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Newslinks for 1/15/2007

AR: Fincher Found Guilty Of Having Illegal Weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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FAYETTEVILLE -- Round one went to the government Friday.

A federal court jury found Hollis Wayne Fincher guilty of having illegal, unregistered weapons, including machine guns and a sawed-off shotgun.

Israel: Likud MK Katz: Shooting a Thief = Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He said he plans to introduce legislation according to which all opposition by a person to one who breaks into his home or property will be considered self-defense.

Biblical Law
Such a statute would be partially in line with Torah law. Exodus 22,1-2 stipulates: "If a thief be found breaking in, and be smitten that he die, the killer shall not be liable." Jewish Law gives less of a carte-blanche than Katz's proposal in that it allows shooting only if it can be assumed that the burglar might resort to fatal violence - whereas Katz would deem the very act of breaking-in liable for a violent response.

Israel: Self-defense provision may aid farmer's case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One provision in the Criminal Code could, in theory, serve as a defense for Shai Dromi, the farmer who killed one Beduin and seriously wounded another after they had trespassed on his property and tried to steal from him.

Article 34J of the Criminal Code, entitled "Self- Defense," reads: "No person shall bear criminal responsibility for an act that was immediately necessary in order to repel an unlawful attack which posed real danger to his own or another person's life, freedom, bodily welfare or property."

TX: Nobody wins when guns, athletes mix
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Staring down the barrel of a gun is not worth it. Sadly, many professional athletes have taken to carrying registered concealed weapons to protect themselves. The Boston Globe quoted New England wideout Jabar Gaffney with saying 90 percent of NFL players carry guns. The paper showed photos of 42 NFL players who had licensed weapons in cities where the registrations are public record. Forty are black.

Somalia: Mogadishu residents refuse to give up guns to Ethiopians
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Business people generally react to such riots by coming out of their premises with guns.

“We often fire into the air to scare away troublemakers,” said a trader who requested anonymity. “We know they are orchestrated by hatemongers.”

MI: Collard says building trust should be the goal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Removal of guns and drugs from neighborhoods is a major requirement in making our community safe and secure. To this end, Public Safety officers seized nearly 80 guns in 2006, 24 of which were seized during ``routine' traffic stops or citizen contacts. To accomplish this required that officers used every legal means available to gain access for their removal.

TN: Closing a loophole
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The point is that to even use a term like "unlicensed dealer" is disingenuous just like "assault weapon". It is a prejorative term to elicit a specific response to do something about a nonexistent problem.

You can not engage in the regular sale and trade of firearms without a federal firearms license. To do so is a violation of existing firearms laws as regulated by the BATFE.

The sale of a firearm in a private sale is one that is legal in Virginia, whether it occurs at a gun show or not. There's no such thing as an unlicensed dealer that is not already covered by existing staute[sic].

AR: Friends: Fincher No Danger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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FAYETTEVILLE -- A depiction of a small revolver with a red circle and slash signifies it is illegal to carry guns inside the federal courthouse.

On Friday, five floors above the pictograph, jurors asked to see machine guns and a sawed-off shotgun.

MA: NRA Unconcerned About Mitt's Change Of Heart?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sunday's Boston Globe notes how Mitt Romney's gun stances seem to be more in line with the NRA now than during his bid for the U.S. Senate in '94. From the piece: "Romney appears to be stepping up his efforts to portray himself as a gun-friendly candidate, though some gun-rights activists in important primary states say his past positions will hurt him politically."

FL: Mayor To Unveil Gun Bounty Program
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dyer says the program has been effective in Jacksonville, but it’s impossible to calculate the exact impact it had on crime there.

[Ed.: They don't know what the effect of the program was, but trust them, it was effective.]

OR: Giving cowboys a shot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For "Col. Cornelius Gilliam," successful shooting is all about practice and mental preparation.

The colonel, whose real name is David Morris, said he's gone over in his head repeatedly the steps of shooting and the target sequences of every stage so that by the time it's his turn to "sling lead," the motions are automatic.

MI: NRA member upset about lobbyists' testimony against fee increases
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Jerry Keck is a life member of the National Rifle Association, a distinction he's been proud of since he joined the organization in the early 1960s. But something happened in December that has Keck scratching his head over the NRA's direction. At a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing called to address the proposed hunting and fishing license fee increases, an NRA lobbyist testified -- in no uncertain terms -- that the group opposed the proposal. The negative testimony (though the minority opinion among those testifying) sunk the package during the lame duck legislative session. And that has Keck, who testified in favor of the fee package on behalf of the Michigan Bow Hunters Association, agitated.

WI: Reject campaign for concealed guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Wisconsin remains a holdout in the nationwide trend to allow people to carry concealed guns. The Legislature should keep it that way. The state has survived quite nicely for 134 years with a ban on concealed weapons. There is no compelling reason to now invite people to carry hidden firearms. In fact, there are compelling reasons to retain the ban.

CT: New Bill Would Tighten Gun Rules
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Senate Majority Leader Martin M. Looney, D-New Haven, said gun violence "is a plague on our cities" that has resulted in tragic and unnecessary deaths and torn families apart.
Looney's bill would limit Connecticut citizens to purchasing one handgun per month; require possession of a state handgun permit to purchase handgun ammunition and require retailers to hold a state license to sell ammunition.

NY: Toy gun exchange held in bid to curb violence
Submitted by: RPA-PAC
Website: http://www.rpa-pac.rog

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Call it the toy gun buyback program. It's already under way in the City of Buffalo. A program initiated by the FATHERS grass-roots community and anti-violence organization has swapped basketballs and footballs, books and board games for the toy guns of the city's youth.

OR: Shotgun an American relic
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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My letter on classic shotguns ran in the Saturday,
January 13th Ashland Daily Tidings in Ashland, Ore.
Their web-page is Click on
"opinion." Letter is titled, "Shotgun an American
relic" by James A. Farmer.

NJ: Cops: Hard to prevent firearms flow
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Kids who once got caught up in crime say it's easy to get a gun if you know the right people. Cops admit the same, and are frustrated with how difficult it is to stem the flow of firearms into this city. Even if the handgun used to murder Officer Tyron D. Franklin was legally purchased, that weapon is now one of thousands of "crime guns" New Jersey law enforcement agencies will eventually track in 2007. And, despite high-tech tracing systems that help determine the pedigree of such handguns, local, state and federal agencies continue to struggle to stem the flow of illegal weapons into urban areas.

Israel: Police hold rancher for murder over shooting of Bedouin
Submitted by: Lior

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A Negev ranch owner, who shot and killed a Bedouin man and seriously wounded another as they were trying to break into his ranch, was kept in remand Sunday morning as prosecutors sought to charge him with murder.

MK Yisrael Katz said that the law should view resistance to domestic break-ins as self defense. Katz said he intends to submit to the Knesset a bill to that effect, in similiarity to the laws in some states in the U.S.

He told police that he had fired at four figures who had come to the ranch to steal, and that his life had been in danger. He said the intruders had poisoned his dog and cut the locks on his sheep pen.
Submitter's note: Armed self defense works, but in Israel you lose your freedom for doing it.

TN: 84-year-old homeowner shoots intruder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Memphis police are investigating a home invasion that ended in a shooting.

Police say 84-year-old Willie Hancox called 911 around two Friday afternoon to say that he had shot an intruder.

Hancox says he is sick of the crime in his community.
Dickerson adds, "I say God is good, cause they had no business in there, and whoever did that got what they deserved. And, I say it in front of they face, not behind they back and I mean it."

MA: Romney retreats on gun control
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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Former governor Mitt Romney, who once described himself as a supporter of strong gun laws, is distancing himself from that rhetoric now as he attempts to court the gun owners who make up a significant force in Republican primary politics.

Romney says he still backs the ban on assault weapons, but he won't say whether he stands by the Brady Bill. And after the gun show tour, his campaign declined to say whether he would still describe himself as a supporter of tough gun laws.

"Why don't you just not take away [rights] from us?" Michael Thiede, president of the group Michigan Gun Owners, said last week. He said Romney's support for the assault-weapons ban and the Brady Bill will "absolutely" give him friction.

MA: Romney, appealing to core GOP voters, toughens pro-gun rhetoric
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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During his two campaigns in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney adopted a decidedly moderate approach to gun control, vowing not to "chip away" at the state's gun laws and conceding his backing of an assault rifle ban was "not going to make me the hero of the NRA." Now as he weighs a run for the GOP presidential nomination, Romney's rhetoric is shifting in an effort to appeal to the Republican Party's core conservative base. On Friday, Romney toured a gun show in Florida where he said he supported "the right of individuals to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution" and reminisced about shooting rabbits as a boy.

Asked if a federal ban on "assault weapons" would reduce crime, Gwen Fitzgerald of Handgun Control Inc. says, "Let's pass the law and find out." --REASON magazine, May 1991 ("Gun-Shy Judges" by Jacob Sullum)

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