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Bush Lawyers Target Gun Control's Legal Rationale
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Readying for a constitutional showdown over gun control, the Bush administration has issued a 109-page memorandum aiming to prove that the Second Amendment grants individuals nearly unrestricted access to firearms."

"The memorandum, requested by Attorney General John Ashcroft, was completed in August but made public only last month, when the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel posted on its Web site several opinions setting forth positions on various legal issues. Reaching deep into English legal history and the practice of the British colonies prior to the American Revolution, the memorandum represents the administration's latest legal salvo to overturn judicial interpretations that have prevailed since the Supreme Court last spoke on the Second Amendment, in 1939. Although scholars long have noted the ambiguity of the 27-word amendment, courts generally have interpreted the right to 'keep and bear arms' as applying not to individuals but rather to the 'well-regulated militia' maintained by each state."

ACLU decries use of force by police at Bush event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The force riot police used last fall against a crowd of peaceful demonstrators protesting a presidential visit was one of the worst examples nationwide of the growing police militarization since Sept. 11, 2001, civil liberties advocates said Thursday."

"When police wearing face shields and body armor moved without warning against a crowd of 200, they struck six people with batons and five others with plastic balls fired from rifles, said three lawyers who investigated the Oct. 14 incident in Jacksonville for the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union." ...

"Police didn't ask organizers to move the demonstrators and didn't give people time to get out of the way after issuing a bullhorn order to disperse that most in the crowd couldn't hear because of the roar of a helicopter overhead, the investigators said." ...

Listening device acts as a witness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an unusual application of neuroscience research, police agencies around the country may soon be able to equip street corners with microphones and video cameras to fight gun-related crime."

"The system, based on work by Dr. Theodore Berger, director of the Center for Neural Engineering at the University of Southern California, uses the equipment and a computer to recognize gunshots, pinpoint where they came from and transmit the co-ordinates to a command centre. It relies on software that mimics the way the human brain receives, processes and analyzes sound. The system has drawn the attention of several law enforcement agencies, including police departments in Chicago, Oklahoma City and Phoenix and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department." ...

NJ: In wrong hands, high-tech guns won't fire
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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... "Researchers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark are building a handgun designed to fire only when its circuitry and software recognize the grip of an authorized shooter." ...

"Captain Tocci of the Bayonne Police Department said the pattern-recognition technology was promising, particularly because accidental deaths occur when guns are not safely stored. 'If a child picks up a gun that is not secured, this way it can't be fired,' he said. Guns taken from a home during a robbery would be rendered useless, too."

"'The premise the gun is based on has credibility,' he said. When people see a live demonstration of the pattern-recognition system working, he said, 'you think, yes, this is possible.'"

FL: .50-caliber insanity
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A .50-caliber sniper rifle can hit a target at 4,500 feet, shatter bulletproof limousines, penetrate sandbags, earth berms, armored vehicles, commercial planes, and drill through the walls (and living rooms) of 10 suburban houses lined up one after another. ..."

"Oddly enough -- or maybe not so oddly in the twilight zone of Second Amendment zealotry -- you can buy a .50-caliber weapon from your friendly mail-order gun dealer. The Barrett line of .50-caliber sniper rifles, patented in 1987, is the 'One Shot One Kill' enthusiasts' gun of choice. ..." ...

KABA Note: Please see .50 Caliber Liars for the truth of these allegations, and feel free to contact Marc Davidson, the News-Journal's Editor, at

A Terrorist Tool?
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"A military rifle capable of piercing armor from over a mile away is too readily available to civilians, and could end up in terrorists' hands, say critics of the .50-caliber weapon that is for sale in 49 states." ...

"'I think it's a great thing on the battlefield,' says one of the weapon's chief critics, Tom Diaz of the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C." ...

"Diaz is hoping Congress will pass a law requiring that the names of owners of .50-caliber rifles be kept on file."

"'No one in the U.S. government knows who has these guns,' he says."

KABA Note: HORSEFEATHERS! Every original sale of these guns goes through a FFL dealer, with all the paperwork required by law.

California Bans .50-Caliber Rifles [JTO]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new law that bans the manufacture, sale, distribution and importation of .50-caliber rifles in California went into effect Jan. 1, making it the first state in the nation to prohibit the weapon, the New York Times reported Jan. 4." ...

"Gun-control advocates contend that the .50-caliber, which was used by U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf War, could fall into the hands of terrorists bent on assassination or shooting down an airplane. Manufacturers say the single-shot weapon is capable of penetrating armor, let alone the thin aluminum skin of most commercial aircraft, and is accurate up to 2,000 yards." ...

TX: Beaumont Resident Pulls Gun, Thwarts Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beaumont man Friday morning staved off of a home invader by pulling a hand gun on the man. Police think the intruder may be responsible for as many as two other recent home invasions."

"Police arrested 37 year old Juan Rabago of Beaumont near Avenue F and Blanchette-- a short distance from the 1400 block of Emile. Rabago is suspected of entering a home there Friday night."

"Police say Robago broke into the back door of the house. The resident pulled a gun on Robago, who subsequently fled."

"Police say when Robago was arrested a short time later, he was carrying two knives, a screwdriver, and a mask that was described by the victim." ...

NJ: Store where serial rapist was killed reopens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ngoc Le's East Camden cell-phone and fishing-supply store reopened yesterday with a new feature: a thick Plexiglas security barrier walling off the sales counter."

"The store had been closed since New Year's Eve, when Ngoc, 28, shot and killed a knife-wielding assailant who held a blade to his wife's throat."

"The attacker turned out to be the serial rapist who had terrorized Camden's central business district, assaulting a high school student, a college student and a photo-store employee."

"Ngoc had no way of knowing that the man who attacked his wife had raped three women, frustrated police, and badly shaken a reviving downtown community."

"And the suggestion that Ngoc had been a hero drew no comment, only a slight shrug." ...

IL: Student finds gun inside Evanston elementary school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, ABC 7 reported that a second-grader found a loaded gun in the bathroom at Kingsley Elementary School in Evanston. Some parents say that was the first they had heard about the incident, which occurred on Monday."

"School District 55 officials said they sent home a note about the gun incident home in a sealed envelope with their 475 kindergarten though fifth-grade students on Tuesday. The school superintendent said he is having second thoughts about how the district communicated with parents."

"'This was an attempt to make sure parents had an opportunity to read what was in the envelope and have a conversation with their students. ...' said Evanston School Superintendent Dr. Hardy Murphy." ...

NC: Student arrested for having gun at school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Parents of students at a local High school say they are concerned after a teenager was arrested.

According to police, Oscar Resendiez, 16, showed a gun that was in his book bag to a friend at Newton Conover High School Thursday. Police confiscated the .40 caliber Glock and arrested the student. He is charged with having a weapon on school grounds and was taken to the Catawba County Jail.

School officials said Resendiez did not have any disciplinary problems before Thursday’s incident.

Parents received a letter alerting them of the crime.

NY: Police: Deranged Gunman Raped Deaf Hostage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A deranged gunman who died in a hail of police gunfire had both shot a co-worker and raped a deaf woman before the fatal showdown on a Queens street, police said Friday."

"The woman told police that Brian Allen, 46, took her hostage and raped her after he shot his colleague in the head during an argument early Thursday at LaGuardia Community College, where they all worked on a cleaning crew. The shooting victim was taken to the hospital in stable condition."

"Several hours later, detectives tracked down Allen at his mother's home in the Hollis section. The woman slipped away as he held his pistol to his head and taunted the officers, police said. He then hopped in a car and drove off." ...

AR: Student Expelled For Bringing Guns To School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Fort Smith student was expelled Thursday for allegedly bringing guns to school.

Police said a teenager at Fort Smith Christian School brought an unloaded revolver and a pellet gun to the locker room of the school.

According to officers, the boy pointed the revolver at another student while he was displaying the gun.

The boy was later arrested by Fort Smith police. Although the school and parents do not want to press charges, police said the boy will be prosecuted.

KY: Pizza Hut Employee Injured During Armed Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are looking for two men who walked into a Pizza Hut in Shively Thursday night firing shots.

Police say the employees inside ran out of the building but there was still one female in the back. The two men hit that woman in the back of the head, possibly with a gun. She was taken to a local hospital with injuries.

The robbers then took an undetermined amount of money and ran.

Shively's police chief says the men are armed and dangerous still on the run.

Police do not yet have a description of the suspects.

Submitter's Note: Pizza Hut prohibits employees from carrying weapons.

MD: Armed man robs Papa John's
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun-wielding man forced a pizza delivery man to the ground and demanded money Tuesday night at about 11 p.m. at Papa John's on College Avenue. The employees were cleaning up and counting the money to be deposited the next day when the robber unknowingly entered through the unlocked back door and escaped with about $320 in cash, store manager Ulesis Visencio said. The man was wearing dark clothes and a mask that covered most of his face, Prince George's County Police spokeswoman Diane Richardson said. Visencio was called to the store at about 11:30 p.m. and the news of the robbery shocked him, he said." ...

Poster's Note: Papa John's prohibits employees from carrying guns.

OH: Shots fired (again) at 'no-guns' Fifth Third Bank
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the second day this week, shots have been fired in a robbery of a Fifth Third Bank branch in Columbus."

"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a Columbus police officer died this afternoon after being shot in an armed robbery at the Fifth Third Bank ..."

"Police told the Dispatch Officer Bryan Hurst, 33, was working special duty at the bank when a man wearing a ski mask and hooded jacket entered about 10:35 a.m. in what police spokesman Sgt. Brent Mull described as a 'takeover style robbery.'" ...

"The paper says Sgt. Mull praised Hurst's actions in confronting the suspect, saying that police believe he prevented additional injuries to others in the bank at the time. (emphasis added)" ...

TN: Sheriff Reminds Residents about the Importance of Gun Safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Because of a recent accidental shooting that took place last week, Sheriff Robert Meeks reminds all Grundy County residents, both adults and children, of safe gun handling."

"The shooting incident resulted from the unsafe unloading of a 44-caliber lever action rifle. When the lever was closed to eject the last round, the gun went off with the bullet striking a bystander in the ankle."

"Accidents like this can be avoided by following proper gun safety rules."

"The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are:"

"1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. ..."

"2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. ..."

"3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. ..." ...

Officials ban crosses at inauguration parade
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Tom Mazur, spokesman for the Secret Service, told WorldNetDaily the prohibition is simply a security matter ..."

"'The reference to the cross is strictly in regard to structure, certainly not the symbol,' he said. 'There is no prohibition based on content, only structure or materials that could be used in a potentially harmful or threatening manner.'" ...

Submitter’s comment: He’s got us there—the Constitution says nothing about the right of the people to keep and bear crosses…does it?

CA: CHP shooting leads to manhunt near University Village
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officers are looking for a man who is suspected of setting into motion a series of events that led to a man being shot by a California Highway Patrol officer late Wednesday near University Village in Riverside."

"The man is suspected of trying to run down two CHP officers when they attempted to stop him on suspicion of driving under the influence. One officer, trying to protect his partner, fired his pistol at the approaching car, shooting a man sitting in the passenger seat."

"The man shot by the officer was at a local hospital in guarded condition Thursday, said CHP Officer Taylor Cooper. Cooper did not release the man's name or the name of the officer involved in the shooting." ...

Submitter's Note: Whoopsie!

TX: Former Kennedale Police Chief and Municipal Court Administrator Plead Guilty to Federal Conspiracy Charge
Submitted by: Bob Tenroh

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"United States Attorney Richard B. Roper announced that former City of Kennedale, Texas, employees, David Spencer Geeslin and Paula Lummus Fort, each pled guilty this morning before the Honorable Terry R. Means, United States District Judge, in federal court in Fort Worth, Texas, to a one-count information charging conspiracy to obtain program funds by fraud. ..." ...

"During the period from 1997 through 2001, [City Manager] Lummus initially used false entries on pay sheets to help [Chief] Geeslin obtain $147,000 through fraud for warrant services actually performed by Cooper. During the period from 1998 through 2001, Geeslin also caused Lummus to fraudulently alter Cooper's pay sheets so that Geeslin could steal an additional $64,000 from the City of Kennedale. During the period from 1997 through 2001, Geeslin used either fraud or theft to obtain a total of $211,000 in funds from the City of Kennedale." ...

TX: FBI raids PSJA office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FBI agents descended upon the entire framework of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo school district Thursday, searching offices and homes and toting away boxes of documents."

"At the administrative building at Gumwood Street and U.S. Business 83, agents were holed up all day searching the central offices. District officials were not allowed into the building. Locked doors and signs saying business would resume today were the only explanations offered to district employees and other visitors for what was going on inside." ...

"The FBI also confiscated school files and rifles from [PSJA school board’s most senior member, Roy] Navarro’s home." ...

Submitter's Note: Why take the rifles? Are they evidence? Or is it 'policy' to steal (cough), I mean, confiscate guns during an investigation?

MI: Border Patrol Agent Accused Of Staging Break-In
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A U.S. Border Patrol agent is accused of staging a break-in at his home in Brownstown Township, Local 4 reported."

"William Ridge (pictured, left) was charged Friday with filing a false police report, a felony punishable of up to four years in prison."

"Ridge contacted Brownstown Township police in October to report a break-in at his home, police said."

"Ridge reportedly told an officer that a thief broke in through a window, ransacked his closet and stole his department-issued handgun."

"Brownstown police Chief Daniel Grant said the officer who took the report was suspicious of Ridge's story."

"'After a third interview, he finally admitted that he had lost the weapon in the city of Detroit,' Grant said." ...

FL: Duval County To Equip School Officers With Taser Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police officers working in Duval County middle and high schools will soon carry Taser guns, joining the ranks of several other counties where the stun guns are issued to school resource officers."

"Some school officials are surprised by the action, saying they were never told by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office that it planned to issue stun guns to the officers assigned to most middle and high schools." ...

"Two of the School Board's seven members, Brenda Priestly Jackson and Kris Barnes, said they already have concerns with police presence in schools and are opposed to equipping the officers with Taser guns."

"'Can't a couple of adults take down a child?' Barnes said."

"Some parents say the weapons are excessive and could easily be misused ..." ...

CA: City settles police shooting lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A California police department has agreed to pay $500,000 to the siblings of an Indian man killed after a high-speed chase."

"Nathan Lee Rossbach, 40, died Oct. 6, 2002, near Los Angeles International Airport. His sisters filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city a year later, alleging officials with the Redondo Beach Police Department acted with negligence and used unjustified force."

"Police called it a tragic mistake."

"Rossbach was out of prison for less than three weeks when he was shot in a stolen 1992 Ford Bronco at the end of the chase. An officer was attempting to subdue him with a so-called less-than-lethal beanbag round so they could pull him from the car, investigators said. Officer Michael Martinez passed a 12-gauge shotgun to Officer Michael Strosnider, who fired and then realized the gun was loaded with live ammunition. ..." ...

ND: Convicted killer's gun collection sold by authorities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun collection that belonged to a man convicted of a deadly shooting rampage at a Valley City mobile home park has been sold by the state to pay for funeral and medical expenses for the victims."

"Daniel 'Scrubby' Jantzen, 57, was sentenced to three consecutive life terms in January 2004 for killing Sharon Hatcher, 42, her daughter April, 16, and Michael Barnett Jr., 21, all of Valley City." ...

"Barnes County State's Attorney Robin Huseby said about 75 guns were confiscated from Jantzen after the killing. The state auctioned the weapons this month." ...

"'They were sold to do some good,' Huseby said. 'I would have liked to have burned them in a great big pile. But that was not the legal posture I could assume.'" ...

Canada: Cop charged after pistol stolen [fourth story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Calgary police officer has been charged with unsafe storage and handling of his service pistol after it was stolen from his vehicle in Edmonton last year.

Thirty-eight-year-old Detective Gerard Brand was at the Edmonton Folk Festival last July when his gun and badge were stolen.

Calgary's deputy police chief Murray Stooke says charges were laid on a recommendation from Crown prosecutors in Edmonton.

Police say Brand, a 13-year veteran of the force, is on paid leave while his case works its way through the courts.

AZ: SEC Probing Taser Stun Gun Study Claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal authorities have launched an inquiry into claims Taser International Inc. has made about safety studies for its stun guns. Its shares plunged more than 14 percent in morning trading Friday."

"The Securities and Exchange Commission also is looking into a $1.5 million, end-of-year sale of stun guns by Taser International to a Prescott firearms distributor that some stock analysts have questioned because it appears to inflate sales to meet annual projections."

"'We're confident that this is going to come out in our favor,' Taser's president Tom Smith said late Thursday in announcing that it was cooperating with the SEC informal inquiry. An informal inquiry is a step below a formal investigation, where regulators have subpoena power." ...

PA: Anti-violence effort targets gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A coalition is seeking to reduce violent crime in the Alle-Kiski Valley, and it welcomes help."

"The group of health advocates, police, district justices and business owners are planning an anti-violence project that will emphasize gun safety and responsibility."

"The group will use newspaper ads, a traveling youth program and other means to reach youths and adults in an anti-violence symposium planned for September."

"Plans also call for three or four tours of area jails for youth this winter and spring to discourage crime and a contest to reward youth for designing anti-violence ads."

"The overall project will be financed by a $9,500 federal Safe Neighborhoods grant to the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation." ...

IL: Local Lawmakers Critical Of Daley Gun Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mayor of Chicago's push for legislation to make gun dealers accountable for some gun crimes is a familiar song and dance to Southern Illinois state representatives, and it is also likely one that won't be played to completion."

"Mayor Richard Daley is urging the state to pick up two of his proposals dealing with gun violence in the upcoming legislative session. One proposal would stop gun dealers from knowingly selling weapons to criminals, while the other would allow victims of gun crimes to sue dealers who sell guns illegally." ...

"State Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, said the ideas are classic Daley attempts to get rid of all guns in the city of Chicago, hoping it will solve all its crime problems." ...

IN: Couple chooses trial on neglect charges
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"A Portage couple, who was charged with neglect after their 4-year-old son shot himself at home with a gun, have opted to risk a trial rather than accept a deal that would have kept them both out of prison." ...

"The plea agreement would have prevented the couple from legally keeping any guns at home, Polarek said. Convicted felons are prohibited from owning firearms." ...

MT: Panel looks at stopping bison hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Brian Schweitzer Thursday appointed three new members to the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission, which promptly convened a teleconference and agreed to reconsider an upcoming, much-debated bison hunt."

"The commission voted 4-1 to meet in Helena Monday and reconsider the hunt, approved last month by a commission comprised of appointees of former GOP Gov. Judy Martz. The commission also voted 4-1 to postpone a drawing for 10 bison hunt permits ..."

"Schweitzer and several of the commission members stressed they were not against the idea of hunting bison, but had second thoughts about a scheduled 10-permit bison hunt to take place outside Yellowstone National Park and the bad publicity it may generate." ...

WA: Though an easy target for critics, hunting a fairly safe sport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mik Mikitik has a little quiz he likes to foist upon anyone who opposes hunting on the basis of its safety -- or lack of." ...

"'You talk to anyone in the general public and ask them: Which is more dangerous in their opinion, boating or hunting -- and 99 percent of them will say hunting because of the firearms.'"

"And they'd be wrong." ...

"[In 2001] the state had virtually the same number of hunters (250,000) as recreational boaters (260,000)."

"According to U.S. Coast Guard statistics, Washington had 33 fatalities and 99 non-fatal injury accidents involving recreational boaters in Washington's inland or coastal waters."

"The hunters? One fatal hunting accident and 10 non-fatal injuries." ...

South Africa: Gun Lobby Vows Court Action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The chaos surrounding the relicensing of legal firearms deepened yesterday with promises that the standards to apply to existing owners would be challenged in court if left as published by the National Qualifications Authority."

"There have also been charges that standards for the relicensing of existing weapons are being manipulated to make it as difficult as possible to challenge them. The draft unit standard for an individual to renew a gun licence was published only in mid-December while the time allocated for public comment runs out this Sunday."

"Questions have also been asked about the composition of the Standards Generating Body that produced the draft standard, as there is no civilian representation and more than 90% of the members are police or correctional services officers." ...

UK: Vendetta theory to club shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A GUNMAN who blasted two women in the face in a crowded nightclub may have been attempting to settle a vendetta-style score, say cops."

"Detectives are convinced the victims, shot in the cheek and jaw, were innocent bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"The horror unfolded just hours into New Year's Day at Citizens Nightclub in Wandsworth."

"Revellers screamed and dived for cover as a slightly-built man pulled a handgun, took aim and fired."

"It is thought he fired two shots, hitting one woman in her 20s and piercing her cheek."

"A second shot hit another woman, also in her 20s, and embedded in her jaw." ...

UK: Police link man's death to shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SHOOTING in Thornton Heath is being linked to the discovery minutes later of a dying man in West Norwood on New Year's Eve."

"Police were called to Carolina Road following reports of a shooting involving two or more cars."

"Detectives believe nobody was injured in the first incident which happened at about 7pm."

"But just half an hour later police officers were called to a second incident where a man was reported to be suffering from gunshot wounds in a car at Pilgrim Hill."

"There they discovered Solomon Martin, 24, from Brixton, and, despite the efforts of ambulance crews, he died just before 8pm."

"A post mortem at Greenwich mortuary on New Year's Day concluded he had died from a single gunshot wound to the head." ...

UK: Carjackers strike in gun ambush
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CARJACKERS robbed a terrified shopper of his Volkswagen Golf GTI during a daring gunpoint ambush."

"The robbers, armed with an automatic pistol, ordered the driver and his pal from their parked car just yards from a busy street."

"Both victims had their pockets fleeced at the roadside before the robbers sped off in the car."

"On the back seats lay shopping bags containing clothes and DVDs which the driver had bought in the new year's sales."

"Police said the robbery in Walworth Place, off the Walworth Road, had traumatised the two victims."

"The driver had pulled off the main road to make a call on his mobile phone when the two carjackers approached from the shadows." ...

UK: Gun gang strikes at takeaway
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN was pistol-whipped when a gunman and his cohorts robbed three men near a fried chicken shop."

"He and two other men aged in their early 20s were returning to their car after visiting the fast food outlet when they were set upon."

"Their three attackers surrounded the car, which was parked in Rodney Road, Walworth, before threatening its occupants and dragging the driver from his seat."

"He was then sat on by a young woman while his pockets were gone through."

"When one of the passengers tried to come to the aid of his friend, he was pistol-whipped to the floor." ...

UK: Attempted theft foiled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An attempt has been made to abduct the manager of a convenience store in north Belfast."

"Two men wearing balaclavas, one of them armed with a hand gun, arrived at the man's home at Carlisle Road just before 11pm last night."

"The men ordered the victim to get into their transit van, drive it to his place of work and load the vehicle with cigarettes."

"The man followed the would-be robbers outside but escaped after a struggle."

"The two men made off on foot leaving the red Transit, which bore the false number plate UDZ 7754."

"The van had been stolen from the Dungiven area on December 14 when it had the number plate ANZ 1817. Police have removed it for forensic examination." ...

Pocket Rocket -- The tiny but terrific .204 Ruger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hornady and Ruger, which have combined to give us such excellent cartridges as the .480 Ruger and the new .17 HMR, have come up with yet a third, and it is a true delight for varmint hunters of all stripes (although not for varmints of all stripes; they will probably detest it). Called the .204 Ruger, it’s a .20-caliber cartridge." ...

"The true purpose of a .20-caliber rifle is to terminate the furtive existence of prairie dogs, which, since woodchucks have retreated to the woods under siege from coyotes, are now the varmint of choice. True cognoscenti of the prairie dog shoot at them from sporting ranges, which means that you often don’t hit them with the first shot and must be able to see the bullet splash in order to correct for the second. ..." ...

WI: Proposal for a 16-day gun deer season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DNR officials are again talking about a 16-day gun-deer season in the state. A recently formed 18-member committee of hunters, law enforcement and biologists has been meeting for the past few months, discussing rules and regulations and other issues having to do with hunting. And now (Friday) Department of Natural Resources staff will share the findings with the executive council of the state's Conservation Congress. Bob Manwell with the DNR says one idea is to lengthen the gun-deer season. 'Specifically it would not be a great deal different than similiar 16-day proposals that have come up over the years. But what it would do is, it would add an additional weekend around the time of the traditional gun-deer hunting season.'" ...

I have not one doubt, even if I am in agreement with the National Rifle Association, that that kind of record keeping procedure [gun registration] is the first step to eventual confiscation under one administration or another. —CHARLES MORGAN, DIRECTOR, WASHINGTON DC ACLU

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