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CCRKBA to Obama: ‘Yes, there will be resistance’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For once it appears the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms agrees with President Barack Obama about his announced intentions to push for a new and more sweeping ban on so-called 'assault weapons' in 2013."

"The president yesterday told NBC’s 'Meet the Press' that, 'Absolutely, there will be resistance.' Today, CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb fired back, 'We will be on the front lines of that resistance.'" ...

New Year’s resolutions can promote gun owner activism and freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Year’s tradition at Gun Rights Examiner is to suggest resolutions gun owners can make that will help them promote and preserve the right to keep and bear arms. These are typically not very expensive, time-consuming or difficult to keep, yet individually they can make a difference in our lives, and cumulatively, they can help shape the environment we live in." ...

The Truth About Violent Crime Stats (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now here’s a guy who has his head screwed on right. Crime rate isn’t about guns, its about poverty." ...

Why Good People Need Semiautomatic Firearms and "High Capacity" Magazines ... Part 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you’re reading this, you’ve probably had a conversation with someone in the last few days who asked, 'Why do ordinary law-abiding people need those semiautomatic firearms with magazines that can hold more than ten cartridges?' There are lots of sound answers."

"For one thing, defensive firearms are meant to be 'equalizers,' force multipliers that can allow one good person to defend against multiple evil people. To allow one good person to defend against a single evil person so much stronger and/or bigger and/or more violent than he or she, that the attacker’s potentially lethal assault can be stopped. History shows that it often takes many gunshots to stop even a single determined aggressor. ..." ...

America Doesn’t Have a Gun Problem, It Has a Gang Problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago’s murder numbers have hit that magic 500. Baltimore’s murder toll has passed 200. In Philly, it’s up to 324, the highest since 2007. In Detroit, it’s approaching 400, another record. In New Orleans, it’s almost at 200. New York City is down to 414 from 508. In Los Angeles, it’s over 500. In St. Louis it’s 113 and 130 in Oakland. It’s 121 in Memphis and 76 in Birmingham."

"Washington, D.C., home of the boys and girls who can solve it all, is nearing its own big 100."

"Those 12 cities alone account for nearly 3,200 dead and nearly a quarter of all murders ..."

"These cities are the heartland of America’s real gun culture. It isn’t the bitter gun-and-bible clingers ... it’s Obama’s own voting base." ...

Gun debate revives enduring American fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the eve of a new year, a libertarian strain pulses through America — a get-government-out-of-my-personal-life sensibility that cuts across ideologies and is driven by a younger generation’s cultural attitudes."

"We’ve seen it in gay-marriage legalization and marijuana decriminalization. ... Perhaps we’ve also seen this play out with guns, with a more limited role for government in regulating firearms."

"But today, a mourning nation must square that shift toward fewer gun restrictions with a series of fatal mass shootings in the past few years ... And the pendulum may swing just as quickly back toward curbs on gun rights: A country that’s become more tolerant on other cultural issues may end up bucking the trend on this subject." ...

A Liberal's Case for the Second Amendment (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Craig R. Whitney sat down before the Newtown shooting to talk with Reason's Nick Gillespie about why liberals should defend the Second Amendment, why gun-related violence has declined over the past 20 years even as gun ownership has increased, his most memorable experience at a shooting range, and more." ...

New Year, old fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looking back on 2012, I lament the fact that the predictions that I made have come to pass. The most dangerous is no doubt that Barack Obama is an out of the closet, rabid gun control zealot."

"To all those Obama gun owners who had the gall to tell me that Obama was a supporter of the Second Amendment because he signed a bill that was necessary for his agenda that just happened to have a last minute National Parks Carry amendment attached; I TOLD YOU SO. And even before my blog, we at Gun Owners of America have been telling you for the past four years." ...

"Gun Nuts" -- Projection, deliberate and otherwise, amongst the hoplophobes. "The whole purpose being to defame the targeted group and further isolate them from the general population."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A thief will always suspect you of stealing from him and liar will doubt your honesty. But what are we to make of people who reject well-reasoned arguments by falling back on allegations of mental illness and latent criminality? A case in point is Joe Biden, for the New York Times warns us that Biden Is Back for a 2nd Run at Gun Limits." ...

Looking ahead to 2013, storm clouds on horizon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are storm clouds on the horizon for Second Amendment advocates, now that Barack Obama has essentially slapped a big 'sucker' sign on the backs of every gun owner who voted for him in the belief that he would not push a gun control agenda."

"By no small surprise, we’re not hearing much from these folks on the gun rights forums lately." ...

Gun Banners Have Reached a Turning Point – Pouring Out of the Closet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent murders of 20 children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, are being heavily exploited by the Obama administration and their allies in Congress to deprive us of our right to bear arms."

"Immediately following the Newtown tragedy, President Obama announced that gun control will be a top priority of his second term (in stark contrast to his campaign rhetoric)."

"Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), author of the 'Assault Weapons' ban of 1994, has announced she will file an even more draconian, and permanent, gun control bill that she has been working on for the last year (i.e., that is code talk for just waiting for the opportunity to capitalize on a public tragedy)." ...

2013: Year Of The Armed Citizen
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"With Barack Obama now promising to put his 'full weight' behind gun control next year, the clear response should be for the blogosphere to respond with a concerted effort to highlight how law-abiding citizens use legal weapons for self-defense and crime deterrence, and not just for hunting. It ought to be the new year’s resolution in fact. ..." ...

KABA Note: Better still, the blogosphere should respond with reminders to the government that the first American Revolution started when the authorities tried to confiscate our guns . . .

OMG! Silencers! And The NRA Likes ‘Em! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Salon’s Alexander Zaitchik has just uncovered the latest NRA infamnia: promotion of the silencer business. Seriously! 'Under the trade banner of the American Silencer Association, manufacturers have come together with the support of the NRA to rebrand the silencer as a safety device belonging in every all-American gun closet.' Closet? Nevermind. So what’s the problem with an accessory that could save the hearing of thousands of shooters (and make shooting range neighbors a lot happier)? Seems Zaitchik’s been watching a few too many Homeland episodes. 'The history of the silencer is a twentieth century tale populated by Mafiosi hits, hidden snipers, and special ops ambush teams.' Oh noes! Worse still . . ." ...

When Words Kill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Guns kill, you see, not the people who pull the trigger. That’s why we have so many tragedies ... And for that reason, access to them must be limited. Some must be banned. All should be registered. And for good measure, anyone who actually wants to take advantage of their Second Amendment right to bear arms should first be trained and licensed."

"That’s more than simply hypocritical, it’s ironic because ... words can kill too ... religion has been used to oppress; freedom to assemble has led to violent protests – but you don’t hear the progressives crying for bans on words, licensing of religious practice or requiring Americans to register with federal authorities before being allowed to speak their mind." ...

We can't pick and choose rights in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the nation is going to have a legitimate discussion on gun control and/or gun rights — which is necessary and already happening, to a large degree — then the Second Amendment is obviously vital to such dialogue."

"Make that the entire Second Amendment — and not just a portion."

"A significant part of the argument of those who favor stricter gun control laws focuses on 'a well regulated militia,' and what a 'militia' means today as far as your average American."

"Consider this offering from syndicated columnist Donna Brazile ... 'As for the Second Amendment argument, I wonder how many gundamentalists have read it?'" ...

Submitter's Note: "Gundamentalist" ... I like it!

TTAG School Shooting Simulation – First Impressions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I saw something incredible at the school shooting simulation at King33 Training in Southington, Connecticut. It happened during a scenario where the teacher got a ten second heads-up that an active shooter was in the building. The shooter grabbed a student as a human shield. He opened the door to the mock classroom crouching behind the student with his rifle barrel protruding off the student’s side. Amidst all the noise and confusion, with students rushing for the corner (in lockdown mode), the teacher took aim and shot the active shooter in the face—over the hostage’s shoulder. Cease fire! Now you could say that this simulation didn’t prove a thing. I’m not here to argue the point . . ." ...

Video from TTAG’s School Shooting Simulation (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This video, courtesy of the Record Journal, shows one of the scenarios we ran this weekend in order to gather data about school shootings and whether an armed teacher would be effective in stopping or slowing down an active shooter. In the video, an armed teacher successfully keeps a shooter from entering the room even when he has no advanced warning, must draw from concealment and has no idea whether the next time the door opens it will be the shooter. ..."

No End in Sight to Insane Prices for AWB-Targeted Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I really didn’t want to believe that this was a real picture, but apparently this kind of stuff is becoming more and more common. I talked a little about how distributors are completely out of stock and the shortage is making prices on every model of firearm spike. But at that point I still had some hope that normality would be returned shortly. And then one of my buddies noted that we’re about to steam full speed ahead into the perfect storm . . ." ...

Question of the Day: How Do You Choose The Right Holster?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to a recent IGOTD post about a moviegoer who’d left his gun behind, reader Sid left the following comment:"

"A lesson in equipment should be learned by those new to guns. Prior to our 09-10 deployment, my MPs were issued a POS holster for the M9. Handguns falling out of holsters was a daily event. Why the US Army bought and issued a bleeping holster that does not actually hold the gun is beyond me. My Sunday School class and a few members of our church bought Blackhawk Serpa holsters for every member of my platoon that did not have one. Not one issue for a year long deployment. ..." ...

ATI introducing Raven furniture for Benelli M4 shotguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For one of their first 'New for 2013' product announcements, Advanced Technology International is showing off a new set of stylized, heavily-featured accessories for the Benelli M4. Called Raven, they are designed to help deal with the recoil of full-house 12-gauge loads, add functions to the stock M4, and to look mean." ...

Let’s take a multipronged approach to gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yes, we need more mental health accessibility and more intervention to prevent troubled youth from acting out their violent fantasies. ... But most who are mentally unstable are not violent, and accurately identifying those who are potentially aggressive is well beyond our capabilities. Yes, curbing violent video games and movies would be a good thing. But, again, it would not solve the gun violence problem, since most people who play or watch these do not then go out and shoot real people. Shall we incarcerate everyone who plays violent games?." ...

"Since we will always have some violent people, we need to make it harder for them to kill people. And that means we need to restrict the kinds of guns that can be privately owned. ..." ...

America’s armed camps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quoting the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre: 'If it’s crazy to call for armed officers in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy.'"

"OK, Wayne: You’re crazy."

"Crazy like a fox."

"You know that the millions of Americans who have an obsessive love affair with their guns are simply looking for some way to deal with the national horror over the slaughter of little children in Newtown, Conn. They’re desperately trying to justify keeping the arsenal they maintain. Millions of them even want to flaunt it, like some player in a cowboy movie, or worse, a murderous figure in a video game." ...

An assault on common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The massacre of 20 children by a deranged killer with access to weapons of mass destruction has moved President Barack Obama to form a panel to recommend ways to combat gun violence."

"A wide range of approaches will be considered, including, necessarily, possible restrictions on what types of weapons are available to the public."

"That's a good place to start. Assault-style weapons (let's get this out of the way right now: rapid-fire, magazine-fed, automatic or semiautomatic weapons ...) were banned in the U.S. from 1994 until 2004, when the legislation prohibiting them expired. They should be banned again. That would be a symbolic, although ultimately ineffective, step toward responsible gun ownership laws." ...

Gun culture myths distract from reform efforts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, after the massacre in Newtown, Conn., I wrote about the need for additional gun laws. I wrote that it is time to reinstate the outright ban on all semi-automatic assault rifles, and institute major restrictions on semi-automatic pistols."

"For it is important to understand that at close range a semi-automatic pistol equipped with a large magazine can be used to deliver the same quantity and lethality of firepower as a semi-automatic rifle."

"Restrictions on magazines larger than 10 bullets should be considered. For it is the ability of a shooter to be able to fire repeatedly for long periods of time ... that permits him to wound or murder many victims incredibly quickly. ..." ...

Debunking Nine Myths of the Gun-Control Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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is so far from doing that it’s comical to believe otherwise. There’s no constitutional mechanism for him to do so. There’s no practical way for him to do so. And he has no motivation to do so, because he’s on record defending the rights of sportsmen, hunters and -- this is crucial -- people who believe in armed self-defense to own guns. As Vice President Joe Biden said during the 2008 campaign, 'Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey.'" ...

Submitter's Note: And there was a constitutional mechanism for him to create "Czars"? And he may not be talking about it, but New York's Gov. Cuomo is.

Law on liability insurance eyed for gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hoping to get beyond the debate over new gun-control laws, a group of economists and legal scholars is floating another plan they say could cut down on spree shootings: require all gun owners to carry liability insurance, similar to what automobile owners must have."

"The plan, which was floated in Illinois' legislature in 2009, draws the ire of gun-rights groups who say it infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment rights and unfairly targets law-abiding gun owners. But backers say it offers a way to ferret out potentially dangerous or unstable criminals from the ranks of gun owners without having the federal government enact outright bans." ...

Piers Morgan threatens to deport himself over U.S. gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Piers Morgan, British host of CNN’s 'Piers Morgan Tonight,' has threatened to leave America if the country doesn’t change its gun laws. In a lengthy column written for London’s Daily Mail, Morgan defends his position on stricter gun control."

"On Dec. 18, Morgan interviewed Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Morgan’s rude and ignorant treatment of his guest led to a petition being posted on the website calling for Morgan to be deported for his attack on the Second Amendment. Almost 100,000 people have signed it, which could very well be more people than watch his poorly rated show." ...

The Journal News is Armed and Dangerous
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Guns are good for the goose but NOT for the gander."

"A Clarkstown police report issued on December 28, 2012, confirmed that The Journal News has hired armed security guards from New City-based RGA Investigations and that they are manning the newspaper’s Rockland County headquarters at 1 Crosfield Ave., West Nyack, through at least tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2, 2013."

"According to police reports on public record, Journal News Rockland Editor Caryn A. McBride was alarmed by the volume of 'negative correspondence,' namely an avalanche of phone calls and emails to the Journal News office, following the newspaper’s publishing of a map of all pistol permit holders in Rockland and Westchester." ...

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate The Constitution
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"... But then there are those pesky [Constitutional] clauses written with sufficient specificity (such as the 'embarrassing' Second Amendment ...) that not even the inventive Cass Sunstein can find a clever interpretive workaround to generate the desired liberal result. At such times this impulse yields to the suspicion that many liberals don’t really like the Constitution at all, and would junk it if they could." ...

"Thus it is helpful when a liberal’s impatience with constitutionalism yields to the impulse to rip the façade away and declare their contempt for the Constitution. Georgetown Law School professor Louis Seidman thus does us the favor of candor with his New York Times op-ed today entitled 'Let’s Give Up on the Constitution.'" ...

Gun violence must end
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Discussions invariably turned to the problems our society faces and the potential solutions. The subjects ranged from psychiatric illnesses, proper parenting, drugs, guns and the Second Amendment. One patient relayed the story of her blind friend, who applied for a gun and was able to purchase one with ease. The fact that this was possible shows how flawed the system is for obtaining weapons."

"The problem of gun violence has always been in the periphery of my life, but, recently, it has come to the forefront. I am appalled at the statistics of deaths in this country by gun violence." ...

Where is corporate responsibility on guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This but that."

"I feel this way, but I believe that way."

"These are the conflicts I have and many Americans have about gun control in the wake of school shootings, and perhaps never more severely after 20 children were shot and killed ... in Newtown, Conn."

"I favor the Second Amendment. I especially like the sport of hunting. I don’t hunt myself, but I have fired hunting rifles and handguns at firing ranges and in the vast outdoors of the American West. In the military, I became an expert marksman with ... rifles. But the main reason I call myself a Second Amendment supporter is that hunters are among the biggest advocates of conserving habitat for wildlife. I dearly like the outdoors and treasured landscapes." ...

We need to stand up to the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We certainly have the right to bear arms; but what is the need to own semi-automatic weapons with clips that can hold 30 rounds? Most other developed countries have very strict laws that restrict firearm possession. Those countries have firearm murder rates that range from Japan’s .02 per 100,000 to Canada’s .76. Our rate is 3.7 In spite of their tight control, they still allow law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms but have waiting periods and control the type of weapon that can be purchased. I have shot clay pigeons with Europeans who live in countries with very tight control who use their own guns they bring to the U.S. They certainly have access to guns." ...

5 commonsense steps to curb gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent tragedies - Connecticut, Colorado, Arizona and so many more - share one common feature: a young, disturbed man with an arsenal of weapons killing a large number of people in minutes. Guns are too available in society and these horrific events show the need for immediate legislative action."

"The traditional positions on this issue of the right or the left no longer are tenable. Those, like the National Rifle Association, who oppose all regulation of firearms, are no longer persuasive as mass killings become ever more common." ...

Submitter's Note: Yeah but they aren't. From
those who study mass shootings say they are not becoming more common.

"There is no pattern, there is no increase," says criminologist James Allen Fox of Boston's Northeastern University, who has been studying the subject since the 1980s, spurred by a rash of mass shootings in post offices.

TTAG Daily Digest: Star Parker is a Star
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Star Parker reckons that the essence of freedom is property and a gun. As she sees it, blacks — of all people — should be on board with the NRA’s guns in schools prescription. And she poses this not-so-rhetorical brain teaser at 'Why is it that liberals find it sensible to expand the reach of government each time a crisis arises, yet solutions that protect our freedoms and our ability to control our own lives they invariably find irrational?' Because it’s about control, Star, not freedom. So while we’re on the subject . . ." ...

CA: Second Amendment is ultimate gun control law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution is the ultimate gun control law, and it gives[sic] all citizens the right to keep and bear arms. This was perspicaciously done as the ultimate check and balance, and to protect against any despotic governmental take-over." ...

NJ: How a rifle looks is not the problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When the Second Amendment was adopted ... a 'rifle' was a muzzle-loaded, single-shot musket. Gun loading has evolved from muzzle, to breech, to multiple-round magazine clip. Today non-military 'look-a-like' assault rifles with magazine clips are sold to the public for hunting, target practice and protection."

"It is not the look-a-like style that is the problem. It is the multiple-round magazine clip that needs to be addressed."

"I propose that non-military rifle sales to the general public be restricted to those that use three cartridges that are manually loaded into the housing. ... Advancing the cartridge for firing should be by pump action or ratchet. ..." ...

Johns Hopkins Malpractice Study: Surgical 'Never Events' Occur At Least 4,000 Times Per Year
Submitted by: jay thompson

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"After a cautious and rigorous analysis of national malpractice claims, Johns Hopkins patient safety researchers estimate that a surgeon in the United States leaves a foreign object such as a sponge or a towel inside a patient's body after an operation 39 times a week, performs the wrong procedure on a patient 20 times a week and operates on the wrong body site 20 times a week."

"The researchers, reporting online in the journal Surgery, say they estimate that 80,000 of these so-called 'never events' occurred in American hospitals between 1990 and 2010 - and believe their estimates are likely on the low side." ...

OH: Cleveland, OH Homeowner Shoots, Captures Intruder Who Attacked Him
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man broke into the home of a Cleveland, OH man and tried to assault the homeowner with a lamp."

"The homeowner armed himself with a gun before confronting the intruder and shot the suspect when he became violent."

"The homeowner then held the wounded suspect at gunpoint until police and EMS arrived." ...

IL: Meanwhile, in the Chicago gun control utopia: The 500th murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago’s Mayor, Police Chief and local government must be cheering at the 500th murder in Chicago this year. Many of those deaths are a direct result of the racist gun control they have imposed upon their residents. We say they must be cheering because if they really regarded it as a problem, they would be eliminating their repressive gun laws and allowing the good guys in Chicago to own, possess and carry the means with which to defend themselves from violent attack." ...

‘School Security’ Means Armed Teachers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the NRA’s proposal to put armed guards in schools, gun grabbers have been shouting that armed security guards at Columbine High School weren’t effective in stopping the carnage there. ... It’s become one of the staples of their argument against allowing trained personnel with firearms in schools. But the effectiveness of 'school security' comes down to two factors . . ." ...

Listen to the Teachers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever since the horrific events at Sandy Hook Elementary, the national conversation about guns has exploded. Because I write about guns, I’m often asked to sit still and stay silent while some of my best friends attempt to construct arguments that they (perhaps unconsciously) hope will intellectualize the grief and despair we all feel."

"For the past two weeks, the topic has centered on arming teachers. Part of what makes this absurd is that I’m a teacher. I’ve also experienced gun violence. But instead of asking my reasonably authoritative opinion, I’m often told how I should feel. Here’s my view on the matter." ...

Who Will Stand For Our Children? Voluntary Armed Parents in Schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is important for us to first understand the "Rapid Mass Murder"© problem, the most common motivation of these active killers, how we can reduce the copycat effect, ... as well as the number of these incidents and then look at the 'Final Option' of armed intervention. We hope to at least initiate all that within this article. What qualifications do we possess to be an authority on the subject?"

"Our post-grad, non-profit regional police training academy has specialized in tactically training 1st responding officers and deputies since the year 2000. We have been so fortunate to have our research and statistics gain attention on the national and international law enforcement scene. ..." ...

Halt the Massacre of Innocent Children by Ending Prohibition on Self-Defense in Schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the immediate aftermath of news surrounding the shootings, pundits and politicians called for new restrictions on firearm ownership, exactly the opposite of the approach needed to combat tragic gun violence in schools."

"'We've created a 'gun-free zone,' a killing zone, for the sickest criminals on the face of the Earth,' said R. Lee Wrights, vice-chair of the Libertarian Party. 'We've given them an open killing field, and we've made the children of this country the victims.'" ...

In heated gun debate, two sides are speaking different languages
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Inside the Big Buck Sport Shop in Wexford, Pa., where mounted moose and deer heads loom over rifles, handguns, targets and ammunition, the customers have no doubt: More gun laws will not save lives."

"Fifteen miles south, in the city of Pittsburgh, many confronted by a steady stream of gun violence are just as certain: To reduce the carnage, stricter gun control is needed."

"This divide has existed for decades, separating America into hostile camps of conservative vs. liberal, rural vs. urban. As the nation responds to the massacre of 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Conn., the gulf has rarely felt wider than now." ...

The NRA's inconsistent message
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes the best friends of the liberty movement are its worst enemies. ... This was made evident again over the past two weeks during which the ... [NRA] have offered solutions to the issues that led to the Newtown massacre."

"Among its cures is the deployment of armed guards on school campuses."

"Putting armed guards on school grounds does not offer a direct threat to the rights of the individual. It does, though, offer a secondary effect in that it indoctrinates Americans to an ever-present police state." ...

AR-15, NRA hardly the causes of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve noticed that in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting, many uninformed individuals have involved themselves in the gun control debate. These individuals typically indicate that they own guns or that they hunt. They say that they understand that the Second amendment guarantees the right to own a firearm."

"Then, they qualify that statement with something like, 'But not some firearms.'"

"The current target of their wrath is the AR-15. It has a standard capacity 30-round magazine, a pistol grip and some other military-style features that have nothing to do with the rifles lethality." ...

Ounce of prevention sometimes leaves barn door wide open
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now President Obama and others understandably are calling for more gun control as an answer. And gun sales are proceeding at a breakneck pace ..."

"This despite the fact two of the biggest disasters in recent history were done with weapons other than firearms. The Oklahoma City bombing, for instance, was accomplished with plain old fertilizer ... And fully-fueled passenger airliners were the weapon of choice on 9/11."

"Still, while the Second Amendment continues to make sense from a standpoint of self-defense and for putting wild game on the table, a powerful case can be made for banning civilian possession and use of superweapons such as assault rifles with clips of some 50 or more bullets at a time. ..." ...

The clamor for gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The renewed clamor for gun-control legislation was inevitable. It would have come to the forefront with or without the shocking school massacre at the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Conn. That American tragedy simply played into the hands of longtime gun-control advocates and catapulted the issue to the political fast track." ...

The Fallacy of Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a parent of two boys under the age of four, a responsible gun owner, and an NRA member, I'd like to take this opportunity to rebut 'Sensible Arms Control,' in which my good friend Brett Joshpe argues for more gun control following the Newtown tragedy."

"Gun Rights are Inalienable and Natural"

"There is nothing 'lazy' about characterizing the inalienable right to defend self, family, and property, and the right to hunt, as 'natural rights.' Preaching from their ivory towers (typically capitol buildings, college campuses, gated communities, and urban apartments), gun control proponents casually dismiss the dire consequences of disarming law-abiding citizens. ..." ...

Des Moines columnist calls for repeal of Second Amendment, death of gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an op-ed at the Des Moines Register, retired columnist Donald Kaul called for, among other things, a repeal of the Second Amendment ... the forced elimination of the NRA as an organization, and the death of gun owners who refuse to give up their arms ..." ...

"Kaul's rant is only the latest call for violence against those who support the Constitution and the right to keep and bear arms. Since the tragic Newtown shooting, liberals, including a member of the Texas Democratic Party Executive Committee, have called for murdering law-abiding gun owners and supporters of the NRA."

"By publishing his call for violence against those with whom he disagrees, Kaul proves, yet again, that liberalism has become an ideology of genocidal hate and rage." ...

The untenable price of freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right to bear arms."

"The end result of this right as it is practiced in this country was displayed nakedly Dec. 14."

"The deaths of 27 people in Newtown Connecticut has sparked a fresh push by lawmakers to ban or more heavily regulate assault weapons, efforts critics have called reactionary ..."

"This is not an academic debate about the scope of the Second Amendment or the supposed crime preventative effect of a society armed to the teeth. It is not about protecting America's greatest fetish."

"This is about bloodied bodies, lost human beings and countless lives ripped apart forever. That is the price of what we consider freedom. The right to bear arms." ...

We'll never be able to reason with Second Amendment absolutists until we understand them. With poll.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Among all the arguments (here and on other boards) since Newtown one thing has become clear. We are not talking the same language."

To most of us it is a justice, political, economic or practical issue: the lack of consistent national regulations on firearms result in many unnecessary deaths."

"To the Second Amendment absolutists we are attacking their religion, period. They have a sacred 27-Word Gospel that must be upheld above all other rights, religions or people; even if it results in the deaths of 32,000 Americans annually (and rising)." ...

Liberal newsman calls for killing of NRA members, drag GOP leaders behind trucks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Hard-left leaning syndicated columnist Donald Kaul temporarily came out of retirement to call for the killings of National Rifle Association (NRA) members who refused to surrender their legally owned weapons, as reported by reporter Tim Graham on Dec. 31, 2012."

"The Iowa-based writer recently retired due to health problems, but in the wake of the Sandy Hook School shootings, has emerged to the spotlight of publicity to pen violent threats not only to members of the NRA, but also to torture the top Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress." ...

Media trying to win gun-control argument with insults
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The massacre of school children in Connecticut was to be the wake-up call America needed."

"Urged by politicians and media conglomerates, citizens were supposed to take to the streets and demand stronger, greater, more effective laws to stop gun violence."

"Hope and change were on the way. The tipping point had been reached."

"Pro-gun and Second Amendment advocates were invited on TV news shows, not just to have their views challenged but to be personally insulted, mocked and accused of murder."

"NRA president Wayne LaPierre, was declared 'The Craziest Man on Earth' ..."

"Mild-mannered college professor John Lott, author of 'More Guns, Less Crime' was shouted down and declared a liar by CNN’s Piers Morgan." ...

Nation needs a new agenda on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The thing missing from the debate so far is anger — anger that we live in a society where something like the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre can happen and our main concern is not offending the NRA’s sensibilities."

"That’s obscene. Here, then, is my 'madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore' program for ending gun violence in America:"

"• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. ... Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right."

"• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. ... Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that 'prying the guns from their cold, dead hands' thing works for me." ...

Limits on second amendment needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If our solution to protect children from an armed person with mental illness is to shoot that mentally ill person, we are not spending enough time or thought on the subject. The NRA’s suggestion to arm teachers and have all schools patrolled by armed police officers sends the wrong message to society and to our children. The messages we send are these: 1) Violence is the way to resolve problems; 2) shoot first and ask questions later; 3) mentally ill people are dangerous and we should be afraid of them; 4) mentally ill people should be treated like criminals; and 5) the right to bear arms should not be questioned or limited for any reason." ...

Submitter's Note: Well I agree with #5 . . .

Feinstein wants more 'gun control' to make dictatorships like us better
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That United States Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is virulently anti-gun (except for her guns) is of course no surprise, and with her confiscatory gun ban bill, she clearly intends to double down on her hostility to armed American citizens. She has managed, though, to come up with a rather surprising justification for oppressive new gun laws: other countries will think more highly of us. From the Washington Times:" ...

2nd Amendment advocates dig in for fight with Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barack Obama has no distinguishable strategy to address gun violence in schools but instead wants to capitalize on the Sandy Hook massacre to crack down on good citizens who own guns, according to a spokesman for the Firearms Coalition."

"A leader for the organization that advocates for the constitutional ownership and safe use of guns in America told WND that whatever Sen. Dianne Feinstein or the president wants in new gun restrictions, it won’t go over well in America."

"'We are not going to back down. We are not going to give in. And we are not going to concede one more inch,' said Jeff Knox, the executive director of the coalition." ...

Gun Owners Mad As Hell And Will Not Take It!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a purge of Congress in the offing. It will be historic in its magnitude."

"Allow me to be as clear as I possibly can about this because the disconnect between the people of America and their government has become so complete, the distance between the citizen and the government has become so broad, that Washington is hearing only a faint whisper (If they hear anything at all!) coming from those of us outside the beltway."

"So let me say this clearly, loudly, and in a declarative manner: Attention Senators and US Representatives: If you vote for the new Assault Weapons Ban your political career in the US Congress is OVER. That is O V E R! Complete, finished, ended, kaput!" ...

Feinstein Goes For Broke With New Gun-Ban Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)—author of the federal 'assault weapon' and 'large' ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004—has announced that on the first day of the new Congress—January 3rd— she will introduce a bill to which her 1994 ban will pale by comparison. On Dec. 17th, Feinstein said, 'I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation' and 'It will be carefully focused.' Indicating the depth of her research on the issue, she said on Dec. 21st that she had personally looked at pictures of guns in 1993, and again in 2012." ...

Obama wants gun violence measures passed in 2013
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recalling the shooting rampage that killed 20 first graders as the worst day of his presidency, President Barack Obama pledged to put his 'full weight' behind legislation aimed at preventing gun violence."

"Obama voiced skepticism about the [NRA]'s proposal to put armed guards in schools following the Dec. 14 tragedy ... in Newtown, Conn. ..."

"Instead, the president vowed to rally the American people around an agenda to limit gun violence, adding that he still supports increased background checks and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity bullet magazines. He left no doubt it will be one of his top priorities next year." ...

'Turn 'Em All In': Feinstein Said She Wanted All Guns Banned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the lines that many progressives and TV talking heads are reiterating is that no one really wants to take away Americans' guns. Senator Dianne Feinstein apparently missed that directive. She admitted as far back as 1995 that she does, indeed, wish to take everyone's guns away from them."

"In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an 'outright ban' on all guns." ...

Sen.-elect Deb Fischer on Spending, Gun Control and Bipartisanship (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "JUDY WOODRUFF: I want to ask you about -- about the availability of guns in this country after the terrible shooting in Newtown ..."

"There's a lot of discussion about whether Americans should have access that they have today. Do you think there should be limits on Americans' access to guns?"

"DEB FISCHER: Well, first of all, it's horrible, horrible what happened ... And every American, we know that and our heart goes out to those people."

"But I am a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights. And so I believe that we don't need to act swiftly now in reaction and having an emotional reaction to a horrible situation and put on limits on our constitutional rights." ...

NC: You Don't Want To Go There, Mr. Bothwell
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cecil Bothwell is a City Councilman in Asheville, North Carolina. He also ran for Congress in the 11th District but was trounced in the Democratic primary. He is proudly the left-most member of the Asheville City Council."

"Today Bothwell called for banning gun shows on city-owned property. He wants to use a city ordinance that prohibits the possession of firearms in parks and other city-owned property (other than concealed carry holders in parks.)" ...

"The ignorance in Bothwell's statement astounds." ...

IL: Illinois lawmakers pondering gun ban in defiance of voters' will
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA reports that, with Governor Pat Quinn cheering them on, Illinois legislators might try to ban so-called 'assault weapons' (and, given Quinn's involvement, presumably 'high capacity' magazines, and .50 caliber firearms and ammunition, as well) over the course of the coming week (the last week of the session):" ...

Obama to NBC: He wants to ban semi-autos in 'first year'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama told NBC’s 'Meet the Press' Sunday that it is his intention to push for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons' and that he wants 'to get it done in the first year' of his second term, meaning 2013." ...

"'I've been very clear that an assault rifle ban,' Mr. Obama said, 'banning these high capacity clips, background checks, that there are a set of issues that I have historically supported and will continue to support.'" ...

IL: Illinois State Senate Trying to Ram New Gun Ban Through Lame Duck Session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois is the only state in the Union that does not allow some sort of concealed carry statute for its law-abiding citizens. Illinois is also home to the city with the highest murder rate in the country. And yet, the Land of Lincoln is set to ring in the New Year with a new gun banning law that is more extreme than any yet instituted."

"Illinois State Senate President John Cullerton (D, Chicago) is going to try and push through a new 'assault weapons' ban in the Illinois legislature's upcoming lame duck session that is so extreme that even some antique guns will be banned." ...

NY: New York County denies request for names of gun permit holders
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"Authorities in a suburban county north of New York City said on Tuesday they will refuse to release names of local gun permit holders to a newspaper that has been publishing the identities of thousands of license-holding residents."

"Putnam County Clerk Dennis Sant said he would defy a request for information about pistol permit holders from the White Plains, New York-based Journal News, which has come under criticism for publishing thousands of such identities already."

"'There is the rule of law, and there is right and wrong and the Journal News is clearly wrong,' Sant said in a statement. 'I could not live with myself if one Putnam pistol permit holder was put in harm's way, for the sole purpose of selling newspapers.'" ...

Police: Christmas Eve firefighter shooter used ‘straw purchaser’ to acquire weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 62-year-old convicted felon who gunned down two firefighters and wounded three first responders on Christmas Eve in Webster, New York used weapons his neighbor illegally purchased for him, according to state and federal authorities."

"The neighbor, 24-year-old Dawn Nguyen, was arrested on Friday after police traced the serial numbers ..."

"While this so-called 'straw purchasing' is illegal, the U.S. Department of Justice sanctioned the practice between 2006 and 2011."

"The [ATF] allowed straw purchasers to illegally purchase approximately 2,000 firearms as and transport them across the United States’ southern border as part of Operation Fast and Furious ..." ...

Don’t Hold Us Accountable–We Just Want Your Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another Christmas holiday has passed and the family of border patrol agent Brian Terry still have no answers as to why no one is being held responsible in their son’s death in the DOJ Fast and Furious debacle. Also don’t forget the thousands of innocent Mexican citizens who have been massacred by the very same guns our government released to known drug lords/cartels and terrorists ... Woops! Our bad, but it was Bush’s fault, right Eric Holder? Of course let us not forget how our mainstream media has also decided not to cover any news on the topic. Even after Univision did a scathing piece on the newest revelations of the F&F gun walking operation, all three major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) said nothing about it. ..." ...

WA: Woman Sues Seattle Police after Video Shows they Fabricated Case Against Her (video available)
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"In yet another typical display of police aggression and fabrication that came to light through video, a Seattle cop grabbed a woman out of a crowd of protesters and pulled her to the ground where several other officers pounced on her."

"The cop, Sonya Fry, claimed in her report that she grabbed Maria Morales because Morales had cursed at her and punched her in the chest – not that she would even have grounds to do that if Morales had cursed at her."

"Morales was charged with assault."

"Then her lawyer came across the video on Youtube, which showed Morales neither cursed nor punched Fry, prompting prosecutors to drop the charge." ...

CO: CO Background Check System Overwhelmed, Wait Time: 8 Days, 5 Hours
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"The state of Colorado officially has no waiting period for the purchase of firearms. According to state law, you’re able to walk in the door of your favorite gun store and walk out with the gat of your choice within about a half hour (including paperwork). But while most states use the FBI’s National Instant Check System to perform their background checks, Colorado relies on the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to do all background checks for firearms (which are required for every sale through a gun dealer). And they are completely and totally swamped . . ." ...

LA: NOPD officer indicted, suspended for allegedly accepting $600 in bribes
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"A 37-year veteran of the New Orleans Police Department was indicted Thursday for allegedly accepting $600 in bribes to steer city business to a tow truck company. Officer John Ray was arrested Thursday night and placed on emergency suspension without pay, according to an NOPD statement."

"Ray was at one time assigned to the NOPD's Towing and Recovery Unit, which maintains a rotating list of qualified towing companies. He is accused of accepting cash bribes from one local towing company, and in exchange allowing only its drivers to haul heavy equipment from a city tow zone, according to the NOPD. He, in turn, rejected all other companies who applied for the same work." ...

GA: DeKalb jury: Fulton ex-cop guilty of molestation
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"A former Fulton County police officer is now a convicted felon and sex offender."

"A DeKalb County jury on Thursday found Michael Bernard Wilson, 32, guilty of two counts of child molestation, and he was sentenced to 25 years in prison, court officials said." ...

FL: Former Jacksonville Sheriff's Officer David Sumlin enters solicitation of prostitution plea
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"A former Jacksonville Sheriff's officer entered a plea to solicitation of a prostitute charges and will spend the next four months on probation."

"While on probation, 49-year-old David Sumlin will also have to do 100 hours of community service."

"Sumlin was arrested last month and resigned after eight years at JSO, citing personal reasons."

"According to a JSO police report, the JSO Integrity Unit learned in September that Sumlin was paying prostitutes for sex." ...

MN: Former DL police officer charged with gun crime
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"A former police officer here has been charged in district court with a gun crime."

"Mathew Brun, 33, has been charged with reckless discharge of a firearm, a gross misdemeanor. Brun resigned from the police department here on Dec. 20, prior to the charges being filed by the Hubbard County Attorney’s Office on Wednesday."

"The charges stem from an Aug. 20 incident, when Becker County deputies received a report of a shooting at Brun’s residence near Shell Lake just after 10 p.m. Deputies were told Brun was firing a gun, was intoxicated and was talking about suicide, court records state." ...

NH: Dalton town clerk acquitted of taking $100, police never checked if money was missing
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"In a case that her attorney said afterward never should have been brought to trial, longtime Dalton Town Clerk Sandy York was acquitted late Monday on a misdemeanor charge of taking money from town funds." ...

"The charge was brought by Dalton Police Chief Mario Audit. ..."

"The department's case appeared to be in trouble almost from the outset. Under questioning by York's attorney ... Audit admitted that he had not bothered to find out whether any money was actually missing from the town funds. He also testified that neither he nor any other town officials had ever questioned York on the charge, and never gave her the opportunity to explain her actions ..." ...

NC: NC policeman and woman shot by officer during scuffle at upscale gated community
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"Authorities say a Belmont police officer was shot in the leg by another officer's gun during a call in an exclusive lake-side gated community." ...

Incoming Camas lawmaker wants to arm teachers
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"Incoming State Rep. Liz Pike (R-Camas) is making headlines this weekend for announcing that she will introduce legislation making it legal for teachers and school administrators to carry firearms at school."

"Pike is not alone. According to King 5 News, the freshman legislator says several other lawmakers are working on similar proposals, and down in Alabama, State Rep. Kerry Rich (R-Albertville) is proposing the same plan for his state." ...

Scalia’s arguments rebut editorial
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"After reading the recent Heard Elsewhere column in the Sun, which featured The New York Times editorial 'Personal guns and the Second Amendment,' I have a few questions:"

"What new law will prevent another Newtown?" ...

AZ: Smart Move In Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the recent spike in sales in AR-15s, the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association is holding a class called AR-15 101 for new owners of the carbine. They estimate 7,000 have been sold in that state within the last 10 days." ...

AZ: Arizona Newscaster NAILS Second Amendment – Get This Man to Washington (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following video is a refreshing take on the Second Amendment by a newscaster out of Arizona."

"The information he presents is probably not too popular with his peers, and you have to give him credit for even going there."

"If more media, even at the local level, would follow suit we would have a much more fair representation of the Second Amendment in the news." ...

OH: 2012 - The Year In Review
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"While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2012." ...

CA: Councilman's gun purchase story stirs debate
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"It almost sounded like an afterthought when Councilman Harry Ramos decided to relate some of the details of a holiday shopping trip during the governing body announcements portion of the last Murrieta City Council meeting."

"'I purchased his-and-her firearms for my wife and myself,' Ramos said at the Dec. 18 session. 'Actually, I just wanted a new gun, but I figured the best way to coax my wife into allowing me to buy a gun during the Christmastime season was to get her her own firearm.'" ...

MA: A modest proposal: let us disarm
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... "Mahatma Gandhi said: 'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.'"

"So, here’s something to ignore, or is the suggestion simply laughable?"

"I propose the city of Northampton ban guns on any person. Yes, any person, police included. Cars could hold weapons, police vehicles, the hunting rifle on the back of the pickup, and they can be stockpiled in the police station, but guns would be banned from being on, or in the possession of, any person within our city limits." ...

Submitter's Note: Ghandi also said "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."

CA: Gun debate
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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein and the president want law-abiding gun owners to feel guilty because a deranged young man created a horrible tragedy."

"All Americans share in the sadness of this act, but, I do not feel guilty. I have no intention or desire to inflict harm on anyone else, unless I am protecting my home and family." ...

PA: National discussion on gun laws long overdue
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"It has been more than two weeks since 20 schoolchildren and seven adults were killed in the senseless Sandy Hook tragedy. I have had countless, long discussions with friends on both side of the debate."

"I have talked to gun control friends and to friends who called themselves Second Amendment purists. My gun control friends want to ban automatic and semi-automatic weapons; my Second Amendment friends want legislation to tighten up 'loopholes' ... The point is, I have found no one who supports no change whatsoever in the laws as a result of this most recent tragedy, as well as the mass tragedies of the past years." ...

CO: Why liberals hate guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Interesting take on the Second Amendment for a country that knows — this quote from a recent article in the Russian newspaper Pravda urging us not to give up our Second Amendment freedom says a great deal: 'Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. ..." ...

WI: Second Amendment 'facts' lacking
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... "That said, back to some of the other 'facts' contained in the commentary: 'No one hunts with a handgun or assault rifles or exploding ammunition.' Well, I don’t know what exploding ammunition is, but Wisconsin state law requires the use of expanding type bullets for hunting. Secondly, handguns are legally used to hunt big and small game in Wisconsin and most other states by hundreds of thousands of hunters, including myself. I have taken everything from rabbits and squirrels to deer and even several large black bear using only a handgun. Handguns are also used in shooting competitions."

"Assault weapons? For decades, sportsmen have been using or sporterizing military rifles. ..." ...

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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