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Help promote self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Each week, I discuss a few of the many self defense cases that have occurred. In each of those cases, a citizen has defended themselves against an act of violence, often defending their loved ones at the same time. Society benefits as well, since a criminal who has been fatally shot, shot and apprehend by the police, or held at gunpoint until the police arrive will be taken off the streets.

Sadly, there is no shortage of cases where a violent criminal is able to harm an innocent person. When that happens, the immediate victim suffers, and a violent criminal often remains free to harm additional citizens.

NM: Tea Party protesters bring their big guns to protest rally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Otero Tea Party Patriots and the newly formed Alamogordo Second Amendment Task Force held an anti-Obama protest rally on Saturday in Alamogordo New Mexico.

The rally appeared to be more of a second amendment rights rally than an anti Obama rally. Several hundred people, many carrying rifles and handguns, attended the 2-hour event. There were no reported incidents of violence.

Leslie Feilner, who recently moved to Alamogordo from Alaska with her husband, said about the .454 Taurus Casull that she was carrying, "It's a bear gun. We've never had to use it."

The Swiss have the right idea about firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Switzerland is the safest country in the world to live in. It is not because it is a neutral country or anything of that sort.

I believe it is due to the fact that each male citizen is required to keep a firearm in his home.

When every male citizen of Switzerland turns 20 years old, he is issued a fully automatic assault rifle.

Every male citizen is on call to defend his homeland if his country calls on him.

The Swiss people and firearms go together like peanut butter and jelly. Olympic-style target shooting is Switzerland's national sport and it is not uncommon at all to see a regular citizen on a train, bus, or just walking down the street with a rifle slung over his shoulder.

WA: ‘Arms’ are weapons; we have a right to them
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After a few years of well-deserved obscurity, Washington CeaseFire is back on the scene after finding a few legislators willing to sponsor their so-called “Assault Weapon” bill again. And in the classically reprehensible CeaseFire tradition of pasting the names of murder victims on their bills and fundraising projects, they’re calling it the “Aaron Sullivan” bill. This hearkens back to the days of their “Columbine Memorial” fundraising events, among many others.

Ceasefire and its legislative supporters are making this issue about “weapons of war” and how citizens have no real right to own them. Some pro-gun folks are replying that combat-style semi-automatic guns really aren’t combat weapons.

CA: Inland firearms instructors set sights on new gun owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A run on guns and ammo over the previous year has local firearms experts pitching self-defense training to new gun owners.

Some instructors have even set up tables outside gun stores, offering discounts on firearms classes.

Martinelli & Associates, a Temecula-based company that typically trains law enforcement officers, is teaching "Street Safe Defense," a series of classes targeted at private gun owners in the Inland area.

Gun owners claim victory in 'Obamacare' skirmish
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Members of Gun Owners of America are claiming a skirmish victory in the fight over nationalized health care, dubbed "Obamacare" by critics, because of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's "manager's amendment" to the plan.

The issue long has been festering over whether an all-powerful government health management system would consider gun ownership a "health care" issue and whether such language could be used to further tighten limits on gun ownership.

The concern seems legitimate since federal officials already use veterans' medical records regarding post-traumatic stress syndrome and other factors to determine whether they should be allowed to purchase weapons.

GA: Bearden to push gun rights legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bearden, R-Villa Rica, joins a group of other gun rights advocates planning a push to build on a 2008 measure that allowed those with permits to carry firearms into state parks, restaurants that serve alcohol and mass transit facilities.

Following its passage, the new law was met with a handful of legal challenges, with a federal judges ruling in late 2008 that officials representing Hartsfield- Jackson Atlanta International Airport could ban guns from the premises. Later, in a separate case, a federal judge ruled that the Atlanta mass transit system had the legal right to stop and question a passenger believed to be carrying a firearm, though the passenger in question claimed protection under the 2008 law.

TN: Tea Party demands good behavior
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's unclear if the alert is to tame the rowdiest of tea partiers or douse disruptive mischief-makers, but it would appear the Tea Party Nation wants to keep the focus on message for the convention scheduled Feb. 4-6, a Thursday-Saturday stretch, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville.

That message would be limited government, Second Amendment rights, free speech, secure borders and generally sticking to what the Tea Party Nation sees as the original intent of the Founding Fathers. Tea partiers don't like what's happening with the Democratic majority and a deficit-ridden government in Washington.

NE: Safeguards sought for shooting in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's been dubbed the "make my day" bill, after the oft-quoted line from a 1985 Clint Eastwood movie.

Others have called it a new version of Nebraska's 1969 "shoot your neighbor" law.

State Sen. Mark Christensen of Imperial prefers to talk about the "castle doctrine" and about Nebraskans being able to defend themselves without fear of prosecution or lawsuits.

If someone is breaking into your home, he argues, you shouldn't have to wonder whether the law thinks you are justified in shooting that person.

And, he said, you shouldn't be subject to civil liability if you kill or injure that person.

PA: Commercial burglar shot by armed employee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An armed burglar who broke in to a Carroll Township, PA beverage distributor was reportedly shot in self defense by an employee.

Police say that a burglar alarm was triggered at Shermans Dale Beer & Beverage, just before 11 PM. An employee is said to have learned of the alarm, and gone to investigate. Upon arriving, the employee reportedly found the front glass door broken and a burglar inside. After the burglar become violent, the employee is said to have fired one shot from his pistol, killing the armed burglar and saving himself. Police reportedly identified the deceased burglary suspect as 25 year old Jeffrey Thomas Harless of New Bloomfield, PA.

NM: Small gun groups don't stand chance vs. U.S. government
Submitted by: Anonymous

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You've got to hand it to these wingnut, right-wing fringe lunatics. They are a tenacious bunch and they really have the passive-aggressive tantrum act down to an art, don't they?

After thoroughly embarrassing themselves last year with their self-appointed moniker of simple "tea baggers" before researching the various nuances of the term, now they simply want to have a "tea party" in the park without, of course, the cups, saucers, scones, crumpets and extended pinkies Š or even tea, for that matter.

The Second Amendment faces a decisive year in 2010.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Second Amendment faces a deci- sive year in 2010. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has called for new semi-automatic gun bans - despite their decade-long record of fraud and failure, and despite his own Justice Department's failure to fully or even half-heartedly prosecute federal firearm felonies.

Mr. Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have demonstrated their willingness to use cooked statistics to blame Mexico's violent drug war on Americans and their Second Amendment rights

IA: Easier access to guns can make us all safer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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believe that the proposed gun legislation is a huge step toward making Iowa a safer state to live. When decent, law-abiding citizens are able to start more easily defending themselves from the criminals who don't care whether carrying guns is illegal, then easy access to a gun is all they need to keep themselves from being pistol whipped and robbed in their own homes, or their apartment being shot at, or their car being hijacked in a parking lot.

NJ: Stopping cops from taking their own lives
Submitted by: Larry

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At law enforcement academies around the country, cadets learn chapter and verse about statutes, the sanctity of evidence, the appropriate way to handle suspects and dozens of other topics related to crime and public safety.

Starting this year in New Jersey, they'll also learn about depression, the emotional hazards of their work and the possibility one of their colleagues will consider ending his or her life with a bullet.

It's a blunt message meant to counter the persistent problem of suicide in law enforcement ranks.

When To Shoot The Colonels
Submitted by: concerned american

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Read all of this sobering essay by former Marine officer Tom Baugh, author of 'Starving the Monkeys', which begins:

"At ease, Marines, and be seated" orders the gruff Gunnery Sergeant. "Now turn to Chapter 8 in your Military Constitutional Law text," he continues. "Today we discuss the appropriate conditions for shooting a colonel who is issuing an order which would violate the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Our first scenario involves gun seizures..."

Absurd, isn't it, to think that this sort of education is conducted among our armed forces? Yet, millions of citizens indulge this unspoken fantasy each time they imagine that the military exists to preserve our freedoms...

NJ: Newark terminal locked down
Submitted by: Larry

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"I just saw one woman pleading with a gate agent, saying that she had two small children and a heart condition -- that she simply could not take this," Cho said. "But of course, there will be no exceptions."

Flying Continental? Important company notice

Newark Liberty International Airport, which is about 15 miles from Manhattan, is the second-largest hub for Continental.

Submitter's note: Lockdowns are used for prisoners.

Ed.: Maybe they should strike 'Liberty' from the name of the airport.


Some Politicians Dodge Gun Question in Magazine Survey
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Here are some statements politicians holding national office provided to GUNS Magazine when asked to comment on the Second Amendment."

A 50-year-old survey gives us a glimpse in how we got to here from there...

VA: Virginia Delegate files bill to repeal one handgun a month rationing scheme
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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Virginia State Delegate Scott Lingamfelter (R - Prince William & Fauquier Counties), a retired US Army Colonel who sits on the influential Militia, Police, and Public Safety Committee, has pre-filed House Bill 49 [to] repeal Virginia's one handgun a month purchase rationing scheme. Only 3 other states ration handgun purchases: California, Maryland, and New Jersey (South Carolina repealed their gun rationing law several years ago). . . . Philip Van Cleave, President of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) suggests a third reason the bill will pass . . . growing legal and popular recognition of gun ownership as a fundamental constitutional right makes gun rationing increasingly seem "about as un-American as book burning."

Court: Feds Can Hide Alleged Spying on Gitmo Lawyers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A federal appeals court on Wednesday upheld the government’s refusal to admit or deny it has documents related to warrantless eavesdropping on Guantanamo Bay detainees and their lawyers.

In doing so, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals accepted a little-known defense called the Glomar doctrine. The doctrine, the court ruled, allows the National Security Agency to refuse to acknowledge to the lawyers suing under the Freedom of Information Act that there are any documents responsive to allegations their clients had been or are being targeted under the Terrorist Surveillance Program adopted following the 2001 terror attacks.

Wizards Locker Room Incident Shows 'Gun Control' Inferior to Self Control
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The only things that are clear: Good, rational people don't behave like thugs. The presence of weapons doesn't change that. And rules don't stop rule-breakers. The 'laws' are useless at changing these fundamental truths--which means they've been enacted for another reason altogether."

"But what?"

VA: Roanoke police actions spark lawsuit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Roanoke man is suing city police over an altercation with officers that he said began as an argument about his permit to carry a concealed firearm.
Aaron A. Stevenson filed a lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Roanoke alleging that his constitutional rights were violated during a May 6 traffic stop. He named two officers, Chief Joe Gaskins and the city as defendants.

Armed criminal kidnaps and robs two women from CHURCH [video]
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Submitter's note: This story is for all these ninnies who tell us we don't "need" to take our guns to church, and who tell us that government should ban us from doing so. Criminals head for the churches for victims because unfortunately, churches are the most likely to be utterly defenseless (cowards like defenseless victims). We're also supposed to forget about that armed individual who stopped an attempted mass killer a year or so ago at a packed church. Yes Sara Brady, I carry in church and know others who do.

OR: Man arrested for pointing gun at snowball-throwing boys
Submitted by: anonymous

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A 22-year-old Beaverton man who police say responded Tuesday to a few snowballs thrown his way by pointing a gun at two boys was arrested Thursday morning at his house.

Beaverton police said Alexander Guissepe Lamme was charged with four counts of menacing, a Class A misdemeanor. Lamme is scheduled to appear in Washington County Circuit Court on Feb. 2.

Ed.: It was a *toy* gun.

Frontline Sniper: British Sharpshooter Tells of Life and Death in Afghan War Zone
Submitted by: Paul

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* SNIPER Steve Lewis is the dead-shot of the British Army - killing SEVEN Taliban fighters in one day.
* And the 29-year-old ex-binman who blew away 13 of the enemy in his first tour of duty pulls no punches about his job. Steve, of the 16 Air Assault Brigade, says: "We're glad when we get a kill - it's what we do".
* Here writer Sam Kiley's gripping new book, Desperate Glory, reveals how our troops are "loving" fighting the Taliban.
"If a sniper can kill or injure two or three, he drives down the ability of the Taliban to suck energy out of the British."

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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