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Newslinks for 1/29/2010

Steve Lee "Likes Guns" and Government Gun Control
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The song by Australian Steve Lee, 'I Like Guns,' has been making the rounds on the Internet."

"Not so fast, dear libertarian friends and fellow fans of guns. Steve Lee is actually a proponent of government-defined gun control, as long as he can have his guns as 'toys' to blow up cars. ..."

Carol Sente Typical of Politicans Who 'Support Second Amendment'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That's the problem when people start telling lies, and it validates the wisdom of Aesop when he told us of the boy who cried wolf. When Sente starts calling other people liars, we don't know who to believe. " ...

Violence Policy Center espouses 'no guns for negroes'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Gun control,' as forcible citizen disarmament is generally referred to, owes its American origins to racism. ..."

"Such laws were, of course, quite a boon to the KKK, who could have more confidence in their victims' inability to fight back effectively. Conversely, of course, this kind of law was very bad news for blacks in the South, which is why the Reconstruction Era Fourteenth Amendment was intended to protect Second Amendment rights against restrictive state and local laws ..." ...

"Interestingly (and as has already been pointed out), it seems that Violence Policy Center executive director Josh Sugarmann would approve of such laws, as he makes clear in a piece he wrote about black homicide rates." ...

He’s Armed. He’s American. And He’s Coming To Armed American Radio Its TED NUGENT!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed American Radio (AAR) with host Mark Walters in conjunction with the United States Concealed Carry Association is proud to welcome special guest Ted Nugent for one solid hour THIS Sunday, January 31 LIVE at 9 pm EST."

"Syndicated nationally by Salem Radio Network and broadcasting from the Intelligent Talk 920am WGKA studios in downtown Atlanta, Armed American Radio is heard live every Sunday night from 8-11 pm EST, 5-8 pm PST coast to coast."

"For more information on where YOU can listen to AAR, please visit"

"Fighting for your second amendment rights and talking to the biggest names in self-defense, Armed American Radio is currently one of the fastest growing radio broadcasts in America ..." ...

Claim Jumpers does not support the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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"Robert Ott, the CEO of the Claim Jumper restaurant chain does not believe ordinary citizens have the right to protect themselves and their families under the rights conferred by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. This is the letter sent to Robert Ott by T. Mark Graham (AKA Gunplumber) owner of Arizona Response Systems, a small firearms manufacturing company. Read the letter at the link and forward to friends and family." ...

Should Guns be Allowed in Bars and Restaurants that Serve Alcohol? (Poll)
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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A bill is moving through the New Mexico House that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to bring their guns into bars and restaurants that serve liquor. What do you think of this? Are guns and alcohol a potentially deadly mix, or does the 2nd amendment trump the risk?

Court grants NRA motion to argue McDonald: What are implications?
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States granted a motion by the National Rifle Association for a portion of the 60 minutes allotted to oral argument in the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago. While it might seem unremarkable for the Court to allot argument on an important gun rights case to the dominant gun rights organization, the ruling highlights longstanding antipathy between the NRA and Alan Gura, the lawyer who won the landmark gun rights case Heller v. D.C. and is now arguing McDonald."

"In Heller, Gura and many others felt the NRA tried to torpedo the case ..." ...

"The question is whether the NRA, which butted into the present case against the wishes of Gura and his client, is doing so for sound tactical reasons, or as a means of 'marching to the head of the parade' by claiming success for efforts not of its doing." ...

NY: 2 guilty in NYC shop holdup stopped by owner's gun
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The two surviving members of a group of would-be stickup artists thwarted by a shotgun-wielding Harlem shop owner have pleaded guilty to robbery." ...

SHOT Show Interview with Robert Johnson of Gun Owners Of Nevada
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While staff from the National Association for Gun Rights was in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 2010 SHOT Show, Executive Director Dudley Brown sat down with Robert Johnson, Director of Gun Owners of Nevada, to discuss Nevada’s political landscape."

"Dudley Brown (DB): ... Gun Owners of Nevada has been going strong for just a few short years. Tell us a little bit about your group."

"Robert Johnson (RJ): ... Gun Owners of Nevada was founded to be the no-compromise, no-excuses voice for the Second Amendment in Nevada. GONV was founded on the basic principle that you, as an American citizen, should not have to beg permission from the government to be able to defend yourself and your family. ..." ...

SC: South Carolina Firearms Freedom Act Bill Needs Help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As currently drafted, H. 4022 could cause innocent South Carolina gun owners to lose their right to keep and bear arms for life!"

"If passed as written, South Carolina gun owners who rely on H. 4022 and abide by South Carolina law will still be considered to be in violation of federal law. This means the federal government will still prosecute South Carolina gun owners who abide by South Carolina law. H. 4022 must be amended to better protect gun owners in South Carolina."

"GrassRoots GunRights has proposed language to fix the problems with H. 4022." ...

CT: Connecticut Citizens Defense League Asks for & Gets Clarification on CT Pistol Permits Applications
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The CCDL, Inc. has taken action to help Connecticut citizens applying for gun permits!"

"Many issuing authorities in Connecticut have for years taken it upon themselves to ask for extra information from applicants for their permit to carry ..." ...

"This extra information has never been required by any state statute."

"Members of the CCDL have asked that the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners (BFPE) make a Declaratory Ruling on whether all of this extra information is needed when applying for a permit." ...

"The official ruling from BFPE is that anything not specifically called out in the CT state statues is NOT necessary when applying for a permit ..." ...

"Trigger Sports Live!" Jan. 27 Show
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Guests: Rachel Parsons - NRA, David Codrea, Julie Golob, SYV Bow Club Preview and much more! "

George Morovich on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"George Morovich is a Republican candidate running for Texas Congressional District 25, currently held by Lloyd Doggett. If you want a Congressman to represent your right to keep and bear arms, this questionnaire will assist you in deciding if a candidate will represent you."

"Lloyd Doggett was endorsed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in 2008, which makes his position on gun rights very clear. The Brady Campaign has shown time and again that their idea of 'sensible gun laws' translates into confiscation."

"Brady also considers the states with the most gun control the 'best' states in the union, even though these states average higher violent crime and murder rates." ...

TX: Merritt Endorsed by NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Representative Tommy Merritt received an A+ rating and endorsement from the National Rifle Association. According to Tara Reilly Mica, NRA State Liason, your rating and endorsement are based on your strong record of support for Second Amendment issues in the Texas Legislature. Rep. Merritt said, 'It is a tremendous honor to receive the endorsement of the NRA and its members. I will continue to work diligently on behalf of all Texas gun owners.'" ...

OH: Dayton suburb opposes state law that killed their gun ban
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"In Beavercreek, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, some city council members are reportedly outraged that they are being forced by state law to remove their gun ban in city parks. ..." ...

SD: S.D. may join bid to bypass gun rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than half of South Dakota's state lawmakers are sponsoring a bill that would exempt domestic manufacturers of firearms and ammunition from federal regulations."

"South Dakota is one of about 20 states nationwide considering such legislation. The genesis for the idea comes from Montana, which passed an identical bill last year, setting the stage for a legal battle with the federal government."

"'I think every state that passes something like this will add another rock to the pile and momentum to the legal case,' said Sen. Larry Rhoden, a Union Center Republican who is the prime sponsor in the Senate." ...

ME: Statehouse gun ban is reasonable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Banning guns and other deadly weapons from the New Hampshire Statehouse is not something that should be distracting the Legislature from doing its real business — producing laws and budgets that will be to the benefit of the people of the state."

"Such a ban was reinstated recently by a House committee for safety reasons, but the decision was reversed, and now a legislator is likely to file a bill that will require the entire Legislature to debate the issue."

"This should not be necessary; a gun ban is a reasonable policy."

"According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, more than 45 states have varying degrees of weapons restrictions at statehouses and government buildings." ...

Submitter's Note: In MN the "restriction" consists of a requirement to write a letter to the Commissioner of Public Safety telling him you will be carrying a gun to the Capitol.

OH: Republican councilwoman calls law allowing guns in parks 'ridiculous'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dayton Daily News writer Christopher Magan is reporting that the City of Beavercreek is considering a change to an ordinance prohibiting guns in public parks to comply with a state law passed in 2007 and upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court in 2008. 'Unfortunately,' Magan editorializes (in what is purported to be a news story), 'the City Council has no choice.'"

"The story, entitled 'Law allowing guns in parks irks Beavercreek councilwoman,' notes that the move to restore rights to persons with concealed handgun licenses (CHLs) has at least one local official upset." ...

DC: D.C. Police Raid Wrong Home, City Refuses to Pay for Damage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Capitol Hill residents David and Allyson Kitchel tell local TV station WJLA that MPDC police recently raided their home looking for a suspect wanted on weapons charges. They say the raid caused $3,000 in damage. THe Kitchels bought the home from the suspect's family 18 months ago. Police apparently raided the home after getting an address from the suspect’s mother, but didn't bother to check public records to see if the house had been sold."

"The Kitchels say when they asked the city to compensate them for the damage, they were declined. The city explained that 'the warrant was authorized and valid,' and that 'MPD officers determined there was sufficient probable cause.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

PA: Philadelphia Cop Charged in Violent Altercation with Girlfriend
Submitted by: jac

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"A Philadelphia police officer is facing criminal charges in Upper Darby, Pa. after an overnight altercation with his girlfriend."

"Michael Minor (above), 36, an officer in the 12th District, had just gotten off work when he got into an argument with the mother of his two children in the Clover Lane home they shared."

"Upper Darby police superintendent Michael Chitwood says the woman called for help:"

"'She was struck in the face, dragged off a couch onto the floor, and she had also stated that he threatened to come back and shoot the family.'" ...

NJ: Lt. Andriani, commander in Hoboken SWAT scandal, causes 'disturbance' at Tampa airport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lt. Angelo Andriani of the Hoboken Police Department, who is currently on a two-year paid suspension from the force following the 2007 SWAT team scandal in Hoboken, caused a disturbance at Tampa International Airport in Florida on Jan. 18, police reported."

"... two TIA police officers responded to ... when Andriani, 56, who was in line for a flight to New Jersey, became irate when airline flight crew members were permitted to pass him in line at a [TSA] checkpoint. He took pictures of TSA agents' badges, police said." ...

"Hoboken Police Chief Anthony Falco said that, since this relates to an internal investigation within the police department, he is required by attorney general guidelines not to comment. ..." ...

AL: Former Officer Found Guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Chickasaw Police Officer has been convicted of rape, sodomy and sex abuse.. Bob Ingle was accused of raping his step-daughter, Rebecca McEvoy."

"It only took the jury a few hours to come back with the guilty verdicts."

"McEvoy, who was ten years old when she told her best friend she had been abused by her stepfather, was killed in an unrelated car crash in January 2008. Since her death, Ingle's attorneys have fought to have the case dismissed based on what they say is his constitutional right to confront his accuser." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TX: Woman Claims On-Duty Cop Urinated in Front of Her
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Covington police officer has been placed on paid leave while he's investigated for what one family calls inappropriate actions while on duty."

"A convenience store worker said the officer urinated in front of her while she was cleaning the men's restroom. Christine Lowry said the officer walked into the bathroom Thursday night while she was cleaning."

"Thinking he didn't see her, she poked her head out of the restroom stall and asked the officer to give her just a moment to finish, Lowry said."

"But the officer walked up to the urinal and began using it right in front of her, she said."

"Lowry said he then told her, 'You should be used to this. I'm sure your husband does it to you all the time.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: 2 off-duty LAPD officers arrested for allegedly pistol-whipping man in Whittier
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officers have been arrested for allegedly pistol-whipping a man during a fight in Whittier, authorities said this morning." ...

"Witnesses told police the officer took issue with a bystander, who was watching the altercation while talking on his cellphone, and struck the man in the face. A fight ensued, during which one of the officers allegedly pulled out a handgun and began hitting the victim in the head ..."

"The victim was able to break free, but both off-duty officers chased after him and tackled him to the ground, where the assault continued, the statement said. The victim eventually escaped by running into a nearby Target store." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: Sheriff to investigate why bailiff handcuffed PIO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman says the department has begun an internal affairs investigation into why a deputy acting as a bailiff detained and handcuffed a Superior Court spokeswoman inside a downtown Los Angeles courtroom."

"Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore says deputy public information officer Vania Stuelp was handcuffed Tuesday after she refused to leave the area usually occupied by attorneys and would not follow the deputy's directions. He says Stuelp was not arrested."

"Whitmore says Stuelp walked into the well area to inform a French television crew they could not film in a certain area of the court."

"Court was not in session at the time." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

SC: Officials: Horry Co. officer suspended following arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Horry County police officer is on the opposite side of the law Wednesday after being arrested on charges of criminal domestic violence." ...

"Following an argument between the two, the victim says she went upstairs in the home to hide Petrone's duty belt that contained his service weapons. He followed her, and upon entrance into the room, went into a nightstand and grabbed a .380 caliber semi-automatic pistol."

"A gunshot was heard by the victim and her children after Petrone exited the house and claimed he 'couldn't live like this.' The victim called 911 for police assistance, and when responders arrived, they found Petrone sitting behind a set of bushes in the left rear corner of his yard." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TN: Family Settles Out Of Court With Sheriff's Office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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One of the court cases surrounding the death of 11-year-old Lakeisha White is over. A settlement has been reached between the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office and the family of the deceased girl.

Ron Killings, a Rutherford County Detective at the time, was behind the wheel of his patrol car when he struck the little girl, killing her in the summer of 2008.

NewsChannel 5 has learned that the family has reached a settlement, worth a little more than $200,000 in the civil case.

Witnesses claim that the Detective refused to help the girl at first.

The criminal case against Killings will begin next month. He's charged with reckless homicide.

H/t to David Codrea.

TN: Former narcotics top cop gets probation in drug case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The one-time Tennessee narcotics officer of the year was sentenced to three years probation Tuesday for allowing a known drug dealer to make a delivery of steroids without police interference."

"Brady Valentine, 38, who faced up to three years in federal prison, was praised by former colleagues and supervisors as 'a policeman's policeman' who made a career-ending mistake."

"'This is an especially tragic case because Mr. Valentine was a very promising officer,' said U.S. Dist. Judge Samuel Mays. 'He was a model narcotics officer, but then he himself was engaging in steroid use. This was an aberration for Mr. Valentine.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

PRC: "Killing the Commissar: The Limits of Submission"
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Even by local standards, the late Li Shiming was an uncommonly malicious 'public servant.' His unabashed rapacity and casual sadism eventually cost him his life. Like the ancient Moabite tyrant-king Eglon, Li was stabbed to death without warning in an unlikely setting -- a public school ... -- by a young man many of his erstwhile victims consider a heroic deliverer."

"As regional commissar in the northern China town of Xiashuixi, Li confiscated land and other property at will and terrorized anybody who expressed an audible objection. ... 'One villager who got into a row with him over the allocation of a contract was beaten so badly that he suffered a fractured spine. He was beaten again when he arrived at [the] hospital.'" ...

IN: Enforce guns laws, don't keep secrets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It ought to shock you to know that lots of people in Indiana obtain permits to carry guns despite a history of violence."

"It ought to offend you to be told by your elected representatives that you're not supposed to know."

"A free press got the word out, by way of a recent Star investigative report warning that government has compromised public safety through failure to follow the law."

"Thus far, government's response to the wake-up call has been to roll over and pull up the quilt."

"Tuesday, the Indiana House resoundingly passed a bill to deny the press and public access to the public records from which The Star learned that Indiana State Police routinely grant gun permits to individuals known for violence. ..." ...

CO: CSU Proposed Weapons Ban Raises Controversy and Possible Litigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was not that long ago when [name redacted] perpetrated his massacre at Virginia Tech, killing 33, just four days before the eighth anniversary of the Columbine shooting ... These events ... presumably have influenced both state and university officials to impose greater gun-control regulations ..."

"Such was the case with a recent proposal by Colorado State University Board of Governors that will, if approved, ban concealed weapons at the Fort Collins and other state campuses. Next month, a decision will be made final on the issue. But, what has come to the fore surrounding this decision is second amendment advocates who believe such a ban to be a violation of the right to bear arms. ..." ...

UK: Children's television presenters stopped using anti-terrorism powers while filming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two children’s television presenters, Anna Williamson and Jamie Rickers, were stopped by police under anti-terrorism powers while filming a stunt using hairdryers as pretend weapons."

"The pair, who host ITV show Toonattik, said they were approached by four policemen and had their details taken under the Terrorism Act while they were filming with a crew on London’s Southbank."

"The officers said that they were suspicious after seeing the pair running around wearing flak jackets and utility belts."

"However the presenters told the officers that all they were carrying were hairbrushes, plastic walkie-talkies and blue 'spangly' hairdryers, as they recreated a scene from the popular children's [s]how Dork Hunters." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

UK: Should guns be legalised?
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"IF VICTIMS of violent crime were presented with the scenario again but with the option of being in possession of a gun would it be something they'd consider?"

"MY Sun users on the News Forum have been rifling through the pros and cons on whether legalising guns would help keep one out of arm's way." ...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.— Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. — Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ]

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