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Newslinks for 1/28/2011

SAF Reacts to New Jersey Response in Right-To-Carry Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Attorney General's motion to dismiss a recently-filed Second Amendment Foundation lawsuit against the state's subjective handgun carry laws was 'predictable and disappointing,' SAF said today." ...

"The Attorney General's brief asserted, 'When a handgun is carried in public, the serious risks and dangers of misuse and accidental use are borne by the public.'"

"'That is a pretty lame argument,' said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. 'Considering that there are more than 6.2 million law-abiding citizens licensed to carry in 48 states ... New Jersey's position on this issue simply defies common sense.'" ...

One question for ‘Project Gunwalker’ skeptics
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Ask yourself: How could we have known?" ...

Time for a hard January lesson in economics, public sentiment, common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday's announcement that Seattle-based Starbucks' fourth-quarter 2010 earnings were up again – as reported in this morning's Seattle Times – is evidently driving gun prohibitionists nuts."

"Why else would Chicago-based anti-gunner Elliot N. Fineman make the absolutely crazy public demand that Starbucks donate $10 million annually to the gun prohibition lobby and change its policy of catering to legally-armed private citizens? Fineman, like the Brady Campaign and Washington CeaseFire before him, is promoting a boycott of Starbucks until the coffee giant hands over the money."

"This sounds an awful lot like blackmail. Some might suggest it borders on racketeering." ...

The increasingly controversial Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newsweek, whose online reach has plunged 29 percent in the last three months, has an interesting characterization of one provision of the Bill of Rights. A Daniel Stone article entitled 'White House to Push Gun Control' says: 'An administration official says Obama didn’t mention guns in his speech because of the omnipresent controversy surrounding the Second Amendment and gun control.' When has there been an 'omnipresent controversy' about the Second Amendment? Sure, there is controversy about gun control because the vast majority of Americans oppose it. But the crafting of prose, and positioning of words, especially among such esteemed 'professionals' at Newsweek, is probably intentional." ...

Amendment history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment gives[sic] the citizenry and the now 50 states the right to form a well-regulated militia as well as the right to bear arms. This was to protect against federal government intervention/takeover. The right to self-protection against criminals is a continuing side benefit. A population that has minimum means to resist often leads to governments that we currently see in Iran, North Korea, China, Cuba, etc." ...

Air Guns Not "Arms" for 2nd Amendment Purposes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So holds People v. Nivar, 2011 WL 148743 (N.Y. Sup. Ct.) (a one-judge trial court decision):"
"Defendant also argues that New York City’s ban on the possession of air pistols, AC § 10–131(b), violates the Second Amendment...." ...


Submitter's Note: So if I am reading this correctly, for airguns to be protected they need to be much more dangerous? To quote the incomparable Arte Johnson: "Verrry interesting...but stupid!"

Left wing climate of hate and assassination
Submitted by: mickey

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"Successful propaganda is composed of equal parts deception and suppression, and the apparatchiks in the mainstream media are much better at the latter."

"... they succeeded brilliantly a few months earlier in suppressing news of a nearly lethal attempt by a genuine leftist."

"In September 2010 Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was scheduled to speak at Penn Valley Community College in Kansas City."

"At some point ... 22 year-old Casey Brezik bolted out of a classroom, knife in hand, and slashed the throat of a dean. As he would later admit, he confused the dean with Nixon."

"The story never left Kansas City. ..." ...

My Trust In Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All politics aside, it would also be useful to consider aspects of firearms ownership in America from a layman's perspective; this, despite Sarah Palin's cross hairs, and the Brady anti-gun group."

"That we have politicized guns was inevitable, as our Founding Fathers deemed it necessary to write them into our Second Amendment to the Constitution, just after your freedom of speech!" ...

Ares Armor: Backback Carry? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ATF Study Causes Run on Saiga-12 Shotguns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ATF is considering banning the importation of non-sporting shotguns. While this is not a done deal, yesterday’s study has already triggered a run on “non-sporting” semi-automatic Saiga shotguns. Russia’s Izhmash manufactures the AK-based weapon. Izhmash exports the Saiga-12 through the Russian-American Armory Company. ..."

Submitter's Note: I've had one for several years now; a very fun gun to shoot.

ATF Restricts Shotgun Imports to "Sporting Shotguns"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Click here to download a pdf of the recently released 2011 document ATF Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns. Judging from the conclusion (page 14), only 'sporting shotguns' need apply. 'Our determinations will in no way preclude the importation of true sporting shotguns. While it will certainly prevent the importation of certain shotguns, we believe that those shotguns containing the enumerated features cannot be fairly characterized as 'sporting' shotguns under the statute ..."

Review: Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 Semi-Auto Pistol
Submitted by: David

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... "A handgun not firing when needed is one of my biggest fears – so I’ve worked out several strikes using the handgun as a blunt force weapon. Even a small handgun like the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 can be effectively used to strike the vulnerable points of the human body, while providing a harder striking surface and less risk of damaging your hands. A punch to the eye socket with the tip of the barrel would likely cause more damage and be more prone to stopping the attack than a punch with a closed fist with the same force to the same area…" ...

High-capacity clips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We recognize and support the Second Amendment and the right of lawful self-defense. But rights must balance against each other, and a 33-round clip is far beyond the firepower necessary for self-defense. The community at large also has a right to be free of unreasonable hazards, which is why fully automatic weapons — machine guns — are not lawfully available to the general public." ...

Submitter's Note: How many errors can you make in a a single paragraph!?! Self-defense is always 'lawful'. Rights don't balance: a right does not require anything from anyone else. Mag not clip. Tell that to Korean shopowners during the L.A. riots. Communities don't have rights, people do. Full autos are legal (sort of).

TalkBack for Jan. 28
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Weapons"

"In regards to the Second Amendment, I would like to say yes, I have a concealed weapon permit, and I carry it. I carry it to protect my family and yours. If it's necessary to use it, yes, I would shoot to kill. I think all citizens should carry them. The shame is there are too many dope heads and crooks who carry them. Those are the ones who need to be talked about."

"Ever notice how some men use guns to compensate for their lack of masculinity?" ...

Submitter's Note: Ever notice how some (many?) antis use ad hominem attacks to compensate for their lack of logical and factual arguments? I have everything from a 'vest pocket' .32 ACP Mauser to a five foot long .50 BMG rifle; what am I 'compensating' for?

There's no right of revolution in a democracy
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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... "There is a powerful image in our collective consciousness: the Minutemen, armed with their own muskets, ... prevent[ing] British troops from seizing a militia arsenal at Concord. We assume the Founders enshrined this tradition -- a right of armed citizens to resist governmental oppression -- in our Constitution with the Second Amendment."

"That assumption is wrong."

"First, it overlooks a critical distinction. The Minutemen were not going to war with their own government. They were going to war with British forces ..." ...

Comment: Ya gotta love it when an idiot blows away his own argument. At the time, the British Government WAS the legal government on these shores! So, yes Virginia, we were fighting our own government.

NYC Mayor responds to NRA critics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg began his fight for stricter gun control laws in the Spring of 2006. Nearly five years later, and after the deadly shooting in Tucson, Mayor Bloomberg has renewed his commitment to that mission."

"In an exclusive interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, the New York City Mayor and co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns shot back at his NRA critics." ...

Brady Center Urges Court to Dismiss Lawsuit Challenging NJ's Guns in Public Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence late yesterday filed a brief in federal court in New Jersey urging the dismissal of a lawsuit seeking to strike down New Jersey laws regulating the carrying of loaded guns in public. The Brady Center brief explains that New Jersey's strong gun laws have helped the state achieve one of the lowest gun death rates in the nation, less than half the national average." ...

Words, weapons need to change in nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If we're going to prevent this tragedy from happening again, we need more than what has gone before."

"Occasionally, a brave soul in a legislative body somewhere suggests the logical thing — stop selling weapons that make Dirty Harry guns look tame, but politicians are petrified by the NRA, which is supported by gun dealers who want to sell more guns. Why else was the ban on assault weapons allowed to expire in 2004?" ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps because it had utterly failed in its stated intention?

Our nation — armed and dangerous
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment requires the originalists to do some fancy footwork: What did 'Arms' mean in our revolutionary era? 'Arms' then were the muzzle-loading flintlock muskets, with bayonets attached ... Following the originalists' approach, these are the weapons we should be allowed keep and bear today, and not the 32-shot pistol of the kind used to kill and wound people in Tucson, or rapid-fire rifles with the capacity to kill more people at greater range."

"And what did the founders mean by 'a well regulated militia?' It seems that would include only local law enforcement agencies and the National Guard, not heavily armed pockets of fear-mongering private citizens." ...

The Massad Ayoob Chronicles, Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Massad Ayoob is recognized around the world as an expert in personal defense. He’s been 'on the job' with law enforcement since 1972, and has written countless articles, books and courses on self-defense. He’s also been called as an expert witness in hundreds of self-defense cases. I interviewed him by phone this week, on personal defense topics, and asking a number of questions that TTAG readers supplied on the site. What follows is a transcription of the first portion of the interview." ...

The Massad Ayoob Chronicles, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you missed yesterday’s Chronicles, do yourself a favor, and start there. If you’ve already read it, you’re in for a treat – more thought provoking, and even eye-opening comments from the acknowledged expert in personal defense. And now, to the questions from TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia . . ." ...

Pakistan: U.S. Official Kills Two Gunmen in Pakistan, Police Say
Submitted by: jac

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"A U.S. consular employee shot and killed two gunmen as they approached his vehicle in a congested street in Pakistan on Thursday, police said. A pedestrian was also killed by a speeding American car trying to help, an officer said." ...

"Lahore police chief Aslam Tareen said the American was being questioned by the police and may be charged with both murder and illegally carrying a weapon: a Beretta pistol." ...

Submitters Note: As the saying goes ".... better then being carried by six."

Students, Guns and Politics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To most college administrators, the idea of bringing more guns onto campus makes no sense. Given that campuses see plenty of fights, and plenty of irrational behavior when students are drunk, and are dealing with large populations of students who are adults by a legal standard only, guns pose more dangers, they argue."

"Not all students agree, though. And those diverging views are going to get more attention because a flurry of new bills seeking to loosen restrictions on campus weapons policies are hitting legislatures all over the country ..." ...

ID: Battle to allow firearms on UI campus rages on
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A law student at the University of Idaho filed a lawsuit with the intent to overturn a school policy prohibiting storage of firearms in on-campus housing last week." ...

"Tribble currently resides in university housing reserved for students who are married or have children. However, Tribble maintains that the school is exercising power that they don’t have over the constitutions Second Amendment and he should have the right to keep his gun in his apartment if he wants to."

"This isn’t the first case of a student having an issue with not being allowed to keep firearms on campus. In fact, legislation is being pushed in Florida, Texas and Arizona to allow guns on college campuses." ...

Anti-gun piece full of emotion, no substance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Proponents of gun control never allow a tragedy to go to waste. This column proposed a government panel be convened not only to pass muster on the qualifications of individual citizen applicants, but for applicants to justify their need. Supposedly, in the same vein as government-run panels dealing with end of life reviews for seniors. This idea is a clear violation of the Constitution, not to mention recent Supreme Court confirmations and case precedent." ...

Wrong treatment for Arizona gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In February 1933, a deranged, unemployed bricklayer fired a gun at President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami. The gunman missed Roosevelt but wounded several others including Chicago’s Mayor Anton Cermak. Within a couple of weeks, the accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 80 years in prison. When Mayor Cermak died thereafter, the gunman was retried, convicted, and sentenced to death. He died in the electric chair March 20, 1933."

"No one in politics or the media fired up the smear campaign. No one blamed it on Herbert Hoover’s defeat in 1932. No one screamed about the Second Amendment."

After Tucson Shootings, NRA Again Shows Its Strength (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent shootings in Tucson may have reopened debate on gun control, but that debate may not lead to sweeping changes in the law, says the author of several books on the contentious issue."

"Political scientist Robert Spitzer, author of the book The Politics of Gun Control and a member of the National Rifle Association, has written extensively about the history of the NRA, the Second Amendment and gun control laws. He says the only gun regulation that stand a chance of moving forward in the wake of the Tucson shootings is improving record-keeping to block sales to the mentally ill." ...

Senseless shootings in Tucson beg answers to some critical questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I venture to say that no American has been untouched by the tragedy in Tucson. Every decent American should be outraged by these senseless murders. In the wake of this mindless violence, we need to ask some questions and propose some answers." ...

Gun regulations needed in Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, boys and girls, it is time for you to get therapy to treat your rampant paranoia. Nobody is trying to take your guns. Nobody is doing more spying that the Bush administration (maybe the same … but not more). There are no 'Second Amendment remedies' to the administration. (Sharon Angle needs to be interviewed by the FBI, in my opinion.)"

"Can you imagine if someone had shown up at a Bush rally with an assault weapon, as they did at an Obama rally. I think we would have seen him 'renditioned.'" ...

For our children's future, we have to rethink gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I realize any plea for gun control, particularly in the wake of a tragedy, will inevitably be called provocative, but it needs to be said: those who had a hand in allowing the ban on assault weapons and ammunition to expire, and those who manufacture and sell them, need to step up and accept some measure of responsibility for the Arizona massacre." ...

An attack on our system of government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Sarah Palin and West Virginian candidate Joe Manchin actually fired guns in their political ads on television. This sent no message to sane people. But this insane man heard these tasteless metaphors over and over again from the right wing politicians, not just their pundits."

"[The Tucson shooting] was not just political, it was an attack on our system of government. The shooter just about negated the popular vote that elected a member of Congress. Assassinations are always political, no?" ...

Guns in America: Recipe for disaster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beyond the calls for gun control by some liberal pundits in the aftermath of the Arizona killings, there has been scant talk of reining in gunmakers or the lethal weapons they manufacture."

"President Obama hasn’t broached the subject. Lawmakers haven’t introduced any new gun-control laws. In fact, sentiment seems to be more pro-gun than anti; Utah just announced that it is adopting the automatic pistol as its state symbol." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually Utah is adopting the 1911, designed by a UT native and still in use after 100 years, as a state symbol; one of dozens of such symbols.

Effective gun control needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the carnage dealt by [the Tucson shooter] left the state of Arizona and the country reeling for recovery, political pundits, journalists, and practically anybody who had access to the Internet sat down for a round of the blame game." ...

"But despite being knee deep in finger pointing, it's surprising to note that we've managed to brush off a particular issue that the National Rifles Association has Congress paralyzed on effective gun control."

"Isn't it obvious that we need better control on who we're selling guns to and why?" ...

Most Louisiana delegates are skeptical of proposal to limit ammo clips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some members of Louisiana's congressional delegation are expressing skepticism of calls for a federal limit on the clip size of semiautomatic handguns ..." ...

"'The Tucson shooting was a horrible tragedy,' Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said Wednesday. 'I hope it helps us focus on identifying and intervening with people with major mental health issues, not knee-jerk calls to restrict Second Amendment rights.'" ...


Gun Control Opponents Have Nothing to Worry About
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The answer to the question of why Democrats aren’t upset about gun control is obvious. What’s perplexing is why those opposed to gun control are worried about it."

"It’s disappointing to see the retreat Democrats have taken on sensible gun control in recent years. Then-Rep. Chuck Schumer went on his own courageous political rampage in the early 1990s, winning enough votes to pass the Brady Bill despite opposition from many Democrats, including then-House Speaker, Democrat Tom Foley. The National Rifle Association fought back, succeeding in defeating some of the people who voted for gun control. And since then, gun control has been largely abandoned by a Democratic party wary of offending voters in rural areas ..." ...

Obama plans tough crackdown on America's 'loose' gun laws after skirting the issue during State of the Union address
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama is set to launch a controversial bid to crackdown on America’s gun laws."

"Stung by criticism that he left gun control out of his State of the Union speech, Mr Obama will unveil a White House campaign to persuade Congress to toughen existing legislation." ...

Obama to Deliver Gun-grabbing Speech Soon
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The Obama White House will use the mentally deranged accused Giffords shooter ... to push for background checks, although in order to avoid the impression that Obama is exploiting the Arizona shooting for political gain the White House will dedicate a separate speech to the issue."

"Obama’s handlers expect increased activity on the issue of background checks soon. ..." ...

OK: Lawmaker takes issue with OKC police chief's remarks about weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I sincerely appreciate the service that Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty has given to our community and share his concern for his officers. However, I strongly disagree with his view that certain types of military-style firearms inherently pose a great public threat ..." ...

"... I call on Citty to provide the data that shows these types of weapons are used extensively in crime and pose a greater threat statistically than any other commonly held and legally purchased type of firearm." ...

VA: After Giffords shooting, no slowdown for gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For Patrick Hope, a former congressional staffer who is now a state representative in Virginia, one of the biggest differences between working at the U.S. Capitol and working at the statehouse in Richmond became apparent shortly after he took office last year. Hope, a 38-year-old Democrat, was riding in an elevator in the state Capitol when he noticed that a political activist standing beside him had a handgun strapped to his leg." ...

MN: Dayton won't support change to gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Mark Dayton says he will oppose efforts to repeal the law that requires state permits and background checks for people buying handguns and semiautomatic weapons. Dayton made the comments a day after a Minnesota House committee approved a measure that would eliminate the requirement for people buying guns from federally licensed dealers. Dayton said today the background checks are needed." ...

Submitter's Note: Not mentioned until the last paragraph is the fact that the bill would only affect the state background check, not the federal NICS check.

WY: Wyoming’s Big Constitutional Carry Victory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Constitutional Carry doesn’t repeal the permit process, but gives an option to law-abiding citizens that is more in line with a right."

"This week in Wyoming, our state affiliate is in the thick of a fight to have Wyoming join the ranks of Constitutional Carry states."

"Wyoming Gun Owners is just a step away from passing Constitution Carry. Click here to read the bill’s recent Senate passage." ...

UT: Panel approves bill allowing guns in hotel rooms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill to prohibit hotels or motels from discriminating against gun owners who wish to bring their firearms into their room easily passed through committee Thursday afternoon."

"Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, said there had been reports from some members of the Utah Shooting Sports Council that they had been refused accommodations at a few sites when they sought to bring their hunting rifles into their rooms." ...

FL: Lawmakers Want To Loosen Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent explosion of gun violence nationwide hasn't gone unnoticed in Florida's state Capitol, where some lawmakers want to loosen gun laws."

"A Florida senator wants to allow citizens to wear their weapons openly, even on college campuses."

"Jacksonville resident Larry Critzer said he doesn't leave home without his firearm. He said he's backing the new bill completely." ...

NY: NY cop tries to turn on pistol-mounted flashlight, fatally shoots man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooting of an innocent, unarmed elderly Bronx man by a cop who was trying to turn on a pistol-mounted flashlight is at least the second accidental police shooting in the United States involving that flashlight model." ...

NC: Dog maulings shouldn't result in bad laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Government has a knack for using tragedy to justify tyranny."

"Deranged gunmen open fire on innocent victims and lawmakers restrict responsible citizens’ Second Amendment rights. Would-be terrorists smuggle explosives onto commercial air flights, so travelers endure body scans and pat-downs."

"Local governments might feel obliged to follow the lead of other North Carolina municipalities and place restrictions on pit bull owners in response to two tragic maulings recently ..." ...

CA: Define 'handgun ammo'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I take exception to a part of The Californian's Jan. 18 editorial, 'Most gun laws produce misfires.' In regard to the California law requiring thumbprints, photo ID, address, etc., for those who purchase handgun ammunition, what do they mean by 'handgun ammunition'?"

"Most ammunition can be used in rifles and carbines specifically designed for those calibers; ammo for .22 -caliber rimfire firearms comes immediately to mind. And what becomes of these lists? When a government bans handguns it will have the address of everyone who purchased 'handgun' ammo." ...

AZ: Second Amendment protects gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing in response to a letter from M. Van Breda, a visitor from Canada who criticized the lack of gun controls in America."

"It should not be surprising that a visitor from north of the border would not like the gun laws of this nation. After all, some of the most draconian laws ever passed were by the English crown."

"This nation was born in response to some of the very same laws that govern Canada today. A few like-minded people got together and decided they had lived under the yoke of King George for too long. The end result was the formation of the United States." ...

FL: Both left and right are selective in their defense of freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To ban or not to ban, that is the question."

"I notice that many people on the left and the right are far too willing to hand over a little bit of freedom in order to have a certain activity that they feel is offensive banned. Each group has its own little pet issues which it will fight vehemently to be restricted or remain restricted."

"Since the Arizona shootings, the left have been pushing to ban certain types of political speech ..." ...

"Another pet project of the left, especially when any kind of high-profile gun violence happens, is to ban or strongly regulate firearms ..." ...

Canada: Surveillance Video Released Of Firebomb Attack
Submitted by: none

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... "'He exited his house and fired his revolver two, maybe three times, w'’re not sure. Then these firebombing culprits, they ran off,' said his lawyer, Edward Burlew."

"His surveillance cameras caught the attackers lobbing at least six Molotov cocktails at his house and ... But when Mr. Thomson handed the video footage to Niagara Regional Police, he found himself charged with careless use of a firearm."

"... The Crown has recommended Mr. Thomson go to jail, his lawyer said."

"His collection of seven guns, five pistols and two rifles was seized, along with his firearms license. Mr. Thomson said he lives in fear that his attackers will return and has taken to arming himself with a fire extinguisher." ...

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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