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MSNBC's Ed Schultz: Ban NBA players from owning guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "OK, how about if the networks ban all of their talking heads from owning guns? Hey, with great power comes great responsibility, right? See, I can parrot Spiderman dialog, too."

"Why don't you press MSNBC to set the example, Ed? As a condition of employment there, no one who has any 'visibility' with the public may own a gun. After all, you're 'in the image business' (and how), and we know how much kids all look up to you." ...

Obama’s Executive Order: Can INTERPOL take your guns?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Recently, President Obama amended an Executive Order allegedly giving the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) additional powers within the United States. Press reaction has been mostly inaccurate, but Obama's action nevertheless highlights issues that all Americans should be concerned about: The balance of power between Americans, DC politicians, and the international community." ...

An End to the Lautenberg Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Federal Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit recently accepted the Second Amendment as valid grounds for reversing a conviction under the infamous Lautenberg Amendment, barring possession of firearms from anyone ever convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence."

"That's good news, but don’t fire up the band just yet."

"The actual conclusion of the 7th Circuit panel was that prosecutors had failed to effectively argue that Lautenberg does not violate the Second Amendment – which is a far cry from declaring the law unconstitutional and throwing the case out. ..." ...

Gun Control Advocate Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What would you think if a long-time gun control advocate ended up shooting someone? Might the word 'hypocrite' come to mind?"

"It did for me, and apparently for many others."

"The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports North Carolina state senator R.C. Soles shot one of two intruders who attempted to break into his house."

"But it gets even more interesting than the mere hypocrisy of a gun control activist shooting somebody."

"The New York Times reports Soles won't be seeking re-election, which is not a surprise since state prosecutors have said they plan to charge Soles because 'he acted criminally when he shot a former law client.'" ...

We are a 'Make my day' nation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ask 1,000 people what they think about guns and you'll probably get as many different answers. Maybe that's why guns make so many people so nervous so often." ...

"Everyone knows that criminals use guns to aid in their crimes, which of course makes all of us nervous. No one wants criminals to be allowed to pack heat. The Second Amendment provides[sic] our right to bear arms, but it's fairly universally agreed that gun-violence criminals forfeit the absolute right to carry guns. So it is that knuckleheads such as Arenas and Crittenton, not criminals, are the biggest problem for responsible gun owners. They make people nervous. Who wants to be around anyone waving a handgun in a public place?" ...

TN: Americans have no right to carry guns in public
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Leonard Embody, wearing a cammo jacket, military boots and a black skullcap, openly carried an AK-47 firearm in Radnor Lake State Park on the Sunday before Christmas, he did more than scare a few hikers. His actions, though lawful, sparked outrage and a larger debate on Tennessee handgun carry laws." ...

"Mr. Embody's 'hiking' while openly armed in a state park shows how handgun carry laws fundamentally alter the nature of civic life, the peace of public places and the character of society ... Similar to an episode in Pennsylvania where a gun-toting mother exercised her 'right' to openly carry her permitted handgun to her 5-year-old's soccer game, Mr. Embody's brandishing[sic] of an AK-47 in a state park leaves citizens aghast." ...

IN: Gun enthusiasts shoot blanks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The notion that a new public safety director from the East Coast has come here to disarm law-abiding Indianapolis residents certainly comes as news to Mayor Greg Ballard, who appointed him."

"The same reaction would appear to characterize the City-County Council, which is scheduled to vote Feb. 1 on whether to confirm Frank Straub."

"So far so good for common sense. But common sense always is under fire when absolutist opponents of gun control detect what they perceive to be a threat."

"Some folks of that view mobilized after Straub told The Star's Editorial Board, 'My own personal perspective is we have way too many guns on the street and way too many people that own guns.'" ...

Should companies be allowed to ban guns in employee's cars?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Last February, I wrote about Personal Rights vs. Property Rights. This issue is currently being debated in Indianapolis where a NRA backed bill is being considered which would prohibit gun bans in parking lots." ...

Arenas Suspended for Locker Room Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Wednesday, NBA Commissioner David Stern suspended Washington Wizards star point guard Gilbert Arenas for bringing guns into an NBA locker room. Though Arenas admitted as much, he denies reports that he and another teammate pointed guns at each other during a scrap about gambling debts. Arenas has an $111 million, six-year contract but will not receive pay during his suspension. ..." ...

NBA Player Caught With Male Enhancement Products
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gi"bert Arenas is an idiot. The career of this trigger-happy point guard for the Washington Wizards is hanging by a thread, thanks to his moronic decision to bring guns into the locker room. The initial story, written for the New York Post by Peter Vecsey, painted a pretty damaging picture of the incident, and as details and denials continue to surface, it’s looking more and more like that picture was accurate." ...

Guns N Dummies
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I was going to go down to the Wachovia Center and check out my Sixers play the Wizards tonight, but I didn't want to get shot! That guy Gilbert Arenas adds new meaning to the term 'shooting guard'. Talk about irony, the Wizards used to be called 'The Bullets'. I think they should rename them again."

"Seriously, how dumb can some of these Negroes be? Gilbert, didn't you hear about what happened to a certain football player for the New York small men? Let me clue you in: Plaxico Burress is doing hard time for getting his club on with his 'Nina' on his hip." ...

Guns and the Men That Love Them
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When you think of an insular community of not particularly well educated individuals who fervently defend the second amendment and constantly complain about taxes, you think of right-wingnuts living on a compound in Texas. Right? I used to."

"But I’ve learned that the brain malady that makes people think Jesus was an action hero who wanted nothing more than to pop caps into Roman asses isn’t limited to Sarah Palin supporters. If you are looking for a group of people who strap-up before they put their socks on, look no further than the modern professional athlete. The armed shenanigans of Washington Wizards guard, Gilbert Arenas, is just the latest — and funniest — evidence of the mentality:" ...

Fop Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I am extremely disappointed in my friends over at the National Rifle Association. David Stern has severely restricted the Second Amendment rights of one Gilbert Arenas -- and, perhaps, those of Javaris Crittenton as well ... It seems that the two of them brought their constitutionally protected personal firepower into the locker room of the Washington Wizards, whereupon they exercised their constitutional rights to brandish their iron. This has caused Stern to step in -- probably with his jackboots -- and begin the long, slow slide to authoritarianism in yet another part of our once-free country. And, as far as I can tell, the NRA is nowhere to be found. I am extremely disappointed by this." ...

OK: No sales-tax holiday for gun purchases
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A sales-tax holiday for gun buyers in Oklahoma may have a sympathetic following, but the holiday is not needed to boost rights nor would it be revenue neutral."

"Two legislators Sen. John Sparks, D-Norman, and Rep. Wes Hillard, D-Sulphur, have introduced Senate Bill 1322, proposing a weekend in August annually with no sales tax collected on the purchase of handguns, rifles and shotguns."

"Sparks said the measure was a 'way to reduce the barrier to exercising our Second Amendment rights.'"

"It's very doubtful that the single-digit tax consumers pay for a gun prohibits them from purchasing it. It's more likely the high costs of a firearm and ammunition keep someone from making a gun purchase. ..." ...

WI: Rep. Smith wants to stop felons from buying gun hunting licenses
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"State Representative Jeff Smith is working on a bill that would prohibit felons from purchasing a gun hunting license."

"He began working on that bill after a close friend was shot and killed while hunting in 2006. The bullet that killed his friend was fired by a felon."

"It's against the law for a felon to carry a gun, but they can still buy a hunting license. Smith says it's a hypocrisy that needs to be corrected. 'It gives the impression that, go ahead you can buy this firearm license,' said Rep. Smith, 'but don't use it.'" ...

NH: Statehouse gun ban makes perfect sense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Pro-gun activists and Republican legislators are protesting a new rule that bans weapons from the Statehouse. 'My reaction is outrage,' said Rep. Daniel Itse, a Fremont Republican. 'It's a serious restriction on a constitutional right.'"

"In late December, the legislative facilities subcommittee, which includes House and Senate leadership, voted 8-3 to ban individuals from carrying firearms or other deadly weapons ... The ban applies to both open and concealed weapons."

"... No lawmaker doing his or her job should ever have to worry whether someone sitting in the gallery is carrying a loaded weapon." ...

Submitter's Note: Because someone determined to kill some legislators will surely be stopped by a gun ban.

GA: Gun bill advances to subcommittee after first House hearing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A controversial bill to allow licensed gun owners in Georgia to carry concealed weapons most places other than the courthouse and the jailhouse is headed to a House subcommittee for closer scrutiny after a lengthy hearing Thursday."

"Rep. Rich Golick (R-Smyrna), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee on noncivil matters, said a subcommittee will be able to 'hash out' some of the concerns about the bill, mostly centering on an expansion of the rights of licensed gun owners to carry their weapons to churches, bars and college campuses."

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Tim Bearden (R-Villa Rica), told committee members the existing law is 'extremely confusing' to gun owners and law enforcement." ...

NH: Rochester area gun advocates protest weapons ban at Statehouse
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Guns-rights protesters gathered in front of the Statehouse Wednesday, angered by lawmakers' decision to ban firearms from the building and two other government sites."

"There were about 50 of them, including Rochester residents clutching signs that read "Criminals prefer unarmed victims" and 'Nobody ever raped a .38.'"

"They lamented what they say is another effort to limit citizens' rights and questioned if a committee's decision actually made lawmakers and the public less safe." ...

GA: Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Georgia lawmakers are about to debate an emotional issue, gun control. A proposed bill would expand where gun owners can bring their guns. Under the House Bill 615, those with a gun permit could carry on public colleges and universities."

"'Georgia's laws are very restrictive when compared to the rest of the nation. The proposed bill will bring the state up to speed,' said State Representative Tim Bearden, (R) Ga. House District 68. 'They should not become criminals because two minutes they were not on college property and then they drive onto college property.'"

"CBS Atlanta asked if there are concerns about a gun incident occurring if students are drinking or horsing around. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course they did, because there have been so many of those incidents in locales where campus carry is allowed.

TSA Agent Arrested at LAX
Submitted by: Larry

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"They are the first line of defense in airport security but two troubling incidents involving TSA agents at LAX are raising concerns."

"A TSA agent was arrested on January 3rd in Terminal One at LAX, a source told NBCLA. He had just gotten off duty and was behaving erratically, saying, 'I am god, I’m in charge.' The agent was arrested."

"Meanwhile, a TSA Internal Affairs investigation turned up evidence of LAX TSA agents using drugs at an after-hours party."

"TSA officials say a videotape of the party was of poor quality and the employees were not in uniform, but 4 employees were tentatively identified."

"All 4 were tested for drugs. One came back positive and that employee was fired." ...

National security adviser: Airline bomber report to 'shock'
Submitted by: xqqme

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... "Senate Intelligence Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said a 'very comprehensive no-fly list' would be 'the greatest protection our country has.' In an interview, she said the definition of who can be included should be expanded to include anyone about whom there is 'a reasonable suspicion.'"

Submitter's Note: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Does it begin in earnest here? Is this the trigger that sets the Obama-Nation into action to really clamp down on our freedoms and to "justify" any number of abridgements of our Constitutional rights?

WA: Yet Again: DON’T Call 911, And DON’T “Help” the Police
Submitted by: Larry

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"'Little did he know what awaited him when he called 911 that day.'"

"That phrase would be a suitable obituary for many innocent people who have died at the hands of their supposed 'protectors.' In this case, it was spoken in despair by defense attorney Marisa Bender as she addressed a jury in Bremerton, Washington. Bender represented 37-year-old Luke T. Groves, who was eventually convicted of 'unlawful possession of a firearm' in a case that displays, in remarkable detail, the distilled malignancy of the 'justice' system." ...

MN: Minneapolis cop arrested for four bank robbries
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Minneapolis police officer was pulled over by an Apple Valley cop minutes before a robbery at a nearby Wells Fargo bank on Wednesday, a break that eventually led to his arrest in connection with a series of robberies in the area, according to federal charges filed Thursday."

"Timothy Edward Carson, 28, was booked into the Dakota County Jail early Thursday morning on probable cause of first-degree aggravated robbery and appeared in federal court in St. Paul on Thursday afternoon, charged with bank robbery."

"The Wells Fargo robbery, committed at 9:16 a.m. Wednesday, was the latest of four in the city that Apple Valley police believed were committed by the same person." ...

NY: Taking their best shot
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Sitrin STARS are shooting for success."

"STARS, which stands for Success Through Adaptive Recreation and Sports, is expanding to include competitive shooting. The program is run by Sitrin Health Care in New Hartford, which offers rehabilitation and long-term care among other health services."

"The STARS recently hosts a shooting workshop led by Vanessa Warner, manager of disabled shooting services for the National Rifle Association of America."

"Warner covered the basics of safety, as well as the positions and adaptations participants could use in order to shoot competitively." ...

AK: Gun-rights advocates dominate Fish and Game advisory election
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Eight members, most of them strongly in favor of gun rights, were elected to the Anchorage Fish and Game Advisory Committee on Tuesday night ..."

"Lawyer Kneeland Taylor, an unsuccessful candidate, said the election became a test of wills between clashing interest groups -- essentially consumptive and nonconsumptive users. Each side e-mailed and handed out paper reminders Monday night listing their slate of preferred candidates."

"'It (the vote) had nothing to do with anything,' Taylor said. 'It had nothing to do with hunting. It had nothing to do with predator control. It had to do with who was on the slate written down by the (Anchorage) Second Amendment Task Force.'"

"The group strongly supports gun rights." ...

...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights... — Alexander Hamilton speaking of standing armies in Federalist No. 29.

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