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Newslinks for 1/18/2010

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal
Submitted by: Larry

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More than anything else, this is the toxic mentality that consumes our political culture: when our side does X, X is Good, because we're Good and are working for Good outcomes. That was what led hordes of Bush followers to endorse the same large-government surveillance programs they long claimed to oppose, and what leads so many Obama supporters now to justify actions that they spent the last eight years opposing.

Collectivist Cass Sunstein on Individual Gun Ownership [video]
Submitted by: Larry

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I wonder what my landsman Cass Sunstein would say about some of our landsmen below who each individually owned a gun that was used to fight the government. (And the gun wasn’t even registered. Oy gevalt!)

TX: Three held in Palmview home invasion
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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She got up to check and she saw two Hispanic males men wearing masks and armed with handguns walking towards her.

She quickly closed the bedroom door but one of the men allegedly tried to force it open.

The masked man kept telling her to open the door and she would not open the door.

The woman told deputies that the home invaders shot through the door and hit her son on the left hip area.

Her son had a 22 cal. Rifle and shot back at the alleged robbers.

TN: Southerners love God, guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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But I also support restrictions on assault weapons and registration for handguns. I think the people who sell weapons have a responsibility to do everything they can to ensure the wrong people don’t buy their merchandise.

In the fantasy world of bumper stickers, guns don’t kill people, people do. But pulling a trigger takes a lot less effort and courage — and is much more efficient — than any other readily available weapon.

NY: Sportsmen rally the pro-gun troops
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Sportsmen and women in Western New York often are not aware of what legislative folk are saying and doing in Albany. Elected representatives statewide too often are not aware of freedoms-related rights, issues, and concerns sportsmen around the Empire State value and strive to retain and further. More than 2,000 of those concerned hunters, shooters, trappers, gun owners and collectors, and other outdoors-rights people gathered in the Legislative Office Building on Tuesday to view exhibits and hear leading gun-rights advocates address issues during a Sportsmen’s and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Albany Rally.

SC: "Professional Courtesy" Captured on Tape
Submitted by: Larry

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Christine Phinney of North Charleston, South Carolina apparently had a bit too much to drink last Christmas Eve. After a cop spotted her driving 65 mph in a 40 mph zone, Phinney led several officers on a fairly lengthy chase, driving onto the median in order to pass several cars before finally pulling over.

Despite her reckless driving, “glassy-eyed” appearance, and foul-mouthed refusal to cooperate with the officers, Phinney was not Tasered, beaten with a flashlight, or threatened with a firearm. She wasn’t even required to undergo a Breathalyzer test. She was briefly handcuffed, but eventually permitted to go home, rather than spending the night in jail.

Gun Salesman of the Decade
Submitted by: Larry

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State legislatures now moved to stem the tide with state resolutions, state amendments or firearm freedom acts, putting the Federal government on notice that the tenth amendment to the Constitution was still valid.

Even so America’s skepticism remained evident. The numbers of weapon checks preformed by the FBI continued to rise. Even with shortages in ammunition 14,033,824 firearms were sold in 2009, an increase over 2008 of 9.44% and over 2005 by a whooping 36.20%.

To some it is finally becoming obvious that this is still a very dangerous world. Being armed means the same thing now as it did 5000 years ago. Modern man; meet Ötzi. Now learn to watch your back!

GA: Bill aims to clarify gun laws
Submitted by: Mark

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"Oconee County Sheriff Scott Berry doesn't know if someone breaks the law just by carrying a concealed firearm while talking with friends outside a convenience store."

"'That's because current state law that forbids people with concealed weapons permits from bringing those weapons to public gatherings is too fuzzy,' Berry said."

"'There's no clear definition of what a public gathering is, and the truth is. we're not going to enforce a law that is so poorly written,' he said"

"Under Senate Bill 308, introduced last week by state Sen. Mitch Seabaugh, Georgians with valid concealed weapons permits would be less constrained as to where they could bring their firearms."

All the Reich Moves
Submitted by: Larry

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This began in earnest decades ago with the creation, by future LAPD Chief Daryl Gates, of the first SWAT team, which was supposed to be used in extraordinary circumstances, such as hostage situations.

Richard Nixon's politically motivated invention of the "War on Drugs" caused a nation-wide proliferation of SWAT teams. In recent years, SWAT missions have expanded to include commonplace tasks, such as serving warrants or even policing city parades. It seems as if many police departments are becoming civilian support systems for the local SWAT teams.

SWAT and other tactical units are armed, trained, and equipped by the Pentagon; their members are marinated in military doctrines incompatible with civilian peace officer duty. It's reasonable to suspect that, whether by design or default, SWAT teams serve as a way to circumvent the Posse Comitatus prohibition on the use of the military for domestic law enforcement.

MI: Gun permits doubled in Michigan in 2009
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LANSING -- Applications and approvals for concealed weapons permits in Michigan doubled last year, as more than 73,000 people sought to obtain or renew licenses in the 12 months ending June 30, and 66,446 were approved, according to a recently released state police report.

NM: NM Restaurant Association opposes concealed gun bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As it did last year when a similar bill was introduced, the New Mexico Restaurant Association has expressed its opposition to allowing concealed guns in restaurants that serve beer and wine. As Executive Director Carol Wight wrote today in The Independent Forum:

SC: I-J reporter gives concealed weapons course a shot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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ABBEVILLE — Ed Strickland spends his days surrounded by guns.

While the career lawman and avid hunter might have one of the best-guarded homes in Abbeville, the claim to fame he’s particularly fond of is his 10-year role as a concealed weapons permit course instructor — a $65 “public service” he provides for about 20 residents from throughout South Carolina each month.

Who goes there

Strickland’s class Saturday attracted 19 people — 14 men and five women — of varying races and ages. Some were in their 20s, while others were well into retirement.

We Must Protect Americans’ Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I have a particular fondness for Thomas Jefferson. Let’s face it: The man knew how to turn a phrase, and he truly had a feel for the thousands of years of mankind’s experiments with government. When it comes to this aspect of our God-given freedoms, he said, “No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Remember that — tyranny in government. Not hunting, stopping crime, gun collections or fighting in a war — tyranny in government.

Sleep Easy America - Feds' Terrorist Watchlist Nabs Cub Scout
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As we’ve reported before, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), encouraged by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, wants to prohibit anyone on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist from possessing a firearm. Yet, the list and its criteria are secret, and Lautenberg’s bill would criminalize the exercise of a constitutionally protected right while denying a person the opportunity to clear himself of accusations in a fair and open hearing before a court of law. Even today, thousands of people who aren’t terrorists cannot prevent the list from misidentifying them, causing them delays and embarrassment when trying to board commercial aircraft.

SAF Schedules SHOT Show Press Conference on Chicago Gun Ban Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment Foundation will hold a special press conference during the Las Vegas SHOT Show on Wednesday, January 20, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to provide an update on the current challenge to the Chicago handgun ban now before the U.S. Supreme Court. This case could decide whether the Second Amendment applies to the states and their subdivisions. Oral arguments are scheduled for March 2, 2010.

MO: Haven't we had enough?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When can we, as a society, stop and see what's happening? Guns don't make people safer. Guns make people dead. Handguns aren't used for sport. They are used to kill. They get into the hands, often legally, of mentally ill people and people who are unstable. Suicidal. Of people who are angry and who think guns give them a voice, give them power, give them control. This isn't fair to anyone, not the gunman or the victim caught in the crossfire.

CA: Police defend use of Tasers as safety questions keep rising
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wendy Byrd, president of the Modesto-Stanislaus Branch of the NAACP, said her group understands stun guns are necessary in certain situations, but thinks more oversight is needed.

"It appears to us that many of the officers are using the device to gain compliance instead of self-defense," Byrd said.

PA: Pre-emption, local jurisdictions ignoring the law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A number of municipalities throughout Pennsylvania have enacted, or are considering enacting, ordinances known popularly as “Lost or Stolen” that impose a duty to report lost or stolen firearms within a prescribed time period and set penalties for failure to make a report. ...

Beyond the civil rights of citizens, the issue here is that these elected officials, acting on behalf of their municipalities, are breaking the law. Despite being advised of this statute and this ruling local jurisdictions proceed to enact Lost or Stolen ordinances.

TX: Hunters spark lockdown of Texas nuclear weapons plant
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A pair of fowl hunters sparked a brief lockdown of a Texas nuclear weapons plant Friday, officials said.
"They were just doing what people do around here," said Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry. "They just had a lot more company than they were planning on."
The sheriff's office got a call around 7:20 am from an employee of B&W Pantex who saw two men getting out a vehicle dressed in camouflage and carrying guns a couple miles from the plant.
The men were soon found in a nearby field setting up goose decoys and a blind.
COMMENT: No charges were filed in the case? How about charging the moron who called the sheriff with terminal stupidity!

9th Circuit: Federal court restricts Taser use by police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Michael Gennaco, an expert in police conduct issues who has conducted internal reviews of Taser use for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and other agencies, said the ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals prohibits officers from deploying Tasers in a host of scenarios and largely limits their use to situations in which a person poses an obvious danger.

"Some departments allow Tasers in cases of passive resistance, such as protesters who won't move," he said. Tasering for "passive resistance is out the door now with this decision. Even resistance by tensing or bracing may not qualify."

Where is NRA on New Hampshire gun bill?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The NRA failed to show up for a gun ban bill hearing in NH..."

Gun rights questionnaire spreading to other races
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I continue to encourage you to send candidates the questionnaire. You can publicize their answers through email lists, on forums, via blogs--and encourage the candidates to post them on their campaign website 'issues' page."

Hot January from Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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Charlotte is a long way from Las Vegas, and many east coast gun owners won’t be able to make the trek to the west to Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show being held there next week. So instead, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 19 and 20, Paul Valone will bring the SHOT Show to you. For those unfamiliar, it is the world’s biggest show for guns, knives and outdoor accessories. Held for industry “insiders” it is closed to the public.

Shocking: Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed 9 Law Enforcement Officers and 108 Citizens Since May 2007
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Obviously, this poses a big problem for concealed carry advocates, who have in the past argued that individuals who acquire permits "are law-abiding, upstanding community leaders who merely seek to exercise their right to self-defense."

IN: Indiana businesses fighting gun bill affecting employees
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners in Indiana will be able to keep their firearms locked in their vehicles at work without fear of reprisal from employers if a bill progressing in the General Assembly becomes law.

Opponents of the bill, mostly businesses and business groups, say it violates the rights of property owners to make policies that keep their workplaces safe.

“We feel a property owner or employer ought to have the right to say what can or cannot come on their property,” said George Raymond, vice president of human resources and labor relations for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.

TN: Paper uses data in attempt to 'shock' readers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As usual, The Tennessean promotes the gun control side of the issue and uses the Violence Policy Center’s skewed data. Yes, 107 deaths by permit holders is a large and tragic number, but they don’t explain the circumstances or how many were in self-defense, and it is used for shock affect.

If you take the 107 deaths, among the 4 million permit holders over a three-year period, the annual per capita instance among permit holders is pretty small.

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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