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Newslinks for 1/18/2012

Holder position on voter ID exposes racial discrimination against gun ownership
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... If Perez is correct, that lack of state-issued photo ID is 20% more likely to disenfranchise minorities from their right to vote, why would we not also believe it would have a similar effect on their right to purchase a firearm, as is specified on ATF’s Form 4473 requiring a driver’s license or 'valid government issued photo identification,' and similar forms as proof of eligibility?"

"The government can’t have it both ways. ..." ...

Martin Luther King Jr. Was Denied Concealed Carry Permit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to gun rights advocate and attorney John M. Snyder, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. availed himself of his 2nd Amendment rights as well as his 1st Amendment rights . . ." ...

Besides, it's not the number of gun owners that matters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The reason that it's so important to anti-gun groups to paint a picture of steadily declining gun ownership in the U.S. is that they believe that if they can convince politicians that our numbers--and thus the number of votes we command--are small enough, they have no reason to fear the consequences of implementing more oppressive gun laws. To the 'gun control' groups, it's all about our numbers. Josef Stalin once famously said, 'Quantity has a quality all its own.' As good collectivists, the gun prohibitionists naturally took that notion to heart."

"They ignore a couple key points, though. The first is that Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human rights are not subject to being voted away based on their popularity. ..." ...

Forget Ballots. Should Ex-Cons Get Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At last night's Republican debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C., we heard the candidates talk about whether ex-cons should vote and we heard the candidates talk about the right to bear arms. At the next debate, I'd like to hear the candidates talk about whether ex-cons should bear arms." ...

Submitter's Note: Short answer? Yes.

Rethinking gun control in out-of-control times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'Never again' is a vow against another Shoa. It is used as a rationale for the creation of Israel, signifying that Jews will defend themselves against those who would oppress and kill them because they are Jews. An armed Jew was an anomaly in 1947; an armed Jew is an anomaly in the United States today. Going even further, an armed citizenry, as contemplated by the Second Amendment, is an anathema to most American Jews, who tend to be among the strongest advocates of gun control."

"America and the world have grown increasingly unsafe; nonetheless, there is steadfast belief that the police will be there when you need them." ...

Top Threats To Our Ohio Gun Rights In 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every January, Buckeye Firearms Association identifies the top 10 threats to our gun rights for the upcoming twelve months. Historically, the list includes an ever changing line up of anti-gun personalities including the likes of Sarah Brady, Toby Hoover and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. One of the people included on the list more times than any other, however, is the apathetic and uninformed gun owner."

"Few individual threats pose more danger to the right to bear arms than the self-proclaimed gun-rights advocate who doesn’t support the latest pro-gun reform, or who refuses to take their business elsewhere when a company discriminates against gun owners." ...

Just How Practical is Microstamping?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I previously looked at the legal problems with New York’s proposed microstamping bill, but I imagine there are those out there who will say 'Yes, yes, but those problems can be ironed out; the important thing is to get microstamping guns out there so we can start catching murderers!' That brings up the question of just how many murderers we can expect to catch once the law is implemented . . ." ...

I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Albany New York's Legislative Gazette has a piece on the recent candlelight vigil to honor victims of gun violence. According to the Brady Campaign which coordinated the event, there were 67 vigils across the country (and that is counting the 5 'private' events). But I am not going to mock the Brady Bunch . . . too much. I mean, seriously? That’s your Big Event? A whopping 62 gatherings and some private parties? -ahem- Sorry. Anyway, the title of the L-G piece was 'A year after Tucson shooting people demand change' but a more appropriate title would perhaps be 'A year after Tucson shooting fewer people demand change' . . ." ...

New Year’s Resolutions, A Couple Weeks Late ...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One thing six-plus decades in this life has taught me is that people are overly-optimistic with our culture’s custom of New Year’s Resolutions. Therefore, I figured I should wait until a couple of weeks in to put my own in perspective."

"New Year’s Resolutions often revolve around personal vices. Quit smoking, quit drinking, make your sex life less dangerous. They key here is reasonable expectations. My resolutions in this regard were to make love to only the cleanest and sweetest woman, drink only the finest adult beverages, and smoke only choice tobacco. It’s working so far, which obviously proves that I’m right. J" ...

Guns and anecdotes
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"Having twice read Rich Lowry's Jan. 7 column on guns and self-defense, I see that he left it to the headline, 'Self-defense anecdotes tell the story,' to state his point."

"Too bad Lowry never had my Economics 101 professor. On a weekly basis our professor reminded us that 'anecdotal evidence isn't evidence,' because there are exceptions to every rule."

"As a scientific measure of how much protection a gun in the home provides, your readers might be interested in a study by the coroner of King County, Wash. He examined deaths that resulted from firearms kept in the home. Out of 398 cases studied, only two were intruders; literally 1/2 of 1 percent. ..." ...

KABA Note: What David neglects to mention is that that same study showed that in homes without firearms you were more than twice as likely to "kill a family member" without a gun than you were to "kill a family member" with a gun in homes with guns.

GA: Gun proposal would promote safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OK, so maybe state Reps. Roger Bruce, Howard Mosby, and Stephanie Benfield, all Atlanta Democrats, and their Democratic colleague, Rep. Gloria Frazier of Hephzibah, are engaging in a bit of political gamesmanship with House Bill 735."

"But even if that’s the cause, they’re doing it in service to a worthwhile legislative end."

"The bill, which got its first reading in the Georgia House of Representatives on Friday, and has been assigned to the House Judiciary (Non-Civil) Committee, would require applicants for a state permit to carry a pistol or revolver to obtain some limited training in the use of that firearm." ...

IL: Staying true to our identity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are you in favor of regulating guns in spite of the conservative wing of the Supreme Court banning our handgun ban? The Oak Park Board of Health, a citizens advisory panel, will host a public forum next Tuesday night to give residents a chance to weigh in on the subject."

"'We want to hear from citizens about their thoughts and ideas as to how firearms should be regulated in the village of Oak Park,' said Margaret Provost-Fyfe, director of the Oak Park Public Health Department." ...

TX: Houston, TX Resident Shoots & Kills One of Two Armed Home Invaders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two armed men tried to break into a Houston, Texas apartment. One of the residents of the apartment was armed and fired on the suspects. One suspect was hit and died at the scene. The other suspect ran away and is still at large." ...

PA: Homeowner Shoots Intruder With a .22
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PA homeowner shot a man in the chest with a .22 caliber gun after the intruder tried to gain access to the homeowner’s home. No charges have been filed against the homeowner." ...

TX: 15 Yr Old Texas Girl Scares Off Two Burglars With Her Dad’s Gun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A quick thinking, 15 year old, Texas girl got out of the shower and was met by two burglars in her home. She ran and grabbed her father’s handgun. Upon seeing the gun the burglars fled."

"This is a classic example of a gun stopping a crime before a shot is ever fired."

"This brave, young lady was ready to do what she had to in order to defend herself and her home." ...

GA: Columbus homeowner shoots alleged home invader (video avaiable)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One Columbus homeowner took full advantage of his second amendment rights this morning."

"Officials say he shot a man allegedly trying to break into his home on Woodland Drive around 2:30 this morning."

"'Georgia law says that you can own a handgun in your home and in your vehicle as an extension as your home,' Major Randy Robertson with the Muscogee County Sheriff's Office says."

"After shooting the man in the leg, the homeowner and Fort Benning Soldier called police. When they arrived on scene they were able to take the suspect into custody in a neighboring vacant lot." ...

IL: Pit Bull Attack Victim: 'These Were Not Just Regular Dogs'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Finley said he kept calling out for help, hoping someone would hear him. He thought no one did until he saw police lights."

"'I heard somebody say 'Get away from him, dog! Get away from him!' Finley said. 'I heard them say 'We've got to shoot these dogs, they’re not going to let him go.'"

"What he heard next ended the attack."

"'I heard four, five shots. The first two shots, I felt the tug on this leg stop. The next two shots, I felt the tugging on this arm stop and at that point, I felt myself fading,' Finley said." ...

"Now that he has survived, Finley said his next fight will be to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to someone else." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: If Mr. Finley had the same option the cops had, he might still have two feet.

Bloomberg caught lying; Accuses concealed carry license-holder of being in possession of cocaine (it was powdered aspirin)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OK, I'm angry."

"When an average person says something rude, nasty, and downright untrue about another person, there are several possible remedies available: confront the slanderer and refute the comment, confront them and then punch them in the nose, or, if all else fails, sue them for slander. Suing is always secondary to doing as far as I'm concerned, but some would rather go to court than the ER to get a broken knuckle checked out."

"Personally, I think Meredith Graves of Tennessee should walk up to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, punch him in the beak and then hand him some of the powdered aspirin she apparently carries in her purse. ... I think it would be justice in its most elemental form." ...

Should New York tourists have their lives destroyed because of concealed carry laws?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just a few days before Christmas, Meredith Graves made a mistake that could end her medical career and send her to prison for at least 3 ½ years. The 39-year-old fourth-year medical student was carrying a permitted concealed handgun when she saw the sign at the 9/11 Memorial saying 'No guns allowed.' She did the responsible thing and asked a security guard where she could check her weapon. Unfortunately, while her Tennessee concealed carry license is recognized in 40 states, New York isn’t one of them. Meredith was arrested." ...

"Even New York’s second most powerful Democrat and a strong gun control advocate ... thinks that tourists who accidentally break the state’s strict carry laws shouldn’t have their lives destroyed." ...

Drop Case Against Marine Who Brought Loaded Pistol To Empire State Bldg: Supporters
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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"He's a trained, decorated military tail gunner. So why is a retired Marine facing up to fifteen years in prison for reporting a legally registered gun to authorities? It's a question his many supporters are trying to get answered as they also attempt to get his case dropped." ...

Fast & Furious, From A Law Enforcement Perspective
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding Fast & Furious I just wanted to give you a law enforcement perspective having spent over twenty years with the DEA (now retired) and having been involved on behalf of the DEA in numerous international Law Enforcement controlled drug operations in debunking some of the claims presented by Democrat pundits, elected officials and members of the main street media regarding Fast & Furious that it is strictly a political vendetta by the Republicans and that there were no violations of any US or International laws or cover up by DOJ officials." ...

Holder to Testify on “Fast and Furious” Before House Committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced on Friday that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will testify on Feb. 2 before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about his role in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' now-infamous 'Operation Fast and Furious.'"

"Issa, who is chairman of the House committee, and Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have led an ongoing investigation into the role of Holder and the Department of Justice in the operation." ...

Gun ban lobby’s worst nightmare: SHOT Show opens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show opens today in the Sands Convention Center, a two-level event that might just translate to the worst nightmare of the gun prohibition lobby."

"Why? Because this show represents not only a vibrant industry that has remained healthy during the on-going recession, but also represents all that is good about shooting, hunting and the outdoors, bringing it all together under one roof." ...

Jackpot: The murmur is ‘register to vote’ and ‘protect SCOTUS’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To chat with many of the firearms retailers and other firearms industry folks at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show here, one might get the impression that it is not only the biggest firearms trade show in the country, it is also something of a grassroots political gathering."

"This column discussed the election overtones earlier. The talk today began with casual chat involving one of the many knife people here, and it quickly turned to the political picture. This column was urged, nay, implored, to stress the necessity for firearms people to be sure they are registered to vote, and then cast their ballots in November." ...

SHOT Show 2012 – The End of the First Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lights are off in the convention center. The guns are locked away. The sales reps are asleep. There’s no new news. TTAG’s intrepid bloggers closed the place down; kicked out by security. ..."

VLTOR TS3: 15 Inch Barrel with Pinned Flash Hider? Really?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"VLTOR is here showing off their TS3 rifle. You know, the one that they used on Top Shot season 3 and is supposed to be the bee’s knees. Anyway, I had a chance to sit down and talk with one of the head guys at VLTOR about why they decided to sell the gun with a 15 inch barrel and pinned flash hider instead of adding the extra inch of barrel and letting their customers choose the muzzle device. Here’s their reasoning:" ...

New from Volquartsen: LLV and Frame (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My youngest daughter’s learning to tickle the ivories. So I hit-up the Old Lady for a new piano. A good piano. It’s my belief that you can’t expect a newbie to learn mad skills on crap equipment. Musical instruments. Guns. Same thing. ..."

New from Springfield Armory: XDs Compact .45
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Springfield looked at the burgeoning small polymer striker-fired nine biz and evidently figured, who needs to carry parabellum when they can pack a .45 punch? And in the same sized package. Thus was born the new XDs, the ‘s’ signifying single-stack. I had a chance to shoot the pocket rocket yesterday at the Media Day event and it’s provides an excellent argument for toting big boy bullets. . ." ...

New from Magnum Research: MLR 10/22
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Magnum Research, the same people that brought you the Desert Eagle handgun, have a new stock for the 10/22 rifle. ..."

Cimmaron: Prepare to Meet the Challenge of the New Frontier
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cimmaron was the final nail in Cadillac's coffin. For nostalgia-minded gun owners, Cimmaron is the final nail in a the fantasy bad guy's coffin. But don't get to thinking that these cowboy repros are anything less than top-tier quality or, for that matter, restricted to OFWGs who dress up like Wyatt Earp. 'Market research shows that 80 percent of people who own six guns or more have a single action revolver,' Cimmaron Firearms National Sales Manager Joe Neumann revealed. 'Less than 20 percent do Cowboy Action Shooting. Hell, half of them don't own holsters.' Translation: 'normal' people love these things. Exhibit[ionist] A: the Frontier . . ." ...

New from Magpul: MOE Rifle Stock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fixed stocks aren’t necessarily 'cool' these days. The market seems to be demanding stocks that are more adjustable than a contortionist with hidden compartments and other nifty features. But for some people a fixed stock is good enough for their needs (or even required for competitions) and for them Magpul is introducing the fixed length MOE Rifle Stock." ...

New from Mossberg: 464 SPX
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF’s putting a lot of time – and no small amount of dinero – into cobbling together his own version of a cowboy assault rifle. Looks like Mossberg’s seen the need for a tactical lever gun and is now cranking them out on their own. ..."

New from Kel-Tec: SU-16 in .300 AAC Blackout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No doubt due to Foghorn’s incessant evangelizing, Kel-Tec’s jumping on the .300 Blackout bandwagon. They’ll be adding the new flavor to their SU-16 rifles, both in the CA (fixed stock) and C (underfolding stock) varieties. They say the suppressor-ready rifle will be available by mid-year. But as you might expect, no one’s really buying that around here. . ." ...

Coming to a TTAG writer near you: Accuracy International AX-308. We hope. Still.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Promising sub-MOA accuracy and boasting at least eight feet of Picatinny rail (imagine the possibilities…) the Accuracy International AX-308 is the successor platform to their legendary Arctic Warfare series of precision tactical rifles. Long, heavy barrel? Check. Folding stock? Check. Astronomical price tag? Check." ...

Pastor Kenn Introduces SAR Arms (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SAR Arms USA is the US arm of Turkish firearms manufacturer SAR Arms International (SARSILMAZ). They are the owners of Bernadelli and are major suppliers to the Turkish Army." ...

New from Armalite: AR-10A (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armalite is introducing their new AR-10A rifles at SHOT. The rifles build on the gunmaker’s experience with the AR-10 system, allowing them to accept standard magazines (instead of only the proprietary Armalite magazines). ..."

Three Reasons Why Guns Fail at SHOT Show Range Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You'd think that gun manufacturers would bring their A-game to the SHOT show range day. That they'd make sure that the guns that they hand to journalists, you know, work. Surprisingly often, they don't. Not to name names, but there were more clicks coming from the Chiappa Firearms demo range than you'd hear in a roomful of TTAG bloggers. Thanks to a bad mag, an ATI GSG-9 [above] had more failures to feed than Somalia. Of course the manufacturer's reps have to come up with some reason for a firearm's failure other than 'this gun sucks.' This is how they do it . . ." ...

Heizer’s Gearing Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had a chance to meet with Ray Kohout, the brain behind the original DoubleTap design that his partner, Charles Heizer, Sr. executed. As you’d probably expect, orders for their new double barreled .45 (it’ll come in 9mm, too) have been rather brisk. As he said with a sly grin, they’ve gotten into the business at just the right time. And having a rather unique product doesn’t hurt, either. . ." ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The internet was a-buzzing a few days ago when SIG SAUER introduced their ACP system for handguns that encased them in a rail encrusted metal box with a charging handle. I had a chance to play with one of these monstrosities today and my report to you is that I don’t like it one bit." ...

H&K’s New MR762A1 In Pictures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"H&K is here showing off their new civilian AR-10 piston powered rifle. It’s a little heavier than the standard AR-10, a little more bulky, and a little more rail-y. Whether or not it shoots well is yet to be seen but one thing is for sure: it looks damn good. Keep reading for the gun porn. BTW, some of the floor models had giggle switches." ...

NM: Fight over gun laws heats up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Friday a federal judge threw out a lawsuit filed by gun shop owners to stop the Obama Administration from tracking certain gun sales, but now the National Rifle Association is firing back."

"A spokesperson with the NRA says no amount of paperwork will ever stop drug cartels from getting their hands on guns, something the rule was designed to do."

"He says laws, especially in New Mexico are already strict enough."

"The rules affect pretty much any firearm that's is not a handgun. That includes hunting rifles, semi-automatics, those with detachable magazines and any caliber .22 or higher." ...

NY: Cuomo calls for eliminating CoBIS
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Cuomo’s proposed budget calls for eliminating CoBIS. Inside the Briefing Booklet (available here), on page 80 under Public Protection and General Government: ...

OK: Will Open Carry Finally Pass in OK?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"43 states have some sort of open carry law, but Oklahoma isn't one of them; until, perhaps, maybe, later this year."

"'I think the state is ready to address this issue,' said Oklahoma state senator Steve Russell's bill would require people to be 21 years of age or older, to properly holster and display the weapon, and to abide by restrictions at private establishments." ...

ATF wins first round against gun owners in border-state lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners just lost the first round in a court struggle with President Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)."

"ATF issued orders requiring all firearm dealers in the border states (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California) to report to ATF purchases of multiple semi-auto rifles, under the auspices of stopping Mexican drug cartels from paying operatives to buy guns in America and smuggle them into Mexico (because we all know the bang-up job Obama’s people have done stopping gun-running)." ...

Oath Keepers Join The Fight Against The - Stop Online Piracy Act - And The - Protect IP Act By Blacking Out The Oathkeepers.Org Website For 12 Hours
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On January 18th, 2012, from 8am to 8pm Eastern, the Oath Keepers website will go dark to protest the looming Stop Online Piracy Act - SOPA (House) and Protect IP Act - PIPA (Senate) Bills. We are joining with many other websites across the internet who are also going dark in protest."

"On Jan 24th, Congress will vote to pass internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill - PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House - to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity."

"Our First Amendment protected right of free speech is now directly under assault by a berserk U.S. Congress and White House. ..." ...

DEA Agent Who Shot Himself During Safety Lecture Loses Appeal (video available)
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A Drug Enforcement Agent who accidentally[sic] shot himself while lecturing children on gun safety has lost his appeal against the DEA over the release of video of the incident." ...

KABA Note: Negligent shooting at 55 second mark.

Cop watchers: Anonymous vs. police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The list of police officers and agencies targeted by Anonymous is long. From New York to Oakland, California, cops had their Web sites hacked; personal information, including the home addresses of specific police officers, was posted online; and officers who used pepper spray on Occupy protesters ... saw their entire life histories blasted out in Web videos and document dumps."

"'I think [police] see it as a form of vigilantism,' said professor Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist who studies Anonymous ... The collective, Coleman said, 'is pushing the boundaries of the law, but I think some of their actions also reveal the ways that private security companies or police are also acting outside of the boundaries of the law.'" ...

NY: NYPD, Feds Testing Gun-Scanning Technology, But Civil Liberties Groups Up In Arms -- Terahertz Imaging Detection Out To Detect Illegal Concealed Weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The NYPD is stepping up their war against illegal guns, with a new tool that could detect weapons on someone as they walk down the street."

"But is it violating your right to privacy?"

"Police, along with the U.S. Department of Defense, are researching new technology in a scanner placed on police vehicles that can detect concealed weapons." ...

KABA Note: I wouldn't say it is violating a "right to privacy" but rather violating "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons ..."

NY: NYPD looks to scan people on the street for guns, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says (Poll available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The NYPD is looking at a new way to find people packing heat on the street, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Tuesday.

The technology, which is similar to infrared imaging, includes a mechanism that can detect the radiation emitting from a person’s body, Kelly said during his State of the NYPD address."

"Because the energy cannot travel through metal, a concealed gun can be detected from the image captured by the lens of the detector, Kelly said." ...

TX: East Side family claims SAPD officers beat their father
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A San Antonio man is claiming that SAPD officers unnecessarily beat his father."

"Tuesday night SAPD's gang unit was looking for suspects in a shooting that happened on the east side. They pulled over David Bhirdo, Jr. and a friend because their car matched the description given for the shooting suspects. But when Bhirdo's dad showed up to find out what was going on a witnesses say he was taken down hard." ...

FL: Internal-affairs probe: Police reports at odds over whether excessive force used
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tucked inside the internal-affairs report about Lake Mary police Officer Christopher Dye grabbing a drunk by the neck and throwing him against a truck is another revelation:"

"Another officer wrote up what she saw and was told by managers at the Lake Mary Police Department and Seminole County Sheriff's Office to write a new report that said nothing about excessive force."

"Seminole County Deputy Celinas Rios did and three days later told a Lake Mary internal-affairs investigator that her second report includes lies."

"One of the lies, she said, was that Dye had a valid reason to arrest the drunk." ...

CA: Officer sues Torrance for assault and battery over Taser misuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Torrance police officer who alleges he was Tasered by a superior officer to see if he was faking a back injury has filed a lawsuit against the city."

"Officer Zachary Bazilius is seeking damages for assault and battery, disability discrimination, physical disability harassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other allegations." ...

CO: Witness, victim respond after 2 DPD officers reinstated (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another round of reaction came Saturday after two fired Denver Police officers were reinstated to the force."

"Officers Kevin Devine and Ricky Nixon, accused of excessive force and lying on reports, received full reinstatement and back-pay after a decision by the Civil Service Commission." ...

"The two officers were seen on video in July 2009 at the Denver Diner near Speer Boulevard and Colfax Avenue wrestling handcuffed women to the ground and spraying them in the face with pepper spray."

"The city fired Devine and Nixon, who were accused of lying on their reports about the incident by making it appear they were defending themselves." ...

OH: Hunters Take 19,251 White-tailed Deer During Statewide Muzzleloader Season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters took 19,251 deer during Ohio's muzzleloader season, January 7-10, with Coshocton County again leading the state with 722 deer checked. In 2011, a preliminary total of 16,934 deer were taken during muzzleloader season."

"Counties reporting the highest number of deer checked during the muzzleloader season included: Coshocton-722, Licking-639, Muskingum-638, Guernsey-612, Tuscarawas-581, Belmont-577, Harrison-569, Knox-470, Meigs-466, and Jefferson-465." ...

IL: More than Books: Lecturer looks at the right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although the weather gods were not with us last night for the kick-off lecture in this year’s American History Lecture Series, I am forecasting good weather and clear roads for next Monday, Jan. 23."

"That’s when’s former Highland Community College Director Eric Welch plans to examine how the United States Constitution’s Second Amendment – the right to bear arms – has been interpreted over the past two hundred years." ...

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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