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Newslinks for 1/17/2012

Lawmaker thief a perfect representative for gun-grabbing rights thieves
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"So naturally, this sick-in-the-head criminal (and a California Sheriff’s Association’s'“Outstanding Legislator' award recipient) is against the right of peaceable people to keep and bear arms: She’s against concealed carry. She’s against open carry. She’s for expanded registration."

"SHE doesn’t trust US!"

NY: Mayor Mike Bloomberg Heckled At MLK Event
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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It wasn't exactly the warmest reception the mayor has ever received. Mike Bloomberg stopped by the House of Justice in East Harlem earlier today -- where apparently most local electeds that matter (or hope to matter) were making their MLK appearances.

WA: Bill would protect gun ranges from new noise laws
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A Washington state lawmaker wants to exempt shooting ranges from noise-related civil and criminal legal action.

The Kitsap Sun reports that Democratic Rep. Dean Takko of Longview has introduced a measure that would require shooting ranges to conform to noise laws that existed when they were built and exempt them from later laws. The aim is to head off complaints from people building new homes next to a shooting range.

But the bill states local governments would still have control over regulating the location and construction of new shooting ranges.

Takko says he's a shooting enthusiast and has had this idea floating around his head and finally got around to filing a bill.

Hold Eric Holder Accountable for "Fast & Furious"
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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In the NRA-ILA Grassroots News Minute for January 13. news anchor Krista Cupp reports on the effort to hold Attorney General accountable for the notorious "Fast and Furious" gun operation.

Ed.: Video story.

Pro-Gun Jerks Find Humor in Tucson Shooting Anniversary
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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January 8, 2012 marked the one-year anniversary of the horrific mass shooting in Tucson, in which a young man, Jared Loughner, killed 6 innocent Americans and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ). Despite the fact that he was severely mentally ill and a substance abuser, Loughner passed a background check and legally purchased the handgun used in the murders. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence organized a series of “Too Many Victims” candlelight vigils to recognize the anniversary and pay tribute to all Americans who are victims and survivors of gun violence. The staff of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence was proud to attend a vigil in the District of Columbia at Shiloh Baptist Church.

NJ: Newark Mayor Cory Booker: Turn in Gun Owner, Get $1,000
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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The Mayor of Newark, New Jersey is making an offer he hopes city residents cannot refuse -- report your gun-owning neighbor, get $1,000. In a video, Mayor Cory Booker holds ten $100 bills as he explains how the new program works. People just have to anonymously call a number to report someone with an illegal gun and they get the dough. Here is the video:

NC: Forsyth weighing guns in parks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Opinions are sharply divided over the question of allowing people with concealed-carry permits to take their guns into county parks.

That's true on the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, and among experts who have combed the data to find whether concealed-carry laws make people safer, have no effect, or increase risk.

Commissioner Bill Whiteheart, who advocates changing county ordinances to allow concealed-carry guns in parks, said during a board discussion last Thursday that an armed citizen can make a difference when "seconds matter and the police are moments away."

UK: Mums Need Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every good mum in Great Britain needs a gun. Law-abiding citizens should have full power and ability to protect themselves against criminals and evildoers. Despite America’s current failing economy and self-obsessed political leaders, the United States of America is blessed with a Constitution and subsequent Bill of Rights. There is one right that is exceptionally practical; and that is the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms.

With this lovely amendment, Americans possess the power to defend their person, loved ones and property with lethal force.

It is a statement of freedom.

SD: Bill targets concealed weapons permit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thousands of Pennington County residents have permits to carry concealed handguns.

If Rep. Don Kopp gets his way, they won't need a permit.

Kopp's HB 1015 would let any South Dakotan who can legally carry a gun, conceal their handgun without having to get a state-issued permit.

"This just doesn't penalize the citizens, to make him buy a permit to defend himself - which I believe is unconstitutional," Kopp, R-Rapid City, said.

NY: Should A Marine Be Charged For Bringing A Gun To The Empire State Building?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Who believes that carrying a firearm into iconic, highly secured New York landmarks is a good idea? Metal detectors are designed to expose weapons, not belt buckles, yet clueless tourists keep getting hauled into court for packing heat at the Empire State Building. Now some Marines are claiming that Indiana native Ryan Jerome, himself a Marine who was arrested for trying to check his .45 Ruger with authorities in September, is more equal than others who have made the same mistake.

CA: Why Public Ownership of Firearms Should Be Revoked
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every year, thousands of Americans are either killed or injured by the use of firearms, both malignantly and incidentally. The lack of definite guidelines uniform throughout the states has contributed to a chaos. More and more civilians have thus reacted by implementing a gun into their household.

Organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA) claim that the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights allows for ownership of firearms; this also serves a dual purpose: protection whenever and wherever danger may arise. However, in our modern society, this is baseless.

VA: Group spends MLK Day raffling off .50-caliber rifle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nothing says “Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day” quite like raffling off a .50-caliber rifle in front of the Virginia state legislature.

Monday morning, in an effort to lobby the Virginia General Assembly for favorable gun-ownership laws, a Virginia advocacy group will convene in Richmond on capitol grounds to promote their individual defense agenda.

VA: Gun-control advocates, opponents lobby increasingly conservative Va. General Assembly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-control advocates and opponents pressed conflicting legislative agendas Monday in Virginia, site of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

About 200 people attended a rally by the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, which is advocating a package of bills that would eliminate or relax restrictions on carrying concealed weapons and allow guns on state college campuses. Most wore stickers saying “Guns Save Lives,” and some openly carried handguns or rifles.

WA: The NRA license plate and a bag of coffee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The flight here from Seattle for the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show was uneventful, except for what happened after the landing.

This columnist was heading up the jet ramp when another passenger stopped me and said “They want you back at the plane.”

Hmmm. I hadn’t stolen one of the engines. I was carrying everything I took aboard. Oh, well.

Back at the plane’s door, a flight attendant had spotted the “NRA” embroidered emblem on my shirt, purchased a couple of years ago at the NRA annual meetings in Phoenix.

UK: US electoral nausea: lean over the rail and vote for Romney
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They have been saying for months that he is ‘unelectable,’ implying he doesn’t deserve coverage because no way is he going to get the party nomination. Yet despite the MSM efforts, the support Ron Paul has won among the Republican primary voters actually shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate except Romney. He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and 23 percent in New Hampshire.


Mr Gingrich has been relentless in attacking the former Massachusetts’ governor’s Democrat-like record on abortion, the Second Amendment – which guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms – taxes and job creation.

NH: College should be safe place to learn; firearms should be banned
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legislation just passed the N.H. House that would allow people to bring firearms on a public college campus or into classrooms. Moreover, a college or professor would be forbidden to prohibit guns and face legal action if they did. Hopefully, this will be defeated in the Senate or vetoed by the governor.

SD: South Dakota lawmaker: Ban permits to carry concealed guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Rapid City lawmaker says South Dakotans shouldn't have to get a state permit to carry a concealed gun.

Republican state Rep. Don Kopp says he's introducing a bill in the South Dakota Legislature to get rid of the permit requirement.

FL: Should guns be banned in hospitals?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Florida, it’s against the law to carry a gun into a school, an athletic event, a jail, a police station or a local government meeting. Not so with hospitals, where it remains perfectly legal to pack heat.

For years, Linda Quick of the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association has wanted to change that. Just before each session of the Legislature, when her group publishes its agenda, it includes a talking point: “Add ‘licensed hospitals and nursing homes’ to the Safety Zone provisions of the Concealed Weapons Law.”

U.S. gun industry appeals new rifle reporting rules
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gun industry on Monday appealed a U.S. judge's decision to uphold new Obama administration regulations requiring gun dealers in four states bordering Mexico to report the sales of multiple semi-automatic rifles.


Gun dealers backed by the National Rifle Association, a powerful lobbying group, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation, challenged the requirements, arguing they would effectively require national registration of firearms sales, which they said the ATF was not authorized to do.

OK: Charges to be dropped in stabbing death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Saying she acted in self-defense, a Delaware County prosecutor said he will drop an assault charge against a woman in the December stabbing death of her boyfriend.

Kayla Dianne Criger, 22, was charged Dec. 21 with assault and battery with a deadly weapon. She was accused of stabbing Robert Allen Higgins, 29, of Afton, in the leg Dec. 18.

The weapon struck an artery, and Higgins died Dec. 24 at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa.

“After reviewing all the evidence in this case, it is my opinion that Kayla Criger did believe that her life was in jeopardy when she stabbed Mr. Higgins, and that she acted in self-defense,” Eddie Wyant, district attorney for Delaware and Ottawa counties, said Friday in a prepared statement.

NC: Mother shoots, kills son during bedroom assault
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Barger's parents told investigators they had poured out all the alcohol in the house after Barger became drunk.

When his parents went to bed, Barger went into their bedroom and started assaulting them by pulling them out of bed and beating them on the ground.

His mom reached for a pistol when Barger started beating his father and she ordered him to stop, according to police.

When he came at her, she fired, shooting him directly in the chest.

FL: Justifiable homicides rise in Palm Beach County
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Though Palm Beach County's overall homicide rate continued to decline in 2011, authorities say justifiable homi­cides increased.

"There definitely was an increase in the Stand Your Ground claims in 2011," said Terri Skiles, chief of the Major Violent Crimes Division in the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office.

Not counting three fatal shootings that involved officers, six of the county's 84 homicides last year were either determined to be justifiable or resulted in no charges against the alleged assailant. That is the highest number of justifiable homicides involving private citizens since the Stand Your Ground law went into effect in late 2005, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

WA: What’s up with switchblade knife legislation?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There’s a new piece of legislation in Olympia aimed at defining a “switchblade” knife that contains what appears to be a contradictory, or at least confusing, definition that has some Second Amendment activists puzzled.

This column will have a chance to speak to several of them during the next four days here at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show. They’re knife makers, whose wares will be just as much on display as new guns and other gear.

AL: Wetumpka man acquitted of murder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Wetumpka man was acquitted of a murder charge Tuesday afternoon when an Elmore County jury returned a not guilty verdict in less than two hours after the closing statements were given.


Stokes was watching television in his 1200 block Holtville Road residence around 12:50 a.m. Dec. 16, 2009, when his common law wife Christina Walker and Leonard walked into the home, according to court records.

During the trial it was revealed that Leonard walked into Stokes’ home with two handguns and shot at Stokes.

Stokes returned fire using a 12-gauge shotgun, striking Leonard with a fatal shot to the chest.

VA: Lawmaker seeks to cut concealed carry ‘red tape’ in Virginia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Republican-controlled General Assembly may make it legal to carry concealed weapons without a permit, even though gun owners support the current law.

Virginia law requires a permit for concealed carry, but a measure proposed by State Del. Mark Cole, (R-Spotsylvania), would eliminate the permit requirement, making it legal for all gun owners to carry a concealed weapon.

Judge Upholds ATF Gun Rule for SW Border States
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In her ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer wrote, “Congress has effected a delicate balance between ATF’s regulation of firearms and the right to privacy held by lawful firearms owners. ATF’s Demand Letter did not disturb that balance. Because the Demand Letter was limited to only certain sales of certain guns in certain states, ATF did not exceed its authority. Further, ATF did not act arbitrarily or capriciously because the reporting requirement set forth in the Demand Letter was based on relevant factors. Accordingly, the Court will grant ATF’s motion for summary judgment.”

“We disagree with the Judge and an appeal will be forthcoming,” said NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam when asked about the ruling.

GA: Indian Americans in Georgia learning to shoot guns after rash of home invasions, possibly gold-related
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group of Indian-American men are learning to shoot guns after a rash of metro Atlanta home invasions they believe targeted their community.

The men gathered Saturday at a firing range in north Fulton County for target practice and to learn about gun safety, WSB-TV reported.

The men say they believe home invaders have been targeting people in the Indian-American community because some families keep gold items in their homes. Police have been investigating that angle as well.

Both the oligarch and Tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms. — Aristotle

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