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Newslinks for 1/16/2010

A Lot of Work to Do
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I recently wrote about the need for preaching to the choir – too many of our own friends, family members, and fellow shooters are woefully uninformed about the fight for liberty. A chance conversation in a hardware store this week really brought home just how much work there is to do beyond the choir room doors. At the hardware store I got into a conversation with a fellow shopper. As conversations with me tend to do, it wasn’t long before we were talking about guns and gun laws. The fellow’s wife had joined the conversation by this time and while his reaction was troubling, her reaction was down right scary." ...

Am I 'skating near the legal edge of making threats of violence'?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'In his last line, Mr. Codrea seems to be skating pretty near the legal edge of making threats of violence.'"

"Really? Only 'seems to be'? I haven't crossed over?"

"Now that criticism hurts." ...

Rand Corp Tells US Army Its Time For a National Stability Police Force
Submitted by: Larry

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"This has to be the scariest thing I have read in a very long time. The Rand Corporation was asked by the US Army to prepare a report recommending whether or not the US Needed a National Stability Police force. Basically a call for American 'Brown Shirts' Rand's answer was a resounding yes."
"Our analysis clearly indicates that the United States needs an SPF or some other way to accomplish the SPF mission. Stability operations have become an inescapable reality of U.S. foreign policy. Establishing security with soldiers and police is critical because it is difficult to achieve other objectives—such as rebuilding political and economic systems—without it." ...

H/t to LRC: New Frontiers in the Police State.

The 'gun census tax form' myth explodes…and so do tempers over parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Remember the e-mail hysteria that was spreading a couple of months back about the government plan to require listing all guns you own on the 2009 income tax return?"

"Well, it's January 2010 and those Form 1040s are all over the place. Where on that form is there a section requiring a taxpayer to list every firearm he or she owns? The other day, I got a call from my pal, Jim Zumbo, the outdoor writer and television host, who had been on location down in Florida with the Wounded Warriors project and found himself being questioned about this urban legend."

"'Jim,' says I, 'just tell these fools to wait a few days. The tax forms will be available, and then that story will go up in smoke.'" ...

Gun Control, Fiat Money – National Security?
Submitted by: Larry

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"The US Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted nearly word for word from the German Weapons Control Law enacted exactly 30 years before. The supreme irony of GCA68 was that many US firearms manufacturers had supported it at the time – mainly because their market share was being cut into significantly by less expensive but equally high-quality imported firearms, especially small-caliber handguns (not to mention cut-price surplus US firearms being reimported ... ). Moreover, Ruger & Co. supported the Clinton Administration's 1994 'assault weapons ban' and in exchange got its popular 'Mini-14' rifle deleted from the BATF 'hit list' of 'prohibited assault rifles' while Colt Industries' equally popular competing product, the similar 'AR-15,' stayed on the list." ...

Illinois State Rifle Association Receives Association Of The Year Award From The National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The following is the text of a statement delivered today by Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) to the association's membership:"

"'I am very proud to announce to the officers, directors and members that your Illinois State Rifle Association has been named Outstanding State Association for 2009 by the National Rifle Association of America (NRA).'"

"'The granting of this prestigious award spells volumes of your hard work and dedication to the protection and preservation of Illinois' heritage of safe and lawful firearm ownership. This award confirms what I've known all along – law-abiding Illinois gun owners will not back down, even in the face of extreme adversity.'" ...

Tea Party Becomes the 'Vote Our Way or We Shoot You' Party
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Hey, the Tea Party 'movement' isn't about violence, or racism, or any of that stuff. It's about calling the health care bill Nazi-inspired and reminding people that Barack Obama is an Indonesian Muslim. Oh, and remember to vote our way or we shoot you." ....

NH: Safety first
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The most put-upon people, New Hampshire branch - i.e. gun owners - are again complaining about their Second Amendment rights being taken away and, as a result, how dangerous it will be if they cannot carry their guns into the State House. ..."

"If people can carry their guns into the State House, the mall ... or any other public place, are they going to feel safer? What if someone starts to carry on or pulls out a gun or knife? Are they going to draw their guns and start a gunfight where bystanders can get hurt?"

"If the gun owners are so insecure without their guns, maybe they should lock themselves in the closet with their guns where they will be safe."

Submitter's Note: I think Sumner should cast the paranoia beam out of his/her own eye before worrying about the mote in gun owners'.

KS: Armed convenience store clerk stops armed robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Kansas City, Kansas convenience store clerk reportedly used his gun to stop an armed robber."

"Police say that a robber, who was armed with a rifle, entered a store ... just after midnight. The clerk is said to have spotted the robber and fired one shot in self defense, causing the robber to flee. The clerk, who had a valid concealed carry permit, was unharmed, and the robber is being sought, according to police."

"Once again, concealed carry has allowed a law abiding citizen to stop a violent criminal. Rather than being shot for not having enough money (or perhaps just because the robber felt like harming someone that day), this armed clerk was able to save himself. Simply put, armed self defense works."

A Mayors Against Illegal Guns 'success' story
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"... In 2006, the Baez family's Manhattan apartment was robbed, with Mr. Baez and his wife Marlene bound and helpless, while their children (thankfully) slept. The armed robbers took everything of value, and threatened their victims with death if they went to the police."

"Despite their fear, they reported the robbery anyway."
"And on the authorities' advice, the family moved away until the perpetrators could be caught."
"The anti-self-defense mindset illustrated: 'authorities' advising robbery victims not to defend themselves, their children, and their home, but to simply abandon their home--allow themselves to be run off, until the predators are captured. ..." ...

Remembering the King
Submitted by: Don Pollock

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"Monday, Jan. 18, the nation will celebrate Martin Luther King Day and his fight for civil rights."

"One such right that Dr. King supported (but many aren't aware of ) is the right of self-defense. In Martin Luther King Jr.'s Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community, Chapter II, Black Power, Page 55, ... he observed ' … the right to defend one's home and one's person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.'"

"Despite being subjected to multiple threats this 'guaranteed right' didn't extend to Dr. King who applied for and was denied a handgun permit. Some 40 years later Maryland residents still face the same barrier by an unsympathetic bureaucracy." ...

Mark Amodei answers gun rights questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"This is a significant development, especially since Amodei has traditionally not been responsive to questionnaires. For him to answer this questionnaire shows the importance of the issue, the potential impact of this qualifier, and how seriously he and the field of candidates are treating it."

OH: John Kasich names former Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee Mary Taylor as running mate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich utilized Twitter on Thursday to announce his choice of former multiple-time Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee and current State Auditor Mary Taylor as his running mate, confirming a leak reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Tuesday."

"Taylor earned the endorsement of Buckeye Firearms Association in her successful 2006 campaign for Auditor of State, having overcome a serious trend against Republicans in Ohio."

"Previously, she had served four years in the Ohio House of Representatives, where her pro-gun record - both in terms of votes and behind-the-scenes support - was impeccable." ...

WY: Wyoming Governor Freudenthal uses his own gun-control blunder for political gain
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Governor Freudenthal has found a way to spin his own administrations gun control attempt into something positive, nothing like manufacturing your own campaign rhetoric."

"In a recent article Gov. Freudenthal backs legislation to restore concealed gun carry reciprocity, Freudenthal stated - 'This is important legislation that ensures that lawful permit holders in and out of Wyoming can carry firearms as originally intended'."

"Not so fast Governor! It was under your watch that concealed carry reciprocity became an issue. Of course when Freudenthal was caught he had to change his story." ...

TN: Let courts decide before revisiting guns-in-bars, Tennessee Speaker Kent Williams says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Tennessee House Speaker Kent Williams reaffirmed his support for handgun-carry permit holders but said he wants the legislature to wait until the guns-in-bars law that passed last year but was struck down in the courts in November works its way through the courts before trying to re-approve the law."

"If he has his way, that means Tennessee's 257,000 gun-carry permit holders — and the millions more in other states whose permits are recognized by Tennessee — will have to wait for months and possibly a year while the case works its way through the courts before they can legally carry their guns into places serving alcohol in the Volunteer State. ..." ...

VA: Battling Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Monday, Jan. 18, Virginians from all over the state will gather on the Capitol Grounds in Richmond to commemorate Martin Luther King’s birthday and his message of obtaining peace through non-violence. In addition, we will remember the approximately 800 Virginians who lose their lives every year to gun violence. We will meet with legislators to encourage them to pass bills that protect the public while preserving the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"This year, the following bills have been filed: ..." ...

OK: Bill Aims To Strengthen 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To strengthen the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans, state Rep. Lewis Moore has filed legislation to deter frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers."

"... Moore said. 'My legislation will prevent fanatics from abusing our courts in that fashion and protect the fundamental constitutional rights of working Oklahomans.'"

"House Bill 2884, creates the 'Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act,' which declares that a 'personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Oklahoma and that remains within the borders of Oklahoma is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.'" ...

IN: A rights' balance, lacking in urgency
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's a classic rights dispute, but its resolution is hardly pressing in a short legislative session"

"In this corner, employers asserting a private property right and an overriding interest in protecting employees from workplace violence.[sic]1"

"In the other corner, employees reciting a Second Amendment right to possess a firearm -- whether for self-defense or hunting -- inside their locked cars that are parked on an employer's, or another's, private property."

"Over two previous years, legislators have been too divided to come up with a compromise law on this conflict." ...

1: There is no evidence to support this assertion.

Sunstein's Paper Provides More Evidence COLINTELPRO Still Operational
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cass Sunstein's white paper, entitled 'Conspiracy Theories,' is an exclamation point in the latest chapter of a long history of government tyranny against citizens who organize in opposition to the government. Sunstein argues that individuals and groups deviating from the official government narrative on a number of political issues and events are a national security threat. The administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs formulates 'a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote ...' writes Paul Joseph Watson." ...

Commissar Sunstein
Submitted by: Larry

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"So the Chicagoite Obamaite Cass Sunstein, praised by various DC 'libertarians,' recommends infiltrating and subverting groups that differ with the government on historical events. Reports Daniel Tencer in Raw Story:" ...

Gun Rights 101: How effective is the criminal justice system?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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“The Supreme Court consistently rules that government agencies have no obligation to protect you. This truth applies equally to the entire criminal justice system, which isn’t responsible when convicted offenders commit more crime. As a result, low arrest, prosecution, and conviction rates create little risk for criminals.”

(Author's note: When people ask questions like: “Why don’t you just call the police?” refer them to this research to show that not only is the system under no obligation to protect you, but the criminal justice system doesn’t create much of a deterrent affect.)

What’s Good for the Gestapo Is Obviously Not What’s Good for the Gander
Submitted by: Larry

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"Simon Glik, a lawyer, was walking down Tremont Street in Boston when he saw three police officers struggling to extract a plastic bag from a teenager’s mouth. Thinking their force seemed excessive for a drug arrest, Glik pulled out his cellphone and began recording. Within minutes, Glik said, he was in handcuffs. 'One of the officers asked me whether my phone had audio recording capabilities,’' Glik, 33, said recently of the incident, which took place in October 2007. Glik acknowledged that it did, and then, he said, 'my phone was seized, and I was arrested.’' The charge? Illegal electronic surveillance." ...

SC: Tape reveals officer's comments
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Angered and bloody after being chased for speeding on Christmas Eve, an off-duty North Charleston police officer questioned why her pursuers hadn't simply given a fellow officer a free pass."

"Officer Christine Phinney told a Dorchester County sheriff's deputy that if she stopped another police officer for speeding, she would let them go and say 'take it easy, see you later and have a good night.'"

"'You know, I pull people over for driving 100 mph -- you know what they say? 'I'm a narcotics officer in an unmarked vehicle.' 'Great, well slow it down, have a good night,' Phinney explained. 'As long as they show me a badge, I don't care.'"

"That proclamation was captured by a Summerville police cruiser's video camera ..." ...

IL: Cop Tases Jr. High Students; Lawsuits Filed
Submitted by: Larry

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"Two federal lawsuits each seek more than $10 million on behalf of two 12-year-old boys who allege a Kankakee police officer shocked them with a stun gun during an in-school demonstration."

"The lawsuits were filed Thursday ... Police officials in Kankakee placed the officer on administrative leave after he allegedly used a stun gun on students Tuesday as part of an unauthorized demonstration of the device at Kankakee Junior High School."

"The lawsuits name the police officer, the city of Kankakee, Kankakee School District 111 and two teachers."

"The boys' attorney, James Rowe, says they also want the officer -- identified in the suit as Lonnie Netzel -- fired and criminal charges filed in the case ..." ...

Hat tip to

TX: Officer Fired Over Nude Photos Sent to HS Student
Submitted by: jac

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"A Dallas police officer has been fired after an internal investigation revealed he sent nude photos of himself to a 17-year-old high school student."

"Police Chief David Kunkle on Thursday fired Officer Bryan Crews, who had been with the department for four years."

"Sgt. Warren Mitchell, a police spokesman, said Crews had a sexual relationship with the girl, who is now 18." ...

"The investigation also found that Crews failed to give copies of tickets to several violators who were later wanted for arrest because they did not pay the tickets. Those tickets were later dismissed and records show Crews described it as a 'rookie mistake.'" ...

U.S. Trends: More Guns, Less Crime
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the months following the presidential election, sales of firearms and ammunition in the U.S. soared. The first 10 months of 2008 had seen an uneven but overall rise of gun and ammo sales, but they spiked in early November over widespread fears that Obama was a 'gun grabber.'" ...

"... Yet the administration has been true to its campaign promises. Jackbooted federal thugs are not conducting house-to-house searches to confiscate firearms. They're not even taking down names. Obama's election has turned out to be the best thing to happen to the gun industry since Bill Clinton won in 1992."

"At the same time, the nation has seen a sharp drop in violent crime."

"Which means the gun nuts are proving liberals wrong, too." ...

MI: Fear fuels demand for gun permits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The number of Michiganders licensed to carry concealed weapons has reached 220,422 -- nearly 10 years after the state liberalized its permit law and following a record number of CCW applicants in the 12 months from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009." ...

"... nearly 1 in 35 Michigan adults is licensed to carry a concealed weapon."

"Advocates said interest in gun ownership has been rising with the state's economic anxiety and fears -- mostly unfounded -- that government may try to curtail gun ownership."

"'People feel like getting a license sends a message to the politicians in Washington,' said Chesterfield Township firearms instructor Mary Polkowski. 'They want to get a (CCW) permit because they have a right to.'" ...

Haiti: Gangs Armed With Machetes Loot Port-Au-Prince
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The earthquake aftermath has brought out the best and worst of the people of Haiti."

"Much like the days after Hurricane Katrina, looting has become a problem very quickly."

"The looting appears to be isolated to Port-au-Prince's old commercial center. ..."

"What made the situation that much more tense was sightings of gangs of young men with machetes. On Wednesday they were seen getting into stores and taking all the supplies they could carry. The armed men were seen marching up and down the streets with machetes raised and the competition among the gangs turned quite fierce." ...

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. — Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

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