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Newslinks for 1/27/2014

Holder position on pot and banks could end up entrapping gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Attorney General Eric Holder advocated legal marijuana businesses having access to the banking system, The New York Times reported Thursday."

"'There’s a public safety component to this,' Holder said. 'Huge amounts of cash, substantial amounts of cash just kind of lying around with no place for it to be appropriately deposited, is something that would worry me, just from a law enforcement perspective." ...

Mandated defenselessness of Md. shoppers highlighted in mall shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Three people, including the suspected killer, are dead after a shooting in a Columbia, Md. Mall, CBS Baltimore reported Saturday."

"Indirectly reported, but not specifically articulated, was the utter unpreparedness and helplessness of everyone in the mall when the shooting started, something compounded by both mall policy and state law." ...

Right-Wing Gun Nuts--Our Tame Second Amendment Lapdogs
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You can be sure, if right-wing gun nuts posed any threat to America's real tyrants--like, say, the Koch brothers--their existence wouldn't be tolerated for a Texas minute. But if our right-wing's overgrown pre-pubes wish to make-believe they're tyrants' worst nightmare ... why not leave such useful idiots to their folly?"

"So useful are these idiots that if some grownup patriots on the left decided to invoke the Second Amendment to fight real, imminent tyranny--like, say, shooting any member of Congress who voted to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership--never would our gun-toting lapdogs yelp faster to denounce fellow Americans as terrorists. ..." ...

Jesse James meets the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If there should ever be a monument to the Second Amendment, it should be erected in Northfield, Minnesota. In this little college town in 1876, Jesse James and Cole Younger, with six other members of their gang, tried to rob the First National Bank, only to get shot up by an aroused citizenry. I just finished reading a new book on the subject, Mark Lee Gardner’s Shot All to Hell: Jesse James, the Northfield Raid, and the Wild West’s Greatest Escape."

"I knew about the Northfield raid and when I spoke at St. Olaf College a few years ago, my hosts took me to see the bank and the marks of the bullets that still adorn the downtown buildings. But I did not know the details, nor did I know about the equally thrilling aftermath. ...'" ...

Bieber bust boredom v. gun rights activism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday’s arrest of teen heartthrob Justin Bieber may have temporarily distracted some folks from more important business coming up in Olympia, but trust Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) to get the focus back on track with an e-mail alert today to its members, about 12 hours after the National Rifle Association alerted its members, regarding next week’s hearings on the dueling initiatives." ...

Newspaper Chain Targets Legal Firearm Owners with State-by-State Database
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you have a legal concealed weapon permit to carry a firearm in your state then you may be one of millions targeted by a national newspaper chain which is building a massive database, according to Fox News. After the Obama administration and other states like New York and Colorado attempted to put the hammer down hard on legal gun owners and, with the exception of New York, failed, now a media chain wants to carry the water for anti-gun owner groups." ...

Reread 2nd Amendment stipulation on regulation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Maybe the problem in many of these cases is too many firearms circulating with too many people who lack the judgment to own and operate firearms."

"The Republican Party has put a bunch of activist judges on the bench who are preventing states from enacting firearms regulations to provide for a free and secure society."

"People should read the first half of the Second Amendment, 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: And you should read Heller and/or a dictionary to find out that in this context "well-regulated" means "properly functioning".


Remembering Newtown
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "There's not a doubt in my mind that residents of Colorado will never forget the tragedy in Aurora, or not feel a clench in their gut when someone whispers 'Columbine.' ... Minnesota suffered Red Lake. And the massacres continue. Innumerable ghosts of tragedy haunt this country. Darkness will forever shroud December 14, 2012. Connecticut remembers, every day."

"... A heinous tragedy has dared to attack and take away our children, the most universally loved and defended Americans. In this ­moment of bright light and white noise, we're helplessly overwhelmed, blinded, deaf, and unable to make sense of the senseless. If this tragedy cannot move our nation to change, then we must admit there is no hope at all."

NH: Background checks should be required
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Excerpt from written testimony offered regarding HB 1589 requiring background checks for all firearm sales. Public hearing, Jan. 21, 2014, 1:15 p.m.:"

"'That this one orginazation, the NRA, should have such sway in the decision on gun violence, is reprehensible. They are not lawyers, they are not experts, they have no social conscience, and their existence is shored up by contributions from the actual manufacturers. None of these entities takes into account the menace and destruction caused by ownership of a firearm. It is preposterous, and unacceptable.'" ...

Maryland mall shooting further erodes gun control myths
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Three myths of gun control were further eroded with yesterday’s Mall of Columbia shooting in Maryland, covered here in the Seattle Times, and the incident also challenges the rationale behind a Washington State gun control measure scheduled for legislative hearings on Tuesday and Wednesday in Olympia."

"Howard County Police Chief William McMahon identified the alleged mall gunman as Darion Marcus Aguilar, 19, of College Park, according to Yahoo News. He was armed with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun that he reportedly purchased last month in neighboring Montgomery County, according to the New York Times. If that is the case, Aguilar should have had to pass a background check. ..." ...

Columbia Mall Shooting signals time to amend the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Another shooting. This time in Maryland. Brianna Benlolo, 21, of College Park, and Tyler Johnson, 25, of Ellicott City were tragically gunned down at Zumiez skateboard shop in the Columbia Mall. The reprehensible met the ordinary."

"I wish it were unusual or unfamiliar, but with more than 20 mass shootings and more than 300 casualties in the United States since 2009, it’s sadly common. CNN wrote, 'The mall shooting capped a week of gun violence or threats of it in ordinary places across the country.'"

"After the horror of Sandy Hook, no meaningful gun legislation passed despite strenuous efforts of President Obama and surviving Newtown residents." ...

Maryland Mall Shooting: When Seconds Count the Police Are Only Two Minutes Away
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Violence shattered a wintry Saturday morning at a popular suburban mall here when a gunman shot and killed two employees of a skateboarding shop, sending panicked shoppers into hiding,' reports. 'The suspected gunman was later found dead near a shotgun and ammunition, police said. His victims were a man and a woman, both in their 20s, Howard County Police Chief Bill McMahon said at a late afternoon news conference.' 'Later' as in two minutes after the police received the first 911 call alerting them that an active shooter was on the premises. Two minutes . . ." ...

Wicker, Cochran Co-Sponsoring Concealed Carry Bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mississippi Senators Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran are co-sponsoring a bill that would allow Mississippians to carry concealed weapons in other states."

"Senator Wicker tells Newscenter 11 it is all part of protecting the rights of the Second Amendment. He says if you live in Mississippi and have a concealed carry permit, then you would not face prosecution in another state, if you are carrying a concealed weapon." ...

IL: Dopey proposal says medical pot users can't have guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun-rights organizations have been conspicuously reserved in their response to a proposed state regulation that would prohibit patients with medical marijuana permits from owning firearms."

"'I don't think it's constitutional,' said Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, when I asked him about the proposal. 'It seems as though it's going to be decided in the courts.'" ...

CO: Sheriff Candidate’s Forum Set for February 24
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Who will be the next sheriff for Prowers County? Five candidates, all on the Republican ticket, have declared their intentions to run following the announcement from current Prowers County Sheriff, James Faull, that he will not seek re-election this year."

"A candidate’s forum for the five law enforcement officers will be hosted by Voices of Southeast Colorado and Second Amendment Defenders of Southeast Colorado at 7pm, Monday, February 24, at the Cultural Events Center in Lamar. ..." ...

NH: Background Checks for Safety’s Sake
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Concord Monitor report, 'N.H. Debates Background Check Bill” (Jan. 22), on the hearing before the New Hampshire House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee, focused on the 'strong criticism from gun rights activists.' My conclusion from the testimony that day is that the issue is not pro-gun versus anti-gun but about balancing the Second Amendment rights of those who wish to purchase a gun and the rights of the public to be safe from those who should not own a weapon." ...

Submitter's Note: If these people are so dangerous, what the hell are they doing walking the streets?!?

As David Codrea says, if someone can't be trusted with a gun then they can't be trusted without a custodian.

OK: State Senator Names Pro-Gun Law After Gun Grabber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"British CNN talking head Piers Morgan has made his hatred of the 2nd Amendment very evident by endlessly using his television program to advocate for stricter gun control laws. Thanks to one Oklahoma lawmaker, Morgan could get a State gun law named after him. But unfortunately for the bloviating Brit, the law is designed to make it easier for residents to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights."

"Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm is currently seeing support for his 'Piers Morgan Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms Without Infringement Act.'"

"If passed, Dahm’s legislation would allow citizens in Oklahoma who are over the age 18 carry loaded or unloaded guns without a license ..." ...

GA: Senate candidate defends AR-15 rifle offer
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Georgia Congressman Paul Broun defended his stance on the Second Amendment Sunday night after a campaign event in Sandy Springs. The candidate for U.S. Senate has made headlines in recent days after he offered supporters a chance to win an AR-15 rifle. Broun said he made the offer to illustrate his support of a person's right own firearms." ...

Can State Limit Self-Defense To Inside Your Home?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court, which in recent years ruled in the Heller case that the Second Amendment does protect an individual right to bear arms, and in the McDonald case that state’s cannot unreasonably restrict that right, now is facing another fight over guns."

"It involves the effective ban that New Jersey has imposed on those who feel the need for self-protection outside of their own homes."

"For example, officials in New Jersey ruled that a man who services ATM machines and carries large amounts of cash doesn’t need a handgun to protect himself. Likewise, a reserve deputy who 'disrupts' criminal activity on duty is perfectly safe without a handgun while off-duty." ...

NSSF Sues Golden State To Block Microstamping Mandate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry sued the state of California for enacting what it asserts are inoperable microstamping laws that deny citizens the opportunity to exercise their Second Amendment rights."

"'We expect to prevail because the law is irrational. It is unlawful to force a company to comply with a law that is impossible to comply with,' said Senior Vice President Lawrence G. Keane, general counsel to National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade group based in Newtown, Conn." ...

CA: Smith & Wesson pulls out of California over microstamping
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"California is providing a valuable lesson for defenders of Second Amendment rights around the country this year. Having failed to convince the courts that guns should be outright banned, they’ve done an end around move and passed a law which makes it so prohibitively expensive to produce their product that at least one major manufacturer is just going to stop selling some of their weapons there."
"Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson refused Thursday to comply with California’s controversial 'microstamping' law, causing more of its products to fall off the state’s permissible firearms list and be ineligible for sale." ...

PA: Massive new Great American Outdoor Show debuts
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the year since one of America's biggest outdoors shows shot itself in the foot, the [NRA] has retooled the event, attempting to recast its public image as a family-oriented advocate of the outdoors lifestyle."

"The new NRA-sponsored Great American Outdoor Show debuts Feb. 1-9 in Harrisburg at the site of the former Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show."

"Last January, weeks after the Newtown, Conn., shooting tragedy, the 65-year-old expo's British owners announced a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles. In an internationally publicized demonstration of pro-gun solidarity, hundreds of vendors boycotted the event ... The vendor boycott killed the expo, costing the Harrisburg business community some $80 million ..." ...

NY: Majority of gun owners don’t support SAFE Act
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This letter is in response to the Another Voice titled: 'Responsible gun owners support the state’s new law.' The simple fact is that we do not support the NY SAFE Act. As a responsible gun owner, and a member of law enforcement, I want to remind readers that the vast majority of county legislatures in New York State are on record as not supporting the SAFE Act. In addition, a large number of law enforcement agencies in the state have gone on record as not supporting the SAFE Act. How could this be?" ...

CA: Local Newspaper Owners Discussed Gun Permit Database
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A local newspaper company that has newspapers in Fayette, Highland, and Madison Counties, to name a few, said in an email they were planning to launch an online database compiled of those who have a concealed carry weapon permit."

"According to an internal email provided by a confidential source, Civitas Media, which owns 88 newspapers across the country, including the Fayette County Record Herald, Madison County’s Madison Press, and Highland County’s Times Gazette, has discussed the use of 'public records act requests' to 'build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry' firearm licenses." ...

FL: Big Pine Key homeowner has gun range in his yard, and it’s totally legal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Near the National Key Deer Refuge in the Lower Keys, on a sleepy street called Mango Lane, retired sheriff’s deputy Huey Gordon checked the waterway behind neighbor Doug Varrieur’s home for boat traffic."

"'All clear?' asked Varrieur ..."

"'Yes, sir, you are,' Gordon said."

"To which Varrieur replied: 'The range is hot.'"

"He put on earmuffs and, within a few seconds, the peace of the residential neighborhood was replaced with the burst of small-caliber gunfire. ..." ...

"It has been a month since the friends first fired their guns in this makeshift shooting area ... The shots sent shockwaves through the neighborhood."

"It became even scarier once the neighbors learned that on Varrieur’s side was a state law on the books since 1987. ..." ...

UK: Hand guns should be legalised and licensed, Nigel Farage has said (video and poll available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Ukip leader has said it is party policy for hand guns to be legalised and licensed in the UK despite being banned in the UK for the last 18 years."

"Mr Farage said the current ban on the guns, which were made illegal following the school shooting at Dunblane in 1996, was 'ludicrous.'"

"Speaking on LBC Radio Mr Farage said that it was Ukip policy to create a 'proper licensing policy' and that people who kept hand guns responsibility locked up and had were willing to get an official license should 'absolutely' be allowed them."

"Peter Squires, professor of criminology at Brighton University and a member of Association of Police Officer’s advisory group ... said that Mr Farage’s comments were 'irresponsible'." ...

UK: Police shoot down Nigel Farage's handgun call
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A senior police chief has slammed calls by Ukip leader Nigel Farage for handguns to be legalised, saying it would create a lethal new gun culture in the UK."

"Farage claimed the ban on handguns, brought in after the Dunblane Massacre in 1996, is 'ludicrous' and believes there is 'no link' between legalised guns and gun crime in the UK."

"However, police chiefs dismissed Farage's call, warning it would inevitably pass more guns into the hands of criminals."

"'We should all be grateful that we have got such tight gun control in this country – when you look at the States, it's awful over there,' Manchester police chief constable Peter Fahy told the Manchester Evening News." ...

UK: Anger as Farage calls for end to handgun ban: Ukip leader urged to visit Dunblane to understand impact of 1996 shootings (video and poll available)
Submitted by: Mike the Limey

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"Nigel Farage was engulfed in a fresh controversy yesterday when he said the ban on owning handguns was 'crackers'."

"The Ukip leader said his party would legalise and license firearms for 'responsible' owners who kept them locked up."

"But he was immediately criticised for the 'stupid' comments."

"Most handguns were outlawed by the Tory Government after the Dunblane massacre in 1996."

"Labour went further in 1997 and banned all handguns, including .22 pistols used in the Olympics."

"Mr Farage said: 'I think the knee-jerk legislation that Tony Blair brought in that meant the British Olympic pistol team have to go to France to even practise, was just crackers. If you criminalise handguns then only the criminals carry the guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Don't forget to take the poll!

The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time. — JUSTICE GEORGE SUTHERLAND (1938)

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