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Newslinks for 1/29/2005

Ron Paul: What If Our Foreign Policy and Domestic Anti-Terrorism Policy Are Big Mistakes?
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"Since 9/11, a lot of energy and money have gone into efforts ostensibly designed to make us safer. Many laws have been passed and many dollars have been spent. Whether or not we’re better off is another question." ...

"Our government now is permitted to monitor the Internet, to read our mail, to search us without proper search warrants, to develop a national ID card, and to investigate what people are reading in libraries. Ironically, illegal aliens flow into our country and qualify for driving licenses and welfare benefits with little restraint." ...

"We don’t understand the difference between a vague threat of terrorism and the danger of a guerilla war. One prompts us to expand and nationalize domestic law enforcement while limiting the freedoms of all Americans. The other deals with understanding terrorists like bin Laden, who declared war against us in 1998. Not understanding the difference makes it virtually impossible to deal with the real threats. ..."

Howard Nemerov: Gun Banners Want NRA 'Out of San Francisco'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Since targeting criminals reduces homicide, it would be more just to enforce criminal law, instead of diverting police resources to tracking down and confiscating firearms from people who have no criminal intent."

"How can the op/ed authors claim to represent justice when they hold innocent citizens guilty for the actions of criminals? When they wish to enact laws that have been proven to be dangerous to future generations of innocents?"

"The Brady Campaign wants the NRA, an organization comprised of four million American citizens, to leave San Francisco. Is this representative of democratic justice that fair-minded San Franciscans support, or is this more representative of tyranny?"

Elementary deduction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sherlock Holmes could teach deductive reasoning to the National Academy of Sciences."

"Holmes, the quintessential detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, knew that by eliminating all other factors, the remaining one must be the truth."

"An NAS panel created during the Clinton administration -- and infested with gun-grabbers -- issued a 328-page report on gun control. It studied hundreds of articles, books, government publications, gun-control laws and its own empirical work."

"But its exhaustive study -- analyzing the former ban on so-called assault weapons, the Brady Act, one-gun-a-month buying restrictions and gun locks -- could not identify any benefits of gun control." ...

Unwilling Defenders of Gun Rights
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"Last December, the National Academy of Sciences, which operates under a congressional charter and describes itself as 'Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine,' released a 328-page report on gun-control laws entitled Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review. In its report 'based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey that covered 80 different gun-control measures and some of its own empirical work, the panel couldn't identify a single gun-control regulation that reduced violent crime, suicide, or accidents,' reported the December 29 New York Post."

"But instead of bringing national attention to the pervasive lies and unjustified assertions of gun-control proponents, the Academy of Sciences discounted some of its own research, advocated measures opposed by gun owners, vilified gun owners, and misrepresented some of its data."

Brady Video Shoots Blanks (NRA)
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"In an obvious setup for an ammunition-banning 'killer amendment' to defeat pro-gun legislation, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and New York Senator Chuck Schumer (D) have once again proven that they've never seen a gun they won't try to ban. The target of this week's sparsely attended Washington news conference was FN Herstal`s 'Five-SeveN,' an expensive and still rare polymer-framed handgun. At the same time they attack .50 caliber rifles for their large bullets and long-range capability, the anti-gun groups falsely claim the Five-SeveN--specially designed for short-range use with small, lightweight bullets--poses a threat to police."

Snubbing Michael Moore (NRA)
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"Congratulations to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for getting this one right! The Academy snubbed Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' in this year`s Oscar nominations. Moore reportedly withdrew the politically hostile film from contention in the documentary category not only because he planned to air it before the November elections (a disqualification under Academy rules), but also in the high hopes that it would be nominated for best-picture. Moore's hopes were dashed when the gamble backfired and the film was shut out across the board."

CA: Home intruder shot by occupant
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Greg Collins kept watch in his garage Wednesday night, two loaded shotguns by his side. He was on guard for thieves who had burglarized his Modesto home on Hackberry Avenue six times in three weeks."

"Collins fell asleep but was awakened about 5:26 a.m. by a loud crash when someone opened the garage door and a large box he had laid against it scraped across the floor. The intruder turned on the lights and walked into the garage, toward a large piece of plywood that covered tools."

"Still groggy from sleep, Collins grabbed a shotgun and told the intruder to freeze."

FL: Bill would broaden deadly force rights
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"State Sen. Durell Peaden wants to make sure people have a right to use deadly force to shoot home intruders without fear of prosecution." ...

"As Florida's law now reads, people who use deadly force against someone in their home must be responding to a threat of death or great bodily harm."

"Peaden's bill would make any intruder on someone's property — or a home they're visiting, their RV, car or tent — a threat that by definition justifies using deadly force."

MN: Robber returns to scene of crime to get gun back
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A bit of levity...

"It's no big surprise that a robber ran away when a store clerk snatched his gun. What is surprising is that he returned and demanded his gun back."

"And Minneapolis police say that's what got him arrested."

"Police say the robber set his gun on the counter while he emptied the cash drawer. That's when the cashier grabbed the gun and ordered the robber to leave."

"When he returned a few minutes later, the clerk's cousin fought with him, unmasked him and forced him to flee again."

Russia: Postmen to carry guns
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The Russian government decided on Friday to equip its mail carriers and their bosses with guns.

The guns, preferably revolvers, will be given to those who have to transport cash, the report said, without specifying how many weapons would be issued in all or when the programme would begin.

The decision must still be approved by the justice ministry, the report said.

Without a viable bank checking system, prominent in the Western world, many Russian payments are made in cash, with bills stuffed in envelopes and sent across the country's 11 time zones.

AL: Officer disciplined for using Taser on elderly woman
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"A Rock Hill police officer received a verbal warning and was required to attend a Taser retraining course after using a stun gun on an elderly woman, according to documents released Thursday."

"An internal investigation found that Officer Hattie Jean Macon acted prematurely when she used a Taser on Margaret Kimbrell, 75, at EdenGardens retirement home, where Kimbrell had gone to visit a friend on Oct. 15."

CA: Sheriff's deputy accused of tax evasion
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"A Marin sheriff's deputy is facing up to nine years in prison after being charged with state tax evasion, authorities said yesterday."

"Matthew Allen, a 30-year-old Rohnert Park resident, surrendered to authorities at the Sonoma County Jail yesterday and turned in his badge and gun, according to the Franchise Tax Board. He posted bail of $10,000 and was released."

RI: Spelling bee nixed because it 'leaves child behind'
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"A school district in Rhode Island canceled its annual spelling bee this year because administrators decided the crowning of only one winner violates the main principle of the federal No Child Left Behind Act – that all children should succeed."

"Linda Newman, assistant superintendent of schools in Lincoln, R.I., said it's her understanding that President Bush's education initiative says all children must reach high standards, which conflicts with the spelling bee..." ...

"She argues that professional organizations now encourage elementary school children to participate in activities that avoid winners and losers, which is why sports teams have been eliminated for that age group."

"Building self-esteem is the emphasis.

CO: CHS student faces expulsion after police find rifles in car
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"His reason for having weapons visible in his car alleviated the fears of law enforcement officers, but a Grand Junction Central High School student’s act of forgetfulness can’t be overlooked by School District 51."

"Jeremy R. Young, 18, was on suspension Thursday and is facing expulsion from school after a school official discovered three unloaded rifles in the back seat of Young’s car in the Central High School parking lot Wednesday."

"A firearm on school property mandates expulsion according to federal and state guidelines, School District 51 spokesman Jeff Kirtland said." ...

"Young had been target shooting with a friend Tuesday and forgot to remove the lawfully owned guns from the car..."

GA: Second Amendment threatened, Barr warns in law school speech
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"Former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr defended the constitutional right to bear arms against what he called an 'anti-freedom philosophy' in a speech about the importance of the Second Amendment at the Emory School of Law on Monday."

"Barr, a Republican, told the audience of about 30 people that Americans must do everything in their power to ward off intrusion from the U.S. government and 'preserve what privacy and other civil liberties are left to us.' "

"He warned that many people in America and the United Nations 'engage in actions to diminish one’s God-given, constitutionally-guaranteed rights.' "

UK: A case of disarming police work
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"POLICE are running twin operations - to seize guns from criminals and persuade the public to hand in dangerous weapons."

"Senior officers hope the work will disarm criminals with access to firearms and prevent false alarms where people carrying realistic gun look-alikes cause unnecessary armed police operations."

"Operation Mantra starts on February 1 with police urging people to surrender weapons at the county's six main police stations."

OH: Carjacked on drive home from work; Hostage taken on 100mph run from cops
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"...a man was coming home from work at about 2 a.m. when two men approached with guns drawn."

"...the men told the alleged victim, Jeremy Schumacher, that they wanted to go shopping. The men checked Jeremy's wallet, found his girlfriend's credit cards and forced her to come outside." ...

"While we cannot know where Schumacher works, or what his employer's policies on firearms are, there is a lesson here for any business that affirmatively renders its employees and customers defenseless by banning firearms on company property, even in personal vehicles. Such bans not only create victim disarmament zones at the workplace, but they also create a defacto ban on self-defense while traveling to and from the place of business."

UK: Armed robbery in taxi
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"A TAXI driver was robbed by thieves armed with a gun and a knife."

"The 34-year-old victim picked three teenagers up at Paddock Head roundabout just before 12.30am today." ...

"He was then threatened with a knife by the front seat passenger and one of the thieves in the back ordered him to hand over cash or he would be shot."

MD: EFSGV: Maryland State Police Acting Like "Keystone Cops"
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"The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence today characterized a new report by the Maryland State Police recommending the repeal of the state's comprehensive ballistic identification system as 'politically-motivated junk science.' "

"The report's recommendation should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the issue in Maryland. In 2003, Governor Ehrlich, who has long supported the gun lobby, actively lobbied against efforts to expand the ballistic identification system despite the system's endorsement by David Mitchell, the former head of the Maryland State Police."

This expensive system hasn't solved a single crime, but apparently Horwitz and crew consider this fact "politically motivated junk science."

MD: Governor Ehrlich Launches "I.D. Maryland" Public Safety Initiative
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"Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., recently introduced a broad plan to strengthen Maryland's public safety and homeland security strategies to meet threats facing Maryland and its critical infrastructure. Governor Ehrlich's plan includes new technology investments in 'Smart Cars' and information technology while expanding access to fingerprint identification and DNA databases."

UK: Armed siege leads to arrest
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"Ambulance crew threatened with 'gun'. A MAN was taken to hospital following an incident in which armed police surrounded a Barrowford farm for 13 hours."

"The firearms team and police officers arrived at West Pasture Farm, Barrowford, on Tuesday night, after a man was reported to have threatened an ambulance crew with what they believed to be a shotgun."

CA: Gunshots cause school lockdown
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"Police arrested a 17-year-old male and detained an unidentified 20-year-old male Thursday following a suspected gang-related shooting outside a local elementary school."

"The shooting occurred as about 600 students participated in an emergency fire drill on the east side of the school, police and school officials."

RI: Former Portsmouth Police officer files civil suit
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"A former Portsmouth police officer has filed a civil suit against the town, claiming the department unjustly suspended him after a training incident in 2001 and harassed him following his report of 'illegal' activity among fellow town employees." ...

"Mr. Ims list of allegations also include that the department did not allow him to work full-time hours after reporting some of the actions of his colleagues." ...

"Mr. Ims had been disciplined after a 2001 training exercise where he was accused of striking Officer William Burns in the head with the butt of a gun. During the Bill of Rights hearing, Mr. Ims was cleared of any fault and allowed to return from his suspension."

OR: Gun control advocates, opponents, spar over Senate bill
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"Several years ago a North Clackamas school district custodian who had a concealed weapons permit left his gun in a backpack overnight at an elementary school."

"Even now, Superintendent Ron Naso says he shudders to think what could have happened if a child had found that backpack the next day, instead of a teacher."

"And so Naso came to a hearing Friday in support of Senate Bill 335, which would let local school boards choose whether to prohibit concealed weapons permit holders from bringing their guns to school."

UK: Car taken at gunpoint
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"Masked men stole a car at gunpoint outside a house in North Street, Atherstone, last night."

"The two men opened the doors of a black Vauxhall Astra as the driver and passenger parked outside the house."

"Officers are investigating the possibility that the crime could be linked with similar offences in Princethorpe on Wednesday when other vehicles were taken at gunpoint."

UK: Gun police out in force
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"Birmingham's fight against guns was highlighted today when shock figures revealed the number of armed police had doubled in the last three years."

"Gun-carrying cops in the West Midlands were called into action more than 25 times a week last year."

"Only London had a higher figure."

"The force's battle against gun gangs and terrorist threats has brought about much of the increase - but youngsters playing with toy guns also caused the figures to rocket."

LA: Project ChildSafe visits Leesville, Cenla to promote gun safety for children
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"Free firearm safety kits are now available to the public, after Project ChildSafe visited Leesville and surrounding towns this past Thursday. The kits, which contain a cable-style gun lock and a firearm safety brochure, can be picked up at any local law enforcement agency."

"Project ChildSafe is the nation's largest firearm safety education program. In October 2004, it began the second phase of its nationwide campaign to promote safe and responsible gun ownership and storage."

"On Thursday, Bob Bailey, a retired publishing businessman from Texas and a delivery man for Project ChildSafe, visited Leesville and other surrounding towns to promote the gun locks and distribute the free kits."

NY: Politician bows to Brady propaganda
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congressman Eliot Engel of Westchester and Rockland counties yesterday announced he is developing legislation to ban the five-seven handgun - a pistol capable of killing a police officer by penetrating a bullet-proof vest from over 200 meters."

" 'It is common sense that five-seven handguns should be banned because the weapon exists only to kill law enforcement officers,' said Engel. 'If you support police officers, than you should support my legislation to ban this cop-killer weapon. Police officers wear bullet-proof vests to get them home safe to their families and loved-ones. We owe it to those brave men and women to help ensure their bullet-proof vests cannot be pierced by readily available five-seven handguns.' "

MA: Tasers are another tool for law enforcement
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"Properly used, the Taser delivers a 50,000-volt charge to a target up to 21 feet away. That is enough to bring even the biggest, brawniest, drug-deranged suspect to the ground in seconds."

"But some departments are holding back from Taser purchases, waiting to see what fallout comes from the inevitable lawsuits that will follow their use. A few suspects have died following Taser hits, and police in some communities have misused the devices, in one case stunning a 6-year-old boy in Miami."

"It's important to note that these concerns are not unique to Tasers. An officer can unintentionally kill a suspect with a baton. Pepper sprays can be misused. An officer wading into a conflict bare-handed is putting himself at risk."

DC: Officers Arrest Robbery Suspects (in gun-free "utopia")
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"Two armed robbers were apprehended Wednesday night after robbing a Georgetown student and two other individuals near campus."

"Jonathan Walters (MSB ’06) said that he was walking southbound on the 1500 block of 35th Street at about 8 p.m. on Wednesday when he passed by two men. One displayed a handgun and demanded money."

FL: Buyback of guns planned
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"Getting rid of unwanted guns has become a little more lucrative in Pembroke Pines."

"The City Commission recently approved for the Citizens Crime Watch of Pembroke Pines to start a gun buyback program. Those turning in guns will receive $25 gift certificates, which have been paid for through private donations."

OH: Fifth Third Victim Zone: Female Bank Robber Captured
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" is reporting that police officials apprehended a Cathy Sams, 39, minutes after she had robbed the 'no-guns' Fifth-Third Bank on Union Road in Englewood. The FBI announced this week it is pressing federal charges against the suspected bank robber on Tuesday."

"Investigators told WHIO a witness helped authorities find Sams. Peter Gilbert said he saw the car and watched the dye pack go off. He said there was red smoke pouring out of the car. Gilbert said he started to follow the suspect." ...

"Prosecutors say Sams is also suspected of firing shots outside the (no-guns) Brookville High School as a diversion for the Brookville bank robbery."

NH: One-year expulsion in alleged gun incident
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"The 16-year-old who allegedly brought a loaded semiautomatic pistol with him to Timberlane Regional High School in December has been expelled by the School Board until January 2006."

"On Dec. 16, 2004, a junior at the high school allegedly brought a working handgun with a full clip to school with him, which he said was for protection from people outside the school. The teen has been expelled from school since the incident." ...

"...the law states there is a mandatory one-year expulsion for any student who violates the Safe School Act and the board only had to determine whether he was in violation."

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. — Thomas Sowell

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