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Newslinks for 1/17/2015

Black mug shot police targets show double standard of silhouette exemptions
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"While Police Chief J. Scott Dennis says his men 'could have used better judgment,' he denies that racial profiling was involved."

Je Suis Humain
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Still, a prominent European Jewish leader coming to the recognition that arms in private hands can protect individuals and communities from those who would eliminate them should be seen as a welcome and significant change in outlook, and one that domestic Kapos for Kristallnacht would do well to recognize. That will becomes increasingly apparent as decentralized sleeper cells in the U.S. begin to awaken, particularly when they make a special point of targeting American Jews."

DOJ accused of blocking legal gun shops, other businesses from banking
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Mike Schuetz operates a small gun shop in northern Wisconsin called Hawkins Guns. In November, just before one of his peak selling times, his local credit union notified him his account needed to be closed. ...
It turned out there was a list created by a Justice Department program called Operation Choke Point. The list equates legal gun sellers like Schuetz with escort services, Ponzi schemes, people who sell cable TV de-scramblers -- and at least 30 other industries.
The program, which is facing tough questions in Congress, intimidates banks with the threat of heightened scrutiny and increased audits if accounts are maintained in those industries.

NY: Judge Dismisses Brooklyn Gun Case as Police Are Investigated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Brooklyn man who claimed the police manufactured gun-possession charges against him had his case dismissed on Thursday, amid two investigations into the practices of a group of police officers in the 67th Precinct in East Flatbush.
The man, Jeffrey Herring, had maintained his innocence ever since his arrest on June 4, 2013, asserting that officers had planted the gun on him and fabricated the circumstances of his arrest.
The officers claimed that they got a tip from a confidential informer that Mr. Herring had a gun. Prosecutors had been instructed to bring the informer to court on Thursday; the defense had challenged whether that informer even existed.
At the hearing, prosecutors offered no evidence or mention of that informer.

Counting on failure: An argument against counting rounds
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I recently had a colleague report on some firearms training he received and it surprised me to hear that his instructor heavily emphasized counting the number of rounds that had been fired and keeping a running tally of how many rounds remained in the magazine.

I thought this concept had finally disappeared from defensive firearms training, but apparently there are still remnants of it which have survived, so perhaps another look is in order.

AR: Arkansas Rep Proposes Campus Carry For State Colleges, Universities
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On January 15, Arkansas state representative Charlie Collins (R-Fayetteville) proposed legislation to allow faculty and staff at state colleges and universities to carry guns on campus for self-defense.

Known as House Bill 1077, the measure would allow faculty and staff with concealed carry licenses to carry on campus and would not allow colleges or universities to deny their right to do so.

FL: Florida Campus Carry Bill Meets First Committee Stop Tuesday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee meets Tuesday, January 20th, at 4:00 pm in Tallahassee to consider Campus Carry. This year’s Florida legislative session is shaping up to be a battle for self-defense rights. The first bill to be reviewed in committee will be a Campus Carry bill that was filed after a mentally ill attorney attacked students studying in the FSU library by opening fire on defenseless students and university employees.

The Springfield XD is built for first-time shooters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The full size Springfield XD is a superbly machined piece of equipment and excellent choice for new pistol owners. Reliable and accurate out of the box, the XD ships with one of the most comfortable grips on the planet. Several of the XD’s features make it such a forgiving weapon for new shooters it seems designed for them. While this seems like a rosey-tinted overview of the Croatian pistol, it still has its thorns.

WA: Washington State Rep: ‘We Will Not Comply’ with New Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On January 15, Second Amendment supporters gathered in Olympia, Washington, in a show of opposition to Bloomberg-funded I-594. State Representative Matt Shea (R-4th Dist.) said, “We will not comply.”

I-594 outlaws private gun sales in the state by requiring “universal background checks.” Under the new law, it is not legal to even lend a gun to a friend without going through a background check, except in cases where the friend needs the gun because of an imminent threat against his or her life.

MI: A Republican governor vetoed an NRA-backed bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A governor vetoed a concealed carry permit law yesterday, but he wasn’t a Democrat.

Michigan’s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder rejected the NRA-backed legislation, which aimed to ease permit applications for concealed pistols. The bill would have removed the current all-out ban on permits for those who had ever been the subject of a restraining order, instead leaving individual bans up to the courts.

Snyder was endorsed by the NRA during his last election.

Gun Control Group Protests Gun Industry… For A Position On “Smart Guns” It Doesn’t Have
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A gun control group protesting the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday fizzled out when they discovered that they were protesting a position that no one in the gun industry holds.

Local leaders of a national gun safety effort gathered in Newtown Thursday morning to ask the National Shooting Sports Foundation to help end a campaign aimed at keeping personalized guns, or “smart guns,” off the market.

The thing, is, the NSSF isn’t opposed to so-called smart guns, and never had been.

MI: Governor’s Veto Denies Victims Of Domestic Abuse And Stalking Added Protections
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, the National Rifle Association expressed its disappointment in Governor Rick Snyder’s decision to veto Senate Bill 789. Unfortunately, the misinformation campaign designed to further billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agenda will leave victims of domestic abuse and stalking without increased protections provided in the legislation.

The Left’s ‘Reasonable’ Treaties Aren’t All Really Reasonable
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To return to the ATT, let’s make the case against it simple by ignoring, for now, the Second Amendment — ignore the fact that many of the people and institutions closely involved in the treaty support international restrictions on domestic firearms ownership, Amnesty International’s implication that a “perfect” treaty would cover “domestic internal gun sales,” the ill-informed scholars who describe the current text as an “arms control treaty,” and the U.N. experts calling for it to forbid “selling weapons to non-State entities,” which would include American gun owners.

WA: Will demonstration in House gallery lead to new rules? Senate announces 'OC' ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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UPDATE (Friday, 5:45 p.m.) The Associated Press is now reporting that the State Senate is banning the open carry of firearms in the Senate gallery. This announcement underscores the backlash being expressed by many rights activists, including people who were at Thursday's rally, who were not favorably impressed by the open carry demonstration. There were several people in the crowd who were openly carrying sidearms, and who have been critical of the long gun exhibition.

SHOT Show helps industry take aim
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When Jay Leno cancelled his appearance at the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s State of the Industry Dinner at next week’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show, the trade association of the firearms industry took it in stride.

Long accustomed to people caving and going crawfish to the anti-gun lobby, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) officials told Leno, “See ya.” Officials said they would fill the big night with “major talent who will respect the contributions of industry, its millions of customers and the Second Amendment.”

UT: Utah bucks trend with fewer firearms confiscated at airport
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Salt Lake City International Airport found fewer firearms in carry-on luggage last year than in 2013, according to statistics released Thursday by the TSA.

Nationally, the Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration confiscated over 2,200 guns in 2014 — more than any year in TSA history, officials said. Violations increased by 20 percent last year and by 16 percent in 2013.

CT: Sandy Hook panel urges further tightening of Connecticut gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Connecticut panel charged with coming up with ways to reduce school violence after the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School plans to urge the state to strengthen its already strict gun laws.

While the state adopted some of the toughest rules on gun ownership in the United States following the attack at a Newtown school that left 20 children and six educators dead, the panel voted on Friday to ask Governor Dannel Malloy to restrict gun ownership further in its final report next month.

Gun company shows support for the Second Amendment: No more guns for Liam Neeson!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a Facebook post, PARA USA said the company now regretted providing firearms to be used in the Taken 3 film.

“While the film itself is entertaining, comments made by its Irish-born star during press junkets reflect a cultural and factual ignorance that undermines support of the Second Amendment and American liberties,” the company said.

“We will no longer provide firearms for use in films starring Liam Neeson and ask that our friends and partners in Hollywood refrain from associating our brand and products with his projects. Further, we encourage our partners and friends in the firearms industry to do the same.”

TX: Demonstrations on behalf of ‘open carry’ gun rights have some limits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So I think I understand the support for gun rights and legislation that is being pursued across Texas and locally.

But there’s one thing I don’t understand. That would be the practice of marching up and down public streets, demonstrating at City Hall and assembling at the state Capitol with all kinds of long guns — including military-style ones — strapped over shoulders and otherwise being bandied around.

So, I thought I would show up at a recent demonstration in downtown Arlington and see if I could learn more about why some activists are compelled to fully arm themselves and dress up like vigilantes to get their points across.

WA: Legislature weighs change on openly carrying guns in chamber
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State officials on Friday were considering whether to change the interpretation of Senate and House rules and prohibit the open carrying of firearms in the chambers’ public viewing areas.

Leaders said they believe the rule that currently bans props, signs or other forms of demonstration would also prohibit openly carrying weapons in the galleries.

“I don’t want the people who are on the floor being fearful of doing their job,” said Lt. Gov. Brad Owen, a Democrat who serves as president of the Senate. “I don’t want parents concerned about the safety of their kids as pages.”

Imaginary world of safety--Don't need guns--Cry, blow, and throw
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Apparently, women and kids are meant to stand around with their emotional pants down, crying, blowing whistles, and screaming when a rapist or killer walks by. Joe Biden has long said that guns are not needed for self-defense. However, if the intruder is in our face, perhaps we could use only a shotgun...that is all. Be practical and go to a call box for help instead.

ID: We all should be responsible gun owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two recent writers to the Cd'A Press (Jan. 7 and Jan. 11) postulate that it is about who is in our legislature, and what constitutes individual liberty. One states that Idaho is apparently unsafe because fear is promoted by our legislators. One cannot have gun safety without gun rights. Apparently, according to one of these writers, NRA should be teaching about one yet exclude the other. Life has risks, and responsible people try to mitigate those risks, including those who choose to carry a gun for defense. This makes sense because in a criminal assault, just like in a critical medical emergency, when seconds count we (police and fire) are only minutes away.

Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in... — Dianne Feinstein, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes, February 5, 1995.

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