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Newslinks for 1/22/2010

Gun Salesman of the Decade
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The conventional wisdom has attributed the rise in firearm sales to the present Administration under the dictum: 'Obama, Gun salesman of the year.'"

"To say that the current political atmosphere has nothing to do with firearms sales would be ludicrous, at best. There are, however, more to the statistics than first meets the eyes. On closer inspection the NICS data shows the rise of firearms sales beginning in September 2005 and really taking hold in December of the same year."

"What accounts for this sudden rise in firearm interest can only be attributed to the events following the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in late August 2005." ...

Ban by baby steps
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the parallel world where the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi live, the enlightened govern the ignorant masses by applying one set of universal rules, and it's not the Constitution of the United States."

"In Hillary's world, radical ideas progress at first with baby steps that ultimately become great strides to harness the destructive forces in society. That's why the current Secretary of State and the other Hillarys in her world are drawing a bead on gun owners, mainly those in the United States."

"In 2012, the United Nation's will push for the Arms Trade Treaty, which, among other things, will establish goals regarding the ownership and disposition of firearms on a global basis. ..." ...

AR-15s have a 'sporting purpose'--but don't need one
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An ESPN Outdoors article looks at efforts on the part of the firearms industry to give the AR-15 family of rifles (the dreaded so-called 'assault weapons') a less menacing face, by placing a renewed emphasis on the rifles' suitablity for hunting." ...

"Still, I can summon little enthusiasm for the idea that we should retreat on the 'sporting purposes' front. The Second Amendment ... was not bestowed on us to protect our right to engage in sport. ..."

"By referring to militia-appropriate arms as 'modern sporting rifles,' are we not, to some degree, acquiescing to the idea of civilian ownership of firerams being limited to those that have a 'sporting purpose'?" ...

Ode to the Brady Campaign
Submitted by: Anonymous

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(After the controversy on the Austin gun show situation, perhaps a bit of humor is necessary to lighten the mood. Regarding the hot-button topic of gun control, the following satirical poem is a whimsical take on the Brady Campaign agenda.)

What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Earlier today, we looked at the arrest of company executives and employees attending the SHOT Show in Las Vegas for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)."

"The what?"

"The Department of Justice has posted a 'Lay-Person's Guide' on its website. Now would be a good time to review some of the highlights... "

What's Going On with SHOT Show Sting?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We're dealing with a federal law enforcement establishment that hasn't exactly earned the trust of gun owners over the years, and one that appreciates the benefits of high profile media coverage. And it's not like there isn't renewed administration emphasis on international arms trade treaties."

"So forgive me if I think all these elements converging bear a bit of cynical questioning..."

Big Shots Go Down at Gun Show
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The setting was Las Vegas, but no one was expecting fireworks at this year's Shot Show, the annual gun industry trade convention. Sure, sales of firearms and ammunition rose in the wake of Barack Obama's victory ... Yet what the industry calls the 'Obama stimulus' had already started to tail off by the time gun marketers converged on Las Vegas."

"Then the feds crashed the party. The FBI used the convention to round up 21 industry executives who allegedly fell for an undercover sting in which they agreed to pay illegal kickbacks to the defense minister of an African nation. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: For anyone unfamiliar with doing business abroad (especially in Third World nations) 'kickbacks' are required and expected as a normal cost of doing business.

Crocodile Dundee Visits Las Vegas - The SHOT Show, Day 1
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of my favorite movies of all time has to be the orginal 'Crocodile Dundee'. I love it when Mick Dundee says, 'New York has to be the friendliest place in the world. Four million people and all of them wanting to live together.'"

"I'm out here at the SHOT show in Las Vegas and I'm feeling a bit foreign right now just as Mick Dundee felt in New York city. I'm just a country gent, and truly, I feel like a duck out of water. As you know I'm out here trying to gain more corporate sponsors for the Second Amendment March. This is my first SHOT show and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I have to thank Mark Walters from the United States Concealed Carry Association right out of the box. He took the time to lead me around the show floor yesterday and help me get the lay of the land. ..." ...

The SHOT Show - Day 2
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now this was an interesting day. I started out by getting lost again ... Finally, a stranger yelled to me 'Hey, are you trying to get to the SHOT show?' ... I said yes and he said 'Follow me ...' Thank God for Good Samaritans in strange lands. So a special thank you goes out to that helpful man from Atlantic Firearms of Maryland ..."

"I made it to the show and hooked up with Mark Walters from Armed American Radio again. We visited Massad Ayoob and it was good to see him again. Then I finally got the treat of my life when Tim Schmidt, the Founder of the United States Concealed Carry Association walked up and introduced himself to me. As you know he donated ten thousand dollars to the Second Amendment March last week. ..." ...

SHOT Show Day 3
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Outside news pervades the Show. A local Las Vegas man shot and killed a home invader who kicked down his door. No charges filed, but one local news station calls it 'the 14th murder of the year' in the community. (?!?!?) FBI arrested over 20 firearms industry people in a supposed sting ... I have heard a barnyard colloquialism for poultry feces applied to this case more than once here. And the announcement last night that Republican Scott Brown had won the Senate election in Massachusetts occasioned many a high five out here. Now, back to the guns…"

"FNH announces a semiautomatic 'sold to civilians' version of the SCAR rifle in 5.56mm NATO, and SIG has their own well-done take on the AR15 in the same chambering ..." ...

The Second Amendment Fantasy and How Americans Have Been Taken In
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment has evolved into an emotional issue par excellence that has divided American society. But the underlying issues are not about guns but about fear—on two levels."

"The first level, which goes back to the beginning, is a fear of government which was legitimate in the 18th century, but hasn't been applicable since then. A lot of Americans may have missed the news, but King George is dead." ...

Submitter's Note: Dan is obviously not familiar with Prof. R.J. Rummel's work on Democide showing between 175 and 262 million people (not counting war casualties) killed by their own governments in the 20th century.

VA: Gun Laws Debated Around Virginia
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After the Appomattox shootings, gun control supporters are ready to see more legislative action."

"Doug Bates has been a gunsmith in Rockingham County for the last 12 years. In light of the Appomattox shootings, Bates disagrees with disarming civilians." ...

"Even after Andy Goddard's son was shot four times in the Virginia Tech shootings, he doesn't completely disagree. ..." ...

"Goddard and others on the board of the Virginia Center for Public Safety want to see laws changed in private gun sales among other things."

"'The buyer should be responsible to prove through a background check that he is not in one of the disqualified groups that federal law prevents from buying a gun,' says Goddard." ...

Submitter's Note: Just curious Andy, did you have to prove you were not going to advocate violence before you were allowed to speak? Then don't put prior restraint on my rights, either.

GA: Georgia Tech President tells AJC no firearms on campus
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Georgia Tech President Bud Peterson adamantly opposes the bills pending ... that would repeal Georgia's felony law applicable to carrying a handgun on college campuses. He [stated] that an armed adult at the Virginia Tech massacre would have only 'gotten shot,' and that campus police would have not been able to tell the 'good guys' from the bad guys."

"There are some things President Peterson is not telling us."

"First, how long did it take the police to get to the murderer at Virginia Tech? See the picture in the upper right hand corner of this column for an answer. Related ... is, how much 'confusion' to campus police have armed students and faculty caused at campuses where they have stopped murders in progress?" ...

Don't Ridicule the Tea-Baggers -- Recruit Them
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Above all, one should acknowledge that many, and perhaps most, tea-baggers are not the right-wing enemy, they are the victims of the right-wing along with the vast majority of the rest of us."

"Face it: Dick Armey, Glenn Beck, FAUX News, and the billionaires that are funding the tea-bag movement have accomplished a truly astonishing feat. They have persuaded millions of the victims of the banksters, big pharma, insurance, energy conglomerates, etc. to protest in behalf of their oppressors, and against their potential liberators and their own self-interest. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So those who want less gov't, lower taxes and more individual freedom are dupes of the 'monied interests'. "Very interesting, but stupid" (apologies to Artie Jonhson).

Praxis: Bandoleer Miscellany
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It is no secret to the long-time readers of Sipsey Street that I'm a big believer in a couple of things:"

"1. Being prepared to 'fight light' -- that is with simply a rifle, bandoleer and canteen."

"2. Having all your ammo (or as much as you can afford) combat packed in bandoleers. I have written of this before. Here is a post which links several previous articles for the benefit of newbies."

"Also, after the last Indy 1500 gun show I attended, I wrote about the bandoleer famine and ways to overcome it. Now, a year later, here is a miscellany of bandoleer stuff (both for stripper clips and loaded magazines) that I've recently encountered." ...

TX: Man shoots alleged thieves in home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A homeowner fired shots at alleged burglars at his Southwest Side home, injuring one man late Tuesday night.

San Antonio police said officials were called to a home in the 5400 block of Prairie Flower around midnight, when three men reportedly tried to break in. A man inside the home fired shots at the men, striking one.

Police said the alleged thieves fled after the shots were fired, but police were later called to a nearby home for a man who was shot. He was taken to University Hospital, and officials said the shooter is not expected to face charges.

TX: Survivor of Luby massacre defends Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp's calm recounting of a sequence of events that occurred on Oct. 16, 1991, in a Luby's restaurant in Killeen, kept the crowd at the Bandera County Public Library riveted."

"As one participant noted, 'Nobody moved. You could have heard a pin drop.'"

"It's one thing to read about the massacre of 23 people in newspaper articles – and quite another to hear an account from a person who survived the killing field."

"Hupp, the author of 'From Luby's to the Legislature: One Woman's Fight Against Gun Control,' appeared at a book signing at the library on Wednesday, Jan. 13. ..." ...

NY: Gun owners fire first shot at awareness rally
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"LaPierre: 'I'm in the belly of the beast.'"

"If Sen. Chuck Schumer's ears were not ringing last Tuesday morning, Jan. 12, they should have been. Standing in front of 2,000 gun owners assembled in the well of the Legislative Office Building in Albany at the Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreational Legislative Awareness Day rally, National Rifle Association Executive Vice-President and CEO Wayne LaPierre invoked Schumer's name perhaps a dozen times during his speech to gun owners from all across the state."

"Schumer was used as the poster child for what is often referred to as the anti-gun crowd in Washington and Albany." ...

Democrat Senate hopefuls visit southern Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Four top Democratic candidates who are vying for Illinois' US Senate seat once held by President Obama clashed during Tuesday night's debate at Southern Illinois University Carbondale." ...

"Candidates addressed concerns about Second Amendment rights and government control on firearms. None of them endorsed concealed carry laws. Hoffman advocated stricter gun regulations ... Ginnoulias said there need to be more background checks ... and regulations to keep [guns] away from children. He said difficulties with gun laws differ in Chicago and downstate." ...

"Ginnoulias said a possible solution would be allowing local governments to have more power in firearm regulations to better suit their communities." ...

Submitter's Note: Hey Gino, why don't you ask the Carpenter family how they feel about "safe storage" laws?

OH: Strickland chooses another anti-gun running mate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For the many pro-gun voters who were lured away from the Ohio GOP in 2006 after years of frustration with anti-gun Republicans like Bob Taft, George Voinovich and Mike DeWine, pro-gun Democrat Ted Strickland's choice of another anti-gun running mate is sure to be met with displeasure."

"Immediately following the announcement of Strickland's decision on Tuesday, Yvette McGee Brown, a former Franklin County juvenile court judge, made it clear to reporters that she does not agree with Governor Strickland's stance on the Second Amendment." ...

OH: Former Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee Seth Morgan announces bid for Auditor of State
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Pro-gun State Representative Seth Morgan (R-36), a certified publican accountant from Huber Heights, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Auditor of State."

"The seat is being vacated by Mary Taylor, who decided not to seek reelection after receiving an invitation to be presumptive GOP gubernatorial nominee John Kasich's running mate."

"Morgan received an endorsement from Buckeye Firearms Association in his successful 2008 race for State Representative." ...

MT: Feds Respond to Firearms Freedom Act Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The United States has made its first response to a lawsuit filed in federal district court in Missoula to test the Montana Firearms Freedom Act ..." ...

"The first response to the lawsuit by the United States is a Motion to Dismiss ..."

"MSSA President Gary Marbut, also a Plaintiff in the lawsuit explained, 'The first import of this response is that the legal game is now on. There was some concern that the defendants would forfeit the game with no response in an effort to prevent this important issue from being adjudicated ...' ..."

"SAF Chairman Alan Gottlieb said, 'We are disappointed but not surprised that the government would try to kill this suit on standing, rather than arguing about the merits of the case.'" ...

FL: Bill: Adoption agency can't ask about gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Adoption agencies would be barred from making prospective parents reveal whether they have guns or ammunition at home under a measure that sailed through a House panel Thursday with the backing of the [NRA]."

"Rep. Mike Horner, R-Kissimmee, said he and his wife are dealing with a 'mountain' of paperwork as they attempt to adopt a child ..."

"But the couple were offended when asked about their weapons cache."

"'I would hate to think that the fact that I'm a law-abiding gun owner would work against me in the adoption process,' Horner said. 'I'm not saying that that has happened. But the intent of this bill is that it never does.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Of course adoption agencies should ask about gun ownership. Any family who won't take responsibility for their own protection should never be entrusted with a child's safety!

OH: HB158 (certified instructors' CHL fee exemption) scheduled for proponent testimony in House committee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"House Bill 158, which seeks to add instructors who are certified to teach courses that meet the requirements of Ohio's concealed handgun license (CHL) law to the list of persons who are exempted from paying a fee to obtain a CHL, has been added to the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security agenda for sponsor testimony, Tuesday, January 26 at 3:00pm in Statehouse Hearing Room 122."

"The purpose for Tuesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on HB158 from the legislation's supporters." ...

It was no joke at security gate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Put yourself in her place and count out 20 seconds. Her heart pounded. She started to sweat. She panicked at having to explain something she couldn't."

"Now picture her expression as the TSA employee started to smile."

"Just kidding, he said. He waved the baggie. It was his." ...

"[Regional TSA spokeswoman Ann] Davis said privacy law prevents her from identifying the TSA employee. The law prevents her from disclosing what sort of discipline he might have received." ...

H/t to David Codrea who has some pungent commentary.

IL: Ex-cop convicted for $1 million bogus check
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Cook County judge has convicted a 38-year-old Chicago woman of attempting to deposit a $1 million bogus check."

"And not only was the defendant ... a former Chicago police officer, but prosecutors say she attempted to deposit the bad check in her account at the Chicago Patrolmen's Federal Credit Union."

"Circuit Court Judge William Lacy found former officer Tiffany Brown guilty of forgery, attempted theft and official misconduct."

"Prosecutors said Brown tried to deposit the check in August 2006, saying it was a windfall from a legal settlement involving ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NJ: Preacher's toe touches school lawn, he gets arrested
Submitted by: xqqme

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"A New Jersey judge has dismissed a criminal case against a volunteer who was preaching the Gospel on public property in front of the Edison, N.J., High School when his toe inadvertently brushed the grass and he was arrested." ...

Submitter's Note: This incident represents a disturbing trend among the law enforcement community: arrest first... even if they (should) know the case will be dismissed later.

It isn't just the 2nd Amendment that is routinely under fire in our society. It's all of them.

We need more Oathkeepers NOW... men and women who will NOT, under any cirtumstances, follow orders to deny the rights of citizens.

AR: Weapons Permits Shoot up Dramatically in AR
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Weapon permits have seen a dramatic spike over the past year in Arkansas."

"In fact, according to some stats, the number of weapons permits in the state has increased by 43%"

"The total number now stands at about 80,000."

"We paid a visit to Don's Weaponry in North Little Rock."

"They say some of that has to do with the elections at the end of 2008 and people expressing concern over gun rights."

"But, they added that much of it has to do with the murder of local T.V. News anchor Anne Pressly."

"The firing range manager says over the past year more and more women are showing up in classes to learn how to handle a firearm." ...

H/t to ARCCA blog.

AR: Thousands more concealed weapons permits added in 2009
Submitted by: Arkansas Concealed Carry Association

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The number of concealed weapons permits issued in Arkansas rose nearly 43 percent last year, prompting state police to ask Tuesday for more money to help cover the added workload.

"State police spokesman Bill Sadler said the two people who work in the office that handles concealed weapons permits processed about 24,000 new requests last year."

"'We're dealing with a database now of about 80,000 individuals who are licensed to carry concealed handguns in the state of Arkansas right now,' compared to about 56,000 at the beginning of 2009, Sadler said." ...

H/t to ARCCA blog.

UK: Restaurant refuses to give diner toothpick 'as they are too dangerous'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"First it was coffee mornings, with their hot drinks that were deemed too dangerous."

"Then home-made biscuits and sponge cakes were banned from hospitals and primary schools because they posed a health risk.
Today it was the turn of the humble toothpick to fall foul of the health and safety police."

"Killjoy staff at a luxury hotel chain are refusing to provide customers with toothpicks after dinner because they could be 'potentially dangerous', it has emerged." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

If we lower our standards, we lower the flag. — President Ronald Reagan

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