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AL: Greater Alabama Survival Expo Comes to Von Braun Center Jan. 7-8
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Chances are you know a prepper or survivalist, or you may be interested in this type of lifestyle. This weekend, as many as 2,500 area preppers and survivalists will visit the Von Braun Center. The Greater Alabama Survival Expo visits Huntsville January 7-8, and 350 exhibitors are signed up. RK Prepper Shows visited last July and said the event was a huge success.

Savage Arms Introduces First-Ever AR Rifle Line
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Savage Arms entered the AR market with a bang, announcing four new models to kick off the company's first entry into the world of modern sporting rifles. Until 2017, Savage's line of centerfire guns was limited to bolt-action platforms. Over the past few years, the company has been introducing a number of semi-automatic rifles to its rimfire lines, such as the popular A17 and A22. However, a notable exception in the company's lineup was the absence of AR-style rifles.


The Trump Commemorative .45ACP Automatic Pistol
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Cabot Guns has a reputation for creating 1-of-a-kind series of 1911 .45ACP pistols with jaw-dropping price tags, like this pair called the the Big Bang Pistol Set, as they’re made from a meteorite and are worth about $4.5-M—or this $35,000 handgun with grips made from a wooly mammoth tooth.


TX: Lawmaker Seeks "Constitutional Carry" Gun Bill
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A hotly contested legislative session in 2015 led to two controversial gun laws: One that allows for the open carry of handguns and another that permits the concealed carry of handguns on Texas college campuses. Now, one lawmaker is looking toward the upcoming legislative session with the hope to pass a bill that would give all Texans the right to openly carry a firearm — with or without a permit.


PA: Gun Permit Numbers in Lawrence County are on the Rise, so are Firearm Purchases
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In 2016, Lawrence County Sheriff Perry Quahliero issued 2,894 license to carry permits, an increase of 15 percent from 2015. Randall Blinn, owner of Randall Guns in Ellwood City since 1979, and said purchase trends in his store tend to align with the country’s political direction.


IA: Video Shows Suspect in Pain After Iowa Trooper's Gun Strike
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An Iowa trooper jammed the barrel of his loaded rifle into the shoulder of a surrendering suspect at the end of a chase, police video shows, leaving the man with an injury and pain that he says lasted for weeks. The video sheds light on the unusual use of force, one that the Iowa Department of Public Safety had largely kept secret since it happened 18 months ago.


ID: Fatal Shooting Might Be Case of Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Fort Hall Indian Reservation is mourning the death of a tribal member who was apparently shot dead by a relative on New Year's Day. Tribal authorities and the FBI have released little information about the fatal shooting of Heath “Petey” Dixey, 40, at his Cemetery Road residence on the reservation. But Fort Hall Police Chief Pat Teton said the shooting could be a case of self-defense. The family member who apparently killed Dixey was treated and released at Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello after the shooting and then taken into police custody, questioned and released.

UT: Father Shoots Son in Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A disturbing domestic violence situation erupts in gunfire, sending a mother, father, and adult son to the hospital. It happened in a remote subdivision called Holiday Hills, Tuesday morning. Authorities say a 68 year-old man shot his adult son in self-defense, according to their preliminary investigation. "We believe the parents are victims of this violence," said Lt. Erik Knutzen of the Utah County Sheriff's Office.

This LGBT Group Wants to Arm The Gay Community
Submitted by: David Williamson

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After a shooter killed 50 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando last June, Obama and lawmakers across the nation called for stricter gun laws. An LGBT advocacy group called the Pink Pistols thinks that rather than place restrictions on gun sales, members of the gay community should arm themselves for protection against hate crimes.

Defending Yourself Against a Knife Attack
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In the past several months, curbside stabbings in Jerusalem, slashings in New York and an edged-weapon assault injuring eight at a shopping mall in Minnesota are clear examples of a disturbing trend of knife attacks against civilians. Although we may all be potential victims of physical violence, few of us are fully equipped to handle such assaults.

FL: Gun Issue, Stand Your Ground To Get Airing In Senate
Submitted by: David Williamson

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State lawmakers will have their first chance to discuss a controversial measure that would expand how and where Florida’s more than 1.67 million concealed-weapons license holders can carry handguns. The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Greg Steube, is scheduled Jan. 10 to take up the measure (SB 140), which would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry handguns in public and also would allow them to be armed on college and university campuses.

President Trump Can Free Second Amendment from Ninth Circuit’s Grip
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has been chipping away at the Second Amendment for years, but when he takes office, President Donald Trump can limit the ramifications of their decisions–actually reversing them in some instances–by appointing the pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution justice he pledged to appoint while running for office.


'Real Housewives' Star Flexed Her 2nd Amendment Muscle When Three Strangers Trespassed at Her Home
Submitted by: David Williamson

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“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kenya Moore has been building an empire since winning Miss USA in 1993. She turned her pageant win into a brand and went on to become a successful actress, author, and businesswoman.

Rep. Hudson Introduces National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Republican Rep. Richard Hudson (N.C.) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require states to recognize each other’s gun carry permits. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 would address the patchwork nature of the country’s gun carry laws. Currently, each state decides which other states’ gun carry permits it will recognize. Some states recognize all other states’ permits, other states recognize no other states’ permits, and many fall somewhere in between.


FL: Gun Advocates Rally Troops for Open Carry Fight
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun advocates in Florida didn’t take a break over the holiday weekend. Florida Open Carry Inc. began rallying its troops New Year’s Eve with a mass email in support of “the most important pro-Second Amendment rights bill of the 2017 legislative session.”


NY: Westchester Lawmakers Move Bill To Prohibit Gun Shows on County Property
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Members of two committees of the Westchester County Board of Legislators have voted to place a measure on the floor of the full legislature next week that would ban gun shows from county property. Labor, Parks, Planning and Housing Committee and Public Safety Committee members voted to back the proposal at a lengthy joint meeting on Tuesday.


6 Charged in Forsyth County Guns Theft; 1 at Large
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Forsyth County authorities have charged six people, including one juvenile, in connection with the theft of guns from a pawn shop. The incident began about 5:25 a.m. Saturday at Forsyth County Pawn in Cumming and turned into a police chase that went along Ga. 400 before ending in an Alpharetta intersection.


Startups Are Using Birds, Gas, and Guns to Take Down Unwanted Drones
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A boom in consumer drone sales has spawned a counter-industry of start-ups aiming to stop drones flying where they shouldn't, by disabling them or knocking them out of the sky. Dozens of start-up firms are developing techniques - from deploying birds of prey to firing gas through a bazooka - to take on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are being used to smuggle drugs, drop bombs, spy on enemy lines or buzz public spaces.


Evolution of a 2nd Amendment Advocate
Submitted by: Silkman

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Through my own experience, I’ve learned guns are not a curse, but a blessing. As we start 2017, I hope more Americans will take the time to become educated about the Second Amendment and the proper, lawful use of firearms.

PA: Washington Township Police Offer Free Gun Locks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Free locks are available from the Washington Township Police Department, "to encourage safe handling and storage practices of firearms," according to a statement the department posted to its Facebook page Tuesday. The locks can be used on various types of firearms including rifles, revolves, shotguns and semi-automatic handguns, and will be available to any members of the community while supplies last.


TX: Taylor County Courthouse Gun-Free Year After Open Carry
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Taylor County will continue to ban firearms from its main courthouse a year after open carry went into effect, following in the footsteps of Waller County, said County Judge Downing Bolls on Tuesday. Like Waller County, Taylor County posted signs on all courthouse entrances, citing a 2003 law that allows the prohibition of firearms "on the premises of any government court or offices utilized by the court." Taylor County posted the signs right before the open carry law went into effect Jan. 1, 2016.


Gun Violence Should Be Treated As A Public Health Crisis, Study Says
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Every year in the U.S., more than 30,000 people die from things related to guns. That puts guns ahead of HIV, Parkinson's disease, malnutrition, hypertension, intestinal infection, peptic ulcer, anemia, viral hepatitis, biliary tract disease, atherosclerosis and fires. Yet, the funding for research on gun violence lags far behind other leading causes of death, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Range Report: Smith & Wesson’s New M&P M2.0 Pistols
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It’s been a decade since Smith & Wesson launched the original M&P semi-automatic pistols. While there have been some incremental variations and new models since then, there’s hasn’t been a major overhaul to the basic design – until now. With the M2.0 series, the Smith & Wesson folks have made welcome improvements to the M&P line. I got my hands on several pre-launch models, two different 9mms, and a .40 S&W, and had the opportunity to test them out before market launch. The .45 versions are being announced at the same time, and I have one of those on the way, too, but I’ll have to report on that one at a later date.


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