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Newslinks for 1/27/2005

Gun Owners Upset About Gonzales' Support for Gun Ban
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"The Senate Judiciary Committee is meeting Wednesday to vote on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to be the next U.S. attorney general; and with Republicans controlling the committee, Gonzales' nomination is sure to proceed to the full Senate for final (anticipated) approval."

"But it won't happen without dissent -- from Democrats and even from some conservative gun owners." ...

"In an email alert to its members, Gun Owners of America, a Second Amendment group, warned that Gonzales not only supports President Bush on reauthorizing the federal assault weapons ban - but Gonzales also has indicated that gun control is a 'heart-felt position of his own.' "

Brady Campaign: Police Groups to Warn Officers Nationwide About New Cop Killer Gun, Urge Appropriate Congressional Action
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, International Association of Chiefs of Police, International Brotherhood of Police Officers and other national law enforcement groups will sound an alarm to law enforcement professionals around the country about a new handgun available to the general public that is capable of firing bullets through soft police body armor." ...

"The gun, the Five-SeveN handgun manufactured by FN Herstal of Belgium, is lightweight and easily concealable. It is marketed by the company on its Web site as intended 'to defeat the enemy in all close combat situations in urban areas, jungle conditions, night missions and any self defense action. Enemy personnel, even wearing body armor can be effectively engaged up to 200 meters. Kevlar(r) helmets and vests as well as the CRISAT protection will be penetrated.' "

Mocking Michael Moore, CCRKBA Hits Hollywood Hypocrite
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"Two years ago, Snyder recalled, 'Moore received an Oscar for his anti-gun pseudo-documentary, 'Bowling for Columbine,' in which he conveyed the idea that gun owners generally are paranoid. Yet he has not responded to last week's news that he protects himself with armed bodyguards.' "

"This Hollywood Hypocrite really takes the cake. He campaigns against the rights of law-abiding American gun owners while one of his bodyguards, Patrick Burke, gets arrested at JFK airport for carrying an unlicensed firearm, ironically violating the same kind of gun law that Moore favors!"

"The Hollywood Hypocrite Award should balance out the Oscar, and perhaps lend a little needed perspective to the saga of Mendacious Michael Moore."

Passengers subdue man on Southwest flight
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Passengers aboard a Southwest Airlines flight helped wrestle a fellow passenger to the floor Tuesday night after he tried to force his way into the cockpit, law enforcement officials said."

"The incident happened aboard Flight 2161, which was traveling from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to West Palm Beach, Florida."

"Christopher Egyed, 37, made 'threatening comments about the government' and tried to make his way into the cockpit, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office spokesman Paul Miller said."

AZ: Tempers flare at trail-shooting hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Defense attorney A. Melvin] McDonald opened the hearing by contending the grand jury proceeding was filled with 'error after error.'" ...

"Among the issues McDonald cited were: The prosecution had not told the grand jury that Kuenzli was armed with a screwdriver; The prosecution focused on Fish's martial arts training 25 years earlier as an option to shooting, which wasn't; The prosecution didn't correctly instruct jurors on self-defense training; The prosecution glossed over the aggressiveness of the dogs involved; The prosecution led jurors to believe that Kuenzli did not approach Fish at full bore, but at a walk or a lope."

"Each issue alone clearly would require sending the case back to a grand jury, McDonald said." ...

WI: Details of crime, life make for sad story
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"It's hard to feel sorry for Edward G. Travis Jr., who armed himself to rob a convenience store and wound up dead in front of the meat counter."

"On a sympathy scale, Travis ranks somewhere below the woman in Racine who faked cancer as a scam to raise money, and even below the guy/gal in a Wisconsin prison who wants taxpayers to fund a sex-change operation."

"Travis' demise doesn't even show up in the city's daily murder count because it was self-defense. He has disappeared into the ether between murders No. 5 and 6 for the young year."

" 'His death literally doesn't count,' said Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz."

CA: Student Who Brought Gun To School Is Police Officer's Son
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 13-year-old boy who is charged with bringing a gun to school in Pacific Grove is the son of a local police officer, according to investigators."

"The boy brought a gun and ammunition clip to Pacific Grove Middle School last Friday, according to officials, who said the boy put the gun in the locker and showed it to classmates throughout the day."

"The boy is the son of a Seaside police officer, but investigators say the gun is not the officer's service revolver. The eighth-grade student apparently got his hands on one of his father's personal guns, according to investigators."

"The gun was a .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol. Although the clip wasn't in the gun, the boy had it with him, according to investigators." ...

One would think that the police officer would be more proactive in teaching his son gun safety and ensuring no unsupervised access.

CA: [Former Sheriff's Deputy] McFall described as charming, generous, but also unstable and gun happy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charming. Generous. Conscientious. But also: Unstable. Gun happy. A definite threat."

"People who know Monte McFall, 59, have described him both ways during his time as a San Joaquin County sheriff's deputy, as a marshal, as a reclamation district board member, as a lobbyist, and, beginning Wednesday -- a man on trial for corruption charges in federal court."

"Jeannie Ellis, a Ripon resident who wrote a letter to federal authorities supporting McFall after he was indicted in 2002, wrote that she could not believe the litany of charges against him -- including extortion, fraud and conspiracy -- were for the same person she'd known most of her life." ...

CA: Officers Now Carrying High-Powered Rifles
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"Two weeks after two officers were gunned down in the city of Ceres, its police chief says gang intelligence has made it clear his entire force is still in danger. And that threat has officers armed with more high-powered assault rifles."

"Ceres police officers have always had assault rifles in their backseat, but now, the high-powered weapons are being carried everywhere for protection."

" 'The gang members have made it very obvious through their graffiti that they intend to kill more officers,' said police Chief Art De Werk." ...

"Now, patrol officers have direct orders to carry assault rifles to every call. ..."

HI: Ex-police recruit goes on trial for allegedly threatening wife
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"A woman testified yesterday that her police-recruit husband pulled a gun on her and threatened to kill her after she gave a friend a kiss on the cheek."

"Sheryl Gomez, 24, told a jury her husband Ernie Gomez threatened to kill her and her friend at the parking lot of Pearl Harbor's Bloch Arena the morning of May 30 last year."

" 'I have a gun right now and I'm going to put a bullet through both of your heads,' she testified her husband told them."

"He later pulled a gun on her at their 'Ewa Beach home, the wife said."

NV: Nevada state, federal officials touting firearm lock program
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State and federal officials are touting a firearms safety program that they say has led to distribution of more than 170,000 free gun locks in Nevada.

Lieutenant Governor Lorraine Hunt and the top federal prosecutor in the state, Daniel Bogden, will join a representative from a National Shooting Sports Foundation offshoot called Project ChildSafe today in talking about the drive to make home storage of guns safer.

They say the next phase of the effort is to distribute millions of free firearm safety kits around the country. Project ChildSafe is being funded by two federal grants totaling 30 million dollars.


OH: Family Dollar Employee Robbed At Knifepoint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Dayton police are searching for a man they believe held a knife to the throat of an employee during a robbery Monday night in Dayton. The incident happened at the Family Dollar store in the 500 block of Troy Street.

Police said a man entered the store with a knife and put it up to a cashier’s neck before grabbing the money in the register and fleeing the scene.

Investigators said some customers tried to follow the man but lost him.

Submitter's Note: What the story fails to mention, but is pointed out on the OFCC website is that the store is a criminal friendly zone, i.e. posted against guns.

Philippines: Oops, Villarete fires his Sigma pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South Reclamation Project (SRP) manager Nigel Paul Villarete will have to undergo another seminar on gun safety, after his City Government-issued pistol went off last Monday."

"He was trying to attach a trigger-lock device to it."

"Good thing nobody was hurt when the 9mm Smith and Wesson Sigma pistol went off and hit the concrete wall, since his staff was out of the office on the 8th floor of the Cebu City Hall Annex."

"But Villarete, also city planning and development officer, had to endure a reproach from the mayor, who learned about the accident ..." ...

"Osmeña, however, did not recall the City Hall-issued firearm. Instead, he returned the firearm to Villarete." ...

UK: How police used £10,000 to stalk route of an apple-eating driver
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A NURSERY nurse was fined £60 yesterday for holding an apple in her hand while driving around a bend after police used a spotter aircraft, a helicopter and a patrol car to win the case."

"Northumbria Police went to extraordinary lengths to gather evidence against Sarah McCaffery, 23, who had missed breakfast and grabbed the apple to eat on her way to work. Magistrates ruled that she had not been in full control of her car. Miss McCaffery was also ordered to pay £100 costs at the tenth court hearing of the case."

"Chris Kay, for the prosecution, said that the bill was £425, not including the aerial photographs and the squad vehicle’s video. The full cost of bringing the case against Miss McCaffery is thought to have been about £10,000."

"The cost of keeping a helicopter flying for an hour can reach £500. The police claimed that their helicopter was already on operations in South Tyneside when it took the photos, so the additional cost was just £66."

"Geoffrey Forrester, for the defence, told South Tyneside magistrates that Miss McCaffery had been driving in dry conditions, that there was no traffic or pedestrians and that the manoeuvre was carried out perfectly."

UK: Mixed crime stats for county
Submitted by: News Admin

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"VIOLENT crime in Cambridgeshire is on the up - but the total number of crimes in the county has fallen."

"Violent crime in the county rose 3.8 per cent, from 8,030 to 8,332. The total number of crimes in Cambridgeshire fell 8.2 per cent for the six-month period April to September 2004, compared to the same period the previous year."

"In the county's southern division, which covers Cambridge city and South Cambridgeshire, violent crime has dropped."

"But the detection rate also fell, from 23.3 per cent to 22.5 per cent." ...

"In the UK, violent crime rose by six per cent and gun crime was up by five per cent."

FL: Children Charged With Felonies Over Violent Drawings
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Two boys, ages 9 and 10, were charged with felonies and taken away from school in handcuffs, accused of making violent drawings of stick figures."

"The boys were arrested Monday on charges of making a written threat to kill or harm another person, a second-degree felony. The special education students used pencil and red crayon to draw primitive stick figure scenes on scrap paper that showed a 10-year-old classmate being stabbed and hung, police said."

PA: Haycock, residents take aim at gun use
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Haycock Township supervisorsand residents are seeking common ground on gun safety issues, target practice and hunting on private property."

"At a work session Monday night, supervisors said that local government does not have the manpower to enforce an ordinance restricting gun use, and that the good neighbor policy is critical for those using guns on private land."

"Chairwoman Kathy Babb said the township did not have any intention of regulating target practice, and that personal safety was everyone's responsibility. 'If the township takes responsibility for regulating or permitting backstops, we also buy into the issue of liability,' she said. 'We're not prepared to do that.' "

NH: Gun bill draws crowd
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A bill to tighten restrictions on guns in school zones drew dozens to a legislative hearing Tuesday."

"The measure would strike the word 'unlawful' from the law prohibiting possession of guns in school zones, making possession itself a misdemeanor."

"It would provide several exceptions, including for police officers or anyone with written permission from the school’s principal."

Netherlands: Bank Robber Itemizes Cost of Gun
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A bank robber in the southern Dutch town of Chaam was able to subtract the cost of his gun from his fine, the Daily Telegraph of London reported."

"The unnamed stickup man, 46, managed to convince a criminal court in Breda, near the Belgian border, that the $2,600 he spent on his pistol was a legitimate business expense."

"The judge accordingly reduced the amount of restitution from $8,750, the amount stolen from the bank, to $6,150, before sentencing the robber to four years in prison earlier this week."

OH: Predictable coverage of Ohio mass shooting by Akron newspaper
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"A story by BJ reporter Stephen Dyer, entitled Portage killings spark debate, gives the Brady bunch/ Million Mom crowd a platform to assert that the expiration of the Clinton Gun Ban is somehow to blame for a tragedy involving a convicted felon with an extremely violent history who murdered three people in northeast Ohio over the weekend."

"While the story contains several other problems, the most egregious error occurs in the following statement:

"...The AR-15 used in the weekend shootings -- the civilian version of the military's M-16 -- was specifically banned by federal legislation that became effective in 1994."

VA: "...why do the good guys need guns there in the first place?"
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"There's never been a problem here with a nut case riddling a day care center or library with bullets, opponents argue, so what's the big deal? The bills, they shrug, are just a 'solution in search of a problem.' Besides, the good guys need guns to protect themselves from all the really bad guys out there."

"The counterargument is, if no nut case has shot up a day care or library, then why do the good guys need guns there in the first place?"

"Before the NRA crowd starts shooting off, let me say right up front that I support gun ownership. Family members own guns and use them every deer season. If I had an extra couple hundred bucks and a 10-year-old son who wasn't mesmerized by weapons of mass destruction, I'd buy myself a handgun for home protection."

A reminder to Ms. Dietrich ( - it's a Bill of Rights, not a Bill of Needs.

UK: Police winning war on violent crime
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"Police in the West Midlands are turning back the rising tide of violent crime sweeping the UK's streets."

"According to the latest quarterly Home Office crime figures, the nation experienced a six per cent increase in thuggery and violence - despite drops in overall crime. But West Midlands Police have revealed that they have managed to reverse the national trend and seen a 2.4 per cent drop in violence, or 706 fewer victims, since April. Other socalled 'fear crimes' that have also fallen - burglary by 30 per cent, robbery by 17 per cent and car crime by 24 per cent."

"Gun crime, excluding air weapons, is also on target to fall by 16 per cent."

UK: Ball bearing guns 'must be banned'
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"MERSEYSIDE MPs stepped up their bid to ban ball bearing guns after new figures showed an increase in gun crime."

"The latest statistics show violent crime is continuing to rise, with more youngsters and criminals using 'alternative' weapons including replica guns, air pistols and the ball bearing firing guns."

"Wirral West MP Stephen Hesford has been leading the campaign for a BB gun ban since his constituent David Hazel was left paralysed from the waist down after a ball bearing ruptured his spine."

LA: St. Bernard Teen Accused Of Trying To Sell Gun At School
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An eighth-grade student in St. Bernard parish is accused of trying to sell a gun at school.

According to The Times-Picayune, the 16-year-old brought a .38-caliber handgun into P.T. G. Beauregard Middle School.

The teen, who is not being identified because of his age, was arrested and booked at the parish juvenile detention center.

The school's principal said he could be expelled.

LA: Caddo teacher armed at gunpoint in classroom
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A teacher was robbed at gunpoint at Caddo Magnet school shortly after arriving to work early Wednesday, police said.

The teacher arrived to work in a temporary classroom building at 6:30 a.m. and soon afterward heard a knock on her door.

When she answered, she was confronted by two young men armed with a hand gun, police said. They took her wallet and cell phone before running away. The teacher told police she didn't recognize the two men.

IN: Goshen lawmaker advances plan to protect hunting
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"State Rep. John Ulmer, R-Goshen, has long been angling for a constitutional amendment to hunt, fish and harvest game."

"He landed his trophy Tuesday as House lawmakers overwhelmingly approved a resolution that would put the question to voters in 2008."

"Ulmer, an avid hunter of big game and small, said the measure will protect activities that are under attack from animal-rights and anti-hunting groups. He cited the Humane Society of the United States -- not to be confused with local humane societies -- which he said has a $100 million budget and a litigation division that seeks to end hunting, fishing and trapping."

VA: Senate rejects background checks on all gun-show sales
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"Gun buyers, including criminals, can continue to avoid background checks by doing business with unlicensed dealers at Virginia gun shows."

"The Senate voted 20-17 today to kill Sen. Henry Marsh's bill requiring criminal background checks on all purchasers at gun shows. State law requires federally licensed dealers to conduct the checks at gun shows but it exempts unlicensed vendors, such as gun collectors and private sellers."

KABA Note: Gun dealers are federally licensed, and must follow the rules for sales regardless of whether they are dealing from a storefront, or a gun show.

Namibia: Century-Old Weapons Unearthed
Submitted by: News Admin

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"WORKERS digging the foundation of the new Roads Contractor Company headquarters in the capital on Monday excavated hundreds of rusted weapons believed to have been used in the 1900s."

"The new RCC office is being constructed next to the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication headquarters."

"Fousy Kambombo, Technical Assistant in the Archaeology Department at the National Museum of Namibia, said it was believed that the weapons were used in the German-Herero and Nama wars in the early 1900s."

"Thousands of Herero and Nama-speaking Namibians were killed in clashes with the German colonial soldiers between 1904 - 1908."

VA: Measure barring guns at libraries defeated
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"Along with borrowed books, Virginians can continue to take guns into public libraries."

"The Senate Local Government Committee defeated 9-6 yesterday a bill that would let local governments ban guns from libraries. A House committee dumped similar legislation last week."

"Sen. Mamie Locke, D-Hampton, the sponsor, argued that libraries are a haven that don't need the potential hazard of a gun. She could not name an incident in which someone had brandished a gun in a library."

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