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When it comes to civil rights, hypocrisy abounds
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The other day, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that because Washington State prisons seem to have quite a few minorities as residents, they have been discriminated against and should be allowed to vote."

"Meanwhile, a Bremerton man who has worked as a federal firefighter and was allowed to work with explosives is on his way to prison because he had a 1990 burglary conviction that prohibits him from owning firearms for life. His problem is that his wife owned a couple of guns before they were married, so when he called police to their home in November 2008 to report a burglary, he advised them that there were guns in the home, so rather than searching for a burglar, the cops cuffed him instead." ...

Americans hemorrhaging rights to schools, employers and the government
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After a recent morning duck hunting trip, a student from a rural California school district parked his truck off campus and walked to school to avoid running afoul of the school safety zone law that makes it illegal to have guns on school property."

"For his trouble, he was expelled."

"There are serious questions about the legality of the search ... but what isn't in question is the school administration's decision to expel him for having a gun in his privately-owned truck parked off of school property."

"To justify the expulsion, the principal claimed jurisdiction over students as they travel to and from school. That fact, in principal's mind, was the key factor that allowed the expulsion to take place." ...

ADL engages in stereotyping, bigotry against gun owners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We're not supposed to have prior restraint on rights in this country, Mr. Foxman. That's what makes us different from all those places refugees like you have fled from."

Happiness is a warm gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A few days ago, in a conversation over coffee, a friend of mine said something which made me sit straight up in my seat. 'For the past month or so, I've heard a story every week about someone I know having their home burglarized or their car broken into.'"

"It wasn't exactly the happy thought I was hoping for heading into 2010. Granted, the evidence was anecdotal. It may or may not represent any local or regional trend. But the topic prompted an even more entertaining conversation about a related issue: the virtue of owning firearms."

"I hail from the Northeast in the United States. Where I come from, the common wisdom held that guns were dangerous and probably best kept in the hands of law enforcement ..." ...

Are Federal gun laws Constitutional?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If 'We the People' are the creators of the government, and the government is authorized arms, then in order for the people to maintain their position, in relation to the government, they to must be armed. If the servant government (servant of the people) has arms, and the people do not, then the roles are reversed for the people can not resist a government that has become tyrannical."

"This same logic applies to self defense. If the law abiding citizen does not have the means to resist a lawless adversary, then the will of the adversary becomes the law. Our Congress had formally passed an 'assault weapons' ban. The stated goal was to remove the arms used by gangs, drug smugglers, and extremists. ..." ...

Underwear bombs have nothing to do with firearms licenses
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Jim Galloway, the Political Insider columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, wrote tonight that the Nigerian underwear bomber incident may complicate the passage of gun bills pending or being introduced in the Georgia General Assembly."

"Mr. Galloway offers only the statement of Ben DeCosta, the airport's general manager, as support and quotes from two legislators who say they have no intention of harming airport security. Of course, 40 states have no ban on carrying handguns inside airports, so it is difficult to discern how Georgia firearms license holders could present any kind of a potential terrorist threat to airliners while carrying a concealed pistol in the baggage area or in the parking lot ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: Elite Panic, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Safer streets means safer personal assets, safer futures, and now it can mean safer disaster management."

"In Part I, I referenced a concept of Elite Panic, a concept named and articulated by sociologists Lee Clarke and Caron Chess in a very informative article on the It's a concept many have been familiar with and never known it. It is the misread of the public by our own servants. And why not? They think they're the sovereign. They aren't."

"The idea is that the elite in this country – let me call them public servants from my perspective of decades – are very inclined to insert their own self-preservation interests and power in time of crisis over those of the people they serve. ..." ...

Federal court recognizes felons' right to vote--what about self-defense?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Court of Appeals struck down a Washington state law barring felons from voting. The ruling would, in fact, restore voting rights not only to ex-convicts, but to currently incarcerated inmates as well." ...

"... the reasoning behind the ruling was that Washington's law against felons' right to vote is based on the finding that such laws are racially discriminitory ..."

"... the ruling raises some interesting questions about gun rights."

"If, for example, Washington's ... justice system unfairly targets minorities, in that non-whites are convicted of felonies at a higher rate than equally criminal white offenders, minorities are unfairly penalized not only in electoral power, but in legal self-defense ..." ...

The Chicago Gun Ban Showdown in 2010
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The City of Chicago has a long and storied relationship with the gun, and particularly the Thompson submachine gun made famous by gangsters during the prohibition era. Many credit the lawlessness of that time with the city's longtime anti-gun bias and fondness for gun bans."

"Whatever the cause, there is little doubt that Chicago's mayoral administrations have declared war on private ownership of firearms over the years with draconian regulations. Currently, Richard Daley resides in the Mayor's office, and is quite possibly the most anti-gun elected official in American history."

"Now, his dream of an anti-gun utopian Chicago is facing its biggest challenge ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: Gun bans bring violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun bans work fine. They work if you want to keep a crisis alive instead of dispatching a crisis. It's an old form of governance."

"I want you to read Howard Nemerov's piece which addresses a news item."

"Two things need to be presented for any education of the citizen looking for more on how gun rights protect all our other rights and personal freedoms. First is the facts and the second is how the facts impact you, a gun owner or non-gun owner, head of household or single, young or old." ...

Chicago bans guns, won't provide policing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"'The law enforcement amici listed below have a compelling interest in ensuring that the Second Amendment does not stand as an obstacle to strong gun laws that help police protect the public from gun crime and violence.' – McDonald v. Chicago Amicus Brief by Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, International Association of Chiefs of Police, International Brotherhood of Police Officers, and National Black Police Association"

"If one needs proof that the Brady Campaign and certain bureaucrats want us to disarm and let the professionals protect us, the above passage should suffice."

"There are problems with this idyllic myth. For example, the Chicago Police Department appears to have no intention of serving Chicago residents." ...

Blast From The Past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My Christmas gift to myself was a carbine I’d always wanted: a lever action Winchester complete with saddle ring. It was the iconic gun of the Western movies. If it was good enough for John Wayne, it was good enough for me."

"As a child of the East, not the West, I wasn’t much of a horseman. The closest I ever came to having one of my own was when I owned a Ford Bronco. It took a good part of my life to figure out exactly how that damn saddle ring interfaced with the saddle: you never saw THAT in the cowboy movies." ...

NRA Magazines Announce 2010 Golden Bullseye Award And Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award Winners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"NRA Publications will present its annual Golden Bullseye Awards and Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award at an invitation-only breakfast during the 2010 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, May 13-18, in Charlotte, North Carolina."
"'The Golden Bullseye Award honors our winners for bringing to market products remarkable in their utility to shooters and hunters,' said Joe H. Graham, Executive Director of NRA Publications. 'The award is a symbol of excellence and innovation in firearms, accessories and related equipment. We congratulate the winners, and we are confident shooters and hunters will receive this year's winning products with enthusiasm.'" ...

Local Author's Novel Puts Focus On Cartel Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A best-selling novelist from San Diego County is taking on the issue of guns traveling from the U.S. to Mexico where they are used by drug cartels, 10News reported."

"T. Jefferson Parker's new novel, out this week, is fiction but based on a grim reality."

"Parker has written 17 novels, has won several awards and has been on best-seller lists. He enjoys the Southern California lifestyle at his Fallbrook home, but he became increasingly concerned hearing about the drug violence in Mexico."

"'These are all murders by gun. Where are they getting the guns? You can't buy them in Mexico. You can't go to a store and buy a gun,' said Parker." ...

Message to Rahm Emanuel: On Guns and Terror, If Not Now, When?
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A U.S. soldier, under investigation by the FBI for his communications with a radical Yemeni cleric tied to al-Qaida, uses a gun to kill thirteen and wound thirty-eight at Fort Hood, one of our nation's leading military bases. A Nigerian terrorist with ties to the same radical cleric comes close to detonating a bomb on a U.S. airliner ... As to the airline bomber, President Obama acknowledged that 'the system has failed in a potentially disastrous way.' ..".

"I have a modest suggestion for the President. In the State of the Union address, demonstrate that national security trumps fear of the gun lobby."

"Make no mistake about it, the gun lobby's influence has made the war against terrorists harder to fight." ...

SC: Put down your guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Aside from law enforcement officers, does anyone really have a valid reason to carry a gun onto a school campus?"

"Yes, the S.C. General Assembly has apparently decided, based on a law enacted in June. People who have concealed weapons permits ... should not be penalized by having to leave those guns at home. Permit holders are said to pose no threat to students, so when they lock their guns in a car's glove compartment or trunk, the new law says they can bring them onto school property without fear of prosecution."

"School board members in Georgetown County, however, saw the issue differently." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

GA: Bibb man shoots attacking dogs; no charges filed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bibb County man told sheriff’s deputies he killed two stray pit bulls in self-defense Sunday evening, according to a sheriff’s report."

"The report said the man went to feed his animals outside his Jeffersonville Road residence when he was aggressively approached by a pit bull. The man got a shotgun from his house and fired at the dog, missing it. The dog fled the scene."

"As the man approached his animal pen, he saw a second pit bull that tried to attack him and he shot it once, killing it, the report stated. He found a third pit bull in the pen and shot it as well. The man told deputies the dogs killed three of his hogs and a cow." ...

Was St. Louis shooting spree perpetrated in a 'gun free' zone?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday's shooting spree in St. Louis, at a power transformer factory owned by ABB quickly became a matter of international news." ...

"As is always the case in the aftermath of something like this, details are still coming in, some of them contradicting earlier reports. Efforts on my part to obtain information about any company policy regarding employee possession of firearms and/.or other weapons at work have so far been unsuccessful. We do know that the shooter had no need to care about such rules, as the consequences of breaking them would have been irrelevant. Regardless, it seems clear that there was no serious resistance to his rampage." ...

American mother, baby killed by elephant in Kenya [Guide forced to be disarmed]
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"LeVert said the family blamed the lodge staff for not warning them about potential dangers and for failing to provide adequate emergency help after the tragedy."

"'We're not stupid. We know we were in the wild and anything could happen. But the guide did not hesitate and said the walk was suitable. The owner did not hesitate and said the walk was suitable,' he said."

"However, because Castle Forest lies just outside the boundary of Mt. Kenya National Park, the family was with a hotel guide who was not allowed to carry a gun, said Kentice Tikolo, a spokeswoman for the Kenya Wildlife Service. Only park rangers can carry guns." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's note: Yes, why would you need a gun in or near a national park?

What was Gilbert Arenas thinking?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Washington Wizards' All-Star guard Gilbert Arenas got quite the birthday present from the National Basketball Association on Wednesday when he turned 28: an indefinite suspension without pay."

"It seems although Arenas doesn’t have a realty show as a cop like Steven Seagal or a wild-game hunter like Ted Nugent, he still likes to take firearms to work."

"Less than a week after Arenas scored 45 points in his return to Golden State, the team that drafted him, and he declared the Oracle Arena, home of the Warriors, as 'This is Gilbert's Arena,' with a sign as he headed to the locker room, he admitted to storing unloaded firearms in his locker at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C." ...

CT: Richard Blumenthal: guns, tobacco, and grandstanding AGs
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"I was a guest this morning on Ray Dunaway’s show on WTIC 1080 (Hartford) to discuss Democrat Richard Blumenthal’s bid to replace Chris Dodd in the U.S. Senate. I’ve been covering the Connecticut attorney general’s legal record for years here at Overlawyered as well as at my other site, Point of Law. For details on his bullying, legally ill-founded ventures into litigation against gun makers and dealers, check here, here, here, here ..." ...

GA: Legislators expect to be busy with budget
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Dealing with a continued budget crunch will be on the minds of Georgia legislators as they begin their 2010 session in Atlanta next week, Decatur County’s legislators said Friday." ...

"Later on in the session, the Senate may deal with clarifying Georgia’s concealed weapon laws, including the places where people with permits to carry guns may take them."

"'I believe in the [U.S. Constitution's] Second Amendment, but I also think some of the locations being proposed as places people could carry guns should be able to control whether or not they will allow them,' Bulloch said." ...

The Big Blue Crime Wave
Submitted by: Larry

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"Amid a world-historic economic collapse and the emergence of a fully-orbed doctrine of official impunity, an increasing percentage of those hired by the State to protect 'public safety' are freelancing as undisguised criminals." ...

Perverted Police
Submitted by: Larry

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"Until recently, Brandon Reed Loverde, one of Orlando's 'Finest,' was making $40 an hour to provide security for rhe Firestone Live club. Although off-duty, he would wear his government-issued costume ..."

"That latter fact explains why he was able to detain and sexually assault 20-year-old nursing mother Rachelle Cortez after she was thrown out of the club for dancing too close to the stage." ...

"This event was captured on surveillance video. After being charged with battery and with false imprisonment with a weapon, Loverde was booked into jail and then released after posting $5,500 bail. It’s doubtful that a Mundane would be given such lenient bail were he accused of assaulting a police officer ..." ...

CA: Bay Area group advocates open carry of guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Walter Stanley was in the middle of telling an ABC7 News crew about his public effort to exercise his legal right to openly carry an unloaded gun, when Livermore police came calling."

"'Put your hands on your head for me please,' Officer Fuller shouted to Stanley."

"With that, Stanley raised his hands to his head and faced a wall while Fuller and another officer examined the 9mm pistol he had holstered at his side. Down the block, a third Livermore officer with rifle drawn, served as backup while a fourth drove by in a cruiser." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

OH: Ohio Deer Hunters Prepare for Statewide Muzzleloader Season, January 9-12
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ohio's popular muzzleloader deer season is set to open statewide January 9-12 according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. Last year, hunters checked 20,659 white-tailed deer during the statewide hunt."

"A total of 227,748 deer have been harvested so far this season when combining the adult and youth gun seasons, early muzzleloader season, gun weekend, and the first nine weeks of the archery season. That compares to a total of 218,890 killed last year during the same time period. Hunters took a total of 252,017 deer during all of last year's hunting seasons." ...

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