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Newslinks for 1/18/2005

RIP Neal Knox
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Neal Knox, former vice president of the National Rifle Association and long-time leader of the gun rights movement, died at his home on January 17, 2005 following a year-long battle with colon cancer. He was sixty-nine. He is survived by his wife, Jay Janen Knox (Shirley) and his four children; Christopher, Shan, Jeffrey, Stacey, and seven grandchildren." ...

"Neal’s interest in guns eventually led to his becoming the founding editor of Gun Week newspaper, followed by the editorship of Handloader magazine and the creation of Rifle magazine. From 1978 to 1982, he served as Executive Director of the Institute for Legislative Action, the lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association."

Since 1984, as chairman of the Firearms Coalition, Neal has dedicated himself to writing, speaking and lobbying for the development and support of grassroots gun rights organizations." ...

Liberty--what is it?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is this thing we Americans call liberty? What does it truly mean to possess personal liberty? In this nation, founded upon the ideal of liberty, do most of us even really have a firm grasp on what liberty is?" ...

"Likewise, Liberals are clearly anti-liberty where the rights of Americans to own guns are concerned. There is no doubt, where they stand on gun rights. They stand with the Marxists who do not think human beings worthy of self-determination or of freedom. However, how much better are some Conservatives? Yes, for the most part they are many times friendlier to the Constitution. Yet some of them have stood for restrictions, which would appall the Founders. The Second Amendment is crystal clear on this issue. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed." ...

2A Activist Fights to Open Gun Range
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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... "It all started in La Grange, Kentucky when local residents ganged up on Second Amendment activist and real estate developer, Barry Laws. Laws, a resident of Los Angeles County, wants to restore an abandoned building into an indoor shooting and paintball range."

"Nearby residents have, oddly enough, taken a position you might expect from a city like Los Angeles where the U.S. Constitution is regularly denigrated. Anti-gunners in La Grange claim that the range's proximity to a nearby apartment complex and bus stop jeopardizes the safety of the children. They have taken steps to prevent the range from opening and have alerted local media. And, if we know anti-gunners, the organizing, protesting, and whining won't stop until they have successfully stomped the life out of the Second Amendment." ...

Finnish gun manufacturer recalls faulty hunting weapons
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Finnish hunting rifle manufacturer Sako has recalled nearly 3,000 of its guns with a potential defect that could cause it to break apart when fired. In October, Mark Almeida, a 45-year-old American living in University Place, Washington, suffered injuries to his hand when his new Sako 300 Winchester Short Mag Finnlight model rifle exploded while he was shooting at a firing range."

Outdoor Journal: Hunters need to give their rigs some TLC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the deer season winds down, the hunting rigs head home in a routine as predictable as swallows at Capistrano."

"But their owners shouldn't let those high hunting seats, brush guards, feeders, Jeeps, trucks, SUVs and ATVs just sit."

"Spraying mud and gunk off my 1978 CJ7, I noticed a crack on the frame below a front shock-absorber mount. A close look at the Jeep's belly revealed shredded bushings on the rear springs as well as enough cactus, twigs and rocks on the transmission skid plate for a small campfire, complete with the fire ring." ...

"The point is, now that the hunting rig is home, the hunter needs to treat it like a rifle and give it a good cleaning and inspection, at least before summer is over." ...

TN: Required Gun Locks?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As funeral plans are being made for a 4-year-old accidentally shot in the head, others are debating gun safety laws."

"The biggest, should state law require all guns to have locks?"

"The death of 4-year-old Kendaria Hall is a reminder accidents involving guns do happen."

"As Volunteer TV’s Lee Merrit reports, while some state legislators believe new law could help prevent these tragedies, others say it's not their decision to make."

"'Certainly I’d vote for it,' says State Representative Joe Armstrong, (D) Knoxville." ...

"'We’re not trying to take guns away, we're trying to make them safe where kids can't get a hold of them,' explains Representative Armstrong." ...

Submitter's Note: Except study after study has shown that these laws don't work!

MD: Report faults state ballistics identification system
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A law requiring Maryland State Police to collect ballistics information from each handgun sold in the state should be repealed because the expensive system is flawed and has not helped a criminal investigation since it was adopted in 2000, a report has concluded."

"The report recommends transferring laboratory technicians who work on the Integrated Ballistics Identification System to the state police DNA Database Unit." ...

IL: Homeowner lacked FOID card
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Toluca homeowner who shot and killed a drunken intruder in late October had just borrowed the gun from a friend and practiced using it the day before the shooting, a Marshall County coroner's jury was told Friday." ...

"The jury ruled the death 'homicide, which was justifiable under the circumstances.'" ...

VA: New gun rules at state Capitol under fire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Hundreds of people file into the Capitol every day to visit their state legislators. Some bring paperwork. Some bring cupcakes. Some bring guns."

"In the past, rules about firearms in the Capitol and adjoining legislative office building were virtually non-existent. People with concealed weapons were required to show their permits, but those who openly carried pistols walked past Capitol Police officers, no questions asked."

"This year, new rules ban any public display of firearms, effectively barring anyone who has not been approved for a concealed weapon permit. The restrictions have angered gun-rights groups and even some lawmakers, who are trying to rescind the regulations." ...

VA: Group Takes Its Cause, And Guns, to Va. Capitol [another view]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... " Until March, anyone could carry firearms openly into the legislators' office building and the Capitol nearby. Then a joint committee of delegates and senators passed a rule requiring residents to hold a concealed gun permit to bring in a firearm, even if they plan to carry it openly."

"Soon, people without permits will be able to check their guns at the door, relinquishing them to a locker the Capitol Police have ordered, said Maj. Michael A. Jones, a police spokesman. Until it arrives, they will be turned away."

"'You don't have to ask the government for permission to carry a gun,' said Philip Van Cleave, president of the [Virginia Citizens Defense] league. 'Once you start whittling away at the right, when do you stop?'" ...

AL: Shelby deputies get semiautomatic [assault] rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Shelby County Sheriff's Department has bought 100 semiautomatic rifles and is issuing them to its personnel."

"The AR-15 rifles will be provided to all patrol deputies as well as investigators and administrators who go out on emergency calls, Sheriff Chris Curry said."

"The purchase coincides with the Alabama State Troopers' and Birmingham Police Department's acquisition of the same type of weapons, but Shelby County isn't following their lead."

"'This process was started about a year and a half ago,' Curry said. 'I felt like it was a need we had to address.'"

"The sheriff said the rifles will give his deputies the same kind of firepower they have been encountering for some time." ...

CA: Azusa takes aim at a popular gun range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Azusa City Council, concerned the sound of gunplay conflicts with pricey residential neighborhoods, is scheduled to vote today on a rezoning proposal that would put Southern California's largest shooting range out of business."

"The 62-acre San Gabriel Valley Gun Club dates to 1946 and attracts thousands of visitors annually, including hunters, law enforcement officers and skeet and trap shooters."

"Gun advocates voiced opposition to the proposed City Council action at a Dec. 20 meeting. The council, confronting a packed auditorium of speakers on both sides and a lawsuit threat if the club closes, delayed the vote." ...

CA: Police: Marine Who Killed Cop Was Gang Member
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Marine who shot and killed one Ceres police officer and wounded another one was a gang member who was high on cocaine at the time of the shootings, police said."

"Investigators now are discounting the theory that Lance Cpl. Andres Raya, 19, may have been suffering from post-traumatic stress and instigated a "suicide by cop," provoking officers to shoot him because he did not want to return to Iraq."

"'During our investigation, we found he wasn't due to go back to Iraq, never faced combat situations and never even fired his gun,' Stanislaus County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Woodman said Saturday." ...

Submitter's Note: But according to Sarah Brady et al., men like these are an elite who should have a monopoly on guns.

AL: Police Officer Accused of Murder Tells His Side of the Story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officer Richard Young was charged with murder Saturday after shooting a man." ...

"Officer Young is now partially blaming his wife for the shooting. Young says his wife, from whom he is separated, unexpectedly showed up at his house Friday. She came along with Curtis Anderton and Anderton's wife. Young says his wife and Anderton beat him up. His bruises and broken arm seen here support that claim."

"The shooting? Young calls it an act of self-defense. His wife Christine tells a different story. According to her, Richard told her and Curtis that night he was having an affair with Curtis' wife. A fight broke out and Christine claims Richard went off the deep end. According to her, Richard grabbed his patrol gun and shot Curtis because Curtis was upset about the alleged affair." ...

MI: Man escapes in police cruiser
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man with a long rap sheet dating back to his teenage years could face new charges after police say he stole a police cruiser."

"John Westley Metzelburg III, 30, of Auburn Hills was arrested Sunday night in the parking lot of the Springfield Inn in Davisburg on a concealed weapons charge. Shortly after he was arrested, Metzelburg - who as a 14-year-old took part in a Bonnie and Clyde-style crime spree - stole a Michigan State Police cruiser out from under the watch of a trooper at the Groveland Township post on Grange Hall Road."

"He was handcuffed at the time."

""'(Metzelburg) climbed into the driver's seat and drove off,' state police Lt. Harold Love said. 'He told friends he was not going back to jail.'" ...

Jamaica: Braeton trial starts - Cops accused of cold-blooded murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IT took five hours of haggling yesterday for the prosecution and the defence to agree on the 12 jurors who will adjudicate in the Braeton murder case."

"And in the end they were told that the Crown will prove that the seven youth killed by the police in the Portmore community more than three years had surrendered to the cops before being cold-bloodedly cut down in a hail of bullets."

"'The Crown is alleging that at the material time when the men met their deaths, the police officers who killed them were not acting in self-defence because the men in the pathway would have been disarmed of the guns they had,' the lead prosecution attorney, Paula Llewellyn, told the court." ...

Mexico: 'I thought we were all going to die'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barely one month after Yuma resident Martin Rodriguez and his brother Reynaldo were shot while visiting their mother in Mexico over the Christmas holiday, the three Mexican policemen accused of attacking them are free on bail."

"The news came as no surprise to Rodriguez, who shared his ordeal with The Sun even though he was advised by a Mexican human rights group to maintain a low profile out of concern those connected to the accused policemen might seek revenge."

"'This is the way Mexico is, this is the way they do things down there,' Rodriguez said, his right arm in a sling, a portion of his right elbow missing and patched together with wires and pins by Mexican doctors." ...

Philippines: One more cop faces raps for not returning guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A RANKING police officer is facing charges before the Regional Trial Court for allegedly failing to return the firearms issued to him after his reassignment from Davao to Palawan."

"In a two-page resolution, graft and investigation prosecution officer Luis Z. Aquino of the Office of Deputy Ombudsman for Military and other Law Enforcers recommended the filing of malversation of public property charges against Inspector Rommel F. Daganta ..."

"The complaint was filed by PO3 Alex L. Elisan, supply non-commission officer of the 1st Company of the RMG."

"In his affidavit, Elisan said an M14 rifle and a caliber 7.62 mm along with several rounds of ammunitions, all valued at P25,000 were issued to Daganta." ...

South Africa: Three prisoners escape with shotguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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It was the kind of prison break one would expect to see in a Hollywood movie, but it happened right here in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday when three awaiting-trial prisoners at KwaNongoma Correctional Centre pretended to be ill and overpowered warders before fleeing with four guns.

The three escapees are Lindani Nkwanyana, 30, Busa Mthethwa, 25, and Thokozani Buthelezi, whose age is not known.

At the time of going to print, police were still combing the area for the suspects - who escaped with two shotguns and two 9mm pistols.

India: Phubala womenfolk up in arms over alleged molestation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Irate womenfolk of the Phubala area gheraoed the Moirang police station today following an alleged incident of molestation of a housewife by an Army personnel at Ngankha Lawai this morning." ...

"According to the reports, the alleged incident of molestation took place at the house of one Bhanu Devi, located at Ngankha Lawai, under Moirang police station."

"As per the allegations raised by the womenfolk, some jawans of the 11 Garhwal Rifles, B Coy, posted in the area, entered the house, asking for a glass of water. At that time, one Kongbrailatpam Kiran Devi, 22, wife of Bimol Sharma, residing next door, was in the house, and one of the jawans allegedly molested her." ...

India: Report confirms rape by another jawan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In what is bound to come as a setback to the Army, already at pains to explain the role of Assam Rifles personnel in the Manorama Devi case, sources in the ruling Cabinet on Monday said that retired judge Chanambam Upendra Singh has found after an inquiry that Nandeibam Sanjita Devi, 15, of Jiribam was indeed raped two years ago by personnel of 12 Grenadiers."

"Out of shock and shame the teenage girl had committed suicide almost immediately after the incident on October 4, 2003. According to sources, the judge made the observation after talking to the mother and elder sister of Sanjita - two persons close to her and on whom she had confided in moments before she took the extreme step." ...

South Africa: Police in street fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A raging gunfight in Pietermaritzburg streets between detectives and a police sergeant who has been on the run for five months ended tragically when the suspect turned a gun on himself in the middle of a busy intersection after he was shot in a leg and could not run any further."

"All that was left when the ambulance sirens had died down and gunsmoke cleared was a trail of blood next to a pistol and 20 spent cartridges which were within an area of six square metres at the intersection ..."

"Three men and a woman suffered gunshot wounds from bullets all believed to have been fired from the suspect's gun."

"Supt Joshua Gwala said the 39-year-old sergeant ... had absconded in September last year soon after two counts of rape were opened against him." ...

MD: Some schools teach gun safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Before the hunting season started this year, students at two schools in Frederick County, Md., were visited by Eddie Eagle, a character developed by the National Rifle Association, who had students repeat and act out a few simple gun safety rules."

"The character, accompanied by Deputy First Class Thomas Johann of the Frederick County Sheriff's Office, had the students say these words: 'If you see a gun: Stop! Don't touch. Leave the area. Tell an adult.'"

"Johann said the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program was administered at Thurmont Elementary and Thurmont Primary schools for students from pre-kindergarten through third grade." ...

South Africa: Legal firearms handed over under amnesty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearms handed in to police in three provinces in the first two weeks of a three-month amnesty period were mostly legal weapons."

"On Monday, about 560 firearms had been already been handed over to police in Gauteng."

"'Sixty-three firearms were handed in under amnesty and about 499 were handed in voluntary,' said Superintendent Chris Prinsloo, provincial coordinator for firearms. 'We also confiscated 256 [unlawful] firearms during this period.'" ...

"'Most firearms handed in are hunting rifles and handguns that would make it, amongst others, to expensive for owners to keep under the new firearm law,' Kruger said." ...

UK: Police hunt North London gun gang
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE in Harlesden have launched a manhunt after a man was shot and killed by a gang as he sat in a car."

"Jahmall Moore died after gunmen opened fire close to Griffin Close, NW10. He was taken to Middlesex Hospital after the attack on Thursday January 13, but never recovered from his injuries."

"Police said Mr Moore was sitting in the front passenger seat of a silver Renault Megane parked in Griffin Close just before 23:30, when four young black men approached the car and multiple shots were fired."

"After the shooting, the group made their way on foot along Griffin Close towards Park Avenue North, turned left into Park Avenue North and left again into Sherrick Green Road, where they disappeared." ...

When you disarm your subjects, you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you. — NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI

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