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Newslinks for 1/26/2005

GA: Robbers shot dead -- Athens teens killed in 'self-defense'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Athens teens engaged a pair of Oglethorpe County store owners in a shootout during a botched robbery Monday afternoon and lost, both paying with their lives."

"Bobby Doster and Gloria Turner said they opened fire on the robbers after one of them complained Turner was too slow in handing over money from the cash register. He turned and fired at Doster, missing the 62-year-old owner of Shoat's Grocery and Package Store ..."

"When the gunman's pistol jammed while squeezing the trigger repeatedly, Doster said, he took his own gun out of his overalls and fired as both robbers ran toward the back of the store. The store owner was joined by his common-law wife of 30 years, who said she managed to get off at least two or three shots from the 9 mm handgun kept behind the counter." ...

FL: Teen Dies After Botched Robbery
Submitted by: John Isaacs

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Two teens were shot at The Preserves Apartments in Paradise Island on the Southside Saturday, during an apparent robbery gone bad. One of those teens died.

Police say four teens tried to rob a man at gunpoint in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

Investigators say the victim of the robbery was also armed with a gun. They say, as he tried to get away, a fight started. That's when the victim apparently pulled out his own gun and fired several shots, hitting two of the suspects.

David U. McCray, 16, was killed. Aaron J. Muhammad, 17, was also shot and injured. The two other teens allegedly involved, Carl A. Jones, 15, and Oren A. Louder, 18, are in police custody.

Submitter's Note: Shouldn't the first sentence of this report claim it as a robbery gone good?

CA: Gun Law Study: More Blacks Face Felonies
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A study of California's weapons registration law found that blacks were far more likely to be charged with a felony than whites, who were more often charged with a misdemeanor for the same offense."

"The study by state Attorney General Bill Lockyer prompted calls for changes from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; the lawmaker who authored the legislation defended it."

"The study examined data on how the law, which took effect Jan. 1, 2000, is being applied. The law makes it illegal for anyone to possess a gun who is not registered with the state as that firearm's owner. Offenders can be charged with a felony or a misdemeanor, a lesser count." ...

WI: Details of crime, life make for sad story [follow-up]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's hard to feel sorry for Edward G. Travis Jr., who armed himself to rob a convenience store and wound up dead in front of the meat counter." ...

"Last Thursday, Travis ran into the Ayesh Food Market at 19th and Hampton with a knife over his head like the shower scene in 'Psycho' and yelled, 'Give me the money or I'll kill you.'"

"Store workers chose neither option. The cashier grabbed a revolver and leaped over the counter. By then, another worker had run to the back of the store with Travis in pursuit."

"Travis then cornered the cashier, who emptied the gun into him."

"Too many of these corner-store robberies go the other way. The clerks, even those who cooperate and hand over money, are killed by the intruders." ...

AZ: Videotape presented in court at hiker's trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The defense attorney for retired Valley teacher Harold Fish presented a videotape in court here Tuesday intending to show that the man Fish said he killed in self-defense was running 'full bore' at him at the time of the shooting." ...

"Fish, who was not injured, claims he was justified in shooting Kuenzli, who he said charged at him yelling death threats after Fish fired two warning shots to stop Kuenzli's dogs from attacking him." ...

"Lessler said a tracking expert with the Coconino County Sheriff's Department concluded that Kuenzli 'loped' down a hill at Fish 'faster than a walk, but slower than a jog' at up to 8 mph."

"McDonald's video showed someone demonstrating how fast 8 mph is on an exercise treadmill."

VA: Making safety a habit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE BAD GUYS count on our not thinking about their intent."

"They count on our unlocked doors and windows, our unshredded trash and our inattentiveness to our surroundings."

"Through the years, I have developed a set of safety rules to protect myself from the bad guys. But after attending a two-hour women's safety awareness course last week, I realize that my safety net had some holes."

"The course was offered at the Marshall Center. The instructor, John Wills, is a retired FBI special agent and former Chicago police officer. He says safety awareness is as important as self-defense techniques."

"Self-defense can help you get out of a dangerous situation, but safety awareness can keep you from getting into one, he said." ...

MD: Marylanders Send Letters, Demand An End To Arbitrary Firearm Licensing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland grassroots organization Maryland Shall Issue pushes for a bill that will end arbitrary discrimination in permitting law-abiding citizens to carry firearms. They propose a system that would allow anyone who passes an FBI background check, isn't a felon, isn't mentally ill, and passes a safety course to receive a permit, similar to the shall-issue laws in 37 other states, including Virginia."

"Maryland Shall Issue has gathered hundreds of volunteers, distributed more than 2500 bumper stickers, collected over a thousand letters to Governor Ehrlich and other representatives, and made their presence known at ranges and gun shows across the state. Their goal is to pass legislation allowing any qualified citizen to carry a firearm." ...

UK: Violent crime rises
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"VIOLENT crime in England and Wales rose by six per cent in the third quarter of last year, new Government figures revealed today."

"There was a rise of five per cent in firearms offences in the year to September, up to 10,670 on the previous year."

"The figures revealed a seven per cent increase in violence against the person to 268,100 offences in the three months, compared with 250,200 in the same period in 2003."

"The statistics on gun crime showed a 48 per cent increase in the use of imitation firearms."

"Serious injuries from gun crime fell five per cent and the use of handguns fell 15 per cent, use of shotguns fell four per cent and the use of rifles remained stable." ...

UK: Pledge over 34% rise in gun crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUN CRIME on Merseyside rocketed last year, government figures today revealed."

"The number of firearms offences recorded by Merseyside police in the year up to April increased from 318 in 2003 to 483 in 2004, a rise of 34%." ...

"Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Lawson said: 'Whilst most of us on Merseyside will never be the victim of a firearm offence, or come into contact with a firearm, we're still taking the crime very seriously.'" ...

"There were an average of 35 firearms offences per 100,000 people in Merseyside in the 12 months to April 2004 - a higher rate than everywhere in England and Wales other than London, Greater Manchester and the West Midlands." ...

NY: Cop accused of taking porn pix of rocker's brutalized kin
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A NYPD detective has been charged with taking sexually explicit photos of legendary rocker David Bowie's stepdaughter after she was brutally raped, it was disclosed yesterday." ...

"Vecchio, who allegedly snapped the photos of Lipka in her hospital room, was charged with two misdemeanor counts of official misconduct in November, but the NYPD did not publicly disclose his arrest." ...

"According to court papers, the victim was raped in her waterfront townhouse in Staten Island. She was treated at St. Vincent's Medical Center."

"Vecchio and Holbert visited her there while she was heavily medicated and on a suicide watch, and took 'unnecessary, unauthorized and illegal photographs of [her] unclothed body with their NYPD-issued camera.'"

"Several weeks later, the detectives went to her home where Vecchio 'coerced [her] into having sexual contact with him,' and Holbert 'attempted inappropriate sexual contact' with the victim, the complaint contends." ...

VA: Items still missing from stolen Norton police vehicle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Norton Police Sgt. Eddie Bevins, a member of the Regional Drug Task Force, left the 1999 Ford Explorer unlocked and running while he darted for just a minute into his mother's home in Ramsey. Bevins returned to find the vehicle gone." ...

"Bevins said last week he had three weapons in the vehicle, and one had been recovered.

"[Norton Police Lt. Dennis] Brummitte said Friday there were six weapons in the vehicle when it was stolen and four are still missing."

"Bevins' department-issued .40-caliber pistol and 12-gauge shotgun were inside the vehicle when it was stolen. Also inside were four personal weapons, which included another .40 caliber pistol, a .22 caliber pistol, a .410-gauge shotgun and an AR-15 assault rifle, Brummitte said." ...

MI: Dad calls accidental shooting a 'wake-up'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For 15 seconds, a Norvell Township dad let his guard down."

"Two weeks later, Michael Knott continues to replay the incident in his mind in which an 8-year-old Canton boy was accidentally shot in his home. He expects to be tormented by the memory for the rest of his life, although the boy escaped with a graze wound on his heel."

"On Monday in District Court, Knott entered a no-contest plea to a firearm safety inspection violation in the Jan. 8 incident. ..." ...

"'You start to get to the point where you believe everything you do is right,' said Knott, 43, an Army major who teaches military science at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. ..." [emphasis added]...

Israel: Weapons Confiscation is Only the Beginning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are those who believe that we are paranoid. How could we possibly suspect the prime minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, or any of his underlings, of attempting to diminish our security? Rubbish!"

"Well, last Thursday, the civilian head of Hebron's security apparatus, Yoni Bleichbard, who is employed by the Defense Ministry, received a phone call from an officer in the Hebron brigade. She notified Yoni that his weapon's license, permitting him to carry an M-16 rifle, had been voided and that he was now classified as 'weapons-negated'. The reason: unknown. The source of the decision: somewhere up there – Central Command or higher. The result: yesterday, Yoni was forced to 'return' his rifle to the authorities that be. In other words, Hebron's security chief is forbidden to carry the primary tool of his trade, that tool which is used to offer protection and defense, should the need arise, to any of the Hebron community's hundreds of residents or thousands of visitors." ...

India: Eight civilians killed in army firing in Assam
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Army near Guwahati in Assam.

Reports indicate that the Army, while conducting search operations, had mistaken them to be militants.

But the Army has denied these reports. They say it's not a case of mistaken identity and they only fired in self-defence after being fired upon.

The Army says it received reports of a weapons cache in village Saila Mari near Hajo, which is 25 km from Guwahati.

A patrol was sent to investigate but it was surrounded by about 400 to 500 villagers.

When the villagers opened fire, the Army says they fired back in self-defence.

The Army claims three villagers were killed and five injured. However, the army did not find any weapons.

Jamaica: 'Gunshots and crying'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CIVILIAN witness testified yesterday at the Braeton murder trial that she heard a barrage of gunshots and men 'bawling' for murder and help from inside a house ..."

"The witness said she was in her living room, about 20 feet away from the house in which the men were shouting for help. She estimated that the time of the incident was between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m."

"She was testifying for the Crown at the trial of six policemen charged with the murder of seven young men."

"... The Crown is alleging at the trial in the Home Circuit Court that the policemen were not acting in lawful self-defence when the men were fatally shot. Police witnesses testified for the Crown that it was men from inside the house who fired first at the police party." ...

Mozambique: Journalists Union Denounces Police Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Mozambican Journalists' Union (SNJ) has condemned Saturday's police violence against reporters who were attempting to cover the return to the country of Anibal dos Santos Junior ('Anibalzinho'), the man who led the death squad that assassinated the country's foremost investigative journalist, Carlos Cardoso, on 22 November 2000." ...

"Immigration officials detained him at Toronto International Airport, and he was deported eight months later. On his arrival at the Maputo military air base in a South African police plane on Saturday morning, dozens of journalists were waiting for him." ...

"But eventually the journalists caught up with Anibalzinho as the police were bundling him into the Maputo City Police Command, where a special cell has been prepared for him. On the road outside the Command, the police manhandled journalists, and threatened them with their rifles. Attempts were made to seize cameras, and some reporters were thrust against walls." ...

WA: Dozens turn out in opposition to gun control bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dozens of gun control opponents packed a Senate hearing Tuesday on several bills that would ban assault weapons, close the gun show loophole and ban weapons from the Capitol."

"In the largest committee meeting since the legislative session began Jan. 10, about 200 people filled the Senate judiciary hearing room and an overflow room. Citizen opponents appeared to far outnumber the proponents, who were mostly lawmakers, public officials and antigun groups."

"'Where does it stop?' asked Anton Rehling, a business owner and National Rifle Association member who lives in Olympia. 'This isn't about the pros and cons of guns, it's about the freedom of our right to own and bear arms.'" ...

GA: Sinkwich III: The psychology of beer [another anti-gun jab]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To understand beer is to understand the psyche of man."

"But you could say it goes beyond that - understanding beer is equal to understanding civilization. For civilization is what separates us from the monkeys and the rest of the animal kingdom."

"The opposable thumb is nothing more than a physical attribute that both favors and dooms man as it allows him to create a glass of beautifully aged wine, a refreshing glass of beer or - worse - a semi-automatic pistol, designed specifically for killing his fellow man." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: You can contact this individual at to correct his ignorance.

IN: Council delays weapons ordinance
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Further discussion of a new weapons ordinance for the town is delayed until April." ...

"The draft ordinance, spurred by concerns last fall over the safety of residents with deer hunters out in the town, would ban gun discharge or any firearm or projectile within town limits including 'handguns, rifles, shotguns, BB guns, air or gas-powered pellet guns, or any other projectiles,' with a $2,500 fine upon conviction of a violation." ...

IL: Orland Park ponders pellet-gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Orland Park is looking at ways to regulate pellet gun sales in the village — maybe even going as far as a complete ban — to keep the often realistic-looking guns out of town."

"Trustee Ed Schussler, who chairs the police committee, asked Police Chief Tim McCarthy on Monday night to see what the village can do to limit kids' access to the guns, particularly replicas manufactured to look real."

"Schussler fears pellet guns may spark an accidental police shooting if cops can't immediately see the gun is fake."

"'I'd hate to see some kid get shot because he's scared, and he pulls a pellet gun on the police,' Schussler said. 'No one wants to see that.'" ...

CA: Ventura council votes on pistol range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ventura City Council muzzled a long simmering noise dispute early this morning, voting to shut down a popular public pistol range in Grant Park in a year but stopped short of reducing its hours of operation during that time."

"After more than two hours of impassioned testimony, the council voted 5-2 to give the operator of the city-owned range, whose lease expires Monday, a one-year extension."

"Though the public will have to go elsewhere, Ventura police will continue mandatory training at the 47-year-old facility on Brakey Road in Grant Park, high above City Hall." ...

MD: Hopkins student found slain in Charles Village high-rise
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"A Johns Hopkins University student whose body was found Sunday afternoon in her Charles Village apartment was the victim of homicide, the state medical examiner's office determined yesterday."

"The slaying - the second in the Hopkins community in nine months - stunned students and administrators and prompted university President William R. Brody to announce tighter security around the high-rise apartment building where 21-year-old Linda Trinh was found dead." ...

"In the meantime, security at the sprawling North Baltimore campus will be tightened, Brody said. A guard will be stationed around the clock at The Charles, and city police will step up patrols in the area." ...

KABA Note: Johns Hopkins prohibits students from having any kind of weapons. According to "In MD it is almost impossible for a non-resident to get a [carry] permit. For that matter most MD residents can't either."

CA: Letter showed bias against all guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was disturbed by a recent letter to the editor which urged the reconsideration of the so-called assault weapons ban ("Reconsider weapons ban," Forum, The Reporter, Jan. 16). It is evident to me that the letter writer either doesn't know the legal definition of an assault weapon or she is attempting to mislead readers into the conclusion that the assault weapons ban that expired in September allowed automatic weapons to be sold again, which it did not."

"Under current state and federal law, assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms that look scary. The legal definition of an assault weapon is largely based on cosmetic features such as pistol grips and collapsing stocks. So-called assault weapons are no more powerful than your average hunting rifle." ...

South Africa: PW's son: 'I'll only leave if I can't defend myself'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The son of former president PW Botha, Piet, has denied saying he would leave South Africa as a result of the new Firearms Control Act."

"'What I did say was that I would consider leaving South Africa if I am forced to give up my means to personal self-defence,' he said in a statement on Tuesday." ...

"According to the article, Botha and his wife carry .40 Smith & Wessons."

"In the article he explained that his wife had to drive past three squatter camps on her way to work."

"Botha said on Tuesday it was far too early to predict the outcome of the implementation of the new law." ...

"The new law is an attempt by government to limit gun ownership." [emphasis added]

Philippines: Vigilante deaths in Cebu City rise to 20; same gun used in 4 killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems that the vigilante group roaming around the city is composed only of a few persons."

"This possibility has become apparent as authorities confirmed that only one gun was used in four different killings of suspected criminals here."

"This revelation came as the alleged Death Squad claimed the life of another suspected drug pusher last Monday afternoon. He was the 20th man to fall in another vigilante-style killing that started in late December."

"Teofilo Iliga, 55, a suspected drug pusher, was shot dead by motorcycle riding gunmen in front of a tire-supply store on MJ Cuenco Ave., this city. The police, however, ruled out that vigilantes are behind the attack on Iliga." ...

Sri Lanka: Weapons factory raided in Chilaw
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wennapuwa Police yesterday uncovered an illegal weapons manufacturing plant in Waikkala and nabbed the principal suspect. Police also seized over 50 disassembled parts of pistols, equipment and machinery used for the manufacturing."

"Chilaw SP Crimes, Roshan Fernando told the Daily news yesterday that the arms cache was raided last evening on a tip-off. Preliminary Police investigations had revealed that the suspect had been engaged in manufacturing weapons for nearly three years."

"The suspects had told Police that several politicians and underworld gang members had approached him during previous elections for their requirements, SP said." ...

UK: One-armed man caged for claw hammer attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A ONE-armed man who battered his partner over the head with a claw hammer for "ignoring him at a nightclub" has been jailed for four years."

"William Kyle, 56, also used a kitchen knife to stab Margaret Pullen as she lay in a pool of blood begging for help on the floor of their kitchen."

"Even after she pretended to pass out he continued his frenzied attack with the hammer."

"When she managed to escape from the house she was chased down the road by blood splattered Kyle. The 52-year-old mother climbed into the car of a passer-by who drove her away as Kyle pounded on the windows." ...

Submitter's Note: Better ban those claw hammers and kitchen knives!

Philippines: Loose guns can now be licensed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holders of loose firearms can now avail of a government offer for a license following President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s approval of an amnesty grant aimed at reducing the number of unlicensed guns nationwide."

"Supt. Rey Lyndon Lawas, chief of the Firearms and Explosives Section of the Police Regional Office, said Arroyo had already signed Executive Order 390 granting another amnesty to loose firearm holders."

"But Lawas said they are yet to start accepting license applications for loose firearms because they are still waiting for the Implementing Rules and Regulations from Camp Crame." ...

South Africa: Police Urge Illegal Gun Owners to Heed Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in KwaZulu-Natal have expressed concern that people are not taking full advantage of the amnesty to hand in their illegal guns without prosecution."

"According to the police, only 31 firearms and 972 rounds of ammunition were handed in at police stations in the province since the beginning of the amnesty in January 2005."

"Police warned that anyone found illegally possessing firearms, parts thereof and ammunition during or after the amnesty period could face criminal prosecution."

"This amnesty period will continue through to 31 March 2005."

"So far 31 firearms - including 28 pistols, two riffles and one shotgun - had been handed in at various police stations in the province." ...

Ghana: Four Slaughtered in Gang Style Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four people including the former Deputy Financial Controller of Ghana Telecom were executed in a gangland style murder Sunday night, provoking fears that the murderers knew the victims, as they left without taking away any valuables."

"Mr. Kwaku Awuah Boateng, 61, was cut down with AK 47 assault rifles which were also turned on three others including his niece at his house in Dome Pillar Two, a suburb of Accra." ...

"They then held all five persons at gun point and demanded that they bring out Mr. Boateng who was by then in his room."

"At this time, they began hitting Boateng in the ribs with the butt of their guns and subsequently shot him through the chest." ...

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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