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Newslinks for 10/1/2004

School yanks invite to first lady (Cowardly Illinois officials heed advice of gun-control activists)
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"Hubbard Woods School Principal Maureen Cheever extended the invitation early last week... Democratic Party and gun-control activists told her there was no place in the 'sacred' halls of Hubbard Woods School for a representative of the Bush administration, which they argued has a lax stance on gun control." ...

"Earlier that day, Cheever met with the vice chairman of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, Bob Williamson, whose two daughters were at Hubbard Woods School on May 20, 1988, when 30-year-old Laurie Dann shot six students, killing one."

"During the meeting, Williamson warned Cheever he planned to hold a press conference across the street from the elementary school if the first lady indeed visited the school."

Gun Deaths Similar in Cities and Towns - U.S. Study
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"Small-town residents are as likely to die of gunshot wounds as people in big U.S. cities, but the rural residents are killing themselves while urban dwellers are being murdered, researchers reported on Monday."

"An analysis of gun deaths shows the rates are similar in both areas, and suicides committed using guns now make up half of all firearm deaths in the United States, the researchers said." ...

"Ultimately we need to bring gun suicides out of the closet and raise public awareness about these tragic events ..."

Legally Speaking Matthew: 16-26
Submitted by: William Mayhue

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"Some people convince themselves that they can achieve good things by violating other people's rights. In some instances a transitory benefit might be obtained. In the long run, the excuse to violate civil rights keeps expanding until no one's life, liberty or property is safe."

"Many of the world's worst atrocities were justified by claims it was for the community's greater good. Respecting the civil rights of all people is key to preventing atrocities. It is especially important to preserve individual civil rights in times of national emergency when the cry to ignore human rights is being fuel by fear."

"We are the world's oldest continuous democracy. The United States proved that you could have a stable society without repression. We have been the world's leading proponent of natural law and human rights. If we abandon our principles at the first sign of national trouble, we are saying that those principles are unworkable. We validate the violation of human rights by repressive nations worldwide."

Correction: We are certainly NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional republic.

Larry Elder: The media that couldn't shoot straight
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"Many media outlets failed to accurately explain what the ban did – and did not – do, and suggested the still-banned Uzi and AK-47 imports would be on store shelves soon." ...

"Can Americans now legally purchase assault weapons? No."

Let's Get Rid Of The Other Gun Control Laws, Too (GOA)
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"A teacher is hauled out of her classroom and arrested in front of her students in Virginia."

"A state legislator in Alaska is dragged into court by government agents, simply because the legislator -- a former Vietnam veteran -- is engaging in politically incorrect activity."

"Another military veteran moves from Florida to California, and later finds that he must surrender one of his firearms in the new state or risk becoming a criminal."

"What do all of these scenarios have in common? They were all law-abiding citizens. None of them had committed a violent crime. None of them had even threatened another person."

"All were found, however, to be in violation of gun control laws that quite often punish decent Americans for the mere POSSESSION of a gun, even when no real crime has been committed."

We should take aim at root cause of crime
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The ignorance and bigoted justifications in this article are aplenty.

"...guns have another purpose besides serving as a form of Viagra for the middle-aged..."

"...John Wayne fantasies ..."

And of course the race card comes into play too...

"Here's an inner-city thug who intentionally drove 20 miles outside his neighborhood to prey on what he mistakenly thought would be easy targets. The fact that he was black, had an arrest record for everything from drugs to firearms violations and also had a Muslim name seems like a fabricated trifecta for the gun lobby that claims the dark urban masses are only a loaded clip away from attacking white folks in the suburbs."

"Why does our society create so many people like Saleem-Hudson, young men willing to kill or die for a few bucks? ..." KABA Note: Of course, it's not the young man's responsibility, but society's for "creating" him. It's not his parents' failure to raise him, but society's failure. The root cause HAS to be something besides the fact that the thug was a bad person. It can't possibly be his own fault for picking up the gun and going to rob two elderly people!

It's people like Mike Seate, who feel that the failure of individuals is somehow society's fault and refuse to assign any responsibility to the individual who actually commits the crime, that are partially responsible for the society of self-indulgent, lazy, ignorant thugs mommy and daddy are raising in America today.

Do drop him an email at:

Gun owners, hunters beware of John Kerry (Letter)
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"Gun owners and hunters beware. John Kerry, the self-appointed 'hunter,' gets a 100 percent seal of approval from the Humane Society of the United States, an organization that believes, 'If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would.' "

"Kerry garners a 100 percent rating from Fund for Animals, which opposes hunting in all forms."

"As for Kerry, the self-proclaimed 'gun owner' just look at his lifetime record of 51 anti-Second Amendment votes in the U.S. Senate."

"On key votes, each and every time John Kerry has had a chance to stand up for the average citizen's right to own guns, he has been on the wrong side."

UK: Gun and ammunition find linked to shooting
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A man who was found with a bullet wound to his head in Co Londonderry on Wednesday has been named.

Darren Thompson, 22, from Harkness Gardens in the Waterside, was found lying at the roadside in Woodburn Park.

One woman has been arrested after gun, ammunition and two pipe bombs were discovered during the search of a house in the loyalist Lincoln Courts estate which is being linked to the attack.

Four men are also helping officers with their enquiries in what they have described as a “brutal” shooting.

Mr Thompson is being treated at Altnagelvin Hospital where he is said to be in a "critical" condition.

Police have appealed for anyone with information about any suspicious activity in the area in recent days to contact 028 7136 7337 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

VA: JMU’s gun policy being questioned
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"A citizen who often travels through the campus is speaking out against the university for not allowing him to carry a weapon on campus."

"Dave Briggman holds a concealed handgun permit and is a frequent visitor to the campus. He argues that public institutions such as JMU cannot enact policies that are contrary to state code, and that JMU’s weapon policy does just that." ...

"The JMU campus, like Virginia Tech, is expansive, and in Harrisonburg it’s sometimes more expedient to cut through campus to get from one side of town to another... In doing so, I’m subject to being arrested for trespassing and subject to having my weapon seized. ..."

NY: Crosby JROTC receives assistance from the NRA
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"Crosby ISD sharpshooters may be Olympic-bound thanks to help from the National Rifle Association."

"Maj. Quentin Farr reported Crosby JROTC has received a $6,478 grant from the NRA Foundation through the Friends of the NRA to help support training for its new rifle team. The funds will be used for equipment to be used in competitive events."

"Friends of the NRA is a community program supported by gun owners, sportsmen, and NRA friends. Each year the organization hosts banquets and fund-raisers to generate income for the NRA Foundation, the national non-profit arm of the NRA dedicated to promoting firearms education, training, and safety programs."

UK: Man held after gun seen at pub
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"Armed police arrested a Coventry man after a customer spotted a fake gun being carried in a pub."

"The drama happened at the Windmill Inn, Church Street, Stratford, when someone spotted an imitation weapon in a man's pocket."

"Armed officers raced to the scene on Tuesday afternoon and arrested a 59-year-old man at 4.30pm as he walked out of the pub."

"A spokeswoman for Warwickshire Police said the man did not threaten anyone."

IL: Suit alleges cop used gun to take his towed vehicle
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A federal lawsuit on Wednesday alleged a plainclothes Chicago police officer chased a tow truck and forcibly retrieved his towed vehicle at gunpoint.

Rendered Services Inc. and its driver, Romero Quezada, alleged in the suit that Chicago police stopped the officer but let him go without charges because of a city policy "to give `its own' a break."

The suit alleged the officer chased the tow truck to the company yard, battered Quezada, then removed his vehicle from the tow truck and drove off. Attorney Gregory Kulis, who represents the company and its driver, said the unknown officer caused more than $10,000 damage to the tow truck and property. The suit seeks $25,000 in damages from the city and an additional $25,000 from the officer.

Australia: Gun lobbyist returns fire over Port Arthur video
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"A QUEENSLAND man named in Tasmania's Parliament last week as being "less than forthright" over his involvement in the distribution of a leaked Port Arthur massacre video has hit back at authorities."

"Ian McNiven, a spokesman for a website proclaiming the 1996 tragedy a conspiracy to disarm gun owners, said he had complied fully with Queensland police in returning his copy of the leaked tape. He was 'offended' by suggestions he had not been upfront with authorities."

DC: Gun Bill Aimed at Law-Abiding Citizens, Supporters Say
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"By a 250-171 vote, the House voted to overturn D.C.'s gun ban, a vote celebrated by Second Amendment supporters and condemned by city leaders and gun control advocates."

" 'We're delighted that a strong, bipartisan House majority voted in favor of the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act,' said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)."

"Gottlieb said the Senate should quickly pass the measure as well, but with only a few days left to act, the prospects for that happening are doubtful."

UK: 'Gun' groups facing crisis
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"Inner city groups set up to steer young people away from guns and gangs say they are facing a crisis through a lack of basic funding."

"Some of the groups existed before the New Year shootings of Letisha Shakespeare and Charlene Ellis while others were launched in the wake of the city's reaction to spiralling gun violence."

"They include Partnership Against Crime, launched by Olympic gold medallist Linford Christie, Parents United, Young Disciples, Men to Men Mission and Families for Peace."

"They were meant to work together in a consortium called Prospects Unlimited which was funded by the city council."

"But a spokesman for Parents United said funding had run out for their group."

UK: Get off my land or I'll get my gun
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"COUNCIL officials beat a hasty retreat when a farmer threatened to fetch a shotgun if they ventured onto his land again, a court heard yesterday."

"Siân Marie Sherwood, an animal health enforcement officer with Wrexham County Borough Bouncil, said she showed her warrant card to Joseph Dodd. But he continued to tell her and her colleague to get off his land."

"She told the court: 'He said: 'If I catch you on my land again I'll have a shotgun ready.' "

"I was extremely frightened and very anxious to get off the land. I would never entertain entering Mr Dodd's land again without police assistance," said Mrs Sherwood."

DC: Washington Archbishop Criticizes Gun Law Repeal
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"The Archbishop of Washington has joined area leaders in criticizing a vote in Congress to repeal most of the District's gun laws."

"Cardinal Theodore McCarrick said he can think of 'no good purpose' that would be served by allowing more guns on the streets of the nation's capital."

"He said the country needs to send a message of peace, not weapons, and that 'violence is not the norm.' "

UT: Gun control pros and cons charge up 'Freedom Forum'
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"A discussion of gun violence and gun control elicited tears, angry words and extra security Wednesday night."

"In a 'Freedom Forum' on gun safety at Salt Lake City's Main Library, family members and friends shared their pain at losing loved ones. Gun owners accused gun-control advocates of trying to take away their rights. And police patrolled the forum, 'just to make sure passions don't get out of hand,' said police chief Rick Dinse, who participated in the panel discussion."

"They didn't. But by the comments from the audience, neither did the participants find common ground."

NY: College Republicans and College Democrats debate gun control
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"Each week, one of the participating parties will choose a topic and write a column based on that subject. The opposing party will be given the opportunity to read over that column within a limited time frame and take notes to write a rebuttal. The following week, the responding party will have the opportunity to pick the topic. This week's topic chosen by the College Republicans." ...


"The Second Amendment is the one clause that guarantees all of the other constitutional rights essential to our liberty. With rarified consistency, Kerry has attempted to repeal our right to personal safety."


"The Second Amendment is an archaic notion that does not apply to today's society."

"John Kerry has the backing of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, who have been disappointed by President Bush's actions, including his keeping police officers off the streets and his continued budget cuts for police officers. ..."

ND: NRA Backs Governor in Race
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"Calling him one of its strongest allies, the National Rifle Association endorsed John Hoeven for governor today."

"NRA President Kayne Robinson says Hoeven has earned the highest rating possible from the group..."

DC: Gun Victim's Father Tries to Stem the Violence
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"Top law enforcement officials from the District and Prince George's County vowed yesterday to work together with community activists on a new campaign to steer youths away from gun violence."

"D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey and Prince George's County Police Chief Melvin C. High were among those expressing support for Guns Aside, a grass-roots venture designed by the father of a slain Washington businessman."

"Kenneth E. Barnes Sr., whose son was killed in a robbery in 2001, said he hopes to emulate the work of organizations such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving. He said he plans a public service campaign, workshops, mentoring programs and a pledge drive to sign up youths who promise to stay away from firearms."

Australia: Govt rules out weaker gun control
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The Tasmanian Government says it has no intention to water down gun control measures.

The National Coalition for Gun Control had raised concerns that a Tasmanian Government review of the Act could see an end to the 28-day cooling off period for the purchase of second and subsequent weapons.

The review has been underway for almost two years.

A spokesman for the Police Minister says no decisions have been made, but there will be no change to any arrangements agreed to by the Council of Australian Governments.


South Africa: Gun amnesty postponed
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"The national gun amnesty, due to begin on Friday, has been postponed until further notice due to complaints, the ministry of safety and security said on Thursday."

"The amnesty on unlawful firearms was due to run from October 1 to December 29 to allow people to hand in their firearms for safe disposal without fear of prosecution."

MD: The wonders of "Gun-free" school zones
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"Howard County police this week arrested a 62-year-old Columbia man who brought a gun to Wilde Lake High School and accused students of "messing with" his Porsche."

"Edward Brown, 62, of the 1000 block of Jason Lane was charged with first-degree assault and possession of a gun on school property." ...

"A school employee also approached the officers in the parking lot and advised them that two female students also reported that a man had approached them while driving the Porsche and made threatening remarks."

"No one was injured in the incidents."

UK: Parents press eBay to clamp down on gun sales
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"Parents whose children were killed by guns have called on the internet auction site eBay to change its policy on firearms sales. Campaigners are afraid that unscrupulous sellers are using the site to get around gun laws."

"Although eBay says it does not deal in firearms, its customers have been invited to bid for empty boxes or gun mountings and have received air pistols as a "free gift". Deactivated guns - and the equipment and handbooks needed to reactivate them - have been offered in separate sales."

VA: Get gun facts straight (Letter)
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"...I find it amazing how ignorant people are about what was really covered by the Assault Weapons Ban. Even more disturbing to me is how ignorant the Charlottesville police chief is on the subject." ...

"Basically, guns that looked dangerous were banned. The guns banned aren't any different in function from the rifle that people use to plunk cans at the rifle range. It would make more sense to ban red sports cars and leave black ones legal since everybody knows red sports cars are more dangerous. See how stupid it sounds placed in another context?"

UK: Accused 'found murder gun in car'
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"A convicted rapist says he found a shotgun, used to kill a grandfather, in his prostitute girlfriend's car."

"Richard Watson, 35, claims his partner told him she had used it to fire at a client who had assaulted her, Nottingham Crown Court has heard."

"Mr Watson and Rebecca Shakespeare, 25, deny murdering retired shopkeeper Amratlal Kanabar during a car chase between Nottingham and Leicester."

"She says Mr Watson fired the shot after forcing her to go on a robbery spree."

UK: Gunshots (air rifle shots) sprayed at kids
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"A GUNMAN shot at four school children and a man in a terrifying drive-by air gun attack at a Carlisle skate park."

"The 31-year-old man was hit in the arm after the gunman fired around a dozen shots."

"Victim Craig Miller, of Cartmel Drive, Carlisle then jumped in his car and gave chase through the city."

"The attack at the skate park on Devonshire Walk, near Bitts Park, took place at around 1pm on Monday afternoon."

UK: Gun "terror" costs £400
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A FORMER RAF weapons expert who 'fired' a replica gun several times on a train was fined £400 yesterday.

Gary Falconer, 36, terrified passengers on the Inverness to Edinburgh train when he pulled the trigger of the Colt45, Perth Sheriff Court heard.

Falconer, of Cupar, Fife, said he was cleaning the gun for his mother who liked to use it as part of a special costume she wore to go line dancing.


FL: Miami U. rape suspect 'is no longer a student'
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"The university can't be responsible for every person out there, but they are responsible for dealing with the actions after they happen."

Darn right. So be responsible for yourself, and allow people to protect themselves with firearms on Miami's campus.

MN: Security guard attacked on the job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A security camera captured video of an attack outside a local shopping mall. The victim: a security guard who was hired to prevent crimes like this."

"Ben Ellringer is a security guard for Talon Investigation, which has him working at a south Minneapolis mall. But he says he couldn't even protect himself when a group of thugs attacked him. He also says the fight might not have happened had he been carrying a gun." ...

"Ellringer ... said he's qualified to carry a gun, but St. Paul police haven't been issuing permits while the state's permit-to-carry law is tied up in court."

"Police and Sheriffs departments may give out permits while the courts sort out the law, but they don't have to." ...

"Talon Investigation owner Scott Hielsberg said guns give guards a necessary advantage." ...

NY: Pols vow to revive gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local lawmakers pledged yesterday to work to reinstate the recently expired ban on assault weapons."

"U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer said he hasn't given up trying to renew the ban, which fell by the wayside two weeks ago."

" 'Not continuing the ban on assault weapons is one of the great disgraces this year,' Schumer (D-N.Y.) said, promising that members of Congress will take up the cause during its next session."

"A story in yesterday's Daily News showed how the once-banned weapons can pierce through concrete and even some bulletproof vests."

"And some law enforcement officials fear the powerful guns, once used to guard drug dens during the height of the crack epidemic, could make their way back into New York City." ...

NH: NRA to back student in yearbook photo tiff (Another report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association and local outdoorsmen yesterday blasted the Londonderry School District for refusing Londonderry High School senior Blake Douglass’ request to publish a yearbook photo featuring a shotgun slung over his shoulder."

" 'This is a case of political correctness run amok,' said Kelly Hobbs, an NRA spokesman."

"The NRA and the Gun Owners of New Hampshire are the only groups committed to supporting Douglass if the dispute reaches federal court, but Penny Dean, Douglass’ attorney, yesterday said several national groups, including church organizations and possibly the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), would likely back her client. ..." ...

South Africa: No legal guns sold since July
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Up to 100 000 people in the professional hunting and weapons industry stand to lose their jobs because of the 'catastrophic' consequences of the new Firearms Control Act, introduced on July 1."

"Industry experts said not one legal firearm had been sold in South Africa in the past two months and proficiency certificates (which are called for under the new law) have been issued to only eight people in this time."

"Meanwhile, the head of the firearm registration office in Gauteng, said the central firearm registry in Pretoria had turned down more than 80% of all licence applications in the past few months."

"Sources also told Beeld on Monday that 12 000 appeals, lodged by people whose applications had been turned down, were gathering dust in Pretoria as the independent appeal board has not been operational since May 1." ...

It looks like the Firearms Control Act is working exactly as planned.

CT: Killing Time in Gun Valley -- The assault-weapons ban goes out with a whimper, not a bang
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the days before the expiration of the Clinton era 'assault weapons' ban on Sept. 14, L.A. police chief Bill Bratton warned of 'carnage,' while the NRA talked of a 'monumental accomplishment.' Candidates Bush and Kerry traded shots on the issue without failing to note their enthusiasm for hunting. To get a clearer read on the matter, we headed north from New York City into the wilds of Connecticut's Gun Valley."

"Before the Civil War, it turns out that the Connecticut river valley was the cradle of American gun manufacturing. "Way, way back, over 90% of the guns in the country came from Connecticut," says Tony Aeschliman of Marlin Firearms, a small manufacturer in North Haven. ..." ...

Sometimes a person has to exercise personal judgement and take the chance of being mistaken, or stop calling himself or herself free. —POUL ANDERSON

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