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UT: Legitimate self defense OK
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following the spate of highly publicized public school shootings in the news earlier this year, it wasn't exactly surprising that the suggestion would be made to arm and deputize some teachers against this type of potential threat. Sadly, it was equally predictable that the editorial boards of at least two daily newspapers in the state would pen strongly worded responses denouncing the suggestion with the slogan, "guns have no place in schools."

Stranger Than Satire: Past Year 'Predicts' New One
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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It is something of a clichéd tradition for a columnist to write a year-end or New Year column that makes exaggerated, sometimes humorous predictions for the next 12 months.

--Taking the overuse of SWAT teams to new, un-parody-able levels, a federal SWAT team will raid a group of Tibetan monks touring the United States on a world peace mission.

--Not content with mere gun control, some local governments will begin to ban swords, too.

KS: Kansans can start carrying guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The state's concealed-carry law went into effect in July, after lawmakers voted to over-ride a veto by Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Nearly 3,000 Kansas residents will be able to get their photos taken for their concealed-carry permits this week. Last week, the state mailed the notices to applicants telling them they have met the criteria for the permits.

NC: Slaying marks 19th 2006 homicide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday night, 17-year-old Bennie Vanhook was killed during an apparent home invasion. Police said Dennis Dingle of Wabash Street shot Vanhook in the abdomen after a confrontation. Dingle, who was arrested at the scene for felony possession of cocaine, was not charged in the shooting. If officially ruled justifiable, the shooting will be Durham's fifth killing to be declared justifiable self-defense in 2006.

Self-defense shootings are not factored into the city's official annual homicide count. In total, 19 homicides had occurred in Durham in 2006 by late Sunday, including those ruled justifiable, and 22 in the county as a whole.

LA: Burglars steal 121 guns from Metairie sporting store
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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METAIRIE, La. -- An early Monday morning burglary at a sporting goods store here netted criminals a cache of about 121 guns, Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputies said.

Burglars stole 115 assorted handguns, four shotguns and two assault rifles from Puglia's Sporting Goods, according to Col. John Fortunato, a sheriff's spokesman.

It's a Simple Question of Logic
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun Control is neither logical, nor is it effective. Every citizen of this country should immediately take advantage of his or her right to keep and bear arms, because it won't be long that the ones in D.C. begin coming for your guns, you know, because it is working so well there.

India: Crowd attacks policemen, snatch away guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A crowd of over a thousand, angered by a rumour that BSF personnel misbehaved with women, attacked policemen injuring four of them and snatched away two guns before damaging eleven trucks and buses in Malda district today.

VA: Libertarians On the Editorial Page?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We believe in freedom — in liberty, the ultimate cause. As the Founders stated in the Declaration of Independence, all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights — among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Individuals have the right to self-determination: to do as they wish, up to the point at which they infringe on the rights of another. Government’s primary purpose is to protect individual rights against aggression; that is why individuals cede to government a monopoly on the legitimate initiation of force, though they always retain the right to use force in self-defense.

MA: AR-15 rifles not needed to hunt
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I do not wish to change the constitutional amendment giving an organized militia the rights to bear arms, withdrawn from a carefully tended armory. The National Rifle Association has abandoned the parts of the amendment relating to "organized militia" and "tended armory." The NRA is NOT an organized militia, according to its charter.

MA: Police: Boys targeted neighbor with BB guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A woman standing on her back porch was shot in the neck and chest with BB pellets, setting off a police search that turned up two local teenagers and their cache of weapons.

The boys, ages 14 and 15, were arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Police confiscated two machine-gun-like BB guns, two 9mm-pistol-like BB guns and a large knife, Sgt. Cecilia Blaise said.

UK: Gun-toting youngsters under fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Children as young as 11 are committing gun crimes every day across Sussex.

Shocking new figures reveal almost 130 children have been caught by police with imitation firearms or BB guns in public in the past two years.

The results emerged as Sussex Police warned people found in possession of the weapons in public were putting their lives in danger and wasting police time.

Anyone in possession of a BB gun in a public place is likely to be arrested and could be subject to a fine of £5,000, six months' imprisonment or both.

New Zealand: Firearms lobbyist appalled at air rifle accident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 13-year-old Feilding boy is fighting for his life in Wellington Hospital, after he was accidentally shot with an airgun by his friend.

A pellet went straight through the boy's eye and lodged in his brain when the pair were playing with a point-two-two calibre air rifle in a garage in Feilding. Wellington Hospital says the boy is in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit.

Phobias of the rich and famous
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Actor Roger Moore didn't let his fear of guns keep him from portraying the spy with a license to kill. Nevertheless, says the hoblophobe, every time he touches one, he starts blinking.

Somalia: Somalis stroll Mogadishu under eye of govt victors
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Businessmen said that would have to happen fast if Mogadishu's new rulers expect them to lay down their arms.

"I have six guards with AK-47s. If the government gives me a guarantee my store will not be broken into, then I will hand over my guns," food importer Farah Isse said. "It will be a good idea if the government employs all militias, including mine."

TN: Shooting at local club leaves several injured
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Investigators collected more than 30 shell casings from the scene, though it's not clear if they're all related to the shootings.

Berryman adds, "You've got New Year's Eve and some people, which they shouldn't do, some people fire guns into the air. So, we're not sure which casings are a part of which scene."

NE: New Laws For New Year
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After years of trying, the concealed carry bill finally got the votes to make it a reality but gun owners who want a permit will need patience.

First, they'll have to pass a handgun training course - one approved by the Nebraska State Patrol. Once that's done there may be an even longer wait.

NY: For NYPD, it was a year for the gun
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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In New York City, 2006 might have been called the year of the gun. The year started with Mayor Michael Bloomberg, during his Jan. 1 inauguration, launching a crusade to crack down on illegal gun sales - and the New York Police Department, in turn, stepping up efforts to curb gun crimes, with gun arrests up 14 percent. The mayor's campaign has resulted in lawsuits against more than 20 out-of-town gun shops that allegedly sold weapons traced to crimes in the city.

NY: Gun program arms citizens with the best weapon
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The removal of guns from this city's streets is basic to achieving a civilized level of order and a feeling of safety, which is the job of the New York Police Department and the city administration and any gathering of do-gooders focused on the lowering of the murder rate. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says that Operation Gun Stop is a necessary program because it creates incentive and guarantees the protection of those citizens who want to report the sale of or possession of illegal firearms.

Open Letter to President Bush on FAA Assertion that Second Amendment is a "Collective Right"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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President Bush: It was a clear reversal. It was a position that needed to be reversed--the prior Administration had taken the position that the Second Amendment only applies to state militias and doesn't protect an individual right to bear arms. My opponent issued a press release earlier this year supporting that exact same position. I know that's not what the Constitution says. The Constitution gives people a personal right to bear arms. So we did reverse the Clinton Administration's position, and I think that was the right thing to do.

Mr. President, is it still "the right thing to do"?

American Manifesto, Continental Congress, Oct. 30, 1778
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"...These United States having been driven to hostilities by the oppressive and tyrannous measures of Great Britain; having been compelled to commit the essential rights of man to the decision of arms; and having been at length forced to shake off a yoke which had grown too burthensome to bear; they declared themselves free and independent."

"Confiding in the justice of their cause; confiding in Him, who disposes of human events; although weak and unprovided, they set the power of their enemies at defiance."

"In this confidence they have continued through the various fortunes of three bloody campaigns, unawed by the power, unsubdued by the barbarity of their foes...."

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein

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