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Newslinks for 1/30/2010

We are held to a higher standard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday, in McDermott, Ohio a concealed carry permit holder dropped a gun in a school gym. It hit the floor and went off, hitting the grandfather in his own leg. This is a big story for two reasons. Carrying in a school is one of the biggest transgressions for a CCW permit holder, and carrying a pistol loose in a jacket pocket is thunderously bone-headed. ..." ...

"... I suspect that this grandfather has been carrying a weapon for years (with no incidents) and simply got sloppy in his habits. Since we who carry loaded pistols are always under scrutiny, we must always, always be mindful of proper safety and handling protocols. ..."

They wouldn’t do that!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the years I've made the argument that if we allow our government to take our 2nd Amendment rights away, it won't be long before they come to take the other rights protected by the Bill of Rights. Too often the response I received was 'They wouldn't do that!'"

"Now comes Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, not only threw out the time limits for electioneering, but added that the federal government could not set limits on corporations spending whatever they wanted to promote their own political messages during campaigns. The ban violated free speech protections, the court said. A ban on direct donations from corporations to campaigns still exists." ...

Protest organizer at Ohio gun show admits necessary laws already in place
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last October, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg released video taken by people he paid to attend gun shows in Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada. The anti-gun mayor ... claimed the heavily-edited video was proof of 'just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.'"

"While it is clear that Mayor Bloomberg has exceeded his authority and has no business doing investigations in Ohio, while it appears likely that his 'investigators' have also broken the law, and while all the conduct he complains of is already illegal and prohibited, the fact is there is a critical threat to gun shows that won't go away." ...

To Keep and Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Modern debates about the meaning of the Second Amendment have focused on whether it protects a right of individuals to keep and bear arms or, instead, a right of the states to maintain militia organizations like the National Guard. This question, however, was apparently never even discussed for a long time after the Bill of Rights was framed. The early discussions took the basic meaning of the amendment largely for granted and focused instead on whether it actually added anything significant to the original Constitution. The debate has shifted primarily because of subsequent developments in the Constitution and in constitutional law." ...

Indiana Lawmaker Projects Fear of Own Self-Control Onto Gun Owners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Smith said he once became so angry at a man who was picking on him at a dance that if he had a gun, he might have used it."

"'It shows you that when you have a gun, how many times you don't think,' Smith said."

So this out-of-control lunatic's solution is to disarm you and me. ...

The 'easily converted to machine guns' myth makes a comeback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few days ago, an article by Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman looked at some of the political shenanigans pulled by forcible citizen disarmament advocates ... One of the people speaking in favor of the ban was Bellevue, WA police chief Linda Pillo. Mr. Workman points out a number of problems with her testimony, but I am going to focus on just one."

"Chief Pillo made a claim that you just don't hear all that often anymore--that:"
"Assault weapons can also be easily converted to fully automatic machine guns."
"There's probably a pretty good reason for that claim to have been largely abandoned by the gun prohibitionists--it's demonstrably untrue (not that that is a reliable deterrent). ..." ...

Chicago Gun Case: Reply Briefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Our reply brief is right here.

The other reply brief is also posted.

Praxis: The Bayonet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Vanderboegh's thoughts on the matter: Bayonets are a piece of dead weight on an infantryman who needs to shave every ounce -- until he needs one desperately."

"Statistically, this may not happen often these days, especially in modern armies with massive supporting fires and logistical tails at their back. But try to tell Lt. Adamson that his case was 'statistically insignificant' and I suspect he will give you a rude and profane Brit answer."

"Note well that Lt. Adamson was at the tip of the spear ... of a modern army. Yet both he and his FO ran out of ammo. Excrement happens. Note also that his bayonet was already fixed. He wasted no time because he was ready with the weapon and trained in its use. ..." ...

From the Department of Silly Boycotts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment and all, but what the hell has that got to do with whether you're allowed to open carry into a private dining establishment? It's pretty simple – if you really like to open carry everywhere you go, then you don’t need to boycott Peet’s and California Pizza Kitchen because you won't be allowed in anyway. And if you own but don't feel the need to open carry everywhere you go, then what do you care if a private business has a problem with people open carrying in its store? ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Okay, how about this one: "I'm a firm believer in the Fourteenth Amendment and all, but what the hell has that got to do with whether you allow blacks into a private dining establishment?" You can't have it both ways.

OH: Elderly Man Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emergency rooms around the Tri-State are on alert, waiting for a suspect police believe was shot by a 77 year old Avondale man in self-defense."

'"I shot because he was going to shoot me. I could have shot him two or three times.'"

"Clyde Tucker says two men broke down his door at the Hale Apartments on Tuesday. Tucker says lately, residents of his building have been victims of the same kind of crime-thugs who break down doors and rob them. So Tucker says, he was ready. 'The guy was knocking on my door and I didn't respond so I got my pistol out.'"

"Tucker fired, and the men ran out of the building. ..." ...

NY: Neighbor Charged With Stalking and Killing Woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the police arrested a neighbor in the stabbing death of a Queens woman on Wednesday, investigators learned of a gruesome discovery by the medical examiner’s office: her heart and lungs had been ripped from her body."

"The police said that the stabbing of the woman, Qian Wu, 46, was the culmination of years of harassment by the suspect, Huang Chen, 47, who lives two doors away from the victim in Flushing."

"In 2006, Mr. Chen spent 30 days in jail for choking her and punching her in the face, and since then Ms. Wu had received at least five orders of protection against him ..." ...

NJ: Gun clubs and owners sue to invalidate one handgun per month limit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group of gun clubs, a gun shop, and a gun owner joined in a federal lawsuit against the State of New Jersey to challenge its four-month-old one-handgun-per-month law as unconstitutional. And New Jersey's largest newspaper, in reporting on the lawsuit, failed to note that a perennial gun-control advocate represents only himself, in that his vaunted 'organization' is now a shell that might comprise only one man."

"... At issue is a law restricting gun purchases across the State to one handgun per person per month. Outgoing Governor Jon Corzine signed this measure into law in August. (Governor-elect Chris Christie has never been asked to comment on this law.)" ...

OH: Republican councilwoman rethinking stance on guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Howard is quoted as saying she opposed efforts to change to an ordinance prohibiting guns in public parks to comply with a state law passed in 2007 ... calling the idea that anyone would want to carry a concealed firearm in a public park 'ridiculous.'"

"Today, Howard met with fellow Greene County Republican Central committee member and Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader Larry S. Moore, and we are pleased to report that Howard is now rethinking her stance on the issue."

"Howard informed Moore that she has been contacted via email this week by a number of gun owners, and that all have been polite and informative. She has also talked personally with other constitutents who have provided her with more information." ...

IN: Senate Hopeful Downplays Gun Comment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A little-known Republican challenging Sen. Evan Bayh is fueling controversy with some comments made before a guns rights group."

"Political newcomer Richard Behney told a meeting of a Second Amendment Patriot group in Evansville that it's essential to vote in new faces this November."

"... 'Because, if we don't see new faces, I'm cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show, and I'm serious about that.'"

"Behney ... wasn't threatening anyone, but simply expressing the fear and concern he's heard from thousands of Hoosiers."

"He said he believes that if unresponsive politicians continue with out-of-control spending, the United States will wind up like Haiti, with a collapsed economy and broken down society ..." ...

Swing for the Fences - Signs Are Good For Big Gains In Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In politics, like baseball, there is a time to bunt and a time to swing for the fence."

"This year is ripe for home runs. The political climate this year offers a unique opportunity for rights advocates to make major gains – both legislatively and politically."

"To make those gains we need to pull out all of the stops and go big."

"The election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts was clear proof that voters are unhappy. Politicians who were already concerned about disgruntled voters are now terrified as they look toward the November elections. Pundits and analysts can spin the Brown victory any way they wish but the facts are clear." ...

VA: 'Gun-show loophole' bill shot down in House subcommittee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A perennial effort to close the so-called 'gun-show loophole' was shot down in a House subcommittee Thursday evening."

"The bill would have required prospective buyers to undergo an instant criminal background check before buying a firearm from a private seller at a gun show."

"Such checks are now required only when the gun is being sold by a licensed dealer."

"Gun-control proponents, including the mayor of Richmond and several family members of students killed in the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, spoke in favor of the measure. Gun-rights advocates opposed it." ...

CO: Senator Brophy Leads Bi-Partisan Effort Against CSU's Unconstitutional Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, has drafted a letter to the Colorado State University Board of Governors opposing the college's unconstitutional gun ban on campus."

"In the letter, which has bipartisan support, Brophy points out that 'no carry - criminal safe zones' actually embolden criminals. States that allow citizens to carry concealed weapons see a reduction in crime rates."

"'Depriving honest gun owners of their right to conceal and carry is both unconstitutional and unsafe,' Brophy said. 'Statistics show areas that allow conceal carry are actually safer than areas that do not.'" ...

NM: Concealed gun law change considered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers are considering of getting rid of one requirement for New Mexicans with concealed-carry gun permits."

"New Mexico grants concealed-carry licenses good for four years with the requirement that those with the licenses take a refresher course after two years. Most other states do not require that course."

"Gun-minded lawmakers say the safety course to get the license in the first place should be tough enough to last for four years."

"Republican Minority Leader Sen. Stuart Ingle said Thursday, 'We don't need to have a two year course on a four year license - we just plain don't.' Governor Bill Richardson made sure the issue would be on the agenda for the 30 day legislative session." ...

WA: Stop the Assault Weapon Ban in Olympia, Wash.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you will recall, NRA-ILA has informed you about Senate Bill 6396, legislation that would bring California-style gun-control to the Northwest and ultimately ban many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by Washingtonians. SB6396 was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee but no action was taken."

"YOUR CALLS AND EMAILS ARE WORKING! It is important that NRA members keep the pressure on their legislators by respectfully urging them to oppose SB6396."

"SB 6396 is more far-reaching than it appears on the surface and will absolutely impact a gigantic swath of Washington firearm owners ... As examples, consider the following restrictions that flow from the provisions of this horrendous piece of gun control legislation:" ...

VT: Proposed Legislation Could Ban All Ammunition in Vermont!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Fish, Wildlife & Water Resources Committee is currently considering legislation (H. 484) which could potentially ban the sale and use of virtually all ammunition in Vermont. The bill would require the Secretary of Natural Resources to set up a program to identify and ban the distribution of certain toxic chemicals. During questioning before the House committee regarding the potential impact of H. 484, Department of Environmental Conservation Deputy Commissioner Justin Johnson said that it was foreseeable that the enactment of this legislation could outlaw the ammunition you use for hunting, plinking, or self-defense." ...

MA: Key lawmakers warm to bipartisan bill overhauling gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No individual under the age of 18 would be allowed to handle a fully automatic firearm, even with a parent's permission, under legislation overhauling the state's gun laws that lawmakers considered Wednesday."

"The bill, filed by Rep. George Peterson (R-Grafton), includes a provision allowing individuals over the age of 18 to temporarily hold or fire a machine gun at a gun show. But they must do so in the presence of an individual licensed to handle machine guns, according to Peterson."

"Peterson said he included the provision in a broader firearms bill, in part, to address concerns aired after a 2008 incident at a Westfield gun club, where an 8-year-old boy was killed while he was handling a machine gun." ...

AZ: House Panel OK's Bill Allowing Arizonans to Make Their Own Guns and Bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arizona House Judiciary Committee gave the green light yesterday to a bill that would allow Arizona residents to build and sell their own homemade guns and bullets without having to comply with federal law, paving the way for some highly entertaining experiments in some hillbilly's shed."

"The bill, HB 2307, was introduced by Bullhead City Representative Nancy McLain, who says the move helps Arizona exercise its 10th Amendment right of state sovereignty."

"Under the bill's provisions, your everyday person can build and sell anything short of machine-guns and mortar-launchers." ...

Submitter's Note: "in some hillbilly's shed"?!?! And this is supposed to be a news article?

ATF Serial Perjury Follies Once Again: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My thanks to CPT R.A. Bear's associate in counterintelligence, CPT Jonathan Tuttle of the Beltway Commandos, for fowarding this story from the NAGR blog. My comments follow the second story."

"BATFE agent commits perjury"

"An agent for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has revealed that agents have committed perjury in order to persecute gun owners."

"From the Modesto Bee:"

"An agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is expected to tell the court that investigators lied in order to get permission to put a wiretap on Holloway’s phones. Defense lawyers say the agent’s claims cast doubt on the case against Holloway." ...

GA: Man Snaps Pic Of Atlanta Cop Surfing Facebook
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'The police officer was chatting on Facebook,' said Brown. 'I think that's wrong.'"

"So Brown took out his cell phone and took a picture. That's when he claims the officer arrested him."

"'Pulled me out of the car, grabbed my phone, and I said I don't think I'm breaking the law here … I'm not under arrest,' said Brown."

"Brown said the officer then said 'Well, you’re under arrest now.'"

"Brown said the officer handcuffed him, took the phone and hauled him off to jail."

"Brown claims he was never read his rights and the officer wouldn’t give him his name. As for that picture, Brown said when officers returned his phone, the picture was gone." ...

OR: Pepper Spray Mistakenly Used On Burning Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer accidentally used pepper spray instead of a fire extinguisher on a man who set himself on fire Wednesday in downtown Portland, police said."

"The officer happened to be nearby when she saw the man go up in flames near Southwest 12th Avenue and Yamhill Street. She scrambled out of her patrol car and grabbed what she believed to be the extinguisher, according to Police Chief Rosie Sizer."

"It wasn't until after the incident that the officer realized she grabbed a large pepper spray canister used for crowd control, Sizer said."

"Investigators said the pepper spray did not contribute to the intensity of the fire." ...

WA: Fear and hostility toward open carry in Olympia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wrapping up this week's coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing on SB 6396 – Sen. Adam Kline’s measure to ban so-called 'assault weapons' – the story would not be complete without noting an incident that occurred outside the hearing room."

"Prior to the hearing, as several Open Carry activists gathered in the hallway ... Washington CeaseFire's Ralph Fascitelli approached a member of the State Patrol's security team and, after pointing out that there were visibly armed citizens in the building, demanded of the trooper: 'Do you know if they're loaded?'"

"Sources have confirmed to the Gun Rights Examiner that Fascitelli appeared both irritated and unnerved ..." ...

WA: One-stop gun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having trouble getting a permit to carry a firearm? The 'Right-to-Carry Road Show' is ready to help."

"Gun Owners of America has joined with the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense to create what they call a national 'mobile processing system,' which essentially offers one-stop permitting for prospective gun owners. No longer will you have to deal with uncooperative local officials, run around getting fingerprinted and documents notarized, or take time off from work."

"Instead, you can accomplish everything in one step and about one hour, via the Right to Carry system, which provides forms and all the other things necessary for applying for a permit ..." ...

NM: Gun rights group to host town hall meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Alamogordo Second Amendment Task Force will conduct a town hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7686, 700 U.S. Highway 70 W.

Topics include rights vs. privileges, the difference between a democracy and a republic, and a discussion about the powers of a county sheriff.

Otero County Sheriff John Blansett will talk about his execution of the office, and a few candidates for sheriff will make statements and take questions.

Janet White, candidate for county commissioner, also will speak and county Commissioner Ronny Rardin will talk about issues he has presented to the county, including a proposal concerning county employees being able to carry firearms to work.

OR: People have to be ready to take care of themselves
Submitted by: James A. Farmer
Website: http://N/A

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"What is Esten Chenault smoking? I couldn’t believe what I read in his anti-gun statement: 'We don’t need guns anymore than anyone else. We have 911.' (Jan. 26 letter) Is this writer even living in the real world? Perhaps not."

"I have already addressed the myths about 911 ... in a previous 2009 letter to the Herald and News."

"Some people just refuse to get it. Perhaps Richard W. Stevens’ authoritative article, 'Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection' posted at will finally rebut these distorted and dangerous myths about placing one's life in somebody else’s hands."

"Again, this anti-gun victimology indoctrination is false, dangerous, and even subversive to our constitutional republic." ...

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