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Newslinks for 1/30/2015

Revoked judgment in Dobyns case reveals further government misconduct
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Contained between such surprisingly literary judicial bookends is much 'legalese,' and much 'backstory' that in many cases reads more like a novel than like a record of dry facts. It's almost surreal when figures from Operation Fast and Furious appear in this account, and they act in character consistent with how they established themselves in that story. This time, with additional 'cast members' (and the legal document at times reads just like a script), the technique of 'slow walking' (as in deliberately dragging their feet investigating the arson of Dobyns’ home) brings to mind another 'walking' technique employed by ATF in that other installment of the bureau’s directed misadventures."

MI: 20 shotguns missing from Flint Police Department
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A Flint police official says 20 department-owned shotguns have been reported missing.

According to a police report, a Jan. 22 inventory audit determined one Mossberg and 19 Remington duty shotguns are missing from the department’s supplies.

Police Chief James Tolbert said Wednesday he hopes a department-wide audit will reveal the whereabouts of the weapons. He said an audit hadn’t been done on the department’s firearm equipment in a long time, and the discrepancy may have been caused by a paperwork issue.

Tolbert tells that items belonging to other departments are sometimes improperly attributed to Flint.


CA: San Francisco DA prosecutes Dr. a month after case dismissed.
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"Earlier this month, Judge Kelly Simmons ruled at the end of a preliminary hearing that Simon would not stand trial on charges of attempted voluntary manslaughter and assault with a firearm "

"In audio from the 911 tape after the shooting, which ABC News posted on its website, Simon with his voice trembling says, "I had a man follow me into my garage, and I had to shoot him, and I'm sorry.""

MI: Southgate police: Teen shot, killed after breaking into neighbor's home
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Southgate police say a 16-year-old is dead after breaking into his neighbor's home early Thursday morning and being shot by the homeowner.

The incident happened just before 5 a.m. in the 15000 block of Flanders Street, just south of Eureka Road.

Southgate Director of Public Safety Thomas Coombs said the 74-year-old homeowner got his gun when he heard the teen break in.

Video available

MI: Police: Southgate homeowner shoots, kills home invasion suspect
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A Southgate homeowner interrupted a home invasion early Thursday morning in the 15000 block of Flanders, according to Public Safety Director Thomas Coombs.

Coombs said the homeowner shot and killed the suspect, who was armed with a gun.

An investigation is ongoing, Coombs said.

WA: Washington smart gun push ignores key issues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control activists in Washington state are launching a new campaign aimed at pushing smart guns, which are, essentially, a type of gun with safety dictated by technology.

Some smart guns are only operable within ten feet of a companion watch, presumably on the owner's wrist. Some only unlock with a unique fingerprint, like your iPhone 5 or 6. Some can be disabled with a timer or a pin code.

On Wednesday, Washington Ceasefire cosponsored a smart gun symposium in South Seattle.

ID: Machete-wielding man chops through neighbor’s door before being shot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A court in Idaho says a man in Pocatello acted in self-defense last year when his neighbor burst through his apartment door, and went after him with a machete.

The man kicking down the door was Twain Thomas.

NH: SB 116: Pro-choice, pro-women’s rights gun legislation in New Hampshire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today there will be a public hearing in Representatives Hall at the State House in Concord for Senate Bill 116 – “An ACT repealing the license requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver.” The bill allows Granite Staters to carry a concealed firearm without the impediment of obtaining a license. New Hampshire residents will still have the choice of licensure if they seek reciprocity with other states but they will no longer be required to get an actual license.

“We Will Not Stay Down But Will Get Back Up And Fight.” Gun Shop Reopens After Robbery, Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“She’s a Pistol” gun shop owner and self-defense trainer Rebecca Bieker is such a fighter.

Just weeks after her husband Jon was killed in a shootout defending her from four armed robbers at their gun store in Shawnee, Kansas, Rebecca Beiker is restarting self-defense classes offered through their gun store.

WA: Could Smart Technology Solve The Gun Debate?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“It’s a middle ground solution that I think both gun owners and those of us dedicated to gun safety can agree on,” said Ralph Fascitelli of Washington Cease Fire.


“We’ve done research that 87 percent of gun owners would like existing gun dealers to be able to sell smart guns,” he said.

Dave Workman, senior editor of The Gun Mag, agreed. The Gun Mag is a publication of the Second Amendment Foundation based in Bellevue.

“I don’t think anybody – and I’ve interviewed the NRA, I’ve spoken to the National Shooting Sports Foundation – none of those organization is against smart gun technology,” Workman said. “In fact, they’ve said the opposite. Their concern is the mandate.”

TX: New UT chancellor opposes campus carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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University of Texas System Chancellor Bill McRaven lined up against legislation that would allow licensed persons to bring handguns into campus buildings, known as campus carry.

In a letter Thursday to Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Speaker Joe Straus, the newly installed chancellor and former Navy admiral said parents, students, faculty, law enforcement and administrators have expressed concern with the proposed law.


This week, both House and Senate members filed campus carry legislation. It already has the votes to pass the Senate, and in previous sessions has easily passed in the House.

TX: Texas teachers could be allowed to gun down students to protect school property
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers in Texas are considering a bill that would allow teachers to use deadly force against students.

The Teacher’s Protection Act, filed by Rep. Dan Flynn (R-Van), would protect teachers from prosecution for killing students they believe are a threat to other students or anyone else on school grounds.

Teachers would also be permitted to kill students to protect school property under the measure, which would protect them from civil liability if they used deadly force against students.

WA: Olympia disarms open carriers in hearings; ‘smart gun’ event misfires
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Washington State House and Senate officials announced yesterday that the ban on open carry has been extended to include all public hearings in legislative office buildings, the Associated Press and Seattle Times reported.

This most recent fallout from a display of rifles carried by 12-15 people who entered the House viewer’s gallery on Jan. 15 comes on the same day that an international symposium on so-called “smart guns” in Seattle began with something of an embarrassing backfire. As KIRO reported, “Staffers (at the symposium) couldn’t get the technology for the video projector to work, and that’s a lot less complicated than smart guns.”

SD: Constitutional Carry Legislation Introduced
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, a bill recognizing South Dakota’s freedom to legally carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring a concealed pistol permit was introduced in the House of Representatives. Authored by Representative Jim Stalzer (R-11), House Bill 1116 is an important reform to current South Dakota law.

TX: Texas Lt. Governor Moving Gun Legislation Forward
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick referred the Campus Carry Bill to the Senate State Affairs Committee on Wednesday. The move comes one day following what has been seen by some as a contradictory statement about open carry legislation.

Lt. Gov. Patrick said Senate Bill 11 (SB11) already has enough votes for passage. “The bill author already has 19 Senate co-authors which, because of last week’s rule changes, is enough to bring it to the floor for passage,” Governor Patrick said in a press release obtained by Breitbart Texas. “Once passed we will forward the bill to the Texas House as quickly as constitutionally allowed.” The bill was authored by Sen. Brian Birdwell (R-Grandbury).

TX: Gunfight Breaks out During Home Invasion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A gunfight erupted during a home invasion Thursday north of Donna.


There are several businesses on the same lot as the mobile home. The owner of the lot and his daughter were sleeping when they heard the door being knocked down.

A woman who works on the lot said three or four armed men wearing masks yelled at the homeowner to get on the ground. The homeowner ended up exchanging gunfire with them.

“He grabbed his own weapon for self defense and he started shooting at them because they started shooting at him too,” the woman said.

TX: Texas Lawmakers Consider Concealed Carry for Colleges, Universities
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas lawmakers are weighing legislation to allow concealed handgun license (CHL) holders to carry handguns for self-defense on state college and university campuses.

The legislation, titled “The Campus Personal Protection Act” (SB-11), was put forth by state Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury).

According to MyFoxAustin, Birdwell said, “These are public universities on public property and the state ought not be precluding a state constitutional right on state public property.”

TX: New Life for Open Carry in the Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick gave the green light Wednesday on a push for open carry legislation in the Senate, a day after he indicated in a Texas Tribune interview that the votes weren't there for passage.

TX: Inner-city gun club takes issue with Dallas police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They are armed with rifles and clips, and ready for action.

"We felt it was up to us to patrol our communities -- especially since a number of police acts of terrorism have occurred in Dallas," said Eric Khafre with the Huey P. Newton Gun Club.

This is an organized force; a recently-formed group made up of several paramilitary organizations in Dallas. Their mission is to become a regular presence, and they are recruiting.

TX: UT System chancellor weighs in against campus carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Wednesday, Dan Patrick referred the campus carry bill to committee, acknowledging that new rule changes would likely fast-track its passage in the Senate.

McRaven noted “unease” from university mental health professionals, who work with students who may be dealing with emotional or psychological pressures.

“There is a great concern that the presence of handguns, even if limited to licensed individuals are 21 or older, will lead to an increase in both accidental shootings and self-inflicted wounds,” he said.

'American Sniper' Fuels A War on the Home Front
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As “American Sniper” continues to spawn think pieces, internecine celebrity squabbles and diatribes from hand-wringing lefties and chest-thumping righties, it’s interesting to remember the naysaying about the film’s prospects that swirled just last month.

The film’s director, Clint Eastwood, and its stars Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller were on hand for a swanky lunch for Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences members at the Four Seasons in Manhattan, yet a sense prevailed that people were jollying the filmmaker and cast along.

Do not talk to Reporters after a Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thomas Greer gained fame in July of this year by making some imprudent statements to reporters.

He had shot one of a pair of burglars that had assaulted him in his home. He said that the woman that he killed, Andrea Miller, had told him that she was pregnant as a ruse to gain advantage and prevent him from shooting her. Greer is 80 years old, and had his collar bone broken in the assault.

Why Firearms Makers Are So Worried Even as The Second Amendment Is Stronger than Ever
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Shot Show — Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show — is the world’s largest gun show. Held annually in Las Vegas, it’s intended for those in the trade, not the general public. Walking its almost 16 miles of booths is a near-marathon feat of endurance, and every mile exhibits more firepower than all the armies of the ancient world combined.

CO: Endorsement of Sean Maloney For NRA Board by the Colorado 2nd Amendment Association
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sean Maloney is a current candidate for the NRA board of directors.

Sean has been working tirelessly in the fight for the Second Amendment by way of Buckeye Firearms Association in Ohio and he has made a tremendous amount of progress in expanding the right to keep and bear arms.

Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by technical and victimless gun-law violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed machine guns without paying the required federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter, machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women and children. — Dave Kopel and Dr. Michael S. Brown, Prohibition Fever,

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