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Newslinks for 1/16/2009

Please Give a Warm Welcome to...
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"...the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner....

"His debut column opens on a hopeful note: "Alderman urges armed self-defense in crime plagued neighborhoods.'"

Kill (the) Bill - Volume Two
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I could remind readers that the violent criminal underclass--you know, the group from which Blair Holt's killer sprang--will still operate entirely outside the system.

"Everyone knows the murder took place in handgun-free Chicago, right? And that the teenage assailant was prohibited from possessing a gun by any number of laws, prohibited from carrying it by law, prohibited from shooting people by law..."

Gun control in America, Part II: Controlling everything
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Part I, I enumerated many non-gun issues where defiance of the sovereignty of the people rises to the level of the T-word, Tyranny. The fact that so many non-gun programs are developed and administered based on what is learned from vexing gun owners in squeezing them out of their self-rule is what meets the test of Tyranny in America for everyone. Program after program, from fathers’ rights to financial scandal to giving away citizen files in cooperating with international police to a National ID Card, all of these, defy the citizen oversight of officials. All of these circumvent due process."

"All of these have, themselves, also been proven in other countries ..." ...

"Why Mike Vanderboegh is wrong."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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I'm a big fan of Mike Vanderboegh, the man and the author. He's got a solid spirit and a strong backbone. Lotta brain, too.

With that said, the Three Percent restoration can't be allowed to happen.

I'm not saying it's immoral. I'm not saying it wouldn't work - in fact, the thing I like most about Mike is how he demonstrates how possible it really is.

I'm saying it's too dangerous. Not for the individual members of the Three Percent, nor for gun owners, I mean for the United States and everything it stands for.

Telling the Second Amendment to Take a Hike
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On January 9, 2009, the National Park Service was tasked to live by the same rules that the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service and the rest of the nation use. On January 10, 2009, the earth rotated. The sun rose. The Constitution still worked. Law-abiding citizens were still, well, law-abiding. Apparently, we all survived."

"Starting in the 1980s, a significant number of states passed laws which allowed law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms. Most federal land agencies acknowledged these rights and respected the 2nd Amendment. But the National Park Service (NPS) failed to keep pace with these developments and for years banned firearms on NPS land -- in clear violation of the 2nd Amendment ..." ...

America's free thinkers: Gun ban extremists or gun rights advocates?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's almost understandable why members of the media end up as apologists for the immoral agenda to ban guns. They see the after-effects of violence perpetrated with guns more than just about any other demographic group in America. Still, they are supposed to act as professionals and use sound logic in determining if guns are the problem, or if gun violence is simply a symptom of other societal break-downs."

"Gun advocates point out that when the government began to legislate away the right to self-defense, the crime rate began to sky-rocket. Criminals ... knew that once the populace is disarmed the pickings got much easier. Claiming that banning guns only leaves unarmed victims, however, is a stale refrain – but that doesn't make it less truthful." ...

Obama's Gun Grabber Rag
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Phil Ochs' Draft Dodger Rag was always a favorite of mine, and it seemed like a good tune to rip off for a 21st Century rag. Here is Gun Grabber Rag from the perspective of one of the soon-to-be President's soon-to-be Domestic Defense Forces.

Obama's Gun Grabber Rag

Well, I'm just a typical liberal boy, from a typical liberal town
I believe in Gaia and Princess Leia and keepin' those Christians down.
And when it came my time to serve I knew it wouldn't be fun
But now I'm sent for disarmament to take some redneck's gun.


OFCC Gadsden Flag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In American Revolutionary times, what would become known as the Gadsden Flag began to appear. Emblazoned with a warning motto, it stood as a symbol of American defiance and independence ..." ...

"With new threats to our liberty and gun freedoms looming ever larger, the Gadsden flag is once again making a statement for ever-vigilant Patriots and grassroots activists."

"Combined with the OFCC logo, this version of the Gadsden Flag is sure to convey your message loud and clear that you will not support further infringement on your rights."

"The symbolism of the Gadsden flag is best described as follows:" ...

Target Practice--The Bernie Madoff Silhouette
Submitted by: The Liberty Sphere

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"Were you one of the unsuspecting victims of Bernie Madoff's illegal scheme that resulted in the loss of the life savings of many of his investors?"

"Well, New York City's has developed the perfect vehicle for anger management. They are calling it, 'Our Gift to Bernie's Victims'--a silhouette of the disgraced financial mogul that is perfect for a game of darts at the bar or for target practice at the shooting range."

"Both versions are downloadable."

"Cityfile claims that the target meets the NRA's standards for indoor/outdoor target practice. There is even a little scorecard in the top corner to help gauge your performance." ...

Athletes Must Help Stop the Madness
Submitted by: jghilty

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"'The passenger pulled out a semiautomatic and I knew what time it was. But he said, 'Oh, that's Michael Irvin, with the Dallas Cowboys.' So we started talking about the Cowboys and everything. Then they got back on the highway.'"

"A couple years ago, Denver Broncos defensive back Darrent Williams wasn't so lucky to be recognized by a gunman who rolled up on a Hummer limousine he was riding in. They opened fire. Killed him. He was 24." ...

"The reaction these guys, especially black athletes, should have to these tales is to put their guns down and be role models who encourage everyone else -- especially their younger brethren like the would-be stick-up punks who Irvin claimed rolled up on him -- to put their guns down too ..." ...

Iraqis turning guns, mortars into works of art
Submitted by: jghilty

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"A dragonfly fashioned from a machine gun barrel and a rifle butt carved into the portrait of an ancient Egyptian queen are just a few of the works Iraqi artists are making from weapons of war."

"Graduates of Baghdad University's College of Fine Arts say the project they started late last year takes objects that have brought devastation to Iraq and uses them to create instead."

"'It's a message from Baghdad to the world: we are transforming pieces of destruction into pieces of art,' said sculptor Haider Muwafaq..."

"The artists are unlikely to run out of materials. Iraq is one of the region's most militarized nations, awash with old weapons from Saddam Hussein's regime and new ones smuggled in by insurgents and militiamen." ...

KABA Note: "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

Weak Gun Laws Increase Illegal Trafficking
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The bi-partisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns released a landmark report today that goes beyond the published efforts of the federal government to reveal previously unreported trends in the movement of illegal guns across state lines. This report ... analyzes state-by-state trace data from 2006 and 2007 released by the [BATFE]. The report uncovers the relationship between a state's gun regulations and the likelihood that it will be a source of guns recovered in out-of-state crimes. States with the weakest gun laws are significantly more likely to sell guns that are used in out-of-state crimes and significantly more likely to experience higher in-state rates of gun murders and shootings of police officers. ..." ...

Twenty Years Since a Nightmare: Stockton, CA School Shooting of 35 Led to Strengthening of Gun Laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Twenty years ago this Saturday in Stockton, a close-knit farm city in the heart of California's Central Valley, a man with a history of arrests, mental illness and problems with alcohol shot and killed five students and wounded twenty-nine others along with a teacher at Cleveland Elementary School."

"The shooter, Patrick Purdy, spray-fired 106 rounds of ammunition in about two minutes using an AK-47[sic] assault rifle[sic] equipped with a 75-round ammunition drum." ...

KABA Note: The Bradys don't mention Purdy's criminal convictions because he never had any. They are tipping their hand here, telling us that people who have been merely arrested should become 'prohibited persons'.

VA: Panel deadlocks over closing gun-show 'loophole'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The state crime commission deadlocked Tuesday on whether to support a bill that would force unlicensed sellers to do background checks on people who buy firearms at gun shows, drawing criticism from the loved ones of those killed at Virginia Tech."

"The 6-6 vote by the commission was largely symbolic and will not stop proponents from filing a bill to close the 'loophole' ... However, whatever bill is filed in the 2009 General Assembly, which starts Wednesday, will not get the commission's approval." ...

KABA Note: Let's completely ignore the fact that the VA Tech scumbucket successfully passed the required background checks twice. The so-called loophole is completely irrelevant to what happened at VA Tech.

See a video version of this story here.

Republicans Expected to Question Obama AG Nominee on Clinton-Era Pardons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was August 1995 when U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Eric Holder announced he would not prosecute a top Clinton White House aide, in response to a federal judge's recommendation ... Holder then was reportedly under consideration for a federal judgeship, and two years later, he was named deputy attorney general." ...

"However, it's Holder's record that gives the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA), a coalition of state and federal law enforcement officers and advocates, the most concern."

"'With such an important selection, president-elect Obama could have picked someone who is pro-police, pro-self defense and pro-Second Amendment record,' Ted Deeds, chief operating officer of the LEAA, told" ...

Holder: Gun control options 'narrowed' after high court ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General-designate Eric Holder conceded during his confirmation hearing Thursday that the government's options for regulating the possession of firearms have been narrowed in the wake of the Supreme Court's 2008 ruling that the Second Amendment ensures an individual right to bear arms."

"'Reasonable restrictions are still possible,' Holder said, including measures such as a ban on the sale of what are called 'cop-killer' bullets."

"But, he granted, 'we're living in a different world' since the high court's 5-4 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller."

"Holder said that he previously viewed the Second Amendment as a 'collective right' to bear arms, not an individual right." ...

Holder: Heller Means Exactly Dick
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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For all those "pragmatists" who whooped and hollered about Heller, Eric Holder said today it is no big deal. . .

Coburn: Do you agree that outside of sporting use there's a right to own a gun?

Holder: [a little surprised by the question] Post-Heller definitely. I agree with Obama closing gun show loophole, banning sale of cop-killer bullets. Those are the things we need to focus on. . .

Coburn: Assault weapons? Whether or not you think that ban ought to be re-regulated.

Holder: I think making the assault weapons ban permanent would be permitted under Heller.

OK. Are we clear? Heller means exactly dick.


Stephen Halbrook Testifies Against Confirmation of Eric Holder for Attorney General at Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing for the controversial nomination of Eric Holder to the position of Attorney General of the United States."

"Independent Institute Research Fellow and attorney Stephen Halbrook is among the witnesses testifying, arguing that Holder's reputation as a steadfast opponent of Second Amendment rights makes him an unfit candidate for the job."

"Halbrook ... filed an amicus brief on behalf of more than 300 members of Congress in the recent Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller. But the landmark decision, affirming an individual right in the Second Amendment, conflicts with Holder's track record, claims Halbrook. ..." ...

Holder: 'Waterboarding is torture'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General-designee Eric Holder is testifying now at his confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee and so far he has weathered the ordeal by verbiage fairly well." ...

"Holder also said he supported the Second Amendment and didn't want to take people's guns away, despite an amicus brief he filed on behalf of the District of Columbia in the Heller gun ban case. Holder said the Supreme Court spoke when it struck down the ban and that he'd uphold the law." ...

TX: Store clerk fights back against armed men
Submitted by: jghilty

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... "According to the clerk, he was closing the store for the night when two men walked into the store and demanded money. The clerk had two guns. One was on the counter. The other was in his waistband."

"One of the suspects grabbed the gun on the counter and allegedly held it to the clerk's head while the other suspect searched the store for cash."

"Fearing for his life, the clerk pulled the gun he had in his waistband and fired at least twice. He hit one suspect in the chest and stomach. The other suspect ran to the front of the store and the clerk shot him as well."

"Even though they were both wounded, the suspects managed to get in their car and drive off. But they didn't get very far." ...

GA: Shooting Called Self Defense (another view)
Submitted by: jghilty

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"Atlanta police are calling a deadly overnight shooting a case of self defense."

"... a suspected carjacker was shot and killed just after Midnight Thursday morning as he attempted to steal a car from outside the Graveyard Tavern ..."

"When confronted by the suspect, Keyes says the car owner 'pulled his own weapon and shot the suspect five to six times.'"

"Southeast Atlanta resident Edward Gilgor blames public safety furloughs and lack of officers on the street for the crime in his neighborhood. ... 'I have no doubt in my mind that as long as the city of Atlanta chooses to not properly defend its citizens, incidents will occur, all over the entire city, just like this.'" ...

KABA Note: Edgar could you explain how that is a bad thing?

GA: Robbery suspect shot, killed in East Atlanta
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robbery suspect was shot and killed by his intended victim outside an East Atlanta Village bar late Wednesday, Atlanta police said Thursday." ...

"He asked the stranger what he wanted, and noticed the man was reaching for his waistband or pockets, the detective said. Instinctively, the passenger shoved open his door, knocking the suspected robber back a few feet, Willis said. The woman started screaming."

"The man got out of the truck and the suspected robber raised a weapon at him, Willis said. 'When he saw that, he just started shooting,' the detective said."

"The man shot the suspected robber five or six times, in the stomach and chest, Willis said. The robber did not fire any shots." ...

VA: 2 Arrested, 1 Still Sought in Would-be Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed woman who stayed home sick from work Wednesday turned out to be a would-be robber's worst nightmare."

"Police say an alarm went off Wednesday in broad daylight in the 3300 block of Dondis Creek Drive in Dumfries, prompting the home's owner to her basement door where she found three men trying to get inside."

"'When she confronts them, the men take off and one of them returned,' said Officer Erika Hernandez, Prince William County."

"That is when the woman opened fire, striking the would-be robber in the upper body. Police caught him and he was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police later caught the second suspect, but are still looking for the third." ...

VA: Clerk shoots would-be robber in Halifax County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A store clerk shoots a would-be robber."

"According to the Halifax County Sheriff's Office, the clerk called 911 to report an armed robbery at Max's Grocery in Scottsburg."

"The clerk told the sheriff's office a man entered the store around 6:30 p.m. armed with a handgun and demanded money. The sheriff's office said the clerk shot the suspect who then left on foot."

"Deputies found the suspect around 8:20 p.m. in some woods near the store. He was taken to Halifax Regional Hospital with an apparent gun shot wound to the chest."

"The suspect, Richard Anthony Snead, has been charged with attempted armed robbery and use of a firearm in commission of a felony." ...

The Five Ps
Submitted by: Larry

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"Individual ownership of a firearm no more qualifies the owner to protect themselves and their property and defend the rights granted by their creator than individual ownership of a cowboy hat qualifies the owner for the National Finals Rodeo."

"Responsible ownership of a firearm requires not only adequate training in its use, but also a mental mindset capable of formulating and implementing a plan should that tool ever be required. Irresponsible use of a firearm often provides opponents of the right to keep and bear arms a useful weapon, especially considering their willing accomplices in the congress and the media."

"Training with your chosen firearm should occur frequently, weekly if possible, at the very least, monthly. ..." ...

MO: Alderman urges armed self-defense in crime plagued neighborhoods
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"St. Louis Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe (Ward 1) is alarmed, as anyone would be, by the homicide numbers in his North St. Louis ward. Alderman Troupe, though, is unwilling to stand on the sidelines, wringing his hands and mourning the senseless violence--he has proposed a solution:"
"With gunplay wreaking havoc on his ward, Troupe thinks he has found an answer: citizens arming themselves."

"The alderman is pleading with constituents to get guns of their own — and learn how to use them. ..."
"It sounds to me as if Alderman Troupe is aware of the fact that the police are under no obligation to protect any individual (and in North St. Louis, are apparently unable to do so) ..." ...

Court says evidence is valid despite police error
Submitted by: Larry

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"The Supreme Court said Wednesday that evidence obtained after illegal searches or arrests based on simple police mistakes may be used to prosecute criminal defendants."

"The justices split 5-4 along ideological lines to apply new limits to the court's so-called exclusionary rule, which generally requires evidence to be suppressed if it results from a violation of a suspect's Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches or seizure."

"The conservative majority acknowledged that the arrest of Bennie Dean Herring of Alabama — based on the mistaken belief that there was a warrant for his arrest — violated his constitutional rights, yet upheld his conviction on federal drug and gun charges." ...

The Marxist Mutt’s new Bill of Well Regulated Rights
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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... "'...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right...' – Barrack Hussein Obama, 2008 Philadelphia primary debate"

"Our soon to be sworn in elected dictator sees a need to clarify the basic rules we all exist under in this land of the cowardly and prostituted. In this spirit ‘official sources’ close to the Marxist Mutt have released his proposals through ‘back channel’ means as a way of ‘testing the winds,’ of public opinion. In other words they’ll continue the tradition of pretending to care what the sheeple really think (well, those who come close to thinking). " ...

OH: Why bother reporting something you disagree with?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Earlier this week, I wrote an article for the OFCC website about a Morning Journal story covering the 'Take Back Elyria' event held this past Sunday. In it, I wondered about the lack of mention of the right to use firearms for self defense when the whole point of the event was described as 'dedicated to teaching residents how to protect themselves and their property'"

"I noted that there could only be two possibilities, either the event organizers failed to include any mention of firearms, or the newspaper failed to report it. I consider the latter to be the greater sin, and yesterday learned that sin had been committed." ...

AR: Plan allows guns in university lots
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A marksman and former Olympic rifleman who is now an Arkansas legislator wants to amend state law so holders of concealed-carry gun permits can stash weapons in their cars while parking on college campuses."

"Rep. Randy Stewart ... filed House Bill 1097 to help his constituents - many of them female schoolteachers who drive up to 60 miles for night classes while seeking master's degrees."

"The teachers have the gun permits, and use them so they can make the night commute safely ..."

"But Arkansas Code ... prohibits the possession of a handgun on any college or university campus in Arkansas ..." ...

"'What we're doing is disenfranchising them from using their concealed-carry permits,' Stewart said." ...

NE: [Attorney General] Bruning says cities can't ban concealed guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"City officials across Nebraska were reviewing their options Wednesday in light of an attorney general's opinion that said state law trumps local ordinances banning the carrying of concealed weapons." ...

KABA Note: I suppose following the law is not one of the 'options'?

"Rex [executive director of the League of Nebraska Municipalities] said the opinion will be a major concern for the communities that have set tighter restrictions on where holders of permits may carry concealed handguns. She said the state law would not have passed had it not allowed a local option." ...

"But in the opinion, Attorney General Jon Bruning's office quoted portions of the concealed carry law that say a permit is 'valid throughout the state' ..." ...

NY: Bloomberg wants microstamping
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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Mayor Bloomberg wants microstamping (among other things.) In his State of City address he said: “… We’ll also ask the State Legislature to require all guns sold in New York to include micro-stamping technology, which helps police connect crime scenes to guns, and to require gun dealers to conduct background checks on everyone they hire …”

NY: Public gets turn to speak on city gun violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"An open community forum set for Jan. 26 will allow City of Poughkeepsie residents to speak out on gun violence and suggest ways to prevent it."

"Mayor John Tkazyik announced the forum date Wednesday. The session will come three weeks after he convened a closed-door, invitation-only summit of community leaders to develop recommendations to reduce gun violence."

"Tkazyik said city staff and elected officials will be on hand Jan. 26 to hear suggestions and concerns."

"'We encourage members of the public to come out and speak,' Tkazyik said. 'We'll be there to listen and to learn.'"

"The summit and community forum come following an escalation in city shootings." ...

PA: Bill would pull plug on reloading
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reloading ammunition in Pennsylvania may become a thing of the past if a bill currently in state legislature is passed."

"According to the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), 'in the last year, so-called 'encoded' or 'serialized' ammunition bills have been introduced in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Washington.'"

"The bills, if passed, would require all bullets and cartridge cases to be marked with a code and registered to the owners in a computerized database, therefore, reloading would be outlawed." ...

WI: Racine, Wis., Mayor Arrested On Child Porn Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city leader is calling for the resignation of the mayor of Racine, Wis., who was arrested on tentative charges of attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement and other related counts."

"Common Council President David Maack says Gary Becker needs to devote his time and energy to defending himself and it would be in the best interest of the city for Becker to resign." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: SWAT team searches gun-rights supporters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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At the board meeting today, Orange County deputies searched gun-rights supporters, especially those wearing CCW buttons, according to those who attended the meeting. Although Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said she would let the permits expire rather than revoke them, her real disdain for freedom is shown by the presence of the SWAT team and the heavyhanded searches of law-abiding residents who wanted to attend the board meeting. Did the sheriff really think that gun supporters are somehow dangerous. I've been to gun shows and gun events and have never felt safer.

H/t to David Codrea who puts it best when he states: "Express an opinion, become a suspect."

FL: Judge gives ex-FBI agent 40 years in murder, leaves room for appeal (Follow up)
Submitted by: jghilty

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Disgraced FBI agent John Connolly must serve 40 years in prison for the 1982 murder of a one-time gambling executive, a Miami-Dade judge ruled Thursday." ...

"In November, jurors convicted Connolly, 68, of second-degree murder in the July 1982 slaying of former World Jai-Alai executive John Callahan."

"A star FBI agent in Boston in the 1970s and '80s, Connolly was accused of becoming corrupted by the same mobster informants who were helping him build cases against other underworld figures."

"Prosecutors say Connolly told Winter Hill gang leaders that Callahan might cooperate in the probe of an earlier mob murder. A gang hitman responded by shooting Callahan dead, leaving his corpse in a Cadillac trunk at Miami's airport." ...

Gun sales spike after election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun sales across the nation jumped in December and November compared with the same months in 2007 because of fears among some gun owners that the new administration and Congress will restrict gun ownership, a new report shows."

"The [NSSF] says that data from the FBI's [NICS] show a 24 percent increase in firearm purchaser background checks for December 2008 over December 2007."

"There were 1,523,426 checks in December 2008 compared with 1,230,525 that month in 2007."

"That increase follows a 42 percent rise in checks for November, the highest number of checks in the history of the FBI system." ...

"The shooting sports group says background checks serve as a strong indicator of actual sales." ...

VA: Virginia's Second Amendment Movement Ready And Armed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Obama's election has already produced one result he probably didn’t intend: a boost to the Second Amendment movement."

"Philip Van Cleave, the president of Virginia Citizen's Defense League, said the organization has seen an increase in membership and the number of firearms purchased since Obama's election. People are waiting up to 30 minutes in line to get into gun shows, and dealers are running out of ammunition on the first day (the shows typically last two to three)."

"'Shows that were busy have been flooded,' Van Cleave said. 'The aisles are jammed.'"

"Van Cleave said he believes some of this is a result of people’s uncertainty about how Obama will govern as president. ..." ...

PA: 5 arrested during protest at North Phila. gun store
Submitted by: jghilty

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"Five people protesting inside a North Philadelphia gun store were arrested after they refused to leave when ordered by police. Police said they gave the five, who are connected with the religious coalition Heeding God's Call, three warnings before the arrests were made." ...

"One of the protesters, Melissa DeLong, 28, of Camden, said: 'I'd rather leave in a [police] wagon than see one more child in a coffin.' ..."

"Store owner James Colosimo, 77, spoke to the protesters for about an hour. He said he doesn't sell guns illegally and objects to being targeted by Heeding God's Call. 'The church doesn't make laws,' said Colosimo, a Roman Catholic. 'I don't like a lot of what's going on in the church, but I don't sit on the steps trying to stop Mass.'"

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Begins Legal Action to Protect Pheasants
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association in association with the Conservation Alliance of New York, the National Rifle Association of America and the National Shooting Sports Foundation has filed an action today requesting a restraining order to prevent the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation from destroying the pheasants at the Reynold's Game Farm near Ithaca. A tentative hearing date is set for Friday January 16, 2009. Details of the filing and proceeding will be available when the court releases the information either from the court or through the plaintiffs. If anyone would care to donate to help defray the costs of this action please send your checks to NYSRPA at P.O. Box 1023, Troy, NY 12181.

Canada: Rafferty targets long gun registry
Submitted by: jghilty

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"Thunder Bay-Rainy River MP John Rafferty is planning to introduce a private member's bill calling for the abolition of the long gun registry once Parliament resumes later this month."

"'The reason I’m doing that is really because I promised the constituents in every election that that’s what I would do, given the opportunity, and you know what, I got the opportunity,' Rafferty said last week while hosting a pre-budget consultation here."

"Rafferty said he will introduce the bill as soon as he can during the upcoming sitting of Parliament." ...

"'I think that we've got more than adequate gun control laws in this country, and I think the money can be better spent on enforcement,' Rafferty argued." ...

Canada: Firearm-related injury continues to significantly impact Canada's health care system
Submitted by: jghilty

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"The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) released an updated position statement on gun control. Firearms are an important cause of injury and death in Canada. Contrary to commonly held misperceptions, gun related injury is most often associated with suicides as opposed to criminal intent, is more often associated with rifles and shotguns and is over represented in rural and aboriginal populations. ..."

"'... As advocates for our patients, we must oppose the weakening of gun control laws. Gun control protects citizens and saves lives', commented Dr. Carolyn Snider, CAEP member and lead author of the position statement." ...

KABA Note: Umm, Carolyn, I don't suppose you have any, you know, evidence of this?

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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