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Newslinks for 1/25/2012

Ask Obama about Gunwalker
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It would be appropriate to see everyone who is outraged by the government's actions, stonewalling and outright lies to get personally involved and to also spread the word about this." ...

What they did, and didn't, talk about at the NFATCA public meeting at the SHOT Show. Whispers of ATF snitches and U.S. vs. Clark.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And that is pretty much all the hot topics from the ATF Town Hall meeting and [National Firearms Act Trade & Collectors Association] meeting."
"Well, no, not actually, because a little bird tells me that there was a lot of gossip and grumbling behind the scenes about NFATCA President John Brown's recent outing as an ATF snitch and just exactly how he is getting sweetheart (i.e., teflon) status in the soon-to-implode case of U.S. vs. Clark. Inquiring minds, it seems, want to know. The background noise of grumbling among NFATCA members is growing. The commoners don't like the 'special status' of the Lairds ..."

"Just how long is the NFATCA going to tolerate a federal confidential informant as their 'leader'? Inquiring minds want to know."

Elle Mag’s Fortini on Firearms: Angst for the Memories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'You look like you need to learn to shoot,' a helpful receptionist advised Amanda Fortini as she sat waiting to see her doctor. Evidently her discomfort and worry showed. 'What the hell? What did she see? Perhaps, I thought, she was referring to the fact that I’m not physically prepossessing—delicately built, with bird-bone wrists and arms. Or maybe she’d fixated on my all-black, un-Montana wardrobe and determined I needed some toughening up. ... I didn't want to be perceived as a human orchid. I decided to learn to shoot.'"

"Fortini's penned a cri de coeur for documenting the mental and emotional gymnastics she’s performed that ultimately brought her to her decision to learn to shoot and actually (gasp!) buy a gun." ...

NSW [Australia] Greens: Three Guns and Done
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Never take your gun rights for granted. Never believe that 'common sense' gun regulations are OK because, well, they seem to make sense. Always keep in mind that the expression 'the camel’s nose under the tent' isn’t just an allegory about avoiding insidious calamity; it’s a barely-coded message from God telling you to defend—to the nth degree—your God-given right to protect yourself and your family from evil. Now, where was I? Oh yes, New South Wales. 'THE NSW Greens hope to reduce gun numbers in the state with new legislation it is putting before parliament,' reports." ...

Protecting New York’s Gangs With Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a rash of out-of-towners (legal gun carriers in their home states) were recently arrested for breaking New York City’s ludicrous gun laws, Michael Walsh details The Strange Birth of New York's Gun Laws at 'The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim (Sullivan) with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.'"

"Responding to public pressure to 'do something' about street gangs, Sullivan had to act. Or at least look like he was. Only one problem. The gangs were a very useful tool of the Tammany Hall political machine. They made sure people voted the way they were supposed to ..." ...

Brady Campaign underpants gnome Dennis Henigan missing the news?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Thursday, Brady Campaign acting director Dennis 'What People?' Henigan ... asserted in the Huffington Post that the 'gun lobby' has 'distanced itself from reality,' in suggesting that 'Project Gunwalker' was intended to justify more 'gun control':" ...

"The fact that a DoJ official feels the need to avail himself of [5th Amendment] protection, though, bodes ill for those who would dismiss this scandal as a paranoid 'conspiracy theory.' ..." ...

"Project Gunwalker" was not a 'botched' operation--it was a massive crime, perpetrated by our own government, to justify attacking our Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human rights. And now is the time to hold those responsible to account."

Blood Dancing (and Lies) at
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" recently published a commentary on the crime situation in Honduras. Titled Honduras, Murder Capital of the World, Proof that NRA’s Gun-Freedom Dream is Flawed they gleefully use this horrific situation to push their flawed and false gun control agenda. In fact, the lies start in the first sentence: 'After every tragic, gun-related multiple homicide, the National Rifle Association claims that if everyone had a gun, the tragedy never would have happened.' Which isn’t even close to reality. ..." ...

Castle doctrine makes St. Louis more dangerous for criminals, safer for citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It's hard to criticize efforts to determine whether or not claims of self-defense actually were self-defense, but one cannot help but wonder if the more intense scrutiny will also be applied to officer-involved shootings in St. Louis. From another Post-Dispatch article:"
"St. Louis officers fire their guns at a higher rate than those in many other metropolitan forces, according to a Post-Dispatch analysis."

"And unlike many other departments, St. Louis has no third party checking the process."
"The private citizens of St. Louis should, after all, not be the 'Only Ones' expected to use lethal force only as a last resort."

New term for gun prohibitionists doesn’t change their agenda
Submitted by: Tom Price

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"There's a new term for extremist gun prohibitionists, courtesy of The Hill, a newspaper that serves Washington, D.C. that can join a lexicon of other terms all designed to hide the fact that those who use the words, or are described by them, want to abolish your gun rights."

"First, 'gun control' became 'gun safety.' Extremist gun laws were 'sensible' and 'reasonable.'"

"And now for the newest insult to America’s intelligence: Gun prohibitionists are now 'gun reformers.'" ...

Support Gun Rights: BUYcott Starbucks on February 13 – 15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Gun Victims Action Council has declared a Valentine’s Day boycott of Starbucks to protest the coffee chain’s support for American gun laws. TTAG Commentator Greg in Allston has a counter-proposal (so to speak) . . ."

"OK everyone, let’s have some real fun, shall we? Good! Listen up and please hear me out. The antis are planning a boycott. Let’s counter with a BUYcott. On February 13, 14 & 15, please make the effort to go to Starbucks and buy something. Don’t like their coffee? Get a tea, a cocoa, a pastry, anything. Thank the clerk for Starbucks’ support of the Constitution. And here’s the cool bit . . ."

"Pay with two dollar bills. ..." ...

The 2nd Amendment: A Concealed Carry Permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Obama was running for president in 2008, he promised to 'fundamentally change America' – a phrase which lucid Americans took as meaning he was going to bring his leftist agenda to bear on us all. And if Obama has had any success as president, it's certainly been his success in changing us fundamentally from a nation under law to a nation that often looks lawless. From a nation in which one feels secure into a nation in which more and more people are feeling that their security is in their own hands (literally). And this has led not only to record breaking gun sales since Obama's election, but also to changes in state laws around the country to make it easier for law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun for their own protection." ...

Friends of NRA announces MidwayUSA as National Corporate Partner for 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is proud to announce that MidwayUSA has donated $50,000 to become a Friends of NRA National Corporate Partner for the third consecutive year."

"The donation will provide funding for NRA Foundation programs such as the Youth Hunter Education Challenge, Women on Target®.and the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program." ...

Bulletproof Transparent Aluminum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bulletproof/resistant glass is so last century. To the delight of and Trekkies everywhere, Surmet Corporation is now manufacturing transparent aluminum. OK, technically it’s a ceramic made from aluminum oxynitride (AlON). But it’s probably as close as we’ll get to Mr. Scott’s magic metal ..." ...

Gun reformers press Obama for action
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Some of the country's most prominent gun reformers are urging President Obama to promote stricter firearm rules in tonight's national address."

"Mayors Against Illegal Guns — a group headed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino – called on Obama this week to use the State of the Union speech to press Congress for tighter background checks on potential weapons buyers." ...

The Second Amendment's Faustian bargain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Consider this trend, pulled from a National Center for Injury Prevention and Control database. Nationally, there were 554 unintentional firearm deaths in 2009. There were 14,161 unintentional firearm injuries in 2010. Between 1999 and 2009, Texas had 643 unintentional firearm deaths."

"Now how about justified shootings? A 1998 study of shootings in and around residences in Memphis, Seattle and Galveston ... revealed that there were four unintentional shootings for every legally justified or self-defense shooting, seven criminal assaults or homicides and 11 attempted or completed suicides."

"Yes, let's appreciate those innocent lives saved and still recognize all the innocent lives taken." ...

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"You know George Soros. ..." ...

"... 'At times like these, survival is the most important thing,'ť he says ... In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties." ...

"As anger rises, riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable. 'Yes, yes, yes,' he says, almost gleefully. The response to the unrest could be more damaging than the violence itself. 'It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.'" ...

WA: Couple Shoot, Kill Home Invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A WA couple was home when a man tried to break into their home. The male homeowner shot the intruder once in the torso. The suspect died in the driveway as he tried to escape after being shot." ...

NM: Homeowner Shoots Armed Home Invader Who Kicked in His Door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A NM homeowner was forced to defend himself after an armed intruder kicked in his around 5AM. The suspect and homeowner exchanged fire. The suspect was hit once and was arrested at a hospital when he sought treatment. The homeowner was not hurt and not charged with any crime." ...

FL: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Charles Robbins
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Charles Robbins of Daytona Beach woke up to hear someone prying his door open, he picked up his handgun. And as the door opened Robbins dropped him in his tracks with one through the brisket. Tyler Orshoski, career criminal, had chosen the wrong house to burgle. . ." ...

MO: "Cat Lady" Fights Off Three Home Invaders Who Broke In To Steal Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Kansas City, MO woman used a gun to fight off three home invaders without firing a shot. The three men, knowing the woman’s love for cats, scratched at her door and pretended to be cats in order to ambush her. Once inside the men went for her late husband’s firearm collection in the basement. The woman retrieved another gun and scared off all of the intruders. A neighbor said she should have shot the men." ...

OH: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ohio homeowner shot and killed an intruder who broke into his home. A woman illegally entered the home, and when confronted by the resident, became physically violent. The homeowner shot the intruder in the chest. The homeowner is in police custody being interviewed, but no charges have been filed." ...

UT: Man Shoots at Home Intruder 3 Times, Suspect Escapes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Utah man fired three shots at a man who broke into his home. The suspect ran from the home immediately and police were unable to locate him. It is unclear if the suspect was hit." ...

Scott L. Bach | Good NRA Leadership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Freedom rest on our shoulders — let's stand proud and defend it together' says three term NRA Board member Scott Bach. 'If all we have left to muster is sheer force of will and bold intention, we will always find a way to defend freedom – always.'"

"These words embody the spirit of a tenacious Second Amendment activist, who has devoted more than a decade to defending gun rights both nationally and on the 'front lines' of the Northwest – where politicians who control government are hostile to firearms freedoms." ...

Fast And Furious Focusing On Feds In Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evidence is mounting that responsibility for the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal traces back to corruption in the Arizona branch of the U.S. Department of Justice, which reports to Attorney General Eric Holder."

"On Friday, the House Oversight Committee was shocked when Patrick J. Cunningham, the head of the criminal division of the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona, announced he would take the Fifth Amendment rather than testify regarding Fast and Furious." ...

NUGENT: Fast and Furious stinks
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "What kind of inebriated idiot would hatch an evil scheme such as this and then believe that, somehow, the guns could be traced to Mexican drug cartels without an electronic tracing component? This isn’t some low-ranking bureaucratic village idiot but a high-ranking government bureaucratic idiot who is paid by U.S. taxpayers." ...

Submitter's note: Uncle Ted sure has a way with words!

Issa on Cunningham: 'We are still going to bring him forward'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Issa's appearance on Fox News answers the question of whether or not Cunningham will still be called before the Committee:"
"We are still going to bring him forward."
"See the sidebar video player for the complete Issa interview." ...

Will Republicans Let Eric Holder Get Away with Murder?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Eric Holder ordered Justice Department Inspector General Cynthia Schnedar to begin an investigation of possible wrongdoing in Operation Fast and Furious it was with just one purpose in mind—enable the Attorney General and other DOJ officials to refuse to answer questions or provide documentation concerning the 'gunwalking' debacle because there is an 'ongoing investigation.' It’s a neat little legal trick the Obama regime has pulled on more than one occasion."

"But although Holder used this dodge of his own creation to keep congressional committee members at bay for nearly a year, it appears the OIG report is just about ready to make its long overdue appearance. ..." ...

There's Something About Mitt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There's no doubt that there is an inner Romney, but it's more doubtful whether that inner Romney really cares about issues. Romney's career has been post-ideological, which may not be such a bad thing, except that what it really means is that he is a great compromiser and his compromises in the past have trended to the left."

"... Romney does not appear to think about issues in terms of political positions, only in problem solving terms. And that's not nearly as good as it sounds. What it means is that if ... guns are an issue, then he will work together with gun control and gun rights advocates to draw up another compromise which may undermine the Second Amendment, but does solve the 'problem'." ...

Help Defeat Obama’s Favorite Anti-Gun Republican
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the evening of Monday, January 30th, in Denver, we have a chance to help get rid of one of the U.S. Senate’s worst Second Amendment votes."

"Richard Mourdock is running against Indiana U.S. Senator Dick Lugar, and will be hosting a fundraiser in the Denver-Metro area."

"Make no mistake about it; Lugar is THE 'Tea Party' target for the 2012 primary season."

"The event is being held in Downtown Denver at Maggiano’s restaurant on Monday, Jan. 30th starting at 6:30pm. The campaign is asking $1,500 per couple to attend the event." ...

GOP Needs a Fighter to Take On Obama (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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2012 presidential election candidate preview
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tennesseans, along with voters in nine other states, will participate in the primary election known as Super Tuesday on March 6." ...

"Newt Gingrich:"

"Gingrich ... is a supporter and defender of the Second Amendment– the right to bear arms. ..." ...

"Ron Paul:"

"The congressman from Texas is running his third presidential campaign, and though he's yet to win a primary or debate, he's not giving up." ...

"He's a supporter of the Second Amendment but does not support higher taxes." ...

This election season, anything goes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Meanwhile, the compliant press that is demanding release of Romney's tax returns has never bothered to hound the president for his failure to release his college records ..."

"... While it's true that Newt has a lot of 'baggage,' it can be said that the president also has a 'baggage' problem."

"I think of a few, like Fast and Furious, Solyndra ... could be viable points of interest to exploit. The administration's preoccupation with abolishing the Second Amendment with whatever devious means they can employ is another issue that many Americans are deeply concerned about."

"It is a dangerous concept to completely disarm a nation and leave them defenseless against the tyranny of the ruling class. ..." ...

Committee hears bills by Flake, Franks to open public lands to shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal officials are eyeing shooting restrictions on more than a million acres of public land, half of which are in Arizona, said Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Mesa, who wants to block the restrictions."

"Flake’s measure was one of two Arizona shooting bills – along with Rep. Trent Frank’s proposal to transfer 315 acres of federal land in Mohave County to the state for use as a shooting range – taken up Tuesday by a House Natural Resources subcommittee."

"The National Rifle Association testified in support of both bills, saying their passage is important to protecting the Second Amendment."

"'You have to be able to exercise your rights,' said Susan Recce, NRA director of conservation, wildlife and natural resources. ..." ...

What NOT to expect from State of the Union message
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An estimated 40 million Americans ... will be viewing Tuesday evening when President Barack Obama delivers his third State of the Union address to Congress, and it is virtually guaranteed he will not mention gun rights or gun control, as that will open the Pandora’s Box of Operation Fast and Furious."

"As Obama tries to make a case for his administration’s handling of the economy – an economy that has put millions of gun owners, along with a lot of other citizens, out of work or at least left them worse off than they were three years ago – he may once again try to blame Bush for the nation's economic woes. ..."

"But he will avoid Fast and Furious like the plague on his presidency that it is. ..." ...

MA: Peabody mayor joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Peabody Mayor Edward A. Bettencourt Jr. announced yesterday that he has joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of 600 mayors committed to keeping guns out of criminal hands."

"'There are 34 gun murders per day in this country. It's an epidemic of violence that undermines public safety here in Peabody and across the country,' said Bettencourt. 'We need to take common-sense actions to prevent illegal gun sales and to help law enforcement protect our community.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Not to pick nits, Ed, but according to the CDC, as of 2009 the firearm related homicide rate is down to a smidge less than 31.5 per day.

CO: Concealed guns without permit bill fails in Colo.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal to let Colorado residents carry concealed weapons without a permit failed Monday over concerns that it would make it easier for criminals and the mentally ill to have guns in public places."

"A Senate committee rejected the bill on a 3-2 party-line vote ... but identical legislation is still running in the Republican-controlled House."

"The bill would allow anyone legally able to have a gun to carry it concealed in public places, including colleges and private schools. Law enforcement officials testified against the bill, saying that removing the need for a concealed-carry permit would eliminate a safeguard authorities have to prevent some people from having weapons." ...

IN: Bill in Senate allows firearms on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine eating at Burger King in the University Center West when a student walks through the doors with a .44 magnum holstered on his hip. Heads would turn, mouths would drop and some students would run in the opposite direction. But such a sight would not be uncommon under proposed Indiana Senate Bill No. 0181."

"The bill, authored by Sen. Jim Banks and Sen. Dennis Kruse- both of representatives of Indiana's northeast districts, 'Prohibits a state agency, including a state supported college or university, from regulating the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories on land that is; or in buildings that are; owned or leased by the state.'" ...

IL: Oak Park meeting highlights handgun safety, use and control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oak Parkresidents, officials and members of the Illinois State Rifle Association from around the state met Tuesday night to weigh in on issues related to handgun safety, use and control in the village."

"The meeting, conducted by the village’s Board of Health, came more than a year after a U.S. Supreme Court decision gutted a local handgun ban and a few weeks after the opening of a gun shop on Roosevelt Road in the western suburb."

"Members of the Illinois State Rifle Association arrived in gold hats, t-shirts and other identifying clothing and were directed by village staff to sit in the back." [emphasis added]

Submitter's Note: Gun owners' status can't be made any clearer than that.

VA: Bill: Force Gun Buyers to Look at Autopsy Photos of Shooting Victims
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"'I think people should make informed choices, and I think this bill would accomplish that.' So said Del. Mark Cole the other day about his bill to force anyone seeking a firearm or concealed-carry permit in Virginia to look at autopsy pictures of shooting victims."

"Autopsy pictures of gunshot wounds aren't pretty, especially those of head shots. But maybe looking at a few would make some of the more thoughtless, irresponsible gun buyers think about the potential consequences of their actions."

"You disagree? Well, so does Cole, actually. In fact, he has not introduced any such legislation. To the contrary, he has introduced a bill (HB140) that would allow people to carry concealed firearms without a permit. ..." ...

Supreme Court GPS Ruling: "Dramatic Ramifications" for Gun Owners
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The Supreme Court yesterday unanimously sided with Gun Owners of America in finding that the placement of a Global Positioning Device on an automobile constitutes a 'search' for purposes of the Fourth Amendment."

"The majority opinion in U.S. v. Jones was written by Justice Antonin Scalia and follows GOA's reasoning to throw out the 'reasonable expectation of privacy' test which has been thought to be the dominant Fourth Amendment standard in recent years." ...

"'The 'expectation of privacy' test for searches and seizures arose without support in the text or historical context of the Fourth Amendment, and has proven wholly inadequate to protect the American people from their government,' argued GOA." ...

US Supreme Court Declines to Review More Second Amendment Decisions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Despite the number of certiorari denials in Second Amendment cases, the fact that the Supreme Court has been requesting responses in many of these cases shows the Justices are paying unusually close attention to the Second Amendment issue. Of the roughly 8000 petitions for review filed with the Supreme Court every year, the Court only requests a response from the opposing party in a few hundred. When the Court requests a response brief, it is a strong sign that the Court is interested in hearing argument in a case. ..."

"The fact that the Supreme Court requested a response in all these cases does not mean the Court thinks the cases were decided correctly. ..." ...

Court: Government Can't Simply Bar Drug Users from Owning Guns
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The Federal Criminal Appeals blog reports on a decision from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding when the government can use drug possession as an excuse to deny weapons-possession rights. In short, it can't just assert that there is a good reason to bar drug users from guns: it has to try to prove it. But the Court also seems to think such proof won't be too hard."

"Let's take a walk through the decision to see what happened and why the Fourth Circuit decided as it did:" ...

KABA Note: Well at least they applied the intermediate scrutiny standard instead of the ludicrous (especially for a specifically enumerated fundamental right) "rational basis" standard.

Never Let a High Profile International Meeting Go to Waste
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"L. Neil Smith once said (and yes, I quote him a lot because he’s articulate and insightful), 'People accuse me of being a single-issue writer, a single- issue thinker, and a single- issue voter, but it isn't true. What I've chosen, in a world where there's never enough time and energy, is to focus on the one political issue [gun rights] which most clearly and unmistakably demonstrates what any politician — or political philosophy — is made of, right down to the creamy liquid center.' We can see no clearer an illustration of this than what is going on right now in Chicago. . ." ...

Armed Pilots Want to Carry Guns Outside Cockpits (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Marcus Flagg – President of the Federal Flight Deck Officer Association."

CA: CHP officer who killed husband recovering after courtroom collapse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former California Highway Patrol officer who collapsed in court after she was found guilty of murdering her husband was wheeled out of the courtoom on a stretcher and was recovering Monday in a hospital."

"Tomiekia Johnson was convicted Monday of murdering Marcus Lemons more than two years ago after a night of drinking in Compton." ...

VA: Former Portsmouth officer gets 10 years for child porn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Portsmouth police sergeant was sentenced to 10 years in prison Monday after pleading guilty in federal court to distributing child pornography."

"Thomas Humphries, 63, of Portsmouth, faced as much as 22 years in prison under federal guidelines." ...

"The government asked for a sentence of between 210 and 262 months in prison. Humphries' lawyer, Richard Doummar, said a sentence of five years would be sufficient, given Humphries' years of police and community work."

"U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Allen essentially split the difference." ...

Submitter's Note: Equal protection? What equal protection!

NY: Latest NYC Gun Law Casualty: Navy SEAL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shaun Day made the mistake of running a red at 12:30 a.m. in the city that never sleeps. When pulled over by the cops, they found a 9mm and three mags in his truck. Day told the cops he was a Navy SEAL but didn’t have any proof. As a result, he spent a day in Bellevue under psychiatric care. Until, that is, the Navy sent people to confirm he actually is a SEAL and got him the hell out of there. . ." ...

RI: Lincoln cop guilty in assault case (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guilty. That was the verdict handed down by a Providence Superior Court judge in the assault case against a Lincoln police officer."

"The judge convicted Officer Edward Krawetz of felony battery with a dangerous weapon."

"Krawetz was accused of kicking a handcuffed woman outside Twin River casino in 2009 after the woman tried to kick him. The incident was caught on surveillance camera." ...

"It's not the first time Krawetz has been convicted of assault. In 2001 he was convicted of misdemeanor assault after he punched a man who was jogging with friends in Cumberland. He was suspended for 30 days following that case." ...

OH: Cincinnati officer accused of burglary and attack on woman, has faced charges in past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Cincinnati police officer is facing a felony burglary charge after police said he took part in a violent crime over the weekend. NewsChannel5's sister station, WCPO in Cincinnati, also learned it is not the first time he has allegedly been on the wrong side of the law."

"Police say Ronald Kiner allegedly broke into a home on Paul Street in O'Bryonville early Saturday morning. Police reports said he broke into a woman's home, choked her and left a gun on her chest." ...

NE: Former Police Sergeant Sentenced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Omaha Police Sergeant Lance Harrison was sentenced to 120 days in jail Monday for making terroristic threats. Harrison was arrested in 2010 after a road rage incident." ...

WV: Convicted felon running for Lincoln Co. Sheriff
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Former Lincoln County Assessor and convicted felon Jerry Weaver is again running for public office." ...

"And, though he is a convicted felon, Weaver could carry a firearm while on the job."

"According to U.S. Code, felon gun restrictions don't apply to ... guns or ammunition for use by the United States, any department or agency of the federal government, any state or any subdivision of a state." ...

"[U.S. District Attorney Booth] Goodwin said federal gun possession law also includes a 'bodyguard statute,' which prohibits any person employed by felon from carrying firearm. ..."

"If Weaver were elected sheriff, his deputies would be considered his employees ..."

"West Virginia law may still prevent Weaver from packing heat." ...

IL: New Lenox [IL] Locks Up Local Gun Dealer. More or Less.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Downrange Sports is your average ordinary gun dealer operating out of Lenox, Illinois. Unfortunately, the village of 25 thousand souls is situated just 36 miles southwest Chicago; a city that is to gun rights what The Wiggles are to Opera. Last December, perps stole guns from Downrange. Twice. Ten guns went walkies in the first theft, five in the second. Despite the relatively small number of weapons pilfered and the fact that cops collared a culprit immediately after one of the break-ins, Mayor Tim Baldermann and the New Lenox Public Safety Committee have had enough. reports that they’ve cooked-up a city ordinance that would have Downrange’s owners wondering if they suddenly woke up in Communist Russia . . ." ...

FL: Hernando County commissioners not powerless to regulate home gun dealer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Theatrical indignation aside, Hernando commissioners missed an opportunity Tuesday to affirm their own home-rule authority over an intrusive Legislature. After a two-hour hearing, the commission, with only Jim Adkins correctly dissenting, approved an earlier decision from its Planning and Zoning Commission allowing retail gun sales in a residential neighborhood. Both Commissioners David Russell and Wayne Dukes lamented an inability to do otherwise because of a 2011 state law that prohibits local governments from enforcing firearm regulations." ...

A man may conduct himself well in both adversity and good fortune, but if you want to test his character, give him power. —ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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