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Shooting on the Edges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In using a handgun in self-defense, every instructor of any worth teaches that your goal is to be able to fire, on demand, a well-placed--most times high-center-chest--hit. We collectively practice developing, and then maintaining, this ability.

Handgun competitions are built around how well a competitor does this. This ability is then often coupled with tactical considerations of concealment, cover and movement.

Little if any thought or effort, though, is devoted to learning to "shoot what you can see when you can see it," so to speak. In fact, all the competitions penalize the shooter for firing what is, correctly by the rules, a poor shot.

AZ: Court: New self-defense laws not retroactive
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bid by state legislators to retroactively change self-defense laws is unconstitutional, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled.

Without dissent, the judges said Cesar Montes, convicted of the 2005 shooting death of Benjamin Cota in Pima County and the wounding of two others, is not entitled to take advantage of changes in self-defense laws enacted after the shootings.

But unless overturned, the new ruling it also could affect other cases where people convicted of murder have been trying to use the new law — the one the appellate court just voided — to get a new trial.

More Guns, Less crime in '09
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans went on binges buying guns and ammunition in late 2008 and early 2009, worried that a radical leftist president and Democrat-dominated Congress would violate their Second-Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. The effects? Less murder, robbery, rape and property crime, according to report released last week by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

The Self Defense Shooting of Joel LaFromboise and his Father’s Response
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police in Moorhead, MN recently finished their investigation of a June, 2009 self defense shooting. This lengthy investigation concluded that the citizen who fired in self defense was justified in doing so. The details of that self defense case, comments made by the father of the dead home invader, and my thoughts are below


In order for a person to be properly arrested and charged with a crime, there needs to be some violation of the law. When Allen shot LaFromboise in self defense, there was no such violation of the law, since each person has the legal (and moral) right to defend themselves against a violent home invader.

NM: Interest grows in gun ownership, self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Only one armed theft in 2009 required the use of deadly force in Las Cruces, but the number of people interested in learning those skills has been growing, according to Las Cruces weapons instructor Coralie Carrier.

The morning of Dec. 27, witnesses told police two men tried to break into an apartment at Telshor Manor Apartments at 1410 Telshor Blvd. A 26-year-old resident was apparently startled awake, grabbed a handgun, and opened fire at the intruders, according to police.

Steve Anthony Martinez, 27, a convicted burglar, was found dead of gunshot wounds outside the apartment.

TX: Violent home invader shot by armed homeowner
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Houston, TX homeowner reportedly used his shotgun to save himself and his wife from a violent burglar.

Police say that the husband and wife, who own a home on Cloverleaf Street in Houston, were awakened by the sound of breaking glass and their home security system siren. The wife reportedly noticed an intruder, and yelled for her husband to grab his shotgun. Shotgun in hand, the husband is said to have seen a burglar dressed in black, who was brandishing a fire extinguisher. The husband reportedly fired one shot in self defense, hitting the burglar in the hip and causing him to scream then flee.

Mentalist makes 2010 projections
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kreskin also worries about the crimes committed against children, and about the desensitizing of the public when it comes to gun violence, something he sees increasing.

“When I was a kid, the art of self defense was a popular activity,” he said. “It will continue to be an art in this country. You don’t know if someone has a gun or not. Kids don’t want to walk to school today. I’m not against possessing guns, but there’s less qualifications for possessing a gun than driving a car.”

Kreskin said a catastrophic murder involving 16-18 victims may be the catalyst that makes people examine gun use more closely. He said, “We’re talking about the safety of an individual in their home. A home is broken into every 15 seconds.

FL: Let's Talk Shop with ... Morgan's Archery & Firearms Pro Shop
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Morgan keeps a small number of semiautomatic handguns and a few revolvers in a glass display case. The most popular gun among women is the revolver, he said. ...

Ray said he is picky when selling. He will spend an hour explaining different guns and gun laws. Even if a buyer’s background is clean, Ray won’t sell if the buyer says he doesn’t intend to teach his teenager about the gun. He won’t sell if the person says she won’t use the gun in self-defense.

“Not everybody is emotionally ready to own a gun,” Ray said. “Not everybody needs a gun — they are better off with a baseball bat. I make an effort to get to know our customers before I sell them a gun.”

NM: Tea Partiers Bring Guns To Their Own Meetings Now
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Alamogordo Daily News reports that an estimated 350 people showed up at an rally organized by the Otero Tea Party Patriots and the recently formed Alamogordo Second Amendment Task Force. The protest has attracted attention because many of the protesters openly carried guns. The rally was not violent, and as one protester said of his choice to carry a weapon, "I'm not trying to start a war. I just want to make a point."

NY: Man charged in shooting claims self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The attorney for a Port Jefferson Station man charged with shooting a teenager in the face said Monday his client was defending his home when he fired three warning shots during a confrontation last month.

The shooting left the teen blind, prosecutors said.

Michael Perkowski, 22, pleaded not guilty in Suffolk County Court in Riverhead after a grand jury indicted him on charges of first-degree...

Ed.: Subscription required for story.

The Gun Rights Radio Network – Broadcasting Freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mark Vanderberg created the Gun Rights Radio Network (GRRN) to host those independent voices among the pro-gun owners’ rights community.

Since its founding in early 2008, the group has expanded to some 18 regular podcasts. Podcasts are like radio shows that are held in archives and can be downloaded at listeners’ convenience.

All 18 of the GRRN can be downloaded from each show’s website or iTunes or Zune Marketplace, to be played on the listener’s MP3 player or computer. You can even listen to the shows right from our discussion forum. The listener can download an unlimited number at no charge!

MD: Gun sales up, but not here
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Despite a national and statewide uptick in handgun-permit applications and a nationwide increase in gun-related background checks, local dealers like Hal Goldstein said they're not seeing lots of business these days.

Sales are off 50 to 60 percent at his business, which is just off West Street inside the city limits.

"I could have closed in August, and I would have saved money," he said.

Laboratories of Repression
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At issue in the case is Chicago's draconian handgun ban, a restriction that largely mirrors the gun control law struck down last year by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller. The key difference is that Heller only decided whether the Second Amendment secures an individual right against infringement by the federal government (which oversees Washington, D.C.). McDonald will settle whether the amendment's right to keep and bear arms applies against state and local governments as well.

That's where Brandeis comes in. In Chicago's view, the Second Amendment should have no impact on its vast gun control regime.

Federal Courts Strike Again on Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The First Circuit Court of Appeals in New England just handed down another horrible Second Amendment ruling, very similar to the ruling that recently came out of Georgia. In the case in question, the court ruled that a police officer acted appropriately when he not only detained a man for lawfully carrying a concealed firearm but confiscated his gun. From the Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner:

According to the case opinion, the lawyer, Greg Schubert, had a pistol concealed under his suit coat, and Mr. Schubert was walking in what the court described as a "high crime area."

NH: Guns have no place in the State House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last spring, a collection of ill-mannered protesters wearing guns perched in the second-floor gallery in Representatives Hall and, during a debate on states' rights, shouted down at legislators. Some lawmakers felt threatened. Others were embarrassed for the message the spectacle conveyed about New Hampshire. Their response, albeit delayed, was predictable.

The House subcommittee that oversees state buildings voted 8-3 recently to ban guns, knives and other deadly weapons from the State House, the Legislative Office Building, the State House tunnel complex and the historic Upham Walker House. That vote was in addition to bills filed by two groups of lawmakers.

WI: Handgun supporters collect food for needy
Submitted by: Adam Peterson

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LITTLE CHUTE - Customers at the Save A Lot food store in Little Chute pitched in to help a local food bank. But in addition to the non perishable items collected it was hard to miss the handguns in holsters on those doing the collecting.

Long and other local gun carriers say the response from shoppers was nearly all positive. They also say they were able to get their message out and campaign for a concealed carry law.

We Can Protect Ourselves, You Know
Submitted by: Larry

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Of course, no government — and no “opposition” — really wants people protecting themselves. Republican or Democrat, they wants us quiet, pliant, obedient, submissive, frightened, and vulnerable.

TX: Homeowner Shoots Suspected Burglar
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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A homeowner shot a burglary suspect on Sunday, KPRC Local 2 reported. Robert and Pam Cole were asleep at their home on Cloverleaf Street near Texarkana Street in east Harris County at about 11 p.m., when they heard glass breaking. "We were both jarred awake," Pam Cole said. "We knew something was wrong. The alarm was going off." "Someone is coming in the house and she yelled out,' get your shotgun,'" Robert Cole said. "I came out of the bedroom and down the hall here, a man with a black hoodie and a fire extinguisher like he was going to beat somebody, was in the living room. I came out of the bedroom with the shotgun … shot him in the hip. He screamed, dropped the fire extinguisher and dived into the hole he came in."

IL: IL US Senate Republican Candidate Andy Martin Answers Gun Rights Questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Here are Andy Martin's responses..."

Being a gun rights ambassador
Submitted by: Daniel White

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I've only been involved in political activism, Second Amendment or otherwise, for about seven years which is nothing compared to some of the people I know who have been doing this for twenty, thirty years or more...

NY: If You Are Serious About Your Firearms Rights Go To Albany NY With SAFE On January 12th 2010
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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All New Yorkers who believe in Firearms ownership and use by law abiding citizens are invited for a day to celebrate and advocate for Second Amendment civil rights in the New York State Legislature. Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education (SAFE) has been invited by New York State Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb to participate in a day of celebration and advocacy for the Second Amendment in Albany with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

Neither Sword Nor Shield: Full-Spectrum Civilian Disarmament
Submitted by: Larry

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A little more than a week earlier, the U.S. District Court for Georgia's Northern District dismissed another civil rights complaint filed by Christopher Raissi. In October 2008, Raissi was surrounded by police, forcibly disarmed, and detained for a half-hour when he attempted to board the MARTA train while carrying a concealed firearm. After Raissi was able to produce his license to carry a concealed weapon, his gun was returned to him -- but not before a lengthy and potentially lethal encounter with the police.

In dismissing Raissi's complaint, Judge Thomas W. Thrash Jr. described possession of a state-issued firearms license as "an affirmative defense to, not an element of, the crimes of boarding [public transportation] with a concealed weapon and carrying a concealed weapon." ...

John Monroe, Raissi's attorney, points out that the decision means that "everyone seen carrying a firearm in any place that is prohibited without a license is subject to being stopped, arrested, and prosecuted even if they have a license." In principle, this should apply to police officers as well as private citizens. In practice, of course, this standard means that only law enforcement personnel would have a license to bear arms in public.

NBA players say owning guns is OK, if done legally
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Not only have David Stern's pleas to leave the guns at home been ignored, one player even brought his to work. The commissioner could hand Gilbert Arenas a severe punishment whenever he decides to take action, but it seems clear Stern can't convince NBA players not to carry firearms. As far as they're concerned, players have the right -- and maybe even the need -- to own weapons, as long as they're doing it legally. "We're grown men. We protect our families. We protect our homes," said Knicks guard Larry Hughes, who isn't licensed to own a gun. "Whatever the case may be, whoever is bearing arms, I hope everything is done, you know, legally, but you have that right."

NY: Sportsmen prepare for meetings at Capitol
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Dozens of local sportsmen will head to the state Capitol in Albany on Jan. 12 to try to educate state legislators about the benefits of fishing, hunting and other outdoor activities. Formally known as Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day, the event will bring sportsmen from around the state to Albany to meet with legislators and hear from speakers, including NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Legislative Office Building.

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak. — George Orwell

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