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CCRKBA Attacks Proposed Gun Ban Policies In Washington And Chicago
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rounding off a busy year in 2009 campaigning for Americans constitutional rights, the [CCRKBA] has condemned leading politicians in Washington state and Chicago for what they see as an attack on civil liberties."

"First, it blasted Washington's proposed ban on assault weapons, sponsored by three Democratic state senators, saying it shifts the blame for recent violent crimes from the perpetrators to law-abiding gun owners."

"'Tens of thousands of Evergreen State citizens own the kind of semiautomatic sport-utility rifles and shotguns that these Democrat lawmakers want banned,' said the organization’s chairman Alan Gottlieb, specifying that people use them for hunting, ... recreational shooting, predator control and home defense." ...

The forgotten virtue of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"During Christmas week, a registered sex offender with a conviction for attempted murder used a gun to take three hostages at a Wytheville, Va., post office. Not too surprisingly, the national media gave the crime extensive news coverage. Such sensationalism leaves a distorted image about what happens with guns every day in the United States. When guns work to stop crime, there's not nearly as much drama to sensationalize and, as a result, that much less coverage." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out there is a huge difference between "forgotten" and suppressed.

A Modest Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Our government is broken. It is our responsibility to fix it, but we can't. We have no way to un-elect our dysfunctional elected officials." ...

"There is another way, the way Thomas Jefferson thought it ought to work, and in fact it may be our duty to effect the change ourselves in this way, as set out in our very own Declaration of Independence ..."

"The Declaration acknowledges that to contemplate a change of government is a very serious matter, and correctly identifies the present state, that evils are for the moment being suffered while people are not yet willing to summon the courage to right the wrongs."

"The Second Amendment was wisely written into the Bill of Rights so that the citizens could indeed take direct action ..." ...

Gun-Control Advocates Play Fast and Loose
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More than 900 black males between the ages of 14 and 17 killed somebody in 2007. Should we be scared of young black guys?"

"Of course not. There are roughly 3 million black males in that age group in the United States. It would be horribly unfair to toss around the first statistic without mentioning the second; doing so would be misleading, if not malicious."

"Now consider this statistic: Concealed handgun permit holders have killed 107 people since 2007. That news, from the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C., sounds pretty bad -- until you put it in context. How many Americans have been issued a permit to carry a concealed weapon?"

"The Violence Policy Center doesn't say. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Firearms have a place in school
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday's column about opposition to HB 615, which would remove many restrictions on where a person with a firearms license could carry a firearm, mentioned the statement of the Dalton School Board Chairman, Steve Williams, who"
"said he doesn't want guns in school zones."

"'I don't care if they have permits or no permits. The only person I want with a gun in a school zone might be a uniformed police officer,' he said."
"In other words, he wants to leave Georgia's school zones as fertile killing fields for any violent predator who is bent on committing murder. ..." ...

Firearms have a place in church
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There have been a series of newspaper articles around the state quoting school officials and various protestant clergy who believe their parishioners who carry a concealed pistol should be arrested and put into jail. David Codrea wrote about one such article from Gainesville on New Years Day, Will crossing property lines turn responsible gun owners into violent criminals? The question is quite appropriate and poignant. What is it these people believe will happen once law abiding Georgians cross the church property line to worship? They carry a firearm peaceably while shopping in crowded malls at Christmas time, but we are to assume that they will turn into murderers at church?" ...

Should churches remain neutral in gun rights battle?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For some it might seem rather ironic that churches would be taking a nearly unanimous stand against allowing legally-armed private citizens to carry their defensive handguns into the sanctuary."

"After all, recent history might suggest that churches offer no sanctuary at all if kill-crazed lunatics decide they want to slaughter helpless church-goers. The only exceptions to this rule seem to have been churches where armed citizens were present." ...

"My colleague, Ed Stone, writes about a brewing battle between gun rights advocates and churches in Georgia ... reminding readers that they should think long and hard about the incident at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs on Dec. 7, 2007 before passing judgment. ..." ...

Sportsmen need to show their strength
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Excuse me if I seem a bit agitated, but every time I hear a hunter, fisherman, trapper or gun enthusiast say he or she doesn't have time to get involved in the politics of their sport, I want to puke."

"It's getting to the point that if the majority of the people who read this column don't want to take a stand on outdoor issues, then why should I?"

"I could just as easily write 'Me and Joe' stories, or, like some of my colleagues, devote this space to evaluating hunting and fishing products."

"I mean if hunters, fishermen, trappers and gunowners refuse to help themselves, why should I argue on their behalf?"

"Why? I'll tell you why. Because I care, even if some of you don't." ...

Gun sales data reveal regional preferences
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Where you live says a lot about what types of firearms you prefer, the latest data from the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) shows."

"In 2008, southern Atlantic states led per capita in handgun purchases and also accounted for 31.4 percent of all handguns bought in the United States."

"East north central states led per capita in shotgun purchases and accounted for 33.4 percent of shotguns sold."

"The Mountain states led per capita in rifle purchases and accounted for 10.7 percent of rifles sold." ...

2010 Themes: The tea party effect
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"At The Hill, Aaron Blake produces a useful list of themes for analyzing the 2010 midterm elections. The first theme on this list asks, 'How real is the tea party effect?' ... Blake makes his discussion about conservative enthusiasm, but the tea party effect is broader than that."

"On cue, David Brooks arrives to carp about — and fear — tea party sentiment. Unlike Blake, Brooks recognizes the movement is not purely left-right, even as he condescends to it:"
"The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year."

"... The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting." ...

NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program Reaches 23 Millionth Child
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, NRA's groundbreaking gun accident prevention course for children, has surpassed yet another milestone by reaching its 23 millionth child."

"Created in 1988 by past NRA President Marion P. Hammer, in consultation with law enforcement officers, elementary school teachers, and child psychologists, the program provides pre-K through the third grade children with simple, effective rules to follow should they encounter a firearm in an unsupervised setting: 'If you see a gun: STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult.'" ...

Michael Gaddy is worried about 'comfortable patriotism.' He ought to be more worried about smug, ideologically-pure isolation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Michael Gaddy attacks Oath Keepers below for something he calls 'comfortable patriotism.' My reaction can be found below it." ...

"It would seem that Gaddy is fine with Oath Keepers' purpose, but it is its failure to adopt his libertarian allergy to foreign wars as an organizational plank which bothers him. Well, hell, it would bother me too if I didn't understand a couple of real-world things about practical politics and Oath Keepers that Gaddy, living in his splendid isolation, seemingly does not." ...

Reprise on "When To Shoot The Colonels"
Submitted by: concerned american

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Got a good deal of animated reaction to the "When To Shoot The Colonels" post the other day, including this anonymous comment:

The article you posted does not recognize that reality [that there will be both oath breakers and oath keepers]. He paints a picture of ALL military ALWAYS gunning us down no matter what we do.

Why don't you just write up your own REALISTIC balanced analysis, like you just did, rather than posting an unrealistic, inaccurate, totally defeatist article by an author who has an incentive to be "controversial" to drum up book sales?

My attempt to do so follows at the link....

Sturm Ruger names 2 new members to board
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. said Tuesday it named executives at hockey equipment maker Bauer and manufacturer Terex to its board."

"Sturm Ruger directors voted to increase the board to nine members, then appointed Amir P. Rosenthal and Phillip C. Widman to terms that began Monday." ...

Cox Publishing newspapers at it again: Columnist regurgitates anti-gun statistics in attack on concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A recent op-ed written by Dayton Daily News columnist Martin Gottlieb, and entitled 'In wake of conceal/carry, new stats worth a look,' tries to paint Ohio's concealed handgun license-holders as one breath away from committing a killing spree. As usual with the establishment media, Gottlieb's Daily News article ... uses arguments based on the same tired anti-gun themes, with a dose of deception to make his case."

"The op-ed is peppered with dubious 'facts,' while making statements that are supposed to show he is open to both sides of the argument. But, anyone looking at the piece objectively can see how Mr. Gottlieb tries to paint all license holders with the same brush." ...

‘Blueprint’ To Stop Illegal Guns From Entering Brooklyn Revealed
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of more than 450 mayors, yesterday released a comprehensive list of 40 concrete steps the federal government can take through administrative action to better enforce existing gun laws."

"The report, entitled Blueprint for Federal Action on Illegal Guns, was sent to President Obama and key members of his administration last August and is being publicly released in the New Year. If implemented, these recommendations would curb illegal gun trafficking, help stop terrorists and other dangerous persons from obtaining guns, and help to stop the flow of guns across the southwest border." ...

Behold: the National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We can all learn something from the tactical, organizational, and lobbying might of the National Rifle Association."

"Full disclosure. I am a lifetime member of the NRA. I target shoot, hunt, have a concealed carry permit, and carry when I feel it necessary (which isn't all that often, truth be told). I have lots of guns. Dozens. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers."

"I am, in the parlance of our times, a gun nut."

"But I have a hard time with a lot of the NRA's message."

"They can be shrill. Wayne LaPierre often comes across as a complete raving lunatic. Part of his appeal to some, I suspect. " ...

NM: Home invasion suspect recovering
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A home invasion suspect is recovering from a gunshot wound to the neck."

"Jorge Romero, 44, allegedly broke into a house in the 10,000 block of Mountain Road in NE Albuquerque on Thursday."

"Police said he was shot in the neck after exchanging gunfire with the homeowner. He's in satisfactory condition at University of New Mexico Hospital."

"The homeowner was not hurt." ...

OK: Suspect shot during home invasion in Durant
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A 17-year-old male suspect has been flown to a Plano hospital after he was shot in the back during a home invasion in Durant."

"Durant police say the teen broke into a home in the 1000 block of North Third just after 11:30 this morning while the homeowner was inside. The homeowner awoke to find the suspect inside. He yelled for the teen to stop, and then shot the suspect in the back." ...

NC: Gastonia Man Confronts Robber With Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Gastonia man who heard a robber in his house said he confronted the intruder with a shotgun Sunday night."

"Preston Jeter, 17, is the man victim Kenneth Watson said he found in his home. Brandon Cobb, also 17, was arrested as Jeter's alleged accomplice."

"The two are also suspected of breaking into and robbing the home of one of Watson’s neighbors before coming to his home."

"Watson was in his home off Bethany Road when he heard glass breaking and said he saw Jeter coming in the door with a hammer."

"'I said 'this guy came to rob me,' so I grabbed my gun,' Watson said."

"Watson said Jeter waved the hammer at him, but dropped it and fled when the homeowner raised his shotgun." ...

TX: Would-be Robbers Shot By Sandwich Store Clerk
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Police say two suspected robbers are in the hospital after an employee at a Dallas sandwich shop shot them."

"It happened Sunday afternoon near the intersection of Polk and Camp Wisdom."

"Police are still at the restaurant, keeping an eye on it since the glass windows were completely shattered during the incident."

"Police say two men went inside the store to rob it. But their attempts were unsuccessful as an employee shot both of them." ...

OH: Beauty shop worker turns shotgun on would-be robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A knife-wielding, would-be robber is in Montgomery County Jail after a beauty shop owner chased him from the store with a shotgun Saturday, Jan. 2." ...

"Kim said Chinn walked into the store with a red bandanna on his face and demanded money with a knife in his hand, the report stated. Kim said he grabbed a shotgun kept in the store and pointed it at Chinn, the report stated."

"Chinn fled, but Kim and Hahn chased him and that’s when they flagged down the officer, the report stated." ...

Humane Society workers arm for self-defense
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Workers at the Lawrence Humane Society animal shelter in Kansas have started arming themselves under that state's concealed carry laws."

"The impetus for ensuring workers are able to defend themselves were numerous violent attacks on the workers in past years. This shelter is also responsible for investigating claims of animal cruelty and workers have been attacked during or after pet confiscations resulting from the investigations." ...

Gilbert Arenas incident: Gambling, 'goofing off' and guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"So rarely would this column pay attention to the troubles of a crybaby millionaire athlete that this occasion might merit notification of the three major networks and at least the New York Times."

"Gilbert Arenas has it coming. ..." ...

"... It's really nobody’s business if somebody owns a firearm, or how many, or where they are kept. This is a principle that I've defended for any other American citizen, and Arenas is really no better nor should he be treated differently than any other citizen." ...

"The point here is that Arenas has reportedly admitted bringing three guns to the Wizards locker room at the Verizon Center, in direct violation of an NBA rule and Washington, D.C. gun laws ..." ...

Wizards locker room incident shows 'gun control' inferior to self control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If we're to believe The New York Post (and why wouldn't we?), Washington D.C.'s draconian gun laws have failed to stop yet another incident of abuse, one that luckily did not end in injury or death:" ...

IL US Senate Republican Candidate Kathleen Thomas Answers Gun Rights Questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks for a suitable replacement for Mark Kirk in an attempt to send the GOP a strong message about the unacceptability of anti-gunners in their ranks." ...

Virginia and New Mexico expected to repeal gun carry bans in alcohol serving restaurants
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"If bill sponsors and gun owners get their way in Virginia and New Mexico this year they will be able to carry concealed handguns inside alcohol serving restaurants just like they already do in public shopping malls, movie theaters, and most other public places. Gun owners and their civil rights groups pushing for these reforms are buoyed by the recent repeal of similar bans in Tennessee, Arizona, and Georgia." ...

"Should both bills pass, there will be only 7 states left still banning handgun carry in alcohol serving eateries." ...

SC: Threatening troops may become a felony in SC
Submitted by: Larry

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A South Carolina lawmaker plans to introduce a bill that would make it a felony to threaten violence against military members or their families because they are serving their country.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reports the proposal would make the threats a felony with up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Rep. Chip Limehouse says he came up with the bill after authorities accused an Army major and psychiatrist of killing 13 people and injuring 30 at Fort Hood in Texas in November.

The Charleston Republican says he wants to create another layer of protection for American soldiers and their families, who should never feel threatened on this country's soil because of their service.

NJ: New Jersey: Assembly Judiciary Committee Passes Misleading One-Gun-A-Month Reform Bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee voted unanimously 6 to 0 to approve S3104/A4361, which was drafted in response to recommendations put forth by the Firearms Task Force created after the midnight passage of New Jersey's gun rationing law." ...

"Proponents contend this measure would address the problems with New Jersey's 'one-gun-a-month' law; however, it falls far short. While it would, in limited circumstances, allow a law-abiding person to purchase multiple handguns, an individual would only be able to do so after filing a formal application with the State Police. In addition, the individual would need to justify their 'need' ... and why it would not be 'feasible or practical' to purchase the firearms separately." ...

CA: California Police Chiefs Association Calls for Firearms Microstamping Study -- Reversing Prior Support; Chiefs Question Technology
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In a recent letter to California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown, the California Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) expressed concern over the 'hasty implementation' of firearms microstamping in California and called for further in-depth study of the technology before it is implemented by law in California."

"In the letter, CPCA Acting President Susan E. Manheimer wrote, 'There are too many unanswered questions with microstamping in its current iteration' and raised concerns that 'statements about the capabilities of microstamping may have been technologically premature.' In 2007, CPCA supported legislation (AB 1471) to require firearms microstamping in California." ...

PA: Phila. Police Officer to Lose Job Over Fatal Shooting
Submitted by: jac

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"The Philadelphia police officer implicated in the shooting of a 21-year-old during a block party in Port Richmond the weekend before Thanksgiving is being suspended and will likely lose his job."

"Police officer Frank Tepper (in file photo at right) says he shot and killed Billy Panas Jr. in self defense while breaking up a fight on November 21 ..."

"Tepper had been on desk duty during the investigation, but now he's been suspended for 30 days, with intent to dismiss, according to authorities."

"Bill Panas, father of the victim, says commissioner Ramsey called him personally to tell him the 16-year veteran of the force would be fired:" ...

Submitters note: The cop was drunk and basically executed the victim, but has not yet been charged with anything.

IA: Iowa Flirting With No Permit Needed Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the middle of America, you wouldn't expect it to be so difficult to get a concealed carry permit."

"But in Iowa, it is — especially if the local sheriff doesn't like you."

"That’s why I'm glad to introduce you to a great new organization fighting on this issue. Iowa Gun Owners has been pushing for a major reform of Iowa's 'Might Issue' concealed carry laws."

"Not since Alaska (in 2003) has a state passed a no-permit-needed concealed carry law, enacting real carry freedom for law-abiding gun owners."

"Iowa Gun Owners burst on to the scene in their rural state because for too long nothing had been done about their atrocious gun laws." ...

AK: Extreme Environmental Groups Trying to Insert Anti-Hunter Candidates on Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold its election meeting January 5th at 6:30 pm at the Anchorage School District Education Center, located at 5530 E Northern Lights Blvd."

"Any AK resident over 18 can vote."

"If you do not show up to vote there is a good chance the environmentalist will hijack the board and force anti-gun, anti-hunter policies on the board." ...

DE: Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Legal Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While the title above is not the correct title of the organization formed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg it more accurately describes its function than Mayors Against Illegal Guns."

"If you read its promotional literature it is only interested in going after the bad guys. However if you look at what they actually do it is an entirely different picture." ...

"The group’s material makes the obligatory mention of the Second Amendment and the right of law abiding citizens to 'freely' own guns."

"Yet they support restricting where you can have a gun. They oppose reciprocity between states for concealed carry licenses."

"Note that this has nothing to do with bad guys and illegal guns ..." ...

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — WINSTON CHURCHILL

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