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How You Can Help Hold Holder
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We are faced with the prospect of having an attorney general who believes in his bones that you do not have a right to keep and bear arms. We know that Obama has permanently ban semi-autos purposely mislabeled as 'assault weapons,' to end private sales, and to require non-existent technology under the guise of 'childproofing,' among other assaults on our freedom. We know Eric Holder will enthusiastically oversee this mission...

"If we can stop his confirmation, it will send a clear message to the Obama administration that they don't have carte blanche to strip away our fundamental freedoms. It will give them pause in pursuing that course, and buy us time to prepare for the next assault."

What it is about guns isn't even about guns. Part II, Guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Part I, I wrote for the non-gun owner that the armed citizen understands that guns are not about killing, but about carrying our own burdens, and that our very first burden is that we alone are responsible for our own personal safety. More than forty states affirm this and too many big city officials quarrel with this, as our authority impeaches the very need for so many costly programs claiming to fight violence in our place. Many writers have reminded laymen that police have no duty to protect individuals, even in the presence of a restraining order. ..." ...

Learning from tyranny's historical foes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most people in the gun movement were familiar with the famous Spartan 300 long before the recent movie again made their heroic deeds the stuff of legend. Other legitimate freedom fighters throughout history, however, aren’t as well known."

"One person in history stands with the 300 as a key player in the fight for freedom long before the American Revolution turned the sacrifice of such heroes into reality. That man was a brief part of the movie Braveheart - Robert the Bruce."

"Do yourself a favor and pick up the biography entitled Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, by Ronald McNair Scott. It's a worthy read about how he fought for Scottish freedom against the British." ...

The Traitors........part one
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Webster's collegiate defines TREASON as a 'betrayal of trust and faith, violation of allegiance owed to one's sovereign or state, to deliver up, betrayal of one's country, giving aid and comfort to the enemy.'"

"My old nemesis, Ex-Intern loves to point our how often I return to the gun issue. A lot of people think I'm pretty much just a one-issue dude. Not true...but it IS my MAIN one, and it SHOULD be YOURS, whether you own one or not."

"You have what you have today, because of that 'One Issue.' You can own a home or work where and for who you wish, because of that 'One Issue.' You're free to come and go as you please, raise your children where you wish, attend the church of your choice ... because of that 'One Issue.'" ...

Brenneke Announces Quik-Shok Copper Lead-Free Centerfire Rifle Ammunition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The German firm Brenneke®, long known for their superb shotgun slugs, is now introducing their revolutionary Quik-Shok® Copper centerfire rifle bullets to U.S. hunters in loaded cartridges."

"The Brenneke Quik-Shok Copper bullet is a completely lead-free design, providing a combination of excellent penetration with 'controlled fragmentation' that results in a more powerful terminal effect than conventional rifle bullets can produce-regardless of bullet material."

"While a conventional rifle bullet expands slowly and progressively during penetration, creating a single wound channel, the Quik-Shok Copper expands very quickly upon contact, then separates into four segments that continue to penetrate deeply. ..." ...

40 Reasons to Support Gun Control
Submitted by: jghilty

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from "Political Humor" by Michael Z. Williamson
"It's amazing what one has to believe to believe in gun control..."

"1. That incidents where people shoot criminals in self defense are very rare, and shouldn't be used as excuses to own guns, just as incidents where presidential press secretaries are shot are very rare, and shouldn't be used as excuses to ban guns." ...

"There are another 316 reasons which Williamson has thoughtfully provided on the Political Humor website. Some are really hilarious."

NPCA, Park Retirees File Lawsuit to Halt Change in National Park Gun Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another lawsuit has been filed in a bid to prevent a change in national park gun rules. Late Tuesday the National Parks Conservation Association and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees filed their lawsuit ..." ...

"The Bush administration last month finalized a [NRA]-driven rule change to allow loaded, concealed firearms in all national parks except those located in two states: Wisconsin and Illinois [sic] ... The former rule, put in place by the Reagan administration, required that firearms transported through national parks be safely stowed and unloaded." ...

KABA Note: First the rule change does not "allow loaded, concealed firearms in all national parks" except two, it aligns national park rules with local state rules. Second, when the former rule was enacted there were only 6 states that routinely gave permits to average citizens, now there are 40.

FL: Florida Home to Fresh-Squeezed... Handguns?
Submitted by: jghilty

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"A study published last month by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group lead by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, says that not only do lax gun laws lead to more murders, higher crime rates, and more law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, guns from those states are used more often in out-of-state murders."

"And as you may have guessed (assuming you were not shot while reading the first paragraph), Florida is at the top of the list of states where the most "crime guns" originate. It ranks second, right in front of Texas, and just behind Georgia. That's good company, folks. Unless, of course, you aren't fond of gun crime."

"Jump for more fun gun talk." ...

NC: NCGV Celebrates 15 Years Of Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"North Carolinians Against Gun Violence's (NCGV) Annual Membership Meeting will convene to review 2008 highlights including passage of life-saving legislation, expansion of its Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Programming, and their Western North Carolina outreach."

"Representative Larry Hall will present NCGV's Citizen of the Year to Kathy Patterson of Union County and their Community Partner Award to Randy Trice of Durham County. Ms. Patterson worked with her community to form Citizens for Safer Neighborhoods in order to stop machine gunfire near a local elementary school and family homes. ..." ...

Guns In Nat'l Parks: Not So Fast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week should've been a day of celebration for Second Amendment fans: The Bush administration's ruling to allow loaded guns in national parks was scheduled to take effect on Friday. Now that rule change is under threat, as The National Parks Conservation Association and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees filed suit this week in Washington, D.C. in an effort to block the regulation change."

"In the suit, both groups claimed the [DOI] 'adopted the gun rule with unwarranted haste, without following procedures required by law and without the consideration of its consequences that they are required to observe under law... The new regulation is an affront to the National Parks' missions and purposes ...'" ...

Stop treating CHL holders as potential criminals
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"As I've noted in several columns on the OFCC website (listed below), gun control advocates have been screeching about last month's rule change by the Department of the Interior that lifted the total ban on firearms in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges and instead specified that they follow the laws of the state in which it is located. If state law allows concealed handgun license holders to carry a firearm for personal protection, then it is allowed in National Parks; which, incidentally, is the same it has always been for National Forests."

"Today, I came across an article written by anti-gun extremist and U.S. Senator from California Dianne Feinstein that just got under my skin." ...

CA: Woman shoots large raccoon attacking dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman shot and killed a raccoon that was fighting with her pit bull terrier, police said."

"Pasadena police Lt. Randell Taylor said neighbors called authorities to report a shot fired ..."

"When police arrived, they learned a large raccoon had attacked a resident's dog."

"'She got a shovel and hit the raccoon about 15 times,' Taylor said. 'She shot it in the mid-section and it was still getting the best of the dog.'"

"... the woman retrieved the shovel and again hit the raccoon several times before it let go of her dog."

"'The dog was OK, other than some nasty cuts and bruises,' ..."

"The Humane Society ... recommended the woman take her dog to a 24-hour emergency veterinarian to check for rabies ..."

OH: Intruder Killed In Apartment Shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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One man was killed after breaking into an apartment in Colerain Township.

According to Hamilton County sheriff's deputies, two men broke into the Burgundy Court Apartments on Rocker Drive just before 11 p.m. Tuesday.

The homeowner exchanged gunfire with the two men, shooting one of them multiple times, deputies said. He was taken to University Hospital and pronounced dead a short time later.

The other man fled on foot. Deputies said they believe he was also shot and may seek medical attention.

The homeowner was not injured in the shooting.

Anyone with information about the shooting was asked to call the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department at 513-825-1500.

H/t to OFCC.

FL: Police: Man shot, killed robber who was beating woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A good Samaritan shot and killed an armed man Monday night who was beating a woman with a bottle at an Ocoee gas station, police said."

"Records show that sometime before 10:50 p.m., the witness -- whose name has not been released -- was parked in his SUV outside the Kangaroo Gas Station at 400 Franklin Street. At some point, he heard a woman screaming in the gas station's convenience store."

"'All I heard was the woman screaming, 'Help! Help! Help!' the witness said."

"The witness ran out of his car and into the store. He saw the suspect beating a female clerk with a bottle. The witness ran back into his car, grabbed his handgun and returned to the store. He fired at least two shots, killing the suspect." ...

Don't leave safety up to others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Ken Perrin's letter that appeared 1/7/09 'Others know guns do kill people', the author fails to recall how our nation gained its independence in his assumption. It was by force, not request, with arms owned by the citizens."

"Equally irresponsible were his comparisons to gun-related crime in Britain and Australia; Britain has no where near the population of the U.S. and their overall homicide rate was much lower prior to their gun ban, making a comparison on the single issue of gun ownership erroneous at best. ..."

"There is a profound difference between feeling safe and being safe and I proudly exercise my Second Amendment right to ensure the latter ..." ...

Interview with a Gunfighter (landlord kills two)
Submitted by: jghilty

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"Although I would not recommend that you ever sit down for an interview with the news media after killing two armed home invaders, the following unedited news video will teach you many important lessons."

"The most important lessons you will glean from this personal, lethal encounter report include:"

"Mindset is everything... Training is only second to mindset...Action always beats reaction... In a Gunfight, Rule # 1 is HAVE A GUN... When it is truly self defense, there is no criminal liability or questions about your actions... Anyone can be a target... "

"Take advantage of this rare opportunity to watch an unedited interview with a law abiding private citizen who did what he had to do… and did it well." ...

PA: Pro 2A Interview with Open Carry Mom (podcast)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Tonight on Gun Nuts radio, we're going to be discussing Open Carry, and it's value (or lack thereof) to the pro-gun shooting and activism community. Joining us on tonight's show will be Meleanie Hain, the PA open carry advocate who had her LTC revoked (and then restored) after OC'ing at her child's soccer game."

Submitter's Note: A Pro-2a podcast recently did an interview with Meleanie Hain, the Pennsylvania mom who had her carry permit illegally revoked by the local sheriff because she was open carrying at her child's soccer game. In the interview, she gives us her side of the story!

Police and Community Relations
Submitted by: Larry

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"Manuel's post also raises the larger question about the nature of police and government. The article also points out that Baltimore's mayor, Sheila Dixon, is not objecting to this new policy:" ...

"Not surprisingly, the police union is all in favor of this farce:" ...

"My experience in working on the infamous Duke Lacrosse Case tells me that police do not aggressively investigate themselves, and that police are held to much lower standards than are ordinary citizens."

"For example, the infamous police shooting in San Francisco has the police urging 'caution' and no 'rush to judgment,' yet if an ordinary citizen were to shoot an unarmed person in the back at such a close range, the police and press would be denouncing the 'execution-style murder' ...

MI: Michigan judges get weapons leeway under new law
Submitted by: jghilty

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State court judges who are licensed to carry concealed weapons can pack heat in places most other people can't under a new Michigan law.

Legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Jennifer Granholm lets judges and retired judges with permits carry weapons in gun-free zones.

Gun-free zones include stadiums, bars, schools and hospitals. A 2001 Michigan Supreme Court order adds courtrooms to that list unless the chief judge gives prior approval.

Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will'
Submitted by: JarheadSgt

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"A perfect storm is developing for Second Amendment opponents that could allow President-elect Barack Obama's choice for attorney general – Eric Holder – to 'ban guns at will' despite the 2008 affirmation from the U.S. Supreme Court that U.S. citizens have a right to bear arms."

"The situation was described with alarm by Alan Korwin, author of Gun Laws of America, in a recent commentary."

"He cited Holder's known support for gun bans – the former Clinton administration official endorsed the District of Columbia's complete ban on functional guns in residents' homes before it was overturned by the Supreme Court." ...

NY: Residents will have say on gun violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With his initial invitation-only summit on gun violence complete, City of Poughkeepsie Mayor John Tkazyik plans to hold an open community forum on the issue in the coming weeks."

"'A key point of this is we want to hear from the larger community,' Tkazyik said Monday night after the ... summit concluded at city hall. 'What are their concerns? What are their ideas?'"

"No date for the community forum has been set."

"The mayor said the 40-member group that met Monday will reconvene after hearing from residents at the community forum. The summit group of community leaders from all walks of life will eventually develop recommendations on curtailing gun violence and forward them to city officials for possible implementation." ...

GA: Cagle doesn't want to expand gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle on Monday shot down plans one lawmaker has to expand the places gun owners in Georgia may legally carry concealed weapons."

"Cagle, speaking with reporters at his Capitol office, said he had “no appetite” to revisit the concealed carry law. Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg) has been considering a bill that would expand the places where guns would be allowed. ..." ...

"'Let me be clear,' [Cagle] said, adding that the issue was dealt with last year. 'People should be content with where we are.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out "That's us, a bunch of cud-chewing contented cows ..."

Many Americans do love their police state
Submitted by: Larry

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"Scattered through the comments to yesterday's column about a Customs and Border Patrol stop of a passenger train that never crossed the boundaries of the United States are little gems of the sort that I've come to dread and anticipate in equal parts: praise for the government for behaving in an arbitrary and heavy-handed manner. Unfortunately, all too many of our friends, neighbors and relations have come to relish acting like bit players in a bad Cold War film. They're more than happy to bow down to the nearest uniform so long as somebody assures them it will 'keep us safe' -- from whom, it doesn't matter, though it's certainly not from overbearing authorities." ...

MD: More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Maryland State Police surveillance of advocacy groups was far more extensive than previously acknowledged, with records showing that troopers monitored -- and labeled as terrorists -- activists devoted to such wide-ranging causes as promoting human rights and establishing bike lanes."

"Intelligence officers created a voluminous file on Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, calling the group a 'security threat' because of concerns that members would disrupt the circus. Angry consumers fighting a 72 percent electricity rate increase in 2006 were targeted. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

MD: In policy change, city police will not identify officers who kill, injure
Submitted by: Larry

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"Baltimore police will no longer release the names of officers who kill or injure people, changing a long-standing practice that the department believes put officers at risk."

"The decision is prompting criticism from several Baltimore leaders, who said withholding officers' names will only endanger an already tenuous relationship between the police and the community. Baltimore police shot 21 people last year, 13 of them fatally - the same number killed by police in 2007, when 31 people were shot. Those numbers are up from 2006, when 15 were shot and five killed." ...

Submitter's Note: Should the title be: Baltimore Police to Protect Their Own Even More

H/t to The LRC Blog.

MN: Scott Co. deputy fires during domestic call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An internal investigation is underway after a seemingly ordinary domestic dispute call turned into an officer opening fire on innocent residents in New Market on Sunday."

"The Scott County Sheriff's Department said they were called to a home ... on reports of a fight."

"When no one answered the door, Officers Marcus Hoffer and Adam Volek forced their way into the home."

"'The first time he yelled he was a sheriff to me, was after he fired five times at us,' said Justin Friedges."

"According to Friedges, one of the deputies knocked once on the front door before entering and opening fire. He and his brother Pete thought officers were intruders and responded that they had a weapon, and warned them to leave." ...

Skepticism About Second Amendment Support
Submitted by: jghilty

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.... "While Barack Obama has been urging citizens not to stock up on weapons because they mistrust him, other anti-gunners are a tad more candid, seeing in the new administration an opportunity to disarm Americans. The Brady Campaign, the day after the election, was demanding the adoption of what it duplicitously calls 'common sense gun laws.' Similarly, John Rosenthal, co-founder of Stop Handgun Violence, gleefully wrote in the Boston Globe: 'With the historic election of Barack Obama, the nation finally has an opportunity to enact sensible national gun control policy.'"

"Not so. We already have such a 'policy.' It is called the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

Gun Owners Hunker Down as Obama and Congress Arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As president-elect Barrack Obama prepares to occupy the Oval Office, where do millions of American firearms owners stand? It's a question that is easy and at the same time difficult to answer. It's hard on the one hand because during the campaigns leading up to the November election, very little was said about the former Illinois Senator's stance on firearms ownership." ...

"The question of Obama's attitude toward guns is easy to answer for many gun owners in America. A recent poll of hunters and shooters across the nation finds 80-percent believe it will become more difficult to purchase firearms after the new Administration and new Congress are seated." ...

NC: Guns .. More people loading and packing
Submitted by: jghilty

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"The fear of the unknown with an incoming president. The economy. Concern about the crime rate. The holidays. They are among the reasons gun sales are on the rise."

"This always happens during an administration change, says Barry Perry, owner of Perry’s Gunshop in Wendell."

"Whether these fears that the Obama administration could clamp down on gun sales are purely rumor or fact may be debatable but from Perry’s perspective —'We don’t think it's going to be favorable to the gun industry.'"

"Perry said, however, the winter months are historically busy with the Christmas season. He also sees people coming in with concerns about crime rates driven up by the economy." ...

IN: Gun control? Some think so
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The prospect that guns might become more difficult to purchase once President-elect Barack Obama takes office has more ... residents snatching up firearms almost as fast as some local stores can stock them."

"'We are at the point right now where there are just not enough available because they are sold out. It seems like that's the case across the country,' said Earl Westforth, owner of Westforth Sports Shop ..."

"Business was up about 63 percent in November ..."

"Les Blythe, owner of Blythe's Sports Shop ... said he, too, is having trouble keeping his shelves stocked. November was the store's best month ever for gun sales in the more than 50 years the family has run the business. Sales doubled over November 2007." ...

OH: OFCC Speaking at Medina County Friends And Neighbors Breakfast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans for Concealed Carry has been invited to speak at the next county breakfast of the Medina County Friends And Neighbors this Saturday, January 10th. The breakfast will be held from 8:30 am to 10:00 am at the Golden Corral restaurant located at 4913 Grande Blvd, Medina"

"The published topic is the 2nd Amendment which can be anticipated to be under some pressure with the new administration and the Pelosi Congress/Reid Senate, but MCFAN thinks there is also a lot of interest in the current status and societal benefits of CCW in Ohio, as well as the state and national outlook for further improvement." ...

UK: Woman repeatedly slashed after confronting gang 'as young as 13' who stabbed her dog to death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A disabled woman was slashed repeatedly with a knife after confronting a gang who had stabbed her dog to death in her garden."

"The mother-of-three, who has not been named, discovered the mutilated body of her Yorkshire terrier Willow lying in a pool of blood outside her door."

"Seconds later she was confronted by four men who threatened her, forced her back into the house, in Knotty Ash, Liverpool, and then attacked her with a knife."

"The 38-year-old suffered 'numerous' cuts to her body and had to be treated in hospital." ...

Submitter's Note: Well good thing they have gun control there, otherwise one of the boys might have gotten hurt.

No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. — Mark Twain

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