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Honest Advice from Experts: Get a Gun to Protect Yourself from Criminal Violence
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Buy a gun," a member of a recently busted inner-city gang told The Buffalo News last week when asked what could be done to curtail homicides. "Hey, I'm just being honest. You asked."

Safer Streets 2010: Elite Panic, Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For decades, American liberty writers have been warning of an inordinate reaction from public servants in time of crisis. We also know that you don't let a good crisis go to waste, because it is an opportunity to do things the electorate would never let you do otherwise. ..."

"... There were [gun] confiscations in New Orleans, and not-so-mysterious loss of weapons during evacuations in Greensburg, Kansas, 2007. Greensburg saw one of the biggest scams ever under color of authority May 4th, 2007 when a Category 5 Tornado whipped through and uniforms came knocking to evacuate citizens ... under threat of gunpoint or arrest ... When they did return, their weapons were missing along with all sorts of other valuables." ...

Tyranny and Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Over the years, I've had conversations with Europeans about gun control. Not surprisingly, they have been very critical of America's 'gun culture' — that is, the widespread ownership of guns among the American people. They have extolled the situation in Europe, where gun-control laws preclude people from freely owning guns, arguing that such laws make for a more peaceful society."

"My response to such Europeans has included the following: The big advantage we have over you is what happens if a tyrannical regime ever takes power. Except for Switzerland ... Europeans have but one choice when faced with the rise of a tyrannical regime: submit and obey or be killed. Americans, at least, have one final choice — resist with guns." ...

Las Vegas shooting another monumental gun control failure
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Let’s face it, 66-year-old Johnny Lee Wicks – the man who opened fire at a Las Vegas, Nev. federal building Monday, killing retired Las Vegas Police Sgt. Stanley Cooper, 72, who was working as a security guard – was living proof of the abject failure of gun control laws."

"Wicks, according to the Washington Times, had a criminal background that included murder and drug charges in Memphis, Tenn., in the 1970s and assault and rape charges 20 years ago in California. He did time in prison for killing his own brother in March 1974, a sentence that originally was set at 55 years but was reduced to 12 to 15 years after an appeal, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal." ...

NRA wants time at podium
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The National Rifle Association asked the Supreme Court on Tuesday to allow its lawyer to take part in the oral argument March 2 in the case testing whether the Second Amendment restricts the power of state and local governments to pass gun control laws. It sought 10 minutes of time allotted to the individuals and groups that are pursuing the Amendment's extension, to put more stress on an alternative constitutional argument. The request, the NRA noted in its motion, is opposed by the lead parties in McDonald, et al., v. Chicago (08-1521). Those parties are expected to file a written opposition shortly. The Court will consider the NRA request at its private Conference on Jan. 15." ...

KABA Note: The NRA has quite literally had decades to bring a case before the Supreme Court and argue it any way they wanted. But they waited for someone else to do all the dirty work and now want to horn in at the end.

Disgrace: Circuit Court rules MA concealed carry permits are worthless
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve lamented the struggle for people who openly carry firearms, particularly in Wisconsin where that’s our only option to carry. However, Massachusetts, like 47 other states, observes the right of their citizens to carry a concealed weapon – with a permit, of course. However, to cops on a power trip, the law means nothing. Apparently, the same goes for the courts:" ...

Rifle Review:.458 SOCOM
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There are several ways new cartridges come into the world ..." ...

"This cartridge, however, the .458 SOCOM ... was reportedly given birth over a barbeque and some cold brew. It was at an informal gathering of special ops personnel, specifically Task Force Ranger, when the subject of stopping power came up. It seems it took multiple hits to permanently take the opposition 'out of the game' in Mogadishu, Somalia. The consensus was a one-shot stop would sure be nice. Marty ter Weeme, founder of a company called Teppo Jutsu, L.L.C., went to work. In 2000 a sledgehammer cartridge that would launch 250- to 600-grain .45 caliber bullets from a standard size AR-15 with a proper barrel and chamber was born — enter the .458 SOCOM." ...

ADL Urges Supreme Court to Ensure States' Right to Keep Firearms Out of Hands of Extremists
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In a brief detailing the 'serious threat' of armed violence by extremists and extremist groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today urged the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure that states retain the right to reasonably regulate the possession of firearms by those who practice and preach racial and ethnic violence."

"'We have placed the problem of armed extremism squarely before the high court,' said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. '... We urge the Supreme Court to ensure that cities and states retain the latitude they need to keep guns out of the hands of extremists, terrorists, and violent bigots.'" ...

KABA Note: Who decides? Besides, anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian

Gun guy packs heat in message
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm not sure what people in Rainier Valley were expecting to hear from the Seattle mayor's gun adviser, Mark Pursley. But it probably wasn't this:"

"That he, Pursley, owns two guns, a Glock 9-millimeter and a pump-action shotgun."

"That he's a member of the National Rifle Association."

"And that he believes there's no way to stop Americans from continuing to buy guns[sic] so powerful[sic] and destructive[sic], they could potentially bring down a jet[sic] from a mile and a half away[sic]." ...

Submitter's Note: Unless you classify the Mistral, Stinger and other MPADS as 'guns', this is pure bul... -ahem- fiction.

GA: Maureen Downey is soliciting your comments on HB 615
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"HB 615 would make Georgia's list of places off limits resemble more liberal states like New Hampshire [or] Oregon ... As with any bill that seeks to reduce Georgia's overly restrictive list of places where the right to bear arms is categorically prohibited, HB 615 has drawn its share of detractors, including those who help shape public opinion for the mainstream media."

"This morning, Maureen Downey, a long time reporter and editorial opinion writer for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, writes about HB 615 in her blog and invites your comments. Ms. Downey is a bright and articulate reporter ... When it comes to bills affecting the right to bear arms, however, hyperbole and emotion sometimes get the best of her ..." ...

Armed citizen stops rampage? Better not report that!
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"I missed this story, probably because there was scarcely a peep out of the national media. Unlike the registered sex offender with a conviction for attempted murder who used a gun to take three hostages at a Wytheville, Va., post office. That story was all over the place. But not this one. Could it be media bias?"

"On December 17th in Oklahoma City, a drunken Marine home for the holidays opened fire at a northwest Oklahoma City apartment complex. According to one article I found thanks to John Lott, 'the man initially went into the apartment complex's main office. When employees locked him out, he opened fire in the parking lot.' It is what happened next that apparently made it unnewsworthy." ...

PA: Off-Duty Officer Shoots Assailant in Spring Garden
Submitted by: jac

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"Authorities say an off-duty Philadelphia police officer shot and killed an assailant who jumped into his vehicle and tried to rob him."

"Police say the officer was stopped near 6th and Willow Streets ... 3:30am Wednesday when the suspect jumped into his personal SUV, demanded money and pistol-whipped him."

"Investigators say the officer drew a weapon and opened fire, hitting the suspect in the chest and killing him."

"Authorities did not identify the officer or the suspect. Police say a second suspect who was in a getaway vehicle is in custody." ...

Submitters note: This is why everyone should have the right to concealed carry. It is available in Philadelphia, but not in NYC, Baltimore, Washington and many other large cities.

Guns, Ammo & Hoops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The investigation and potential prosecution of Washington Wizards star Gilbert Arenas on firearms charges is raising interesting legal issues, The National Law Journal reports. The Arenas case is showing that the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision in 2008 in D.C. v. Heller was not the final word in the process of discerning the meaning of the Second Amendment. "Everything Gilbert Arenas did in D.C. would be hunky dory in Virginia," said Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. "On one side of the bridge over the Potomac, he's a law abiding citizen, but step into in D.C. and you can be viewed as a dangerous criminal."

Wednesday eye-opener: What would you do with Gilbert Arenas?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Good morning."

"Perhaps only Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas could get so many people to exercise their First Amendment rights with his turnover going 1-on-1 with the Second Amendment."

"Everyone seems to have a take on Arenas bringing guns into the locker room and either threatening teammate Javaris Crittenton or joking around with him." ...

FL: Upcoming Florida Gun Bills That Affect Your Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Critical days lie ahead for gun owners. The Obama Administration on the federal level and anti-gun legislators on the state level threaten our freedom, our liberty and our self-defense and firearms rights."

"At the end of this message is a list of gun bills already filed for the upcoming legislative session here in Florida. We’re counting on your help, through financial support and activism, to help keep Florida gun rights safe."

"Already, an anti-gun south Florida Democrat has filed a bill to diminish Florida's Right-to-Carry law and yet another bill attempts to define 'assault weapons' by placing a list of firearms and accessories into statutes — a scheme that anti-gunners have attempted for years." ...

AK: Big turnout for Fish and Game Advisory elections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Environmentalists and hunting advocates fought Tuesday night for control of the Anchorage Fish and Game Advisory Committee."

"It's one of the most influential in the state and offers advice to the Board of Fisheries on local issues, but the vote could polarize the committee."

"The last time the public turned out in numbers like this is was last summer during the debate on the gay rights ordinance."

"A lot of the same players showed up Tuesday, but this time around it's about politicking and gerrymandering to turn an election." ...

OH: Restaurant Carry bill second hearing confirmed!
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Public Safety and Homeland Security chairwoman Linda Bolon's office has confirmed that House Bill 203, the bill Ohioans For Concealed Carry drafted in conjunction with Representatives Danny Bupb and Jarrod Martin, has been scheduled for its second reading and PROPONENT testimony on Tuesday, January 19 at 3:00pm. A room number will not likely be assigned until the prior week." ...

GA: Gun carry expansion bill to get hearing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Carrying guns in public might only be outlawed at the courthouse and the jailhouse under one of at least two major firearms bills expected to be before state lawmakers this year."

"Lawmakers don’t officially converge on the state Capitol until next week for a session expected to focus mainly on bleak revenues and budget cuts."

"But already the firearms bill that might bring about the most sweeping changes is set Thursday to go before a House committee for a first hearing."

"Its sponsor, state Rep. Tim Bearden (R-Villa Rica), championed the law change in 2008 that allows Georgians who have the proper permits to carry guns at state parks, on mass transit and in restaurants where alcohol is served. ..." ...

DHS Plans to Catch Only One in Four Travelers Committing 'Major' Criminal Violations While Entering U.S. on International Fights in 2010
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Documents produced by the Department of Homeland Security indicate that in fiscal 2010 the department is planning to catch only 26 percent of travelers committing major criminal violations while seeking to enter the United States through international airports."

"DHS documents also indicate that the department believes it will fail to screen against law enforcement databases 15 percent of travelers entering the United States in 2010 through all official ports of entry." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TN: Former Campbell Co. deputy arrested on 16 sex charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former Campbell County deputy was arrested Tuesday on 16 sex charges, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation."

"Daniel Ward, 36, of Jacksboro, was indicted Monday by a Campbell County grand jury on 16 counts against one minor female."

"Ward is charged with 10 counts of aggravated sexual battery for a victim under 13, two counts of attempted aggravated sexual battery for a victim under 13, two counts of sexual battery by an authority figure and two counts of sexual battery."

"Officials with the TBI said Ward is accused of sexually molesting the victim numerous times between October 2003 and March 2009." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: California police chiefs now question value of 'microstamping'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently ... I have been a bit hard on some California police chiefs, over the support voiced by the L.A. and San Francisco chiefs for 'body armor control.' Today, I'll be reversing course a bit, over news that the California Police Chiefs Association has sent a letter to California Attorney General Edmund Brown, urging further study of the efficacy of 'microstamping,' before California's law mandating use of that technology is implemented." ...

Michael Yon detained by Customs at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, released by Port police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Michael Yon is an author and has been a combat journalist for over five years, spending time as an embedded reporter in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Philippines. Yon is also a former Green Beret, making him an ideal liaison between the needs of both military and journalism when reporting in war zones.

According to Yon, on January he was returning from Afghanistan via Hong Kong, landing in Seattle.

Customs agents asked him how much money he made, and Yon refused to answer. Agents then asked him more questions, such as who he worked for, which Yon also refused to answer. At this point, they handcuffed Yon and took him into custody…

IL: Police May Scrap Entrance Exam: Report
Submitted by: Larry

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"The Chicago Police Department is seriously considering scrapping the police entrance exam, sources tell Fran Spielman."

"Dropping the exam would bolster minority hiring and avert legal battles, according to one source, while others confirm that the exam could be scrapped to open the process to as many people as possible."

"However, the lack of an exam would make Chicago the lone major city without one, and experts contend that the exam is integral to eliminating unqualified applicants." ...

PA: Ex-Philly cop pleads guilty to drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former Philadelphia police officer pleaded guilty to planning the violent home invasion robbery of a drug dealer."

"Alhinde Weems, 34, faces a minimum of 15 years in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday to distributing crack cocaine and plotting to use his badge and gun as part of the robbery."

"Weems twice sold drugs to an informant and bought a kilogram of supposed cocaine from an undercover agent, federal prosecutors said. The plot escalated to a plan to rob the agent's supplier."

"Weems offered weapons for the robbery and planned to use his badge to gain entry to the house, authorities said." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

UK: Gun control run amok: British hunters complain of 'hysterical' police response to legal field sports
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.K. Telegraph is reporting that British sportsmen are complaining they are increasingly being targeted by armed police responding to panicky calls from the public."

"The Countryside Alliance has described the "massive overreaction" by officers as "hysterical", while the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has warned that an incident could lead to a lawful shooter being killed by police marksmen." ...

"Simon Hart, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance is quoted as saying 'Of course there are times when legitimate shooting might reasonably be confused with illegal shooting, especially at night, but there are many stories of unreasonable reaction to responsible shooting.'"

GA: Schemes to Disarm Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Editor, If you thought it was tough to obtain firearms in 2009, we have not seen anything yet. Recently, there was a study published to suggest that handgun ownership actually is a public health issue. Another scare tactic to get the uninformed brainwashed."

"Of course, the politicians in favor of gun control believe that they can and will try to disarm the citizenry. In California, the legislature recently passed laws that would require individuals to register for ammunition purchases."

"This is just one of the many ways that the anti-gun crowd wants to control our lives. Using bogus epidemiological studies and creating ammunition-purchasing constraints will only fuel the increased purchasing of firearms and ammo." ...

OK: Second Thoughts About Oklahoma’s Second Amendment Tax Holiday Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Sales Tax Holidays Are Poor Tax Policy and Suggest that Rights Need Governmental Encouragement"

"Oklahoma State Sen. John Sparks (D-Norman) has introduced a bill to create a tax-free weekend for purchases of handguns, shotguns, and rifles, stating that the objective of the bill is 'to defend our Second Amendment rights.'[1] The Second Amendment needs neither a sale nor a holiday to commemorate it, and Oklahomans should not misuse tax policy for that purpose." ...

Submitter's Note: How about a 'tax holiday' (or permanent relief) in the spirit of that whole "shall not be infringed" thing? Would that be acceptable?

South Africa: Jury still out on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The thing about guns is that once the trigger is pulled there is no calling back the bullet. Once it is on its way, the die is cast. The muzzle velocity of a typical modern infantry rifle is more than 800m a second."

"This is among the reasons that I have never owned a gun. They scare me. Their destructive power is something that I would not want in my hands."

"But, of course, millions of decent people all over the world take a different stance. For them a gun is part of the recreational pursuit of hunting or perhaps target shooting. For others, particularly those living in countries like ours, with high rates of violent crime, guns are an essential form of protection." ...

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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