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Gun control doesn't reduce crime, violence, say studies
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"While it is an article of faith among gun-control proponents that government restrictions on firearms reduces violence and crime, two new U.S. studies could find no evidence to support such a conclusion."

"The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study. In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns."

"The panel was established during the Clinton administration and all but one of its members were known to favor gun control." ...

GOA's Gun Rights Report for 2004
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"This has been an exciting year, and the GOA staff wants to say 'Thank You' for working with us in 2004."

"No doubt, the most important work was forcing the semi-auto ban to sunset this year. ... This was a tremendous victory that has set the anti-gun movement back a decade.

"But while this was certainly the most prominent achievement, there were other good news items to celebrate as well. To this end, here are a few of the things that we have accomplished together this year." ...

GA: A tip for waiters — Republicans may let customers pack heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Note to waiters and waitresses: Smile when you hand out the menus, and no arguing over 5 percent tips. Gays were addressed in the Legislature last year. God will be taken up this winter, with a bill to permit the public display of the Ten Commandments on every spare section of Sheetrock in Georgia."

"This leaves guns as the most neglected member of the Republican trinity of sacred issues. But not for long."

"Lobbyists for the National Rifle Association are quietly buttonholing the state's GOP leaders, pinning down support for legislation that would allow concealed weapons to be carried into many Georgia restaurants and food-serving bars — though not nightclubs." ...

Submitter's Note: Please explain to me why law-abiding citizens should be disarmed in a restaurant?

MI: Gun law had little effect on crime
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police say there's little evidence gun use is up in crimes or that permit holders have prevented violence."

"Opponents warned of vigilantes run amok, more accidental shootings and road rage escalating to gunfire."

"Backers of Michigan's expanded concealed-weapons law talked of thwarted attacks by thugs, reduced crime and personal safety."

"Three years of experience in Jackson County and statewide indicate the biggest impact of the July 2001 shall-issue law is peace of mind for some 110,000 people packing heat." ...

IN: Gun control claims just don't add up
Submitted by: arevalo

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Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation. It also has some of the highest crime rates.

"Second Amendment-crushing gun control ordinances have done nothing but give criminals carte blanche to rape, rob and murder unsuspecting, law-abiding Chicago citizens."

"The Windy City's inability to control crime has prompted Chicago-based groups like United Power for Action and Justice to attack the rights of gun owners in the south suburbs. They recently staged a protest outside Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale and spouted the usual misleading rhetoric about firearm violence."

"A recent study indicated that handguns purchased at the Riverdale gun shop were involved with many crimes committed in Chicago, Gary and elsewhere." ...

Police: Grandmother Shot Grandson in Self-Defense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Kentucky State Police now say a Letcher County grandmother who shot and killed her grandson possibly did it in self-defense.

Police believe Simon Haynes and his girlfriend Kyla Bellis of South Carolina intended to rob his grandmother, Gerry Haynes when the shooting happened.

Police say the grandmother was hit in the head several times with a blunt object before she shot her grandson in what they believe was self-defense.

Gerry Haynes has been released from the Whitesburg ARH Hospital.

Kyla Bellis remains in the Letcher County Jail on a $250,000 cash bond.

She is charged with robbery and burglary.

MI: Police look for Britton robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police continue to investigate the break-in of the Britton Gas & Grocery on Dec. 8. That investigation has led to one arrest, but the second suspect is still on the loose." ...

"Clary said he was awakened at about 4 a.m. by the burglary alarm going off in his store. He and his wife live next door. He grabbed his pistol and his pickup's keys and ran over to the store. He peeked in the shattered door, being careful to not step on any of the broken glass as he hadn't put on any shoes, and saw the male suspect rooting around behind the counter. He stepped away and motioned to his wife, who was in the house watching from a window, to call police to tell them there was a suspect in the store."

"'I stepped back in,' Clary said. 'I did draw (my gun) on him and said, 'Hey, dumbass. Stand up.'"

"'He stood up and took off running.'" ...

NJ: City merchant kills attacker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The owner of an East Camden store fatally shot a man attempting to rob the business while holding the owner's wife at knifepoint Friday afternoon, authorities said."

"The shooting, the city's 54th homicide in 2004, ..."

"The man walked into the store and grabbed the proprietor's wife, according to a statement by Camden County Prosecutor Vincent P. Sarubbi and Camden Police Chief Edwin J. Figueroa."

"'He reportedly threatened her with a knife and told her he was robbing the store,' said Bill Shralow, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office."

"The owner, who is in his 30s, drew a handgun and told the man to release his wife, who is in her 20s. When the man refused, the owner shot the man once in the head." ...

Submitter's Note: Interesting that a clear self-defense shooting is classified as a homicide . . .

Mexico: Prison shooting kills brother of wanted kingpin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A fellow inmate opened fire on the brother of one of Mexico's most-wanted kingpins, killing him inside a maximum-security prison west of the country's capital, authorities said Saturday."

"Arturo Guzman was shot seven times and died almost instantly around 7 p.m. Friday at La Palma, a federal penitentiary that holds Mexico's most dangerous and high-profile prisoners and is in the town of Almoloya de Juarez, outside Mexico City, according to a statement released by state authorities." ...

"Authorities identified Guzman's killer as Jose Ramirez, a prisoner being held on homicide charges. The statement said federal investigators were working to explain how Ramirez obtained a pistol inside La Palma."

Submitter's Note: But gun are banned in Mexico, even more so in prison!

Philippines: Bureau of Immigration and Deportation agent nabbed for extortion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CONFIDENTIAL agent of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) was arrested by operatives of the Police Anti-Crime Emergency Response (Pacer) for allegedly trying to extort P500,000 from a Filipino-Chinese businessman from Pasig City, authorities announced Sunday."

"The suspect named Cesar de Guzman, a BID confidential agent, was presented by National Police Chief Edgar Aglipay and BID Commissioner Alipio Fernandez in a press conference held in Camp Crame."

"De Guzman has been accused of extorting P500 thousand from businessman Jimmy Go of Valle Verde, Pasig City whom he arrested in San Juan last November 21 for being an illegal alien."

"When Go failed to give in to the suspect's demand, he was detained somewhere in the aforesaid town." ...

PA: Game Commission sets its sights on improving ranges
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As bargains go, the public shooting ranges owned and maintained by the Pennsylvania Game Commission represent a pretty good one."

"They're open year-round. It doesn't cost anything to use them. And most are in pretty good shape, too."

"But the ranges do have their problems, or at least potential problems, in terms of what's down range and what's happening to all of the lead bullets and lead shot being fired."

"That's why the Game Commission is seeking $500,000 in grants. It wants to improve safety and limit environmental problems attributable to lead shot at a half dozen ranges, with the idea that if the remedial measures rove effective, they can be spread to additional sites as time and money permits." ...

KABA Note: The Game Commission should quit reinventing the wheel. The study has already been done.

NH: Legislator calls for study of gun seizures
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A lawmaker is asking the Legislature to revisit the laws that allow judges and police officers to seize guns in domestic violence cases."

"'A lot of these domestic violence charges are brought as a tactic in divorces,' said Rep. Howard Dickinson, a Center Conway Republican. 'There is an excessive amount of paranoia when it comes to guns, and sometimes the guns have nothing to do whatsoever with the situation.'" ...

CA: San Francisco Considers Handgun Ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The city that bucked state law and sanctioned gay marriage is now taking aim at the constitutional right to bear arms by proposing a ban in San Francisco on private ownership of all handguns."

"'When you get guns out of people's homes and off the streets, it means that that gun is not going to be used in a shooting that kills someone, whether a murder or an accidental shooting,' said Chris Daly, supervisor of San Francisco." ...

PA: Shoots on tap
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Indiana County Bow and Gun Club will hold a 3-D archery shoot Jan. 9. Sign-ups are from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The club's indoor archery season is also underway and continues through April. Disabled shooters begin at noon, with shooting lines for all others running from 3 to 8 p.m. The kitchen will be open. Call Brian Long at 724-422-6326."

"Roscoe Sportsman's Association has kicked off its youth trap league for people up to age 18 and its adult trap league. Practice rounds are welcome both days. Call the club at 724-938-9080 Wednesday evenings or Sundays between 1 and 9 p.m. for times."

"Kingston Veterans and Sportsmen will hold a 3-D archery shoot Jan. 16, with registration from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the clubhouse. Call 724-539-9303." ...

AR: 16-year-old kills 25-point buck
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arkansas Deer of the Year may be somewhat elusive - hard to pin down, as a formal title, but Kylan McCutcheon has a strong claim on it.

"He killed a 25-point buck in Newton County, and those 25 points are eye-catching. Preliminary score on the Boone and Crockett scale is 205, and that's a bunch, though not an Arkansas record."

"McCutcheon's buck carried a mass of horn on its head. And it wasn't a big animal in body size."

"McCutcheon is 16 years old, a junior at Jasper High School. He's a 6-foot, 3-inch basketball player, and the Pirates are doing well this season. He works at post and power forward on the team. Jasper may come up with a secret weapon the rest of the season, too - put the rack of McCutcheon's deer on the bench, or under the opponent's goal. It would be a strong distraction." ...

PA: Challenge, prizes draw sportsmen to coyote hunts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Norman Lewis isn't really what you would call a fan of coyotes, but he does respect them. He'll tell you they're tough, smart, and adaptable."

"They proved themselves again last January, when Wind Ridge Sportsmen's Club held its annual coyote hunt. More than 100 hunters registered and about 25 to 30 coyotes were reported seen, but just four were killed."

"'It's not like out west where you can call a coyote and he'll come running right over you. That's not going to happen with an eastern coyote,' said Lewis, president of the Greene County-based Wind Ridge club. 'They've got too much food.'"

"If anything, though, that challenge has helped increase the popularity of coyote hunting. The money to be made doesn't hurt either." ...

AZ: Tucson resident will lead NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sandy Froman heard a strange noise in the middle of the night."

"She peered through the peephole and saw a stranger trying to break into her home. As she waited for the police, she tried to scare the man off. The man left, but the feeling of helplessness was life-changing."

"'I realized that no one was going to take care of me but me. The police can't be on every street corner. You need to be prepared,' said Froman, who lived in California at the time but now lives in Tucson."

"This spring, Froman will take over as the president of the National Rifle Association ..." ...

CA: Welcome to 959 new laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Schwarzenegger improved on that record somewhat, signing 959 bills into law and rejecting 311. ..."

"Still, some head-scratchers did make the list." ...

"Just as needless is the upcoming ban on a type of gun that has never been used in the commission of a crime in California. Until the .50-caliber rifle becomes a problem, and the ban might actually help reduce violence, why even waste time talking about it? Solutions to urban violence are badly needed, but legislation like this only distracts from the real problems and lets politicians score easy points with constituents." ...

MN: Handgun Carry Training for Beginners on January 26th in Minneapolis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Carry permits aren't just for 'gun people',' Joel Rosenberg says. 'And more and more people are picking up on that. That's a good thing. Personal safety isn't just for people who know a lot about firearms, after all.'"

"Rosenberg, author of 'Everything You Need to Know About (Legally) Carrying a Handgun in Minnesota,' 'Everything You Need to Know About (Legally) Carrying a Handgun in Missouri,' and the upcoming 'The Concealed Carry Book' ought to know. 'Initially, when the Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act passed, most people taking carry permit training were experienced gun owners. But that leaves a gap for people who want to carry a handgun for personal protection, but don't know anything about firearms.'" ...

South Africa: In South Africa, Licensing Law Poses Hurdles for Gun Buyers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rossouw Botha, beefy and billiard-ball bald, leafed through his list of customers at Redneck Tactical Supplies, dismay in his eyes, contempt in his voice, even though he was mostly repeating two words, over and over."

"'Turned down,' he spat out, and leafed another page or two. 'Turned down.' Four more pages, and once again, 'Turned down.'"

"Many of Mr. Botha's clients have been turned down. The rest are waiting to be approved, but many of them could be turned down, too. South Africa has a new gun-ownership law, and since it took effect last summer, Redneck Tactical Supplies, one of two firearms shops in this rather proper white-picket-fence type of beach town, has applied to the government for ownership certificates for about 250 prospective buyers."

"'So far, we have yet to receive one certificate,' Mr. Botha said." ...

India: When women kill for justice -- Rape suspects feel mob's wrath in one Indian town
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What should be the penalty for rape? The women of Nagpur, a city in central India, have devised a different method to mete out justice."

"Fed up with delays in the judicial process, police inaction, fear of being victimized again by alleged rapists who procure easy bail, the women of Nagpur have decided to take the law into their own hands."

"In the third such incident, women from the slums of Nagpur attacked alleged rapists who they say are walking free from court, often with the connivance of the authorities."

"In November, a mob dominated by 50 women and led by a rape victim burned down the houses of three alleged rapists who had reportedly attacked residents with impunity for months. The men were lucky to get away alive." ...

Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police

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