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Newslinks for 1/20/2004

UT: Lock and unload
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every year in Utah, children get their hands on loaded guns and unintentionally shoot themselves or a playmate. Safely securing guns could prevent some of this carnage, and to that end the Legislature should make negligent gun storage a crime."

"People opposed to this idea argue that criminalizing negligent storage would not change careless owners' behavior, and that prosecuting grieving parents or other relatives of victims in the wake of a tragedy would be unjust." ...

"The bill provides seven affirmative defenses against a charge of negligent storage, including if the child got the gun as the result of illegal entry into a property by anyone, or if the gun was stored in a locked container that a reasonable person would believe was secure, or if it was disabled by a locking device (on the trigger or a cable through the action, for example)."

"It also would be a defense if the owner of the gun was carrying it on his person or if it was close enough to him so that he could retrieve it and use it as if he had been carrying it. Presumably, that would give a person a defense if the gun had been within arm's reach. Whether that would apply if the gun owner were asleep, the bill does not say."

Hopping Hall: Switching Political Providers
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"As more and more politicians discover the career jolt switching can provide, and as Americans struggle to differentiate between the major parties, or find a single hard and fast principle (a noble one, I mean) among them, beware the rise of the third party."

"Don't expect Rush to report on it though. The Republican Conference gets taxpayer money for Congressional 'offices and staff' to do things like 'coordinate talk radio.' No wonder he thinks Libertarians are crazy."

Zinni a good man in a fight.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni has faced death in battle and stood up to the White House over its decision to invade Iraq. He clearly doesn't run from a fight.

He was outside the Chesapeake House rest area off Interstate 95 in Maryland one recent evening, waiting for his wife to come out, when a would-be robber pushed against him and announced he had a gun.

Zinni, who still lifts weights at age 60, says he just reacted naturally: He whipped around and grabbed for the weapon -- which ended up being the mugger's hands underneath a sweat shirt. The assailant punched Zinni. The general punched back, knocking the mugger over.

"You're crazy," wailed the crook, as an accomplice pulled up in a getaway car.

"You're goddamn right!" replied Zinni. He reached into his car and bluffed: "If you want to see a gun, I'll show you one."

The bad guys sped off.

Show this one to your friends who claim that the threat of an armed victim doesn't deter criminals.

DC: Armed Police in the libraries of gun free paradise.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Garrett Scott is in some ways a typical crime-fighter."

"He wears a dark-blue uniform with a golden badge pinned to his jacket, and he keeps a .38-caliber revolver in a holster at his hip. He prefers resolving tense situations with a few polite words or by adding, as he puts it, some bass to his voice."

"But not every officer has Cpl. Scott's unlikely beat: patrolling the hushed, book-lined aisles of the District's neighborhood libraries. The 6-foot-1, 275-pound native Washingtonian is part of the library police, an 18-member force that is armed, authorized to make arrests and dedicated to protecting the 2 million people who visit the city's 27 public libraries each year."

Clark Praises Michael Moore for Calling Bush 'Deserter'
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Democratic presidential hopeful Gen. Wesley Clark suggested Saturday night that questions remain about President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard - effusively praising left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore after Moore told a Clark rally that Bush had deserted the military." ...

" 'I'm delighted with Michael Moore, I really appreciate his support,' Clark said, according to the Associated Press. 'He's a fantastic leader. I thank him tremendously for being here.' "

Any candidate who calls the lying, socialist, anti-freedom, anti-gun Michael Moore a "fantastic leader" probably has no respect or understanding of freedom itself or the Second Amendment's protection thereof.

Faking It - A Brief Textbook Of American Democracy
Submitted by: Keith Dowers

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"While the United States is freer and more democratic than many countries, it is not, I think, either as free or as democratic as we are expected to believe, and becomes rapidly less so. Indeed we seem to be specialists in maintaining the appearance without having the substance. Regarding the techniques of which, a few thoughts:"

"(1) Free speech does not exist in America. We all know what we can’t say and about whom we can’t say it."

"(2) A democracy run by two barely distinguishable parties is not in fact a democracy."

"A parliamentary democracy allows expression of a range of points of view: A ecological candidate may be elected, along with a communist, a racial-separatist, and a libertarian. These will make sure their ideas are at least heard. By contrast, the two-party system prevents expression of any ideas the two parties agree to suppress. How much open discussion do you hear during presidential elections of, for example, race, immigration, abortion, gun control, and the continuing abolition of Christianity? These are the issues most important to most people, yet are quashed."

Liberty: The Gold That Does Not Glitter - By The Hunter
Submitted by: Melissa Seaman

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"Liberty does not 'glitter'; it often appears far less valuable to many than it really is. All too often, the unthinking trade freedom for the seductive illusion of security and stability. Just as Franklin warned us, in the end they are left with neither."

"Many who seem at first glance to be doing little to defend freedom may just be following their own inner guide. They seem 'lost' to the rest of us, but they always understand their purpose and stay their own course. Their seemingly random and aimless wanderings may well mask some deep, hidden mission of vital importance, even if it is 'only' self-discovery."

"Freedom as a concept and an ideal is still strong and vibrant in America, whatever the faults of its implementation today. It is too strong to 'wither', and the philosophical roots reach so deep that no passing political weather of the day can disturb them. Always they endure beyond the reach of destruction by any tyrant no matter how ambitious."

MN: Private property owners should be able to ban guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A decision last week by the Minnesota Court of Appeals added some oomph to a suit brought to Minnesota churches opposed to the state conceal-carry handgun law enacted last year."

"The dozens of church plaintiffs, led by Edina Community Lutheran Church, believe that they should be able to ban firearms in their church parking lots, arguing that religious and property rights outweighed some provisions of the Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act. The controversial law makes it easier for more Minnesotans to get handgun permits and carry guns in public. It forbids private establishments — including churches — from banning firearms from parking lots." ...

"If a church as private property owner can ban the presence of a handgun on church property, what keeps the owner of a theater parking lot from doing the same thing? Private property is private."

"If a private property owner wishes to ban the presence of a deadly weapon, he or she should have that option, a point well taken by the Minnesota Court of Appeals."

Of course the worshippers can also make a conscious choice to find another church - one which values life enough to allow them the best means to defend it.

PA: Pizza Delivery Man Shot, Killed -- Robbery Appears to be Motive
Submitted by: George Combs II

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Another pizza delivery driver is dead.

When will the chains (Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Snappy's, etc.) wake up and realize that the very nature of the business is what makes drivers attractive targets for criminal scum?

I can only guess at the response from his employer, but I can guarantee with a reasonable amount of certainty that it will NOT be a promise to revamp these insane 'safety' rules that only do one thing: Protect the company.


Police are investigating the shooting death of a pizza deliveryman in North Philadelphia.

He was shot in the face while making a delivery Sunday night.

The shooting happened at Leiper and Arrot Streets.

Police say robbery appears to be the motive.

No arrests have been made.

Immigration and Information: Big Brother May Get His Wish
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"...Plenty of conservatives and libertarians are scratching their heads and wondering why Bush would forward such a nakedly wrong proposal for simple electoral gain (Did Karl Rove do the math on the supercomputers in the White House Situation Room and figure the net gain in illegals voting for the GOP would outweigh the disaffected Republican voters who would stay home out of disgust?). What crisis could the government create to foment an overwhelming call for a national ID card? Grant de facto amnesty to millions of illegal invaders and use the national security shibboleth to press for the ID cards to ensure any potential terrorists are thwarted through the usual efficient government methods." ...

"Tom Ridge has been itching to tattoo all American so his lads can better protect the flock of sheep called Americans. If you think identity theft is a problem now, wait until the Feds get their claws into data compilation and collating. The abuses at the IRS will pale in comparison." ...

"Remember the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) promise to revolutionize crime prevention under the Brady Bill? Let’s ask a simple question. Does NICS have a positive or negative database? A positive database is a universal compendium of every American citizen (not illegal, unregistered aliens or invaders). As much as the Feds would like that, they aren’t there yet. Witness Poindexter’s Total Information Awareness debacle. The NICS database is a negative database in the sense that it only lists criminal convictions of applicants, which are retrieved when a gun sale purchase is made. Yet, if said criminal applicant uses a fake ID or gives a false name, he will come out clean and able to purchase the weapon after filling out the BATF Form 4473 (the infamous yellow form). The FBI and BATF will then, of course, violate supposed Congressional proscriptions against record keeping and store the purchase information in the alphabet agency’s memory hole. Well, Tom Ridge may have a late Christmas present for all the alphabet agencies in the Federal government."

Malaysia: Shock, anger over brutal attack on young girl by "security" guard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Malaysians from all walks of life have expressed shock and outrage over yet another rape and murder of a 10-year-old girl, Nurulhuda Ghani on Saturday."

"The gruesome incident was the second in barely two weeks into the new year."

"Like Nurulhuda, who was raped, sodomised and strangled, 10-year-old schoolgirl Haserawati Saridi was stabbed to death after being raped when she chose to walk instead of taking a van to her school on Jan 8."

"She was gang-raped, sodomised and strangled in the toilet of the guardhouse at a nearby Tenaga Nasional substation."

"Two men, one of them a security guard, have been arrested over the brutal crime."

In a country where illegal possession of a gun leads to the death penalty, the people depend on scum like this security guard to preserve life and property. Sickening!

FL: Bull's-eye on backs of permit holders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although her fate would appear to belie her logic, that concealed-weapons license holders are among the most law-abiding of citizens is borne out by the rarity of license revocations."

"And actions that would not affect other licenses -- from driver licenses to medical practice licenses -- bring automatic revocation of concealed-weapons licenses." ...

"Of the 875,947 licenses granted in Florida since 1987, only 2,079 have been revoked because of a crime committed after the license was received -- and only 170 of those crimes were gun-related." ...

"One of Levin's neighbors and fellow concealed-weapons permit holder Refik Ozbay calls Levin 'a disgrace.' Levin's possession of a concealed-weapons license indicates that he was more informed than most on the lawful use of deadly force and the importance of avoiding conflict, Ozbay said."

Philippines: Cop shot dead by fellow cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police are still gathering information from witnesses on what caused the shooting last Saturday between an organic member of the city police force and two policemen-brothers from Camp Crame."

"Supt. Manuel Obrera, city police chief, brushed aside allegation that the feud between Evaristo and James Lo that led them to draw their guns was due to tong [graft] collection."

"Lo, assigned at the Special Action Force at the PNP headquarters, was shot in the chest."

"Obrera said when Evaristo put down his .45 pistol to change its magazine, Nickson Lo, younger brother of [James] Lo, entered from behind and shot Evaristo at the back of the head."

"The police chief said James, who was alive, told his brother to kill Evaristo."

In the Philippines guns have been banned from all but the "elite" and "professional." Are they more responsible and deserving of the right to keep and bear arms, Sarah?

UK: Boy, 12, Banned from Carrying Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 12-year-old boy has been banned from carrying weapons after shooting at neighbourhood wardens, a council said today."

"David Platt, of Fulmer Drive, Ancoats, Manchester, fired an air pistol at the wardens as they drove by in December."

"One warden was shot in the neck but was not badly hurt."

"On the same day Platt, wearing a black balaclava, fired ball bearings at a Manchester City Council surveyor and joiner on Queensbury Parade."

"Platt is the youngest person in Manchester to be banned from carrying a weapon under an anti-social behaviour order."

"Manchester magistrates heard Platt also verbally abused a woman and her daughter, calling them 'grass' and 'pegleg' after throwing stones at the daughter."

Yeah, judging from his willingness to bring harm to others now, somehow banning him from carrying weapons doesn't seem like much of a deterrent.

Australia: Crime clan too clever to catch says court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Hannouf crime family was too clever to catch, according to court evidence, confounding police and building a property portfolio worth $2 million - until they turned on one of their own, and ran headlong into the clutches of Task Force Gain."

"They hid their alleged rackets behind an 'extensive criminal network to avoid prosecution' and probably had access to 'institutionalised contacts [who] assisted in leaking government information', Burwood Local Court was told yesterday."

"Four Hannouf brothers - Haissam, Rabbi, Ahmad, and Wahib - were refused bail on 18 charges of manufacturing and supplying amphetamines, armed robbery, demanding property with menaces, possessing illegal firearms and ammunition and kidnapping."

Boy, those stringent gun control laws didn't appear to stop these criminals. But then again, they're called "criminals" for a reason, aren't they?

WI: Anti-gun paranoia at its worst
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine tens of thousands of people walking around Wisconsin with guns in their pockets. Imagine signs posted at the entrances of grocery stores, banks, child care centers and clinics telling you 'NO GUNS ALLOWED.' Will the person behind you in the post office have a gun? Will a well-intentioned, pistol-packing citizen trying to 'help' the police accidentally shoot an innocent bystander, your child?"

"This could be our state if the National Rifle Association and Sen. Dave Zien have their way on Wednesday, when the Republican-controlled Legislature attempts to override Gov. Jim Doyle's veto of the concealed carry bill."

"What are concealed carry proponents concealing with their call to arms? The truth."

The truth? Near daily reports show that peaceable citizens use guns to save their lives and those of their loved ones.

The truth is that Brady and company have been distorting data for years to try and push their odious agenda, as witnessed by the latest travesty from AGS, which has been branded as misleading by the ATF.

The truth is that none of the other states that allow concealed carry have had problems.

The truth is that this hoplophobic miscreant needs some professional counseling for her paranoia.

Write a letter to the editor about the publication of this absurd trash.

UN Security Council calls for more gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The United Nations Security Council today urged the world's countries to do more to halt the flow of the illicit small arms and light weapons, warning that they could end up in the hands of terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida."

Of course they could also wind up in the hands of peaceable people and provide them a means to defend themselves against Al Qaeda or even tyrannical governments. The UN wouldn't want that, now would they?

Canada: Albertans take aim at gun registry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Albertans love Canada, but many of them sure hate the federal ties that bind them."

"That was the underlying theme on the first stop of an Alberta task force plumbing the depths of provincial despair over relations with Ottawa."

"The Committee on Strengthening Alberta's Role in Confederation heard what it expected to hear on the first of 12 stops on a provincewide tour."

"Speaker after speaker complained about the 'useless' and 'wasteful' national firearms registry which continues to draw vocal opposition from rural Albertans."

" 'If Ontario wanted a gun registry, they could have paid for it themselves,' complained Hinton resident Jack Wilson. 'It shouldn't have been rammed down our throats.' "

India: Housewives apply for gun licence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Intelligence department officials have begun an inquiry over a sudden increase in the number of applications from women, particularly housewives, seeking gun and other arms licence."

"Sources said the district administration was alarmed with a large number of housewives applying for arms. Refusing to divulge the number of such applications, sources said the applicants requests were mostly for revolvers, pistols, rifles and double-barrel guns."

"The intelligence officials were looking into the causes as to why such a large number of requests had come from women and whether their husbands and other family members were trying to secure arm licenses in their names."

Perhaps they want to defend themselves and their loved ones?

Perhaps they are tired of being victims?

Why should this alarm the government, unless certain authorities want to keep women subservient, vulnerable and disarmed?

NY: Bullets fly in "gun-free" New York City Neighborhood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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It is erroneous to call New York "gun-free". It appears the criminals have plenty of them.

"Two gunmen laying in wait to ambush a man leaving a Chinatown restaurant sprayed the neighborhood with machine gun fire, killing him and injuring another man, police said yesterday.
The violence erupted shortly before 11 p.m. Saturday, when a 28-year-old man walked out of the Super Taste House Restaurant on Division Street."

"Cops believe that at least two gunmen were waiting for him on the street, one with an AK-47 assault rifle and the other with a .45-caliber handgun."

"The thugs opened fire on their victim, whom cops believe fired back with a .38-caliber revolver."

"The victim, who cops declined to identify because they had not yet notified his family, ran a short distance and collapsed in the snow."

ACLU, former legislator evaluate USA PATRIOT Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Civil Liberties Union and staunch conservative Bob Barr have united to combat provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act to protect what they consider a 'shrinking' Bill of Rights."

"Barr, a former U.S. representative, R-Ga., and ACLU president Nadine Strossen met at the Milwaukee Athletic Club Thursday to discuss their shared concern about the powers the act gives to the federal government that they believe infringe on citizens' rights."

" 'This is a systemic assault on the Fourth Amendment and other provisions in the Bill of Rights,' Barr said. 'Whatever power government takes, it doesn't give back.' "

South Africa: Two held after 'rape dare'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two young men who allegedly dared each other to sleep with a white woman were arrested at the weekend for breaking into a 65-year-old woman's house and raping her." ...

"The two men have been charged with housebreaking, robbery and rape and can't be named until they've appeared in court."

"The pensioner reported that the men broke into her house, which is also in Perdekop, about 23:30 on Saturday night."

"When she tried to flee out the back door, they grabbed her and pulled her back inside and dragged her to her bedroom where they took turns raping her..."

Meanwhile, the South African government continues its civilian disarmament efforts, leaving women such as this one without an effective means of self defense.

IL: Outdoors Show Brings More Than 50 Exhibitors to Fairgrounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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More than 50 exhibitors displayed everything from wooden turkey calls to knives to semi-automatic rifles at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield this weekend.

The Outdoor Sports, Hunting and Trade Show began Saturday. It was organized by the Egyptian Collectors Association, which hosts two shows a year in Springfield and draws participants from across Illinois.

The firearms on display included handguns, shotguns and a wide variety of rifles. In addition to sporting rifles, there were World War II rifles, as well as one trader who specialized in 19th-century Winchester rifles.

The Egyptian Collectors Association has scheduled 17 outdoor sports trade shows this year throughout Illinois.

MD: What's in a name where weapons are concerned?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Last story on the page.


Don't call them assault weapons, call them "sport-utility rifles."

With Democrats expected to introduce legislation extending a ban on assault weapons this session, gun-rights activists are gearing up for a fight.

Sen. Alex X. Mooney, R-Washington/Frederick, has been referring to the weapons as sport-utility rifles, which sounds so much less intimidating, doesn't it?

Mooney insists that it's a better term for the guns that sportsmen use for target shooting and hunting.

South Africa: Fears of South African poll violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fears that South Africa's general election could renew violence between rival political groups deepened yesterday when a family of seven was reportedly slaughtered in KwaZulu-Natal province."

"According to radio reports, five children died when armed men surrounded a shack near the town of Empangeni and set it on fire. The parents were gunned down when they tried to escape."

"It was not immediately clear if there was a political motive, but the attack happened in the wake of clashes between supporters of the ruling African National Congress and the rival Inkatha Freedom party."

But the government still insists on taking away the people's right to self defense.

A Pyrrhic Victory?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"I've long said that the only difference nowadays between the Democrats and Republicans is one of degree, and how quickly you want to see your freedoms taken away from you. It's no wonder the BCRA passed with a significant number of Republicans supporting it. But insomuch as party politics means anything anymore when it comes to the Big 2, I do believe that the Democrats are going to be in for a nasty surprise as the true ramifications of this legislation become known. For example, when it comes to hard money donations, you have to admit, the Republicans have the Democrats beat hands down. Plus, incumbents will always have an advantage over challengers, no matter how much money is raised. And let's not forget that 5 southern Democrat Senate seats are up for grabs now that the Senators are not seeking re-election."

UK: Gun fight in city streets, where guns are banned
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police swooped to arrest three men within minutes of a shoot out in a Birmingham street - thanks to an eagle-eyed CCTV camera operator."

"The operator spotted the gun drama unfolding outside the Premonitions nightclub in Bristol Street at 5am yesterday."

"He alerted a traffic police unit and officers on routine patrol nearby bravely moved in unarmed to collar three men after a short chase."

"Cops, who revealed a firearm was also recovered from the scene, said the lightning quick response emphasised the power of CCTV in the war on guns."

"The latest shooting to rock the city emerged as a high-powered gun crime conference opens in Birmingham today."

CA: San Mateo County offering free gun locks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In an effort promote firearm safety, the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office is giving away 2,500 gun locks to residents."

"The giveaway is part of a national effort in partnership with Project Child Safe to promote firearm safety education to gun owners."

" 'Firearm accidents in the home can result from an unauthorized person, often a child, finding a loaded and unsecured firearm,' said Sheriff Don Horsley. 'We want to prevent these tragedies by educating gun owners about firearm safety, and providing free gun locks.' "

Gun locks will disable your firearm and render useless your self defense tool. Is that what you call "firearm safety," sheriff?

UK: Gun Culture in Spotlight at Conference
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Law enforcement experts, community groups and Government officials were gathering today for the start of a two-day forum on gun crime."

"The Home Office is holding the event in Birmingham to look at how Britain’s burgeoning weapons culture can be overcome."

"The conference at the city’s Botanical Gardens, called Connected: Together We Can Tackle Gun Crime, will be attended by representatives from a wide range of community groups, including the Disarm Trust and Mothers Against Murder and Aggression."

Responding To A Detroit News Special Report...
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The real motive behind this special report is the chance to influence the manufacturer immunity bill currently in the Senate. The bill is designed to protect firearms manufacturers from being sued over criminal acts, in order to block a series of politically-motivated lawsuits seeking to impose gun control via the courts. The Detroit News wants to make it politically difficult to pass this bill."

"But to do that, they have to take some serious liberties with common sense."

John Hechinger, Sr., 84, A Lifetime Fighting Gun Violence
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"In 1987 John Hechinger, who passed away Sunday on his 84th birthday, wrote an opinion essay for the Washington Post.

" 'In my business,' he wrote, 'I deal hourly with federal regulations designed to protect customers in the use of certain products. In 1963, we stopped selling handguns, a normal staple of many stores of our type. I realized that handguns are a potentially dangerous product whose sales should be carefully monitored and controlled.' "

If that's the case, so is the vast majority of the power tools they sold.

PA: Officer Charged With Brandishing Gun During Dispute With Motorist
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A police officer has been charged with brandishing a handgun during a dispute with another motorist.

Scott Yoder, 30, has been placed on administrative leave from the Middletown Police Department. He is charged with simple assault by physical menace and disorderly conduct.

Authorities said the incident occurred on Dec. 2 when Yoder was off-duty and in civilian clothes. Police said Yoder argued with a woman who he believed had parked his car too close to his and then displayed a loaded Glock handgun.

Police said Yoder, who has worked in Middletown for five years, has denied pointing the handgun at anyone.

Sure, only cops should have guns. They'd never use them to threaten a disarmed populace.

NE: Gun discharges, man loses finger
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A Council Bluffs man lost a finger Saturday after a handgun he was holding accidentally discharged.

Omaha Police reported that the incident occurred around 9 p.m. at Rochester Armor Car Company, 3937 Leavenworth in Omaha.

Tim R. Olson, 43, of Council Bluffs was allegedly standing at the company's weapon clearing barrel and was attempting to unload his handgun, a Glock model 27 in .40 caliber, when it discharged and severed his left index finger.

Olson normally carries a Taurus 9mm while on duty as a driver for Rochester and told OPD investigators he was unfamiliar with the new Glock handgun.

He was taken to Creighton University Medical Center for treatment.

What? Not a word about him having pulled the trigger?

MO: Nixon: Concealed-Gun Law Will 'Negatively Affect Civil Liberties'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Although he is defending Missouri's new concealed weapons law in court, Attorney General Jay Nixon has some personal concerns about the implications should his legal team win."

"In arguments Thursday before the state Supreme Court, Nixon's staff plans to defend the constitutionality of the law allowing most adults to carry concealed guns in their coats, purses, cars and other secret places."

"But should he win, Nixon is concerned the law might result in more traffic-stop searches by police fearful of armed citizens. He's concerned, also, that local sheriffs could compile secret lists of people entitled to carry concealed guns."

This is not a problem with the law, but a problem with the paranoid enforcers.

CA: Girl Hurt as Gun Goes Off in Class
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A small-caliber gun that a Pomona High School student had hidden in his pocket accidentally went off in a classroom Thursday morning, seriously wounding another student, authorities said." ...

"The 17-year-old boy and a friend who allegedly had passed the gun to him were arrested on suspicion of having a weapon at school — a felony, police said."

Judge Walton Awarded Judicial Tyranny Prize by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
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" 'We are awarding U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton a Special Bill of Wrongs Judicial Tyranny Achievement Prize,' John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, announced ..." ...

"Walton disregarded the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding citizens of the Nation's Capital to keep and bear arms. He's doing his absolute best to render decent Washingtonians defenseless in the face of rampant criminal violence. He is using his judicial position to undermine the civil rights of our citizens. ...He seems to believe that all power resides in the government, rather than ultimately in the people. It is in this kind of false philosophy that tyranny can take root."

DC: Court to Residents: 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Apply to You
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"While the drive for DC statehood has been championed mostly by liberals, probably because of high Democratic voter registration in the District, the Court’s ruling may bring many conservatives on board the cause."

"The District Court ruled that the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not apply to the District. The justification for the Court’s decision lies in its decision that the “militia” mentioned in the first clause of the Amendment was provided to prevent the federal government from taking over a state by force." ...

VA: Enemies of freedom hold rally to whine away our rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Members of the Million Mom March and Virginians Against Hand Gun Violence held a rally at the Capitol today to promote new gun legislation. The bills they support include one that would require background checks for all guns sold at gun shows. They also support a bill that would prohibit guns in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. And another bill that would empower school boards to decide if guns should be allowed on school grounds.

NC: Keeping families safe: knowing how to protect your home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the more frightening and potentially dangerous crimes that can occur to a family is a home invasion."

"A home invasion is when robbers force their way into an occupied home, apartment or hotel room, to commit a robbery or other crimes. It is particularly frightening because it violates our private space and the one place we feel safe, our home."

"Home invaders rarely work alone and rely on an overwhelming physical confrontation to gain control and instill fear in their victims. The greatest violence usually occurs during the initial confrontation. The home invaders often come prepared with handcuffs, rope, duct tape, and firearms."

Note: In the UK, where self-defense with a firearm has been outlawed, "hot" robberies or home invasions occur at a much higher rate than the U.S. Could it be that this is because Americans are armed? A recent study shows that criminals are likely to avoid victims who are armed.

EU: EU nations voice air marshal concerns to US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"EU countries have expressed concern over US pressure to admit armed sky marshals on certain transatlantic flights, in talks with Washington's top official on the issue, a spokesman said."

"Some EU states are fiercely against the plans, arguing that having firearms on board aircraft adds to security risks, and all oppose unilateral measures, while others are more open to the plans."

" 'What we can't accept is unilateral decisions,' he added, saying that the majority of EU countries 'tend to be opposed' to the US proposals."

Okay, you won't mind if our F-15's blow your planes out of the sky after they are hijacked, will you?

UK: Police appeal over ‘polite’ armed robber who targets lone women
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"POLICE have released this e-fit of a robber who has been targeting women on their own using guns or knives." ...

"DC Glenn Butler said: 'These are nasty robberies on lone females. But they are strange because the attacker seems almost reluctant to do them. He is very polite and softly spoken and on one occasion even apologised saying he was only doing it because he was unemployed.' "

Gee, what a shock. An armed criminal preying upon disarmed and vulnerable females in a society where the great equalizer (gun) is banned.

OH: 40% of Columbus car thieves caught with "hidden guns"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio's gun ban extremists are fond of saying that they have a 'right to know' if they are in the presence of someone with a gun. And so, they argue, the public should have access to the entire list of concealed carry license holders, so that they can steer clear of friends and neighbors who make the decision to take responsibility for protecting themselves and their families (also, according to a recent Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence email, so they can encourage employers to discriminate against employees or potential hires)."

"But as (inadvertantly) pointed out in this recent Columbus Dispatch story about a car theft sting operation, Ohioans have been in the presence of 'hidden guns' for years, and they just don't know it."

UK: European Police Allowed to Bring Guns into UK
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Foreign police are to be permitted to bring guns into Britain when they are trailing suspects, the Home Office confirmed today."

"Junior Minister Caroline Flint said overseas officers can now bring firearms on to British soil by rail or by sea."

"But they will not be allowed to fly into the country while armed."

"The minister said special permission was being granted under a cross-European agreement."

"Officers would only be allowed to bring in guns during pre-planned operations, she added."

" 'Foreign officers would not be able to carry their firearms beyond the confines of the port or rail station at which they arrive,' Ms Flint said in a Parliamentary written answer."

OH: Police await gun impact
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Ohioans will soon be allowed to carry concealed handguns, those in law enforcement - who are on the frontline of the continuing war on crime - wonder how the new law will affect their jobs."

"Some local police said they have many questions about the law and may have to change their procedures in dealing with the public."

" 'I think the NRA and people who supported this (law) never thought about how it's going to affect us,' Warren police Chief John Mandopoulos said."

"Like other chiefs in the Mahoning Valley, Mandopoulos said he's not familiar with many of the fine points of the legislation. He said he would like the Ohio Attorney General's office to create a pamphlet or hold a seminar to clarify the legislation."

Reason's Heroes and Zeroes of Freedom
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"I read the story '35 Heroes of Freedom' in Reason magazine's December issue and I was not impressed nor was I in agreement with who they held up to praise for expanding our freedoms since their magazines inception. First I think they made it clear that the 'list is by design eclectic, irreverent, and woefully incomplete,' but still if 'Heroes of Freedom' are what they were touting they have made quite a mess of it."

"Ashcroft's inclusion in the motley crew was a sure sign that this list was going to be wayward at best. They didn't praise Ashcroft on his personal accomplishments for freedom (are there any?), but instead they praised him for being so despotic that he had brought together an 'unprecedented coalition of conservatives, liberals, and libertarians around a single noble cause: the protection of civil liberties.' " ...

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt

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