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SAF Inaugurates 'Roosevelt Courageous Woman' Award
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recalling that the late former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was a firm, if not outspoken, advocate of personal defense - she campaigned for civil rights in 1958 in Tennessee with a pistol on her car seat - the Second Amendment Foundation today is inaugurating a new award honoring women who use firearms in lawful defense against a criminal attack." ...

"'Eleanor Roosevelt was a remarkable woman in many ways,' Ms. Tartaro [editor of Women & Guns magazine] said. 'She was probably the first truly activist First Lady, and a firm believer in the civil rights cause. What is less known about Mrs. Roosevelt is that she was no wallflower when it came to the subject of self-reliance, and it is well documented that she often carried a handgun, even while living in the White House.'" ...

Anti-gun fanatics can't stand the truth: Self-defense stops crime
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Following a recent FBI report that the first half of 2006 saw an increase in violent crime, anti-gun rights organizations quickly moved to blame passage of concealed carry laws and other common sense reversals of 1990s gun control policies."

"There's a term for such a theory: preposterous. Across the country, experts have anticipated this crime increase for some time, because of the rising number of younger males in what researchers call the 'crime prone years'--combined with a decrease in the number of jobs for unskilled workers and, perhaps most importantly, a return to the streets of gangsters who were imprisoned in the 1990s, and who have completed their sentences." ...

Leftist media tries to undermine American firearm owners' economic clout, charges U.S. gun law expert
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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... "In recent years, America’s 80 million law-abiding firearm owners effectively countered certain political and legislative attempts to undermine and perhaps eviscerate the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms." ...

"Now, in an apparent attempt to lull gun owners into a false sense of political security, some media personnel allege that gun owner fund raising efforts are ludicrous. They imply that gun rights groups do not need to raise funds because there no longer is a threat to the rights of gun owners."

"These writers obviously would like to drive a wedge between the organizations and their supporters, thus undercutting gun owners’ political strength." ...

NRA's Purloined Pamphlet Seeks Support of Big Business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday's Washington Post offers confirmation of a bizarre, new--and apparently to this point undistributed--27-page National Rifle Association book, Freedom in Peril: Guarding the 2nd Amendment in the 21st Century. News of the heavily illustrated book, which according to the NRA is only a draft and was somehow purloined from the organization, was broken recently by Wonkette."

"With colorful artwork that straddles the ground between a graphic novel and a New Deal WPA mural, the publication dials the NRA's paranoia level up to 11. The usual villains ... are rolled out ... They're joined by dark-skinned gangs of illegal immigrants throwing gang signs and the vultures, literally, of the news media. ..." ...

Williams among nation's first gun deaths of '07; he won't be last
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"This is not a tale, at least on the surface, about an athlete who made a poor choice."

"Darrent Williams was riding in a rented limousine, so he couldn't drive while intoxicated during his night out. He was doing, as far as we know, what millions of people do this time of year: He was out having a good time. He was at a party. It was New Year's. It was late, but doesn't everyone stay out late on New Year's Eve?" ...

"No, this is not about a roadmap of poor choices. This is not about the actions of Williams, as far as we now know."

"This is more about something else. It is about America's fascination with guns." ...

Submitter's Note: CBS Sports - blames guns.

AZ: Alleged home invader shot dead
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"One home robbery suspect was killed and another critically wounded when six men burst into a Southwest Side home Tuesday night, sheriff's deputies say."

"As the suspects yelled for people in the home to get on the floor, a man in a back bedroom locked his door and loaded his shotgun, Sgt. James Ogden said in a news statement released late this morning."

"The statement gave this account:"

"One of the armed intruders kicked open the locked bedroom door and the resident fired a blast from the shotgun, critically wounding the intruder."

"When another intruder appeared in the open bedroom doorway, the resident fired again, this time fatally.
The other intruders then picked up the wounded man and fled." ...

AZ: Shores-Evans shooting case to be considered after holiday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arizona attorney general's office in Phoenix now has the Cody Evans/Kayla Shores case information and a recommendation from deputy attorney general John Evans ..."

"He will determine whether or not the case will again come before a grand jury." ...

"The County Attorney's Office and Sheriff's Department sought four counts each of aggravated assault and endangerment against Evans ..."

"On June 22, a Cochise County grand jury voted 13-0 not to indict Evans, based on evidence that he had acted in self-defense. Evans had gotten a restraining order against a person who had threatened to kill him. The teens had banged on Evans' front windows, and he feared the commotion was an enemy attempting to do harm to himself or his family." ...

IL: Police: Local man shot by homeowner
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A homeowner shot an intruder early Sunday, police said." ...

"'Deputies arrived and learned a woman had fallen asleep in the living room and was woken up after hearing noises and seeing a figure near the entryway of the living room,' Barry said."

"The woman woke her husband, who went to the front door and told deputies he saw an SUV he didn't recognize parked in the driveway."

"The vehicle started up and drove away and the man reportedly retrieved a handgun from an upstairs bedroom and began to search the house."

"'He went out to an attached garage and saw the service door was open,' Barry said. 'He went out into the yard and came around the corner to see a man ... crouched against the wall. He was so startled ... that the gun went off.'" ...

NC: Ex-trooper kills assailant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired trooper with the state Highway Patrol says he was acting in self-defense when he shot and killed the boyfriend of a family friend on New Year's Day, according to a sheriff's detective."

"Robert 'Sonny' Moore, 63, killed 24-year-old Travis Worriax with a single shot to his torso ... Moore ... retired as a state Highway Patrol trooper in 1994 ..."

"'Basically, it will probably be a self-defense case,' Britt said. 'We're still waiting on the autopsy before it's completely ruled self-defense.'"

"According to Britt, Moore suffered cuts to his left arm and his left ear during a confrontation ... He was treated and released from Southeastern Regional Medical Center after receiving a total of 18 stitches, Britt said." ...

Letters of Delegates to Congress, "...I shall not hesitate one Moment which to chuse...", Dec. 14, 1774
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"...the Militia was order'd to be disciplined . . . The Spirit & Ardor with which all this was done gave Me ineffable Pleasure and I heartily wish that the other Colonies may proceed in the same spirited Manner for I fear the last Appeal to Heaven must now be made & if We are unprepared We must be undone. The Idea of taking up Arms against Great Britain is shocking but if We must become Slaves or fly to Arms I shall not hesitate one Moment which to chuse for all the Horrors of civil War & even Death itself in every Shape is infinitely prefarable to Slavery which in one Word comprehends every Species of Distress Misery Infamy & Ruin...."

"...our being united & on our Guard would be the most probable Means of preventing them...."

The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, " reclaim their ancient unalienable rights...", April, 1778
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"...This right they actually enjoyed unquestioned till the year 1652; then it was that the English, in violation of every principle of justice, usurped and established a monopoly of the American commerce, which they maintained till the rigor of their domination compelled the Americans to reclaim their ancient unalienable rights by declaring themselves free and independent States...."

"...America has, in form, renounced her connection with Great Britain, and is maintaining her rights by arms. . . . They will not forget the blood that was spilt in endeavoring to vindicate their right when it was first invaded...."

North Carolina Committees Letter, June 19, 1775
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"...When the liberties of a people are invaded, and men in authority are labouring to raise a structure of arbitrary power upon the ruins of a free constitution . . . to shake the barriers of personal security and private property, it is natural for us, inhabitants of America deeply interested in the event of his designs, to be anxious for our approaching fate and to look up to the sources which God and the constitution furnish, to ward off or alleviate the impending calamity...."

"...urging again to you the necessity of arming and instructing yourselves, to be in readiness to defend yourselves against any violence that may be exerted against your persons and properties...."


WA: Tacoma Shooting: Where Did the Gun Come From, and Why Are Guns So Easy to Get? (BCPGV)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The murder of a Tacoma, Washington high school teen this morning drew the nation's attention as the first high profile school shooting of 2007, but in a nation where too many states like Washington have laws that make it too easy for anyone to get guns, it is virtually certain it won't be the last. 'Our sympathies go out to the families of the young people involved in this morning's terrible incident at Henry Foss High School,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'The police and the public need to get answers to the questions of 'where did the gun come from, and why are guns so easy to get?' Unfortunately, it is not difficult for many of our children to get a gun, and it has been getting easier, not harder.'" ...

WA: Seattle Mayor's Anti-Gun Agenda Would Not Prevent Gun Crimes, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun agenda unfurled today by Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels would not have prevented any of the recent crimes involving firearms in Washington State, including Wednesday morning's tragic incident at Tacoma's Foss High School, said Joe Waldron, executive director of the [CCRKBA]."

"Waldron ... said the Nickels gun legislation 'wish list' has nothing to do with any of last year's high-profile shootings, including the March Capitol Hill slayings and last July's attack on the Jewish Federation offices."

"... 'Sales of semiautomatic sport-utility rifles and private sales at gun shows are not remotely connected to any of the crimes Nickels and CeaseFire are exploiting to push their agenda, and they know it.'" ...

WA: School Shooting in Washington Leaves One Student Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Just before classes were scheduled to begin at Henry Foss High School in Tacoma, Washington, a shooter opened fire and left a student dead.

Police have identified the suspect in the school shooting and are now looking for the individual. The police did not release the suspects name nor did they say if the individual was a student at the school.

The 1,700 students that attend the school were evacuated and sent home after police secured the area.

IL: Daley renews call for gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Richard Daley and other elected officials renewed their call for stricter gun laws Wednesday, saying Democratic control of the General Assembly could lead to passage of legislation that has foundered in the past."

"One measure would ban assault weapons, while another would limit handgun purchases to one a month and a third would require licensing for handgun dealers."

"Daley is calling the measures 'commonsense' gun legislation. He said firearms were used in 80 percent of the homicides committed in Chicago last year." ...

"Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, said the state already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country and passing more laws will not deter criminals from obtaining firearms." ...

TN: DA Bill Gibbons calls for stricter gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I really believe that our destiny is to a large degree in our own hands,' says District Attorney Bill Gibbons about reducing crime in Shelby County."

"You don't have to look far to see the signs of the escalating violence in our community. Just earlier this week, many of you woke up to news of an overnight fatal shooting. ..."

"It's a clear example of the sort of senseless bloodshed compelling the county's top prosecutor to call for stricter gun laws. 'Once someone makes the conscious decision to engage in a violent crime, to hold someone up at gunpoint,' says Gibbons, 'then the most important thing we need to do is hold that person accountable.'"

"DA Bill Gibbons ... believes a stiffer penalty will act as a deterrent. ..." ...

VA: Legislator Proposes Self-Defense Shield Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahoma and Colorado call it the 'Make My Day' law. Florida calls its version 'Stand Your Ground.'"

"But Delegate Bill Janis (R-Goochland) hopes that after the legislative session convening Jan. 10 Virginians will have a 'Castle Doctrine' statute to call their own."

"He's proposing a bill that would protect people from being sued if, out of self-defense, they kill or injure someone who breaks into their home."

"'When someone breaks into your home, they violate something pretty sacred,' Janis says, 'which is the sanctity of the home.' He says people's homes are their castles, something they have a right to protect." ...

UT: U. seeks support for gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Utah's colleges and universities are trying a new strategy in the debate over guns on campus: They are meeting with the Legislature's staunchest gun rights advocates in an attempt to reach a compromise."

"Although the Utah Supreme Court last fall ruled the University of Utah cannot ban concealed weapons on campus, U. President Michael Young and Senate President John Valentine have formed an informal work group of lawmakers and higher education officials to consider a bill that may allow schools to bar guns from campus dorms, sporting events and other 'communal' areas." ...

OH: My Home is My Castle (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While reading over some of the newspapers across the state recently, I found an interesting letter to the editor in which a person asked, "If armed felons beat my door in, do I have to worry about legal ramifications if I shoot them?" It really made me think about this and take into consideration some of Ohio's antiquated laws."

"Ohio has recently had some sweeping improvements in our gun laws, but there is room for improvement. In cases like the one mentioned above, Ohio still has on the books 'a duty to retreat'. This means that under certain guidelines of the law, someone breaks into your home you have a duty to leave your home if possible." ...

OH: And so it Begins.....Again (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Karen Smith is one of America's heroes for gun rights, and I bet nobody remembers her, or what she did. Gun owners and gun rights advocates aren't going to get off that easy. I'm not going to disclose her story in this article as a way of making each and every reader more cognizant of the information available through a little research on the Internet, or at the local library. ..."

"Karen Smith's place in the lexicon of the gun rights world was thrust upon her, she had no choice in that matter. Yet, when it came down to making the right decision, at the right time, she proved what gun rights advocates have claimed for years -- that law abiding citizens will do the right thing." ...

NE: Concealed Carry Law Takes Effect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nebraskans will be able to apply for a permit to carry concealed weapons on Wednesday, and officials said interest in carrying a gun is high."

"The new law, passed in the last session of the Unicameral, will allow holders to carry concealed guns in public places with some restrictions. One of those restrictions is proof of training."

"When National Rifle Association certified gun instructor Patrick Smith found out that people will need training, he said he started the first accredited course and he has already booked three classes ahead." ...

TX: Off-duty officer faces charge after gunfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Houston police officer was arrested early Monday after allegedly firing a gun during a New Year's party, striking a nearby home, authorities said." ...

"Piñeda was in civilian clothes but wore an HPD jacket and had his badge hanging around his neck when the deputy questioned him about the shooting, Martin said." ...

"The owner of the home where the party took place and at least one other person identified Piñeda, a three-year HPD veteran, as the person who was firing the weapons."

"Deputies later found a .40-caliber pistol and an AR-15 rifle in his car."

"'Both weapons appeared to have been fired recently. They were both empty,' Martin said. 'It appears he was the only one firing a weapon.'" ...

FL: Volusia shooting death puts focus on gun safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A 20-year-old who accidentally shot his friend in the forehead minutes before New Year's Day wasn't following a key rule of gun safety: Always assume a gun is loaded."

"Sean Page told investigators he often jokes and plays around with guns and it's common for him and his friends to point the firearms at one another."

"'Never point it at anything you don't want to kill,' said Bob Applegate, who runs the shooting range for the Volusia County Sheriff's Office. 'Every handgun should be considered loaded at all times. That's a standard rule.'" ...

"Page said he did not know the gun was loaded and he keeps his finger inside the trigger guard based on training he received in the Army, where he says he remains on active duty, investigative reports state." ...

MO: Police Roadblock Harassment Caught on Tape
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A teenager harassed by police in St. Louis, Missouri caught the incident on tape. Brett Darrow, 19, had his video camera rolling last month as he drove his 1997 Maxima, minding his own business. He approached a drunk driving roadblock where he was stopped, detained and threatened with arrest when he declined to enter a conversation with a police officer about his personal travel habits. Now Darrow is considering filing suit against St. Louis County Police." ...

"When Darrow asked why he was being detained, an officer explained, 'If you don't stop running your mouth, we're going to find a reason to lock you up tonight.'"

"The threats ended when Darrow informed officers that they were being recorded. After speaking to a supervisor Darrow was finally released."

South Africa: Police officer suspended after jailbreak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A North West policeman overpowered by 21 awaiting-trial prisoners in Lehurutshe, near Zeerust, on New Year's Eve has been suspended, police said on Wednesday.

"He is charged with contravening the provincial order on dealing with the safe guarding of prisoners," said Captain Elsabe Augoustides.

The police was doing a routine check of police holding cells at 6pm when some of them overpowered him and stole his pistol. They let out other prisoners too.

The fugitives were being held for offences ranging from house-breaking and armed robbery to rape and murder.

So far, nine of them had been re-arrested.

CT: Wadsworth exhibit pays tribute to the man behind the Colt revolver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been a decade since the Wadsworth Atheneum saluted native son Samuel Colt, an icon who revolutionized the American firearms industry and put Hartford on the world map."

"The last time the art museum showcased the Colt firearms collection was in 1996, but only a part of it was displayed. This time around, the museum has its entire collection on view in a comprehensive look at Colt’s transformation of Hartford into an industrial Mecca during the 19th century."

"Colt's story is told through 'Samuel Colt: Arms, Art and Invention,' a display of nearly 200 pieces, with more than 100 revolvers and rifles, rare family gifts and numerous paintings, including several by George Catlin, famous for his portraits of American Indians." ...

MS: County law said to infringe on rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the 4th of July last year, our local representatives passed another law, another infraction of our liberty on the day we celebrate what's left of it. Using subterfuge of one's carelessness, they told us as we presented the 278 signatures to reverse this unconstitutional law. ("We now have 478 plus signatures") under the ruse of safety."

"Safety, I told them goes both ways as we witnessed in New Orleans during Katrina."

"This, I said we cannot allow to happen here in Mississippi, Haley Barbour agrees. Thank God we have a governor with common sense! But that's not enough ..."

"By the F.B.I.'s own statistics, for every 30,000 people who die by criminals and rogue law enforcement, 2,100,000 save their own lives ..." ...

MO: 2004 Conceal/CarryPermits Expire This Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the three years since Franklin County issued the first conceal/carry gun permits, Sheriff Gary Toelke has revoked only one permit. Under Missouri law, the permits must be renewed every three years. The sheriff's office began issuing the three-year conceal/carry weapon (CCW) permits in March 2004."

"That means that people who obtained their permits that month will need to apply for renewal 'on or before' the due date in March 2007, 'if they wish to renew their CCW endorsement,' according to Major Mike Copeland, chief deputy."

"Since March 29, 2004, the sheriff's office has processed 781 applications for CCW permits, Copeland said."

"'We have denied only a few of those applications, 10 to 12 at most,' Copeland remarked." ...

WY: Spence: $2M settlement underscores loss of freedom
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Fresh from winning a $2 million settlement in a suit against the FBI for wrongly tying an Oregon lawyer to the Madrid bombing case, Jackson Hole attorney Gerry Spence warned Tuesday of growing fascism in America."

"Spence was the lead attorney in a case brought by Oregon lawyer Brandon Mayfield against the FBI for his arrest in the case that saw 191 people killed in Spain. The FBI began investigating Mayfield after computers said his fingerprints came close to matching a print found on a bag containing explosive detonators connected to the March 11, 2004, bombing." ...

"... He spoke in a telephone interview from his home in Jackson Hole, cautioning against the government and corporations consolidating increasing power."

"'It's a very frightening time in our country,' said Spence, who has made a career championing the cases of the common man and underdogs. 'What happens is that the corporate king, or the government-corporate king, the two combined, [are] leading us into fascism.'" ...

SD: Hunting, ATVs a bad combo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Makers of all-terrain vehicles have found a strong ally in the National Rifle Association."

"Meanwhile, various conservation groups are questioning the use of ATVs in hunting, says Montana Wildlife Federation president David Stalling."

"'Unregulated, irresponsible and out-of-control use of ATVs threatens our hunting heritage,' said Stalling. ..." ...

"In a speech ... two years ago, the NRA announced its 'Free Hunter' campaign. The group said it would lobby for laws that make it more difficult to close public lands to motor vehicles, figuring that would improve access for hunters."

"NRA president Kayne Robinson said the 'Free Hunter' campaign is intended to make it easier for working-class people to hunt. ..." ...

UK: Armed robbery suspect caught on camera
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SECURITY camera footage showing a suspect wanted in connection with an armed robbery at a shoe shop in Chippenham has been released by police this morning."

"The balding man, dressed in a thigh-length black leather jacket over a beige t-shirt and black jeans, can be seen strolling along Emery Gate shopping centre in Chippenham, just moments before a raid at Timpsons shoe repairs."

"The robber, believed to be in his late 30s, walked into the store about 2pm on Friday and pulled out a silver coloured hand pistol, with a gold band around the barrel, pointing it at a terrified member of staff."

"He escaped with £200 in cash and ran out of the shopping centre towards The Bridge." ...

Canada: Gun crime: The bleak facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Toronto criminals go shopping for guns, their weapons of choice are 9mm and .40 and .45 calibre handguns, new police statistics reveal."

"They're compact, easy to smuggle – and particularly lethal when combined with a high-capacity [sic] magazine."

"A 'semi-automatic that holds 15 rounds of ammunition' is much sought after in the criminal world, said Mike Press, a firearms specialist with the Toronto Police Service's gun and gang task force."

"While Toronto police recovered 2,432 firearms as of Dec. 18 last year and shootings had dropped significantly compared to 2005, the new year has ushered in a wave of gun violence, making it clear there's a large stock of illegal guns of all varieties in circulation." ...

The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country... — James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789.

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