoted the officers from Lt. to 2nd Lt. for two years in a ruling witnessed by hundreds of people in Kiziranfumbi Community Hall."

"Ndinda said Mwesigwa and Asiimwe were found guilty of scandalous behaviour contrary to the UPDF Act."

"Mwesigwa was also found guilty of threatening violence while Asiimwe was convicted of theft." ...

NY: Sharpshooters Open Second Half of Slate This Weekend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Army's unbeaten rifle team opens the second half of its 2004-05 season this weekend with a pair of Great America Rifle matches in closing out its GARC slate. The No. 3 ranked Black Knights can clinch their first regular-season conference title with wins over Mississippi and Memphis."

"Army (5-0) closed out the fall slate ranked No. 3 nationally behind Alaska Fairbanks and Jacksonville State, while Navy and Air Force finished sixth and 10th, respectively. The Black Knights defeated the top teams in the GARC in posting a 4-0 conference mark rolling over defending champion Kentucky by 59 points in the season opener along with posting wins over West Virginia, Xavier and Nebraska." ...

MN: State gun law's validity argued
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Lawmakers didn't dupe the voters when they passed the state's controversial conceal-and-carry gun law as part of a natural resources bill, Attorney General Mike Hatch told the Minnesota Court of Appeals on Thursday." ...

AK: Gun show aims for record turnout
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The roughly 20-year tradition of selling guns and outdoor gear at Wasilla High School is set to continue this weekend, with 120 vendors and thousands of guns up for sale."

"The all-day Saturday and Sunday event drew nearly 4,000 people last year. Rebecca Dargis, who is coordinating the 2005 Gun and Outdoor Show, said the show has grown increasingly popular over the last few years." ...

IL: Residents hear out gun club officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly 200 people turned out Thursday night for a public hearing about a proposed gun club on 760 acres of Waterman farmland."

"Sugar Grove-based Aurora Sportsmen's Club asked the county during the meeting at the DeKalb County Health Department to consider giving it a special-use permit to open the gun club, which would include shooting and archery ranges, a clubhouse, a campsite and small, fish-stocked lakes on 188 acres. The club would continue using the site's remaining land, about 70 percent of the 760 acres, for farming."

"With development encroaching on the club's Sugar Grove site, Waterman would become the new home for the 57-year-old club." ...

WV: Firearms collection at art museum temporarily closed for renovations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Herman Palmer Dean Firearms Collection Gallery at the Huntington Museum of Art will be temporarily closed for minor renovations beginning Tuesday, Jan.18. The renovations will take at least two weeks."

"The Dean Firearms Collection highlights the craftsmanship involved in producing the antique firearms and powder horns and presents the history of weaponry from its early stages to the Kentucky rifle." ...

PA: Donora police now targeting BB guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Donora Police Superintendent Jim Brice said he is concerned about a recent trend in the borough.
Reporting during the regular monthly meeting of borough council, Brice said that since Christmas, several vehicles and houses have been damaged by pellets from BB guns."

"Brice said that to date, his department has confiscated seven guns, two rifles and five pistols."

"'Not only are these guns illegal, they are dangerous,' Brice said. 'The five pistols we confiscated look exactly like the gun I'm wearing.'"

"Brice said apparently some individuals in the borough got the guns as Christmas gifts. However, he said parents should realize those were not good choices as presents." ...

Australia: Police find 'murder weapon' on roadside
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police believe a rifle found beside a road in central Queensland this morning was used in the murder of a 42-year-old man.

Rogan Phillip Matthews was shot at Agnes Waters, south-east of Gladstone yesterday.

Detective inspector Mick Niland says police are searching an area further south, where a man who may have information about the shooting was seen this morning.

"We are making good progress, we have in the last couple of hours located a firearm that was used in the homicide and we've had a sighting of the wanted vehicle in the Nanango area."

UK: Gamekeepers jailed after opening fire at illegal rave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An ex-gamekeeper and her assistant were each jailed for three months today for opening fire at a rave on private land. Jessica Allinson, 47, and Alexander Szyndel, 28, came upon the crowd of at least 350 people while out rabbit shooting ..." ...

"Angered by the sight of a chain cut open with bolt cutters and the knowledge that past raves had caused environmental damage the pair confronted the ravers."

"The court was told that after a number of angry encounters the pair fired at least five cartridges between them into the speakers in a clearing at the centre of the rave in front of a crowd of between 40 and 50 people." ...

UK: Drivers learn how to take on the yobs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"BUS drivers are to be trained in how to deal with yobs who attack them."

"Bosses at bus company First Group - which serves south Essex - are so worried about thugs attacking their staff that they have resorted to giving them self-defence lessons."

"First Group's south-east divisional manager, Chris McCormick, said the course will teach the drivers how to cope with difficult situations without breaking the law themselves."

"He added: 'We have experienced problems with youths throwing bricks at buses, setting light to chairs and generally abusing the drivers.'"

"'The personal protection course is boosting drivers' confidence because they often feel pretty vulnerable these days.'" ...

IL: King Daley at it again [first letter on page]
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Richard Daley, mayor and king of Chicago is once again trying to completely disarm his constituents and eventually all of Illinois with his proposed draconian gun-laws. Some news reports are worded as if he personally introduces the legislation's. As the National Rifle Association rightly states, Daley is mayor of Chicago not mayor of Illinois."

"I am tired of Chicago politics trying to rule all of Illinois. Southern Illinois is thought of by Daley and his cronies as being anything south of Chicago and its surrounding counties. They want nothing to do with us until they need crucial votes or tax money for their pet projects which don't benefit Southern Illinois." ...

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. Indeed I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order. — Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942. (Source: "Hitler's Table-Talk at the Fuehrer's Headquarters 1941-1942", Dr. Henry Picker, ed. (Athenaeum Verlag, Bonn, 1951).)

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