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Newslinks for 1/21/2010

SAF attorney tells press conference 'You can't pick and choose' from Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The rights of United States citizenship include the right to keep and bear arms, and the current challenge to the handgun ban in the City of Chicago is being fought to establish that this right applies to all citizens, and not just the residents of Washington, D.C. ..."

"That was the message from Virginia attorney Alan Gura, who argued the landmark Heller case before the U.S. Supreme Court almost two years ago. The case of McDonald v. City of Chicago is one of two challenges filed against the Chicago handgun ban within 24 hours of the Heller ruling. Gura is representing the Bellevue, WA-based Second Amendment Foundation and Illinois State Rifle Association, and four individual Chicago residents." ...

What does Scott Brown victory mean for gun owners?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The national political landscape has been (apparently) shaken by Republican Scott Brown's improbable U.S. Senate victory over Democrat Martha Coakley in Massachussetts. Amidst the cheering and congratulations, we gun owners need to ask ourselves what this means as far as our right to keep and bear arms is concerned."

"True, Coakley is a committed enemy of that. ..." ...

"I don't want to rain on everybody's parade, but I think gun owners will be right at this point to breathe sigh of relief but keep their enthusiasm in check. True, we dodged a bullet, no question. But how will Senator Brown now handle our trust? ..." ...

Obama Executive Order Seeks to 'Synchronize and Integrate' State and Federal Military Forces
Submitted by: Larry

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"In the wake of the Flight 253 provocation, over-hyped terrorism panics, and last year's Big Pharma and media-engineered hysteria over the H1N1 flu pandemic, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13528 on January 11."

"Among other things, the Executive Order (EO) established a Council of Governors, an 'advisory panel' chosen by the President that will rubber-stamp long-sought-after Pentagon contingency plans to seize control of state National Guard forces in the event of a 'national emergency.'"

"According to the White House press release, the ten-member, bipartisan Council was created 'to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State Governments to protect our Nation against all types of hazards.'" ...

How Obama earned an 'F' from anti-gunners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Guess who just got an 'F' from one of the nation’s biggest anti-gun lobbying groups?"

"President Barack Obama."

"Yep, that would be the same man who, as president-elect, sparked perhaps the nation's largest-ever gun and ammunition buying spree in November 2008 as shooters who feared they might lose some of their gun ownership rights stocked up."

"After a year of inactivity on what the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence likes to portray as 'common-sense' anti-gun laws, the Brady folks are mad as hell."

"'We have been very disappointed by his first-year record on this issue,' the Brady bunch said in a news release."

"Strong supporters of the Second Amendment are no doubt in shock that Barack got an 'F.'" ...

Liberals and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Elizabeth Wydra, chief counsel for the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center, has a great post at the legal blog Balkinization arguing that liberals should think twice before backing Chicago’s gun control laws in the upcoming Supreme Court case McDonald v. Chicago:"
"In the city’s attempt to preserve its weapons ban, it proves too much, essentially urging the Supreme Court to find that protection of the Bill of Rights and other fundamental liberties against state infringement has no basis in constitutional text or history, and is instead achieved solely by judicial implication. ..." ...

HSUS Takes Aim at National Columnist for Exposing Agenda
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wayne Pacelle, the president and CEO, of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) decided he needed to hit back after a recent column in the Washington Times truthfully outlined the reality of HSUS' mission."

Gene Mueller, a longtime columnist with the Washington Times recently picked up on a previous blog post where I wrote about Rush Limbaugh winning the Field & Stream online sportsmen's 'villain' contest. It was a fair piece that made clear that HSUS' main mission is to raise money to, and I quote, 'lobby against hunting and/or medical research in which animals are used to test medication and surgical procedures.'" ...

Understanding of firearms a must for Americans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When it comes to youth firearm training, many Americans are fearful. Don't teach kids about guns, many urge. Truth is that youth with guns get hurt because they don't know a thing about them. In Western New York, thanks to the NRA's Eddie Eagle program training in many elementary schools, children in grades one through six are taught 'If you find a gun, don't touch it, leave it alone, call an adult!' ... This 15-minute classroom training is credited with saving hundreds of lives across the country each year."

"... logical society would have to ask why we don't have this training in every school across America? It’s hard to say, but promoting Eddie Eagle is left to the private choice of individual school systems. ..." ...

Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems Pledges One Million Dollars to Benefit the National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems has pledged one million dollars to benefit the National Rifle Association (NRA)."

"The announcement was made by Dennis Pierce, President of Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems on January 20, 2010 in during the 2010 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada."

"Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems is a long-time supporter and sponsor of the NRA's Competitive Shooting programs and is now expanding it's involvement by securing the future of the Association." ...

NRA Now Accepting 2010 Youth Education Summit Applications
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is currently accepting applications from qualified high school sophomores and juniors to participate in the National Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) from July 12-18, 2010."

"Over 40 outstanding students from across the United States are chosen each year to travel to the nation’s capital, where they participate in the weeklong, educational opportunity."

"The summit encourages young adults to become active and knowledgeable U.S. citizens by learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the federal government, and the importance of being active in civic affairs." ...

Gun safety: rule four
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently, a man was mistakenly shot during a home invasion robbery. According to a Knoxville News-Sentinel article, Kevin Weaver was shot when another resident of the home shot at an unidentified person, who turned out to be Weaver."

"Fortunately, Weaver is reported to be recovering."

"There have been several reported 'accidental' shootings recently. Each is one too many." ...

"This brings us to Rule 4:"
"Be sure of your target and what is behind it." ...
"With this in mind, it is a good idea to have a good flashlight along with your defensive firearm." ...

Taurus 2010 Defender of Freedom Award
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"At the ring of the first bell at SHOT Show today Bob Morrison, President and CEO of Taurus International, was pleased to announce Mark Keefe as the 2010 Taurus Defender of Freedom Award recipient."

"'The Taurus Defender of Freedom Award is given to recipients who best demonstrate their intense belief in our Second Amendment freedoms through actions and words that are straight forward, believable and whose utterances are heard and responded to by the many that receive them,' said Bob Morrison, President and CEO of Taurus International. 'No one person demonstrates this more than Mark Keefe. Proving that the written and televised media is mightier than the sword is daily mantra for Keefe ...'" ...

SHOT Show, Day 2
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On the official opening day of the show, we found the aisles at the Sands Convention Center absolutely packed. More cool stuff than I or any other single person can check out."

"There were cool little shotguns. Mossberg has a new slide action for smaller-statured folk that isn’t just shortened, but is scaled down overall. The Model 510 Mini Super Bantam weighs only five pounds, if that. It will be available in .410 and in 20 gauge. Recoil might get a little snappy in the latter chambering with a gun this small ... Benelli has an elegant new autoloader called the Legacy 28. It's chambered for the 28 gauge shell, and advertised as 'the lightest semiautomatic shotgun in the world,' with an unloaded weight of about five pounds." ...

Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trade Show: January 20 report
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Greetings again from Gun Land: The massive [SHOT] Show ... As always, the atmosphere is rich in irony as throngs of people flock here to see and buy guns from countries where you can't own guns. Right now, I'm seated behind a business-suited Japanese delegation, no doubt here to order guns for a privileged corporate or governmental entity in a country where the average citizen is completely disarmed. Next, they will probably condemn America for its 'gun culture.'"

"Last night at the hotel, I explained arcane machine gun laws to a Heckler & Koch distributor who lived a stone's throw from the company's Oberndorf facility while trying (alas, unsuccessfully) to talk him out of one of H&K's recent submachine guns. ..." ...

A Reluctant Activist
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I don't want to be here. We're packed into this plane like sardines. I have a guy on either side of me so close we can smell each other breathing. Did I mention I don't like flying? It's not just my fear of crashing, it's all the other stuff too. ..." ...

"... I'm attending the SHOT Show there in hopes of gaining more sponsors for the Second Amendment March. ... The Second Amendment March is a noble cause for sure, but truth be told, I wish someone else was doing it. I don't like to travel ... if I had my druthers, I would stay at home, write books, play with my kids, and go hunting and fishing."

"But I don't have my druthers. ... I'm doing all of this for two reasons: 1) No one else will, and 2) it has to be done." ...

Inflammatory news dangerous, irresponsible
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A year ago today, the reins of our country were handed over to a new administration. ... While we saw an occasional story of negligible importance coming out of Washington, the quality of our national dialogue triumphed again and again." ...

"For months on end, certain cable and radio hosts warned about the president’s plans to repeal the Second Amendment, despite such a plan not existing at all. Yet, in April, 23-year-old Richard Poplawski allegedly used an AK-47 to gun down three police officers in Pittsburgh because he feared that the government was going to take his guns away. The effects of reckless rhetoric had once again surfaced with real consequences." ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps Mike can suggest some "reasonable restrictions" on speech that would satisfy him? Hey, how about adding a State religion too, get rid of those pesky factional disputes.

GA: Let fools carry a gun? Bearden doesn't get it
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Legislature clearly has plenty of substantive work to keep them busy. Yet, we have Tim Bearden pushing legislation that would expand the number of places where people can carry weapons ('Should Georgia allow concealed weapons at public gatherings?' Opinion, Jan. 14). That issue is neither a priority, nor a crisis. It also appears that Bearden suffers from part of our deficit in educational programs as well, since he doesn’t cite the Second Amendment correctly."

"That amendment refers to the right to keep and bear arms for the purposes of maintaining a well-regulated militia. It isn't to allow fools to carry guns. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Just as the First Amendment isn't to allow fools to write letters to the editor?

IN: Let bosses ban guns at work
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It is no surprise that the Indiana Chamber of Commerce is taking aim at Senate Bill 25. The legislation would allow workers to keep guns locked in their vehicles on workplace property. ..."

"Not only would SB 25 ban bosses from requiring workers to leave their guns at home, but it would make employers liable for civil damages if they tried to prevent workers from bringing guns onto workplace property."

"This is an employer rights issue, not a Second Amendment issue. Workers aren't denied a constitutional right by being told they can't keep guns at their workplace. But for a property owner ... to be forced to allow guns on his property against his will certainly would be an infringement on his rights." ...

Submitter's Note: Let's try a little experiment here. Who thinks that this paper would argue "This is an employer rights issue, not a First Amendment issue. Blacks aren't denied a constitutional right by being told they can't apply for jobs. But for a property owner ... to be forced to employ blacks against his will certainly would be an infringement on his rights."

NV: Man shoots, kills intruder who broke into his home
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An intruder is dead and the resident who shot him is still shaken after a home invasion in the central valley early Tuesday morning."

"The resident, a man in his 60s who uses a cane to walk, was visibly upset ..." ...

"The resident said he awoke about midnight to a sound at his front door. As he investigated, he saw a man kick open the door, breaking the chain lock, he said."

"The suspect took two steps inside the house, where the resident waited in the living room with a .45- caliber handgun at his waist. 'I said, 'Get the hell out of my house,' and he stood there laughing,' he said. 'He said, 'I'm going to beat your ass and then I’m gonna kill you,' and he took one more step. Then I shot him.'" ...

IN: Guns fired during beauty shop robbery
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gunfire erupted during a robbery in a Northwestside beauty shop last night."

"No one was injured in the exchange ... but the robber escaped with $340 ..."

"Shop employee Hendry Rodriguez ... told police that a gunman entered the shop at 7 p.m. and demanded money. Rodriguez gave the man about $30 from his pockets and opened the cash register for him."

"The robber then told Rodriguez to go into a backroom while he cleaned out the cash drawer."

"When Rodriguez reached the rear of the shop he pulled out his own gun, a Glock with a 14 bullets in it, and fired a shot into the ground to scare the robber. The bandit fired one shot at Rodriguez, missing him, and ran ..."

"Rodriguez had a permit to carry a handgun."

TX: Homeowner shoots suspected burglar attempting to kick in back door
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Lubbock homeowner shot and seriously injured a suspected burglar who was trying to kick in his door Monday afternoon."

"The homeowner called police shortly before 2:30 p.m. to report somebody was trying to gain entry into his house in the 3100 block of 45th Street, Lt. Neal Barron said."

"He told police he first heard a knocking sound at his front door and then the sound of his back door being kicked in. The homeowner opened the back door, confronted the suspect in his backyard and shot him with a shotgun."

"Police wouldn’t release the homeowner's name, but neighbors said he is a Texas Tech graduate student."

"Authorities didn't anticipate any charges against him." ...

GA: Homeowner Fires Shots At Home Invaders
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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DeKalb police say a homeowner fired 'a few shots' at two armed men who forced their way into his Field Glen Road home late Thursday night.

The man told police the intruders tied him up and ransacked the house. He was able to call his girlfriend who called 911.

Police say the suspects fled on foot just before officers arrived. As they ran away, the homeowner fired shots at them, but hit no one.

Police say a third male, driving a light colored Impala, may have picked up the fleeing suspects.

MO: Dispute over woman preceded shooting, police say
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Police are still investigating the Saturday night shooting that took place east of Harrisburg ..."

"The homeowner and intruder, who knew one another, were having a dispute over a woman, Boone County Sheriff's Department Detective Tom O'Sullivan said."

"Police responded to the homeowner's 911 call at 9:44 p.m. Upon arrival, they found signs of forced entry, such as damage to the front door frame and part of the door's lock on the floor ..."

"The homeowner used a .22-caliber rifle to shoot the intruder, a 49-year-old male from Sturgeon, at least five times in the chest and upper body. O'Sullivan also said there are no current indications the intruder was armed."

"'He's lucky to be alive,' O'Sullivan said." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots At Intruder With Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A homeowner shot at an intruder Tuesday night in Cantonment, and deputies are still searching for the suspect.

About 6:30, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department responded to the home in the 1800 block of Wareham Way. That’s where a homeowner says he shot at a man trying to get into his house. Deputies don’t believe the homeowner’s shotgun blast hit the intruder, but they were not completely certain.

The intruder was not found.

Warem Way is a small cul-de-sac located off Louis Street, just south of International Paper.

TX: Man questioned after 5 found dead in Texas home
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Authorities working to determine what spurred a flurry of gunshots that left five people dead in southeast Texas are questioning a 20-year-old relative who lived with the victims in the isolated house surrounded by pasture land." ...

"Investigators were questioning a 20-year-old man, who a relative said is a son of the wife. He remained jailed on burglary and attempted burglary charges after allegedly trying to break into a Bellville home."

"The man – arrested about 3 a.m. Sunday after a homeowner pulled a gun on him – could face capital murder charges ..." ... [emphasis added]

Submitter's Note: Too bad this murderous thug wasn't stopped before his killing spree.

CA: Resident Shoots Home Invasion Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Police are searching for suspects after a homeowner apparently shot an intruder who was trying to break into his home.

The Sacramento Police Department said one or two suspects are still at large after the incident on the 7800 block of Ann Arbor Way on Sunday evening.

Two or three suspects hopped over a back fence at about 8:30 p.m. and attempted to break into a home, according to authorities, and a grandfather inside heard the commotion and grabbed a firearm.

He shot one of the suspects, according to police.

The injured suspect is expected to survive.

None of the home occupants were injured.

CA: Retired couple defend home against burglary
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A man in a ski mask was shot by a resident after he forced his way into an Indio home Saturday night, police said." ...

"The suspect allegedly entered the backyard through a side gate and smashed the rear glass sliding door, Guitron said. The suspect ordered the residents to lie down on the floor, began searching the residence, then scuffled with the husband, Guitron said."

"During the scuffle, the wife obtained a 38-caliber handgun and shot the suspect once in the upper torso, according to evidence the police gathered, Guitron said."

"The suspect disarmed the wife and was encountered by a neighbor who heard the commotion, Guitron said. The suspect fled in a waiting vehicle ..." ...

TN: Teen Shot By Store Manager
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What happened inside a North Memphis convenience store doesn’t come as a surprise to most folks in the area. In fact, they say the suspected crook got what he deserved." ...

"Around eleven Sunday morning police say an armed, 17-year old boy tried to rob Ben Call market. The robbery attempt failed when the store manager pulled a gun and shot him. ..."

"The teen was taken to the med and is in critical condition. The store owner didn’t have anything to say about what happened but Edward Howard did."

"'He didn't do nothing wrong he was protecting his life and property.'"

"He says the area where the shooting took place is plagued with crime and believes the store manager's reaction was justified." ...

Submitter's Note: *sigh* another "teen victim of gun violence" for the antis to weep over.

A reminder from Haiti: Are you prepared for social breakdown?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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well to heed the fact that the scale of that tragedy has been magnified by the lawlessness that almost inevitably follows such disasters."

"For example:"
"What made the situation that much more tense was sightings of gangs of young men with machetes. On Wednesday they were seen getting into stores and taking all the supplies they could carry. The armed men were seen marching up and down the streets with machetes raised and the competition among the gangs turned quite fierce." ...
"... if the quake itself, the lack of medicine, the disease fostered by the unsanitary conditions, the thirst, the hunger, and the weather don't kill you, other survivors may ..." ...

CA: Man shoots out window to escape sinking SUV after veering off Northern Calif. road into creek
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A driver whose SUV plunged into a Northern California creek after he was startled by his hands-free cell phone device escaped the sinking vehicle by blasting out the window with a handgun. The 28-year-old man, whose name wasn't immediately available, is an armed security guard at Thunder Valley Casino, north of Sacramento. He sustained minor injuries in Sunday's accident.

A spokesman for the Roseville Fire Department said the man was traveling northbound on Industrial Avenue in Roseville when the cell phone device activated. The driver was startled and veered off the road through the guardrail. The SUV landed in Pleasant Grove Creek.

He used his gun to shoot himself out, then flagged down a passerby.

KABA Note: Guns save lives and not just in defensive situations!

Haiti: Gang members in Haitian slum profit from disaster
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"'If you don't kill the criminals, they will all come back,' a Haitian police officer shouts over a loudspeaker in the country's most notorious slum, imploring citizens to take justice into their own hands." [emphasis added]

"The call for vigilantes comes as influential gang leaders who escaped from a heavily damaged prison during the country's killer earthquake are taking advantage of a void left by police and peacekeepers focused on disaster relief." ...

Submitter's note: Since legal gun ownership has been essentially banned for years, just HOW are the citizens supposed to do this?

OH: Restaurant Carry hearing recap
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Yesterday, House Bill 203 ... had proponent testimony ... This important fix would add restaurants to the current exemption that covers class D retail stores provided the licensee is not consuming alcohol."

"OFCC sent President Jeff Garvas, Vice President Bryan Torok, Executive Director Daniel White, and Legislative Coordinator Gary Witt to provide testimony in favor of the bill. OFCC also brought in special guest Nicole Goeser from Tennessee to tell ... her horrific story."

"... Nicole was being terrorized by a stalker and obtained a Tennessee gun permit to carry a firearm for protection. Unfortunately, it was while in a restaurant that served alcohol that her stalker chose to strike. Nicole's gun was locked in her car as mandated by Tennessee law just like Ohio's law currently requires. She was helpless to stop the attacker as he shot and killed her husband right in front of her." ...

OH: Testifying for gun rights in the Ohio legislature
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Yesterday I attended a hearing for House Bill 203, the bill that would legalize carrying a firearm in a restaurant that serves alcohol provided you have a concealed handgun license and are not drinking. Not a perfect bill, but a good start."

"This was a new experience for me for although I have talked and met with representatives ... I had never testified in front of the legislature at the state level. I enjoyed the experience very much."

"This was the second hearing for the bill and proponent testimony was heard. The three members of the Ohioans For Concealed Carry board of directors gave testimony as well as one of our legislative coordinators. The most compelling testimony, though, came from Nicole (Nikki) Goeser." ...

Gun Owners of America endorse Hughes for U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Patrick Hughes for U.S. Senate in the February 2nd Illinois Republican primary."

"Patrick Hughes' commitment to the right to keep and bear arms is unwavering."

"Mr. Hughes understands that gun prohibitions turn law-abiding citizens into easier targets for violent criminals. Unlike his primary opponent, Patrick Hughes does not support laws that treat people who simply want to own a gun to protect their families like second class citizens." ...

TX: Top Gubernatorial candidates fail to impress
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I'm not sure how many of you availed yourselves of the opportunity to view the first Gubernatorial debate Thursday evening ... between the three Republican candidates, who included the incumbent Gov. Rick Perry, U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and the relatively unknown, Debra Medina. Medina's support is mainly generated by the Tea Party movement and the 9-12 Project, which share her philosophy of less government, [and] second amendment rights ..." ...

"My take on the debate was that it was like watching two little kids nit picking each other, with the new political figure caught in the middle to restore calm, reason and substance. ... Overwhelmingly, Medina was picked by 70 to 83 percent as the clear winner, in five polls." ...

GA: Public gathering law is confusing to law enforcement and restaurant owners alike
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"News stories from this weekend illustrate that nobody understands Georgia's confusing public gathering law."

"A Georgia Sheriff comments:"

"Oconee County Sheriff Scott R. Berry told the Athens Banner Herald this weekend that he supports ... repeal [of] Georgia's public gathering law, because the public gathering law is too confusing to be enforced ..." ...

"Athens Clarke County Police believe the gas station is a public gathering:"

"Sheriff Berry asked whether 'three people standing outside a convenience store talking about the weather [is] a public gathering? I don't know.' He could not have anticipated the ironic news that a neighboring county over the weekend arrested a man for carrying a pistol at a convenience store and charged him with a violation of the public gathering law. ..." ...

WY: Wyoming Senator Cale Case introducing a fix to conceal carry reciprocity
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Thumbs up to Senator Cale Case, he has introduced legislation to fix the conceal-carry blunder from earlier this year. SF 26 - Eligibility concealed weapons permit, will fix what Freuedenthal's appointee decided was a problem."

"Ultimately, WyGO / Wyoming Gun Owners supports legislation that lets anyone with a permit from any state carry in Wyoming. If an individual has a concealed carry permit from their own state, no matter what we interpret from their state law, who are we to say they cannot carry in Wyoming? Even if that state doesn't reciprocate, we must lead by example."

"Also, can we say we should be able to carry anywhere in the country only to restrict others visiting here? Certainly not." ...

TN: Anti-gun bill introduced by Memphis Democrat
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It should come as no surprise that a Memphis Democrat would introduce an anti-gun bill in the Legislature. After all, many politicians on both sides of the aisle in Tennessee have historically pledged an oath to both the United States and Tennessee Constitutions."

"Then they go forth and pass bills that are unconstitutional on the face of them."

"Representative G. A. Hardaway has introduced HB 2422: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, creates various gun show offenses, including prohibiting any person who is not a licensed firearms dealer from transferring a firearm to another person if any part of the transfer takes place at a gun show or within 1,000 feet of a gun show. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17." ...

Austin gun show update: Interviews reveal bigger picture
Submitted by: Howard Nemerov

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"Rumors have been swirling that Austin, Texas gun shows were threatened with closure unless they accepted a local rule limiting gun sales to licensed dealers only. ..." ...

"But before you grab a pitchfork and head over to Austin police headquarters, interviews of the 'interested parties' indicate further consideration may be valuable."

"Darwin Boedeker is the Texas Gun Shows (TGS) promoter. ..."

"At the meeting, Boedeker said the APD read off a 'long list' of nuisance violations to the HEB representative. When Boedeker told everybody that these activities happened while another promoter hosted the gun show at that location–TGS began hosting shows November 2009–nobody else knew this." ...

Texas Gun Show, Boedecker & F-Troop
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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nothing about what was going down in Austin. I hear, that the agent in charge is, well- not liked at all, despised is the word I heard. Now, I do not know him personally, and I am simply repeating what was whispered in my ear. A bit more was whispered, such as how other BATF agents and offices are EMBARRASSED fully by what has went down by what seems to be a headhunting agent who likes to have the spotlight." ...

"Howard Nemerov, who I really like and enjoy reading, has a column pointing out many things that should be considered and you can read it here." ...

Illegals and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To keep 'undocumented immigrants' from buying guns, Texas cops allegedly violated local and federal gun laws."

"Gun enthusiasts in central Texas are upset over what they say is a heavy-handed effort by police in Austin ... to restrict the legal sale of firearms at gun shows in violation of state and federal laws. Specifically, they accuse Austin's police of unlawfully restricting the sales of guns between law-abiding citizens at a gun show last weekend."

"Interestingly, police were in large part seeking to keep 'undocumented immigrants' from buying guns ..."

"Austin is considered a 'sanctuary city' and is home to many 'undocumented immigrants,' primarily from Mexico." ...

funny taser cam vids (video)
Submitted by: xqqme

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Submitter's Note: At about 2:55 into the video an interesting statistic appears.

It's the 3.8% that I wonder about... and am concerned about.


Sunstein and Agents Provocateurs
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cass Sunstein, one of Barack Obama's intellectual mentors at the U. of Chicago and now part of his protege's Administration, co-authored a most interesting academic paper on January 15, 2008, Conspiracy Theories:" ...

"Sunstein then offers a truly brilliant plan for how the government should combat conspiracy theories: by mounting secret conspiracies against conspiracy theorists!" ...

"What could be more sanity-inducing than clandestine government conspiracies against conspiracy theorists?" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Australia: Crackdown sees violent criminal stripped of gun licences
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A man granted a gun licence just five months ago despite revealing a string of assault convictions has become the latest victim of a firearms crackdown ..."

"Before being granted his seventh gun licence for a .308 rifle on May 28 last year, Scott Woods told authorities he had three convictions for assault, one for criminal damage, one for reckless driving, and one of driving with a blood alcohol level exceeding 0.08 per cent."

"His licence was granted, as was an eighth licence - for a shotgun - on August 28."

"However less than a month after receiving his last licence, Woods was on September 22 told by police he was not a 'fit and proper' gun owner and that all his licences had been revoked." ...

OH: Hunters Take 24,078 White-tailed Deer During Statewide Muzzleloader Season
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Hunters took 24,078 deer during Ohio's four-day muzzleloader season, January 9-12, with Tuscarawas County again leading the state with 1,345 deer checked. In 2008, a preliminary total of 20,659 deer was taken during muzzleloader season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife."

"Counties reporting the highest number of deer checked during the muzzleloader season included: Tuscarawas-1,345; Harrison-1,025; Guernsey-1,000; Washington-937; Athens-816; Belmont-735; Coshocton-692; Licking-679; Meigs-645; and Jefferson-616."

"A total of 251,826 deer have been harvested so far this season ... Hunters took a total of 252,017 deer during all of last year's hunting seasons." ...

VA: Gun background checks work
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This is in response to the story about concealed weapons ('Concealed guns: Right to privacy vs. right to know,' Friday, Jan. 15)."

"I support the Delegate R. Lee Ware, R-Powhatan, bill. It's funny how we can’t get the government to be open on things we need to know that they are up to, but when it comes to taking away our rights, safety and freedoms, they are all about that, especially with this new administration and liberals today."

"The Virginia Coalition for Open Government and the Virginia Press Association only want power over people. There is not one good reason for keeping the information public." ...

There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. — James Madison

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