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Newslinks for 1/23/2013

Gun rights film project releases powerful trailer
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "I urge readers of this column to see the sidebar video player to take two minutes to watch this intellectually and viscerally-compelling preview of things to come, and then, as Koenig asked his Twitter followers earlier this morning, 'Help us take our trailer to the masses.'” ...

‘Voice of the Pope’ backs Obama gun edicts
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "A Church steeped in history, and one that recognizes beatified martyrs from the Cristero War is well aware that history is still unfolding, that tyranny still exists, that individuals are still persecuted and murdered by their own governments, and will continue to be, and that no nation or people, even ours, can forever count on remaining special and exempt." ...

Apologia for Church in Vatican Radio gun rights attack rings hollow
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Oh [papal] bull, and 'careless' my eye -- how insulting. The buck stops at the top. The captain is responsible for what the crew does under his command. Especially if it involves his senior officers acting in his and its name."

‘Gun-free zone’ enables Texas campus shooting
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "[T]he college offers a variety of hiding, evacuating, wedging, locking, and other instructions depending on whether one is in a classroom or office, a hallway, an auditorium, open spaces, or 'trapped with the gunmen,' in which case the first rule listed is 'don’t do anything to provoke them.'”

"They actually say that." ...

New York magazine ban waves red flag at ‘patriotic’ gun safety program
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "In other words, no less an authority than the United States government has by law declared this organization patriotic and safe." ...

Shooting Holes in Shooting Holes in the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I love it when antis run these mock dialogues with 'gun nuts.' Paul Bangiola follows the standard style of setting up and knocking down straw men with his logic and reason, triumphing mightily over the feeble arguments of the ignorant/paranoid/conspiracist gun nut. Paul opens with an anecdote about a debate he went to in the early ‘80s between Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, another member of the Chicago Seven . . ." ...

Daily Digest: I Want What I Need (And Sometimes I Need It)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, revealed that the DHS considers an AR-15-style rifle 'suitable for personal defense.' Ya think? I wouldn’t want to attack anyone armed with an AR-15 any more than I’d like to spill a glass of red wine on Nivit Bash‘s white knitted thingie. That said, if she asked me nicely . . . Yes, there is that. Circumstances dictate acceptable options. By the same token, our needs are situational. If you’re hydrated you don’t need water. If you’re not you do. Which brings me to my main point. I wish someone would say to Piers Morgan 'a person needs an AR-15 whenever someone is trying to kill them.' ..." ...

NRA unlikely to strongly fight private sales ban unless pushed to do so
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in December, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner predicted that a private sales ban is the most likely federal infringement on that which shall not be infringed--far easier to pass than banning so-called 'assault weapons' (gun banner-speak for 'regime change rifles') or 'high capacity' magazines (gun banner-speak for 'standard capacity magazines') will be."

"If anything about that assessment has changed, the difference is that it looks still more accurate now. ..." ...

President’s party should practice what he preaches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During his inaugural address Monday, President Barack Obama offered that, 'We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.'"

"If only Senator Charles Schumer and Congressman Hank Johnson would take his advice, the political climate inside the Beltway might be a bit more agreeable. ..." ...

Do We Want Better Enforcement of Misguided Gun Restrictions?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The single most important thing we can do to prevent gun violence and mass shootings,' President Obama said last week, 'is to make sure those who would commit acts of violence cannot get access to guns.' Toward that end, he wants to require background checks ... for all gun transfers except those between relatives."

"This idea seems to be the most popular of Obama's gun control proposals, supported by nine out of 10 respondents in a recent CBS News poll. Yet it is unlikely to stop mass shootings, and enforcing it would require the sort of surveillance that has long been anathema to defenders of the Second Amendment, exposing millions of peaceful people to the threat of gun confiscation and criminal prosecution." ...

At what point do people step beyond the protection of the “Unified Front” clause of the RKBA Movement?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"At what point does the cry of 'unification' really just become an excuse to keep things smooth with friends or associates?"

"At what point do you need to start cutting people out of the club?"

"Better Question: At what point do people self-select out of the club?" ...

Anti-gun Democrats must think all gun owners are like them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The code has been cracked about why Democrats are known as 'the party of gun control' because of a weekend incident in Nevada that demonstrates why they believe in strict gun regulations: they evidently believe everyone behaves as poorly as they do with firearms." ...

Everything you need to know about Americans’ views on guns — in 7 easy steps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, there has been huge amounts of polling done that provides the clearest picture in years of where Americans stand on guns, gun violence and what the government should (or can) do to prevent incidents of large-scale gun violence." ...

Martin Luther King Jr. – Man of peace but no pushover
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1956 Martin Luther King Jr. applied for a concealed carry permit in Alabama since he was getting so many death threats. As you can imagine, since gun controls roots were founded in racism and keeping blacks unarmed was the point of gun control, King was denied."

"Now, some of you may think that MLK Jr wanting to carry a gun is incongruent with him being a non violent civil rights activist. It’s not and here’s why; just because you preach non violence does not mean you need to be a sacrificial lamb to anyone who is going to harm you or your family." ...

Constitution is not the only important document
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As gun owners, we put a lot of stock in what the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, has to say. But yet, that is not the only document that the Founding Fathers wrote that was important. I’m speaking of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was one of the most important things ever written and when signed changed the world forever." ...

A look-back at gun control history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A look back at the history of gun legislation and how the Republican party has evolved from Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush's stances on gun control to the extremist stance it holds today." ...

5 Must-Know Skills for Shooting around Corners (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In order to shoot around corners and barricades with the minimum amount of body exposure, these five things are absolutely essential to add to your tactical toolkit. These five things will allow shooters to perform well while standing and shooting strong-handed around either side of the barricade, wall or other structure, without having to switch to a non-dominant or weak side shooting position." ...

Hands-On with Remington’s New 783 Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Remington 700 has been the gold standard for bolt action rifles since, well, ever. But there are still cheap bastards like me out there that would rather gamble with a lesser piece of kit than pay the extra couple hundred dollars, which is where the 783 comes in. It’s not quite as expensive as the regular 700, but the el-cheapo version has some improvements . . ." ...

Molon Labe Industries Announces New Magazines for the AR Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Molon Labe Industries, manufacturers of polymer magazines and accessories for rifle platforms, have announced at the 2013 SHOT Show, held at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV January 15 – 18, 2013, that it will soon begin manufacturing magazines for the AR rifle platform."

"The SCARmag AR / Light 30 and 40 round magazines are made from the same proprietary patent pending polymer as the original SCARmag for the FN® SCAR™ rifle platform. ..." ...

A Middle Path to Reducing Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a hunter and gun owner, I believe that we should protect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding individuals to own firearms. As a dad and grandfather, I also believe that we have a responsibility to make our schools, streets and communities safe. We can do both if Congress steps up. Many of the president's executive actions will help reduce gun violence, but the policies that would have the greatest impact require congressional action." ...

Let's treat guns like swimming pools to prevent tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress is trying to stem gun violence with empty gestures – limits on the size of ammunition clips and more background checks for gun buyers. The National Rifle Association suggests accelerating a domestic arms race with a budget-busting plan to post armed guards at all our schools."

"There is a better way. Let's treat guns like swimming pools." ...

Submitter's Note: I agree! Anyone who has the cabbage can walk in, plop cash on the counter and walk out 30 seconds later with their pool/gun. No background checks, no having to go through federally licensed dealers, no arbitrary limits on depth, volume or cosmetics. Let's do it!

'Tyrannical government' subject to interpretation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing in response to the Jan. 18 letter about freedoms based on the Second Amendment, and the need to defend against tyrannical governments ('Nation’s freedoms based on right to bear arms'). That is a very dangerous thought."

"Define a tyrannical government. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Okay. A tyrannical gov't is one which operates outside of its legitimate (i.e. Constitutional) boundaries or one which uses the power of the state to oppress individuals or groups which may disagree with it (like, say, people who want to drink raw milk, or who want to celebrate their religion with traditional sacrements like peyote).

Firepower needs sane limitations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The men who wrote the Second Amendment could no more have imagined a modern assault weapon than, say, an atomic bomb. The clumsy, single-shot weapons of their time were used — as the amendment states — to arm a militia. By shortening the amendment to leave out this part and by avoiding the question, 'What would a law-abiding citizen do with an automatic weapon?' the National Rifle Association demonstrates the weakness of its position." ...

Submitter's Note: I don't need to justify my possession of a full-auto weapon any more than Rosa Parks needed to justify sitting at the front of that bus.

NV: Ban the sale of 'killers of innocent'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just had the privilege of watching President Obama and Vice President Biden take the oath of office to defend the Constitution at the inaugural ceremony in Washington. I have also followed the negative rhetoric of the National Rifle Association’s leaders on the proposal to ban assault rifles and multi-bullet clips."

"Obviously, the framers of the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, did not visualize the terrible tragedies of Newtown and Aurora, since neither assault weapons nor multi-bullet clips were in existence." ...

OH: Armed Homeowner in Ohio Captures Two Daytime Burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ohio homeowner came home during the day and found a man burglarizing his home. The homeowner, who has a concealed weapons permit, drew his gun and ordered the suspect to the ground."

"The homeowner held the suspect at gunpoint as he called police."

"Once the police arrived, the officer handcuffed the man on the floor."

"The homeowner then went upstairs in his home and found a second suspect. Once again the homeowner drew his weapon and held the suspect at gunpoint until the officer could handcuff him." ...

Black Voices on the Gun Issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we prepare to observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, it seems timely to remember that the first 'gun control' in this country was focused on oppressing African-Americans in the wake of the Civil War. See 'The Racist Roots of Gun Control'" ...

Obama Aims Pen At Wrong Target: Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Obama sent a proposal to Congress, wanting to put tighter restrictions on gun sales and ban automatic weapons, but with all his good intentions he is focusing on a nonexistent magic pill to fix the increasing problem of mass killings."

"I know what you’re thinking: this guy is another one of those cowboy, hillbilly, redneck, white trash, Second Amendment nutjobs that would scream on Fox News, if they could, about retaining gun rights."

"Okay, I am white trash—more or less—but I’m not a Second Amendment nutjob, and fuck Fox News. If we want to make any ground on this issue Obama should focus on mental illness instead." ...

NRA's LaPierre Fires Away at Obama and His Inaugural Address
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a scathing attack on President Obama, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association told a gathering of hunters in Nevada Tuesday night that the administration is determined to either tax their firearms or take them away."

"Wayne LaPierre, who has previously denounced the president's plan to curb gun violence in the U.S., claimed that remarks made in Obama’s inaugural address suggested that principles trumped the absolutism of Second Amendment rights."

"LaPierre said that was a direct assault on the rights of the NRA and its members." ...

The founding fathers had it right all along
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "President Obama’s push to control gun ownership is just the latest in a series of executive orders and legislation about which America’s founding fathers warned us. Benjamin Franklin, for example, said, 'They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.'"

"Political rhetoric about hunters not needing certain kinds of guns or ammunition clips serves no purpose in dealing with the murders that have occurred in schools and elsewhere. It is shameful that elected officials at any level of government exploit the kind of tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Conn., by enacting laws or rules that limit the constitutional rights of the public." ...

Federal Assault Weapon Ban Bill to be Introduced on Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the Washington Times, Dianne Feinstein’s 'assault weapons' ban bill will be officially introduced on Thursday in the Senate. For why an AWB is a dumb idea, mosey on over to this link. As far as we can tell, nothing has changed on the proposed legislation so it will still remove any grandfathering, require registration of 'assault weapons' and ban magazines larger than 10 rounds (although that may have dropped to 7 after New York’s stunt). And once introduced, it will immediately . . ."

"Die. A quick, and painless death."

"Probably." ...

Rep. Ted Yoho Says Citizens Should Have the Same Weapons as U.S. Military (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) recently told that he agreed with his constituents who believe that the Second Amendment allows ordinary citizens to have access to the same weapons that the U.S. military uses (video below)." ...

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre says Obama trying to take away basic rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Obama is trying to take away Americans’ fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution, National Rifle Association Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre said Tuesday night."

"'They are God-given freedoms. They belong to us in the United States of America as our birthright. No government gave them to us and no government can ever take them away,' LaPierre said in his first response to the president’s inaugural address Monday." ...

Bill Clinton Cautions Gun Grabbers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a recent meeting with top Democrat donors, Bill Clinton tried to send a message to all those politicians who seek to disarm the civilian population and while doing so he let the mask slip just a bit." ...

Lautenberg, McCarthy propose high-capacity magazine ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg and New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy said Tuesday that they have introduced companion bills to ban high-capacity magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition." ...

KABA Note: Frank, Caro, quick question: Why is ten the magic number?

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens”
Submitted by: Greg Jones

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"2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s 'litmus test' for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens." ...

VA: Anti Gun Democrat in VA Lost 2 Weapons Owned by State, Law License Revoked, Held in Contempt Multiple Times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The VA state lawmaker, Joseph Morrissey, made headlines last week when he brandished an AK style rifle in the VA state legislature during an anti-gun speech (the anti-gun legislation went nowhere)."

"Morrissey made other headlines for his sketchy gun handling practices when he failed to demonstrate the weapon was safe and handled the weapon with his thumb on the trigger. ..."

"Morrissey certainly got the publicity he probably wanted with the little stunt, however what he probably didn’t count on where the other facts that would come out about him because of it. The Daily Caller put Morrissey’s tarnished past on display with two different reports over a 3 day period." ...

CT: One of Connecticut's largest firearms dealers seeks customers' presence at gun violence hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hoffman’s Gun Center & Indoor Range, one of the largest firearms dealers in the state, is advising its customers to attend a legislative hearing on gun violence reduction set for Monday, and accused lawmakers of trying to destroy the Second Amendment."

"Hoffman’s posted that message on its Facebook page and said it was particularly worried about a proposal put forward by state Sen. Beth Bye, D-West Hartford, and state Rep. Bob Godfrey, D-Danbury, that expands the definition of banned assault weapons for future sale and does not grandfather those bought legally." ...

NY: Gun rights advocates overwhelm Ulster County Legislature session
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Hundreds of Second Amendment supporters came out Tuesday night to the Ulster County Legislature meeting, to protest a resolution being considered by the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee. The proposal, which appears to have little support among legislators, sought to request Congress and the President to respond to December's Sandy Hook shootings with unspecified legislation for further gun control."

"So many members of the public attended, that the meeting room overflowed into the 6th floor corridor of the Ulster County Office Building in Kingston, filling the corridor tight with people from end to end. Fifty members of the public expressed their concerns during 2 ½ hours of public comment." ...

NY: Deerpark board condemns NY's new gun legislation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Stacy Case, her bright, yellow "Don't Tread On Me" flag curled beside her, openly wept with happiness as Deerpark Councilman David Dean read a resolution condemning New York's newly passed gun legislation and expressing support for the Constitution's Second Amendment — the one focusing on the right to bear arms."

"The Deerpark Town Board meeting Tuesday night began with a solemn but nonobligatory prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. But it drew to a close with the board unanimously voting against the state's new NY-SAFE gun legislation Tuesday night and a standing ovation from a crowd of about 30. 'This is for the future, this is for my children, your children,' said Dean, who helped put together the resolution." ...

ME: It's not as much NRA's money as its membership that dooms gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's 'time to talk about gun control,' according to the editors of The Washington Post on Dec. 14. They explain that '... the country would be safer with fewer guns ... it is not the Second Amendment but political cowardice that precludes sensible regulation ... we are not supposed to exploit tragedy to talk about this issue, but in the absence of tragedy it never gets talked about at all.'"

"There's some truth to this. The Maine Democratic Party's 2012 platform says nothing about gun control while the 2012 Republican platform simply affirms the Second Amendment." ...

AL: Northport gun laws meeting draws hundreds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple hundred gun owners and enthusiasts told local legislators Tuesday night at the Northport Civic Center that they have a constitutional right to carry weapons."

"According to some of the gun advocates, local elected officials who pass bans on openly carried guns should be thrown in jail and prosecuted for violating the Second Amendment." ...

NY: New gun laws are so Andrew
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Last week, as one after another of our state legislative leaders speaking with distinct downstate accents came to the microphone to congratulate themselves and Gov. Andrew Cuomo on successfully sticking it to primarily upstate legal gun owners, the thought occurred anew that among politicians at this level, the capacity for self-delusion and self-love are bottomless."

"It was obvious that they felt they had accomplished something grand and worthwhile that would save lives and curtail gun violence ... On what basis, I have no idea. I don't think they do, either."

"From our perspective up here, the bundle of bills was mostly feel-good legislation, of little consequence in terms of enhanced public safety, but a huge inconvenience and expense ..." ...

NY: Cuomo proposes $36M for newly tightened gun laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Cuomo administration wants to spend almost $36 million in the coming fiscal year to implement new restrictions on guns that were passed last week."

"The money would be used to add state police staff to oversee recertification of all pistol licenses every five years and register formerly legal rifles now categorized as assault weapons." ...

NY: Country Music Star Takes Twitter Shots at Cuomo
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Governor Andrew Cuomo may have sky-high approval ratings in the Empire State, but one particular Tennessean is very unenthused with his policy positions on guns and abortion. To wit, Charlie Daniels, known for his fiddle-fueled number one country hit 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia,' took his frustrations to Twitter today, unleashing a barrage of complaints against New York’s top executive." ...

"But it was on the topic of guns that Mr. Daniels–a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association–appeared to be most upset. ..."

"... 'Governor Cuomo- liberalism on steriods. Hurry up and get something passed before everybody catches on to just how dumb and useless it is.'" ...

GA: Cherokee Co. sheriff will not enforce 'unconstitutional' regulations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joining a growing number of sheriffs across the country who are against President Barack Obama's stricter gun control measures, Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison says he is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment."

"Sheriff Garrison declined a request for an interview with Channel 2's Shae Rozzi." ...

TX: Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce Tougher Gun Laws (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Collin County Sheriff Terry Box is making it clear that he is not a fan of tougher limits on firearms. The sheriff, who oversees the public safety of a half million residents, is also taking it a step further. Box says he will not enforce new federal gun laws, if they are passed." ...

MO: Sheriffs up in arms over proposed gun regs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama will be receiving letters from several Missouri sheriffs who are standing together to stress the importance of the Second Amendment in response to the president's proposed gun controls."

"The letter was authored by Sheriff Charles Heiss of Johnson County and circulated to members of the Missouri Sheriffs' Association."

"Local sheriffs are standing together to stress the importance of the Second Amendment and to express the duty of an elected sheriff in defending the Constitutions of the United States and Missouri." ...

MO: Missouri Sheriffs Pledge To Not Enforce Obama’s Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As President Obama continues to push gun control proposals in Washington, Sheriff Charles M. Heiss, R-Johnson County is asking fellow law enforcers to sign and send this letter to the president." ...

IN: Ind. jail officer coaxed female inmates to strip
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A central Indiana jail officer has been charged with coaxing female inmates into stripping for him in return for favors."

"Morgan County jail officer Nicholas Tankersley, 21, of Martinsville, was formally charged Thursday with sexual battery, official misconduct, theft and battery. The Reporter-Times reported Tankersley has been fired." ...

OR: Sheriff: Hillsboro cop armed with firearm, started shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer is in jail, charged with attempted aggravated murder, officials said."

"Senior law enforcement sources confirm Officer Timothy Cannon, who works for the Hillsboro Police Department, is accused of shooting at a Washington County Sheriff's deputy who responded to a domestic violence call at the officer's home on Sunday. Cannon is 46-years-old, and a 13-year veteran of Hillsboro's patrol division, Hillsboro police said." ...

TN: Memphis Police officer suspended after possible sexual assault allegation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer is in jail, charged with attempted aggravated murder, officials said."

"Senior law enforcement sources confirm Officer Timothy Cannon, who works for the Hillsboro Police Department, is accused of shooting at a Washington County Sheriff's deputy who responded to a domestic violence call at the officer's home on Sunday. Cannon is 46-years-old, and a 13-year veteran of Hillsboro's patrol division, Hillsboro police said." ...

CO: Police Shoot, Kill Dog When Going To A Home By Mistake (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Adams County man is in shock after he says deputies shot and killed his dog."

"Jeff Fisher said deputies went to his house by mistake. He said when they forced their way through the door his dog Ziggy ran outside and an Adams County Sheriff’s deputy shot and killed him."

"'(He went to the door) to see who it was and the police officer shot him three times,' Fisher said. 'They killed my dog for no reason.'" ...

NY: DA's comments on gun laws disingenuous
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick's Q&A feature in the Sunday edition, while an homage to the paper's editorial position on firearms ownership (i.e., against), was pretty disingenuous in key respects." ...

CO: Arapahoe Sheriff takes issue with lawmen who won't enforce gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson has a different take on proposed gun-control legislation than his counterparts to the north."

"In a letter Robinson sent to constituents Tuesday, the sheriff said that he supports the right to bear arms and that it is his duty to uphold the Constitution." ...

"In his letter, Robinson says he takes exception to 'the handful of public servants who have suggested that they would reject enforcement of any 'unconstitutional mandates' specifically related to the Second Amendment."

"'The rhetoric of the few ... has been interpreted by many who believe that a person in a position of authority might be able to determine the constitutionality of an issue.'" ...

NV: Las Vegas police in shock after lieutenant kills wife, son, self
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Las Vegas police were searching for answers Tuesday after one of their own killed his wife and son, called 911 to confess, then set his house on fire and committed suicide as rifle-toting cops moved in." ...

"Authorities identified the shooter as Hans Walters, 52, a lieutenant with more than 20 years on the force. His wife, Kathryn, 46, was a retired officer. Their son, Maximilian, was 5 years old."

"All were shot in the head." ...

Editor's Note: Our deepest sympathy to all those affected by this horror.

FL: Number of officers accused of misusing state driver database skyrockets (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Florida's driver-and-vehicle database, the system that can help law enforcement identify victims of fatal crashes and decipher the identity of a suspect, can be a useful tool for cops."

"But the system — known as D.A.V.I.D., for Driving and Vehicle Information Database — can also be easily abused."

"Data obtained by the Orlando Sentinel show the number of Florida law-enforcement officers suspected of misusing D.A.V.I.D. skyrocketed last year."

"At least 74 law enforcers were suspected of misusing D.A.V.I.D. in 2012, a nearly 400 percent increase from 2011, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement." ...

At What Point Does Unification Become Counterproductive?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, when Cheaper Than Dirt! responded to the tragic killings in Newtown, CT by suspending all online firearms sales in the interest of re-examining their marketing approach (presumably to emphasize 'sporting' firearms) and followed that miss-step up with ridiculous price gouging of ammo and magazines (400+% markups), they got what they deserved: Swift Backlash from the firearms community and a loss of many thousands of customers. Since that time, reports of them canceling back-orders and selling the same items for the new higher prices have been rampant. Yet, I was still told by some people at SHOT Show last week that we should not ostracize or boycott them, because we need to be 'united' . . ." ...

Smith & Wesson Latest to Tell Reed Exhibitions to FOAD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, when Cheaper Than Dirt! responded to the tragic killings in Newtown, CT by suspending all online firearms sales in the interest of re-examining their marketing approach (presumably to emphasize 'sporting' firearms) and followed that miss-step up with ridiculous price gouging of ammo and magazines (400+% markups), they got what they deserved: Swift Backlash from the firearms community and a loss of many thousands of customers. Since that time, reports of them canceling back-orders and selling the same items for the new higher prices have been rampant. Yet, I was still told by some people at SHOT Show last week that we should not ostracize or boycott them, because we need to be “united” . . ." ...

Eastern Sports Show steadily losing Exhibitors due to AR-rifle ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A slew of firearm and firearm-related retailers, celebrities and manufacturers are boycotting the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, after Reed Exhibitions, the company organizing the event, decided to prohibit products like modern sporting rifles at the show." ...

Sen. Mitch McConnell Warns Gun Owners: ‘We’re surrounded by gun-grabbers’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a letter written by his campaign manager, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warned gun owners and potential voters in the Bluegrass State that, 'gun-grabbers in the Senate are about to launch an all-out-assault on the Second Amendment.'"

"The letter, which is seemingly designed to strike a cord with the state’s conservative base and shore up support for McConnell’s reelection campaign in 2014, pulls no punches when it comes to politically charged rhetoric." ...

Not a bad idea to arm teachers for the protection of children
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the tragedy in Connecticut, our politicians have been falling all over themselves to offer solutions without ever explaining why the Founding Fathers added the Second Amendment (second most important) to the Constitution."

"Maybe that’s because our politicians have never lived under an autocratic dictatorship, as our Founders did. The same holds true for the many citizens of this country who also look for solutions."

"As a gun owner, former naval officer in the Korean War, teacher, member of the NRA, and hunter I understand why the Second Amendment was added to the Constitution, and why it is important." ...

Gun control just a way to make a statement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun control controversy is only the latest of many issues to be debated almost solely in terms of fixed preconceptions, with little or no examination of hard facts."

"Media discussions of gun control are dominated by two factors: the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment. But the over-riding factual question is whether gun control laws actually reduce gun crimes in general or murder rates in particular." ...

IL: Lt. Col. David Grossman coming to Central Illinois Jan. 24th.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier, and speaker who is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime." ...

IL: Northern Illinois gun control event blows up in the faces of sponsors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was a bad Sunday for sponsors of an meeting to create a grassroots chapter of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence at the Glenview, IL Police Station Auditorium failed miserably as supporters of the Constitution and civil rights took part in the event."

"In the end, unsubstantiated assertions by the gun control advocates were challenged by a boisterous audience." ...

OH: Northwest Ohio law enforcement say Obama 'playing politics' with gun-control plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The new gun-control measures proposed by President Obama are more about playing politics than they are about finding solutions for keeping children safe. That is the view of law enforcement leaders, a prosecutor and gun-rights supporters after hearing details of Obama's much anticipated gun-control plan following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Connecticut last month." ...

MO: Gun control sparks renewed fervor on both sides of debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control wasn’t even an occasional topic on Karen Verdusco’s Facebook page a few weeks ago. Then came news of the massacre of 20 first-graders in Connecticut, and suddenly she felt compelled to become a crusader."

"'I thought we need to do something,' she said. 'This has got to stop.'"

"Her answer was to form the Kansas City chapter of One Million Moms for Gun Control. Nowadays you can count on Verdusco to send out regular updates about the need for new restrictions on firearms and to defend her position in debates with gun-rights supporters online." ...

WA: Watch out for Ceasefire poll on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington Ceasefire has announced it will release the results of a statewide poll of 600 registered voters regarding gun laws and attitudes today at an afternoon press conference at the First United Methodist Church in Seattle." ...

NY: Paper underplayed its coverage of gun rally
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"I and many gun owners are very saddened that The Post-Standard saw fit to relegate coverage of Saturday's gun rally in Albany to Page A-11."

"This unfair law is a huge issue for gun owners, hunters and law-abiding citizens of New York. Shame on you. This protest, even though it had little to no media coverage, was one of the largest in Albany's history, I am told." ...

NJ: NJ’s Latest Assault Against The 2nd Amendment & 2A Supporters – Take Action!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On January 28, 2013 the NJ Law and Public Safety Committee will be discussing bill S2430 – Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes 'Study Commission on Violence.'" ...

MO: Wrong for America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The turmoil started by Obama and the Democratic Party over gun ownership is designed to ultimately identify the locations of all weapons found within the United States. Obama hopes to destroy the Second Amendment and, in the end, confiscate all weapons privately owned under the Second Amendment."

"To take away automatic weapons and the extended-length clips is no more than his attempt to first weaken the Second Amendment, then destroy it." ...

AZ: Second Amendment is under attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. Moss doesn’t sound like someone who watches Fox News (Copper Country News, Jan. 9). So, here’s an update for him. After the Sandy Hook Massacre, the NRA has realized a surge of 8,000 new members a day. Why is this happening? Because thinking, observant people realize that the reaction from the mainstream Media, including the current POTUS, to this tragedy is a major gift for those Americans who salivate at the notion of destroying the Second Amendment. Thomas Paine, who died in 1809, wisely said, 'It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.'" ...

MI: Second Amendment doesn't protect us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert G. Smith’s commentary in Thursday’s Sentinel, 'Why we have 2nd Amendment,' illustrates well three reasons why I’m so troubled by today’s so-called conservatism — really right-wing radicalism."

"The first is its devotion to principle over people. The second is its removal from the real world. The third is a failure to take into account cases which neutralize their arguments." ...

FL: All sides must seek compromise on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The constitutional right to own a gun, like all of our cherished rights, has boundaries. All sides need to work toward balancing our right to own a gun with our right to have our children protected from senseless gun violence."

Submitter's Note: Okay, here's my compromise: You keep your cotton-picking, kipper-stripping, pickle-packing paws off my guns and I won't kill you.

FL: Gun-Ban Fever
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun-ban fever is being driven by the actions of two pitifully insane young men and one Islamist Army terrorist. Why is the administration willing to destroy the Constitution based on the actions of irrational people? There is another agenda. The issue is not safety or guns. It is control ..." ...

CT: Let CT's Gun Control Debate Begin: Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Will a high-capacity magazine and assault weapons ban make us safer? Are gun owners more or less likely to become the victim of a crime? How can we best protect our schools and homes? What's the easiest way to control guns without trampling the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding, gun-owning citizens?"

"Last week's Patch Back readers had plenty to share (thanks, readers!)." ...

IL: Is the Constitution in need of alterations?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "While thinking about this topic, a thought occurred that I have never seen debated on any forum. Our Founding Fathers were very intelligent men. Arguably, the best the era had to offer."

"We have venerated them almost to the point of godhood for their efforts in establishing the form of government we enjoy to this day."

"But, alas, they were only men, intelligent and selfless, but also flawed and fallible. What if, for the sake of argument, they got it wrong? ..." ...

British perspective on gun ownership offered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coming from Britain, I have always wondered why the American populace is fascinated by an object that's only purpose is to kill and yes, I am talking about guns. With groups becoming enraged due to the new gun control laws enacted or proposed by both New York State and President Obama, I thought it was about time that someone actually thought logically concerning the reasons that people give for wanting a gun." ...

What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don't like something to saying that the government should forbid it. When you go down that road, don't expect freedom to survive very long. — Thomas Sowell

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