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Newslinks for 1/28/2012

Documents say DOJ knew of Fast and Furious connection day after Terry murder
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Of particular interest from the Dec. 15, 2010 email from Holder aide Monty Wilkinson to then-US Attorney Dennis Burke:

"'I’ve alerted the AG…'"

NY: Officer from CIA to leave NYPD
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A CIA operative's unusual assignment inside the New York Police Department is being cut short after an internal investigation that criticized how the agency established its unprecedented collaboration with city police, the Associated Press has learned.
In its investigation, the CIA's inspector general faulted the agency for sending an officer to New York with little oversight after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and then leaving him there too long, according to officials who have read or been briefed on the inquiry. They spoke only on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the investigation.
The CIA said last month that the inspector general cleared the agency of any wrongdoing.


CA: SF Sheriff Mirkarimi caught in gun control net he helped cast
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"And while I don’t pretend to give a damn one way or another about what happens to this Mirkarimi character, who as far as I’m concerned is hoist on his own petard and not likely to have an epiphany on individual liberty even if he manages to beat the…uh…rap, his predicament points to a disconnect between crime and punishment driven more by the political correctness he and his kind have demanded, enabled and enforced, than by public safety."

NJ: NJ Assembly Committee To Consider Ammo Ban In The Name Of Police Safety
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban under A588, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and plastic airsoft pellets!

Additional legislation being considered (A1013) could land gun owners in jail for refinished or damaged firearms that might be deemed “defaced”

Submitter's note: Jersey is unbelievable. I have to move out of this state. Now I can't buy bullets to defend my family in my own house.

VA: Virginia Senate Passes Bill to Allow Sunday Hunting
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry – is applauding the passage of legislation (SB 464) to end the ban on Sunday hunting in the Old Dominion. Yesterday, the Virginia State Senate overwhelming voted (29-11) to allow Sunday hunting on private lands. Companion legislation will now move to the House of Delegates for a vote. “Yesterday’s vote was a great step forward in our campaign to allow Sunday hunting in Virginia,” said National Shooting Sports Foundation Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane.

AZ: Buckeye police: Man shot during neighborhood gunbattle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Buckeye police are looking for three men involved in a shootout Friday morning with a father who just had returned home from work with his child in his vehicle.
The man was shot in the leg and is expected to be OK, and his son was not injured during the exchange, Buckeye police Lt. Jared Griffith said.
The man, who is in his 30s, returned to his home near 234th Avenue and Pima Street in the Sundance community about 5:30 a.m., with his son sleeping in the back seat of his vehicle, Griffith said.
He became suspicious when he noticed the lights on inside his house because no one else lived there or had access to the home, so he loaded the handgun he kept in his vehicle, Griffith said.


NY: Cuomo asks legislature to scrap worthless bullet tracking system
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A failed effort to to track shell casings in the interest of solving crimes appears to be heading to legislative repeal. The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association said they applaud Governor Cuomo's proposal to scrap the Combined Ballistic Identification System (CoBIS). After collecting over 356,000 spent shell casings since March 2001 at an estimated cost of nearly $44 million, not a single crime has been solved because of the program, NYSRPA says.

Secret Service to probe bullet-riddled Obama image
Submitted by: D. Smith

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A photograph showing a group of men with guns posing with a bullet-riddled T-shirt containing an image of Barack Obama's face is to be investigated by the Secret Service, a spokesman confirmed to NBC News.

"We are aware of it. Anytime information is brought to our attention that a group or individual expresses an unusual interest in one of our protectees, we conduct the appropriate follow-up," Secret Service spokesman Max Milien told NBC News.

"We respect the right of free speech and expression but we certainly have the right and obligation to speak to individuals to determine what their intent is," he added. "We treat anything (any potential threat) seriously. We can't dismiss anything."

NY: Retired Border Patrol Agent Proposes Gun Training
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A retired U.S. Border Patrol agent is working to stir up interest in a firearms training program that would give former law enforcement officers a chance to continue to carry concealed weapons. Jean-Pierre Plante has proposed bringing a certified gun instructor to the north country, giving former officers a one-day crash course on everything weapon-related. The class would be the first of its kind in the area and would help retirees take advantage of a federal law that allows them to carry a concealed handgun.

FBI seeking social media monitoring tool
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking for a tool to mine social media for intelligence tips.
The US domestic law enforcement agency is asking information technology contractors about the feasibility of building a tool that would "enhance its techniques for collecting and sharing 'open source' actionable intelligence."
The January 19 open request was published on a website offering federal business opportunities and was first reported by New Scientist magazine.
The FBI said it is seeking an "open source and social media alert, mapping and analysis application solution" for its Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC).

NV: Ron Paul Nevada Team Names New ‘Gun Owners for Ron Paul’ Nationwide Coalition Members
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Women and men valuing their Second Amendment rights hail from Clark County and support the ‘Champion of the Constitution’
HENDERSON, Nevada – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced additions to its active “Gun Owners for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition.

The new members hail from Clark County, Nevada, and reside in the Las Vegas metro area. All have pledged to spread the word among their respective communities about Dr. Paul’s staunch defense of the fundamental right to bear arms.

CO: Lawsuit Filed Against Anti-Gun Colorado Hospital
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As you may know, Colorado state law doesn’t allow a taxpayer-funded facility to ban concealed carry (i.e. they think you shouldn’t be able to defend yourself).

Based on that law, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners filed a complaint against Colorado State University two years ago, and won.

This week, the same lawyer who filed against CSU again represented Rocky Mountain Gun Owners members by filing a lawsuit against Northern Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) in Greeley.

CA: CCRKBA Says Hypocritical, Anti-Gun San Francisco Sheriff Should Quit Over DV Charges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Mirkarimi's case presents a massive irony," Gottlieb observed. "Here's a man who has supported restrictive gun control measures while on the Board of Supervisors, and yet he had three handguns. He just was elected sheriff, and now he's accused of a crime that, if he is convicted, could cost him his gun rights for the rest of his life under federal law.


Gottlieb said the case also brings focus on a domestic violence law that seems to treat people as though they are guilty until proven innocent. What other law allows the state to deprive someone of constitutional rights – in this case, the right to keep and bear arms – before they are convicted of a crime?

CA: San Francisco sheriff’s dilemma revives Tacoma memories
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sworn in as the San Francisco County Sheriff earlier this month, Ross Mirkarimi is making headlines of a different sort that revive memories of another top cop, this one in Tacoma, because the hot story today is an allegation of domestic violence that has forced the anti-gun Bay Area lawman to surrender his own firearms.

It was nearly nine years ago that Tacoma Police Chief David Brame fatally wounded his wife and then took his own life in the parking lot of a shopping center. The couple was separated and a messy divorce was underway. Crystal Brame died several days later. The Tacoma News Tribune covered this tragic story extensively.

NV: Ban on felons carrying firearms includes antique guns, court rules
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Constitution and the Nevada Constitution both give citizens the right to bear arms.

But the Nevada Supreme Court said Thursday that right doesn't extend to convicted felons. And that prohibition in Nevada applies to antique and muzzle-loading replica firearms.

Michael Pohlabel, an ex-felon, was arrested in Elko County with a black-powder rifle in the back seat of his car. The weapon is a type that must be loaded by hand each time a shot is fired, takes at least 45 seconds to load and is hard to conceal.

OK: Concealed-carry class on OSU campus lacks only guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It looked like a regular class. Students took notes while the instructor talked about the points listed on a screen behind him.

But this Friday evening session on the Oklahoma State University campus didn't count toward a college degree.

This class was for a license to carry a concealed firearm.

Forty-two people - students, faculty members and Stillwater residents - registered for the session, a first for the university.

IA: Iowa Firearms Coalition Legislative Update
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Progress at the Capitol!This has been a busy, busy couple of weeks for IFC, your Iowa NRA Affiliate Club!

We have 3 issues to update you on, a new state added recognition of Iowa’s Permit to Carry, steady progress on the Traditional Ammunition Ban front and most importantly Stand Your Ground legislation is moving forward!

Colt Partners With Crimson Trace On New Agent Pistol With Lasergrips
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC has teamed up with Crimson Trace Corporation for the first ever Lasergrips, grip-integrated laser sight emblazoned with the Colt logo, which is now standard on the Colt New Agent pistol.

This compact, lightweight Colt 1911 series pistol with wrap-around, front activation laser sight, gives shooters increased accuracy and confidence in their shot placement.

KS: Kansas police oppose proposal allowing guns in public buildings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Supporters of the proposed Kansas law argue that they are trying to preserve Second Amendment rights of Kansans to carry guns while also giving them the ability to protect themselves.

“I do think the fundamental Second Amendment right to protect myself can’t be abridged,” said state Rep. John Rubin, a Shawnee Republican. “It is unrealistic to presume that people are safe in public buildings and university campus buildings just because there is a sign posted on the door that says concealed carry is not permitted.”

NH: Panel weighs all arguments in gun bill debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State senators said they will try to balance security needs and the right to bear arms as they decide what recommendation to make on a bill that would prohibit public colleges and universities, and any group, organization or business that uses public lands or publicly owned or financed buildings from banning firearms.

Law enforcement and college officials as well as gun rights activists filled a State House hearing room Thursday as the Senate Judiciary Committee held public hearings on three bills that would make the state’s firearm laws more lenient.

DC: Applying to register a gun in D.C.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While my new gun was being transferred to the District from Virginia, I returned to D.C.’s Gun Registry Office to turn in my registration application. As you will see in what follows, this should have been simple step, but it took all day. Like everything else in my effort to get a legal handgun in this city has been far more complicated and time-consuming that it needed to be.

Ed.: Part of the "Emily gets her Gun" series.

NC: Retailer preaches gun safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A fatal shooting of a child in Durham Friday brought gun safety into the spotlight, a place Rick Franks says it should stay. Franks has worked for more than a decade at Raleigh's Personal Defense & Handgun Safety Center, Inc., a retailer and shooting range that offers classes in basic handgun safety, competitive shooting and self-defense.

TX: Self defense law may apply to Slaton shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lubbock County Sheriff's deputies said 69-year old Fred Melcher entered his home with his friend Edith Ayers when they surprised a burglar. Deputies said the burglar is a man they knew, 49-year-old Robert Holt.

Sheriff Kelly Rowe said, "There was an exchange of gun fire between the burglar and the homeowner. The homeowner shot and killed the intruder."

Attorney Curtis Parrish said the Castle Doctrine was made law in Texas four years ago.

NY: New York City -1 US Constitution-0 NYC profits from seizures of legal guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The case, New York against Mark Meckler, Tea Party Patriots co-founder; The charge, C Violent Felony of Possession of a Firearm with Intent to Use; The reality, Meckler was in-transit at LaGuardia Airport and declared his fully-licensed, unloaded weapon that was stored in a TSA-approved locked case located in his luggage; The result, jail and a fine.

CA: Martinez man receives probation for fatally stabbing man in self-defense in 2008 bar fight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Murder charges were dropped in Contra Costa County Superior Court on Friday against a Martinez man who fatally stabbed a man during a September 2008 bar fight in an apparent act of self-defense.

Paul Morgan, 33, was instead sentenced to three years of probation for involuntary manslaughter for the stabbing of 48-year-old Discovery Bay resident Rusty Rascon during a fight outside the Wild Idol Saloon in Byron on Sept. 10, 2008.

The defendant had pleaded guilty to the involuntary manslaughter charge, according to Deputy District Attorney John Cope, who said that Morgan's use of a knife in the incident was excessive.

PA: Recent self-defense shootings not a trend
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Both shootings have some wondering if self-defense cases are on the rise.

The district attorney says they are rare.
He says he doesn't condone the use of violence but in certain situations the law does allow people to use force.

"Where self-defense is generally always accepted and that's to protect your home, to protect your vehicle, and in protection of your business and in those three places you don't have a duty to retreat," said John Adams.

CA: Dana Point Man Shoots, Kills Intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Dana Point man shot and killed an intruder in his home late Monday night, authorities said.


According to Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Jim Amormino the resident searched his home but went back to his room after finding nothing unusual in the house.

“A few minutes later the resident heard a noise again,” said Amormino. “This time he armed himself with a handgun.”

The resident opened his bedroom door, was confronted by a male intruder inside his house and fired multiple shots, hitting the man, Amormino said.

IL: Three Anti-Gun Bills In Illinois
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Your Immediate Action Needed: Pending House Votes on Three Anti-Gun Bills in Illinois

Three anti-gun bills passed yesterday in the state House Rules Committee and could be voted on at anytime when the House convenes next Tuesday. The three following bills are a direct attack on your Second Amendment rights and must be stopped!

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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