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Newslinks for 1/20/2010

The Second Amendment Foundation to Host Press Conference During the Las Vegas SHOT Show January 20
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has announced that it will hold a press conference on Wednesday, January 20, 2010. The press conference will begin at 11:30 am and conclude at 12:30 pm. The hour long press conference will discuss the current challenge to the Chicago handgun ban before the US Supreme Court."

"The McDonald v. Chicago press conference will feature the lead attorney for plaintiffs in McDonald v. Chicago Alan Gura and the amicus National Shooting Sports Federation Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Keane. Officers of the plaintiff of the Second Amendment Foundation, Illinois State Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Founding will also be present. ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: The new Liberty Platform
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Will 2010 see the emergence of a whole new Liberty Platform from Libertarians, Conservatives and Independents?"

"Any promises made by candidates running on a liberty platform at all would have to enunciate that they intend to unwind everything the left has done. That means, my friends, everything the left has done over decades. What job security, huh?

I bet candidates running for office can be secure in their jobs of cleaning up the U.S. by cleaning house first."

"Any movement affirming the sovereignty of the electorate over the public servants has to be a sweeping, no-compromise, take-no-prisoners follow-through. It has to be a take-no-prisoners job once elected, and it has to begin immediately upon taking office." ...

Is 'law abiding gun owner' what we should strive to be?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last Friday, I wrote about Jason Baez. ..." ...

"I am not, in fact, especially enamored of the term 'law abiding gun owner.' To me, that term implies that someone who obeys a law prohibiting an effective means of defending himself and his family is somehow morally superior to someone who has the courage to defy such an evil edict. I would argue that the reverse is true."

"Like I said, many gun rights advocates would disagree. If one is to believe that the NRA is serious about its 'enforce existing gun laws' mantra, it becomes difficult to escape the conclusion that the NRA supports punishing Jason Baez ..." ...

Brady Campaign unhappy with Obama, but that doesn't make him our friend
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign yesterday released a scathing 'report'--21 pages long--calling the president (whose candidacy they had enthusiastically endorsed) an 'abject failure' in regard to the forcible citizen disarmament agenda."
"'It's been a very disappointing year for us,' Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke said on MSNBC's Daily Rundown this morning, and that's why his organization has given President Barack Obama an 'F' on gun control for his first year in office.'" ...

Brady Campaign and NRA Agree, Give Obama 'F' on Gun Issue
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've been writing about the gun issue for a long time, but I never thought I'd live long enough to see the Brady Campaign for Gun Violence and the National Rifle Association agree on anything, nor would I see any President get an 'F' from both groups."

"Well, believe it or not, it just happened." ...

Brady Campaign gives Obama an F
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Brady Campaign isn’t happy with President Obama. According to Brady, Obama was their David come to destroy the gun-toting Philistines, the Messiah who would toss the National Rifle Association (NRA) into the outer darkness to languish with a wailing and gnashing of teeth."

"A year after Obama became president, Brady awaits the beginning of what they heralded as a new day in gun control. In their new report, President Obama’s First Year: Failed Leadership, Lost Lives, Brady wrote: 'Barack Obama was elected on a campaign platform of enacting strong new gun laws.' They base this assumption upon their post-2008 election report claiming the Democrats’ win was a mandate on gun control." ...

Smith & Wesson(R) Introduces New BODYGUARD(R) Line
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Smith & Wesson® ... announced today the introduction of company's newest line of firearms designed for personal protection – the Smith & Wesson BODYGUARDS. The BODYGUARD 380 semi-automatic pistol and BODYGUARD 38 revolver have been designed in conjunction with Insight Technology®, a leader in the laser optics field, to offer consumers a new and uniquely engineered, lightweight, self-defense firearm with built-in laser sights."

"Debuted this week at the 2010 Shooting Hunting & Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, the ... new BODYGUARD line features a uniquely designed compact frame, an integrated INSIGHT laser and several other new high-tech advantages." ...

SHOT Show report: January 19
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For those of you unfamiliar with the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, it is the world's largest gun show. Covering vast acreage inside the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas, different sections are devoted to law enforcement, hunting, guns (general) and ammunition, and accessories. Manufacturers set up elaborate walk-in displays in which you can touch and dry fire every product they offer."

"That's the good news. The bad is that, unless you are an industry insider, you can't go. So this week's series will endeavor to give you a feel for the SHOT Show, including new developments in defensive firearms." ...

Shot Show Day One
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"They were still setting up the displays when I left the SHOT Show site at the Sands Convention Center tonight, with the Show officially scheduled to open tomorrow, on Tuesday the 19th. I was able to attend one of the three 'Media Day' live fire gatherings held for the firearms press traditionally on the day before opening, which this year was Monday the 18th."

"The one I attended featured Smith & Wesson guns, including their subsidiary, Thompson/Center. The latter firm introduces a cool new camouflaged turkey gun, a 12 gauge with red dot sight in their lightweight single barrel/single shot format. For those who are confident enough to feel they don’t need a fast follow-up shot, it will be slick." ...

PA: Poll suggests majority of Americans willing to trim liberties to be safer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A McClatchy-Ipsos poll 'Poll: Most Americans would trim liberties to be safer' (January 7-11, 2010) suggests that Americans would trade some liberty for more safety (Margin of error +/- 2.68%). The poll precipitated from the December 25, 2009, attempted terrorist attack by a Nigerian Muslim from a well-to-do family. While the poll was, ostensibly, about air travel, one question concerned the balance between civil liberties and safety: 51% indicated they favored giving up liberty 'to make the U.S. safe from terrorism'. 36% responded that government goes too far in restricting the public’s liberty. Note the subtle shift in this question; the question did not ask about making air travel safer." ...

Editor's Note: To paraphrase an old adage: Your right to curtail civil liberties stops at the tip of my nose.

KS: Car wash robbers shot by armed victim
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A pair of robbers were reportedly shot by their victim at a Kansas City, Kansas car wash."

"Police say that a pair of robbers approached a man at the car wash on the 2700 block of Merriam Lane just before 8 AM, and tried to rob the man of his wallet and vehicle. The man reportedly drew his self defense gun and fired, striking both robbers and ending the attack. One robber suffered life-threatening injuries and was unable to flee, while the other robber managed to run to a get-away car, which was driven by an accomplice, according to police. The robber victim was reportedly unharmed, and at least two of the three robbery suspects are already in custody." ...

Croff, Bostick prosecutions to test limitations on home defense firearm ownership
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"What on the surface appear to be entirely different weapons violations have one thing in common- they involve the keeping and use of firearms for home protection, an established right under the second amendment to the US Constitution. Yet many constitutional rights are less than absolute when public safety is at issue." ...

TX: Rapes of several elderly women terrifying residents in central Texas towns, no suspects
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cassandra McGinty has had the same routine upon arriving home for the past four months, doing a room-to-room search with her handgun or stun gun drawn."

"A sexual predator has been assaulting elderly women in central Texas over the past year, terrifying residents and frustrating investigators who have only a vague description of the suspect." ...

"The victims have all been women, ranging in age from 65 to 91. One rape victim played piano at her church on Sundays. An 81-year-old woman scared off an intruder with a gun, firing several rounds for good measure. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks (satirically): "Why not just give them what they want?"

VA: Groups rally for, against gun control in Va.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Those on both sides of the gun rights issue fired their first shots Monday, with battles being declared both inside and outside the state Capitol."

"Several hundred rallied for gun rights on the morning of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, followed by an afternoon rally attended by dozens calling for stricter gun laws."

"Inside the Capitol, Democrats pushed through committee changes that will make it more difficult to advance looser gun laws, while Republicans cried foul." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Association's Linda Walker testifies in favor of HB203
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Earlier today, Buckeye Firearms Association Central Ohio Chair Linda Walker offered proponent testimony on HB203, which seeks to 'allow a concealed carry licensee who is not consuming liquor and is not under the influence to carry a concealed handgun in a retail food establishment or food service operation with any class liquor permit issued for the location' before the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security."

"Following is the testimony offered on behalf of Buckeye Firearms Association:" ...

NJ: New Jersey's one-gun-a-month law is targeted by gun group in federal lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A gun group is aiming to shoot down New Jersey's one-gun-a-month law in court. The legislation, which took effect Jan. 1, was inspired by a Jersey City ordinance the courts had struck down."

"In its lawsuit filed in federal court, the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs argues that Gov. Jon Corzine's task force to exempt "honest gun collectors and competitors" from the law broke its promise when it put the onus on gun collectors to show why it isn't "feasible or practical" to limit their purchases to one gun a month."

"In a press release, the group called this "a nearly impossible standard to meet.'" ...

Submitter's Note: See the complaint here.

Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Tarkanian calls for vigilance in defending 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Foreword: Danny Tarkanian is running for the United States Senate in Nevada. The candidate has prepared a statement defining his position and observations on the right to keep and bear arms. His campaign asked me if I would present them here, and because we have been closely following that race, I agreed. What follows are his words--David Codrea"

"You don't have to be a Constitutional scholar to know that the Second Amendment to the Constitution isn't ambiguous - any more than freedom of speech or the right to assemble. The words are written clearly for all to see, in the Bill of Rights. Yet it never ceases to amaze me how enemies of freedom in the guise of societal do-gooders want to pretend that the words don't exist." ...

Massachusetts Senate vote about more than just health care
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The outcome of Tuesday's special election to fill the Senate seat left vacant in Massachusetts with the death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy is about more than health care, even though that's the issue on everyone's front burner."

"It is also about more than Massachusetts politics, and Northwest residents, including gun owners, are paying very close attention. If Republican Scott Brown defeats Democrat Martha Coakley, it will not only bring to a grinding halt the Obama juggernaut and put his health care agenda in the middle of a political train wreck, it also strips him of a super majority in the Senate, where the brakes just might be applied to any gun control initiatives that might rise in the wake of the health care debate." ...

VA: Virginia's lessons for others on the right
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the weeks since the Virginia gubernatorial race, many political observers have offered their assessments of what lessons conservative candidates could learn from our successful campaign." ...

"I believe my successful campaign for governor demonstrated that conservatives can win tough elections in competitive states when we stay true to our principles ..." ...

"As we put forward these common-sense proposals focusing on problem solving and getting results, it was critical to stay true to our conservative values. We pledged to protect life, the Second Amendment and property rights. We should never shy away from the bedrock values that unite us as conservatives." ...

NY: Assembly Republicans' sportsmen awareness day draws New York hunters and gun rights advocates
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Fur pelts, stuffed hunting trophies, turkey calls and hundreds of hunters and gun rights advocates filled the Well of the Legislative Office Building January 12 for the first-ever Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day."

"Hosted by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb, R-Canandaigua, and the Assembly minority conference, the event featured a keynote speech by Wayne LaPierre ... Gun rights defenders from across the state lined the stairways and peeked over the third floor banisters to hear LaPierre give his speech."

"'I feel like I'm in the heart of the beast,' LaPierre began, referring to the state's capital, where he said some of the nation's strictest gun laws have been passed." ...

GA: Will HB 615 result in shootouts at the OK Corral?
Submitted by: Mark

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"Jeff Wilburn of Marietta is not a fan of Rep. Tim Bearden's bill, HB 615, or Sen. Mitch Seabuagh's bill, SB 308, either of which would repeal Georgia's unique public gathering law."

"In a pair of editorials today in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Tim Bearden writes a defense of why he believes HB 615 is necessary, and Jeff Wilburn writes an article opposing any reform of Georgia law. Mr. Wilburn writes, 'Left unchecked, these lawmakers will take us back to the wild west days of shootouts at the OK Corral. Their desire is to appease gun manufacturers, whose profits are the root cause of this push, and their lobbyist arm, the NRA, rather than the majority of Georgia citizens.'" ...

Submitter's note: Isn't this what the antis said last year, and the year before, and the year before, and ... ?

AZ: ASU: The new Wild West?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"State Sen. Jack Harper suggests professors should have the right to carry guns on campus."

"We suggest not pissing off your professor."

"Last week, a bill to give some university and community college professors the right to carry concealed firearms on campus was introduced in the state Senate."

"The reason for the bill may be simple on the surface. Putting guns in the hands of some professors — who have concealed carry permits, of course — not only upholds the Second Amendment, it arguably adds an important layer of defense if there is a hostile gun situation on campus."

"But here’s the caveat — the benefits are arguable. Does adding a gun to an already violent situation help or hurt?" ...

TN: Tennessee Follows Texas In Banning Private Gun Shows
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Tennessee has followed Texas in demanding that dealers obtain licenses and turn over a plethora of information to authorities before being able to host a gun show in another devastating attack on the second amendment."

"The legislation, HB 2422, which has not yet passed, would make it a Class A misdemeanor for any person to organize, plan, promote, or operate a gun show without government approval."

"The bill makes it a crime for anyone who wishes to operate a gun show unless they follow the following procedures;" ...

UT: Legislation addresses brandishing of guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More guns may be making appearances in confrontations across Utah, adding intensity, for better or worse."

"Newly proposed legislation would be a green light for concealed-gun owners to openly carry firearms and, if threatened, draw or exhibit their weapons and verbally threaten deadly force."

"Depending on whom you ask, that gun-induced intensity could defuse confrontations more quickly, or it could lead to more deadly violence."

"The bill's sponsor, Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, said HB78 clarifies existing law with 'affirmative language' that would provide gun owners another option to defend themselves or others around them." ...

GA: Bill aims to clarify gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Oconee County Sheriff Scott Berry doesn't know if someone breaks the law just by carrying a concealed firearm while talking with friends outside a convenience store."

"That's because current state law that forbids people with concealed weapons permits from bringing those weapons to public gatherings is too fuzzy, Berry said."

"'There's no clear definition of what a public gathering is, and the truth is. we're not going to enforce a law that is so poorly written,' he said. 'It's a serious matter to take someone into custody on the basis of something that is unclear and poorly written.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Sheriff you just need to watch the JPFO's "No Guns for Negroes" video to understand how to enforce the law.

Obama Administration Shuts Down Oldest Gun Show in Central Texas
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The BATF engaged in mafia tactics in running a criminal conspiracy to shut down a gun show in Austin Texas, the Alex Jones Show heard Monday, direct from the man embroiled at the center of the Obama administration’s latest savage attack on the second amendment."

"Following the staged arrest of a man by the Austin Police — subsequently released without charge — the BATF pressured lease holders HEB to shut down the oldest gun show in central Texas."

"As revealed Monday on The Alex Jones Show, the BATF called the original meeting regarding the gun show and used threats and intimidation to shut down the event." ...

Hurting People for a Living
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Government, we are told, exists to protect us against anarchic violence that threatens life, liberty and property."

"As Papa Hemingway might reply: Isn't it pretty to think so?"

"In practice the government ruling us is always and everywhere the single largest source of lethal violence and most acute threat of the same." ...

"... [A]ny of us can experience state-inflicted violence at any time as a punishment for doing literally nothing, or by refusing to be bound by 'contracts' arranged by other people in transactions to which he was not a party."

"A perfectly infuriating illustration of the former... took place at the Jets-Chargers game yesterday (January 17)." ...

FBI broke law for years in phone record searches
Submitted by: Larry

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"The FBI illegally collected more than 2,000 U.S. telephone call records between 2002 and 2006 by invoking terrorism emergencies that did not exist or simply persuading phone companies to provide records, according to internal bureau memos and interviews. FBI officials issued approvals after the fact to justify their actions." ...

"FBI general counsel Valerie Caproni said in an interview Monday that the FBI technically violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act when agents invoked nonexistent emergencies to collect records." ...

Submitter's Note: Technically violated = knowingly committed felonies but are not punished by the "Just Us" system. David Olafson, call home.

Hat tip to

Enforcing an agenda, not the law. ATF displays tyrannical jackboots again, local butt-boy cops obsequiously polish them and AD Melson cringes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ever notice how dog owners resemble their dogs? Austin, Texas police dog demonstrates the fundamental state of the law enforcement universe with an ATF bomb sniffing dog." ...

Submitter's Note: The picture is worth a thousand words. WARNING: swallow before viewing.

Two smoking guns: ATF Documents Link on the AR15/M16 policy at the time of the Olofson bust, and more NFRTR lies
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Check these out:" ...

"Page 6 through the end are ATF internal documents indicating that the NFRTR registry that the ATF ALWAYS testifies is 100% accurate is actually subject to change without notice."

"The latter documents are Work Papers ..."

"The REALLY damning thing is that those Work Papers were subject of a Discovery motion in the Friesen case, and ATF didn't fork them over --- the AUSA said they weren't relevant. That would seem like some kind of a violation of the law. ..." ...

Austin Police statement on banning private sales at Texas Gun Shows
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've been following developments concerning Texas Gun Shows in Austin over at my WarOnGuns blog for the past few days."

"My posts include:"

"Messin' with Texas
andMore About Texas Gun Shows in Austin"

"And Mike Vanderboegh has some caustic observations at Sipsey Street Irregulars."

"Reports were coming in from forums and elsewhere that the Austin PD and the BATFE have mandated no private sales will be allowed. Thing is, there is no federal or state law giving them this authority. So I asked them if the reports were true and how they could do this:" ...

December background checks on firearm sales rank in top five all-time; 2009 tops 2008 by 10.4 percent
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,407,155 checks in December 2009, ranking the month in the top five for most NICS checks of all time.

This figure, while being a 7.6 percent decrease from the 1,523,426 checks conducted in December 2008 -- the beginning stage of an ongoing surge in firearms and ammunition sales -- is an increase of 14.4 percent over checks in December 2007.

Year-to-date background checks for 2009 total 14,033,824, an increase of 10.4 percent over the same time period last year. The total number of background checks reported since the beginning of NICS is 110,017,832.

WA: If you don't like guns, don't own any
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Apparently the "anti-gunners" will never quite get it. The Second Amendment will stand forever. Gun owners simply won't disappear quietly into the utopian night.

The only part of President Obama's economy that happens to be thriving is guns and ammo sales, in fact its been off the charts.

It's ultimately about freedom and enjoyment of the shooting sports, self defense, hunting, collecting, competing, etc. It's simple, if you don't like firearms don't own one.

If it's the death numbers that have liberals so concerned maybe look into auto accidents, or swimming pool drownings, after all neither of these two pursuits are protected in the Bill of Rights.

Grant M. Stevens


No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. — Mark Twain

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