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AP ‘top 10’ list confirms media still ignoring Fast and Furious story
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The other stories selected were all noteworthy in their own ways as well, but there is one more that is remarkable in its absence from inclusion: Fast and Furious."

"Officials of the United States government allowed guns to be smuggled across international borders into a sovereign neighboring country—where they were received by murderous cartels, and which resulted in the deaths of American law enforcement officers and untold numbers of Mexican (and U.S.?) citizens—all the while leaving the Mexican government in the dark and stonewalling numerous Congressional inquiries to prevent exposing how high up in the administration approval and direction came from—and that does not make the top 10?"

Make and keep New Year's gun rights resolutions
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"It truly is not that difficult, and it's also very personally satisfying. But to those who might not know where to begin, here are some ideas I've explored before...with an important addition courtesy of Dave Workman..."

NY: Intervening After Robbery, an Off-Duty A.T.F. Agent Is Killed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An off-duty special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was fatally shot on Saturday afternoon when he, along with at least one other law enforcement officer and a retired officer, tried to stop a robber who had just held up a pharmacy on Long Island, the authorities said.
The apparent robber was also killed.
Details of the shooting, which occurred outside Charlie’s Family Pharmacy on Merrick Road in Seaford, remained murky on Saturday night as the authorities seemed unsure how it unfolded and who fired the fatal shots.
Senior Special Agent John Capano, an explosives specialist who was in his 40s, had been a special agent for 23 years, said Joe Anarumo, a special agent with the bureau.

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas
Submitted by: Anonymous

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According to the FBI, over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500,000 of those were in the six days before Christmas.
It was the highest number ever in a single month, surpassing the previous record set in November.
On Dec 23 alone there were 102,222 background checks, making it the second busiest single day for buying guns in history.
The actual number of guns bought may have been even higher if individual customers took home more than one each.

No Break: Guns Blazing During Holiday Season
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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For most Americans, the holiday season is about the peaceful enjoyment of family and friends –those who mean the most to us in our daily lives. But even this season of peace knows no respite from the plague of gun violence. For too many Americans, this holiday season will be remembered only for the devastating sense of loss as their loved ones are torn from their lives by senseless gunfire. In Texas, on Christmas Day, a man facing marital and financial problems shoots and kills his estranged wife, two teenage children and three other family members while dressed in a Santa Claus outfit.
In Colorado, a three-year-old accidentally shoots and kills his five-year-old playmate.

WA: Gunman loose in national park after fatal shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Mount Rainier National Park ranger was fatally shot Sunday following a New Year's Day traffic stop, and the 368-square-mile park in Washington state was closed as dozens of officers searched for the armed gunman over snowy and rugged terrain.
Authorities believed the gunman was still in the woods with an assault rifle. ...
The ranger was identified as 34-year-old Margaret Anderson. At around 10:20 a.m. Sunday, another park service employee had tried to stop a man in his vehicle. He didn't stop, so Anderson set up a road block with her vehicle in the middle of the road, said park spokeswoman Lee Taylor. The man pulled up to Anderson about 11 a.m., jumped out, fired and ran off, she said.

A Tough Year for Gun Control’s Brady Campaign
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Gun rights advanced across the country, and Brady's own statistics undermined their cause.

Johnson Switches Parties, Announces Run For Libertarian Presidential Nomination
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“My Agenda for America, a libertarian agenda, is clear. It is not at an agenda you will hear from any other candidate
or party.

I want to end deficit spending and cut federal spending by 43%.

I want to enact the Fair Tax to stimulate real economic growth and job creation.

I want to end the manipulation of our money by the Federal Reserve.

I support the Second Amendment and oppose gun control.

IN: Senate’s Most Anti-gun Republican Member Vulnerable in Primary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dick Lugar is without a doubt the most anti-gun Republican in the U.S. Senate.

He voted in favor of President Obama’s two picks for the Supreme Court -- Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – who deny the existence of an individual right to bear arms.

Lugar voted against repealing the gun bans in national parks and in Washington D.C.
He voted in favor of waiting periods for handgun purchases and he supports banning many semi-automatic firearms.
And Lugar was the only Republican Senator to refuse to sign a letter opposing a massive UN small arms treaty.

Law professor keeps steady hand in analyzing gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Adam Winkler’s Gunfight is a potboiler of constitutional interpretation and is both a vital history and an intellectually satisfying, emotionally rewarding tale of a great case.

The backbone of the book is District of Columbia v. Heller, a landmark gun-control case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008.

WA: SAF brief demolishes Seattle's Supreme Court review request
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While many in Seattle woke up with headaches Sunday morning in a new year filled with more challenge than “hope and change,” attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle Association, two other groups and five citizens may be giving the city another headache in a case with national implications.

The year ended with the State Supreme Court getting a devastating 22-page response to the city’s earlier petition for the high court’s review of an Oct. 31 unanimous appeals court ruling against the city in its attempt to ban firearms from city parks property. The brief, from Seattle attorney Steven W. Fogg, is as loaded with ammunition as any of the guns Seattle wants to ban.

Police Fatalities Rise 13 Percent – Eric Holder Blames Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cam Edwards talks to Frank Borelli from on the past years rise in officers deaths and Attorney General Eric Holder placing the blame on more guns with no mention of Fast & Furious.

NY: NY’s quick-draw gun arrest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following 9/11, the people of Tennessee donated fire apparatus, time and money to help New York recover. Last week, we repaid them by locking up a tourist who unwittingly entered New York with her Tennessee-legal handgun.

New York judges release vicious criminals so they can murder cops. But now a fourth-year medical student has a criminal record because she was unaware of our unconstitutional gun laws.

OH: Gun purchases continue record climb in Ohio
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This holiday season has seen a record-setting amount of gun shopping, according to statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

With the last few days of December not yet added, the FBI reported that the number of national background checks for the month topped the previous one-month record — set in November — of 1,534,414.

NJ: In futile car search for drugs, Pompton Lakes police inflict $12K worth of damage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When Pompton Lakes police seized Darren Richardson's car on a rainy September afternoon, they told him it was headed for an impound lot. When they returned it three weeks later, he says, the 2004 BMW belonged in a junk yard. ...
According to police reports, the damage to the black BMW 325i came in the aftermath of a traffic stop during which officers detected a "strong odor of raw marijuana" inside the vehicle. Searching for a cache of drugs, members of three different police agencies and a detective from a federal drug task force spent two days tearing the car apart, the reports said.
So what did police find after their $12,000 search?
Absolutely nothing.

OK: Blanchard woman shoots and kills intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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McKinley says she moved her couch in front of the door, grabbed her son and her shotgun, called 911 and went in a back room.

She says for an agonizing 21 minutes, she listened to the men try to break in.

"He was from door to door trying to bust in, just going from door to door," said McKinley. "I waited till he got in the door. They said I couldn't shoot him until he was inside the house. So I waited until he got in the door and then I shot him."

CA: New year brings new laws in California
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the most contentious issues was the ban on the open carrying of handguns, which put California in the minority of states that have adopted such restrictions. Some gun-rights advocates say the new law will not keep them from appearing in public with weapons that are not covered by the ban.

"Law-abiding citizens will start openly carrying unloaded long guns in public because their basic and fundamental civil right to self-defense, as enumerated in the 2nd Amendment, is clearly being infringed upon,' said Yih-Chau Chang, a spokesman for the firearms advocacy group Responsible Citizens of California.

Meredith Graves and Concealed-Carry Reciprocity
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’ve noted previously that while I support concealed-carry laws, and while I think it’s a good thing for states to recognize gun permits issued in other states, I don’t think the federal government should require reciprocity. The constitutional justifications for such a law range from debatable to laughable, and it’s an undeniable infringement on states’ rights.

Ed.: At least the commenters understand what civil rights are.

CA: SAF, CALGUNS Foundation Sue California Over Firearms Statue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation joined the Calguns Foundation lawsuit against the California Department of Justice and Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris filed December 23 contesting the state’s 10-day waiting period between gun purchases.

"We've joined in this lawsuit because it makes no sense for California to require a gun owner who already possesses a firearm from buying another one within a few days," said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. "We recall what Dr. Martin Luther King said, that 'A right delayed is a right denied.'"

NJ: NJ2AS Operation Establish Compliance Records First Victory for NJ Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) has recorded its first substantial victory in Operation Establish Compliance with the reversal of Egg Harbor Township’s policy of requiring the signing of an unlimited release of information and liability waiver as a condition of processing firearms permit applications.

Operation Establish Compliance is the ongoing effort to force Municipal Police Departments to issue firearms permits in accordance with the law.

VA: McDonnell targets Virginia background checks for guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Bob McDonnell said if it's legally feasible, he'd support doing away with Virginia's 22-year-old criminal background check program for firearms purchases in favor of a federal system that also screens prospective gun buyers for eligibility to obtain weapons.

Gun rights groups have pressed the McDonnell administration on the issue, calling for an end to the Virginia Firearms Transaction Program, a state police-administered system for checking the criminal history of potential purchasers.

Can the 2nd Amendment Survive Four More Years of Obama?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A politician is described as a “lame duck” once he or she has been defeated or announced their retirement, and is simply finishing out the remainder of their term in office.

And even after Nov. elections are over and a large number of Senate and House members are voted out, the lame duck Senators and House members are usually just that – lame.

FL: Protecting & Defending Your Civil Rights In The Coming Year
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In this coming year we will have many decisions to face as Americans.

Federal and Local elections are going to set our direction as a nation; anti-gun bills need to be stopped; pro-gun bills need to be advanced.

The enemies of your civil rights are not resting. Neither are we!

NC: Clayton businessman challenges state machine-gun law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Jan. 3, Nielsen will once again stand before the Johnston County Board of Commissioners and plead his case that the sheriff is acting outside of the law by adding requirements to machine gun permits that, outlined in state law, can be permitted to those with a federal class III firearm license who are business owners, bankers or merchants. Johnston County Board of Commissioners chairman Allen Mims could not be reached for comment.

NH: NH House considers allowing guns on campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New Hampshire colleges would lose their right to prohibit guns on their campuses under a bill before the House.

The bill would give the Legislature control over regulating weapons and would prohibit entities like colleges from banning weapons on their campuses.

NH: Lynch urges restraint on firearm bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. John Lynch and police and education officials are calling on lawmakers to reject three proposed bills that would loosen gun laws on university campuses and elsewhere.

One bill would take away the right of college officials to ban guns on campus, another would let residents carry weapons - openly or concealed, loaded or empty - without a permit, and the third would permit loaded rifles and shotguns to be carried in vehicles.

Obama on Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Any American citizen who honors the Second Amendment cannot support the re-election of President Barack Obama 2012.

Any American citizen who honors the Second Amendment truly understands that we are entitled to sell, possess and operate firearms as a means of sport under the constraints of local ordinances or as a means of protection whether against criminal forces or government oppression.

Today, we have an American President​ with a long and shocking history of suppressing gun rights, yet claims to be a Second Amendment hero. He does this for one reason and one reason only: Obama wants to win re-election.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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