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Newslinks for 1/26/2009

NY: A Pro-Gun Pick?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"So what, am I just belly-aching again? Nothing is good enough? Maybe I'd have preferred Caroline Kennedy?

"Hey, I'm just pointing out that what the enemies of gun rights would have the world believe is 'pro-gun' is hardly a benchmark definition we should settle for. Why would you let someone who hates guns define a line over which anyone who crosses can be labeled an 'extremist'"?

Do gun buybacks work?
Submitted by: jghilty

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Officials say taking hundreds of firearms increases safety, but analysts assert it does little to reduce crime...
By dawn, the line of people turning in guns at the Uniondale church was snaking out the door.

It was Nassau's first gun buyback in 20 years, and by the end of that December day, police had taken in 424 handguns and shotguns at four churches - such an unexpectedly large number that they burned through the $50,000 officials had allocated and had to issue IOUs.

A gun buyback in Suffolk the same weekend also far surpassed expectations, enforcement officials proclaimed overwhelming success.

But nationwide, a debate has long raged about whether such events really take guns out of the hands of criminals.

NC: Another City Dumps Red Light Cameras
Submitted by: Larry

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Add Rocky Mount to the growing list of North Carolina cities that have dumped red light cameras after the state's highest court insisted that profit from the devices must be given to the public schools. The city last week decided to allow its contract with Traffipax, a German ticket camera operator, to expire without renewal.

Like most North Carolina cities, Rocky Mount was eager to install cameras in September 2002, adding a total of five intersections to the program to ensure a steady stream of revenue. By 2005, The National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running, the red light camera industry trade group run by the public relations firm Blakey and Agnew, created data designed to show incredible accident reductions at intersections within the state that used red light cameras. The programs were all declared a success.

"North Carolina ranks third in the nation for the number of communities using this technology," the industry group boasted in a press release.

This excitement ended in 2007 when the state supreme court upheld a ruling that found Article IX, Section 7 of the North Carolina Constitution applied to red light camera tickets. The provision states that "the clear proceeds of all penalties... shall be... used exclusively for maintaining free public schools" (read final opinion). This meant that local governments had to turn over photo ticketing revenue to the schools and not the general municipal operating budget. Any city wishing to continue its photo ticketing program would have to pay for it.

Amid Economic Fears, Gun Sales Booming
Submitted by: jghilty

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(CBS) "I've been through Y2K and I've been through 9/11," says gun shop owner Scott Moss. " I have never seen people so afraid as what we are seeing right now.

Business is booming at gun shops across the country, reports CBS news...And at his store, Moss says it's because of uncertainty fueled by the economic crisis.

"If the banks didn't have any money there'd be rioting in the streets," says Moss. "So you're protecting yourself from Americans going crazy, rioting, looting and hurting each other." ...

Moss says his sales are up something like 300 percent.

Moss also believes says fears that President Obama might make it more difficult to get a gun have led people to flock to his Norwalk, Conn. store.

NY: Gillibrand starts courting downstate voters
Submitted by: jghilty

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Sen. designate Kirsten E. Gillibrand started her statewide “listening tour” Saturday in the heart of Harlem — far from the upstate farmlands she has represented as a congresswoman...

Gillibrand appearing at a weekly rally held by the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Sharpton introduced her to the crowd by making note of their political differences...Gillibrand has opposed gun control. ...When pressed on guns, Gillibrand... She said she was willing to meet with anti-violence groups and listen to what they had to say.

When asked whether some NRA positions on gun ownership might contradict the gun-control needs of a community like Harlem, she said, “There might well be,” adding, “I’ll look into it.”

MT: Aggressive gun-rights bill widely supported, opposed
Submitted by: Rockpicker

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“But Montana’s law-enforcement community, including Gallatin County Sheriff Jim Cashell, came out strongly against the bill at the hearing, saying it could escalate gun violence and make it easier for criminals to cite self defense to avoid prosecution.”.........
“Law-enforcement officials are supporting two other gun bills that also clarify self defense laws in Montana, but which are narrower in scope.”
Submitters note:
Read Sections 1 and 11 to see why certain prosecutors and law enforcement officials don't like HB 228 Link to to section by section explanations of HB 228

Questions on the American Rifle for Author Alex Rose
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Most people only think of a rifle as a firearm with grooves in the barrel that help bullets fly straight. But military historian Alex Rose, author of American Rifle: A Biography, says that Americans have a special relationship with rifles that represents a way of thinking. PM's Joe Pappalardo sat down with Alex Rose to discuss America's obsession with rifles.

NY: Paterson should celebrate gun victim Nyasia Pryear-Yar, not gun fan Kirsten Gillibrand
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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As our new pro-gun rights senator visited Harlem, an overflow crowd packed a Brooklyn church for the funeral of a magical straight-A student who is the latest innocent to die by a bullet. Super bright, witty and warm, 17-year-old Nyasia Pryear-Yard was killed a week ago when a punk fired into a crowded dance. Her death clearly made no big impression on Gov. Paterson. He went ahead and appointed Kirsten Gillibrand as our new senator even though she has actively pushed legislation that would make it even harder to control illegal handguns.

CO: Concealed-carry permit requests soar in county
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The number of people applying for concealed-carry weapons permits in Larimer County rose dramatically in the final months of 2008, starting one month before the nation elected Barack Obama as president. The Larimer County Sheriff's Office received an average of 70 applications a month through the first nine months of 2008, then saw that spike to 107, 137 and 155 in October, November and December, respectively. There have been 98 applications submitted this month. Few of those applications have been denied, officials said.

Holder Clutches at Gun Rights
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"One could ask where is John McCain, or where are any of the senators endorsed and supported with NRA effort and treasure in their successful 2008 campaigns?

"If the assumption is 'all the current Democratic senators,' what can we expect from our new shining 'pro-gun Democrat' star? Or we might ask where our 'true champion of Second Amendment freedoms' Max Baucus stands...or Tim Johnson...or...

"Too bad they've been given a pass, and that a vote for Holder will not affect their NRA ratings."

Praxis: Training Elmer Fudd? Maybe he should train you.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Before we get into our subject matter, troops, I have a mea culpa. I have referred to hunters who exhibit no interest into defending their Second Amendment rights and who are willing to throw MY right to own military pattern rifles under the bus as "Elmer Fudds." Many of us Three Percenters do. It is understandable to resent folks who you believe are totally without a clue when the threat to you seems so real, so imminent.
However, adopting this attitude across-the-board, that is, by looking at all politically non-involved hunters as "Elmer Fudds" is not only wrong, it is counter-productive. My thinking has changed thanks to several conversations I have had with folks over the last few months which finally crystalized for me this week.

One Hundred Heads
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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You have no idea how humbling the response as been to Absolved and this website. These are serious issues. Issues that, in the fullness of time, could get people killed. Yet what I write apparently resonates with people because God has given me a talent for expressing what they have long believed.

All of my work has been motivated by a desire to avoid conflict over these principles we hold so dear. If I bluntly warn liberal politicians, media types and academics of the folly of their proposals, it is because I don't want my children and grandchildren to have to suffer the ghastly experience of civil war.

It has always been my belief that if people understood where this is heading, there was a least a chance of avoiding it. . .

WA: New gun rules do not affect Olympia National Park
Submitted by: jghilty

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PORT ANGELES -- A new federal rule that allows visitors to carry loaded firearms into Olympic National Park has not changed the way the park operates...

"We haven't noticed any difference operationally as a result of that," Olympic National Park superintendent Karen Gustin said...

She said it isn't likely to have much of an impact in the 922,650-acre Olympic National Park.

"We are not a high-crime park,"Law enforcement rangers are going to have to be much more careful and much more suspicious," Wade said.

"It just takes away a little bit from that specialness that national parks have been accorded for years and years and years."

NY: N.Y. Politicos Push Gillibrand on Guns
Submitted by: gemalo

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New York Mike Bloomberg, the co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, issued a statement saying that he, too, was concerned about Gillibrand's position on guns.

"I have a strong disagreement with one area of her record as a member of Congress: illegal guns," said Bloomberg. "She has actively opposed the efforts of New York City, and cities around the state and nation, to enact commonsense measures that keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. For instance, she has voted to keep critical data needed to track illegal gun traffickers from law enforcement, has voted to tie the hands of the ATF, and has also voted to protect dealers who sell guns illegally."

Submitter's note: Schumer and Bloomberg trying to co-opt the new Senator's views about guns. Slimeballs.

It's 'The Carolyn McCarthy Show'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Well what would you call someone who wants to ban something--who wants to make criminals out of people who possess something she doesn't approve of--and she doesn't even know what it is?...

"These are the people who would use the power of the state to disarm you and me. They insist on imposing their ignorance on the rest of us-- under force of law."

Tea Party
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Karl Denninger has a good idea here.

Will it work? It depends on how you quantify success. It will not change their minds, but it might help focus our own people on the fact that they are not helpless in this event -- that they are STILL citizens. I like the fact that it is a threat without being a threat. If we can get some soon-to-be-muzzled talk show hosts to get on board, it is quite possible that the offices of the Mandarins could be inundated with them. After all, it takes little expense and time. Do it in the breaks between the reloading parties and the cache positioning field trips.

The Dweeze, who forwarded me this, has an even better idea. Mark "III" on the tags. . .

Would a Nicer NRA be more Effective?
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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The NRA, which memorably alienated some of its supporters by calling agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms “jackbooted thugs” shortly before the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, surely has been guilty of hyperbole and rhetorical excess over the years. (So, too, have countless organizations that rely on direct mail to raise money—including, as Feldman notes, the NRA’s opponents.) But it’s not true that the NRA never compromises.

GA: Gun show business booming
Submitted by: jghilty

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Donna McCutcheon doesn’t hunt or own a gun, yet still wants the right to bear arms. But as she surveyed hundreds of weapons enthusiasts during the weekend Eastman Gun and Knife Show... she thought many were displaying overkill.

“It seems like everyone’s scared,” the Adairsville resident said on Saturday. “I know the new (Obama) administration is for gun control, but I think it will be limited in what they can do. As far as a ban goes, I don’t see how they could take all the guns away, but it seems like everyone here is scared all the guns are going to be bought up or taken away. I just want the right to have a gun.”...

“They may try to move in these changes slow, but there will be resistance.”

IL: Police Board rarity: 2 cops fired
Submitted by: jghilty

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The Chicago Police Board has taken the rare step of firing two cops -- one for beating a shoplifting suspect, the other for having a relationship with a felon.

Officer Karen Oaks was found guilty of having a relationship with a felon who was the subject of a drug investigation in her district. Lawyers for the city presented evidence that Oaks, assigned to the Central District, made several calls to the felon in the days leading to his arrest in a larger March 2005 drug bust...
n the second case, Officer Larry Guy Jr. was fired for beating

Amando Lucas in the head while he was handcuffed with his arms behind his back in 2005 at a Target store. It was caught on surveillance tape.

LA: Ama man shot after attacking ex-girlfriend, authorities say
Submitted by: jghilty

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An Ama man was shot in the chest Wednesday afternoon by his ex-girlfriend after he allegedly lunged at her, according to the St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office.

Dustin M. Robert, 17, was listed in good condition at St. Charles Parish Hospital, and was booked with aggravated burglary and simple assault. Bond had not been set on Friday, Sheriff's Office Spokesman Sgt. Dwayne LaGrange said.

The woman was not charged in the incident because Robert allegedly showed up uninvited and attacked the woman after being repeatedly asked to leave. The Sheriff's Office did not release the woman's name.

MI: Gunfire detection system will sweep Saginaw within three months
Submitted by: jghilty

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Saginaw's police chief says crews likely will install a state-of-the-art gunfire detection system within 90 days...ShotSpotter is a sonar device that triangulates the time and origin of gunshot-like sounds using 15 to 20 microphones on structures or telephone poles within a mile radius. The devices alert authorities within seconds via computer using Global Positioning System navigation to point the way.

ShotSpotter officials say the devices have reduced gunfire rates by 60 to 80 percent and violent crime by 35 percent in the 30 cities that have adopted the technology.

The systems detect 80 to 150 gunfire incidents daily nationwide and cover about 100 square miles of U.S. streets where more than 680,000 residents live...

IL: Illinois State Police breaking the law. Again.
Submitted by: Kurt Hofmann

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From ISRA, via Days of Our Trailers:
Over the past several weeks, the ISRA has received several dozen phone calls from irate firearm owners who have been waiting a month or more to have their applications for Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) cards processed by the Illinois State Police.

After making inquiries into the backlog, ISRA representatives were told by ISP officials that inadequate staffing and funding were to blame for the slowdown in application processing.
Since state law requires FOID card issuance to qualified applicants within 30 days of applying, their excuses are not acceptable.

Guns Sales Shoot Up [video]
Submitted by: Larry

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ED.: A video from

Canada: Gun laws must target criminals
Submitted by: jghilty

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The Stephen Harper government has taken some sensible steps to battle gun crime in Canada. It's not enough. It's time to throw away the key.

The shooting at a busy subway station in Toronto this week is only the latest in a string of such outrages. Each time it happens politicians shake their fists and vow to crack down. Until the next time.

It's true that thanks to Harper, people accused of serious crimes with guns must show the court why they are not a threat to the public, before they can be released on bail. Good.

But let's face it: Existing laws around gun crime are not doing the job, bail or no bail. If they were, young men with handguns would not feel it appropriate to shoot at one another in public places.

OK: U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn objects to cabinet pick
Submitted by: jghilty

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Sen. Tom Coburn said Thursday that he is likely to oppose President Barack Obama’s choice for attorney general because of his stand on Second Amendment rights...Coburn, R-Muskogee, said Eric Holder didn’t believe the Second Amendment granted the right to individuals to own guns... Senate leaders had hoped to clear Holder this week, but Republicans delayed the committee vote...

Holder told Coburn that, after the Supreme Court ruled in June that the Second Amendment guaranteed an individual right to own guns, options for restrictions had "narrowed.”
Coburn said he was concerned that Holder didn’t respond definitively to the question of whether he would defend state laws allowing people to carry concealed weapons.

CA: New Video Showing Oscar Grant Punched Before He Was Shot [video]
Submitted by: clell

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Submitter's note: send this to as many as you can. and not just those folks who you KNOW agree with you.

NY: Gillibrand appointment to Senate rankles some fellow Democrats
Submitted by: jghilty

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Instantly opening a rift among New York state Democrats, Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand...was appointed on Friday to the Senate seat left vacant by Hillary Rodham Clinton...Before the governor even took the podium to introduce Gillibrand, anti-gun crusader Rep. Carolyn McCarthy said she would challenge Gillibrand in the Democratic primary next year, or find someone who would. Gillibrand has a 100 percent voting record with the National Rifle Association.

McCarthy...said someone with such a record should not be the next senator from New York.

“The majority of New Yorkers believe in trying to reduce gun violence,” she said.

Her complaint was echoed by New York Mayor Michael of the nation’s most vocal gun-control advocates.

NY: Saturday at the State-Worshipping NY Times
Submitted by: Larry

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The top editorial excoriates Gov. David Paterson for choosing Kirsten Gillibrand as Hillary Clinton's U.S. Senate replacement. Why? In the Times' own words:

What is the most disappointing about Ms. Gillibrand’s record is her extreme opposition to reasonable gun control laws. Her opposition to new efforts to trace illegal guns and support for rolling back gun control laws in the District of Columbia go well beyond her declared support for hunters’ rights. She earned a top rating and vigorous campaign support from the National Rifle Association. Her jarring views on guns could cost her a bitter Democratic primary fight next year for re-election if gun-control advocates like Representative Carolyn McCarthy of Long Island challenge her on this issue.

DC: After Hearing 911 Call, Judge Tosses Murder Charge
Submitted by: jghilty

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In a recorded 911 call played in court yesterday, a shaken 35-year-old Arlington County man said he had just killed a man. What he said next persuaded the judge to dismiss the murder charge against him: "He was going to kill me."...
Police had charged Willie Donaldson, the Dec. 8 shooting death of Matthew Hicks, 32, of Loudoun County. Hicks was found dead of gunshot wounds in Donaldson's home..About 4 a.m., Donaldson called 911, saying he killed a man who had beat him and was trying to rob him. In court yesterday, prosecutors played a recording of the call, in which Donaldson could be heard saying, "I just shot and killed someone in my house."...At one point, his voice shaking, Donaldson said: "He's dead. He's dead."

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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