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NJ: Robber Was Camden Rapist
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"A man who was killed while attempting to rob a store last week was the man who raped three women in Camden over the last two months of 2004, authorities said Wednesday."

"Camden County Prosecutor Vincent P. Sarubbi said the state police DNA lab confirmed that Antonio Diaz Reyes, 32, was the rapist." ...

"...aid he entered the Camden City Wireless and Fishing Supply store in East Camden on Friday afternoon and held the store owner’s wife at knifepoint."

"Store owner Ngoc Le, 28, saw what was happening, grabbed his gun, which was legally registered, and told Reyes he would let him live if he released his wife. Reyes then threatened to kill her and Le fired once, hitting Reyes in the head. Reyes died at the scene."

Impending NRA chief vows to dispel 'myths' about gun group
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"The media wants to paint us all as a bunch of bubbas and rednecks, but it's simply not true... The image of the NRA needs to be corrected. The stereotype needs to be debunked." ...

"NRA member Jim Norton said Froman will usher in a new era for the organization, silencing critics who paint the group as radical or extreme." ...

"But some gun control groups said Froman must change the executive staff at the NRA before she can change the organization's image."


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"Given the trends, it's not surprising the poll, which was conducted last October, showed that 52 percent of gun owners planned to vote for President Bush, with 32 percent backing Sen. John Kerry."

"Non-gun owners backed Kerry, 49 percent to 33 percent."

"Overall, 38 percent of Americans said they keep a gun in their home, with another 2 percent saying they keep a gun somewhere else. That's consistent with Gallup gun polls going back to 2000, but down 11 percent from a decade earlier."

"Public opinion on whether guns make people more or less safe was sharply divided." ...

"While 42 percent of those polled said they believed a gun made homes safer, perhaps as 'valuable protection against a home invasion,' 46 percent said the exact opposite."

Gun-Violence Information Gap
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"Every year, about 30,000 Americans die of gunshot wounds. You would think that given the high body count, researchers would have a pretty good handle on what works and what doesn't work when it comes to reducing firearm violence in America." ...

"So what does work? Limits on the number of firearms an individual can purchase? Waiting periods? Laws that allow Americans to carry concealed weapons?

" 'These and many related policy questions cannot be answered definitively because of large gaps in the existing science base,' Charles F. Wellford, chair of a study committee appointed by the NRC, said at a recent news conference. 'The available data are too weak to support strong conclusions.' "

"Why? It's mostly because the National Rifle Association has persuaded Congress and state legislatures, including Florida's, to pass laws that restrict the ability of law enforcement and other public agencies to collect, keep and share data regarding gun ownership and use. Under the guise of privacy rights, the NRA and its friends in public office have thrown an official cloak of secrecy over gun ownership in America."

"But you would be wrong."

Brady Campaign: Cities Striking Back Against Gun Sellers Who Arm Criminals
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"The state and local efforts to ensure reckless gun dealers are held accountable, however, are moving forward under a cloud. Gun lobby allies in the U.S. Congress are expected to press hard over the coming weeks for passage of a federal law that would immunize the most reckless gun dealers from lawsuits. Such a federal statute would pre-empt state courts from granting relief to gun violence victims."

"Brady Campaign President Mike Barnes praised the efforts in Illinois and New York. ..."

JTO: New York Activists Praise City Council for Passing the Gun Industry Responsibility Act
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"New Yorkers Against Gun Violence and its youth chapter ReACTiON Gun Violence, along with Million Mom March members and other concerned residents, praised the City Council today for passing a package of gun bills that will reduce the flood of illegal guns in New York City. Illegal guns are responsible for hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries each year."

Where did turkeys go?
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"The director of a Detroit food bank wants to know what happened to 60 turkeys -- 720 pounds of frozen birds -- that his charity gave to members of U.S. Rep. John Conyers' local staff two days before Thanksgiving to give to needy people."

"Conyers' Detroit office promised an accounting of any turkey distribution by Dec. 27, but the Gleaners Community Food Bank had received no paperwork as of Tuesday, said the charity's director, Agostinho Fernandes."

"Fernandes said he became suspicious that the turkeys didn't get to poor people after hearing from a friend that a federal court worker had said he was offered free turkeys from a member of Conyers' staff."

Documentary About Cop Shooting at Sundance
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"It began as a small documentary by two teenage filmmakers about guns, death and grief at a Brooklyn housing project. Then, in the midst of production, one of the teens saw his best friend die in a freak shooting on the project's rooftop. The shooter was a police officer."

"This dramatic boost has propelled Danny Howard and Terrence Fisher to the big time: 'Bullets in the Hood: A Bed-Stuy Story' will compete next month at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival in the short documentary category."

Michigan Marine jailed for refusing to pick up gun following religious conversion
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"A Michigan man who re-enlisted with the Marines after becoming a Seventh-Day Adventist has been jailed for refusing to pick up a gun."

"Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz, 24, of Birch Run, Mich., was sentenced last month in a court-martial to seven months in Camp Lejeune's brig. He also received a reduction in rank to private and a bad conduct discharge."

"Klimkewicz was charged with refusing to obey an order two years ago to draw a weapon from his unit's armory for a training exercise in preparation for an Iraq deployment."

IA: Gun not first stolen from officer
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"One of the weapons recovered during last week's warrant raid in Glenwood belonged to a Council Bluffs Police officer, but the question remained, whose gun was recovered?"

"An anonymous source told The Daily Nonpareil the weapon, a .40-caliber Glock, which Chief Keith Mehlin confirmed in a press release last week was a Council Bluffs Police Department handgun stolen out of a vehicle, belongs to Officer Chris Leber, who is currently on leave."

MI: Detroit cop with drug-use Web site to face trial
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"A suspended Detroit police officer will be tried in federal court next week on charges of giving stolen drugs to addicts to induce them to take drugs on his Internet Web site."

"Ceiere Campbell, 31, of Detroit told U.S. District Judge Lawrence Zatkoff on Tuesday that he has no intention of pleading guilty in the case. A jury is to be selected Monday and opening statements are set for Tuesday."

"Campbell, an eight-year employee of the department, allegedly gave marijuana, crack cocaine and heroin to at least 50 people so he could photograph them using drugs on his Web site. He allegedly charged a credit card access fee for customers to view the footage, the government said."

MO: Policemen say officer accused in shooting was drunk
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"Two of the arriving St. Louis County police officers testified today that fellow Officer Thomas Zeigler was drunk outside his apartment where Officer Patricia March was shot in the face."

"Officer Eric Austermann and Sgt. Robert Shelvy said there was no doubt in their minds from Zeigler’s appearance, actions and speech that he was highly intoxicated as paramedics rushed March to St. Anthony’s Medical Center."

"Austermann and Shelvy were the state’s first witnesses in the trial of Zeigler, 31, on charges of first-degree assault and armed criminal action in the shooting that took place on March 3, 2003, in the 5500 block of Southfield Drive."

PA: Former Cops Plead Guilty
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Two former police officers are facing jail sentences after pleading guilty to federal charges.

Former Coaldale Patrolman Michael Weaver pleaded guilty to conspiring to plant drugs during raids. Former Lansford Chief Joseph Stawiarski pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about selling a machine gun to another officer.

Weaver is facing 33 to 41 months in prison. Stawiarski is facing probation to six months in prison, unless a judge finds he was trafficking guns.

Both men will be sentenced at a later date.

WA: Theft of police chief's gun raises questions
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"Several questions remained unanswered yesterday regarding the theft of Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske's gun from his parked car Dec. 26 — including why the chief was not carrying the weapon."

"With few exceptions, Seattle police officers are required to carry a gun at all times within the city limits. Officers sometimes will not carry a gun if it is impractical or inappropriate to do so during their free time, such as if they are at the gym, playing in a soccer game or drinking alcohol, police officials said." ...

"[Department spokesman Sean Whitcomb] said he also did not know:

• How the chief secured the gun in the vehicle, except to say he had not left it in plain view.

• How the car was broken into, except to say the car was locked.

• Whether the chief had secured the pistol with a trigger lock or other safety device, although Whitcomb said he assumes the gun was loaded."

MD: Baltimore Receives More Than $1.7M In State Grant For Gun Prosecutors
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"Baltimore received almost $1.74 million in a state grant this week to help fight gun crimes."

"Gov. Bob Ehrlich announced Wednesday that the grant will help prosecute repeat violent offenders. The state grant will fund the city's gun prosecutors and requires the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office to prove progress in making arrests and indictments."

"Since Ehrlich took office in 2002, the funding for all of the city's gun prosecutors has come from this state program."

Canada: Politician's comments criticized as racist
Submitted by: John Fasnler

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"Some Toronto councillors and a race relations expert say published comments by Scarborough Councillor Mike Del Grande that 'white people' are moving out of his ward are divisive and unacceptable."

"Del Grande (Ward 39, Scarborough-Agincourt) says he was only reflecting on the 'reality' of demographic changes in his ward when he told the Scarborough Mirror last week that 'a lot of the white people are moving out' of the area."

"But he's upset after seeing how his remarks were portrayed in the media." ...

"Councillor Janet Davis (Ward 31, Beaches-East York) said Del Grande's statement smacks of racism and is 'not acceptable by any elected official.' "

Submitter's Note: So much for Free Speech in Canuc-astan

Alan Caruba: Federal Control of Education Must End
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"If your goal was to control people and you were willing to be patient to achieve it, the best way would be to gain control of the schools. The Federal government, aided and abetted by the National Education Association, a teacher’s union, has achieved this. The results, year after year, demonstrate they are successful in producing a large number of graduates who cannot read and lack other essential, basic skills." ...

"...the Federal government is funding a private group, the Center for Civic Education, to publish a national curriculum on the Constitution that undermines a student’s understanding of the Bill of Rights (one lone mention of the Second Amendment) and subtly advocates world citizenship as opposed to being a citizen of a sovereign United States. This standardization of education about the Constitution teaches a government-approved version and nothing could be more un-American than that. The Constitution makes no provision for the Federal government to be involved in education. That is a power that belongs exclusively to the States and local communities."

OH: Spate of robberies at 'no-guns' banks continues
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" is reporting an off-duty Columbus police officer fired at a fleeing robber outside a 'no-guns' Fifth Third bank Tuesday. The suspect was not hit, and was later apprehended."

"Fifth Third posts 'no guns' signs, but despite a prior conviction for armed robbery, the robber wasn't shy about entering. According to the Columbus Dispatch, the branch at 809 S. High St. has been robbed at least five times in the past four years."

"In Cincinnati, (9News) is reporting on another armed robbery at a 'no guns' bank. ..."

"OFCC has learned one of the tellers had a 'No guns - No money' card lying on her counter..."

UK: Why Israeli 'Forgot' Plastic Gun in Airport Hand Luggage
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"A 'forgetful' Israeli holidaymaker arrested in London with a gun in his hand luggage told a court today that the failure of Tel Aviv security to spot the weapon earlier triggered a huge inquiry."

"West Bank settler Benjamin Lehman, 48, who bought the pistol after a string of “Intifada” killings, said the largely plastic pistol failed to show up on X-ray scanners at Ben Gurion Airport. ..."

"Because it was 'very embarrassing for everyone involved', censors rapidly stepped in to prevent further publicity, he told London’s Isleworth Crown Court."

IL: Daley calls on Legislature to adopt gun control laws
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"CHICAGO Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is urging lawmakers to approve a range of gun control measures following a defeat in the courts."

"Daley said today he wants legislators to approve two new proposals. One would prevent gun dealers from knowingly selling firearms to criminals. The other would allow victims of gun violence to sue dealers who knew the weapon was sold illegally."

"The proposals are in response to the Illinois Supreme Court's dismissal in November of two lawsuits by the city of Chicago and victims of handgun violence. The lawsuits alleged gun manufacturers, distributors and sellers caused a "public nuisance" by saturating the metropolitan area with guns they knew would end up in criminals' hands."

Nigeria: Police Officers Assault Journalists At Political Meeting
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"On 4 January 2005, a security team made up of police officers and members of the anti-riot unit... assaulted a number of journalists who were at the party's secretariat to cover the meeting."

"...The journalists were ordered to move away from the precincts of the PDP Secretariat. They were not allowed to take notes or photograph those attending and the proceedings. When Anambra State Governor Chris Ngige arrived, he received a rousing ovation. At that moment, the police officers, supervised by Alobi, launched an attack on the journalists, hitting them with gun butts, batons, police boots and horse whips, while Jimoh watched from where he was standing nearby. ..."

NC: School May Not Allow New Year's Black-Powder Musket Shoot
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"While no one is calling for a stop to the 200-year-old tradition of firing vintage black-power muskets to ring in the New Year, the site of the final big blast could be moved from a public high school's football stadium."

"Cherryville High School's Rudisill Stadium has been the site of the finale for two groups of Cherryville shooters since 1991. This year at the finale, two men were injured when a gun exploded at the stadium."

"Meanwhile, Matthew Kenneth Shook, 18, of Gastonia, was killed early Saturday when a black-powder rifle exploded in his hands outside a private party in the town of Dallas. The accident was not part of the organized festivities."

"Cherryville High Principal Steve Huffstetler said Tuesday he would probably not allow the final shot from the Cherryville shooters to take place on school grounds again."

CA: Taser victim's family likely to file lawsuit
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"The San Mateo County District Attorney's office continues to co-investigate two officer-involved deaths that occurred on Sunday, while the Pacifica Police Department faces a likely lawsuit from one victim's family."

"The family of 30-year-old Greg Saulsbury, who died at Seton Medical Center after getting shocked at least once by Pacifica police with a Taser gun Sunday night, retained the services of Oakland attorney John Burris." ...

" 'The whole issue about Tasers has been a matter of public discussion for some time,' Burris said. 'I think in this case they were inappropriately used. I've talked to the family, and they told me what happened, and I'm not generally impressed with the officers' version.' "

AZ: DPS, sheriff's deputies using weapon
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"More and more law enforcement agencies are switching to the M-26 Advance Taser equipment, a less-lethal method to control prisoners and suspects. Recently making the switch is the Arizona Department of Public Safety Benson district."

"Sgt. Brian Preston said all six patrolmen in the Benson area were trained to use the tasers last month and are now equipped with them on the job."

OH: State's 'no guns in bars' law puts stolen weapon on street
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Date: Wed Jan 05 09:16:18 2005
From: S. H.
Subject: Firearm Stolen

I'm from Cleveland, and am a law-abiding CHL holder. As such, I had to leave my firearm in my truck when I went into a local bowling alley on 12-28.

Someone broke into my truck in the parking lot and stole my radio as well as broke in my locked glove box and took my firearm.

Now, thanks to the law which says I couldn't bring my gun in due to the fact that they serve liquor, a criminal has my firearm.

This law needs to be changed.

CA: Wal-Mart To Pay $14.5 Million For Gun Sales Violations
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"Wal-Mart Stores agreed to pay $14.5 million in fines and other costs to settle a state lawsuit over thousands of gun sales violations at California stores between 2000 and 2003, Attorney General Bill Lockyer announced Wednesday."

"Lockyer said the Arkansas retailer will pay $5 million in fines, $4 million for state compliance checks with gun laws and millions more to assure its stores meet state and federal firearms laws." ...

"Wal-Mart agreed in April 2003 to suspend gun sales at its sporting goods counters in 114 California stores after the state documented hundreds of violations at two stores in Sacramento and four other stores in Turlock, Merced, Los Banos and Madera."

CA: Free gun locks offered locally
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"As a part of the Project ChildSafe program, the National Shooting Sports Foundation is working with law enforcement agencies throughout California to distribute an additional 880,000 free gun locks in the state."

"Project ChildSafe has partnered with the California State Sheriff's Association, Police Chief's Association, Highway Patrol and Department of Fish and Game to distribute free gun locks to California firearm owners."

"The national safety tour will travel through Mendocino County this weekend to distribute free cable-style gun locks and provide educational material as a part of the Project ChildSafe program."

UK: Security guard held up at gunpoint
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"A security guard has been threatened at gunpoint during a robbery outside a bank on the outskirts of Belfast on Wednesday."

"He was making a cash delivery to the bank on the Antrim Road at around 10am when he was confronted by a man armed with a hand gun."

"The assailant demanded the cash box before fleeing to a nearby blue hatchback car parked in Farmley Gardens and making off in the direction of the Hightown Road."

OH: Middle school locked down for gun report
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"Lorain Middle School was locked down yesterday afternoon because school officials received a report of a handgun in the school."

"Nothing was found and students were released almost three hours later at 3:45 p.m., about 15 minutes past the normal dismissal time."

"The lockdown routine began about 1 p.m. All school doors were locked, students had to stay where they were -- some in classrooms, some in the lunchroom -- and about 15 Lorain police officers searched the school after reports of a weapon, according to Lorain Police Detective Mark Carpentiere. There were 16 police cars parked in front of the school by 3 p.m."

VA: Black powder hunters: 'We're just different'
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"Muzzle loaders blasted into popularity--for hunting and competitive shooting--with the nostalgia of the country's 1976 bicentennial, according to John Miller, the executive vice president of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Since then, states across the country, including Virginia, have added special hunting seasons reserved for muzzle loaders, giving those hunters a jump of several weeks on the general firearms deer hunting season, which ends Jan. 1 at the latest."

"In Virginia 117,916 muzzle-loading licenses were sold for last year's hunting season, almost 15,000 more than four years ago."

NY: New York City Council passes legislation on liability of gun manufacturers, dealers
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"The City Council on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed legislation that would allow crime victims to sue gun manufacturers and dealers who do not follow a set of selling and distribution guidelines."

"The sponsors of the gun safety package say that by restricting and punishing members of the gun industry, New York's streets will see significantly less gun violence."

TX: Public defender disputes 70-month sentence in weapons case
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"Adan Rodriguez doesn't dispute federal charges that he illegally fronted for other people in the purchase of 158 firearms – including 112 assault-class rifles – from gun retailers in Mesquite." ...

"Mr. Rodriguez, 31, must report to a federal prison Jan. 20 to begin a 70-month prison term imposed last month by U.S. District Judge Ed Kinkeade."

"But an assistant federal public defender assigned to his case will ...argue in an appeal that federal sentencing guidelines in effect since November 1987 are unfair."

Liberty Belles: Is Self Defense Really Necessary?
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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"One of the biggest cultural misunderstandings about the Second Amendment and gun ownership is the misconception that gun owners are prone to violence and killing while non-gun owners promote peace and understanding. This is the foundation for the argument against gun ownership and is echoed in a recent statement to FOX News by San Francisco City Supervisor, Chris Daly. 'I don't feel like I need to own a gun to protect myself. Certainly, I am a high-profile elected official and now a lot of gun owners don't like me individually, but if I'm in a situation where I feel threatened, I'll call the police.' "

CA: Do gun shows belong at the fairgrounds? (Letters)
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"The crime rate is going up, guns are found in schools...guns are made to be used to kill -- why encourage the use of them?" ...

"No. This question had already been publicly discussed and fully addressed many years ago between the public and with the Fair Board. I'm unaware of any of the previous gun shows held there causing problems like other types of events held there have (such as custom car shows). Someone else's hidden agenda seems to be at work here." ...

"The supervisors are the buddies of the MMM (Million Mom March). At the supervisor's meeting our supervisors and Diane Barde (local head of the MMM'S) act like very old friends. Which leaves us (the pro-gun side) feeling that we have lost before any vote is taken. ..."

PA: Philadelphia 'Gun Court' Opens Monday
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"Starting Monday, the city of Philadelphia will begin operating a special court to deal only with gun crimes."

"The aim of the Philadelphia gun court is to prosecute simple possession crimes and provide intervention for the offenders -- to keep them from going on to commit more serious gun crimes."

NY: Council panel OK's package of Gun Control bills
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Submitter's Note: New York Gun owners take it in the shorts again...

"A City Council committee approved a package of gun control measures yesterday, including one that would create a code of conduct for gun dealers and manufacturers nationwide."

"The 'Gun Industry Responsibility Act' would require gun dealers to follow responsible sales practices, such as selling no more than one gun to a customer in any 30-day period. It also includes a ban on sales at gun shows and a provision enhancing recordkeeping requirements imposed on dealers." ...

""The Gun Industry Responsibility Act is a landmark piece of legislation," said its author, Councilman David Yassky (D-Brooklyn). "By restricting gun dealers to a one-gun-per-person-per-30-days standard, we will prevent multiple sales by straw purchasers, the most common way guns get into the black market." ...

"The fourth and final bill would strengthen the city assault weapons ban by increasing the maximum fine for violators from $10,000 to $25,000, and by prohibiting anyone who violates the ban from obtaining a rifle or shotgun license. It also would require the Police Department to update its list of banned assault weapons three times a year. The NYPD would also be allowed to seize all the guns belonging to anyone who violates the assault weapons ban."

AZ: Fish defense has no defense (Letter)
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Submitter's Note: The author, Dave Engleman, who has written several other letters regarding this matter, apparently objects to any information concerning the mental stability of Grant Kuenzli being introduced at trial.

It's a good thing that armchair lawyers like Dave Engleman aren't in charge of the court systems.

"Defense attorney Melvin McDonald is nit-picking for some evidence to support a claim by killer Harold Fish that the killing was in 'self-defense' because Mr. Kuenzli had a screwdriver in his 'back pocket.' "

"Did Mr. Fish see the screwdriver before the killing? Having a screwdriver in your back pocket is no reason to be killed. There is no mention that Mr. Kuenzli had it in his hand facing it downward in a stabbing position five feet away from Fish before Kuenzli was shot."

"Mr. Fish has been quoted as saying he fired one (now two) shots into the ground, on the Pine Trail, because three dogs were running at him. If the dogs were running down the trail before it tops out of Pine Canyon, only a fool would fire a gun shot into the ground there because the trail is cluttered with rocks, many of them rounded. Shooting there would be like shooting your self in the leg."

UK: Heathrow x-ray weapons scanner, just say no
Submitted by: Jerry Rowe

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"Queuing for the metal detector our informant spotted a machine with a Secure 1000 nameplate, and this rang a bell: 'I noticed women being pulled out of line and being asked to go through it. Obviously you couldn't see them walk through it, but once through they were then escorted straight to the front of the line for the metal detector.' " ...

"I'd hardly finished telling my wife to refuse to go through it when she too was pulled aside. After a bit of quick thinking from my wife, who's just as game for winding up people as I am, the following conversation went something like this..."

Cardiologists Warn Of Stun Gun Dangers
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"Some cardiologists worry that Taser stun guns, which police use to subdue suspects with a jolt of electricity, can interrupt the heart's rhythm and can possibly cause death."

"Taser International, the device's manufacturer, says stun guns, which typically emit 50,000 volts of electricity, can instantly incapacitate a person more safely than police batons or pepper spray."

"But cardiologists are concerned that, at just the right moment in the heartbeat cycle, Tasers can trigger a potentially deadly state known as ventricular fibrillation during which the heart writhes uncontrollably."

NJ: Jersey City Begins Gun-Buy-Back Program
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"New Jersey's second largest city is starting a gun buy-back program designed to take weapons off the streets."

"Anyone surrendering a handgun, rifle or shotgun in Jersey City will receive 150 dollars in cash. Those turning in automatic weapons will get 250 dollars."

"Donors are anonymous and police won't ask any questions."

MA: Pistol match planned by Smith & Wesson
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"A police safety group is sponsoring a pistol match to benefit the Jimmy Fund to be held in March at the Smith & Wesson Academy in Springfield." ...

"The event is being held in memory of Isabella De Bethencourt, the daughter of a police trainer who died last year at just under 1 year of age from cancer." ...

"The match, which is open to members of the law enforcement community, will benefit the Jimmy Fund of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. The match is seeking corporate and other sponsors by Jan. 5."

AR: National project to give away free firearm locks
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"Project ChildSafe, a nationwide program that helps ensure safe and responsible firearm storage, will be distributing free gun locks to local law enforcement agencies today."

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has partnered with Lt. Governor Win Rockefeller and law enforcement agencies to raise awareness of firearm safety and responsibility by distributing educational gun safety kits."

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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