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Newslinks for 1/16/2013

Schumer calls for gun sale halt as wavering gun ‘allies’ float concessions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Indeed, why the gun retailers should voluntarily cede there is anything wrong with their lawful activity, particularly to someone who has made no secret throughout his political career of wanting to criminalize a major portion of their business, makes their voluntary compliance with the wishes of someone who wants to make it involuntary is problematic. These CEOs see the record shelf-emptying market demand fueled by the renewed machinations of anti-gun careerists like Schumer, they know, as Gateway Pundit observed, Americans have bought enough guns in the last two months to equip both the Chinese and the Indian armies ..." ...

‘Obama has no respect for 2A,’ SAF's Gottlieb declares
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a day during which New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged President Barack Obama to sidestep Congress on guns, and after a Texas congressman threatened to start impeachment proceedings, one of the nation’s leading gun rights advocates asserted that the president 'has no respect for the Second Amendment.'"

"Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, issued a statement Monday afternoon blasting the president for hinting at a ban on certain firearms. An announcement could come Tuesday, ironically opening day of the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, from where this column is reporting." ...

The Second Amendment and Tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tyranny is defined generally as oppressive, absolute power vested in a single ruler. The United States cannot, by definition, be tyrannical because it is a representative democracy where you have the right to overthrow any person or party every two, four, or six years – depending on the office. Your recourse is political action and being enfranchised to vote, organize, and petition." ...

NEW VIDEO: Project Veritas Targets Gun Control Hypocrites
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After the high impact Voter Fraud investigation released throughout 2012, Project Veritas, set its sights on top gun control advocates to see how they felt when placed in the same position as our nation's children – within a Gun Free Zone."

"Project Veritas' found, James O'Keefe remarked, 'Our nation's children spend the majority of their week within schools that are starkly emblazoned with signs that read 'Gun Free Zone.' ..."

"Organizing as Citizens Against Senseless Violence, Project Veritas' citizen journalists went door-to-door in New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. to see which outspoken champions for Gun Control would be willing to declare their own home as a 'Gun Free Zone' by placing a sign on their lawn." ...

Americans’ top concern isn’t guns. Not even close…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the hue and cry from the White House and Barack Hussein Obama’s allies, you would think Americans’ top concern was limitations on our firearm civil rights."

"How does that square with reality?"

"It doesn’t."


"Yesterday, the Gallup organization released their most recent poll of Americans about 'What is the most important problem facing the country?'" ...

Open Letter to Andrew Cuomo - Dog Reform
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... The governor and lawmakers of the great state continue to marvel at the success of their sweeping reform. We're so proud to lead the country in sensible dog laws. As for the real problem, the feral dog packs that roam the streets, well we'll just have to make the dogs laws tougher. Maybe criminalize military looking dogs like German Shepherds. They're scary looking." ...

Obama, Biden to use children as backdrop to gun control scheme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fifteen minutes before high noon Wednesday, President Barack Obama is scheduled to announce what some news agencies are describing as a 'sweeping set of gun control measures' and he will use children as a backdrop."

"The children reportedly come from across the country and were invited to the event because of letters they wrote to the president following the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, according to the Washington Post and Washington Examiner." ...

A worse idea than guns on campus? Here are a couple
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Sunday editorial in the Bloomington, Ind., Herald-Times suggested that there are some 'bad ideas…proposed in the Indiana General Assembly, and it’s harder to think of a worse one than guns on campus.'"

"How about dead students and staff on campus? That is the concern of legislation already proposed in several states, including Washington, where freshman state Rep. Liz Pike (R-Camas) wants to make it possible for teachers and/or administrators to be armed. Other lawmakers have apparently said that idea is dead-on-arrival, which seems to be how the hoplophobes in Olympia and across the American landscape want students and teachers, rather than admit that their 'gun free zones' philosophy has been a complete failure. ..." ...

On MLK holiday, walking for civil rights and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Charles 'Chuck' Hicks does the Martin Luther King Jr. Day peace and freedom walks Saturday, he’ll also be taking a step for what the [NRA] has dubbed 'National Rifle Appreciation Day.' That’s because Hicks is the son of Robert Hicks, a prominent leader of the legendary Deacons for Defense and Justice — an organization of black men in Louisiana who used shotguns and rifles to repel attacks by white vigilantes during the 1960s."

"'The Klan would drive through our neighborhood shooting at us ...' recalled Hicks, 66, who grew up in Bogalusa, La., and has been a civil rights activist in the District for more than 35 years. 'The black men in the community wouldn’t stand for it. You shoot at us, we shoot back at you. ...'" ...

And In Today's News
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The SHOT Show, our largest firearms industry trade show, is underway today. Glock just announced their new 30S .45 caliber pistol. It combines the wide-body short frame of the Glock 30SF with the narrow slide of their model 36, in the same caliber. It was reportedly created at the request of LAPD detectives. It’s a cool little gun: I’ve had my pre-announcement sample since November, and it has run hundreds of rounds with perfect functioning. I even won an IDPA match in the CDP division, shooting against full size 1911 .45s, with it in Jacksonville, Florida last month."

"And, in accompanying news, if you live in New York you may never actually see one unless a policeman shows you his or you go out of state ..." ...

Guns Protect Honest People - Catherine Austin Fitts (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Financial expert, Catherine Austin Fitts, says the sudden turn to gun control in the face of mounting financial problems is no accident. Fitts contends, 'Guns protect honest people. It’s a little scary, the timing of this, and I think a little bit obvious. Gun control is a way to take away the financial assets of the honest hard working people.' ..." ...

Pew Poll: An activism gap behind the gun-control debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 'activism gap' between gun rights supporters and those who back stricter limits helps explain why gun control legislation has proved so difficult to enact, even in the wake of public outrage over shooting rampages."

"A nationwide poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds Americans by 51%-45% say it's more important to control gun ownership than to protect the right of Americans to own guns."

"However, those concerned about gun rights are much more likely to place a priority on the issue and be politically active about it. ..." ...

New From Kimber: “No Comment” On NY Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kimber is one of the few gunmakers still located in the godforsaken Empire State, which is in the process of banning all magazines with a capacity of more than a pathetic seven rounds. Their 8-round Tac Mags are fantastic, but unfortunately they’re going to turn a lot of Kimber employees and executives into newly-minted felons as soon as Andrew Cuomo signs the new bill into law . . ." ...

Since when is being practical, paranoia?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was thinking over the weekend about how often I have needed to use my seat belt because I got into a car accident. Surprisingly, it was the same number of times I have had to use my gun to protect myself or someone else."

"Now, when I wear my seat belt nobody tells me I’m being paranoid about being t-boned, nor do they tell me I have been watching too many car movies like Fast and Furious and am styling myself as Vin Diesel. Nobody says that I am looking to get into car crashes. Nobody tells me that if I too scared not to go out in the world without my seat belt on that I should just stay inside. Nobody questions my manhood for wearing a seat belt nor do they make some allusion to my seat belt compensating for something." ...

Why Does the Anti-Gun Camp Need to Lie?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Human beings are almost universally receptive to impartial facts, and people will therefore support any course of action that is inherently right and effective. If the truth were on the side of the enemies of the Second Amendment, they would not need to lie to the public along with fellow members of Congress." ...

Savage/Stevens: Shotguns Are The New ARs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No AR? No problem, according to Savage/Stevens. Both of these Model 320 'Security' shotguns are in stock, and both of them can be yours for the princely MSRP of $540. That’s right, the MSRP is only $270 each. Actual street price is about $250."

"Cheap pumps have a lot to recommend them when it comes to home defense. 00 buckshot is stunningly effective (as in 'what just happened to that watermelon?'), it’s still in stock everywhere, and its price hasn’t gone up much during this Obama Panic." ...

Idea that more guns make us safe is testosterone-laden fantasy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Rep. Jim Himes (D-4, Greenwich) joined leading gun-safety advocate U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Democratic leadership, and other proponents of gun safety for a press conference recently to urge passage of a bill to outlaw assault gun magazines." ...

"He said there is a 'pernicious argument, most lately articulated by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas … that more guns in a nation awash in guns will make us safer. The facts, the history, the data show that that is not true. ...'"

"Mr. Himes said the idea that more American firearms will make the country safer 'is not founded in reality, facts, or history; it is founded in the fantasy of testosterone-laden individuals who have blood on their hands for articulating that idea.'" ...

Submitter's Note: "[T]estosterone-laden individuals" and 28 out of 29 peer-reviewed studies showing the opposite.

Shooting holes in the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "My takeaway from their debate was a good one-liner by Jerry to Abbie: 'It’s OK to be against authority, unless it’s your authority.'"

"Now, this comes to mind when it comes to gun control. I hear many gun rights activists say they might need a gun for self-defense:"

"'What if somebody breaks into my house!'"

"No quarrel with me, buddy. You can just get yourself a handgun, a shotgun, a rifle, maybe a moat with alligators in it ..."

"Oh, one thing, by the way: Please keep those guns away from kids, particularly your own unhappy adolescent."

"'But now,' I say, 'tell me again about why you need a Bushmaster assault rifle with a 30-bullet clip filled with armor- piercing cop-killer bullets?'" ...

New York Times: New York Gun Ban Bill Sucks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to lead the nation in gun control, but he’s picked a peculiar way of doing it,' New York Times editor Andrew Rosenthal opines. ... 'Mr. Cuomo negotiated in secret with a few other powerful politicians on a dog’s breakfast of legislation that got no public discussion at all and was passed by state senators who had not even read it—because they were not given a chance to do so.' Shhh. The next thing you know they’ll want to read the Constitution. 'The resulting bill is hard to judge on the merits. It’s a snarl of good ideas, strange ideas and ideas that seem quite bad. ... Washington should not take New York as an example of how to go about this difficult business.' Ya think? He thinks . . ." ...

The Second Amendment and Gun Control Can Co-Exist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "To move forward on an issue that touches on so many concurrent factors, we must be willing to confront one of the key differences that marks our nation as such a strong outlier in gun-related deaths: lax controls on access to firearms. New regulations must preserve the basic freedoms afforded by our Bill of Rights, but with the perspective that the right to bear arms exists to protect the rights of life, liberty and property, rather than as an end unto itself." ...

Enough! Let's reduce gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America has the highest gun homicide rate of all developed countries. The public has more guns than our military and police combined, yet we are more likely to be injured or killed by our own guns at home than to thwart a crime by having a gun."

"I earned the army’s expert marksman score, and I support the Second Amendment, but I see no practical use or justification for civilians to have assault weapons. Our culture of gun violence is only increased by the NRA’s unyielding support of the gun industry. It increases our risk of being shot with assault weapons at schools, churches, theaters or malls. I am disgusted with people who buy assault rifles after every massacre, who support sales at gun shows without background checks ..." ...

Little-known laws shed light on NRA influence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"You can carry a loaded firearm into national parks and can tuck your rifle and ammunition into stowed luggage on Amtrak trains. Federal product-safety laws subject everything from toys to toasters to safety inspection and recalls, but exempts guns."

"In the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre, the national debate raging over high-profile issues such as proposals to ban assault weapons also is bringing fresh attention to an array of little-known laws approved by Congress — some at the behest of the powerful National Rifle Association and other gun-rights groups — that either ease restrictions on firearms or clamp down on the ability of the government to regulate guns." ...

NRA releases shooting game for ages 4+
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association, which has been critical of the gaming industry in the debate surrounding potential gun control legislation, has rolled out its own app where users can take target practice."

"NRA: Practice Range, a new iTunes app released Sunday by the nation’s largest gun-industry lobby, offers users a shooting-practice feature, tips on safety training and a state-by-state gun law database."

"The free app dispenses standard gun safety mantras before the user can begin to shoot: 'Use only the correct ammunition for your gun;' 'Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting;' 'Know your target and what is beyond it.'" ...

KABA Note: And teaching gun safety rules to kids age 4+ is bad because . . . why?

Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Assault Weapons Are a Threat to National and Homeland Security
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Emotions have been running extremely high following the possible assault weapons ban that President Obama once proposed."

"In a recent interview on Fox News’ 'America’s Newsroom,' Rev. Jackson supported the president’s assault weapons ban. He believes semi-automatic guns and assault weapons must be banned for the sake of national security because they could 'shoot down planes.'" ...

Submitter's comment: People living in this paranoid fantasy world are determining our future!

Better Background Checks Are First Step to Saner Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The work of Vice President Joseph Biden’s task force on revamping U.S. gun laws is complete. The next steps are up to the president and Congress."

"We are heartened to hear that the Biden panel is recommending a number of executive actions, such as increasing federal research on gun violence and prioritizing prosecution of those who lie on criminal background checks. These steps are important and necessary, yet they are not sufficient. The strength of the opposition must be tested, the public must be engaged, and a legislative fight must be waged."

"A good first battle should be a law requiring every gun buyer to pass a criminal background check. ..." ...

Submitter's comment: Just what I'd expect from a Bloomberg editorial. I think there should be a law requiring every journalist to pass a criminal background check at least once every five years.

Extremism on guns can tear down this nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is not a perfect nation, but it is our nation. This talk of revolution over gun regulations is extremist hysteria. Our neighbors, family and friends are part of our military, law enforcement and other governmental agencies." ...

Submitter's Note: First, fighting to return our government to its Constitutional limits is not Revolution ; it is Restoration.
Second, if you don't take our guns, we won't kill you.

Nine Media Myths About Proposals To Strengthen Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is any attempt to regulate firearms a violation of the Second Amendment?"

"Is it true that weaker gun laws lead to lower crime rates?"

"Does the public support gun violence prevention measures?"

"Does the NRA have the ability to remove from office politicians who support stronger gun laws?"

"Have any proposals been put forward which would result in federal gun confiscation?"

"Are guns that are commonly called assault weapons more dangerous than other firearms?"

"Are sellers at gun shows required to perform a background check on buyers?"

"Would closing the private sales loophole prevent private citizens from selling firearms?"

"Has the Obama administration proposed using an executive order to outlaw certain firearms?" ...

Matthew Modine: We Can't Be Shackled by 'Archaic' Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Actor, activist and 'humanist' Matthew Modine says the nation must move past the 'archaic' Second Amendment in the current debate over gun violence."

"Modine, most recently seen in 'The Dark Knight Rises' where his character took up arms against an invading force, used the Huffington Post to trash both the late Charlton Heston and the right to bear arms." ...

Mark Kelly On Gun Control: It's Not 'About The Second Amendment,' It's About 'Safety Of The Public' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mark Kelly, husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), said Monday that the [NRA] was mischaracterizing the issue of gun control and promoting a misguided plan to place armed guards in schools ..."

"... Kelly argued that a plan first floated by NRA lobbyist Wayne LaPierre wouldn't work because it was based on the belief that more guns necessarily lead to better security. He went on to claim that potential confusion under fire made the issue more complex than that, and that if people were to accept the principle it could lead to an unviable trend."

"'And then what do you do, do you put a security guard on a school bus? How about in a church or a movie theater?' Kelly told Cooper. 'When does it end? ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: It ends when there are no gun free zones left for murderous scum to exploit.

AP-GfK poll: 6 in 10 favor stricter gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly six in 10 Americans want stricter gun laws in the aftermath of last month's deadly school shooting in Connecticut, with majorities favoring a nationwide ban on military-style, rapid-fire weapons and limits on gun violence depicted in video games, movies and TV shows, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll."

"A lopsided 84 percent of adults would like to see the establishment of a federal standard for background checks for people buying guns at gun shows, the poll showed." ...

Submitter's Note: Good thing civil rights aren't subject to popularity contests, right?

Changing culture of gun violence first step in reform
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is not my intention to ... minimize the severity of the events that took place, but I wish to articulate the truth; that Newtown, Conn., is just one of the many communities that have experienced gun violence and its carnage. Furthermore, Aurora, Colo., is but one of the hundreds of communities across this great nation that has seen firsthand the terror an individual can cause in mere seconds when wielding a forearm equipped with high-capacity magazines. Philadelphia has been a war zone for years, and it is for this reason that my colleagues and I in the Pennsylvania Legislature cannot allow this conversation to subside without first addressing the issues through legislation." ...

NRA Ad Calls Obama an ‘Elitist Hypocrite’ for Having the Secret Service Protect His Daughters
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Obama won't reveal the details of his sweeping new gun control proposals until Wednesday, but the [NRA] is already offering a preview of just how nasty the ensuing battle will be. In a new ad, the NRA violates the long-standing tradition of keeping the president's children out of the political debate, attacking the president for dismissing the group's proposal to put armed guards in schools, though his own daughters have Secret Service protection. 'Are the president's kids more important than yours?' the narrator asks. 'Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools? ...'" ...

KABA Note: Actually the Friends' School has their own armed security independent of the Secret Service.

Gun Shop Owner has a Message for Walmart
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one is a bigger capitalist than I am. I think a manufacturer should be able to sell an item for whatever they can get for it. And be able to form partnerships and alliances with whoever best benefits their bottom line. The motive is profit."

"But I have a problem with the major gun manufacturers that continue to dump more and more market share in the hands of Bass Pro, Cabela’s, The Sportsman’s Warehouse, Academy Sports, Dicks, Wal-Mart, etc. The effect of having so much market share in so few hands is apparent by the summoning of these retailers by Joe Biden."

"The more manufacturers allow large retailers to dictate price the smaller the margins will become ..." ...

New ad out From NRA (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Obama says “gun free zones” for thee, but not for me.

Developer releases computer game called ‘Bullet to the Head of the NRA’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An anonymous computer game developer has released a violent video game online called, “Bullet to the Head of the NRA,” which allows players to shoot the president of the National Rifle Association."

"In a post on a website called Encylopedia Dramtica Forums, user 'gizmo01942' made it clear the game was developed out of anger that the NRA has knocked the video game industry in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre for promoting violence. The game is available as a .zip file on the forum." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Home Invaders – 2nd Suspect Still at Large (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When 2 men broke into a home in Florida they were in for a surprise."

"One of the would be intruders was shot and killed by the homeowner while the other suspect fled the scene." ...

Who Needs Guns? Just Call 911
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The first time I realized I needed a gun was as a young man living in a nice section of Los Angeles. ... It started with a knock on the door – a very solid, wooden door with only a peephole that permitted me to check out the visitor."

"I did not recognize the visitor, and asked him politely to identify himself. Instead, he started pounding on the door and demanding to be let in."

"Eventually he began to batter the door with rocks and other objects."

"So I called 911."

"An hour or so later, long after the intruder got tired of battering the door and left of his own accord, the LAPD sent over a female police officer to check it out. An hour later."

"That’s when I decided to get my first gun." ...

Virginia schools already have statutory power to arm teachers, staff, and others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"K-12 schools in Ohio have the power to authorize staff and others to carry firearms as part of the schools’ security programs. And a few days ago the school board of Montpelier Village, Ohio decided to put an end to make-believe gun free zones and 'voted unanimously to allow four employees who have permits to carry concealed weapons to bring their guns to school.'" ...

KY: 2 Killed in College Shooting in Kentucky
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A shooting occurred at a Kentucky community college on Tuesday, resulting in the death of two and the injury of one."

"According to The Associated Press, the shooting occurred at 5:30 pm at Hazard Community & Technical College in Hazard, Ky." ...

Gun Control by Executive Order?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The key question is how much President Obama might try to accomplish by executive action in the gray areas. It is possible that he can make background checks for gun buyers mandated by the Brady Bill more effective and efficient and also facilitate better sharing of mental-health information (if he is willing to take on the ACLU in doing so) by executive action. However, if he goes further and attempts to ban assault weapons or high-capacity ammunition magazines unilaterally, he will be on shaky legal ground. ..." ...

Details emerge on gun control proposal coming Wednesday (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama will unveil Wednesday a package of gun control proposals that, according to a source, will include universal background checks and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines."

"Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will announce the proposals, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday." ...

Obama's gun ban to affect 80 percent of U.S. firearms (Photos)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, President Barack Obama will issue the nation's most comprehensive gun control package in history, a controversial move that the pro-gun lobby considers as infringing on Americans' constitutional right to bear arms. On Jan. 15, the Gun Owners of America (GOA) issued a statement detailing some of the firearms restrictions that the federal government plans to impose:" ...

Call them 'regime change rifles'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That the fabricated term 'assault weapon' has become the household expression for describing a semi-automatic, detachable magazine-fed rifle is a triumph for the virulently anti-gun Violence Policy Center, which has for decades contributed to and exploited the public's lack of knowledge about these guns in order to demonize them, as they've openly acknowledged since 1988:" ...

Obama to unveil gun control plans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Obama was to outline his comprehensive strategy to thwart America's scourge of gun violence surrounded by children who wrote to him about their fears for school safety following last month's massacre in Newtown, Connecticut."

"The tough plans, drawn up after an exhaustive month-long policy review by Vice President Joe Biden, are expected to include a mix of legislation and executive orders using presidential power."

"They will be unveiled a day after New York passed what could be the toughest US gun ownership law, becoming the first state to impose new restrictions after the December 14 killings in Newtown of 20 school kids and six adults." ...

Sen. Paul on Gun Control Order: Obama is Not 'King' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama administration has suggested using an executive order to bypass Congress if it can't get the gun control measures it wants."

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told CBN News that members of Congress are prepared to fight such an order."

"'I'm against having a king,' Paul said. 'I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over and someone who wants to bypass the Constitution, bypass Congress -- that's someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch.'" ...

Crime Victims Should Blame Government for Being Left Defenseless
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After years of being stripped of gun rights, faced with onerous restrictions on the use and ownership of guns, and being left defenseless in the face of rampant lawlessness, it is time to hold politicians and gun control advocates accountable."

"Sandy Hook has provided gun control advocates with what they wanted: an opportunity to further restrict the Second Amendment rights of citizens around the country. While gun control zealots would like to implement a complete ban on the private ownership of guns and confiscate all guns currently held by private citizens ... they will be satisfied with making a few small gains here and there. ... A defenseless society totally dependent upon government for their safety and protection." ...

Gun Control Advocates Unwittingly Want to Give Mass Murderers All the Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While it is clear that most of us don't run around threatening people in our daily lives, I find it odd that so many of us are quick to cheer violent threats made by their elected representatives. Recently there has been a lot of talk about gun control. The advocates of gun control say we need it to 'curb gun violence.' To me, the whole argument about gun control is logically ridiculous. Just how do these advocates of gun control propose to enforce their edicts upon the rest of society? Are they planning to threaten people with guns to get them to comply? Obviously the answer must be yes." ...

7 Reasons Why An Assault Weapons Ban Will Fail to Reduce Violent Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Vice President Joe Biden's gun control task force looking to present their list of recommendations on gun policy to President Obama, there is discussion that a reinstatement of an Assault Weapons Ban is included on that list."

"Here, however, we'll discuss seven reasons why an Assault Weapons Ban should not be a part of that discussion." ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately Jack fails to address the foremost reason an AWB shouldn't be part of the discussing, to wit the fact that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right -- subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility

Proposed gun control legislation stifles Second Amendment rights granted[sic] by Founding Fathers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, President Barack Obama will unveil his gun control proposal in which he may use executive orders to bypass Congress and place strict limitations on Second Amendment rights."

"While the legality of such actions is highly questionable, he also voiced support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s ... bill [which] is so vague that the ban could be applied to a large majority of firearms."

"For several weeks, the mainstream media has been using often-misleading numbers and statistics to question the safety of such legislation."

"But they fail to address the most important fact, the only fact that proves consistent throughout history – the problem with gun control is not about safety or guns; it is about control." ...

Gun Owners React To My Novel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If my email in-box is any indication, the Obama White House and its allies may have bitten off much more than they can chew as they look to weaken or abolish the Second Amendment to the Constitution and our right to bear arms."

"Over the last two weeks I have heard from a growing list of Second Amendment supporters, members of the NRA, and those simply worried about the continual erosion of our rights as crafted by the Founding Fathers."

"Why I am being contacted now has to do with the fact that last year Simon & Schuster published my latest novel titled Vengeance Is Mine. It features a private investigator who is strongly conservative and proudly espouses traditional values throughout the novel." ...

Background checks to lead to federal 'list'?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Barack Obama’s strategy to limit the Second Amendment includes a nationwide master list of citizens barred from access to guns, such a restriction on their rights would require them to have their day in court, according to an advocacy group."

"Mike Hammond, legislative counsel for Gun Owners of America, said one of the proposals expected from the president’s advisory panel this week is to establish a universal background check." ...

Obama’s Agenda: Shrink Second Amendment Freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama, who swore he would 'support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic' when he joined the U.S. Senate in 2005, and that he would 'to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States' when he entered the White House in 2009, now stands ready, according to his vice president, to consider '19 steps … (he) can take himself using executive action.'" ...

How much more erosion of Second Amendment will people accept?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the firearms industry gathers here in Las Vegas for the opening day of the 2013 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) show, there are quiet conversations all ending with the ultimate question: Just how much more are we going to accept?"

"'We' is a nebulous term because to anti-gunners it might refer only to gun makers and retailers, and the leadership of organizations like the National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and other groups."

"In the firearms community, however, it refers to the more inclusive 'all of us' that applies to the estimated 80-100 million gun owners in this country. ...'" ...

Activists unite on US gun controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MONTH after the killings in Newtown, Connecticut, the White House and a loose coalition of activists are hoping to harness the public disgust to force Congress to pass its first significant gun control legislation in almost 20 years."

"In Washington, Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden will announce their proposals for action, surrounded by children who wrote to the President after the massacre."

"It is thought they will call for bans on military-style semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines as well as extending background checks for what is known as the secondary market."

"Mr Obama will also detail what action he will take by way of executive order." ...

Biden not intelligent enough to reject 'smart guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden, as head of the White House's (illegal?) 'anti-violence' task force, indicated Friday, after meeting with representatives of the video game industry (when first person shooter games are outlawed, only outlaws will have virtual guns), that he would be interested in laws mandating 'smart guns.' From Politico:" ...

Obama Gun Proposal to Look Beyond Mass Shootings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A new federal assault weapons ban and background checks of all gun buyers, which President Obama is expected to propose on Wednesday, might have done little to prevent the massacre in Newtown, Conn., last month. The semiautomatic rifle that [redacted] used to shoot 20 schoolchildren and 6 adults complied with Connecticut’s assault weapons ban, the police said, and he did not buy the gun himself."

"But another proposal that Mr. Obama is expected to make could well have slowed [redacted]’s rampage: banning high-capacity magazines, like the 30-round magazines that the police said [redacted] used, which have been factors in several other recent mass shootings." ...

Submitter's Note: Obama's "proposals" would more accurately be termed "infringements."

KABA Note: Attention legacy media: Please stop giving this murderous baboon's anus post-mortem glory by using his name.

NRA President David Keene Rejects White House Gun Control Approach (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Judy Woodruff talks to National Rifle Association president David Keene about his opposition to potential, additional gun control laws intended to curb gun violence nationwide. Keene has rejected White House recommendations on gun control and dismissed any ban on assault weapons or high-capacity magazines." ...

Obama weighing executive action on gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Barack Obama is launching the nation’s most sweeping effort to curb gun violence in nearly two decades ..."

"The broad package Obama will announce Wednesday is expected to include more than a dozen steps the president can take on his own through executive action. Those measures will provide a pathway for skirting opposing lawmakers, but they will be limited in scope, and in some cases, focused simply on enforcing existing laws." ...

Submitter's comment: Whenever someone successfully defends himself, the media say he "took the law into his own hands."
Yet when Obama bypasses the lawmakers and "takes the law into his own hands," the media doesn't utter a word of protest.

Obama gun panel draws lawsuit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A conservative gadfly filed a lawsuit Tuesday charging that the task force President Barack Obama set up last month to provide recommendations on policies to rein in gun violence broke the law by meeting privately and without proper public notice."

"Attorney Larry Klayman, who runs an organization named Freedom Watch, filed the suit in federal court in the Middle District of Florida."

"'The American people, whose rights to gun ownership stem from colonial times and are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, are being illegally shut out of the process,' Klayman said in a statement. 'Open government is more honest government.'" ...

Bloomberg urges Obama to defy Congress, implement gun control by executive action
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Monday told a group of John Hopkins students that President Obama ought to sidestep the wishes of Congress and order swift new executive gun control measures." ...

Submitter's comment: One tyrant's advice to another: Take the law into your own hands. Ignore the lawmakers and implement your prejudices through "executive action."

QUISLING: Joe Manchin sells out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ladies and gentlemen of the WVCDL and West Virginia. Today, around 3PM I met with Senator Manchin. In any conversation with a person of that level of power, there are two conversations that occur at once. The first is the obvious and direct meaning of what is spoken. The second conversation is the meaning between the lines. In this case, neither is good. West Virginia, in my opinion, you have been sold out." ...

Texas State Lawmakers to Consider Proposal to Arrest Any Federal Agent Trying to Enforce New Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, A Texas lawmaker says he plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which would make any federal laws that may be passed by Congress or imposed by Presidential order which would ban or restrict ownership of semi-automatic firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state, 1200 WOAI news reports." ...

NY: Local legislators oppose new gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Hugh Farley and Assemblyman Marc Butler, both Republicans representing Fulton County, strongly oppose Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed gun law, which was passed by the state Senate on Monday night and by the Assembly today."

"'This is an infringement of Second Amendment rights,' said Farley, who voted against the bill. 'It takes law-abiding citizens and possibly makes them criminals.'"

"He said he received more than 600 calls from people opposing the bill and only 15 in favor, and he is trying 'to represent the people' who elected him." ...

NY: Senator Ball on Cuomo's gun grab
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"'We needed solid provisions to keep the violently, mentally ill from harming our communities, our kids and our families. That didn’t happen tonight.While much in this bill, as far as stiffer penalties for real criminals and help on the mental health front is good, the last minute push, in the middle of the night without critical public input from sportsmen and taxpayers was outrageous and forced members to vote on a bill they had not read. ...' said Senator Greg Ball."

NY: SAFE gun bill React-O-Mat™
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"We’ll be posting reactions from elected officials and advocates to the passage of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act in the Senate on Monday night and (quite likely) the Assembly on Tuesday; newest on top:" ...

NY: Governor Cuomo Signs Groundbreaking Legislation That Will Give New York State the Toughest Protections Against Gun Violence in the Nation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed into law the NY SAFE Act (Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act) that will give New York State the toughest gun laws in the nation. The legislation includes provisions to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons and potentially dangerous mental health patients, and ban high capacity magazines and assault weapons."

"Under the legislation, New York will be the first state in the nation to ban any magazine that can hold more than seven rounds and run instant background checks on all ammunition purchases at the time of sale. ..." ...

NY: Statement from Speaker Silver on Passage of NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Assembly Majority has long fought for sensible gun laws to protect New Yorkers against unnecessary violence. There are too many victims of senseless gun violence in communities everywhere. I am saddened that it took the devastating events of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and Webster, New York to move people to action."

"No civilian needs or should be able to purchase an assault weapon intended to kill as many human beings as swiftly as possible. ..." ...

KABA Note: So police officers will be turning these weapons in? If not, please explain the circumstances under which a law enforcement officer would find it necessary to "kill as many human beings as swiftly as possible".

TX: Central Texas unanimously vote to keep gun shows
Submitted by: John Sullivan

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"Travis County Commissioners on Tuesday voted to honor the existing contract with the organizer of the gun shows at the Travis County Expo."

"The unanimous vote came after the five-member body met with its lawyers and heard from people with an interest in the topic."

"The action also came after Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott last week used his Twitter account to threaten commissioners with a lawsuit if they went forward with a proposal to ban gun shows at county-owned venues." ...

NY: State Senate OKs assault weapon crackdown
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York Senate last night overwhelmingly passed a sweeping new gun bill that could make the state the first in the nation to adopt stricter regulations in the wake of last month’s elementary-school massacre in Connecticut."

"The bill passed 43-18, with the naysayers all upstate Republicans."

"The Assembly is expected to take up the legislation when it returns ..."

"The measures in the bill were negotiated by Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders, and ban the sale of assault weapons in New York and broaden the definition of an assault weapons."

"Cuomo called the plan possibly 'the most comprehensive response to this crisis,' referring to several recent shooting sprees."

"'These are common-sense measures,' he said." ...

NY: Lawmakers, Remington employees vow to fight assault weapon ban
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"On Monday morning, more than 100 concerned Mohawk Valley residents attended a town hall meeting to discuss possible job retention at Remington Arms. After the meeting, officials and over 30 Remington workers headed to Albany to protest a proposed assault weapon ban."

"The Remington Arms facility in the village of Ilion has provided many with jobs for generations dating back to 1816. ..." ...

NY: Critics assail Cuomo's gun deal as secret, rushed
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"Good-government groups and rank-and-file lawmakers criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo for pushing stricter gun control measures into law through secret meetings, allowing little time for legislative debate and no public discussion." ...

NY: New York Passes Nation's Toughest Gun-Control Law
Submitted by: Joe

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... "Called the New York Safe Act, the law includes a tougher assault weapons ban that broadens the definition of what constitutes an assault weapon, and limits the capacity of magazines to seven bullets, down from 10. The law also requires background checks of ammunition and gun buyers, even in private sales, imposes tougher penalties for illegal gun use, a one-state check on all firearms purchases, and programs to cut gun violence in high-crime neighborhoods." ...

Submitters Note: Lets review, Rights Restriction, Rights Restriction, Rights Restriction, Rights Restriction, Rights Restriction, Rights Restriction, and something about trying to cut down violence in high crime neighborhoods. Did I get that right?

NY: Specifics on New Yorks new Draconian Gun Laws
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"Draconian to say the least… New Yorks new gun laws are now official. Effective immediately. I already told you about the 7 round mag limits… Here is the rest of whats in the bill that they didnt even take the time to read. Yes, their governor evoked emergency procedures to rush the law through, and it became effective law the second his pen stopped signing." ...

KY: Video: Sheriff Denny Peyman Refuses to Enforce any "Unconstitutional" Gun Laws (video available)
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"Jackson County, Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman recently said that he will not enforce any new gun laws that he believes are unconstitutional (video below)."

"Sheriff Peyman told Fox News on Monday that the U.S. Constitution is 'like the Bible' because 'you either believe it or you don’t,' reports" ...

OR: Ore. Sheriff Says He Won't Enforce New Gun Laws
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"An Oregon sheriff has sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden saying his department will not enforce any new gun laws it considers unconstitutional."

"Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller, in his letter dated Monday, said politicians are 'attempting to exploit the deaths of innocent victims' by supporting laws that would harm law-abiding Americans. The sheriff said he took an oath to support the Constitution, and laws preventing citizens from owning certain semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines would violate their rights." ...

Submitter's comment: Sheriff Mueller joins other sheriffs around the country in taking this position. Is this the source of our new leadership?

NY: Sheriff supports stricter gun laws, Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chautauqua County Sheriff Joe Gerace knows a thing or two regarding gun laws in New York state."

"For instance, he's fully aware laws in place before Tuesday were riddled with loopholes and did little to curb gun violence involving assault weapons."

"The sheriff also understands the need to protect the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, while ensuring those with mental health problems receive proper care." ...

CO: Police Shoot, Kill Dog When Going To A Home By Mistake (video story)
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"An Adams County man is in shock after he says deputies shot and killed his dog."

"Jeff Fisher said deputies went to his house by mistake. He said when they opened the door his dog Ziggy ran outside and officers shot and killed him." ...

"The Adams County Sheriff’s Office said deputies responded to the address on reports of a business alarm going off. ..."

DC: Prosecutor: D.C. cop killed woman, baby to avoid child support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A D.C. police officer killed a 20-year-old aspiring sheriff’s deputy and left their baby to die in a sweltering car because he did not want to have to pay her for child support, Prince George’s County prosecutors said Monday as the officer’s double-murder trial began." ...

IL: Committee to consider settling cop misconduct cases for nearly $33M (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly seven years after Christina Eilman wandered out of a South Side police station and into a catastrophe, her tragic entanglement with the Chicago [PD] began to come to an end Monday — with a proposed $22.5 million legal settlement that may be the largest the city ever offered to a single victim of police misconduct."

"Though the settlement is a staggering sum on its own, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration has placed a second eight-figure police settlement on today's City Council Finance Committee agenda. A $10.2 million settlement is proposed for one of the victims of notorious former police Cmdr. Jon Burge, bringing to nearly $33 million the amount aldermen could vote to pay victims of police misconduct in a single day." ...

ID: Former Idaho Sheriff’s Deputy Takes Plea in Sexual Battery Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Idaho County sheriff’s deputy has pleaded guilty to felony sexual battery for a sexual relationship he had with a 16-year-old girl last summer. The Lewiston Tribune reports 31-year-old Daniel L. Funderberg of Kamiah pleaded guilty Thursday during a hearing before 2nd District Judge John Stegner. Lewis County" ...

NC: Deputy busted for "doctor shopping" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A deputy has resigned after state investigators pressed drug charges."

"Sheriff Ed Brown tells 9 On Your Side that Karaszewski worked in the narcotics unit of the sheriff's office up until about 6 months ago." ...

VT: Former trooper going to prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'This is not a good day for the state police,' said Vt. State Police Col. Tom L'Esperance."

"His boss called his actions a betrayal of the badge. And Monday former state trooper Jim Deeghan took responsibility for stealing more than $200,000 from taxpayers over the past six years. 'I regret the time spent, man hours spent by the state police in this case, because I know they have more important things they could have been doing,' Deeghan told the court." ...

Piers Morgan admits standing on graves of dead children to advance gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During his debate with's Ben Shapiro, CNN propagandist Piers Morgan was shocked when Shapiro accused him of standing on the graves of dead children. But he changed his tune on Tuesday, when he issued a tweet effectively saying that is exactly what he's willing to do to advance gun control, Twitchy reported."

"'I'm being accused of 'standing on the graves of dead Sandy Hook children' - if that's what it takes to get action, so be it,' he tweeted."

"Some agreed with Morgan, but Twitchy said that 'most everyone else' was 'disgusted.'" ...

NRA spits on the graves of Newtown massacre victims with release of mobile shoot-'em-up app for iPhone, iPad
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ready, aim, misfire!"

"Exactly one month after the Newtown school massacre, the National Rifle Association has launched a free iPhone and iPad shooting game offering kids as young as 4 a chance to fire guns at coffin-shaped targets." ...

Gun enthusiasts decry new controls passed by NY
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As New York lawmakers approved the nation's toughest gun control laws, the first since the Connecticut school shooting, gun enthusiasts lined up to criticize the state for what they called an overreach driven by political ambition."

"Signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday, the New York legislation tightens a ban on assault-style rifles, calls for background checks on ammunition purchases, outlaws large-capacity magazines and tries to keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people deemed to be a threat." ...

Submitter's Note: So do they refer to the ACLU as 'speech enthusiasts' or 'religion enthusiasts' or 'press enthusiasts'?

Scarborough Goes Off On ‘Sheer Ignorance’ Of Gun Lobby Who Believe ‘Constitutional Right’ To ‘Assault Weapons’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday morning, MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough continued his streak of attacking the National Rifle Association, the gun lobby, and the people who interpret the Second Amendment to mean unfettered access to firearms."

"After co-host Mika Brzezinski congratulated Scarborough on successfully calling attention to the new NRA iPhone app 'Practice Range' and forcing the makers to designate the game for ages 12 and up, the conservative host went off on the lobby he finds 'extreme.'" ...

NY: Editorial tarred gun owners as extremists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Apparently the entire staff at the Pocono Record thinks all gun owners and all who respect the Constitution, or at least the Second Amendment, are cynics and as evil as Muslim extremists, the Russian Parliament and Vladimir Putin. The 'In Our Opinion' editorial on Jan. 2 categorically states this opinion." ...

Gun protest held at Wal-Mart near Newtown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control activists gathered Tuesday at a Wal-Mart store less than 10 miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School to demand the company stop selling military-style rifles."

"About 80 protesters, including three directly affected by recent mass shootings, helped deliver a petition to store officials they said contained that names of almost 300,000 people who want Wal-Mart to stop selling rifles similar to the semi-automatic Bushmaster used in the killing of 20 children and six adults at the Newtown school on Dec. 14. The names were gathered online." ...

Submitter's Note: 80 protesters with 300,000 (alleged) signatures in newsworthy, but 2,237,731 transactions where people put their money where their mouth is shomehow is not.

Gun control debate driving local gun sales (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The talk of new gun control laws is driving up sales of assault rifles and ammunition."

"Local gun stores are seeing lots of first time buyers as well as long time gun owners who worry about losing their Second Amendment right to bear arms. But others aren’t worried about a change in gun laws because they don’t think it’s going to happen."

"Tommy Lloyd is in the market for an assault rifle for target practice."

"'I’ve just kind of been thinking about it and if they are thinking about having a ban, I would just like to have one before it happens,' he said." ...

The debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment states, in its entirety: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' The recent Newtown shootings reinvigorated a longstanding debate about the proper interpretation of this language, particularly whether or not it safeguards an individual right to own guns. This article describes some aspects of the debate and the state of the law." ...

PA: We should accept some gun limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here we are, one month from the horrific tragedy in Newtown, and there is no real consensus as to what should be done regarding the Second Amendment and a policy of intelligent gun control."

"At the risk of angering many of my gun-owning friends and neighbors, I say there should be a ban on assault weapon sales and ownership except for the U.S. Armed Forces and police departments."

"They are called 'assault weapons' for a good reason. Their sole intent is to assault and kill as many people in as short a time as possible. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Bill, please explain to me the circumstances under which Peace Officers would find it desirable "to assault and kill as many people in as short a time as possible"?

WA: Defining arms is tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Constitution does not describe types of weapons allowed, nor does it exclude any specific weapon construct from the right of citizens to bear arms. Assault weapons have no reliable definition." ...

CA: The gun debate could use a dose of reason
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After attending the meeting on gun violence with Congressman Mike Thompson last week, I thought it was important that I try to interject a bit of reason into the debate. While I was both disturbed and encouraged by the issues and ideas presented by the speakers that evening, in the time I was there I did not hear one person quote the actual text of the Second Amendment:" ...

"The word 'people' in this statement is subject to very broad interpretation, from pertaining to private citizens, to referring to a collective societal whole. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually in Heller v. DC the court ruled 9-0 that the Second protects an individual right.

NY: Stand Up For The Second Amendment By Standing With New York State Senator Kathleen Marchione
Submitted by: John Hall

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"In a vote held in the state Legislature last night – Monday, January 14, 2013 – the Second Amendment Constitutional freedoms of New Yorkers were weakened with passage of restrictive new gun control. I strongly opposed this legislation that was rushed through both houses of our state Legislature without a single public hearing or the proper time to carefully review the bill."

"Law-abiding citizens are NOT the issue! Millions of New Yorkers own firearms and do so safely, responsibly and legally. The real issue, the real threat, is dangerous criminals having guns and the seriously mentally ill obtaining access to guns." ...

NY: Fake gun prompts lockdown at Long Island's Elmont Memorial High School
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"Police recovered a toy gun from a Long Island high school on Tuesday, ending a six-hour lockdown that left students trapped in classrooms and the cafeteria."

"A 911 caller reported seeing a teenage male with a backpack and possible gun near Elmont High School in Nassau County. The report sent SWAT teams, bomb squads and canine units rushing to the school around 7:40 a.m. Cops systematically searched lockers, bags and students."

"Nassau County Police found a toy lime green and yellow 'Nerf' gun in a student locker that fit the description of the original call. There were no arrests ..." ...

TX: We love guns, but safety demands action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Texas, we love our guns. My great uncle was an excellent shot. He ran his gas station on the honor system so he could nap in a chair outside the front door. If anyone attempted to short-change him, he shot the thief’s tires out."

"My 12-year-old must have inherited his good aim. This Christmas we bought him a .243, and ten days later he dropped his first deer with a single shot."

"Guns are part of our history, our present and our future."

"But, even gun-toting Texans agree that only law-abiding and mentally competent folks should be allowed access to guns. Background checks at the point of sale, any sale, are one step among many in achieving this commonly held safety goal." ...

OH: Announcing the 2013 BUCKEYE BASH!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dinner, Auctions, and TONS O' GUNS!
Plus Keynote Speaker Dick Heller, victorious plaintiff in Heller vs. D.C.

"We're holding this year's festivities on Saturday, March 16, at the Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio. And we promise that you're in for a treat." ...

IL: ISRA has right idea on Gun Appreciation Day in IL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our friends at the Illinois State Rifle Association have the right idea on Gun Appreciation Day."

"We at GSL have been fielding more and more calls from folks asking 'should we go to Springfield on Saturday'."

"Our answer is 'no' and we’ll tell you why:"

"1. The legislature is not in session.
2. Nobody in the legislature is gonna be there.
3. The media’s not going to report on it."

"Adding all that up, the question is 'why?'" ...

Canada: Lady Gaga sparks outrage with gun bra in Vancouver concerts (with photos)
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Lady Gaga’s decision to wear a gun bra at her Friday and Saturday concerts in Vancouver has drawn criticism from gun control groups who say the costume is particularly insensitive coming so soon after the Sandy Hook gun massacre."

"The pop star wore the controversial bra, which features two fake assault rifles extending from the front of each bra cup, while she performed the song Alejandro. The gun bra is part of the video and concert performance for Lady Gaga’s hit Alejandro; she also wore a similar costume when she posed for the cover of Rolling Stone in 2010." ...

Canada: Carelse avoids life term sought by Crown
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A Saskatoon judge has imposed a 16-year prison sentence on a Humboldt man convicted of attempted murder for a horrific domestic attack against his estranged wife."

"Brandon Carelse was on probation for a previous assault against Elvircia Carelse when he went to her home on April 7, 2011, and beat her with his fists and feet before picking up a kitchen knife and stabbing her dozens of times. She suffered multiple injuries, at least three of which were life-threatening." ...

If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government — and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws. — EDWARD ABBEY

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